darkhangels · 2 years
5. dead man’s party
enjoy the silence masterlist
morpheus x f!reader 
a/n : Did someone say Halloween chapter? Happy Halloween and Samhain to those who celebrate! Will this be a trick or a treat...maybe both? Just a fair warning for this chapter, reader is going through it. But this is all necessary and its gonna go uphill after this chapter (for little while at least, can’t have you guys  happy for too long) I also just wanted to thank you guys for all the support I’ve been getting. It means the world to me. (my ao3 is darkhangel if anyone wants to keep up with my writing on there as well)
words: 4292
warnings: swearing, minor violence, men being creepy (nothing explicit or too triggering)
The low autumn sun cast an orange glow on the brown, crunchy leaves that littered the lightly damp pavement as a cold chill started to grow and the anticipation for the night tingled throughout the air. You had always loved Halloween, it was childish, but who doesn’t love dressing up and celebrating the dead. Well, a lot of people you supposed, still you never grew out of it. It was just a shame you had such a sour taste in your mouth for this year's Halloween.
After Dream's harsh words you found yourself glum and dejected, last night was the first night you hadn’t gone to the dreaming since meeting him and also the first night your nightmares came back since meeting him, you traveling to the dreaming must have somehow blocked them on previous nights. Meaning each night you had a choice: stuck in a looped torturous nightmare or to stay in a paradise with a moody, brooding anthropomorphic personification (thank you Lucienne for trying to explain that one to you) knowing it will be ripped away from you as soon as the nightmare situation had been solved. 
Of course you would choose the second option, no matter how painful it might've been, you wanted to make the most of it and it was heaven compared to the nightmares.
It was the afternoon and you trudged along the streets taking yourself out for a walk, desperately trying to clear your mind and also mentally prepare yourself for the party you were reluctantly being dragged to tonight. It’s not that you disliked all parties but surely you had a better way to spend your evening. You had a long night ahead of you so you devised a very needed plan : First get through the party without any turbulence, trials and tribulations and then go to the dreaming, do your research and keep yourself to yourself, away from Dream. Easy enough, right? Nothing could go wrong.
You peered into a shop display window you had passed, someone who worked there was very clearly a Halloween fanatic. Cobwebs draped around the items for sale and had tiny plastic spiders embedded into the material. Numerous skulls and skeletons were placed around the floor, the skeletons had been morphed into all kinds of gestures and you allowed yourself a second to smile at the scene before continuing to wander down the street straight into something or someone's chest.
You stumbled back, a grotesque amount of apologies jumbling from your lips. “Woah, easy, didn’t see you there!”
And you mentally cursed yourself and bit back a sigh. “Hey, Corey” Could anything else, and I mean this seriously, could anything else go wrong?
A sly smirk grew on his very punchable face. “I always knew you’d be running back into my arms one way or another”
You shuddered and grimaced, putting on your best fake laugh. “Well good to see you, I’ve got to go” You politely dismissed yourself squeezing past him, a quick attempt to escape. You felt an unfamiliar and unwelcome grasp on your wrist. Rapidly your heartbeat sped up to an ungodly beating pattern. You looked down at his hand that had clutched around your arm before looking back up to his face praying your features wouldn’t show your fear. 
He peered into your eyes silently challenging you and you realized he was testing you. With one firm swing you wrenched your wrist out of his grasp as your face pinched into a harsh glare burning into his eyes. You would not be backing down. Coreys jaw tensed and a smug smile grew on his lips as a nauseating feeling crept up your body in disgust. 
And he had the gall to chuckle. “Relax, Lorna told me you were coming to the Halloween party tonight” 
You swallowed harshly, scowling at him. “And what about it?” 
Corey grinned. “I’ll see you there” He nodded, still searching your eyes, measuring your reactions before walking away. You watched the figure disappear and let out a shallow breath of relief and desperately tried to shake off the vile feeling that crept along your skin. Turning around you continued your walk, now with new anxieties plaguing and rotting your brain making you pick at the skin around your fingers.
Ok, so a new plan was needed. Get through the party with no trouble, avoid Corey and get to the dreaming, try and find the solution to your nightmares whilst also avoiding Dream. Still perfectly easy right? 
