hoseastudy · 7 years
Day 43:  In Thee the Orphan Finds Mercy
Take some time to journal from your heart.  Be real with yourself and with the Lord.  Open your heart.  Be vulnerable and transparent.  Journal gratitude.  Confess your sins and repent and journal your desire to receive nourishment for your soul in this time in His precious word.  Then start the study below.
Hosea 14:3-4
Assyria will not save us,
We will not ride on horses
Nor will we say again, "Our god,'
To the work of our hands;
For in Thee the orphan finds mercy."
I will heal their apostasy,
I will love them freely,
For My anger has turned away from them.
Look up the keywords save, work, mercy, apostasy, and freely using http://www.studylight.org as I showed you on day 2. 
Journal your thoughts.
Commentary from Expository Notes from Dr. Constable taken from www.studylight.org:
They should renounce confidence in Assyria (a synecdoche for political alliances) and war horses (military might) for their security and victory. They should also promise not to call their hand-made idols their gods (heterodox worship). And they should acknowledge that only from Him could vulnerable, dependent orphans such as themselves find mercy. They were orphans in that they had no other means of deliverance and support.
"If their hearts were broken, their relationship to God would be mended." 
So in their repentance there was to be a renouncement of looking to anything or anyone else for help or security or victory.  They were also to relinquish every idol.  I think it's interesting the word "work" includes the idea of business pursuits.  They were to renounce their business pursuits as their god!  They were to consider themselves without help or hope or providence outside of the One true God.  
When these steps of repentance and turning to the Lord in brokenness and complete dependence occur, the Lord's response is, "I will heal their apostasy (turning away, backsliding)!  I will love them freely (voluntarily)!  For My anger has turned away from them!
I have such a strong desire in my heart for myself and for the Christians in America to take these steps in their hearts individually and as a whole!  
Lord please start with me.  It's Your kindness that leads me to repentance.  It's Your favor that I desire!  Hear my cry Lord, hear our cries!  Lord please turn my heart to You.  Turn our hearts back to You as a nation please Lord and unify us to seek You diligently as one!  We are without hope and without help apart from You.  Lord we renounce every idol.  Show us the things we have placed before You in our hearts and help us to relinquish them.  Please reign in power in our hearts and move through us to glorify Your Name!  Lord please have mercy on us.  Please bring healing to our hearts and to our land.  
Spend some time in heart introspection.  Do you need to repent for making an idol out of your business pursuits or for looking to anything besides the Lord for your security and protection and victory?  Would you make some time today to pray for our nation to come to repentance over these things?
Prayer following Kindness by Chris Tomlin:
Lord,We stand here,As a desperate peopleHungry for the things of YouCome quiet the storms,That rage all around usSo that we hearThe passion thatBeats through Your heartSpirit put healing in our handsPut life in our wordsAnd drive a passionFor the lost deepIn the hearts of your peopleInhabit the praises of usYour childrenAnd father send us outWith a reckless passionDeliver us from evilAnd set a standard of unityTo break down wallsAnd to heal Your peopleUnity is the cry of your church, LordReconcile the children to the fathersAnd with forgiveness and mercyRush through the hearts of our landWe cry out our deep need for You, JesusOh God come in powerAnd bring glory to Your nameIn Jesus' Name, amen!
I love you friend
Have a God day!
Love, Tessa
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rockleopardbrewing · 4 years
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New beer Alert: Second Chances - NE DIPA 8%ABV. smells like Sherbert Lemon and Peach, taste of Apricot and Pineapple. Collab with @firebrandbeer . . . . . . . . . . . #rockleopardbrewing #passiondelivered #secondchances #beertwitter #craftbeer #beerporn #beergeek  #beerme #beersofinstagram  #cornwall #cornwalllife  #Cornish  #brewery #hops  #craftbeer  #craftbeerlover #craftbeerlove #craftbeercommunity #craftbeerlondon  #craftbeerporn  #Craftbeernotcrapbeer  #pub #collaboration  #collab #joose #ukcbf #ukcbl #firebrandbeer #nedipa https://www.instagram.com/p/CD_ppDjJ02G/?igshid=rmtscuwzz86y
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rockleopardbrewing · 4 years
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We are trying to figure out how to send our branded glassware out safely. Hopefully this will be done next week🍻 #craftbeer #passiondelivered #rockleopardbrewing https://www.instagram.com/p/CAkWJQfJQkG/?igshid=89f60z3ow2cs
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rockleopardbrewing · 5 years
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Distant Cousin of A Mu Mu Cat 🐈 🍻 #craftbeer #passiondelivered #rockleopardbrewing https://www.instagram.com/p/B8G_NaOpFLp/?igshid=1rjcrlntvfhmn
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rockleopardbrewing · 5 years
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Savage Scene - Inner City Pale Ale🍻 #craftbeer #passiondelivered #rockleopardbrewing https://www.instagram.com/p/B78r9LsJzUp/?igshid=qk0kgf8ax5h4
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rockleopardbrewing · 5 years
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