#passive reminder I do have amazon wishlists
sh4dys · 3 months
Fluff Alphabet » Chris Sturniolo
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summary: alphabetical fluffy headcanons <3
warnings: 99% fluff, tiny bit of a suggestive tone
A/N: sorry for being gone my lil shadow babies, school has been difficult for me and i found myself struggling with my mental health due to personal problems in my life, so i took a short haitus. but im back!! tryna get my posting schedule back in check, so bear with me!
A - affection (how affectionate is he?)
he’s not too affectionate in public, but he’ll definitely hold your hand or hand a hand on your waist or thigh. in private however he’s extra affectionate, holding you close, playing with your hair, having you sit in his lap.
B - beauty (how beautiful is his partner to him?)
you are THE worlds most beautiful person to him. he could never find himself even thinking someone else looks good because he’s dating the most attractive person like ever, hello?
C - cuddling (how does he react to them?/is he big spoon or little spoon?)
he loves cuddling, he’ll find basically any excuse to cuddle with you. when it comes to big spoon or little spoon it just depends on his mood. if he’s upset he’ll want you to hold him, but if he’s in a good mood he’ll hold you close to his chest.
D - domestic (does he settle down?)
definitely at some point he’d settle down with you, it would start off with smaller steps like after so long of being together you’d move in with him and his brothers—even though you practically already live with them
E - equal (is he the more domestic one in the relationship, or more passive?)
definitely more domestic, he loves the small moments you two share together. whether it’s cooking, cleaning up, or simply basking in one another presence
F - favorite (what’s his favorite thing about his partner?)
everything. but if he really had to pick, your smile. especially when it’s the small smile you do when your eyes find his in a crowded room
G - gifts (how often is he getting you gifts?/how does he react when his partner gets him one?)
he’s spending money on you 24/7, if he catches your gaze drifting onto something you want for even a SECOND longer than usual, he’s making a note to get it for you. plus he’ll steal your phone occasionally and go through your amazon wishlist/cart, sending himself some things and ordering them for you
H - hugs (how does he hug his partner?/favorite way to hug them)
bear hugs and hugs from behind. he loves feeling your body held close to his, being able to rest his chin on your head or chin, and sneaking the occasional kiss on your cheek
I - i love you (how fast does he say the L-word?)
he would probably be way to shy to say it first, waiting for you to say it to him. probably around a month or so into you relationship is when you let the word slip, and after that he is saying it as much as he can. he’ll randomly text it to you while filming videos, while you’re asleep, he’ll call you just to remind you that he loves you. once he says it, he doesn’t stop
J - jealousy (how jealous does he get?/does he show it?)
i feel like he’d only get jealous when a guy CLEARLY wants you. like if he can tell a dude is just moving by and accidentally touched you, he won’t mind that much, but if a guy is 100% doing it on purpose, he’ll step in and practically start making out with you to show you’re taken
K - kissing (how often does he kiss his partner?/what’s his favorite place to kiss them?)
every. chance. he. gets. he’ll kiss anywhere he can reach, it doesn’t matter. he loves kissing every part of you as well. if you’re laying down he’ll jump on you and kiss whatever skin he sees. if you just got out of the shower, he’ll kiss you and here it tickles, making you drop the towel so he can kiss all over your body and worship you. but if he had to pick a favorite spot, it would definitely be your lips. he just loves feeling you kiss him back
L - love confession (how would he confess his feelings for his partner?)
he would probably just blurt out a random confession while y’all are hanging out or have nick say it. you’ll be at the triplets house and he’ll say smth like “btw, i’m like in love with you” or nick will have to tell you to just date him because he’s dying without you in his life
M - marriage (would he want to get marriage?/when would he want to?)
i think he would wanna get married at least before he’s 30. after a while, let’s say 2-3 years, if he realizes you’re definitely never leaving, and he of course won’t either, he’ll make occasional jokes about marriage. eventually he’ll sit you down and genuinely discuss it, probably agreeing on a small wedding with only close family and friends, and wouldn’t broadcast it to the world
N - nicknames (what’s his go-to nickname for his partner?)
ma, baby, sweetheart. dude is classic with the nicknames
O - open (how open is he with his partner?)
extremely open. at first he might be a bit wary about certain subjects, but eventually he will tell you anything and everything in great detail. you might want him to be a bit less open after that
P - physical touch (does he enjoy it?/his favorite form on touch)
he loves it. he always has a hand somewhere on you. your own hand, shoulder, waist, thigh, anywhere he can reach. he loves when you’re cuddled into his side though, being able to wrap and arm around you and keep you close
Q -quiet (how quiet is he around his partner?)
this dude does NOT shut up. he’s louder than he is around nick and matt when he’s with you. and if you’re all hanging out? god it’s even worse. sometimes he’ll probably apologize tho and stay quiet for a while, especially if he gives you a headache
R - remember (what’s his favorite memory from the relationship?)
your first date and kiss. the cliche moment where he drops you off at home and kisses you on your doorstep, it lives in his brain like a movie scene constantly on repeat
S - support (how supportive is he of his partner’s decisions?)
extremely, depending on the decision. if you wanted to, let’s say, start youtube he would 100% support you and even help with it. but if you wanted to go live in a different country, he’d give you puppy dog eyes and say smth like “why are you leaving me :(“. other than that tho he’s the most supportive person you can find
T - try (how much effort does he put into the relationship, dates, etc?)
he’s putting so much effort into everything he can. he’ll go all out on dates, he’ll remind you of the most random anniversary dates, like 69 days or 4 1/3 months. he’s doing the most he can
U - understanding (how understanding is he of his partners feelings and boundaries?)
extremely understanding. it may take a bit of time to explain things to him, especially if he doesn’t understand what you’re talking about, but he’ll listen and respect whatever boundary you’ve set up
V - value (how much does he value the relationship?)
with his entire being. he’d rather have a tiger bite off his arm than leave you, he cannot imagine living without you
W - weird (what is one weird thing he does in the relationship?)
stealing your clothes. you steal his and wear them, so he’ll show up to your house wearing one of your shirts, making it look like a crop top. if you judge him he’ll pull the “but you’re wearing MY hoodie” card every time
X - xtra (lil personal headcanon)
i don’t think he can sleep without hearing your voice for at least 5 minutes. he’ll call you in the dead of night just so he can sleep for a good couple hours
Y - yearning (how often does he yearn for his partners affection/attention?)
24/7. if he’s been away for some time, he’ll nearly cry from missing you, and eventually beg matt to cuddle with him
Z - zzz (what are his sleep habits with you’re around?)
he’ll fall asleep on your lap within 5 minutes of hanging out with you, or he’ll stay up to listen to you ramble and yap about your day. it overall depends on what time of day you’ve chosen to hang out at imo
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tania-grey · 5 years
Job hunting update
I have officially been 100% unproductive at the library today. I think my brain just wants to check out. The whole out of sight out of mind concept. i bet it's a combo of mental avoidance and anxiety and EFD. Like, all of them mashed into one.I need to set up another date with a friend of mine so I can actually stay on track and be productive with job hunting.Like, I literally cannot be an adult because I still need a babysitter to get stuff done- vital stuff.
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