#park chaewon x reader
vex91 · 3 months
Loossemble Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Wong Kahei:
Nothing yet...
Kim Hyunjin:
Nothing yet...
Park Chaewon:
Nothing yet...
Son Hyeju:
Nothing yet...
Im Yeojin:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
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pupuyvs · 8 months
goal! ー chaewon smau
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➼ Synopsis Yoo Jihye and her friends are the biggest losers in school. Though proud of the title, it seems to bite her when someone decides to sign her up for the school’s soccer team as a prank. Now forced to play the full season, how will Jihye survive, especially when the team’s captain is dating her crush, head cheerleader Kim Chaewon.
➼ Genre smau + written, wlw, non-idol au, cheerleader!chaewon, loser!femoc, fluff, comedy, slight angst
➼ Pairing Kim Chaewon x fem!oc
➼ Warning kms/kys jokes, mentions of bullying, homophobic jokes
➼ Status completed
➼ Updates whenever
➼ Taglist closed
➼ featuring: aespa, le sserafim, yeji (itzy), yuna (itzy), ahn yujin (ive), jang wonyoung (ive), yeonjun (txt), mark (nct), wonbin (riize), more to come…
➼ a/n decided chaewon nation deserved a blessing after eay, once again though there is an oc however you can view it as reader i truly don’t mind other than that enjoy!!
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profiles: loser club | cheerios | tigers | others
38 (written)
47 (written)
76 (written)
final (written)
epilogue (written)
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elryuse · 30 days
Part 3 : New Faces, Same Cases
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The morning sun painted the sky in hues of gold and pink as I pedaled my beloved bicycle towards Jooshin High. The wind whipped through my hair, carrying the sweet scent of blooming flowers. I felt a sense of peace and tranquility wash over me, a stark contrast to the anxiety that had been gnawing at me in the days leading up to this moment.
As I approached the school, a line of luxury cars snaked along the driveway. Their polished exteriors gleamed under the morning sun, a testament to the wealth and privilege of their owners. A red carpet had been rolled out, a crimson ribbon leading to the grand entrance.
I watched in fascination as a group of four girls emerged from the cars. They were dressed in designer outfits, their long legs and flawless makeup drawing the attention of everyone around them. Wonyoung, Ryujin, Minjeong, and Jimin—the angels of Jooshin High, as they were known—stepped onto the red carpet, their every movement a picture of grace and elegance.
I was both dazzled and dumbfounded. What was the significance of the red carpet? Why were they treated so differently? As I parked my bicycle, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had stumbled into a different world.
Gathering my courage, I made my way into the school. The halls were filled with students, their conversations a low hum of privilege and exclusivity. I felt like a small fish in a vast, unfamiliar ocean.
My classroom was a cavernous space, bathed in the soft glow of fluorescent lights. The desks were arranged in neat rows, a stark contrast to the chaotic energy of the hallway. I found my seat at the back, hoping to blend into the background.
As I sat down, I couldn't help but notice the way the other students were staring at me. They were sizing me up, assessing my worth. I felt a wave of anxiety wash over me.
A few minutes later, a woman entered the room. She was tall and elegant, with a warm smile that instantly lit up the room. "Good morning, everyone," she said. "My name is Ms. Han So Hee, and I'll be your homeroom teacher for this year."
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She greeted the privileged students first, her voice filled with warmth and admiration. When she turned her attention to the scholarship students, her tone shifted slightly, becoming more formal.
"Welcome to Jooshin High," she said. "I hope you will find this to be a challenging and rewarding experience."
After introducing herself, Ms. Han outlined the rules and policies of the school. The first rule was clear: the privileged students were the main focus of the teachers. The scholarship students were secondary. The second rule was even more shocking: the educational materials would be differentiated, with a greater emphasis on the privileged students.
A murmur of discontent rippled through the scholarship students. We had all been warned about the elitism of Jooshin High, but this was beyond anything we could have imagined.
As the students were discussing the rules, a familiar figure burst into the room. It was Ryujin, one of the angels of Jooshin High. She apologized profusely to Ms. Han, who dismissed her apology with a wave of her hand.
"It's quite alright, Ryujin," she said. "Just be more careful in the future."
Ryujin thanked Ms. Han and took her seat. The other students watched in awe, their eyes filled with envy.
But the scene took a dramatic turn when a scholarship student, who had arrived late, tried to enter the classroom. The doorman stopped him, his face stern. "I'm sorry, but you're late," he said. "You're not allowed to enter the class."
The student pleaded with the doorman, but to no avail. He was expelled from the class, his face filled with shame and humiliation.
As I watched the scene unfold, I felt a cold dread settle in my stomach. Jooshin High was not what I had expected. It was a hell on earth.
Small Timeskip
The classroom door swung shut behind Ms. Han, the sudden silence a stark contrast to the cacophony of the hallway. As soon as she was out of sight, the students pulled out their phones, tablets, and laptops, their screens illuminating their faces. The air was filled with the sounds of games, laughter, and idle chatter.
I couldn't help but notice Ryujin, her presence radiating through the room. She was surrounded by her friends, a group of privileged students who seemed to orbit around her. There was something about her that drew me in, a magnetic force that pulled me towards her.
As I watched her, she glanced in my direction. A flicker of recognition crossed her face, and then she smiled. My heart skipped a beat. I quickly turned away, pretending to be engrossed in my book.
