cata-daily · 2 months
Hello and welcome to my blog where I might draw and talk about the British Moth guy sometimes!
Check Cata's channel out if you've somehow found this without doing so!!
After reading the rest of this pinned, either go to the bottom and scroll up for all the random stuff I said between art (also time order), look through the indexes, or look through the tags for what you want to see!
Here's an explanation as to why I gatekept this account until day 100...
But I've now decided to stop at day 100 and just doodle him some days, not everyday. (ahh, i predicted that, didn't i... burnout at 100, alrightt) This was super fun though! And I'll do my best to not disappear from this blog after 100.
I hope this is a given, but please don't use my art for any ai stuff.
Were quick doodles mostly, with quite a bit of random stuff heh...
They were posted going off my timezone (EST/EDT), before midnight
I won't tag other fandoms, tags are for finding what you want to see on the blog
This exists because late one night before school I went: "wanna do daily doodles but idk where to put them".
If it seems like I'm talking to myself all the time, I am. Target audience of this account: me. (and Cata, hopefully this *gestures at all this* is cool) Think of this, but not that kind of art lol.
If for any reason anything here is uncomfortable, let me know and I'll take it down! It can be an anonymous ask, dw!
Personal Faves: 4, 18, 34, 46, 60, 61, 68, 75, 80, 90
Days 1-50
Days 51-100
Block or search for whichever ones you want!
#cataclysmicarmageddon - All fanart related to him #daily cata - Daily art/posts #not daily cata - Anything not daily #passtheplayer - Pass the World animatic [Discontinued] #Wall of Text has awoken! - Titled [WoT] with a short description and then a cut. Long posts/rambles #you fight the bosses your fav yt fights - and I fight my favourite youtuber. Cata boss things #pterii rambles - I talk about random stuff
Here is the pinned from when this was still posting dailies. I've edited it a bit for the new one
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cata-daily · 5 months
-Pinned Post-
Hello and welcome to my blog where I draw and talk about the British Moth guy. I am slightly obsessed and definitely insane and I've come to accept it.
Check Cata's channel out if you've somehow found this without doing so!!
After reading the rest of this pinned, if you have a whole lot of time, I suggest scrolling to the bottom and going up from there. I say quite a lot of random stuff in between dailies that might not be in the indexes. (later, it gets more random tho lol)
Here's an explanation as to why I basically gatekept this account until day 100 (or whenever I end up sharing it) because I feel a little bad about not sharing it heh...
Quick doodles mostly, quality not guaranteed. Some random stuff may appear, but I'll try to keep this blog mostly sane and Cata-related!
I won't tag other fandoms, and tags are mostly for finding what you want to see on this account!
I've got no "until ___", this exists purely because late one night before school I went: "wanna do daily doodles but idk where to put them".
If it seems like I'm talking to myself all the time, I am. Target audience of this account: me. (and Cata, hopefully this *gestures at all this* is cool) Think of this, but not that kind of art lol.
Only time will tell when I'll stop, so until I do so for whatever reason, enjoy!
If for any reason anything here is uncomfortable, let me know and I'll take it down! It can be an anonymous ask, dw!
Pterii (like "Terry" or ˈtɛri) ✦ they/them
Enjoy me going insane about cata and life. thumbs up emoji. Cata, many many apologies for being so insane about you and your content lmao
Personal Faves: 4, 18, 34, 46, 60, 61, 68, 75, 80, 90
Days 1-50
Days 51-100 [not done]
Block or search for whichever ones you want!
#cataclysmicarmageddon - Artmageddon! All fanart related to him #daily cata - Daily art/posts #not daily cata - Anything not daily. (anything.) #passtheplayer - Pass the World animatic [Discontinued for now] #Wall of Text has awoken! - Titled [WoT] with a short description and then a cut. Long posts/rambles #you fight the bosses your fav yt fights - and I fight my favourite youtuber. (Cata boss-related) #pterii rambles - I talk about random stuff
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cata-daily · 5 months
I worked on the animatic!!! That's a W for me. Almost 10 seconds with 12 sketched frames :)
A frame I liked below the cut
Tumblr media
He's such a magical girl with his shimmer and stuff..
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cata-daily · 5 months
[Wall of Text]
About doodles, Cata design, Pass the World/Player Animatic
Oh yea! Cata posted my Demon Hearts fanart as a community post, like, a day ago! (Thankies :D) And of course yt doesn't give notifications for community posts, so I saw it 20 hours later!
The design has changed quite a bit since, especially since I realised that his mask is NOT, in fact, a plague doctor mask.
"FUCK HAVE I BEEN DRAWING A PLAGUE DOCTOR MASK THIS ENTIRE TIME auughjdshjmh i need to analyse this man's vanity under a microscope and make an actual design" -Me
I considered doing another bunch of doodles for other series, but never really got around to it. I have a few ideas written down for 8 player calamity and death games, but not enough, or ehh yeah, I decided to start with PtP.
I realise nobody's going to see any of this until I'm well into summer break, so might as well say it; I started working on an animatic of Cata's segment of Throarbin's Pass the World video on April 7th because I just kept rewatching it. The 3 and a half minute long insanity of it, oh my god, he talks so fast. I was looking through the comments because I realised Cata replied to a bunch of them, and the one by @ TheNerdyBox, "Holy shit catacylsmic is autism incarnate jesus christ" absolutely sent me, I think that's hilarious.
I may put updates on that here too if I get back to working on that sometime. So far I have the start through TheTerrariaYoutuber's "ehh, yanno, it's okay", and then from "after looking through..." to "got stuck in a bloody wall". Yes I have transcripted it all out correctly (I love doing that. Ay, I'm just saying, I like listening to British people talk. At one point I had a concerning amount of Wheatley Portal 2 lines memorised).
When I'm done (if I ever finish) I'll probably make a google doc or just put it here, and explain the little details in each frame because I like doing that. I nearly went down the rabbit hole of trying to animate the exact damage and timing of him killing WoF for that part, and got a bunch of the same gear in Terraria before realising my defense didn't line up and I had no idea what the modifiers on all the accessories was. Also cursed flame debuff was a nope.
While I'm here writing a wall of text, might as well mention that I have somehow encountered the words "cataclysmic", "armageddon", and "Nuclear option" in places completely unrelated to Cata, one of which was irl actually. And those, imo, are pretty uncommon words
This has started the tag #Wall of Text has awoken!, and I think that's accurate. Only super long ones that I think warrant it will be tagged as such. Thank you for reading my ramblings :)
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