lotussanari · 2 years
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Today one of my last past Alma pictures. I must shoot her again. She was one of my dream cosplays. I'm so proved of this cosplay. 🌸 Photo and edit by @anbuphoto 🌸 buttons by @moyaleinchen #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #selfmade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cou8eNtL64B/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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daisyachain · 2 years
Hmmmm how to say. There’s a certain peerhood of character dynamic that comes from two people in a work being both girls/both boys/both neither. That isn’t to say that life isn’t fluid or that you can’t build a dynamic between male and female characters that ignores this divide.
To take an example at random—MP100. Emi, Asagiri, Tsubomi all interact with Mob as Girls. They’re foreign, agitating or destabilizing elements in Mob’s world (the audience’s world) as non-peers. His interactions with them are always in the context of Gee I’m Talking to a Girl. Mezato is an edge case but still Girl. Mob ends up misinterpreting her journalistic curiosity as interest in the Divine Tree arc, which only makes sense if she’s viewed as Girl before Classmate. Tome, on the other hand, is fully a Peer character. She’s Mob’s closest friend from what we see in-canon, they go on what he describes as ‘dates’, but she’s so far out of the Girl social role that Shigeo never associates her with the fresh intrigue of the Girls. Instead she’s a comforting, reassuring force on the story in the way that Reigen and Ritsu are. She even steps into Mob’s shoes for the oneshot! There are gendered roles and non-gendered roles and actual gender doesn’t have to define them. Tome is a girl and not a Girl.
So, it’s interesting to play around with his characters’ genders can shape even non-romantic dynamics, or how dynamic is itself gender. People who are similar feel kinship. A tomboy will hang out with boys on the playground or a kid bullied for being a sissy will be part of the girl group. That gets complicated when genders bend around in-story.
Specifically DGM Alma Karma was born from the transmigration of a woman’s soul into an an artificial male-assigned homunculus. Her/his/their key dynamic is with Kanda as two-of-a-kind. Both experiments, both exorcists, both (assigned) boys growing up together. The sense of sameness and equivalency is important to that relationship. They have no one else in the world like them except each other.
PastKanda’s dynamic with PastAlma also fits into a strictly gendered structure: Kanda is a brooding gruff man searching for a lost cheerful kind woman. They’re the action hero/deadwife cliché. Kanda has abstracted PastAlma away from any semblance of personality because he doesn’t even know her, he just has a vague impression. The woman is separate, unknowable, distant, and though Hoshino is a lady herself, the trope is a misogynistic one that relies on the idea that women are mysterious creatures rather than human beings with thoughts and dreams.
By then transposing the somewhat gendered relationship of childhood friends-twins-equals-peers on to the irrevocably gendered trope of sadman/deadwife, Hoshino then challenges the way that gender informs the whole story. Kanda’s view on Alma is wholly interior. Alma is himself reflected, openly expresses what Kanda feels and hides, is the one person who truly knows and understands him. Then his view on PastAlma is entirely exterior; she is an inscrutable ghost, an invisible gap in his life. Kanda has idealized PastAlma and resented Alma for a decade only to find out that they’re the same person. Which begs the questions: did he think of them differently just because he thought Alma was a boy? Was PastKanda even a man? Do we the audience read PastAlma as opaque just because she’s a woman, where Alma is such a lively screen presence? Would Alma present as a woman if she weren’t trying to go incognito, or did they genuinely identify with the boyhood he was assigned?
Who knows. Social pressures always weigh on the edges of a story. Even if they’re not obvious, they inform how events unfold and how audiences interpret them. Gender (patriarchy) is such a pervasive hierarchy that a writer/reader’s got to consider how it influences plot events. Alternately, ignoring it has got to be a deliberate choice and you’ve got to think hard to keep gender from sneaking into the reading (eg a perfectly neutral interaction between girl characters will read as misogynist between a girl and a guy).
