#parja and fi are my favourites always <3 but etain and darman are soft and besany and ordo are aDORABLE
With all the hype from Celebration and the Kenobi series, I haven't read a whole lot, but I've been catching up today and I have thoughts!
First of all lmao Ordo's message to Kal - "I also married her" - like it's an afterthought or side note and not a huge freaking deal. That's so perfectly Ordo. Always business first with him. I adore him and Besany more than I can say.
Spaarti clones! Master Altis and his Jedi! I love seeing more of the old EU woven into this book (though I guess this technically predates No Prisoners). That's always been my favorite thing about being a hard-core Star Wars fan - all the little bits of a massive universe that tie together beautifully if you know enough of the rest of the story to recognize it but not in such a way that you can't still enjoy the story if you don't know all the other pieces.
(I have, hmmm, opinions on how current canon is doing on that front, but that's for another time)
The Nulls staging an intervention for Kal'buir!!! They love their dad so much and are so protective of him. I love that he got to finally adopt them all formally and it's especially poignant that it's right before his call with Tor. This book is giving me so many complicated family feelings and I love all of it.
yAY REPCOMM ANON 💕💕💕 it's been too long im so happy to hear from you again and ALSO i, too, have Opinions about disney's quote-on-quote canon >.> there is a reason i am finally and deliberately immersing myself in the EU instead lol but anyways -
yes!!! the altisians!!! i freaking love them, like - they were the new jedi order before the new jedi order was even a thing and they just sound so nice; if i was going to be a jedi i'd want to be one like them :DDD callista is an absolute sweetheart, her offering to help etain out is just. it's so jedi it's genuine and heartfelt and totally selfless and i love her for it
AND THE INTERVENTION okay i know this isn't part of it technically but this is possibly my favourite line in uhh relation to it slfjskf
"Kal'buir, are you feeling okay?" Prudii put his hand on Skirata's cheek. "Talk to to me, Buir. What's wrong?"
i just. i LOVE SEEING THE BOYS TAKING CARE OF THEIR DAD i love them taking care of each other too!!! we get so much family bonding time in this book, i'm so so SO with you i feel like this is one in which the characters are the family-est they've ever been!! we've got etain and laseema lifting each other up as sister-in-laws and laseema being the darlingest mummy to kad and the nulls sitting kal down and making him let them take care of ruusaan (also i love prudii's implication that they've tried to get him fix his ankle for a while now XD kal is STUBBORN bless him) and delta having a gossip sesh and jaller being the hero of the freaking century risking everything to protect his friends and ordo being jealous over kal and besany and ordo learning how to be married to each other and -
I LOVE THIS BOOK SO MUCH i know it's painful, but there's so much hope and love mixed into it i just - oh. it's the BEST. except for the near-the-end bit which destroys me to much to reread slkfjldsfj i won't spoil it but - i'm so happy you're liking the book so far!!!
also yES the adoption scene has to be the cutest thing, it's so mando XD ordo's businesslike to a fault but he didn't come by all of it naturally, i love that kal just casually adopts his lads over dinner. i've a feeling singing happy birthday is just not a thing in mando culture and personally i think they've got their priorities straight
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