#pasha devorak x y/n
niphredil-14 · 1 year
Aw man! It’s fine tho!
I wanted to request a female reader who nervously comes out to Pasha that she is biromantic demisexual, and then Pasha says something along the lines of “so I have to compete with my brother for you. Okay!” In a joking matter, and they just laugh with the reader saying that she does find Iliya attractive, but Pasha will be the one and only for her(reader)?
I hope it’s not too confusing! I’ll happily clear up anything !
I fully believe that Pasha is one of the best people you can come out to, regardless of what you are coming out as. She is so understanding and supportive of you in such a casual and natural way. None of it feels like someone who is trying to learn to accept you, she already does! Which I know, should be the standard, but personally I have had a few experiences that more align with the other.
She might tease you about her brother, or anyone else that you're close to, but in her heart, she knows she is the only one who holds your heart. If you tell her that you don't like her joking like that, then she will stop.
(excuse me if I'm wrong, I'm yet to play her route, but) I definitely see Portia as a crafty type. She would crochet, you can't tell me otherwise. She would make you things in your flags' colors!
Also, she would not make a move on you until you indicated that it was okay for her to do so.
She is the consent Queen! And frequently checks up on you just t make sure that she's not doing anything that is making you upset or uncomfortable and that you were fine with her behavior and affections.
(Also, little A/N here, so sorry it was so short, I wasn't entirely sure if you wanted a story or headcanons or what, so I just went for it, but by all means, please let me know if you want me to do anything differently.)
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malaks-perch · 4 years
lock the door
portia x reader
asra should not have left you to clean the shop, especially if he knew portia was swinging by
warnings: fluff, a little steam— wait no, considerable amounts of steam, not a sauna; some crack in there
a/n: i really don't know what happened here, i had fun though and yes i was fully sober for all of it
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it was a nice day outside, not that you would know.. it was your turn to go through inventory. you bribed asra with being the one to clean out the shop so that you would be the one to go off on an adventure instead of being left behind.
asra so teasingly flaunted how you practically begged him to be the one to leave the shop and he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t feel guilty when he saw how you visibly deflated.
he patted your head and promised to bring you back something like he always did. but right now? you didn’t want a present. you wanted this broken jar of pickled sage to clean itself up.
asra didn’t even use pickled sage. you set yellow vials stained by the sage atop the counter as you cursed whoever thought up the idea to pickle herbs. you were too busy cleaning up off the slimey substance from your hands to remember that you had indeed left the door to the shop unlocked.
you heard the door opening as you disposed of the glass. “we’re closed!” you called into the shop only to hear a familiar giggle.
“you’re supposed to the friendlier of the magicians.” porta called to you. “what’s with the mess?”
on her days off, portia would always come around the shop. learning what she could from asra and he would leave you to tutor her so you both could have a little practice. sometimes she would drag julian along and he would often watch and take note of the ingredients while asra would sometimes craft new spells. to have her hear would make things go easier.
“not even magicians like to clean their rooms,” you half grumbled making the bubbly devorak laugh.
“what are these little bubbly vials for?” she asked, as you picked up a few bins to bring to the front so you could sort everything by it’s colors.
“asra and i were trying to bring in a few more customers by making little treats. you can try one. let me know what they taste like.”
there was a beat of silence before portia let out a small burp and giggled, “it tastes kind of like a lemon cake. i didn’t know a drink could be so foamy.”
“foamy?” you said to yourself. you and asra didn’t make lemon-
a crash interrupted your thoughts and you were racing out the back to see one of the yellow vials empty on the floor. there was no sign of portia. you went to pick of the vial when you spotted a hand and you followed it to find portia unconscious behind the counter.
“i fucking killed her.” you braced your hands on the sides of your head. asra hadn’t been gone for a day and you were already screwing everything up. you hoped asra liked sailing because there was no telling how vesuvia would react to manslaughter through magic. “oh my gosh, she fuckin’ dead.”
your thoughts were interrupted by portia’s body taking on a golden glow when portia’s hair shifted in the slightest. you knelt down by her, pushing her hair aside when brown pushed up against your hand. you jolted up, throwing yourself at the cluttered counter. pushing the sample treat bottles aside to grab the unmarked yellow ones. you uncapped one and held your nose over it.
it didn’t smell like any regular potion. this must have been one of asra’s forgotten side projects from a long time ago. the date was expired on it, so if a few ingredients had perished, it meant the rest must have mixed to make something completely different. before you could investigate any further you were distracted by a groan.
your head whipped over to portia as she called out to you and your heart dropped into your chest. she wasn’t dead, but what the hell would julian think if he saw portia like this? oh. stars. what would nadia think?
portia’s antlers had grown that so wide that they blocked any way around her. you leaned down, in an effort not to startle her.
“okay. now, portia-”
“what’s wrong?” she was wide eyed, lifting her head and an antler getting caught on a shelf beside her. upon seeing it portia screamed.
“portia, calm down! it’s okay-”
“it’s not okay! this isn’t okay-” she shook her head. an antler hitting the counter making a pink vial come crashing down on portia’s hand. the pink worked instantly, fur growing on her hand and she shrieked even louder.
what the hell did asra have in those old vials?
“portia, if you keep swinging your antlers someone could get hurt-” you were cut short when portia swung her head around a jar from the shelf on your right came hurdling into your face. the jar breaking upon making contact with your face.
you hissed, falling back as the feeling of the potion in your eyes. a scream ripped from your mouth, it felt as if someone had poured salt into your eyes. portia was screaming with you the entire time and when you finally realized it hurt no longer. you pulled your hands away from your face to find that your hands were normal. nothing unusual there.
you looked up at portia and smiled only for her to lift a finger, whimpers coming from her mouth. “don’t scream, okay? don’t scream. portia.” you warned, lifting your hands up when you caught sight of your reflection in the class counter beside you.
green feline eyes had taken the place of your eyes, but your newly transformed eyes dropped to your teeth that resembled those of a leopard.
you were screaming now, turning to portia who was violently shaking her head making potions fall and tumble.
it was a little while later that you both calmed down and portia was sitting on the opposite side of the counter while you swept up the broken glass from your panicking.
“i’m really sorry.” portia motioned to the jars while she let her fingers trail over a few of the bizzare vials that shouldn’t have been too hazardous.
“no, no. it’s my fault. i shouldn’t have put those yellow vials so close to the samples.” you waved her off as you threw away the broken glass. “i didn’t think that asra had so many unfinished projects he’d left around. i was careless.”
portia nodded to herself, a mischevous smile crawling up her face when she picked up a green vial. “you think we’ll get in trouble with asra?” rubbing the underside of her paw against her face.
