#part of me wants her response cuz i'm taking my fake journalism job seriously but
jewvian · 1 year
I’m glad for your kind response! Unfortunately, I can’t come off of anon because that user I mentioned has a habit to sticking like glue to anyone who calls her out. If she were to learn my username, she would begin a harassment campaign against me; she’s done the same thing to me before, as well as to other bloggers who are my friends. Most of my followers know bullshit when they see it, but I still did lose a few of them because of her lies.
But yeah…tragicfantasy-girl basically a caricature of an Alt Right Ultra Fascist Fanbrat. She deliberately starts fights in the Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi tags, because she hates those characters so much that she cannot separate fact from fiction. She tears down female characters and characters of color for committing the same crimes Anakin Skywalker did, because she projects her own personality on him and takes any slight against him personally. And even though she is almost universally blocked in the Star Wars tag, she still tries to @ people on tumblr and “gift” them unsolicited essays on Ao3 because she is just that thirsty for a fight. You would be very wise to stay well away from her, and most of her (thankfully few) followers.
You sent a kind ask and I responded in the same way! Like everyone should do tbh but they never do on this site.... lol anyways!
(I just wanna say you can always feel free to come off anon, I won't expose you, you can even dm me like I love star wars and have opinions too lol)
But yeah okay wow. I obviously don't know that person but from what you describe it doesn't sound like a nice fandom behaviour. I'm not active in that fandom/community, like I love the movies (for the most part) and I have my strong opinions (like every star wars fan lmao) but that's a whole side of it I never knew existed.
I'm sorry you lost followers because of such shit behaviour and I hope they weren't close friends cuz that would suck. It's giving high school drama in the worst way.
Also can I just say Alt Right Ultra Fascist Fanbrat is my fave term right now? Is it an internet thing or your thing cuz daaaamn that's fantastic lol
Wow. That was crazy. I feel like a full on Vox journalist diving deep into shit I've never heard of lmao so thanks for sharing. I needed that distraction lol
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