post 13
okay so lucky 13. this is the part two to the hc post with ronny and lily. so right before hc, ronny and lily kinda had a fall out but they still went to hc together. there was tension all night but we all tried to look past it as it was the first hc that lily and i ever had. she dipper early because she was really having a bad time with everything so ronny and i stepped outside for about 45 minutes and i was talking to him trying to console him while noah actually thought ronny tried to swoop or whatever lol. brush okay so talking about swooping fast forward to april/may-ish 2017 he tried to swoop on ronny’s new girl kelsey. i was like fucking fuck boy yet here i am with him again. i’m literally so damn weak wtfffffffff anyways ronny and i were tryna talk about his situation with leah and he obviously still really liked her but she was just not interested. theres nothing wrong with that but he just did not get the hint. noah came out and joined us easing the intensity of the convo a little but hc soon came to an end. ronny and i were in asb so we had to stay after and clean, but noah decided to stay and help and stay with me which won some serious points with my mom and he met her that night and shit you not i almost peed myself when they met i was like omg she's gonna fucking take him out and drop kick his ass but didn’t happen. so basically that was my v first hs hc and i had a great time and i really fell for noah. he later told me that night that he loved me, it was a really funny story i’ll do a small half post on it but he and i started dating shortly after and if you were curious about ronny and lily, they ended things completely soon after as well. a shame.
08.20.17 12:16 am
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post 9
alrighty man, it’s been a pretty rough couple weeks. got out of high school on the 15th with kinda a new mans, but this is a story for after noah.
anyways, noah and i had been dating for about three days now, and he had already asked me to hc. so...about hoco... noah showed up to one of my jv home games at my hs, and he was waiting in the stands with ronny, lily’s current mans, and they’re just sitting and watching our game. we whooped ass and noah had texted me saying, “hey when ur done come sit up in the bleachers w me and ronny.” at this time, my mom had no idea about noah, and my ass lucked out bc she wasn’t there at the game, but i was still super nervous so i begged my coach blazey to let me work the score board for the varsity game, and i did. basically noah and ronny were now sitting with lily and i actually had no idea that he was gonna ask me because noah had been going to my games for some time now. well, about two sets into the varsity game, lily came and sat down w me, mal, and blazey, and told me quietly, “don’t look, but he’s got roses and a baseball.” i was seriously like no fucking way, and then a couple of minutes later, i felt a tap on my shoulder and a baseball was given to me. the baseball said something like i know i might strike out but hc would be a home run with you. looking back this shit was awfully cheesy but damn i fell for it. noah didn’t say a single word to me, he just dropped it off and left. anyways, he is a baseball player, and i had even told him, hey dude idk shit about baseball, like what the fuck. and lily was like why didn’t he do your sport. idk man, puppy love see, i was fucking shook, but super happy and my mom was like, aw that’s so cute when i was expecting an ass-whooping, but instead she actually was like it’s cool, just go as friends. “friends...” so that was the hc story. he actually gave me flowers, red roses like i said were my fav, chocolate, a girl loves her kitkats, and a baseball, idk man no words :):
6.22.17 11:10 pm
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post 1
so basically this is just a way for me to express the feelings I'm feeling and the pent up feelings that people in my life have given me. don’t correct me on my grammar please, i’m just here to vent. this is just a shit blog to give the perspective of a high school student and trying to fit in with YOUR standards. 
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me because I am depression 
10.22.17 9:20 pm
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all i’ve been doing is sulking while listening to the original of this song and the marshmello remix if I'm feeling a little risky lmao :(: 8.20.17 12:04 am
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post 12
so i know that its kinda been a long time since i last wrote anything but sm happened. especially with noah. in the past month he’s popped back up into my life twice. actually, at the moment we are in round three of our pointless holding on. i want him but at the same time i really don’t, like he makes my heart hurt but i ache for the memories and good times we once had. that saying about how love is addicting and like a drug, good and bad for you or whatever, it’s true. at the moment we say love you and shit like that but it’s not and yet none of us would end anything. it’s not official but we’re here for each other. that’s why i hate about myself and him. we both know it is NOT gonna work yet we hang on and I hang on but i know he’s got other intentions, thoughts, people, and i keep telling myself he’s changed but i know he hasn’t. i let myself get hurt over and over and yet i still give him everything i have. i put myself back together, pick up my broken pieces, and give him the only thing that could break me just for him to do it over and over again. it hurts, it really does.