“probably not. he’s probably forgot about all these potions.” you told her, as you set the broom aside to get back to organizing. “he’ll probably never leave me to do inventory again.”
portia motioned to a box of vials and jars marked expired. “do you want to find out what those do?”
you couldn’t help, but laugh at portia’s resilience. both of you were screaming your heads off moments ago and here she was wanting to have another go at the randomness of potions.
you shook your head, motioning to the box on the floor.
“it’s probably dangerous to be playing with these things.”
upon lifting the box a red vial slipped out of woven box and spill at your feet. purple fog engulfed you as the box slipped from your hands. when it disappeared you found your skin was freckled with red spots.
you shook your head, groaning at the sight of your different skin tone. portia laughed and helped you pick up the box only for portia to slip on the forgotten red vial and go falling beneath you. she yanked at your tunic and a lavender bottle went flying.
your eyes went wide. lavender bottles were important bottles. only important or significant spells and potions were marked down with that lavender color. you were hopping over the counter and diving for the bottle.
portia gasped upon seeing you slam into the bookshelf on the far wall, but when you caught the potion she cheered. you smiled at her, celebrating far too soon because the big book of spells that asra always balanced on the top shelf came slamming down on your hand and the lavender bottle broke in hand. covering you in it’s contents.
your skin began to tingle and you shoved the book off of you to find that you were not covered in scales or fur, but in the sweetest aroma that smelled of strawberries. you coughed at the overwhelming amount and found portia hurdling towards you.
you caught her and spun the redhead so she lay beneath you. more books came tumbling down, but you were focused not on the dictionary that had smacked you on the back of the head but the languid kisses being pressed up your neck.
“h-hey, porita.”
she smiled against your neck and wrapped her legs around your hips to pull you directly on top of her. “hey, my beautiful partner.”
“y-you.. you know what a-asra says... not in the s-shop?” you stammered out when she raked a hand through your hair.
her lips were at your ear, portia eagerly tightening her grip on you and shifting her hips to bring you impossibly closer to her. “asra’s not here, love.”
then it clicked. that potion in particular hadn’t been expired. it needed to be disposed of because it was a love potion. asra refused to sell those and this must have been some of the last that he didn’t get rid of. for those who had already established an insatiable connection, the deeper it’s more.. lewd effects would have on the user.
lewd indeed by the way portia was pressing kisses to your neck.
you pressed a feverish kiss to her lips, silently apologizing to portia as you deepened the kiss. she moaned and when her hold loosened, you bolted.
you grabbed the woven box of potions as you slid rather ungracefully towards the stairs. tripping as portia moaned your name. you were about to slam the bathroom door shut when it was shoved open. vials went flying around you when you fell back into the huge tub.
you scrambled to hold yourself up as portia approached you, “you thought you were going to leave me to take care of myself?” portia hummed as she leaned over the tub, walking so she was between your legs that were high in the air. “not today.”
something broke beneath portia’s foot. you weren’t sure if you were disappointed when the pink haze in portia’s eyes seemed to dissipate, but you knew that the smell that came after was absolutely disgusting.
rotten eggs filled your nose and you scrambled to block out the smell. portia stepped back and another sound of something breaking took the air.
the other smelled of flowers and when it came together. it was less intense, but still so very intoxicating. you let your hands fall from your mouth and you grinned, “now this something i can get behind.”
the intoxicating scent drowned out every thought in your brain before you met eyes with portia who gave you a lazy smile and pointed at you, "i love you, bisshh. i ain't never gonna stop lovin' you, bisshhhh."
you could only smile like a lovestruck fool completely forgetting that portia would tell you.. not those exact words, but exclaim her love every day.
but you, oh you... opened your arms out to welcome her into them and in doing so, freed your upper body from the tub and in turn made your head slam on it's bottom.
portia slurred giggles, nearly falling in the tub upon trying to brace her swaying steps.
"portiaa!" you cried out so loudly that it vibrated the tub. "i hit my head!"
portia laughed again, leaning further into the tub, taking note of your twisted up face. "so? are ya any smarter now?"
"portia, you stoopid." you groaned whacking her in the forehead making her gasp and hold her head. "i'm gonna die! i hit my head."
portia, who was also completely high off whatever fumes were in that bottle, dropped to her knees sobbing.
you rolled your eyes and sat up in the tub, dizzy from hitting your head, shaking the redhead. "i have twenty four hours, dummy. like the stories."
you don't exactly know what stories associated hitting your head with dying in twenty four hours, but boy did you look convinced.
your matter of fact tone made portia nod, her antlers hitting your square in the forehead and sent you flying back in the tub.
"i'm gonna fucking combust if you keep hitting me, portia!" you hissed at her making the redhead put her hands over her mouth.
"you. are. so magical." she grabbed your face, "so beautiful."
she stared at you with wide eyes and slammed her lips to yours. it was.. it was sloppy. kinda hot though. portia stuck her tongue in your mouth and she climbed over you in the tub while you held her hips.
you sat up so fast that you made portia land on her back, sitting at the lip of the tub.
"portia. i got an idea." you looked down at her and then reached over the side of the tub. portia gasped when you pulled up two vials and she leaned forward staring at your hands.
"where did you get those?"
"i don't know." you swallowed, but you met her eyes and handed her a vial. "but these. this should make us birds."
portia shook her head, "but then we die faster."
you shook your head, sitting on your knees in the tub and uncapping your bottle. "if we drink this, we can fly away from death."
there was a beat of silence before portia nodded, enlightenment washing over her. "that makes sense. it can't find us if we're birds."
"exactly and because the feathers will cover our bodies." you told her.
you were tipping back the vial and portia's slipped from her paw and slid down the tub and behind you.
the fog clouding your mind cleared and it was then you saw portia's hair sticking all over her forehead and she was reaching for your pants.
"whoa! portia, what are you—" she grabbed the vial underneath you and tried clawing off the top when you reached for it. "portia, no!"
"we're gonna die! we need to be birds! the feather—" the words came rushed from her mouth, but you understood every word of it and then.. none of it at the same time.
"what the— what are you talking about? you're not gonna die!" you hissed, tugging portia's hair so you could see her eyes. her pupils were dilated and there was almost no trace of her blue irises. the vial went flying out of the tub and you spotted a ton of them strewn on the floor.
before you could react, portia was leaping out of the tub for them. you went to follow her, but she grabbed a vial and uncapped it with her mouth, tipping back a bottle while you slipped out the tub and landed on three.
as portia was sobering up, your skin changed yet again so one side was a vibrant red and the other was a very dark blue.
portia reached over, cupping your face as her brows had drawn up. "oh my stars, are you okay, y/n-"
you burped and flames exuded from your mouth. you and portia stared at each other as ash came down around you both. portia grabbed up another potion, "one of these should take that away, right?"
portia opened another one and dumped it in your mouth as a new flame started up.
the heat in your mouth seemed to stop and you nodded at portia who sighed. before she could sit back, you grabbed her arms.