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444names · 2 years
quenya dictionary BUT including "a"
Abled Ablemo Abluisty Acapta Accomen Acilcuma Acing Actuië Adget Adilvess Admenstre Afflosee Agracandy Ahanië Ahtlent Ailman Aingë Airableng Alath Alcal Alirey Altyelp Ambassart Ambuimba Anedle Angwebody Antiphy Apessëa Apsings Aptorsaff Aquanas Aquencath Arada Arathon Aratyer Arsed Arting Artion Artië Astalmang Astilamëa Asubsed Atentlyëa Athwata Atúlë Aucar Aucarmary Aughta Aughtlya Auresind Avalta Avowtië Bealessë Beasang Beasë Beateb Berquat Berya Biteafect Blamálit Bodaith Bremota Briandu Broat Bunta Cando Carisse Carna Carrië Cartenya Cartië Cenesta Chela Cimairë Cinya Clercaus Comminda Commita Commoldan Conna Cousta Covema Covélat Crecholya Cuppar Curday Címarë Daing Deass Deavë Definwa Delazell Depairmo Dilmary Dimasamon Dincarout Disequëa Drandë Dumpenta Duresta Eadve Eally Eatiens Eationook Efrantamn Elanya Elumma Ennalware Epardir Epeanda Erparn Essilya Ethienta Etivenna Exallan Excenotal Excitorda Exilya Expearë Facirnip Facluing Fadve Faitil Falmë Fancation Fancë Faniquess Feard Fingway Finward Flazing Foamelawa Foamenta Foroya Franëa Freaken Freardë Freas Freptar Frundale Frustaint Geastë Gleary Gloodya Graiav Graita Gressaut Halaitëa Hamáya Hannausco Hannemna Hanwáman Haset Hattëa Hecirya Helenta Heloya Hemamma Hewormana Hildalm Holirëa Holmarta Honarily Hoomba Hornorya Huntrage Hyald Hyaranwë Hácouncan Höandimpa Hútaletér Ilday Imaquë Incliang Inday Inderairs Ingaine Insica Isheavinë Ishenta Jagenwa Kintant Kisentar Knoicalda Lahtië Laidiald Lamel Lantata Larmë Larron Later Latery Laurcharë Lehtando Lenfinake Liand Liffal Limínaty Linarinya Lindilya Lindóman Lirnake Litta Lortaquë Loundar Lucatta Lumbeass Lvair Lwactima Lámaht Lócarë Lónahta Lúval Macentë Magennarl Maick Mairden Marklima Marnift Mascosed Maucinca Melptalië Mengilina Metelenya Millegati Mingwata Mortrang Mulya Muriarai Mámassë Mísibleal Nableper Nabsee Nalson Naniser Ncirceace Ndare Nestar Nilas Nilúval Nimar Ninah Ninday Niquina Nista Nnact Nounarcer Ntass Numate Nyang Nyartint Nárinda Násano Návalë Návanca Nécarë Nílan Nímallo Nírëa Nútally Ohtamna Ohtara Ohtasaus Ohtirenta Olmary Onfinyals Ordua Ormage Ormaircë Oucast Oundarië Ovatte Overa Pahtat Painë Paitya Parae Pasight Pastal Pastalma Pationgë Peadfal Peasta Peraillë Plando Plumba Postast Pourlantë Powdrotal Pralst Promba Proura Pultaita Qualoya Quant Quanya Quata Quilamn Quinga Quiruca Quácilma Rabowelpë Rafornëa Ragurya Ratchins Reamath Reass Refustata Ritëa Roccald Rompetya Ríminanua Rívëa Rónable Rúnal Sacintalë Sainta Santa Saran Sarne Sartata Sauya Selya Semmya Senda Septhas Silista Simbarla Simenela Sista Sitëa Skina Smorta Solaimna Solba Sonwa Soottam Spassë Spast Sperta Spica Splimallf Squenta Staireem Stesca Stoltar Strand Styalma Suenta Suloiang Sumilahta Suruxamo Swainë Sélamba Sírëa Taitëa Taldays Tamat Tamblera Tancelaze Tarama Tarhar Tarting Tatcent Teabled Tenga Teral Terimand Thala Theastro Tionda Tionga Tivang Tolawaim Tolba Tolda Tolindar Trasta Trautled Tremnaht Tresta Triand Tuapoll Tulëa Tumëa Turayed Turëa Twinan Twinca Táratile Témang Tóquenta Töande Túrager Túriand Uatfore Uitëa Ulasta Undumater Undúnalam Urauya Ureenast Urmina Userlima Vablenta Vagives Vaitë Vancelpë Vands Vantiord Vappled Viguager Vínar Warra Warroro Warth Welar Welatal Welsan Wesheata Whiral Whounta Wifissina Willya Wisiryane Yameta Yanory Youndas Younna Yousauya Yulta Áranar Ólartion Úcanië Úligrairë Úmaminda Únatelday Únater Únórëa Úrinailan Úvacur Úvoura Úyari Úyawessë
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ginred · 5 years
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🖤 D.Gray-man 🖤 past!Alma @gin_red Photo @taykonderoga_ #dgrayman #dgm #almakarma #pastalma #cosplay #photo #ディーグレイマン #アルマカルマ #コスプレ #写真 #ディーグレイマンhallow https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx9OBDEDYmB/?igshid=1bz46qqgty6bj
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fuckyeahalmakarma · 12 years
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lotussanari · 3 years
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We are exorcists. We destroy Akuma in the Name of god. 🌸 Manga: D.Gray-Man 🌸 Past Alma: me 🌸 Allen: @palelittledragon 🌸 Kanda: my love @kavaiicos 🌸 Kandas uniform made by @lotus.diva 🌸 picture by @leonardo.weckner_photo 🌸 edit by @anbuphoto #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #safemade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ2l5xorXLl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lotussanari · 3 years
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𝓘𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓪 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓻, 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝔂 𝓶𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓼 𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓲𝓷 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷 𝓲𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝔀𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼 𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓷 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓸 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓼 𝓑𝓮𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓪 𝓽𝓪𝓫𝓸𝓸 I love this Song house of memories. I think it's a perfect Song for Past Alma and Kanda. There love is so tragic.🌸 Manga: D.Gray-Man 🌸 Past Alma: me 🌸 Kanda: my love @kavaiicos 🌸 Kandas uniform made by @lotus.diva 🌸 picture by @silentfox_cosplay #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #safemade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNQO8rIL9LG/?igshid=p1mvd74xwtps
