#parti yorkie puppies
tobytaco15 · 4 months
Hi hallo hi, this is my second time asking an ask cause I'm in a mood and need good fluffy content, if you're willing of course. BUT, Ghoap visiting a petting zoo, or dog park. And, just what you think would happen and how they would react seeing a cute/favorite animal/dog??
Hello! Thank you for the question! Which is the cutest idea by the way! ☺ so I'll do both because adorableness!
Dog park Retired!Ghoap AU!
Ghost and Soap would visit a dog park two or three times. Absolutely loving it and getting to see all the different breeds in one place. The next time they coming with their own dog that they adopt. Soap loves all dog breeds but insisted that they got a Border Collie and that it's name should be Riley. After one of the military dogs that was on the base. Soap was sad they couldn't take the dog (german shepherd) when they retired because it was still in active service. He had the most experience with Border Collie as he grew up on his family's farm. Ghost didn't have any experience in raising any dog. He was never aloud to have any kind of pet growing up.
When they arrived at the dog park with Riley Soap automatically started to play with her. Ghost stood watching them both play and run around together. He made sure that there was no potential threats. His mind still having his military paranoia. PTSD from being in the military and just from all the trauma from being captured and his childhood. As he was looking around he noticed a small dog (Parti Yorkshire Terrier) it was sniffing around and slowly getting closer to Ghost. He also noticed that it didn't have any tags and was limping a bit. He crouched down slightly wanting to make sure the dog wasn't bleeding. The little Yorkie was very skittish and thin but slowly came up to his hand which was held out. The dog sniffed his hand and his legs before decided it was safe and laid down at his feet.
Ghost froze slightly. This adorable little thing that was still shaking. Felt safe enough to lay down by him. Exhausted by his journey here. Ghost smiled slightly under his surgical mask. He gently reached out and started to pet the dog making sure there were no other injuries to the dog. "Johnny! Come here slowly!" Ghost called Soap over. Soap looked over at him and noticed he was petting a small dog. He grabbed Riley gently but the collar and slowly made their way over. Ghost while still petting the dog (it's fur very soft and making his brain fuzzy from the sensation and repetitive motion) explained how the dog came up to him limping. He looked at Soap with puppy eyes. He really wanted to take the dog home with them but knew that Soap didn't really like small breeds. Plus they would have to make sure that it was ownerless.
Soap smiled brightly at Simon. "Steamin' Jesus Si! You're pure fockin' adorable." He said fondly. "Come on. Let's go take him/her to the vet." He said shaking his head smiling more at Ghost's expression and happy stiming. Ghost gently picked up the dog and held it close to his chest.
After they took it to the vet. They found out it was a boy. He didn't have any chips to show he already had an owner. He had a broken back left paw and some fleas. They took him home with them with the flea medicine the vet gave them and decided to keep him and name him Tanner. Now they have two dogs that they love dearly and go to the dog park nearly every day. The end! 💜
Petting Zoo Ghoap!
One time on one of the mandatory vacation times that they happen to have during the same week they decided to go on a little date. Soap begged Ghost to go to a petting zoo with him. He promised him something special if he did go. (😏) Ghost agreed even though he didn't really like petting zoo's getting overwhelmed easily there. He just couldn't say no to Soap but it's okay cuz he would get to see his favorite animal. When they arrived at to petting zoo Ghost let Soap drag him along pointing out and petting the different animals they had. After a while Ghost decided it was taking to long and dragged Soap over to where they kept all the bunnies. He bounced slightly on his heels as he looked at all the bunnies before spotting one the he wanted to pet. He got into the enclosure making sure no bunnies escaped. The was a volunteer on the outside to also make sure none of the bunnies escaped when people entered and exited the enclosure. Ghost gently say down on the ground and watched the bunnies. The bunny he liked and wanted to pet came up to him sniffing his pants and hands. The little bunny was a light brown and had a little Mohawk. Ghost let out a happy hum as he gently pet the little bunny that hopped into his lap. Soap smiled brightly at them. "Havin' fun LT?" He asked fondly. Ghost nodded as he gently pet the bunny with one hand and let his other hand stim happily as he let out another happy hum. The end! 💜
I hope you like my takes! This was an absolutely adorable idea! 💜
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illnessfaker · 11 months
massive TW: child+medical abuse, suicide, ableism
Contrary to the hospital’s suspicions, Beata had never been diagnosed with a mental illness, and prior to the DCF investigation, Jack says, she’d never suffered from depression. She had even undergone a court-ordered evaluation by a licensed psychologist who found “no evidence that would support the conclusion that Beata has falsified her daughter’s medical condition for any psychological purpose” and who concluded that “factitious disorder by proxy may safely be ruled out.” The psychologist did note that Beata may have been suffering from an “adjustment disorder” resulting from Maya’s illness and removal from their home. (Another report, written by Teppa Sanchez, observed: “Mother states that she is extremely tired and is very stressed and at times feels like she ‘wants to die.’”)