"check before you sit."
she turned her head, knocking your face to the side with her antlers when she brushed open a spot for her to sit while you carefully picked yourself up off of the broken glass. you were thankful that you'd worn especially thick pants today.
portia sighed, staring at your bicolored skin and weird eyes. she laughed, cupping your face. "i wonder what asra would think if he saw you."
you shook your head, leaning into her touch. "i don't even want to think about asra right now."
"well he can undo everything once he gets back, right?"
the sound of the front door closing downstairs made you sigh. "i forgot to lock the door."
you hurried up, rushing down the stairs with portia on your heels. "how long have we been up here—"
portia was stuck at the stairs, but you hadn't stopped. you were already at the bottom when you spotted julian. you smiled, feeling better knowing that it wasn't some stranger.
julian spotted you and his eyes went wide from where he was looking down at the mess behind the counter.
whatever you were trying to say couldn't be heard over julian's shrieking. he grabbed a broom and raced towards you.
yup, you guessed it. you slipped and fell, successfully breaking a stray vial on the floor.
"hair! hair! julian, look at my hair! it's me!" you squeezed your eyes shut and held your hands out.
he stopped, but before you could say anything to him. you noticed yellow spots coming up on your skin. julian held up his coat lapel as he backed away from you. you stood up, trying to calm him.
"you're sick, love." he told you, tripping over himself as he hurriedly scrambled for the door.
he full on shrieked when you wrapped your arms around him. you couldn't say seeing julian freaked out like this wasn't funny. because it definitely was.
but your fun had come to an end when you saw portia standing at the bottom of the stairs with her arms crossed.
you grinned, but the door opened yet again. stepping through was a white head of hair, his eyes scanning over portia's antlers and paw. then you with your different colored skin and feline eyes as you held a very uncomfortable julian.
asra said nothing. only letting out a sigh and shutting the door behind him.
"that went well." portia smiled.
you shook your head, "we need him to help us get rid of all this."
portia was ushering julian out to catch the magician. after the door shut, portia giggled nuzzling into your side when you shook your head and ran a hand down your face.
"i really should have locked the door."
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karumashadowchicken · 4 years
Arcana Y/N Birthday Reactions
Arcana Y/N's Birthday 'birthday reaction'
-Nadia- Nadia would go all out for yourbirthday. She would get you your favorite book for you, chocolate, a giant teddy bear, and maybe some jewlery. She would be suprizing you with gift after gift. Nadia would get you a new silk robe, a massage, and a great bubble bath too. She trully would try and make you as happy as possible on your birthday. If you don't usually celebrate your birthday she will simply just get youa few gifts, and a nice dinner. Although, if you like parties, she would through you a ball, and slow dance with you. She'd have a nice big cake, and lots of gifts.
-Asra- Asra would probley plan a day in the market, you two would stop and get your favourite bread. By the end of they day you two would have, gotten your favourite bread, danced around the town square, went shopping, and to  end the day off? He would give you a beautiful necklace and you two would spend the rest of the day cuddling. You would have fun, and it would be great.
-Julian- Julian would absolutly take you too see a play. He would totally dramatically join th play, pulling you on stage. Dramatically having fun together. When you two are done there he'd probley run off with you too the Rowdey Raven. Jules would pay for the drinks, claming that there discusting, only to order another Salty Bitter one minute later. He would end the day off by the water. You two sitting on a dock, and you punch him lightly in the shoulder, " You better not be trying to ditch me again!" You say, you and Jules both lauhing.
-Muriel- He would probley take you on a picknick, with Asra. You, Muriel and Asra. If muriel knows you well, then he might just have a picknick with you. After you two would probley feed the chickens together, and maybe go berry hunting with eachother. Muriel would have a simple time, and maybe just hang out, like nice quality time. If your important to him, and have already gained his trust, he might make you one of those carved wooden animals! It would probley be of your favourite animal.
-Pasha- Pasha would reach like julian, exept more cute, She'd take you to the Rowdy Raven, and have a picknick with you too. She'd alsodo some baking with you. You two might pick some vegetables from her garden, and she would introduce you to Pepi.
-Lucio- Lucio would through you a grand party, just to show you off. You'd be in a beautiful outfit, one that probley matches his. He would throuh a ball too, there'd be nice music, lots of food, lots of peopleand really fun. Really fun, if you like being shown off like an object, and if you don't have social anxiety. Either way he'd through you a party, weather you'd like it or not. He'd get you lots of gifts to make up for it though, gold necklaces, new outfits, notebooks, and oil painting of you, and of course him too. He'd have an over the top reaction.
-The Devil- The Devil woulden't really care, maybe if your lucky he'll et you a gift. If you are even luckier, you might get quality time together. You and the Devil might get to spend a bit of time hanging out, but thats it, he might even make you lunch.
-Valdemar- Valdemar woulden't care honestly, human things are quite odd to them. Although, they do care about you. Menaing that they will get you a gift, nothing fantastic. Just something that proves that they care. They might even let you watch them operate on someone. They might go outside and find a flower for you or somethng, maybe they'll sit down and write you some edgy sadistic poem. They'd even force you to eat breakfast that day, just to make sure your healthy. They'd also get the cooks to make you a cake, hen they's watch you eat the cake in the dungone, because they'd wanna spend time with you.
-Volta- Volta and you would bake some food together, cookies, cakes and all that. It'd be a great way to spend quality time. To be far Volta probley ate like half the batch of cookie doe, and like half the cake mix,but you to just made more. When you two were done, Volta ate the food, and then ate lunch? She just keeps eating andd eating. You two spend the day hanging out, you two probley also had a picknick after, honesly it was just a day full of eating.
Thanks for reading, if you’d like you could suggest a writing idea, again writing is free, and I love it. I’ll write anything honestly.
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laurensxox · 3 years
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Fandom :: The Arcana
Pairing :: Julian Devorak x Reader (Not Apprentice)
Requested? :: no
Warning/s :: Julian's Route (Upright) and New Tale Spoilers, Named Apprentice, Female Reader, Chronic Illness, Swearing, Author is projecting their longing
Genre :: Angst
Summary :: Julian spends the night reminiscing over childhood memories and longing to go back to the past where he was in Nevivon again, playing as carefree as one can be with the one person he truly cared about other than his younger sister
Author's Note :: Stark, if you're reading this, I'm fighting you for this dramatic, self-sacrificing dumbdumb-
Song Inspiration :: Talking to the Moon by Bruno Mars
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Portia's Cottage :: Just After Sundown
A chuckle left the auburn haired man as he watches Pasha relay stories of their childhood to their friends, informing them of how they were raised by a group of grandmothers and how their parents actually perished from a shipwreck caused by a rather strong storm. Mazelinka quickly add in how much of a troublemaker the two of them has become as the years pass by, didn't even waste the chance to tell them about the tooth fairy situation which caused Julian to go beet red in mild embarassment. Their friends were in no need to know that story!