But Ryujin wasn't deterred. She stood up and walked towards me, her steps confident and purposeful. I felt a surge of excitement and dread.
"Hi there," she said, her voice warm and inviting. "I've never seen your face before. What's your name, little one?"
I was taken aback by her familiarity. She was one of the most popular girls in school, and yet she was talking to me as if we were old friends.
"My name is Y/n," I replied, my voice barely audible.
Ryujin smiled. "Nice to meet you, Y/n. You're new here, aren't you?"
I nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement.
"Well, welcome to Jooshin High," Ryujin said. "I hope you'll enjoy your time here."
I thanked her, my heart racing. I couldn't believe that Ryujin was actually talking to me.
"Would you like to join us?" she asked, gesturing towards her friends.
I hesitated, unsure of what to do. But something inside me told me to say yes.
"Sure," I replied, my voice barely a whisper.
Ryujin took my hand and led me to her group of friends. They were all dressed in designer clothes, their laughter and chatter a constant buzz of energy. I felt out of place, but Ryujin seemed to sense my discomfort.
"Don't worry, you'll fit right in," she said, squeezing my hand.
As we sat down, Ryujin's friends introduced themselves. There was Minjeong, the ice queen of the group; Jimin, the bubbly social butterfly; Chaewon, the quiet observer; and Yeji, the rebellious free spirit.
They all seemed to be very friendly, and they made an effort to include me in their conversations. I was surprised by their warmth and openness.
After a while, Ryujin pulled out a vape. The other girls followed suit, inhaling deeply. I watched them with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension.
"Have you ever tried this?" Minjeong asked, her eyes sparkling with mischief.
I shook my head. "No, I can't smoke."
The girls laughed. "Oh, come on," Jimin said. "It's not that bad."
I resisted the urge to try it. I didn't want to disappoint Ryujin or her friends, but I also didn't want to do anything that could harm me.
As we sat there, chatting and laughing, I couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging. For the first time since I arrived at Jooshin High, I felt like I was part of something.
Just as we were starting to get comfortable, the bell rang. Ryujin took my hand and led me back to our classroom.
"We should hang out sometime," she said, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
I nodded, my heart pounding with anticipation.
As we entered the classroom, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope. Perhaps Jooshin High wasn't as bad as I had thought. Maybe there was a chance for me to find my place here after all.
Meanwhile In So-hyun's POV
The hum of the air conditioner filled the classroom, a constant drone that barely registered in my mind. My gaze drifted out the window, watching the rain streak down the glass. As the queen bee of Jooshin High, I was accustomed to feeling on top of the world, but today was different.
A sudden vibration in my pocket snapped me out of my reverie. I pulled out my phone, my heart pounding. An anonymous number had sent me a photo. My breath caught in my throat as I recognized the younger version of myself, vaping and laughing with a boy who looked completely out of place. He was dressed in plain clothes, his books piled high, a stark contrast to the designer labels I was accustomed to.
Panic surged through me. I typed furiously, demanding to know who the sender was and what they wanted. But the anonymous person remained silent, sending only a chilling message: "Soon... You'll understand."
Fear gripped me as I realized the implications of the photo. It was a secret I had buried deep, a part of my past I had hoped to forget. The thought of it being exposed to my classmates and friends filled me with dread.
I couldn't believe it. I, So-hyun, the queen bee of Jooshin High, was being threatened. I was the one who controlled the social hierarchy, the one who everyone looked up to. How could anyone dare to challenge me?
Overwhelmed by a mix of fear and anger, I burst into tears. I ran out of the classroom, leaving my friends Yujin and Gaeul confused and concerned. As Gaeul followed me into the bathroom, I collapsed to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.
"So-hyun, what's wrong?" Gaeul asked, her voice filled with worry.
I couldn't find the words to explain. The secret I had been hiding for so long was now threatening to destroy everything I had built. I was terrified of what would happen if anyone found out about my past.
"I don't know," I managed to choke out. "I just... I'm scared."
Gaeul wrapped her arms around me, offering comfort. "We'll figure this out together," she said. "Just tell me what's going on."
I hesitated, unsure if I was ready to share my secret. But I knew that I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. So I told her everything, from the vaping to the boy I had met.
Gaeul listened intently, her expression filled with shock and concern. "I can't believe you never told me," she said. "You're not alone, So-hyun. We're all here for you."
Her words offered me some comfort, but the fear still lingered. I knew that the person who had sent me the photo was watching, waiting for the right moment to strike.
In the days that followed, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I was constantly looking over my shoulder, expecting to be caught. The stress was taking a toll on me, and I began to feel physically ill.
One night, as I was trying to sleep, my phone buzzed again. I opened it with trepidation, expecting another message from the anonymous sender. But to my surprise, it was a text from an unknown number.
"Meet me at the old amusement park tomorrow night at midnight," the message read. "If you don't come, I'll release your secret to everyone."
Panic surged through me. I knew that I couldn't ignore the threat. I had to go.
The next night, I found myself standing at the entrance of the abandoned amusement park. The place was eerily quiet, the only sound the wind rustling through the trees. I hesitated for a moment, but then I took a deep breath and stepped inside.
As I wandered through the park, I felt a sense of dread creeping over me. The place was dark and foreboding, and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.
Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me. I turned around, my heart pounding. There, standing in the shadows, was a figure cloaked in darkness.
"So-hyun," the figure said, their voice cold and menacing. "It's time for you to pay the price."
