#partially inspired by my own experiences (crying and drooling blood on myself)
lady-of-the-spirit · 7 months
Dani gets his wisdom teeth out thought process:
All the team are Dani's best friends but Jamie and Sam are his best best friends so of course they're the ones who he asks to come with him
Dani is Nervous. He doesn't like being drugged. Or unconscious. Or dentists.
Sam's had his teeth taken out. Jamie has not. They are both very committed to taking care of their bestie and are doing all the research they can. They are stocked up on soft foods and broths for him and plan on hunkering down at Dani's place while he recovers.
All the team are offering their own advice from their experiences or someone else's.
Dani is thankful for the advice but is still freaked out. Sam holds his hand on the way to the surgery place. Jamie would hold his other hand but he's driving and even though he's totally willing to take one hand off the wheel for Dani, neither of them want him to do that.
Moe tells them to make sure they save Dani's teeth so the government can't get them.
Sam and Jamie just wait (anxiously) in the waiting room while Dani's under.
When Dani wakes up after the procedure he just. Cries. He's not even trying to, he just can't stop crying. This makes Sam and Jamie very upset.
Sam and Dani cuddle in the backseat while Jamie drives them back to Dani's place. Dani passes out on his couch and drools blood over his shirt until one of them wakes him up to swap out the gauze, help him rinse his mouth and give him a different shirt. He falls right back asleep immediately after.
Sam realizes they forgot to ask for Dani's teeth. He hopes Moe won't give them a lecture about it.
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