“Fuck this week” You muttered under your breath, walking to the safe confinements of your home.
When you arrived outside your apartment complex Veronicas car was parked outside, filled to the brim with cardboard moving boxes. Lorna was perched on the car hood next to her girlfriend, the two of them excitedly chatting. And waiting for you. 
Sauntering over to the two, their faces lit up at your arrival. “What's going on?” You awkwardly chuckled.
Lorna's head tilted in confusion. “I told you, I’d be out by the end of the week” She slung an arm around Veronica who grinned and leant into her girlfriends hold.
A sinking feeling flooded through your body, how had it gone so quickly? “Oh! Oh, so you’re all packed up there then” You hoarsely asked, gesturing to the apartments.
The couple nodded excitedly. “Holy shit!” You smiled and nodded. “Well congratulations you guys!” As you pulled the two of them into a tight hug. 
“So, are you gonna get a new roommate?” Veronica asked.
The thought hadn’t even crossed your mind yet but it felt wrong you couldn’t replace Lorna. She was one of a kind and after all who would be your new roommate? You did not want a random stranger living with you, after all you've heard horror stories on reddit about roommates sent from hell. So yeah that was a cold pass.
You looked at Lorna mischievously. “Definitely not, where else am I gonna find someone as messy as you” You sarcastically spoke, stroking Lorna's hair. Her smile dropped and she slapped your hand away.
“You’ve got all that and more to look forward to” you sweetly smiled at Veronica who only laughed in response.
You looked back at Lorna and peered into her eyes and a sense of nostalgia rippled through you as you felt an unexpected harsh lump grow in the back of your throat. Veronica watched the both of you with knowing eyes. “I’ll wait in the car” You threw her into one last hug and congratulated her.
The two of you stood opposite each other with nothing to say, years of friendship and not one word formed in your head. “I’m gonna miss you” Lorna whispered. 
You laughed at that “Lorns, you’re moving ten minutes away and we still work at the same place” 
“It's not the same though” She sadly smiled.
You nodded in agreement. “I know,”
She grabbed your hands. “What about your nightmares?” Lorna quietly whispered. 
You were taken aback by the question, you were so in your own head about them you had somehow forgotten you had told her about the nightmares in the first place and you wished you could’ve told her everything but she wouldn't believe you and after all the dreaming was like your own little world. “Well actually they're getting better” You smiled.
The two of you peered into each other's eyes again before collapsing into one last hug. “Please take care of yourself” Lorna croaked, a few tears falling down her cheeks. 
“I will”  Tears of your own now escaping. You pulled back and huffed. “This is so stupid I’m literally seeing you in a couple of hours” 
Lorna laughed and wiped at her tears.
“At eight pm on the dot!” Veronica called from the car.
You laughed and looked at Veronica “Ok, boss” 
Lorna got into the car and you waved the couple off, biting back the tears before trudging up to your (now only yours) apartment.
And it was so alien to you. Knowing her stuff would not be here. Not very much had changed, a few trinkets of Lorna's had gone, your shared bookcase now only had your books on top looking barren and bare. You hesitantly made your way over to her now empty room. And you took a shuddering breath at the blank and isolated interior.
She was really gone and you really lived by yourself. Like a proper adult. And your first reaction? You wanted to cry. Lord and the heavens above knew you wanted to cry but you pushed it down and suppressed it as you always did. It was so stupid, Lorna was hardly here anyways as she was always at Veronicas. But still there was a difference. You pushed the growing and suffocating loneliness down. After all, you had a party to get ready for. 
Your costume consisted of a black corset and short black skirt (shorter than you would have ever worn before) with fishnet tights. Your hair was up in an intricate up-do that was held together by entirely too much hairspray, god forbid you were anywhere near a naked flame tonight. Makeup consisted of a black smokey eye and dark cherry red lipstick. 
You fiddled with your outfit for about 15 minutes in the mirror waiting for Lorna and Veronica to show up. You felt…ridiculous. You looked more like a goth hooker than a vampire and you shook your head when a certain broody face popped into your thoughts.
It was 20.05 and you groaned, this was going to be an excruciatingly long night. Usually by 21.30 you were tucked up in bed ready to visit the dreaming. Would your friends in the dreaming notice you would be late tonight? Did they even notice you weren't there last night? Did he notice? 