8.20.17 12:01 AM
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post 11
okay after taking a pretty long break, i'm back with post 11. romantic 11:11 (every night at 11:11 i would always sc noah it was our thing. 11:11,12:12,1:11,2:22,3:33,4:44,5:55 all am) okay so we're back at hc. hc was a real eventful night tbh. so now that the preparty was over we headed over to hc. at hc the moment we stood in line, noah was w his friends and then brought me over and i kinda met them. anyways, i went in line and we went in. we immediately hit the dance floor and i was going ham. it was awkward at first but noah ended up going with his friends from baseball and moshed (typical guy dance, a bunch of sweaty guys jumping up and down) somehow lily and i ended up on the stage with the dj and noah saw me too and we made some pretty funny but sweet eye contact. later noah grabbed me and said he wanted a picture and i was like yeah alright. lily was still going ham dancing and noah and i were in line. every time i looked at noah he looked at me funny and when i asked what? he said oh nothing. i said no trust and he was like, trust. that was also our thing bleh. anyways we got up there for the picture and the first picture was ass, but the second picture was him with his arm around me and me hugging him and it was pretty cute. i still have it in my memory drawer. anyways, we waited in a tattoo line for like two hours of hc just talking bc he knew i love tattoos so he said we should get matching ones. never got them. but during this lily was having a horrible hc and ronny wasnt doing too well either. gonna have a pt two to this one. 7.2.17 11:36 pm
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~(*~*)~ me grooving to some khaldad 7.2.17 11:28 pm
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post 10
ooOoOooh the big double digits!
alrighty so let’s fast forward a couple days to hoco, about a week later from the becky g thing, not the description of the hc ask. so basically my mom and i ran out the night before hc to buy a dress and i wanted maroon because i told noah to wear all black with a cute little maroon bow tie, and i was like, omg, now i need maroon. so we found a real cute dress and i rlly like it actually, well at the time. looking back, it was just not flattering. anyways, the day of hc came. of course asb had to set up until like 11/12 ON THE DAY OF HC, SATURDAY OCT 14 (2016..duh) BTW. alright so lily was throwing a hc pre party at 6:30 and hc was at 8/830 i think. i was late, as per usual. i did everything myself, hair (AWFUL BTW AHAHA IT WAS SO BAD), makeup (BOMB AS FUCKKK), and nails (i mean alright i guess). i wore a cute ass lace flowy maroon dress, right above the knees, and a closed toe nude wedge isn heels with a strap around the ankles. i looked adorable for my v first hc. side note, I'm gonna fucking slay this year bc i’m getting my hair done and maybe nails while wearing a black body con??? uhhh can i get a FUCK YEAH BITCHES so noah was freaking and lily bc i was like five minutes late, omg lol okay. and ronny and noah were just talking bc they were friends and lily was just like, oh help. anyways, when i got there NOAH WASN’T WEARING ANYTHING HE TOLD ME HE WAS GOING TO WEAR. i mean i don’t really care but give a girl a heads up bc man, i was like what the, why was i stressing then? he was wearing grey pants, a black button up and a maroon bow tie??? i mean it’s cool but whateva. the pics were super super bad apparently cuz the ones he sent me weren’t exactly the best but imig. the pre-party was awkward bc this was the first time noah and i had hung out irl, especially w ronny and lily. but nothing really crazy happened besides some pretty awkward hc pictures and our very first pic as a couple. i was leaning my head on noah when my friend heather sent a pic of us with a heart to me. it was my wallpaper for a VERY long time after that. so this was just the hc pre-party, trust me bb theres a lot more to come after this one.
6.22.17 11:27 pm
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post 8
okeyyy so it may have been awhile since my last promised post, but hey I'm back lol. not my fault ya girl has been busy with hw and maintaining my gap. freshmen year is a little bit harder than i thought. i can imagine sophomore, junior, or senior alicen laughing at me rn but whatever. okay so back to where i left off with my story about noah.
so we first started officially dating october 8, 2016. this was our anniversary date that is stuck engraved in my brain. blegh. moving on lmao, anyways, it was like a week days before we started dating when we got into a disagreement and he ignored me until october 5th. i immediately was like what the fuck. why does this bitch feel like he can ignore me for the stupidest shit. he was mad because i told him that because of my strict parents, i can't date, and he told me that he wanted to wait for me. i was already like um...no. i want you to enjoy your junior year because i care for you and want you to have a really sweet girlfriend who can actually spend time with you and such. so he got frustrated because he kept thinking that i was pushing him away and he stopped talking to me for like three days, i was honestly like fuck you but because of who i am i was sad too. i personally was like, shit, i already fucked up my first potential hs relationship but i was like whatever. so about three or four days passed, and it was one of my jv volleyball games at santa ana hs. right before my game i dm’ed noah like hey dude, homecoming is in like a week. are we still going or not because i’m not wasting money on buying a ticket at the one day sale if we aren’t going together. i just said that to honestly make him respond faster because i had to go because of asb anyways. he was super chill like, “uh yeah why? obviously” my initial reaction was shit what the fuck, why do you think you can respond to me IN LIKE THREE MINUTES  when i’ve been trying to contact you for three days. I straight up told him i didn’t want to go out with him ever if he was just going to keep playing me like that and treating me like that. he promised to not do that ever again and 3 days later he and i sort of decided that was the day we really became official. i also pranked him so hard with lyric pranking which was like the big thing going around at the time so i got him with becky g’s singing in the shower, and soon was the day i got my real first boyfriend.