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lotussanari · 3 years
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Good evening, guys. Today I will show you the tragic of D.Gray-Man with my love and my dear daughter. 🌸 Manga: D.Gray-Man 🌸 Past Alma: me 🌸 Allen: @palelittledragon 🌸 Kanda: my love @kavaiicos 🌸 Kandas uniform made by @lotus.diva 🌸 picture by @leonardo.weckner_photo 🌸 edit by @anbuphoto #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #safemade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cam-6BdrVsP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lotussanari · 3 years
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Next Past Alma picture. I hope you all have a nice weekend. I have no plans for the weekend because Roni. My health is not the best, but I can go to work again. 🌸 Photo and edit by @anbuphoto 🌸 buttons by @kitsunenekomata #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #selfmade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cab4E6NLxjX/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lotussanari · 3 years
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We can be together again. My favorit ship of all in d.gray-man. Finally Kanda has find his love. It's So tragic. The hole manga is tragic and depressed, but I love it. 🌸 Manga: D.Gray-Man 🌸 Past Alma: me 🌸 Kanda: my love @kavaiicos 🌸 Kandas uniform made by @lotus.diva 🌸 picture by @leonardo.weckner_photo 🌸 edit @anbuphoto #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #safemade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ0CIrqLXYF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lotussanari · 3 years
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𝑂h, 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑐𝑎𝑛'𝑡 h𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑚𝑒 𝑐𝑟𝑦 𝑆𝑒𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚𝑠 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑖𝑒 𝐹𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝑤h𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑂𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑠𝑜 𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑒𝑡 h𝑒𝑟𝑒 𝐴𝑛𝑑 𝐼 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙 𝑠𝑜 𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑇h𝑖𝑠 h𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑛𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 h𝑜𝑚𝑒 Thanks for this shooting last year. My dream comes true. My dreamcosplay with my first LED weapon. And this edit...it's amazing ❤❤❤❤ 🌸 Photo by @leonardo.weckner_photo 🌸 edit by @anbuphoto 🌸 buttons by @kitsunenekomata #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #selfmade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQrBFlfrssr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lotussanari · 4 years
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And last picture in the line and one of the last one past Alma picture for the moment. Still waiting of the other pictures from August last year. 🌸 Alma: @kavaiicos 🌸 Past Alma: me 🌸 photo by @anbuphoto 🌸 buttons by @kitsunenekomata 🌸 Almas uniform by @lotus.diva 🌸 Manga by @katsura_5600 #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #selfmade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKYa4BorAFl/?igshid=a9bfckous0ya
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lotussanari · 4 years
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New year time to post again. Here we go again with past Alma and Alma. 🌸 Alma: @kavaiicos 🌸 Past Alma: me 🌸 photo by @anbuphoto 🌸 buttons by @kitsunenekomata 🌸 Almas uniform by @lotus.diva 🌸 Manga by @katsura_5600 #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #selfmade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKGn0NmLx6I/?igshid=1bwt7jgcs5g5g
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lotussanari · 4 years
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"Come, let us watch the Lotusflowers together." 🌸 photo by @anbuphoto 🌸 buttons by @kitsunenekomata 🌸 Manga by @katsura_5600 #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #selfmade #coscraft #germancosplayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CDqFNuzjgyS/?igshid=ljk8nn92o11t
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lotussanari · 4 years
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"Do you know who I really be, Yuu." 🌸 Alma: @kavaiicos 🌸 Past Alma: me 🌸 photo by @anbuphoto 🌸 buttons by @kitsunenekomata 🌸 Almas uniform by @lotus.diva 🌸 Manga by @katsura_5600 #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #selfmade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDogRiDDcpa/?igshid=13m13t5o9isyz
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lotussanari · 4 years
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You vote for Past Alma here wie go with my dream cosplay. I made it in the beginning of the coronatime. And wow it took me so long for it. And it wasn't complet finshed. I start with her innocence at the same time, but I say a lot of feathers, a lot of feathers. I hope I can shoot her this year or next year again with innocence. #dgraymancosplayer #dgm #dgraymancosplay #dgraymanhallow #yukanda #kandayu #alma #almakarma #pastalma #dreamcosplay #favoritship #lotusflower #love #shooting #kawaii #drama #tragic #dream #blackorder #exorcist #secondexorcist #past #german #dgm_stay_alive #cosplayerofinstagram #cosplay #cosplaygirl #selfmade #coscraft #germancosplayer (hier: Nordpark Düsseldorf) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDnyflvD1TM/?igshid=102smdxegtg7
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