Shaking his head, he let a more genuine smile form on his face. As embarrassed as he is right now, he was happy to see everyone laughing jovially without the fear of Lucio's plans with the Devil weighing on their shoulders. A warm sensation forms in his chest as he tries to hold in his laughter as Pasha nearly slips on her feet with her excitement to share their history. It was nice to be able to just laugh and and thrive in the positive energy inside the cottage! Even Muriel, their very introverted friend, seems to be relaxed as he lets Allen (Apprentice) braid his hair using flower stems while Asra leans on his side.
Looking at the trio and sensing the strong forming bond between Pasha and the Countess, Julian couldn't help the small pang of longing swell somewhere within himself. He couldn't stop his mind from pushing forward memories he tried to bury and lock away.
"Ilya, help! I'm slipping!"
"Don't worry, I'll catch you!"
The longing pang quickly turned to pain as the memories rushes back to the surface. He could feel his hand start to tremble as the formerly locked away memories barrels it's way to the front of his mind. Jumbled memories of playing tag and tending to scraped knees should have made him feel fond but it makes feel nothing but longing. Longing for a time and companionship he knows he'll never be able to have again.
Taking a deep breath, he hadn't noticed that he had closed his eyes until he opened them. With him being occupied with trying to stir himself away from the path of self-loathing once again, he hadn't noticed how quiet the cottage had gotten, its other residents looking at him with concerned eyes. Not even the Familiars scattered in the room made a noise.
He forced a laugh to ease the sudden change of atmosphere in the cottage, hoping it sounded convincing enough to clear the concern away from his family and friends' eyes. While he has come to terms that it's okay to ask and receive help instead of keeping things to himself, he still struggles with it. And it was obvious with the way he tries to act like he was okay, that he wasn't just bombarded with memories he doesn't want to remember.
"What is with that look, my dear friends? I am perfectly well, no worries!" he exclaimed, giving them his usual smirk and raised eyebrow, internally hoping it'll be enough to convince them that there was nothing to be concerned about. "There is nothing in this world that this handsome and smart devil can't handle!" His little comment about himself seems to be the right thing to say as his friends immediately rolled their eyes in fond exasperation. Although, by the look of his sister and honorary grandmother, he guessed that they have seen right through him and he can already see his funeral-
He gave a small sigh and let a small weary look replace his earlier expression, "I'll just head outside to take in a quick breath of fresh air," he said as he quickly exited the cottage before his two family member could say anything. Knowing that they'll probably just follow right after him, he quickly made his way away from the cottage and into the hedge maze by the palace gardens. It took him a while to get to the center but he was relieved to see it empty. Consul Valerius has taken to drinking his usual wine there in this time so he was quite happy to see that for once, the Consul broke his routine. He needed to be alone right now.
Taking a seat in one of the chairs surrounding a rounded table, he crossed his arms on the table and used it to rest his head upon. Taking another deep breath to calm his racing heart, he closed his eyes.
Maybe he needs to stop locking away these memories, he has only done so before due to his need to focus on finding the cure for the plague and then having to focus to not get caught by the patrolling palace guards when he was still a wanted convict. The memories and the longing for his childhood best friend used to be a big distraction for him while he was still working under Valdemar.
He didn't need to do any of those anymore... So maybe...
The soft rapid footsteps echoed in the small forest near the town of Nevivon, followed by the childish giggling of two children. Both children wore a tattered white sheet of cloth, the corners wrapped around their necks in a way that resembles that of a cape. Whilst in their heads rests crudely made paper crowns.
Young Julian and his best friend, (Y/N), were already considered too old for these kind of games by some of the grandmas and fellow children but the two gave them no mind, choosing to continue living in their fantasy world until they were truly too old for it.
The two children stopped once they have reached the center of the forest where a small meadow hides in. It was decorated by dozens of wild flowers and the breeze were always refreshing. The two has deemed this as their spot when they had first found it years ago, back when they were much younger.
They call the meadow as their kingdom, where they are the rulers, side by side as King and Queen. The wild flowers are their loyal subjects and sometimes, when Pasha joins them, she acts as their ambassador.
Young Julian kneeled as they reach the very center that they always keep clean, it was their designated throne room. The young boy carefully plucked a blue hued flower from the ground, he didn't know what kind of flower it was but it was pretty, a perfect gift for his 'Queen'
As if mocking the reminiscing man, right across from him and innocently clinging to the hedge wall was the very same flower that he had picked back then. He didn't know if he wants to sneer at it or be fond of it. He wished he has a glass of Salty Bitters right now, maybe he should have headed to Rowdy Raven instead of here.
"Would you have approved of the man that I have become, (Y/N)?" he whispered as he stares at the flower, as if it would miraculously turn into his childhood friend and answer him. Maybe that was possible? Allen did transform him into Asra back then, would the illusion work on a plant as well? But then again, that will be all it'll ever be. Just an illusion.
The grandmas all exchanged fond gazes as they watch their resident troublemakers sing songs with all their heart, their love for the dramatic was very much obvious at that moment.
Little Portia was banging on pots like drums by the sidelines, sometimes singing some lines as well when prompted by either her older brother or the girl she was starting to see as her older sister.
He stood up from his place and started to make his way out of maze. He wasn't going to go back in the cottage nor was he in any hurry, he just felt too restless to stay sitted in one place. He has gotten used to always moving around with all his running from guards and fighting a Major Arcana. But before he went back to trying to find his way in the maze, he stopped in front of the flower that he has been staring at.
It was a small flower with 6 petals that looks blue and violet at the same time, the bud in the middle was light green in color and it was the only flower growing in the hedge. From what Julian remembers, these flowers grow in bundles. So to see one so alone, well, it didn't help the growing hole inside him.
Gently plucking the flower like he did so in his childhood, he observed the flower a little more before making his way back into maze, taking the small flower with him. Surely, the Countess would not mind him plucking such a small wild flower, now would she?
Julian looked up from his book as he felt something soft being places om his hair, looking up, he saw (Y/N) placing what looks to be a bunch of flowers weaved together in a circlet manner on top of his head. Something similar on her own head as well.