I tried to scream, but no sound came out. The figure stepped closer, their eyes glinting in the darkness.
"You think you're so perfect, don't you?" they said. "But you're just like everyone else. A hypocrite who pretends to be something she's not."
Before I could react, the figure grabbed me and pulled me into the shadows. I struggled to break free, but their grip was too strong.
As the figure dragged me deeper into the park, I realized that my secret was about to be exposed. My carefully constructed image was about to be shattered, and I would be left alone and humiliated.
I closed my eyes, preparing myself for the worst. But then, something unexpected happened. A bright light flashed in the distance, followed by the sound of sirens.
The figure froze, their grip on me loosening. I took advantage of the distraction and broke free. I ran towards the light, my heart pounding in my chest.
As I reached the edge of the park, I saw a police car pulling up. I stumbled towards the officers, my legs shaking.
"Help me," I cried, tears streaming down my face.
The officers rushed over to me, their faces filled with concern. They listened to my story, their eyes wide with disbelief.
"We'll find out who did this," one of the officers said. "Don't worry, we'll protect you."
As the officers escorted me to their car, I looked back at the abandoned amusement park. I knew that my ordeal was far from over, but for the first time in a long time, I felt a glimmer of hope.
To Be Continued
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solarnomoon · 2 days
your eyes on me -♥̩͙ sim jaeyun smau
chapter 00 - just a normal day, searing dawn
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the time of reckoning has come! everyone is linked to their soulmate when they're born, but only after they turn twenty does that link become visible. however, you don't expect much, because the stupid red line tied to you is only seen when they're close by. for now, you'll just help your best friend with their soulmate, hoping it'll happen to you too.
masterlist <> next
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taglist (open!): @bubblztaro @zhaegon @nootnootpinguuu @gnusihcom @strayy-kidz @starchasing-cryptid @matchawook (bold means i couldn't tag :o)
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hyuckssunshine · 1 month
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[step by step] 3 - Private private acc
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youmenotyummy · 1 year
Converse High – P.SH [박성훈] {CH. 30}
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Synopsis: Shin Y/N was given the task to deliver her best friend's love letter to the shoe locker of Park Sunghan, the president of the broadcasting club. It just so happened to be that Park Sunghan's shoe box is situated right next to the shoe box of Park Sunghoon, a boy whose name had a one-syllable difference.
"XOXO" masterlist linked at the bottom!
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previous ⭐️ masterlist
A/N: Ending it off with a fluffy chapter full of SungY/N being a lovesick couple on Twitter and absolutely revolting their friends!! But they love them nonetheless <3 TYSM FOR READING CONVERSE HIGH EVERYONE!!! This is my first Tumblr and smau fic, so it was really interesting navigating this type of story platform,, I'm so grateful for everyone that read, liked, reblogged and commented!! I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Hopefully I'll see you all in my next story (which I'll link below!). I love all of you so much!!
-Yumi <33
"XOXO" - Lee Heeseung
Taglist is closed! 💗
Taglist: @luvistqrzzz @svnghoonsonly @aernx @thesassy-mia @ak-aaa-li @yumilovesloona @loveleejn @shinrjj @miercerise @jiaant11 @sngvhs @vivibelov3d @minswife0 @koeuh
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CHOI YEONJUN (99) — k high's dance club president, has a MASSIVE crush on baseball club's president choi soobin, lowkey stalks choi soobin, misses the days when yn used to be in the dance club, literally begs her to come back, yn's bestie
LEE YN (00) — volleyball club's captain, is going to CHASE women that has bob cuts, girl has fangirls that she lowkey finds annoying because all they do is scream her name, fed up with yeonjun's begging and sunghoon's annoying teasing, might pull a hannah baker one day if they dont stop
PARK SUNGHOON (02) — acts like he hates yn but is actually the most fond of her, yuzuru hanyu wannabe, dragged jungwon on the ice rink once while jungwon flailed around, a menace to society, he needs to be stopped
YANG JUNGWON (04) — the youngest, hates sunghoon's guts from traumatising him in that ice rink, always surrounded with girls like how tf does he do that, is actually responsible
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rosiebyrnjun · 7 months
letters and white roses - 4. Surprise entrance
9/25/23 (Day Two)
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Jinri sat quietly in her seat doodling on her notebook while waiting for the lesson to begin. Her best friend sitting beside her, engrossed in something that played on her phone.
Just then the door to the classroom opened and in walked Dean Jang along with a tall and really gorgeous guy, which for some odd reason she feels has seen before, but can’t quite remember where.
Dean Jang then cleared her throat before speaking, "Everyone, please listen up"
Jinri put her pen down and looked up to see what Dean Jang had to say. "Alright now that I have all of your attention, I want to introduce you all to Park Jisung, he will be attending Decelis Academy from now onward, please make sure you all make him feel welcome.”
Jinri watched as Dean Jang talked to Jisung quietly before signaling him towards where she and Wonyoung are. She also watched as he nervously looked around while walking, and then their eyes met. And Jinri knew who he was.
She quickly turned away and looked at Wonyoung who was still looking down at her phone typing a text to who seemed to be Sunghoon. “Wonyoung!” She softly called for her friends name.
Wonyoung looked up in confusion and looked at her friend in the eye. “Yeah?” Wonyoung replied quietly.