At the Kowalskis’ next family court hearing, All Children’s attorneys continued to argue that Maya needed to be kept away from her family and transferred to long-term inpatient medical foster care. The Kowalskis’ attorney handed Judge Haworth a letter Beata had addressed to him before taking her life. “Your heart is made out of iceberg!” it began, in her imperfect English. “ACH, DCF have destroyed my daughter physically and mentally … My daughter will never be who she was before October 13, 2016.” Haworth read the note, folded it, and put it away. He ruled that Jack could take Maya to Rhode Island to be evaluated by Pradeep Chopra, a professor at Brown University’s medical school who studies CRPS. Later, after Chopra wrote that Maya’s symptoms and response to treatments were consistent with CRPS, and that the diagnoses of Munchausen by proxy and factitious disorder were “incorrect,” Haworth remanded Maya back to Jack’s custody.
When Maya left All Children’s Hospital in January 2017, she weighed less than she did when she was admitted — a dark verdict on the separation test meant to detect Munchausen by proxy. She was so weak that it was difficult for her to sit up on her own, and Jack remembers having to put stuffed animals in the back seat of the car to support her body. At home, he says, Maya cried nonstop. Jack took her to physical therapy, installed solar panels to heat their pool for aquatherapy, and bought her a teacup Yorkie puppy. CRPS abates over time in most patients. A year and a half later, as Jack watched, astonished, Maya stood up out of her wheelchair, picked up her crutches, and slowly made her way across the room. After 12 more months of swimming, yoga, and exercise, Maya took her first unassisted steps in four years. “I bawled,” Jack said.
Much of what happened to the Kowalskis at All Children’s should not have occurred. It was not true that the parents could have been legally arrested if they had taken Maya home on her second day at the hospital. “Against medical advice” discharges are legal and occur every day in the United States; a 2007 study shows that one to 2 percent of all hospital admissions result in one. Also, Smith’s decision to access Maya’s confidential medical records through the All Children’s portal on October 8, 2016, appears to have violated the privacy law known as HIPAA, according to Blaise Wabo, a health-care-compliance expert at a cybersecurity audit firm. Only treating physicians are allowed to access patient records unless a parent gives written consent for another party to do so. Smith was never one of Maya’s treating doctors, and on the day she opened her confidential records, there was no active DCF investigation. HIPAA violations are punishable by significant fines and up to ten years in prison. When I asked All Children’s about how child-abuse pediatricians like Smith are able to access patient records, the hospital did not answer. (Smith disputed that any HIPAA violation occurred.)
this is an actual horror story. holy fucking shit.
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ratsoh-writes · 1 year
Hell yeah! Imma work to be besties. Btw how did the photo shoot go? Did anyone get bitten? Did any dog get adopted? 📸🐶
The puppies were all adopted two weeks later from what you heard. Mama too. She got to stay with her two wiggly babies. The cat also got a new home. The crusty yorkie is still there but he’s had some interested parties
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jmrothwell · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY(week) I am so behind on my dash pretend it's tuesday #1 - Person A is a grouch about birthdays so Person B decides to throw them a birthday party with just their pet(s) present for Willex plz and thank you!
(Also available on AO3)
Alex bit back his groan, as another coworker stopped by to wish him a Happy Birthday. As politely as he was able he replied with a brief thank you, his lips in a tight smile. He knew he should have taken the day off work. 
In theory, he didn’t hate birthdays. It was nice having a day dedicated to shower the people you care about in love and affection. In practice however. The unending attention from strangers and people you tried to regularly avoid; suddenly becoming the center of the universe and everyone's attention was just too much.
It got even more annoying when people would make it a bigger deal after he asked them not to. By the time lunch rolled around he was texting Willie about how he wished he had just called in sick today. With the way his anxiety was spiking and twisting his stomach he still might. 
And he still had to deal with whatever nonsense his friends came up with to celebrate. 
That wasn’t fair. He was just exhausted and letting his anxiety get the better of him. His friends were usually pretty good about considering what others wanted for their birthdays. Last year they’d all had a spa day, which he’d thoroughly enjoyed.
This year they had all been fairly tight-lipped. So he knew he was in for some sort of surprise.
As Alex approached his front door after work, he held his breath, shoulders tense. He hadn’t seen any extra cars outside, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t have parked elsewhere or Ubered. The only reason he knew something was up was because Willie had double checked what time he was getting home. Like it changed that much.
With a deep breath Alex opened the door and was immediately ambushed by dogs of varying sizes. He immediately recognized David, his Irish Wolfhound. Soon after he could spot Dolly-Reggie’s Spaniel mix. 
Most of these dogs, however, weren’t familiar to him. He enthusiastically greeted them all the same. 
“Surprise!” Willie cheerily called out from where he sat on the couch. Alex looked around and couldn’t spot anyone else. Willie’s smile grew as he got up to wade through the small sea of dogs to pull Alex into a hug. 
“Hi,” Alex breathlessly greeted between kisses. “What is this?”
“Your birthday party.” Willie beamed as he pulled Alex to the couch, a good portion of the dogs following them. Dolly hopped up in their lap once they’d sat down. 
Alex chuckled as he helped a teacup yorkie up onto the couch. He kept the small animal close, it was so tiny he worried the larger dogs might trample it. “Whose dogs are these?”
“Well you already know David and Dolly.” Willie explained as he provided Dolly with ear scratches. “The rest are from either Carlos’s dog walking job, or various friends and family we asked.”