"What are you doing, peanut?" he asked the girl, gently closing his book and waiting for the other to finish adjusting the flowers. He had taken to calling her 'Peanut' after he had caught her trying to sneakily take the peanuts in the communal pantry. He didn't snitch to the grandmas, of course.
"Just adjusting your flower crown, bum-bum" she answered, making small more adjustments before appearing satisfied that the flower crown both looks good and will surely stay on her friend's head when they begin to trek their way home later.
The Doctor surprisingly got out pretty easy, definitely faster than when he was first trying to get to the heart of the maze. Looking down at the flower, he let a sad smile adorn his face.
"I suppose even after all these years, you're still my lucky charm, huh, (Y/N)?" he mumbled under his breath, giving the one of the petals a small kiss before continuing to walk.
He didn't really have a destination, the palace grounds was vast and there are still some areas of it that he hasn't been to. Maybe a little exploring wouldn't hurt? He hopes Pasha wouldn't get too worried if he takes too long to get back to her cottage, he does often find himself in troubling situations.
"You know what? I wouldn't even ask how you manage to be in this situation." (Y/N) said, crossing her arms as she narrows her eyes at the boy dangling before her.
Julian had, at that moment, managed to get himself tangled in the vines surrounding the branches of the tree. Truth be told, he was trying to climb the tree in order to get fresh fruits for his sister and best friend. But when he finally managed to get on a branch, a crow suddenly flew out of its nest and caused him to go off balance, fortunately being caught by the vines, no matter how tangled up he got.
He wouldn't tell her that though, lord knows she wouldn't let him live it down.
"Why, my dear peanut, I was just trying to see how strong these vines are and if they would make a good rope!" It was honestly a good excuse for him, but apprently not good enough for (Y/N) as she just raised her eyebrow at him, clearly not believing him.
After a good bit of exploring, he manages to find himself near the fountains where he saw the trio couple making their way back to the palace. Were they on their way home already? How long has he been outside? Shaking his head, he called for their attention and made his way to them.
"Going home already?" he asked, raising a brow as he observes the many colorful flowers adoring Muriel's hair. It was quite a new look on the tall man but it surprisingly suits him. Seeing his friend give him a narrowed look, he moved his gaze to the two magicians.
"Yeah, I'm feeling quite a bit tired already and Asra wanted to do a quick inventory of the stocks we have left in the shop" Allen explained, moving to lightly keep their wild green hair out of their sight. It was getting a little long, they might need a cut soon. "Though, we don't plan to stay there for the whole night, just a quick inventory and dinner then straight to Muri's where we'll sleep for tonight" the apprentice added, giving the taller doctor a smile.
"I see, I see! Well, don't let me hold you back for any longer, have a safe walk home!" he exclaimed, moving to walk further before he was stopped by a gentle grip on his wrist. Turning back, he saw that it was Allen who held him back. He could see the concern swirling in their green eyes but the smile never faltered away from their face. "Yes, dear?" he asked.
"You know you can talk to us if there's something bothering you, right? You don't have to if you're not comfortable but just remember that we're here, okay?" Moved by their words, Julian pulled them into a sideway hug and let out a genuine laugh. He was so lucky to have his friends. Sometimes he still thinks he doesn't deserve them but he knew to keep it to himself for now. He didn't fancy sitting through another lecture session about his self worth by his sister again.
"Aw, Allen, don't you worry about lil 'ol me! I'm quite alright now!" That was a lie, he was far from alright, but his friend doesn't need to know that. "I may talk to Pasha and Mazelinka about it so no need to worry that cute little head of yours" That seemed to settle the Apprentice as they pulled away from the hug and gave his arm one last pat before moving to stand between their partners.
"You should do that now before Portia wears a hole in her carpet with how much she's pacing when we left" Asra said before he and the other two gave the auburn haired man one last wave and left.
Deciding to do as his magician friend said, he started his way back to his sister's cottage. Earlier was such a good day, it wouldn't do to plague his sister with worries and sour up the light mood. He already did that earlier before he walked out, best not make it worse.
Looking up at the dark sky, he smiled as he admires the scattered stars. It was a beautiful night, the full moon was giving the world such a soft look and it made things seem so peaceful. It made him feel like he was back to laying in the meadow near Nevivon. Like he was laying next to... Next to...
He wasn't able to wipe away his tears before they begun to fall down his cheeks. A sob fought its way out of his throat as he falls to a crouch.
Fuck, he wants to go back. He really really wants to go back-
Julian observed the wide sky and the many stars on them, it was a beautiful night and the night breeze was cold and as he lays on the equally cool grass of the meadow, it soothes his heated skin. It made him sigh in contentment, what more could he want?
Looking at his left, he smiled as he sees his sleeping sister. The little girl had decided to join them that night in their nightly star gazing but it didn't take long before she fell asleep, not used to staying up later than her bedtime. He'll have to carry her home later on.
The sight on his right took his breath away. Blush rushed to his face as he seems to see his best friend in a completely different light.
There, laying beside him, was (Y/N). The moonlight was softly hitting her face, and it made her (eye color) so much more brighter like gems, like the stars that littered the dark sky above them. Her laugh as she continues to talk about the astrology that she learned from Mazelinka, sounds like soothing bells to his ears.
Since when has his peanut became this... pretty?
He longs to be in her arms again, he longs to hear her voice again. No doubt it would still sound like music to his ears. He wants to make flower crowns again, he wants to play king and queen again, he wants to stargaze with her again, he wants to sneakily steal cookies, hangout by the hot springs, pick flowers for the grandmas, share lessons with Lilinka, he wants to...
He really wants to see her again.
Julian sat on her bed by her side, his hand gently holding her weaker and much fragile one, her illness eating away her strength. Her ring finger still holds the flower ring he had made earlier that week, it was already wilting but the girl refuses to take it off.
"I made up my mind." he said, breaking the solemn silence in the room. It made the other look at him curiously, waiting for him to elaborate.
"I'll take the offer to study medicine in Prakra" he explained, finally looking at his best friend and secretly, the girl who has his heart in her gentle grip for he doesn't think his bestfriend could ever be harsh, other than when she's twisting his ear for getting in trouble without her
But he can't, he knew he can't. She probably hates him, gotten word of his 'crimes' and no longer sees him as her best friend. But as a murderer, a plague doctor who assisted his superior on experimenting to dying plague victims in search of the cure.
She probably already has a family of her own now, has 3 children like she once said she wanted. Probably has a nice spouse that always makes her laugh and will never hurt her. A spouse that doesn't have their sins still haunting them in every step and breath they take.
"You're leaving me?" the pain in her voice was clear, she was hurt at the thought. They had planned to wait for her to be cured before they decide to go out of their hometown to travel, to study medicine like they always dreamed of.