Jinri signaled with her eyes for her to look forward at the guy that was sitting down in front of them. Wonyoung tilted her head to the side, and then looked back at Jinri.
“Isn’t he… you know, park boy?” Wonyoung asked as quietly as she could.
Jinri nodded, glancing back at the boy sitting in front of them. And that’s when she noticed his hair, it was a beautiful navy blue color. And it suited him really well.
And then they heard Heeseung, talking to Jisung. And at the sound of Jisung’s voice, Jinri’s mouth dropped. His voice was just a pretty as him, a deep, but soothing and soft voice. A voice so pretty, so pretty that it sounded melodic.
“His voice is so… so, so pretty, how can one be so perfect,” Jinri whispered to Wonyoung in disbelief.
Wonyoung giggled softly at her friends antics. And then leaned forward to tap on Heeseung’s shoulder. “Introduce us your new friend,” Wonyoung smirked as she nudged Jinri’s shoulder.
Heeseung raised an eyebrow in confusion as to why Wonyoung was requesting that. But regardless, Heeseung still told Jisung to meet his two friends.
When Jisung turned around, Jinri’s eyes went wide for a split second and then looked away in nervousness.
𐬹 ۫ ۪ ° ও 🫧  !!
Jisung watched as her eyes went wide for a second and then as she looked away as if trying to avoid him. And at the action, his face fell a little, but regardless he smiled at the other girl.
“Jisung, this is Wonyoung and Jinri,” Heeseung introduced both girls and signaled to who’s who.
Wonyoung being the only one engaging in conversation said, “Sorry about Jinri, she’s a little shy”
Wonyoung then tapped Jinri’s shoulder and she looked up from the book she was doodling on. “Don’t be rude, say hi,” Wonyoung said and pointed at Jisung.
But before she could say ‘hi’ they were interrupted by the teacher, “Quiet down back there, we’re starting the lesson, Heeseung could you please show Jisung where we are in the text book?”
And both boys turned around to begin the lesson. They began the lesson and not even ten minutes in, Heeseung’s phone was going off nonstop.
And Jisung being the curios person he was he peaked when Heeseung looked down at his phone. And in the texts he saw a picture of Jinri, along with a heart. And his heart sank.
And then Heeseung turned around to look behind Jisung, where Jinri was sitting. And he was also able to see him smirk at her, and that made his stomach churn and twist.
He really has no chance. And it seems like she doesn’t like him.
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masterlist — previous — next
authors note — New part y’all!! Anyway next part is something I’ve been looking forward to writing ever since the beginning. So I will maybe have it out before Saturday, or on Saturday😋
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silentreader98 · 10 months
How to 🧭
tag serching
Ex. #miyawaki sakura x reader
#miyawaki sakura x huh yunjin
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vex91 · 3 months
Loona Masterlist
(f) - fluff, (a) - angst, (af) - angst + fluff, (s) - smut
Wong Kahei:
Nothing yet...
Ha Sooyoung:
Nothing yet...
Jeong Jinsol:
Nothing yet...
Cho Haseul:
Nothing yet...
Kim Jungeun:
Nothing yet...
Kim Jiwoo:
Nothing yet...
Jeon Heejin:
Nothing yet...
Kim Hyunjin:
Nothing yet...
Park Chaewon:
Nothing yet...
Choi Yerim:
Nothing yet...
Son Hyeju:
Nothing yet...
Im Yeojin:
Nothing yet...
Nothing yet...
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pupuyvs · 10 days
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4 years later…
Chaewon groans as she paces back and forth.
“Chaewon sweetie I told you to calm down, you’re going to drive yourself insane,” her mother says while relaxing on the girl’s couch.
Chaewon stops and turns to her mother, clearly annoyed by her nonchalance, “I would be calm if everyone just arrived on time.”
Sighing, Yoona pats the spot next to her on the couch. Chaewon reluctantly sits down, a small dog jumping on her lap as soon as she does.
“Today is supposed to be a good day, not stressful. Relax, everything will work out, everyone is on their way.”
Before Chaewon could respond a knock on the door rings out, standing abruptly, the dog on her lap immediately jumping, she rushes to open the door.
“Mrs. and Mr. Yoo,” she exclaims.
The two walk in each taking turns hugging the girl.
“Chaewon sweetie what did I tell you about calling me Mrs. Yoo, you know its Mama Yoo to you,” Jihye’s mother says to her as she closes the door. Blushing slightly, Chaewon nods, “Right, I’m sorry.”
Waving her off she takes a look around the apartment, gasping when she sees the other’s mother.
“Yoona,” she exclaims before rushing to hug the other woman.
“Oh, Seohyun, it’s so good to see you again,” she then turns to the man who followed behind the other woman, “Taecyeon.”
The two stare at each other before breaking out into laughs, the man then leaning down to hug the other woman, “It’s good to see you again.”
Yoona nods before Seohyun exclaims once more as she suddenly kneels down to the white dog that was desperately trying to gain someone’s attention, “And who is this?”
“He’s adorable, isn’t he Taec?”
The man nods with a sigh, and then turns to Yoona and Chaewon, “She’s been trying to convince me to adopt another dog for the past few months when we already have two.”
“And what’s wrong with another one,” Seohyun says as she stands up, Shiro now in her arms.
“Nothing sweetheart, nothing.”
Satisfied with his answer, Seohyun goes to sit on the couch next to Yoona, who has also sat back down.
“Chaewon, this apartment is beautiful by the way, I love how you decorated it.”