Alex hummed as he relaxed back into the couch, the exhaustion from his anxiety being ramped up all day solidly hitting him. He laughed out, “Where’s everyone else?”
“We figured we could do a group thing this weekend if you wanted.” Willie smiled as he shifted to sit on the floor to better play with the other dogs. “But I thought you sounded like you could use some good puppy therapy today.”
“Well, thank you.” Alex pressed a kiss to the top of Wilie’s head as he hugged him from behind. “This is a pretty perfect birthday party.”
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papermoonloveslucy · 2 years
Canine Companions on Lucycoms!
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Woof!  Open the kennels and take a look at all the dogs, pups, and canine pets in the Lucyverse!
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In Annabel Takes a Tour (1938), Annabel (Lucille Ball) has a Terrier named Elmer. 
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In The Big Street (1942), Gloria Lyons (Lucille Ball) has a lap dog she calls Baby. Pinks (Henry Fonda) rescues Baby from being run over by a car. 
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Probably one of the most famous dogs on television was Fred the dog. Little Ricky's friend Billy Palmer gave him a puppy to take home in January 1957 and he became part of the Ricardo family. Landlord Fred Mertz tells Lucy and Ricky their lease prohibits pets, but he bends the rules when Little Ricky names his puppy Fred. 
LITTLE RICKY: “I always name my pets after people I like.”
Fred the dog was played by a Cairn Terrier named was Danny. He was trained by Bob Blair and was owned by Frank Inn. Danny also played Fremont, Mr. Wilson's dog on "Dennis the Menace" (1959-63). In films, he was Snuffy in Pal Joey (1957), Muffy in Anatomy of Murder (1959), and Pepe in the final Three Stooges short Sappy Bullfighters (1959). Fred the dog would make the move to Connecticut with the Ricardos, but is not seen or mentioned during “The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour” episodes.  While he was the most popular, Fred was not the only dog seen on “I Love Lucy”...
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At the end of “Lucy Thinks Ricky is Trying to Murder Her” (1951), the very first episode of “I Love Lucy” filmed, a dog act makes an appearance.  An established vaudeville act, Hector and His Pals was also seen in the film Easter Parade in 1948. The dog trainer Hector, calls one of the dogs by its real name ‘Yorkie’. In the episode, the dogs are named Ann, Mary, Helen, Cynthia, Alice, and Theodore. Lucy hears the dogs’ names and thinks they are women Ricky is having an affair with - until she hears Theodore! 
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In the third episode aired, Butch, Fred’s mutt (as far as we can guess) stays under the table hoping for scraps in “The Diet” (1951) and then never heard of again. Unbeknownst to the others, a starving Lucy crawls under the table with Butch to intercept any tasty morsels meant for the dog. 
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Butch looks quite alarmed by the crazy lady under the table!
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Sneaking into Richard Widmark’s mansion in “The Tour” (1955), Lucy hides under a bear rug - which just happens to be the favorite spot of Widmark’s St. Bernard Cap. 
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In “Second Honeymoon” (1956), a lonely Lucy asks Rocky the Bloodhound if he wants to play ping pong. Randy Rocky is tempted away by a French Poodle on a stroll. 
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Lassie, the most famous canine in Hollywood history, turned up on “The Desilu Revue” in 1959. The series was filmed at Desilu Studios. Lucy and Desi enlisted the participation of all the Desilu stars in their Christmas special. Lassie was first mentioned by Lucy Ricardo in “The Young Fans” (1952).
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In the very first episode of “The Lucy Show” in 1962, Tiger the dog belongs to Lucy's neighbor and boyfriend Harry Connors (Dick Martin), who we will meet in episode two. A dog named Tiger was also featured on TV's “The Brady Bunch” (1969-1974). Here Tiger serves more as a plot device than pet. This is his one and only appeareance on the series. 
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When “Lucy and Viv Learn Judo” (1963), the Carmichaels dogsit with Alvin, played by Hey!  The dog belong’s to Jerry’s friend Amy Schaffer. 
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The final scene of the episode features a dozen dogs of various breeds, who come running at the silent sound of a dog whistle! 
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In the first frame of the June 1963 “The Lucy Show” Gold Key comic book, Jerry brings home a shaggy dog which Viv mistakes for a monster!   
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“Kiddie Parties Inc.” (1963) features Thunderbolt, a basset hound with more folds than an oragami swan. 
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In “Lucy is Her Own Lawyer” (1964) ~ Lucy complains when Mr. Mooney’s barking sheepdog Nelson (played by Lord Nelson) keeps her up all night. He tells her to sue him, and she does. After making a mockery of the court proceedings by acting as her own attorney, she finally wins her case by cross-examining Nelson. The neighborhood canines include: 
Howard McAdams’ Pomeranian
Audrey Simmons’ Beagle 
Grandma Sutton’s Airedale
The Hamilton’s Police Dog
Nelson is the only dog to appear on screen, with voice actor Pinto Colvig providing the off-screen barks for the other dogs.
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Lord Nelson (Nelson) makes his first appearance as Mr. Mooney’s dog. He will also appear in “Lucy’s Contact Lenses” and would go on to appear on “Here’s Lucy” as Bogie in “Lucy and the Bogie Affair”. From 1965 to 1967, he played Ladadog (aka Lad) on “Please Don’t Eat the Daisies” and reprised the role of Nelson on “The Doris Day Show” from 1968 to 1971.  