"Not for long, I know we planned to study together but..." He took a deep breath, "I'm doing this for you, (Y/N), I want to study now for you"
Silence filled the room once again.
Julian clutched up at his coat, the place right over his heart where it hurts the most. He had completely fallen to his knees, tears continues to drip down to the ground from his eyes, his other hand gripping the ground.
Whispered apologies leaving his mouth over and over again.
"Promise me you'll come back? That you won't forget about me?"
Julian stared at his love's dull but hopeful (eye color) orbs, hisbhand momentarily leaving hers to gently caress her cheek.
"I'm so sorry... (Y/N), I'm so sorry..."
"I promise"
"I broke our promise... I'm so sorry, my love..."
Meanwhile, in the same meadow of Julian's memories, sits a much grown up version of the girl in his memories. Body trembling as sobs come right after one another, clutching a bundle of those same blue wildflowers to her chest. Her eyes tightly shut as tears falls to the ground of her childhood. The girl looked up, staring at the same moon that Julian was previously admiring.
"Where are you, Ilya? I thought you'll come back... You promised... You promised..."
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Anyone interested in a reunion sequel? 👀
My apologies if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, I just woke up when I finished this lol
Anyways, I hope you all liked this! Let me know what you think, don't be shy! 💙
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malaks-perch · 4 years
pomegranates and sugar
julian devorak x reader
a crazy night with your favorite doctor
warnings: fluff?? pretty domestic actually for something about murder talk about a sweat drop
a/n: i didn't plan for this to go this way, i played it by ear
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this was not how the night was supposed to go.
"now before you do that light up magic thing, you have to promise me that you will be calm and rational" julian's words coming slow and careful as he stayed hidden in an alley next to the rowdy raven.
"i'm always calm and rational." came your response as you tried to get closer to where he'd tucked himself behind barrels.
julian stepped out of the shadows and into the dim lighting at the mouth of the alley. you dropped your bag upon seeing him.
blood was everywhere. drenching his clothes, staining his face, arms, even legs. his patch was nowhere to be found and both of his stunning grey eyes stared at you.
"who the hell did—" he cupped a clean hand over your mouth whilst his finger hovered over his mouth.
"i was doing an act at the theater and it turned into a brawl, the fake pomegranate juice got everywhere and it clumped to me when people started throwing disgusting powdered candy."
he brought his hand to his lips, licking up the vermillion substance and crushing a fiery kiss to your lips before you could think.
he was right. sugary popping candy nearly drowned out any taste of pomegranate on julian's tongue. it was sweet, but the kiss was far from it. when he pulled away, you blinked still trying to register what happened and the kiss julian nearly got you drunk off of.
"but this blood might become very real as there was a very angry patron who—"
"julian, what the hell?"
he pulled you both into the shadows, nodding and running a hand through his hair. "you're right. i'm so sorry. how are you tonight, love? you look ravish... why do you look more beautiful than usual? who is this for?"
he raised a brow as he examined you. one of his white shirts hung loosely on you and a wine colored vest portia graciously found in mazelinka's old chest. paired with pants that really showed off everything from the waist down.
"you're in costume?"
"valerius has that party-"
julian cringed. the one he promised to escort you to. you even asked him what to dress up as and here you were, a nevivion pirate. you'd even drawn the symbol most pirates wore on your neck.
guilt flushed through him and his heart sank into his chest. he had gone to the theater for a play and completely forgotten about his duties to be your date for the night.
this was not how the night was supposed to go.
"it's alright—"
"no, love. i.. you were really looking forward to seeing asra"
it shouldn't have hurt so bad when he said it, but bringing it up made you feel a bit of an ache. you hadn't seen asra in nearly a year from the constant travelling around with julian.
you brushed it off, cupping his face and wiping pomegranite from his cheek. the small smile you offered only made julian feel worse.
"there will be more opportunities."
julian cupped your cheek, but before he could respond someone shouted behind you both. "we should actually be running right now!"
both of you took off in a sprint, weaving through alleys and dodging people on streets. julian did the latter as his long limbs would bump people every now and again as he tried not to trip over himself.
they were getting closer when julian bolted left into an alley, pulling you with him when you pulled him back into an empty building.
"i think they went this way!"
both of you were panting, trying to cool yourselves down in spite of how close your bodies were pressed against the wall.
julian was muttering out apologies for potentially ruining your entire night when you finally managed to wheeze out your laughter.
"that was amazing!" you cupped his cheeks and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips making julian grin and raise his brow.
"usually when people are about to get murdered, amazing isn't the word they would use to describe it." julian smiled as he leaned over where you were leaned on the wall. his arm by your head as his face dipped closely to yours. "maybe it's all the adrenaline, my dear."
"adrenaline ashmenaline. that was better than any party i could've gone to." you smiled, leaning up so your faces were inches apart. "i want to go again."
"well, well, well... it seems we've found our old friend doctor devorak and.. who is this lovely creature?" one of them grinned from the doorway of the empty building.
"it looks like you'll have that chance, love!" julian tugged you out of a window, you stumbled, but the same man that was nearly tripping himself tugged you beneath an arm and sprinted down the alleyway.
with julian's arm holding you by the waist close to his side, you could see the frantic men running behind him with swords out and arms raised.
you twisted out of his arm to run beside him, "what on earth did you do?!"
"they didn't take kindly to poetry about their ships!"
in front of you, you spied two horses hauling a wagon with stacked barrells. you practically shoved julian towards the wagon, both of you climbing up the structure as you muttered a spell that made the barrells go tumbling towards the men.
the wagon collapsed and both of you jumped on the horses. they reared and you'd both taken off towards the markets, racing each other as the men themselves still tried to catch you.
"we should do this every night!" julian shouted as you guided your horse to take lead through vesuvia's busy streets.
"every night?! and miss a good night's sleep?" you glanced back at him, but the one glance made your heart swell.
julian's brows furrowed and a daring smile on his face. his tall figure was leaned forward on the chestnut horse he rode. a confident smile on his face as he passed you to take lead.
it was rare for him to ever look like this even in his most comfortable state. here, in the middle of danger, high on adrenaline, and running from pirates, julian looked his best.
this was not how the night was supposed to go.
"a fair point! this way!" you'd turned right and bolted out towards the higher classes of vesuvia.
you slowed down, julian laughing as he reached over and took your hand. both your steeds huffing and grumbling as they slowed.
"amazing. quite a show you put on there, y/n." he smiled, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before he leaned forward murmuring praises to the horse.
"i think we stole a couple of horses, julian." you sighed as you tangled your fingers in the mane of your steed.