A sharp car honk from outside snapped you out of your thoughts, grabbing your phone and leaving your apartment, skipping down into Veronica's car. “Ooh la la!” Veronica purred.
“You are looking so hot!” Lorna applauded
You blushed and looked down “I feel ridiculous” You looked at the other twos outfits “You guys look amazing though” 
The two were dressed as Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy. Lorna wore the red and black checkered bodysuit and a black eye mask with her hair up in pigtails. Veronica wore the green leotard and matching tights with flowers embedded into her hair. And seriously they both looked ethereal.
“Shut up, you look great” Lorna shouted. “We’re gonna get drunk, dance and have fun!”
“Not me, I’m driving,” Veronica declared.
“Just me and you then” Lorna grinned, turning to face you.
You cringed at the thought of getting shitfaced. It had been a while since you had touched alcohol and you did not want to wake up with a hangover the size of a mountain. “Eh may be just you, Lorns”
Lorna shrugged looking forward “Suit yourself, It's Halloween motherfuckers!” 
Veronica whooped and cheered as you less enthusiastically let out a half-hearted “Yay!”
The first thing you heard was the beats and synths of Michael Jackson's thriller and the excited chattering of people from outside the house, decorated richly with cobwebs. People in costumes  loitered around the front of the house as the three of you walked up the steps into the open doorway. Blinding purple and blue lights strobed and danced as you entered the cramped room. 
People around you threw themselves to the beats of the music and laughed hysterically at one and others ridiculous dance moves. The intoxicating smell of alcohol and weed wandered up 
your nose. You felt entirely too self conscious in your outfit as you caught the attention of a couple of sleazy men in the corner.
“Let the fun begin!” Veronica screeched.
It was three hours later and you had spent the entire time awkwardly sipping water from your cup slowly swaying to the music, trying to find any kind of enjoyment. You had counted so many spider men, sexy cats, devil and angel costumes and the one or two cultural appropriators you shot harsh glares at. But you just wanted to go home. 
This isn't your scene. What the hell were you thinking? You didn’t know anyone and tagging behind Veronica and Lorna got tiring after the first hour so you left them, no doubt they were still on the dance floor now. You stuck out like a sore thumb standing by yourself and were undoubtedly being judged by everyone. That crushing weight of loneliness descended down on you and you wished desperately, you could be anywhere but here. You wished you were asleep, you wished you were in the dreaming.
You checked the time on your phone 23.46. Yep you were officially late. Not that Dream would have cared of course.
“Is she still not here?” Matthew croaked.
“Apparently not” Lucienne's eyebrows knitted with concern.
Dream grumbled tiresomely “She said she would help and then acts like a child” 
“Maybe something happened to her,” Matthew suggested.
Dreams expression soured at the thought but quickly discarded the idea, you were probably still sulking.
“Very well” Dream strode to the doors of the library.
“I'm going to find my rogue dreamer” He declared, swinging the doors shut behind him.
Maybe you could walk home. It was only a 20 minute walk right? And you were desperate at this point. Yes you knew it was stupid but it didn't look like Veronica and Lorna were going to go anytime soon. Suddenly a large splash of vodka was spilled over your chest as someone knocked into you, carelessly pouring their drink directly onto you. 
Ok yeah time to go. You didn't even bother to see Lorna or Veronica, deciding to text them instead. You had shown up and that's all they asked of you. You tried and it wasn’t for you, they couldn't be mad.
Hey, gone home. Don’t worry, called an uber. See you Tuesday :)
You hadn't really called an uber, you didn't have the patience or time to wait but a little white lie never hurt anyone. Dumping your drink on a nearby table you exited the house, quickly stumbling down the steps. 
“Woah how come you never dressed this way when we were together” 
You glared at the man on your left of course he was dressed up as V from V for vendetta (The irony was astonishing). He took off his mask and wagged his eyebrows at you. 
“Corey, I’m not in the fucking mood leave me alone” You strutted forward covering your chest with your arms crossed, feeling sick under his gaze.