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To keep Nelson in check, dog trainer Bob Blair plays the Bailiff. 
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In “Lucy and Clint Walker” (1965) Lightning, a lethargic Basset Hound, has a propensity to fall asleep, much like his master did Frank Winslow (Clint Walker) in “Lucy and the Sleeping Beauty”.  
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“Lucy Meets Mickey Rooney” (1966) has Lucy playing Charlie Chaplin in an acting school recital. The sketch features a mutt befriending the Tramp for his sandwich. 
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“Lucy at the Drive-In Movie” (1969) has Lucy searching through the passion pit cars for Kim and her new boyfriend. She mistakes an Afghan Hound for a long-haired woman. 
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In “Lucy and the Bogie Affair” (1969) Kim and Craig bring home a stray sheepdog (played by Lord Nelson) which they call Bogie because it has the same sad look standing in the rain as Humphrey Bogart does at the end of 1942's Casablanca.  
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When Bogie turns out to be a she and gives birth to a litter of puppies, the Carters must find a home for the baby Bogies. 
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Lucy tries to give one of the pups to exercise guru Jack LaLanne, but only ends up taking one of Happy’s pups. Happy was LaLanne’s real-life dog appearing with him on many of his television shows.
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“The Bow-Wow Boutique” (1973) has Lucy, Kim and Harry opening a dog grooming business.  Their clients include: 
Louie, a French Spaniel
Winston, a Bloodhound
Teddy, an English Bulldog
Tiger, a Yorkshire Terrier
Tinkerbell, a St. Bernard
and an un-named Daschund
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I can't see a future for myself and that scares me
I haven't taken my meds in over a year I want to be loved for me, not the sedated version of me
It seems like the worlds smiling without me
Should morals be dictated by fear of punishment?
They all had opinions of how the serial killer should be killed, and seemed to feel pity for his victims. I felt nothing, once again. I acted like I had a bit of an opinion but I really didn't. It felt the same as hearing what was for breakfast.
Why do you look like you just killed something?
I feel repulsed by my own body which somehow seems to be oozing germs, when there really isn't anything there. I wanna skin myself., claw my skin up and scrub underneath it so I'm clean. This is what it means to be sick, means to be constantly obsessed.
I love books that are
They just don't give out lobotamies like they used to anymore
(I'll say it to your face. Go fuck yourself.)
I've never felt romantically or sexually attracted to anyone before. I don't feel anything, including those things.
My Number One Man: Evangelos Kosmos
240 Pack $53.39
JAM Paper Round Circle Label Sticker Seals, 2.5 inch diameter, White, 2 Sets of 120 (2147615066g)
That's okay. In taking the highest dose of medication they're allowed to give out and it's still not working
Alyssa/Aisha: Eyes scorched out & Beheaded
Kiera: Beheaded
Evienrose/Eve: Suicide by drinking poison
Athanasia: Executed by hanging
Aria Roscente:
By ,, Nakov
1. Penelope & Callisto
2. Eris & Anakin
3. Ruby & Izek
4. Bianca & Zachary
5. Charlize & Dylan
6. Aria & Asher
7. Leticia & Erden
8. Olivia & Ian
Vivi & Ahin / Ayesha & Hades / Cassia & Zester / Hilise & Axion / Lily & Vlad / Lariette & Ian /
1. Aria Roscente
2. Astelle Leston
3. Bianca De Arno
4. Cayena Hill
5. Charlize Ronan
6. Cassia Greze
7. Eris Misérian
8. Fiona Green
9. Hilise Inoaden
10. Kiera Parvis
11. Leticia Grey Halstead
12. Medea Solon
13. Penelope Eckart
14. Rudbeckia De Borgia
15. Roxana Agriche
16. Serena White
17. Soru
18. Tatiana Cartier
19. Verta Alberhart
I felt myself in a solitude so frightful that I contemplated suicide. What held me back was the idea that no one, absolutely no one, would be moved by my death, that I would be even more alone in death than in life.
Jean Paul Sartre, Nausea
Notes from Underground
Novella by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I'm Thinking of Ending Things Novel by Iain Reid
House of Leaves Novel by Mark Z. Danielewski
The Butterfly Garden Book by Dot Hutchison
S. by Doug Dorst and JJ Abrams
This book is not a suicide note. Ten days after Edouard Leve handed in the manuscript of Suicide to his publisher in 2007, he hanged himself in his apartment. He was 42. Two years after Jean Amery's On Suicide was published in 1976, the author took an overdose of sleeping pills. He was 65. ... 
Notes on Suicide
Book by Simon Critchley
Nutmeg, Lemon juice, Vegetable Shortening, Garlic powder, Cocoa powder, Apple cider vinegar, Canola oil, Unsweetened milk, Colored dye, Soy Milk, Distilled vinegar, Soy sauce, better than bouillon vegetable paste*, Soy curls, Vegetable broth,
1 vegan yellow onion, vegan ground beef, chili powder, (oregano dried), paprika, unsweetened almond milk, vegan broth, rotini pasta, shredded vegan cheddar cheese,
Cinnamoroll Plush Slipper Boots
Thing I Want to Buy:
1. A Pocket Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue $18.95
Hype Honeydukes Holo Harry Potter Lunch Bag
Harry Potter Birthday Party: Honeydukes loot bags
You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough.