Smiling as she comes back with bottles of water for the Yoo parents, she places them on the table for them, “Thank you, but truthfully I can’t take credit for this, Jihye mainly did this room.”
“Really,” Seohyun asks as she finally puts Shiro down to take a sip of water, “I’d never expect her to be good at decorating, she always took after her dad when it came to things like this.”
“It was surprising to me too. How was your guy's flight?”
“Actually pretty well, however, who knew California was so far from us.”
Yoona goes to agree as another knock on the door causing Chaewon to jump out of her seat, leaving the parents to talk as she goes to open it.
“About fucking time.”
“Don’t blame me, blame these two idiots,” Eunchae says while pointing to the couple behind her, earning a slap at the back of her head from Aeri.
“Don’t be rude, my baby was hungry.”
Eunchae rolls her eyes, “Doesn’t mean we have to spend thirty minutes ordering the entire fucking menu.”
This earns her another slap to the head which causes her to groan out loud and turn around, “You’re going to kill all my brain cells before I can go to college.”
“Good,” Aeri says as she guides Minjeong into the living room, “Don’t be nasty towards my wife next time.”
Eunchae simply flips her off before running to the kitchen as Yoona scolds her.
“Oh, Minjeong you’re simply glowing,” Yoona says as she helps Aeri get her on the couch.
“Thank you Ms. Im.”
“How far along are you now,” Seohyun asks this time.
“Seven months,” Aeri says happily.
Two years after graduation, Minjeong and Aeri’s parents had found out about their relationship. Not happy with their relationship, their parents immediately told them to break up. Not one to listen, Aeri had decided to not only not break up with her, but propose, which Minjeong had ultimately said yes to.
Due to this act not only tying their lives together, but their parent’s businesses together, as they were both the sole heir of their companies, their parents had no choice but to come around to it.
After almost two years of marriage the two had decided they wanted a child together, leading them to where they are now.
Before Chaewon can close the door someone slams into it, leaning down out of breath.
“Never let Eunchae guide anyone anywhere,” Yujin says as she stands up.
“Not my fault you drive slow as hell and walk even slower,” Eunchae shouts from the kitchen, currently destroying a bag of chips.
“Slow? You were going like two-hundred miles per hour and then left us to find a parking spot twenty blocks away.”
“Aeri wanted to be as close to the apartment as she could for her baby,” Eunchae retorts, the last part being said with a sweet tone as means to mock Aeri.
“Where are the others,” Chaewon asks before the two can start arguing.
“Coming up now, since you know we had to park in another state,” Yujin says as she walks into the kitchen snatching the chip bag from Eunchae, flipping her off when she complains, “You didn’t have to take the only spot in front of the apartment bastard.”
“Blame annoying ass Aeri and Minjeong.”
“Keep talking shit about me and my wife,” Aeri says, heading into the kitchen, “My babies only deserve the best.”
Both girls pretend to gag which makes Chaewon shake her head as she turns back to the hallway where she finds Yunjin walking towards her with her arms open, “Miss me?”
But before Chaewon can respond Yunjin gets shoved out the way, “Move your big ass head, she don’t wanna see you she wanna see me.”
Chaewon is then brought into a crushing hug by Yizhuo, “My bestie, I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too,” Chaewon says, “It’s been too long.”
Pulling back to look at her Yizhuo pouts, “It wouldn’t have been this long if you didn’t up and leave us in Korea.”
“You know I had to, Stanford was perfect for Jihye.”
Yizhuo nods but gasps when she looks over Chaewon’s shoulder and pushes past her, “Is that Mama Yoo?”
Seohyun, now standing, smiles widely, “Is that my baby Yizhuo?”
Now with the doorway clear Yunjin, Kazuha, and Jimin walk in, each giving Chaewon a hug as they pass her.
“Nice to see you too Mom,” Jimin says as she watches her girlfriend and mom hug.
“Oh hush, you’re always coming home, I never get to my Zhuozhuo.”
Jimin nods as she comes back to stand next to Chaewon, rolling her eyes, “Nickname she gave her a couple years ago, I swear she’s practically disowned me as her child.”
Chaewon laughs before taking out her phone and seeing the time, “Alright everyone,” she says seriously, “We need to leave now.”
“I’m not driving Aeri and Minjeong again,” Eunchae says as she enters the entryway, which earns her a hit on the back of her head from Aeri.
“That’s fine you can take all the parents, I’ll take Jimin and Yizhuo, Yujin you take the rest.”
Not allowing anyone to argue, Chaewon takes her keys from the hook and opens the door for everyone to leave.
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The graduation went by without a hitch, though they were much further back than Chaewon wanted.
But any complaints disappeared as she watched Jihye walk across the stage, their friends and family clearly feeling the same way as they were probably the loudest people there.
As they stepped out of the stadium they began to look for Jihye, who was on the phone with Seohyun trying to guide them to her.
“I see her,” Eunchae exclaims before taking off.
Jumping on her she shocks Jihye, “Eunchae? What are you doing here?”
Before she can answer the group comes up in front of her, “We couldn’t miss our bros graduation,” Yujin says.
Pulling away from Eunchae Jihye can’t hide the shock as she immediately crashes into her friend group, them all pulling her into a hug, which Seohyun makes sure to take a picture of.
Pulling back slightly to look at them Jihye’s eyes are still wide, “I can’t believe you guys are here, holy shit.”