He walked in front of you, blocking your path. “Chill out ba-”
“No, don't call me babe! Leave me the fuck alone” You spat, barging past him. Your fist tensing up at your side.
He grabbed your wrist like he did earlier. And you spun around to turn to him. “You know what your problem is, you’re a rigid bitch and a fucking tease” 
You hadn't even thought about it, it just kind of well… happened. Your fist connected with his nose as a splitting crunch and a chorus of “Oohs” from the crowd that had gathered echoed in your ears. He cradled his nose as his friends rushed to his aid, a trail of blood now seeping from his nose and leaking onto his hands and costume. You swiftly spun on your heel, too aware of the lingering eyes watching you, and turned to walk the route home.
As soon as the house was out of view the tears that had been held in for so many days now finally cascaded down your face as sobs racketed through your body making your chest bob up and down. You hugged yourself trying to warm up from the cold, but it was useless. What you would’ve paid to see what this looked like from others point of view. And yet you failed to see the humour in the situation.
You were tired.
Fed up.
Of everything life kept throwing your way. 
Your boots made a clicking sound as you marched down the pavement and you desperately tried to quiet down the sobs not wanting to draw any attention to yourself, though the costume had already done that for you, one wolf whistle and you were home. As soon as you closed the door to your apartment you slid down it, covering your mouth with your hand trying to muffle the sobs before cradling your forehead in your palms. 
Lorna had moved out, you just broke your exes nose and of course there were still your nightmares and then there was Lord Morpheus. How did you come to this point?
And another sob shredded through your throat, you shivered and you were so fucking cold, teeth chattering in the dimly lit apartment.
A familiar pricking sensation crawled up your neck. You looked up to find two twin stars shimmering in the darkness. “You said you wanted to help and yet you refuse to come to my realm” A cold voice drawled. 
You sniffed and wiped your tears on the back of your hand. “I know, I know, I’m sorry Dream, just please, please give me a second” You exasperated, your eyebrows screwing up, as you tried to slow your sobs down.
He cautiously walked closer, careful not to scare you, just so he could see your face. His eyes softened at the sight as you desperately tried to calm down. He noticed the strange outfit you were wearing and something was sent through his body, he clenched his jaw in response. Goosebumps had littered your skin and he realized that you were shaking.
You looked back up to Dream noticing his silence, and he looked back into your red rimmed eyes as he slowly and carefully leant down in front of you. You turned away still trying to slow the crying down before you felt the soft brush of Dreams thumb on your cheek drying your tears. Looking back in confusion as his thumb, still on your cheek, swiped over your soft skin ever so slightly, you looked into his eyes. They were soft and all the more piercing, earlier cruelty nowhere to be found.
The proximity between the two of you was still overpowering but yet you had felt the most calm, the most safe you had been in an excruciatingly long time. 
You didn’t feel so alone. 
Your lips parted as you took in a single breath before unwillingly shivering in the cool air. Dream withdrew his hand as he backed up, shrugging his midnight coat off of his slim build and instead draped it over you.
Your mouth gaped open as your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, desperately searching Dream's eyes to find your answer. His gaze was kind and sorrowful and you felt yourself melt under the deep intensity of it. 
You were engulfed in the black warm material and snuggled into it, grateful your ice prickled skin was no longer susceptible to the temperature. “Thank you,” You whispered. Dream only nodded. Now only in a black long sleeve, he looked so naked without the coat, and yet something inside of you sparked at the site. 
Dreams voice was as soft as silk as he spoke, almost lulling you into sleep “Should you not wish to, you do not have to return to the dreami-”
“No!” You cut him off sitting up, still clutching the coat over you. Dream still only watched you with his kind eyes and you sighed. “I want to help, please, if not the nightmares come back and I know that I cannot stay there afterwards. I understand that” You spoke softly, having no energy to fight.
Dream nodded. “Very well” Before his thumb now swept along your forehead and your eyelids grew heavy as you fluttered them shut. “Sleep well, rogue dreamer” 
“There you are, kid! We were worried” 
You smiled heartily at Matthew. “Glad to be back”
Whatever had just happened had changed your mood considerably, no doubt the hurt would be back in the morning when you woke, but now all you felt was a hazy state of calmness and confusion you would also no doubt have to ponder in the morning.