...You can only subject people to anguish who have a conscience. You can only punish people who have hopes to frustrate or attachments to sever; who worry what you think of them. You can really only punish people who are already a little bit good.
These were good people and they had been good to us and we had therefore had a good time. To conclude otherwise was frightening, raising the specter of some unnameable quantity without which we could not abide, but which we could not summon on demand, least of all by proceeding in virtuous accordance with an established formula.
When you pushed me in the water, I swam I had to go my whole life learning, so that I wouldn't drown. You said you treated me like shit cause I deserved it When really you were just miserable with yourself
I let you
Cause I'm taking back my power,
Rico Nasty - Smack a Bitch
My Favourite Badass Girl's: Carter, Sloan,
Sloan D'Aboville: the Jefa of the Spanish mafia / La Jefa of the Spanish Mafia / evil, unforgiving and cold
Point of Menace : Sloan D'Aboville : the Jefa of the Spanish Mafia - evil, unforgiving and cold
Carter [ON HOLD] : Carter Knight : Leader of the Devil's Reapers (Mafia) -
Sinners like us don't find forgiveness in a church no more
This for my people going through depression This for the kids who never felt affection This for the kids whose parents don't accept them Saying they love everyone else except them
It seems like the worlds smiling without me
(God) (The Dream)
Why does my throat burn when I drink energy drinks?
If this happens to you, caffeine could be a culprit. "Caffeine relaxes esophageal sphincter, which allows acid to come up in the throat,"
2. You’re peeing orange
Urine that is dark yellow or orange is a telltale sign of dehydration. "Coffee is actually a diuretic that can lead to dehydration by increasing the amount you urinate so you lose too much body fluids," says Amy Gross, MPH, RD, CDN and a clinical dietician at New York Presbyterian Hospital. Caffeine usually doesn’t trigger dehydration until after you’ve had about 500 mg, so you should be safe if you stick to a cup or two of coffee a day.
"They love without measure those whom they will soon hate without reason."
It is not that [the sociopath] fails to grasp the difference between good and bad; it is that the distinction fails to limit their behavior.
Should our morals be dictated by fear of punishment?
I didn't think I'd make it to 12. I'm turning 18 this year.
Hearing words of love sounded like a record on repeat. You loved me, but I didn't love you.
Most days, it feels like I'm eating my own heart
I thought I needed to get worse before I could get better
Mother's often have nowhere to put their rage. More times than not, it gets directed towards their daughters, because they are a clear image of what they could've been. An unmoulded version they could make into something to feel as if they have accomplished something themselves.
The truth is cruel. The people we love don't really love us back.
I cannot understand this feeling, and there's no way to explain it
Unless you are constantly exposed to a certain amount of pain, you will be afraid of it
Sometimes I wonder if there's something waiting for me in life. If maybe I'll wake up one day and suddenly want to live it.
You can't save me, and I'm afraid I'll drag you down with me
The side of me that was lovely, the side of me that cared about others. It made me sick to think that it was all a lie.
My mother tells me "Don't bleed on my floor," but she's constantly cutting me.
You told me you loved me my whole life, yet I never felt a thing
When the only emotion you ever showed me was anger, I welcomed it with open arms. I wanted you to feel something for me, even if all that was is rage.
In your eyes, what do I look like? Am I as bad as I make myself seem?
I had nowhere to put this sadness, so it turned into anger
A lifetime of sadness turns a person angry
I sat with my sadness long enough, until it became anger
Just because someone has it worse, doesn't mean you don't have it bad
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I didn't know love
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I didn't feel know love myself
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I didn't know how yo love
I can't feel like others do so I end up hurting them by my bluntness ))
Thing Called Love
Not Sober
Rainstorm tixzystcks
Happy Face
Holy Molly
Famous Hoes
First Place
Virtual)) blue Balenciaga))
Robbin Hood
Hold Me While You Wait
Be Alright
I'm sorry that I broke your heart because I couldn't feel love in mine
Mafia Boss Female Lead's: Sloan D'Aboville (Point of Menace : RuStYtAbLeS) Carter Knight (Carter : Rachel1Levy)
Mafia Boss Male Lead's: Evangelos Kosmos [Gigi] (Serendipity & Sovereignty)
Medea Solon : ESTJ
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10101213 · 7 months
The Cost of Cuteness: How Much Are Yorkie Puppies ?
Yorkshire Terriers, affectionately known as Yorkies, are beloved for their small size, lively personality, and luxurious coat. It's no wonder that many people are drawn to the idea of bringing home one of these adorable puppies. However, potential owners often wonder: How much are Yorkie puppies? In this article, we'll explore the factors that influence the price of Yorkie puppies and what prospective owners should consider before making a purchase.
Understanding the Price Range
The price of Yorkie puppies can vary significantly depending on various factors such as pedigree, lineage, size, color, and geographic location. On average, reputable breeders typically charge between $800 to $10,000 for a Yorkie puppy. Puppies with champion bloodlines or show potential may command higher prices, while pet-quality puppies may be more affordable.