Not giving them a chance to respond she pulls them back into a hug. When they finally pull apart she sees Minjeong and Aeri, who were standing slightly behind the friend group.
“Holy shit you’re huge,” Jihye says earning her a small slap from her mother, “Sorry it just came out.”
Minjeong just laughs as she approaches Jihye to give her a hug, “I am huge, aren’t I?”
“How far along are you now?”
“Seven months,” Minjeong tells her.
“Wow,” Jihye says, clearly in shock, “Time flies, it seems like just yesterday you guys were getting married, which sorry again we didn’t get to attend.”
Minjeong waves her off as she steps to the side so her wife can greet Jihye, which she does with a pinch to her side.
“That’s for calling my wife huge,” Aeri says when Jihye yelps. Nodding in understanding the girl hugs Aeri, when she pulls away Seohyun announces its picture time.
While waiting for the next person to come next to her to take a picture she furrows her eyebrows, “Where’s everyone else at?”
”Yeji and Chaeryeong are currently having their honeymoon in the Maldives,” Yunjin starts, “Wonbin is going on a tour with his father to their company’s branches since he’s taking over soon, Wonyoung has a fashion show and Yuna, well she got called up.”
“Yuna got called up to the national team,” Jihye exclaims.
Nodding Yunjin wraps her arm around her waist so Seohyun can take the picture.
After a few more pictures Chaewon finally walks up to Jihye, the sight of her causes Jihye’s already impossibly wide smile to widen.
“Hi beautiful,” Jihye says as she pulls Chaewon to her.
“Hello, my love.”
She presses a kiss to her head, “Sorry I didn’t say hi to you first.”
Chaewon shakes her head, “I don’t mind, you haven’t seen them for years.”
“Still I should’ve said hi,” which Chaewon immediately waves off before pulling Jihye into a kiss.
Pulling away she brings her hand up to wipe up some of the lipgloss she left on Jihye’s lip, “I’m so proud of you,” she tells her.
Still slightly dazed from the kiss, Jihye smiles, “Thank you baby.”
“Hate to interrupt this, but our reservation time is coming up,” Yoona tells them.
Nodding, Jihye begins to walk with the group, her hand around Chaewon’s waist, when her name is suddenly called out.
Turning around she sees a taller man and immediately gestures for him to come over. Removing her arm from Chaewon’s waist, which earns her a small glare, she hugs the man, pulling away, she faces the group, “Guys this is Stephen, Stephen this is my family and friends.”
Everyone says hi to him, except for Chaewon who is too busy glaring.
She knew the man through Jihye, due to the fact they partnered a lot Chaewon had learned about him, though she had never met him until now, and she didn’t like the way he was now holding Jihye’s waist.
“So, where are you heading now,” Stephen asks Jihye.
“Dinner, what about you?”
“I don’t think my parents planned anything, so probably go home and enjoy being classes free.”
“Why don’t you join us,” Yoona asks, much to Chaewon’s dismay.
“I don’t want to intrude,” Stephen says back bashfully.
“You wouldn’t,” Seohyun says this time, “The more the merrier.”
Nodding the man pauses for a second, “Is it okay if my parents come too,” he asks hesitantly.
“Of course!”
“Thank you, I’ll go tell them now then,” turning to Jihye he smiles, “Text me the details?”
Nodding she brings him in for one final hug and waves when he walks away.
Turning around she immediately grabs Chaewon’s hand and follows the group as they begin to leave. Furrowing her eyebrows she looks down at the girl beside her when she notices she’s being a lot more quiet.
She hums.
“What’s wrong?”
When she shakes her head in response, Jihye knows she’s lying. Pulling her lightly to get her to stop, she faces her.
“Baby…talk to me.”
“Does Stephen like you?”
“What,” the question leaves Jihye dumbfounded, “I don’t…think so…”
Chaewon tilts her head, disbelief crossing her face causing Jihye to laugh.
“I’m serious baby, we don’t really talk about stuff like that.”
“So, what do you guys talk about?”
“I don’t know,” Jihye takes a moment to think, “Class, what he plans to do in Korea.”
Chaewon takes a step back, huffing out lightly, “Are you serious? He just so happens to be moving to Korea when we’re going b-”
Chaewon’s cut off by Jihye, “What are you doing? They could possibly hear us,” exasperated she tries again, “Baby, he’s moving back because his family wants to, his brother is a trainee over there.”
“And did he tell you that before or after you mentioned,” she pauses, “That.”
“He likes you,” Chaewon says as she begins to walk away. Chasing after her Jihye holds her hand when she comes next to her, “Baby, even if he did like me, I don’t care because I have the most beautiful, the most perfect girlfriend in the world who I am madly in love with.”
Chaewon shyly knocks shoulders with Jihye, “Sweet talker.”
Yizhuo turns to them, “Love y’all having a moment, but can y’all hurry up I’m starving.”
Pressing one final kiss to Chaewon’s lips they head to the car.
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Before they can enter the restaurant Jimin pulls Jihye to the side, quickly reassuring Chaewon everything was fine when she looks at them.
When everyone walks in Jimin looks around before leaning into Jihye, “So did you bring it?”
Jihye nods causing Jimin to smile widely, “I can’t believe it, you are for real about to marry Chaewon.”
“I don’t know if I should.”
Jimin looks at her like she just grew three heads, “What do you mean? You’re having doubts,” hitting Jihye’s arm when she nodded, “Why? You were so sure when you told me.”