“Good cause we really need all hands on deck here” Lucienne peered at you over the top of her glasses, setting down a pile of books on the table.
Back to work you supposed and sat down grabbing the nearest book. Your cheek still buzzed where Dreams thumb had been only seconds prior. 
Matthew cawed “Where’s Dream?” 
You looked up, mindlessly staring at the raven, he was asking you. “How should I know?” You shrugged, becoming almost too defensive.
“Well last we saw him he said he was coming to find you” 
And your heart skipped a beat. He went there to find you. 
The door of the library opened and there entered the sandman, striding forward with his coat back on now, or was it a different coat? His eyes solely fixed on yours as he marched towards the table, you looked down, his gaze too much for you as heat rose to your cheeks. 
He picked up one of the books from the table and opened it gently where he stood. One thing you had noticed when you all piled into the library to research is he almost never sat down, usually opting to stand and read or pace and read, on particularly moody days he would take the books to his throne room and chose to research in solitude.
You turned back to the book in front of you. “So, where were we?” 
The time had come where you grew weary of reading book after book and opted to take a break, you chose to sit by the magnificent cerulean river again, soaking in the heat beaming down from the sun.
Like clockwork, Dream sat by you again. It was quiet, too quiet and yet you both knew what was on the other's mind.
“What happened?” He uttered.
You turned to him seeing the soft demeanour on his face. "I made a mistake” You bit your lip, looking down. “Or two”
Dream nodded, urging you to continue. And you anxiously picked at your fingers. “I went to a party” You cringed at your own words, how were you supposed to explain this to Dream of the Endless? 
“And I was already in a bad mood and as I was leaving I saw someone who likes to well” You paused, what was the best way to explain how Corey treated you? “Push me to my limits” You swallowed harshly, the images haunting your head. 
You rubbed your temple, “An ex, we only dated for three months but it was some of the worst three months of my life”
Dreams' lips hardened as his gaze darkened ever so slightly, looking back out onto the water.
“Anyways I guess he pushed me too far this time” You let out a shaky breath as you looked at your hand, inspecting your knuckles. “And I snapped” You whispered, closing your eyes, blinking the tears back. You could still hear the crunch his nose made as you fist slammed into his face.
You took a moment to breathe. “Then of course I had to walk home at midnight, by myself,  dressed in that awful fucking outfit, shivering and looking like a hooker” You humourlessly laughed to yourself before biting your lip, tears stinging your eyes.
“And you regret it?” He asked.
Did you? I mean Corey had it coming for a long time and you knew that. But that doesn’t mean you were exactly thrilled by your violent choices. You were no better than a mindless animal, weak, primitive instead of using your words using brute force. Was it necessary? You were split.
You nodded ever so slightly. Dream gazed at you, silence filling the air before he eventually broke it. “You are human, it is in your nature to be fuelled by your emotions”  
You sniffed “Doesn’t mean I had to hit him”
Silence again. “The fact that you are showing your empathy and regret tells me exactly who you are, it doesn’t mean you are violent. It means you are mortal”
You watched his every movement, entranced by his words as if under a spell. And you smiled, an honest beaming smile and his eyes flickered to your mouth and an unreadable expression washed over his face.
The two of you sat watching the water before he spoke. “Don’t do it again” His voice was still soft but had a warning to his words now, like a bewitching flower only the tips were dipped in unbearable poison.
You scoffed with an amused smirk. “Well, I wasn’t exactly planning on hitting anymore peo-”
“No” he cut you off turning to face you. “Walking alone at night”
You stumbled to find the words as you peered into his eyes the intensity of his words and gaze blaring into the deep crevices of your soul. You simply nodded, dumbfounded. I mean you didn’t need him to tell you that. Lifelong experience of being a woman means you know the rules. Don’t walk home alone at night, Don’t leave your drink unattended and Don’t smile at random men on the streets.
Still hearing it from his mouth, maybe you would take it more seriously. 
Dream stood up and outreached a hand to you, “Come”
You inspected his pale hand before placing your hand in his, you pulled yourself up using his support before his hand pulled away from your grasp and you instantly missed his touch. 
The two of you walked back to the Library side by side.
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josephmorganfangirl23 · 3 months
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