Factors That Influence Price
Pedigree and Lineage: Yorkies with a documented pedigree tracing back to champion bloodlines or reputable breeders often come with a higher price tag. These puppies are more likely to exhibit desirable traits such as a well-balanced temperament and conformation to breed standards.
Size and Age: The size and age of a Yorkie puppy can also affect its price. Teacup or miniature Yorkies, which are smaller than the standard breed size, may be priced higher due to their rarity and high demand. Additionally, younger puppies may be priced higher than older ones, as they are typically in greater demand.
Color and Coat Quality: Yorkies come in various colors, including traditional black and tan, parti-color, and chocolate. Puppies with rare or desirable coat colors may be priced higher than those with more common colors. Additionally, puppies with a thick, silky coat of high quality may command a premium price.
Health and Genetic Testing: Reputable breeders invest in health screening and genetic testing to ensure the health and wellbeing of their puppies. Yorkie puppies from breeders who conduct thorough health testing may be priced higher due to the added assurance of genetic health.
Breeder Reputation and Location: The reputation of the breeder and their location can also influence the price of Yorkie puppies. Established breeders with a track record of producing healthy, well-socialized puppies may charge higher prices. Additionally, breeders located in areas with higher living costs or with limited availability of Yorkie puppies may charge more.
How much are Yorkie puppies Additional Cost to Consider :
When considering the cost of a Yorkie puppy, it's essential to factor in additional expenses beyond the initial purchase price. These may include:
Veterinary Care: Routine vaccinations, spaying/neutering, and ongoing healthcare expenses such as flea and tick prevention and dental care.
Food and Supplies: High-quality dog food, grooming supplies, toys, bedding, and other essentials for your puppy's care and comfort.
Training and Socialization: Puppy training classes, obedience training, and socialization activities to ensure your Yorkie grows up to be a well-behaved and well-adjusted companion.
Grooming: Regular grooming appointments or grooming supplies for maintaining your Yorkie's coat, including brushing, bathing, and trimming.
Travel Expenses: If purchasing from a breeder located out of state, consider travel costs associated with picking up your puppy or having them shipped to you.
Making an Informed Decision
While the cost of Yorkie puppies can be significant, it's essential for prospective owners to prioritize responsible breeding practices and the health and wellbeing of the puppy. Avoiding scams and unethical breeders is crucial, as purchasing a puppy from a disreputable source can result in health issues and heartache down the line.
Before making a decision, prospective owners should research breeders carefully, ask questions about health testing and socialization practices, and visit the facility in person if possible. By investing in a well-bred and healthy Yorkie puppy, owners can enjoy the companionship and joy that these adorable little dogs bring for many years to come.
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promotion10 · 9 months
From Brewers to Best Friends: The Ultimate Guide to Brewer Puppies
Welcoming a new furry friend into your home is an exciting journey, and if you’re considering a Brewer puppy, you’re in for a treat! At Parti Yorkie Pups
Read More:- https://technewsvine.com/from-brewers-to-best-friends-the-ultimate-guide-to-brewer-puppies/
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nwtowncarservice · 10 months
Adorable Yorkie Puppies for Sale: Find Your Perfect Furry Companion
Welcome to Brewer Yorkshire Terriers, where enchanting Yorkie puppies come to life! Our dedicated breeding program specializes in exquisite Toy Yorkies, including the rare and captivating Parti colored puppies.
Visit Us:- https://www.partiyorkiepup.com
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ilovemyyorkie · 11 months
White Yorkie: A Guide to This Adorable Breed
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White Yorkies are one of the most popular breeds for keeping in homes nowadays. These little, adorable, curious, and owner-oriented creatures are easy to care for and blend in wonderfully with families. However, the white coat color is not a Yorkie color recognized by the major dog breed registries, but there are several genetic mechanisms by which it can be achieved. Understanding the breed is essential when it comes to taking care of a white Yorkie. Beneath the dainty, glossy, floor-length coat of a Yorkshire Terrier beats the heart of a feisty, old-time terrier. Yorkies earned their living as ratters in mines and mills. They are affectionate, bright, and playful, with a lifespan of 11 to 15 years. They are also hypoallergenic, which makes them a great choice for people with allergies. Key Takeaways - White Yorkies are not recognized by major dog breed registries, but they are still a popular breed due to their adorable and curious nature. - Yorkies are a terrier breed that were originally bred as ratters in mines and mills. - Yorkies have a lifespan of 11 to 15 years and are hypoallergenic, making them a great choice for people with allergies.