“I know, but…what if I’m not good enough?”
“What? Hye, that girl is in love with you.”
“Yeah, but when we go bac-”
“Back,” Jimin asks, “Wait, you guys are coming back to Korea?”
Wincing Jihye nods, “Yeah, we’re supposed to tell you guys at dinner, fuck, I fucked up. Well…now that you know, when we go back she’s going to be training to take over her father’s business and no matter what I work as I’ll never live up to that, I mean hell the only reason I was able to head to college is because she threatened her father.”
When Chaewon and Jihye had come back from their graduation trip her father had been furious, he viewed Jihye as below Chaewon and a possible future hindrance to her. However, Chaewon objected stating that if her father does not only accepted Jihye, but help her go to college then she would step away from the business, Eunchae even stating that she would do the same. Left with no choice their father accepted, however to show his disapproval he decided to distance himself until Chaewon would come back from California.
“Hye, where is this coming from?”
“I’ve always had these doubts, they go away, but they always come back. I just, I don’t know.”
Jimin sighs softly, “Jihye, Chaewon is madly in love with you, I’m sure the only reason she hasn’t asked you to marry her is because she’s unsure if that’s what you want. I get being worried, I feel it too sometimes being with Yizhuo, but then I remember that being with her makes me so happy that letting something as dumb as doubts ruin us seems ridiculous. So don’t let your stupid doubts ruin today.”
Nodding, the two girls are then interrupted by Yujin, “You guys good? Your girls are getting kinda antsy without you, especially you Jihye. Chaewon hasn’t stopped interrogating your friend.”
Groaning, she heads for the restaurant door, “She swears he’s in love with me.”
Before she could enter Jimin grabs her hand, “You good now?”
Nodding, she hugs Jimin quickly, “Thank you, now let’s go before Chaewon comes out here with Stephen’s head on a stick.”
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The beach wasn’t packed as Jihye and Chaewon walked along it. After dinner, which went amazingly well, especially when they told everyone they were moving back, Jihye had asked Chaewon if they could take a walk at the beach. Chaewon had of course said yes, stating they could do whatever she wanted as today was her day.
So after departing from everyone, Chaewon and Jihye headed to the beach alone. Or so Chaewon thought, after assuring Jimin once more she would go through with her plan, Jimin had redirected everyone to the beach so they could wait where it would happen.
As they walked closer, Jihye couldn’t stop her heart from beating out of her chest.
“Are you okay baby,” Chaewon asks, clearly seeing the girl was nervous.
“Of course.”
“Do you want to stop for a second?”
Jihye quickly shakes her head, “No, I can go for a few more minutes.”
Accepting her answer the girls walk for a bit more before Jihye stops, looking at her curiously Chaewon is a bit shocked to find the taller girl practically hyperventilating.
“Baby, are you alright?”
Jihye nods, “Yes, I just…you know I love you right?”
“Of course.”
“Good, because I’m about to sound like a complete fool, but just bear with me,” taking a deep breath to calm herself Jihye grabs Chaewon’s other hand as she stands in front of her.
“These past four years have been by the far the best years of my life. If you were to have told freshman me that I would be in California with Kim Chaewon as my girlfriend, she wouldn’t believe you. Truthfully she may have even thought you were crazy, I mean me, with the Kim Chaewon…unbelievable. But here I am…and I couldn’t be happier. Chaewon you are my world, my universe, and I couldn’t bear living in a world where you’re not in my life,” she pauses to wipe a tear that is coming down Chaewon’s face, “I know I’m terrible at words, but truthfully there is nothing I can say that could possibly tell you just how much I love you. But there is a way I can show you.”
She lets go of Chaewon’s hands as she reaches into her pocket to retrieve a ring box, which garners a gasp from Chaewon, getting down on one knee she opens up the ring box, “Kim Chaewon, the love of my life, will you marry me?”
Not even a second passes before Chaewon responds, “Yes, of course.” As soon as she places the ring on Chaewon’s finger she finds herself laying in the sand, Chaewon laying multiple kisses on her face.
Only stopping when their friends and family come out from where they were hiding to cheer them on.
When they get up Chaewon immediately latches onto Jihye, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
Cupping her cheeks Chaewon pulls her in for a kiss, their friends immediately cheering except for one.
“Y’all are so gay.”
“Fuck off Eunchae.”
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a/n: where do i even begin…i guess i should start off by saying thank you. the feedback i received for this au was…amazing to say the least and im truly so glad that you guys fell in love with these characters as much as i did. i truly wanted to make this 10k words long, but i also knew that was just me wanting to prolong this au from finally end 😭😭 but i couldnt prolong it no more. though this is the end of goal as a whole i will still be doing bonus chapters so if there is anything of chaehye??? hyewon??? jichae??? and their group u want to see tell me ill be down to write it. other than that thats it! i do have two smaus im currently writing which ill link here and here, however u are not obligated to read them whatsoever. if u do, i hope u enjoy what i have planned if you dont, thank you for reading what i had planned and i hope so see you again someday. this a/n long as hell so ill end it here by saying thank u again, take care, and to jihye, chaewon and friends i love yall 🫂🫂🫂🫂
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taglist: @myouiiiiiiii @bbanghanni @impossiblesharkcashrebel @lesbodietcoke @wmnrhot @pandafuriousa60 @jisooftme @rinapomu @r4cjh @snsdwater @chaewoni3 @73vyn @chaepu @haerinkisser @bagwhy @glassflowerpetals @mineige @jjongscardigan @dutifullyannoyingfox
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wave2love · 1 year
✧ my lovely love 𖥔˙̣
PROFILES. 4lyferz
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choi y/n — 03, your average guy with famous people as friends. gained a following after being in yunjin and chaes vlogs from time to time. loves shen ricky, music, and cats. met yunjin and chaewon at a club in hongdae.