"tomorrow, my love." julian sighed, casting you a warm smile. "we worry tomorrow."
you turned your eyes to the houses around you. beautiful, elegant homes were built here. the aqeuducts looked cleaner, the sidewalk looked as if you could eat off of it.
"it's beautiful here." julian smiled, mindlessly threading one of his hands through the mane of the horse he rode.
"would you like a house here, ilya?"
his given name usually would've made him fluster, but this time around he smiled. a sigh coming from his lips, "i would love for pasha to have a home here. i don't think our children would care too much for being royalty."
"our children?"
julian nodded without missing a beat. he flushed then when he realized what he was suggesting, "only if you're open to the idea."
"i'll run it by my council."
he chuckled, turning so you saw the fond smile dancing on his lips.
with both his eyes on display so outwardly, it was a little overwhelming. paired with that soft smile? your heart raced at the mere sight of him. how could you not? he'd come so far as to be this confident.
"you saved my life." his bowed deeply, nearly falling off his horse. "how may i ever repay my beautiful hero?"
there he was. your ever dramatic doctor pirate.
"promise me we will be together forever and always." you clenched a hand over your heart, gazing up to beautiful stars above.
"it is forbidden!" julian cried out in agony, thrusting a hand into his hair. "for we may never be together as long as we live in amongst the rules of this damned nation! my sister wouldn't allow it—"
"yes, she would—"
"oh, how she would strangle me for—"
"refusing my hand."
groans and insults thrown from windows. you and julian took off in a fit of laughter, rushing down the streets until you'd come upon a path sheltered by brillant oaks.
both you and julian had taken the time to get off your horses and walk down the wide road. one hand entwined with his while the two of you lead your horses.
"should we ever be in that position, i would run away with you." you confessed.
julian furrowed his brows, shaking his head. "my love, i would never want you to give up everything you know to be with me."
"and i would never want you to give up everything you know to be alone." you smiled, pulling his hand to press a kiss to his knuckles. "i would know that you wouldn't be alone and that would be better than casting you off to suffer in isolation."
julian's eyes were shut when he tilted his head up so his face was to the sky. a shaky breath escaping his mouth before he finally decided to speak. "when you say beautiful things like that, it makes me want to give you my entire world."
"i don't understand how that would work." you tugged him close by the nape of his neck to peck his cheek. julain pulled back revealing his furrowed brows and twisted lips. "you're already my world, how could you give me more than that?"
julian stopped walking, a sticky cheek pressing to your neck. the pomegranate and sugar still lingering on his cheek from earlier.
"i gave you a night that started because of a brawl that ended with me in pomegranate juice and sugar. we get chased through vesuvia, magically steal two horses, profess our love to strangers, and here you are declaring that you want no one else, but me."
"don't forget about the part where we have children." you smiled making him laugh into your shoulder before pulling away to gaze at you with tear-filled eyes.
"the council unanimously decided?"
"the council wanted to keep the dramatics in play. they already had their answer before their brief recess."
"one of them better have my name!" portia was practically squealing as she rushed over.
nadia, asra, and muriel not far behind. muriel went straight for the horses, but not before bidding you a quiet hello.
"at least you two had fun." nadia smiled as she watched portia squeeze the air from your lungs. "as it turns out, vlastomil's worms crashed the party."
"so julian finally settles down." asra's teasing grin made the redhead smile.
"i don't think you've met my darling dear." he shot you a grin, "anyone would be lucky to stand next to them."
asra wrapped his arms around you, a gentle laugh escaping him upon finally seeing you again. "to think you would be here to tell me you were going to be parents."
nadia brushed off julian's shoulder, "i'd love to be a godmother."
"as long as i get to be the godfather." asra grinned, turning to you with a teasing smirk.
"you get to be godfather as long as you don't teach them to pester and prank people with magic."
asra shook his head, "i can't promise that."
portia laughed, picking up a stick to imitate a sword. "and i will teach them the ways of a pirate."
julian went to chastise portia when muriel's voice cut through, "and i'll teach them to properly care for horses."
asra immediately latched onto muriel, teasing him while portia and nadia discussed names. you and julian walked hand in hand down the road with your friends at your side.
babies or brawls, you wouldn't have had this night go any other way
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malaks-perch · 4 years
jewel of land and sea
portia devorak x reader
mazelinka's beautiful friend surprises you in more ways than one...
warnings: uhh... a dash of spice because it's portia
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you were a friend of mazelinka's. she'd taken care of you as a kid and raised you to be quite the privateer. it was because of her that you'd become resourceful, intelligent, and honorable amongst those who were either mercenaries or royal officers.
when she asked you to come along with her on a voyage looking for some rare, magical ingredients that were up for grabs in nevivion. but you didnt know it would mean meeting her lovely friends.
ilya, or better known as julian, he'd kept you company for most of the trip. both of you telling extravagant stories to each other as the day went on, joking and racing around the ship as if you were two children competing for nothing, but their pride.
when you saw julian was balancing fruit on his limbs you decided to have fun with him. going up behind him, a bag of spoiled potatoes overboard and shrieking.
"mazelinka fell overboard!" you shouted.
julian stumbled off the barrell falling onto his stomach making the fruit spilled around the doctor. laughs from behind you forced you to spin around finding mazelinka shaking her head with a smile and a very breathtaking redhead giggling next to her.
pretty red curls spilling over her shoulders and framing the porcelain skin that was blushed by the heat of the sun. maybe it was the pearls that peaked between plump lips. maybe it was how her eyes peaked open and the ocean itself laid beneath them. or the constellations of freckles on her face.
"you're staring again."
your head whipped away from portia down to julian in an effort to distract yourself from the pounding in your chest. "it's hard not to when the jewel of land and sea is standing before us." returning julian's knowing smirk, but not daring to look over at portia.
"what a charmer.." julian raised his brows at you and then portia with a smile. "is there anyone else who doesn't fall victim to that wonderful smile?"
"mazelinka." you grinned, motioning over at her. "m my compliments no longer brush through her impeccable fortress."
"pasha, is the only one." julian smiled, nodding to the redhead who was not so shyly checking you out. "she always gets what she wants."
"as her brother you must know that her smile could end wars." you winked at portia who raised a brow with a smirk aimed at her brother.
"it could attract the wrong company." julian huffed, tossing one of his fallen fruits toward you.
"don't call that one the wrong company!" mazelinka hit julian across the forehead with a spoon.
pepi curled around your legs, purring and rubbing herself on you, "see?" the feline mewled upon being picked up and held. "pepi loves me."
