#part of the author’s unofficial trauma response fics 😂
“Bed, love,” a soft voice murmured, startling Harry where he was not sleeping on his stack of grading he had yet to complete.
“Can’t,” he said, shaking his head and then his hands for good measure. “Too much to do.”
Draco huffed a soft laugh, fingers gently squeezing Harry’s neck and soothing the tension. “You’re just sleeping at the desk.”
He shook his head again and forced his eyes open, “I wasn’t,” he argued, lying through his teeth. “Just resting my eyes. They hurt,” he added as he shoved his glasses up to rub them.
“It’s one in the morning, love, and you’ve been working all day, of course your eyes hurt.”
He groaned, “I’m never gonna finish these,” he said as he dropped his head to the top of the pile of papers.
“Come on,” Draco said. “Stand up. Come to bed.” He leaned down and brushed a kiss over the nape of Harry’s neck, “If not for your sake, then for mine. I don’t sleep well when you’re not there.”
It was a lie and they both knew it. Draco slept like a log as long as Harry was in their flat somewhere. He’d said it before, Harry’s magic permeated the whole space when he was there. “Slytherin,” he accused.
“Yes, yes,” Draco replied as he guided Harry out of his chair. “You can thank me tomorrow.”
Too tired to argue, Harry followed him to their room and let Draco’s magic wash over him, stripping him down to his boxers.
“Bed,” Draco said, nudging him toward the warm, cocoon of space that Draco had been sleeping in before coming to get Harry.
He collapsed onto the mattress, groaning as his spine stretched out from the hunched position it had been in, muscles aching.
“You’re getting old,” Draco said as he climbed in beside Harry, his hand soothing over Harry’s back before he covered them.
He scowled at him, “I’m younger than you are.”
“But listen to the one of us who’s grunting and moaning about laying down.”
“I’ll give you something to grunt and moan about,” he grumbled.
Draco laughed, “I think you’d fall asleep half way through. Hell, I would be surprised if you could even get it up right now.”
“Be nice to me,” he whined.
With a soft laugh, Draco drew him in and wrapped him in his arms, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“Thanks,” he said, softly, not sure what he would do without someone to tell him to rest, and eat, and exist outside of being a teacher.
Another kiss to the top of his head and Harry was already drifting off. “Sleep well, love you.”
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