White Yorkie: An Overview
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOeA6tocK1A&embed=true We all know and love the Yorkshire Terrier, but have you ever heard of the White Yorkie? White Yorkies are Yorkshire Terriers with solid white hair. While white is not an officially recognized color for the breed, there are several genetic mechanisms by which it can be achieved. However, some of these mechanisms can have serious implications for their health and purebred status. One of the most popular breeds for keeping in homes nowadays is the Yorkshire Terrier. Little, adorable, curious, and owner-oriented, these creatures are easy to care for and blend in wonderfully with families. Unfortunately, the breed suffers as a result of its fame. The White Yorkie is a rare and sought-after variation of the Yorkshire Terrier breed. White Yorkies can either be purebred or crossbred. Interestingly, the white coloration in Yorkies is caused by either albinism or parti-color genes. These genes can also produce other colors and patterns such as black, tan, and blue. Breeders of the Yorkshire Terrier have stuck to breeding standards dictated by Kennel Clubs for years. This ensures they maintain pure bloodlines and produce Yorkie puppies that are commercially acceptable. However, some breeders advertise white Yorkie puppies, which may be a result of genetic altering. It is important to be cautious when purchasing a White Yorkie and to ensure that it is a purebred with no health issues. In conclusion, White Yorkies are a unique and beautiful variation of the Yorkshire Terrier breed. While it is not an officially recognized color, it is still a popular and sought-after variation. It is important to be aware of the potential health issues associated with genetic altering and to ensure that any White Yorkie purchased is a purebred with no health issues.
Understanding the Breed
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2DgTCQTCVU&embed=true As a purebred Yorkie dog, the white Yorkie has a distinctive appearance and personality. This small dog breed is known for its loyalty, intelligence, and spunky attitude. The Yorkie breed originated in Yorkshire, England, and was originally bred for hunting rats in textile mills. The white Yorkie is not an officially recognized color of the Yorkie breed by major dog breed registries, but it can be achieved through several genetic mechanisms. However, some of these mechanisms can have serious implications for the health and purebred status of the dog. It is important to note that a white Yorkie can either be purebred or crossbred. A purebred Yorkie is a dog that has been bred from two purebred Yorkies, while a crossbred dog is a mix of two different breeds. The Yorkshire Terrier breed standard, set by organizations such as the American Kennel Club (AKC) and the United Kennel Club (UKC), outlines the accepted coat colors for Yorkshire Terriers. According to these standards, a true solid white-coated Yorkshire Terrier is not known to exist. When considering a white Yorkie, it is important to choose a reputable breeder who can provide documentation of the dog's pedigree and health history. This will help ensure that the dog is a purebred Yorkshire Terrier and has not been crossbred with another breed. In conclusion, understanding the Yorkie breed and the implications of breeding for a white fur coat is important for anyone considering a white Yorkie as a pet. By doing your research and choosing a reputable breeder, you can ensure that your white Yorkie is a healthy and purebred member of the Yorkshire Terrier breed.
Coat Color and Genetics
When it comes to Yorkie coat colors, there are four officially recognized colors: black, tan, blue, and gold. However, some Yorkies have a white coat, which is not recognized by major dog breed registries. The white coat color is achieved through various genetic mechanisms, including the piebald gene and white spotting. The piebald gene is responsible for the white coat color in Yorkies. This gene is a dominant gene, which means that if a Yorkie inherits a copy of the piebald gene from either parent, it will have a white coat. However, if a Yorkie inherits two copies of the piebald gene (one from each parent), it may have health problems, such as deafness and vision problems. White spotting is another genetic mechanism that can produce a white fur color in Yorkies. This occurs when there is a lack of pigment in certain areas of the coat. Yorkies with white spotting may have a white coat with black, tan, or gold markings. It's important to note that the breed standard for Yorkies does not include the white coat color. However, some breeders may intentionally breed for this color. It's important to do your research and find a reputable breeder if you're interested in a white Yorkie. Overall, the coat color genetics of Yorkies can be complex, but understanding the basics can help you better understand the different coat colors and patterns that can occur in this breed.
Health and Grooming
As with all dogs, grooming is an essential part of maintaining the health and appearance of a White Yorkie. Regular grooming can help prevent tangling and matting of their coat. According to the American Kennel Club, brushing a Yorkie's coat several times a week, if not daily, is recommended to maintain a healthy, shiny coat. In addition to regular grooming, White Yorkies may be more prone to certain pigment-related health issues due to their genetic makeup. It is important to be aware of these potential health risks and take steps to prevent them. The lifespan of White Yorkies is similar to that of other Yorkies, which usually ranges from 13 to 16 years. When it comes to grooming, one should pay special attention to their coat. Their coat is typically silky and straight, but it can become matted and tangled if not properly cared for. Regular brushing and bathing can help keep their coat healthy and shiny. It is also important to trim their nails regularly to prevent them from becoming too long and causing discomfort. White Yorkies, like all dogs, require regular exercise and a balanced diet to maintain their overall health. It is important to provide them with a nutritious diet and plenty of opportunities for exercise and play. Regular visits to the veterinarian are also essential to ensure their health and well-being. In summary, grooming and maintaining the health is essential for their overall well-being. Regular brushing, bathing, and nail trimming, along with a balanced diet and exercise, can help prevent potential health issues and keep them looking and feeling their best.