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huh yunjin — 01, everyones fav vlogger, down to earth and the coolest and nicest person ever. loves her friends.
kim chaewon — 00, everyones fav vlogger after yunjin. loves her job.
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⌗ karma’s corner ᵎᵎ profiles 1/3 done omg.. this is gna take forever but like this is so fun so far i hope i can finish this...
taglist ᵎᵎ comment or send an ask to be added — @junjiie
don’t steal my work xoxo — © wave2love
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neos127 · 3 months
she loves me not…?
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synopsis𓆉。˚ ✧ new idol y/n is absolutely in love with park sunghoon from enhypen. but when the boy is sent a screenshot of y/n admitting how hot he is to her friend and accidentally uploads it on enhypen’s official twitter, y/n is positive that her career is over. a few years later and after successfully redeeming herself to the public, y/n ends up becoming mcs with her newfound sworn enemy, park sunghoon.
— or in which…y/n has to hide her hatred for the man who nearly ruined her reputation while the two mc together on music bank.
park sunghoon x fem!reader
featuring. ningning (aespa), danielle (newjeans), chaewon (lesserafim), rei (ive) + enha boys
genre𓆉。˚ ✧ fluff, slight angst, attempt at humor, one sided enemies to lovers
warnings. swearing, suggestive jokes, kys/kms jokes
taglist is now CLOSED
GIRLZPLANET members profiles ! ₊ ˚ ✩ 。˚ ˚☽
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one. PARK MF SUNGHOON two. tiffany couple three. said no one ever four. desperate hoon five. irresistible six. marry me seven. i just want her eight. mistake nine. taking it slow
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solarnomoon · 20 hours
your eyes on me -♥̩͙ sim jaeyun smau
chapter 01 - so fucking supportive, call me sona
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the time of reckoning has come! everyone is linked to their soulmate when they're born, but only after they turn twenty does that link become visible. however, you don't expect much, because the stupid red line tied to you is only seen when they're close by. for now, you'll just help your best friend with their soulmate, hoping it'll happen to you too.
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taglist (open!): @bubblztaro @zhaegon @nootnootpinguuu @gnusihcom @strayy-kidz @starchasing-cryptid @matchawook @ashersdeadinside @isa942572 @sumzysworld @xavi-in-kpopland @winuvs (bold means i couldn’t tag :o)
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melobin · 7 months
behind the screen 𐙚 sungchan smau
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✧ camgirl reader x roommate sungchan
✧ synopsis. in which sungchan discovers his favorite camgirl also happens to be his roommate.
✧ genre. nsfw, mostly smut, fluff, angst. each chapter will contain its own warnings. includes original mc reader, jung sungchan, song eunseok, park wonbin, anton lee, jeon somi, kim chaewon and jake sim.
this is a half written, half social media au. any chapters that are written or contain writing in them will have notices on them. any idols personalities used within this smau are created for purely fictional and do not reflect the idols themselves or my views on the idols. rights are reserved to melobin and i will take action against plagiarism of any kind. no face claim will be used for the reader. thank you @byunejoo for making the banner for me!! the masterlist for the series will be below.
character introduction
#6 | written. smut.
#8 | half written. half smau. smut.
#11 | half written. half smau.
#15 | half written. half smau. smut
#19 | half written. half smau.
#20 | written. smut.
#21 | half written. half smau.
#25 | written. smut.
#27 | written. smut.
#29 | half written. half smau.
#30 | half written. half smau.
#35 | half written. half smau. smut.
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hyuckssunshine · 1 month
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[step by step] profiles¹
Y/n, an incredibly hardworking dance student who takes her grades very seriously and can’t survive more than an hour without her headphones. Tries to be nice to everyone, however that sometimes doesn’t work out too well (coincidentally mostly around men).
He’s a sweetheart if he likes you, but if you piss Renjun off once, there’s no getting on his good side anymore. He started off as a dance student, which is how he met Y/n, but ended up switching to arts to fulfill his dreams of becoming a scenic artist. Tries his best to be supportive, but its really difficult when you’re friends with 4 idiots who keep giving in to their impulsive thoughts.
Y/n is so sure that Karina is her soulmate, even though they haven’t even known each other for 2 years. There is no human on this planet as caring and sweet as Karina. She’s the type of person to hold back your hair when you’re throwing up from drinking too much, walk you all the way back home and help you change into something comfortable to sleep in and you’d do the same for her.
Sunwoo, a guy who’s popular at school against his will. Does not like most people and isn’t afraid to let them know, but for some reason they think he’s joking and like him anyway. Has known Y/n since kindergarten and has been with her through most of her phases and most of her (very poor) choices when it comes to her love life.
Future psychologist Chaewon who is known as a sweet and shy girl, but once you get to know her she does a whole 180. Actually enjoys studying and spends a lot of time doing just that, rarely goes out to parties or stuff like that, but when she does, she goes all out.
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