looking back, i regret being so weak and immediately crawling back into his arms the moment he reopened them but for some reason i craved his attention
6.6.17 12:04 am
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not a post
this is basically a timeline I just wanted to start early so i don’t forget when i wrote things. so basically i started my first five/six isn posts on 5.23.17 at like 1:30 am and i continued my seventh post that day later on at around 2:00 pm i believe and i added the picture of the world exploding on 5.24.17 at around 12:00 am
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post 7
okay so anyways, continuing on where i left off, noah now slid into my dm’s (wow so romantic i know). started off with the classic hey, you know you were just on a people it said i knew. and at the time i was like omg, i got a hs guy! wait! omg i got a guy!!! keep in mind my self esteem is bad now, but it was way worse then. basically noah and i started talking and three days later, he actually told me he was interested in me and wanted to go on a date. boy oh boy. hi, i was fourteen, had asian parents (specifically a tiger mom), wasn’t allowed to date, and still haven’t had a full conversation with him in person. so obviously the perfect formula for a relationship. i told him, i don't think i can date and how i thought he should actually move on because he’s a junior and he should really experience high school. he said he would wait, but that he would ask me to homecoming instead. again, i was like, oh, hey, we’re going as friends right? he questionably said if i wanted to then yeah, but he wanted to go as more than that. 
this is basically the background of how noah and i really started talking. we talked for hours everyday, so much data wasted on this boy. but i kept friend-zoning him because i was terrified of my parents finding out, and even though i thought he was cute, i still barely knew the guy, and he ended up coming off as kind of obsessive at first. in fact, at school whenever lily and ronny hung out and i third wheeled, i would always tell them to not let noah know i was there. whoops. couple months later i realized i should have gone with my gut instinct.
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post 6
lily here has been talking to this guy, ronny. he slid in her dm’s (wow romantic huh), and they started talking. well ronny’s best friend, noah was contacting lily in order to help them get together. and of course, me being the quiet, shy, and new freshman was lost and intrigued by this world of flirting and wing people. i mean i had relationships before, but high school was a whole nother playing field. alright so fast forward, lily is with me at a football game, it was color themed but i’m not gonna say because it’s just kinda scary in case someone i know stumbles upon this blog. anyways, lily and i are together with another girl, alex, and we see noah and ronny. i push lily down to the bleachers behind ronny and i’m standing behind noah. so as i get down to stand near lily, i literally knee noah in the ass. (classy lady ;). anyways when noah turns around we locked eyes and i was intrigued, but not invested. lily and ronny start talking and i start messing with noah, stuffing shit down his hoodie. and i realized wow, high school isn’t too bad. *author’s note* SIKE BITCH HS IS A SHIT LOAD OF HELL NO AND WTF WHY
alright man i’m tired i’ll add more tmr i promise.
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post 5 (the actual beginning)
alrighty kiddos let’s get this shitshow on the road.so this all really began when i moved to a new high school. everybody from my middle school was heading to a different high school and i ventured off to another high school because i fell i love with the feel and the energy as just amazing. it felt so welcoming and warm. it was also small and cozy, mind you i’m 5′1 on a good day, so this was just perfect for me. DISCLAIMER! So basically what you’re about to hear involves real people. if you somehow know me, or them, please do not pursue them for questions or to fuck them up because what i’m about to tell in these posts are gonna be pretty fucked. thanks peeps <3 okay anyways, i’m moving on and going back to the story. so i was alone for two weeks, and hun trust me, i’ve been through much worse. then i met my best friend, uhhhh...lets call her lily. anyways lily and i became best friends through our favorite sport, volleyball. we went to a simple football game and that’s the night that my whole ENTIRE freshman year changed forever.
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post 4 (about the passive-aggressive princess)
so before we get started, you guys should probably know about me before you’re about to read this shit-show. so i’m 15 years old, and an aquarius. idek man its tumblr, and my life mottos are pretty simple. go with the flow and see where the tide takes you, whether you drown or float is up to you. 2.) love yourself and everybody around you, spreading a little love never hurt nobody. unless you’re romeo or juliet, that hurt a hell of a lot my dude. and 3.) do what you want as long as you aren’t hurting yourself or anybody else. i have a strict no judge, no hate, no shit policy. don’t ever change for nobody booboo you do you and you fucking own that shit. don’t ever let anybody sway or change who you are in order to conform. the only thing that should be changing in this society are its social standards that view people at unrealistic standards. OH! number 4.) i’m a fucking feminist bro. this is probably one of the many political views you’re gonna get from me. on the flip side, i’m also pretty religious so all of my views clash. let’s just say that i have my very own custom set of views that no one will EVER be able to sway. hey if you want to talk politics, by all means do so. just please be respectful as my political view doesn’t affect yours. like i said before! own up and be you hun! <3
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post 3
alright peeps part 3 for now. i don't know why i made this. it’s 11:50 at night and i’m just here to vent. am i expecting anything from this? no. who is this for? my bio says for you but you know things are deceiving, but you know what this can be for the both of us. as i was saying before being an overweight, asian, freshmen, feminist, and pretty fucking sassy girl in high school can be pretty hard. well if you’re reading this, that means i’m probably gonna post some stupid shit i’ll regret in the morning. but if no one listens to me, then who am i gonna vent to?
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