Finding a White Yorkie
If you're looking to find a white Yorkshire Terrier, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First and foremost, it's important to find a reputable breeder. This will ensure that you're getting a healthy, well-bred puppy that has been properly socialized. One way to find a breeder is to check with the American Kennel Club (AKC). The AKC maintains a list of breeders who have registered with them, and you can search for breeders in your area. You can also check with local breed clubs or Yorkie rescue organizations. When you find a breeder, make sure to ask plenty of questions. Ask about the health and temperament of the parents, and ask to see any health clearances or certifications. A good breeder will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with information about the breed. It's also important to be prepared for the cost. Purebred white Yorkshire Terriers can be quite expensive, and you should expect to pay several thousand dollars for a well-bred puppy. Keep in mind that the cost of the puppy is just the beginning - you'll also need to budget for food, supplies, and veterinary care. When you find a breeder that you're interested in, make sure to visit their facilities in person. This will give you a chance to see how the puppies are being raised and to meet the breeder in person. If possible, ask to see the puppy's parents and any littermates. In summary, finding a white Yorkshire Terrier requires some research and preparation. Look for a reputable breeder, ask plenty of questions, and be prepared for the cost. With a little effort, you can find a healthy, well-bred white Yorkie puppy to bring into your home.
White Yorkies and Misconceptions
There is a common misconception that white Yorkies exist as a separate breed. However, this is not true. According to Dogsnet, white is not a recognized color for Yorkshire Terriers by major dog breed registries. This means that any dog advertised as a "white Yorkie" is not a purebred. It is important to note that there is a difference between a white and an albino Yorkie. Albino Yorkies have a genetic mutation that causes a lack of pigmentation in their coat, skin, and eyes. This can lead to health issues, such as sensitivity to sunlight and an increased risk of skin cancer. However, true albino Yorkies are extremely rare. White Yorkies are actually standard Yorkies with a white coat. This can be achieved through several genetic mechanisms, but some of these can have serious implications for the dog's health and purebred status. It is important to be aware of these potential issues before purchasing. It is also worth noting that there is no such thing as an "official" Yorkie color. While there are recognized colors for the breed, such as black and tan or blue and gold, there is no one color that is considered the "correct" color combination for a Yorkie. This means that, while not a recognized color, is not necessarily any less of a Yorkie than a dog with a more traditional coat color. In summary, they are not a separate breed and are not recognized by major dog breed registries. While they can be achieved through genetic mechanisms, potential health issues and implications for purebred status should be considered before purchasing a white Yorkie.
White Yorkie Mixes
White Yorkie mixes are a popular choice for those looking for a unique and adorable pet. These mixes are typically a combination of a Yorkshire Terrier and another breed, resulting in a dog with a white coat that has the signature Yorkie look.
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One popular white Yorkie mix is the Maltese and Yorkie mix, also known as the Morkie. This mix is a small, energetic, and affectionate dog that is great for apartment or city living. They are known for their playful personalities and make great companions for families with children or single individuals. Another white Yorkie mix is a combination of two Yorkies. This mix results in a dog that is a purebred Yorkie but with a white coat. These dogs are known for their loyalty, intelligence, and affectionate nature. They are great for families with children and make excellent lap dogs. The Parti Yorkie is a beautiful breed of dog known for its unique tri-colored fur of black, white, and tan. According to SpiritDog Training, Parti Yorkies are smart and get along well with kids. Overall, Parti Yorkies are cute, adorable, and intelligent dogs that make great companions for families.
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The Biewer Yorkie, also known as the Biewer Terrier or Biewer Yorkshire, is a relatively new breed of dog that originated in Germany in 1984. Biewer Yorkies are known for their long, silky hair and unique tri-colored coat of white, blue, and gold. When considering a white Yorkie mix, it is important to keep in mind that their coats require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangling. They also require regular exercise to maintain their energy levels and prevent obesity. Overall, Yorkie mixes are a great choice for those looking for a small, affectionate, and playful dog with a unique look. With proper care and attention, they can make great companions for many years to come. Read the full article
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yourmasterscorner · 1 year
Cutest female Parti Yorkie puppy for sale
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yorkiesofnewyorkie · 2 years
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It was 1 year ago today that Steve and I welcomed our precious Dippin Dot into the world and fought day and night to help her tiny body, weighing only 2.86 ounces, fight to see another day. My heart is so full because of this precious dog. Her fight was as large and fierce as our determination to help her make it. Today, she celebrates her 1 year birthday, and I could absolutely cry for all she has endured. She was suspected of a liver shunt and had testes done and ultrasound. Long story short, she is just a super sassy, healthy, fun sized pocket puppy who was never meant to be so tiny. However, for whatever reason, she was built just for me, and forever, she will be my baby puppy no matter how old she is! My heart beats for my Dippy, and Daddy adores her, too! We don't know what we would do without our little clown. Dippy, Mommy, and Daddy love you so very much. The amount of pride we have in you is immeasurable and timeless. I am so proud of you, baby girl! Happy birthday, baby! 🎂 💗 #yorkielover #yorkiesofig #yorkiegirl #yorkiemom #yorkie #parti #birthday #love #doglife #doglife #doggo #puppylovers #puppystagram #instapuppy #instadog #instayorkie #instagram (at New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoswOcZvU6z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Fun Vintage Faux Leather and Plush Yorkie Bag w/Chain Strap.
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promotion10 · 10 months
Tiny Companions, Big Personalities: The Joy of Parti Yorkie Puppies
In the world of canine companionship, Parti Yorkie puppies stand out as delightful bundles of joy with their distinctive coats and endearing personalities.
Read More:- https://blogstudiio.com/tiny-companions-big-personalities-the-joy-of-parti-yorkie-puppies/
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