"pepi loves anyone who can give her a good scratch." laughs ensued on the deck upon seeing pepi's version of a glare that was pointed at julian.
mazelinka was quick to wrap up this evening, "alright everyone! i want to be at our midway point before dusk."
julian was climbing the mast and you were rushing down to mazelinka's cabin to calculate the speed of the ship's course.
you were rolling out a map, setting paperweights down and laying out papers when mazelinka's door peeked open.
standing half in the doorway, portia stared at you with innocent eyes that sparkled with curiosity and a bit of anxiety. she wandered into the room with a shy smile and gave a nod towards the papers.
"need something?" how rude was that? you were kicking yourself upon first greeting mazelinka's family.
portia blushed, clearing her throat and her fingers bridging in the same way a servant might have. "mazelinka said you might need help finding her compass."
"i do." you admitted, standing upright so you didn't look so frantic from being unable to find the simple drawing tool. "i would love a helping hand from mazelinka's most precious ward."
portia went around the desk, sliding out a drawer and clicking open it's underside to reveal the hidden tool.
"was that always there?"
"she said that she rearranged this place."
"that's strange, she said everything was how she—" you weren't ready for when portia turned to face you.
pretty blue eyes staring up at you, the smell of coconut fanned over your face from the fruit she'd so eagerly devoured earlier. you forced your eyes to stay on hers to keep from glancing down at portia's lips.
"— wanted it." you murmured.
the redhead leaned close to you and nothing stopped your hand from craddling her hip when one of hers slowly ran up your arm.
"mazelinka's probably waiting for the ship's speed."
portia hummed, her fingers coming to brush the tiny hairs at the nape of your neck. your other hand coming to rest on her hip as portia brought you a little closer.
she leaned in, her nose brushing yours and eyes becoming lidded. the heat coming from her body was making you slowly lose your train of thought.
it was as if each other's presence was getting you drunk. it was as if her being this close and confined to a room with her was turning your mind to mush.
"we.. we should.. we should p-probably—" your words died on your tongue when her lips brushed yours.
something in the both of you snapped because one minute you were kissing her and another she was tugging you into a heated kiss that made your toes curl inside your boots.
portia tugged you back so she was perched on mazelinka's desk. mazelinka's desk.
you sharply tugged back, stumbling into the chair behind you and onto your bottom. the redhead was still leaning on the desk, gripping it's edge as she too tried to get ahold of herself.
"it's nice to meet you," you hastily waved from where you sat on the floor. "my name is actually y/n l/n. i go by y/n, it's a name that caught on growing up."
portia gave a soft smile, "i'm portia. pasha is my actual name. it's nice to meet you, too."
there was a silence before you decided to stand and pull up the damp knot hanging from mazelinka's window.
"so do you kiss everyone you meet or just me?"
if you hadn't been turned around, you would've seen portia's face as bright as the hair on her head.
"you're an exception." portia nervously laughed, scratching the back of her head and moved so you could write down your findings. "it's not every day that you meet mazelinka will shamelessly appraise."
you smiled when you saw portia watching from over your shoulder while the compass in your hand dragged across the map.
"likewise." you couldn't help your smirk as you fought to keep the dominant edge that kept portia blushing. "it's not every day that i meet mazelinka's esteemed company. she talks highly of you."
"i'd hope so, even though i can't balance fruit on every limb." you couldn't help, but laugh at her remark. shaking your head as she eyed a couple pages. "what do all these numbers mean?"
"math, love." you sighed, motioning to the pins that marked distances on the map. "that knot hanging off the ship determines our speed and i need to estimate where we are. given time and speed, i need to estimate when to adjust our sails so we miss any troublesome mercenaries when we arrive at midway."
at some point while you were talking, portia had taken it upon herself to pry the drawing compass from your hand. "they don't teach this in schools."
"of course not. no one teaches you the necessary knowledge on how to avoid mercenaries or how to properly man a ship of this size."
"then teach me." she stared up at you with pleading eyes and you sighed, unable to keep yourself from giving in to that smile.
in the ten minutes you'd explained to portia how to navigate with a drawing compass and the correct formula to use when calculating speed and time, she managed to grasp it.
"why do you have so many steps for something so simple?" she asked motioning to the scribbles of numbers that portia had written down.
"the long way doesn't require you to check your work." you motioned to a blank piece of paper, "the hardest part about this job is neatly logging the work down for future reference."
portia's jaw dropped and you couldn't help but laugh then. "the entire process would take at least an hour to complete."
"when you're experienced, you only need about twenty minutes." you waved around a paper making portia light up and eagerly look over the work neatly splayed on the paper. "could you give those to mazelinka?"
"sure thing!" portia was practically skipping for the door when you stopped her short.
"portia?" her pretty blue eyes found yours. "you're the exception. i don't go around kissing beautiful nevivion girls. just you."
portia's lips quirked up and she waved to you before leaving you alone in mazelinka's study with your thoughts.
beautiful and smart. who could've guessed you'd fallen for mazelinka's company?
by the time you had come back on the deck it was dark out. you weren't surprised to see someone from mazelinka's trusted circle of friend's guiding the ship away from the small island mazelinka called our midway point. but you were shocked to see portia still up.
"can't sleep?" you called making her spin around to look at you.
she smiled and turned her gaze up to the many constellations in the sky.
"i've never seen this many stars out." portia sighed, watching the stars in the horizon.
you noticed the stars were a bit off until you called up to the person behind the helm, "you're a little off, go a couple knots starboard."
"what does that mean?" portia asked as the ship turned in the slightest.
"we were going at the wrong angle." you told her, motioning to orion's belt, "we are supposed to go along that constellation's middle, not toward's it."
"i've heard of using stars like the north star." portia beamed, looking up to the sky again. "you use them for navigation?"
"something like that." you forced out a laugh as you turned your gaze to the water, unable to help scraping your fingernails against the grain of wood upon seeing portia's smile again.
"i'll never get used to that."
"used to the sky?" portia smiled, turning her gaze to the visible galaxies that beamed purples and blues with the lack of moonlight.
"that smile of yours."
portia flushed and she turned her eyes down the water, "you're not too bad yourself," came her shaky response. a confidence made her straighten and lean towards you, "do i make you nervous, too?"
"not in the slightest." you hummed, leaning on the rail and staring down at the water that swirled with the star light.
portia motioned to your white knuckles that squeezed the railing. you tucked your shaking hands behind your back with a shy smile.
"maybe a little.."
it was portia's turn to laugh. she leaned into you and despite how your heart was pounding for you to look away, but her eyes.
"not everyone takes well to a lively disposition on the open ocean."
she seemed to slump, but you couldn't help smiling as you take in her appearance.
the galaxy seemed to swirl in her blue eyes, promise of a warmth that not even the sun could provide. you shook your head, cupping her face in your hands and stroking the apple of portia's cheeks.
"but you're the exception."
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