#path to nowhere donald
roysristi · 4 months
The Change Occurs
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With the time
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Needs to be patient - clinging hope
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The hardest survival - not a sweet outcome
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Still they fight
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goblinaurora · 4 months
Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don Don
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ptn-imagines · 3 months
Hello, i would like to see how you write about romantic relationship between Donald an m!Chief. And maybe some reaction on them from sinners that close to the chief like Hela and Hecate etc.
I wasn't expecting to get a request so quickly, but I'm very happy you did! I had a lot of fun writing this. You didn't specify headcanons or imagines, so I went with headcanons! I hope that's what you wanted!
Romantic relationship between Donald and m!Chief
Well, first of all, it takes a while for the relationship to even get to the dating phase.
Seriously, a while – not for lack of feelings, but simply out of being unsure how to go about it. Neither Donald nor the Chief exactly have much experience in the relationships department, though Donald will do his best to avoid talking about that, but their feelings run deep and steady.
In the end, it’s Donald who ends up confessing. Chief thought about it a few times, for sure, but professionality ended up making him bite his tongue. He figured it’d be some sort of scandal if it got out that the Chief of the MBCC had caught romantic feelings for a Sinner and gone so far as to ask them out.
In true Donald fashion, the confession is hilariously awkward and leaves Chief with no small amount of secondhand embarrassment, but it’s also earnestly sweet in its own way. Still, it’s obvious that Donald is leaning hard into romantic stereotypes; flowers, a movie, ice cream… The whole nine yards, really.
It’s not a bad first date; both Chief and Donald enjoy themselves. Yet, they can’t help but walk away from it feeling as though something was missing. The date felt hollow, somehow, and neither of them can quite place their finger on why… At least at first.
Eventually, they both realize what it is: that date seemed so focused on the idealization of a first date, that it didn’t consider who the two of them truly are, or what they’d like.
Chief is the one who comes to Donald, this time. They both agree to give it another try, and their second date is a lot more lowkey; a quiet, stay-at-home movie date, in the recreation area of the Bureau rather than a fancy cinema, or something in a similar fashion.
This date feels a lot more authentic, and isn’t weighed down by an awkward atmosphere. It’s Chief who ends up asking Donald out at the end of the night, and the very flustered but nevertheless thrilled Sinner is eager to accept.
The first few weeks of the relationship are some of the hardest to navigate. Donald is a very thrilled, very eager partner – to the point of overcompensating at times. Chief doesn’t dislike this – in fact, Donald’s golden retriever-like behavior is just another thing that he’s endeared with – but it does get in the way sometimes.
Some frustration is inevitable, but a few incidents and conversations about boundaries later, a comfortable compromise for the both of them is reached. After the initial hurdle, Chief will find himself with a dependable, adoring partner that, while silly and non-serious a lot of the time, genuinely does his best to show up for the Chief and give him the relationship he deserves. Donald, for his part, receives a partner who he can fully trust with every aspect of himself, who he needs to put no pretense up around.
Surprising the expectations of many, this is a couple that sparsely engages in physical intimacy beyond chaste cuddling. After all he’s gone through, Donald’s body is a patchwork of gruesome scars that he’s not entirely comfortable with. Chief is helping him to become more confident in himself every day, and he’s making great progress, but Chief will never force him to do what he’s not comfortable with. So, this relationship is more based on emotional intimacy and quality time spent together.
Regardless of how it manifests, it’s clear to everyone who sees this couple how deeply they adore one another. It’s common to see Chief laughing at one of Donald’s stupid jokes, or to find the Sinner bringing the Chief lunch on a hectic day, or carrying him back to his bed when he falls asleep at his desk.
Romance is something Hecate has never witnessed before, and while she understands it in theory, it still baffles her to see the relationship in practice. Still, she can see that Donald is making Chief happy, and she trusts Donald, so she doesn’t say much about it.
If anyone is going to give Donald a stern lecture, it’s Hella. It takes a while for word to get to her, but once it does, Donald will find a tiny pink ball of fury bearing down on him instantaneously the next time he visits Drifter Camp. It’s not that she’s unhappy with the relationship. She is just, of course, very protective of “that dummy” and issues several extremely colorful threats of what she’ll do with Donald’s bones and intestines if she breaks his heart that leaves the powerful S-Rank trembling in his boots – and that’s not an act. Hella can be scary. Well, sometimes. If you’re Donald.
(Chief scolds Hella for it when he finds out, but he’s mostly just amused.)
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nono-uwu · 4 months
Don doodle. Call that a doonaldle
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Bro got them blue orbs 👁️👁️
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pulpbeing · 3 months
you should make him bark for you. make him hump your thigh and bark so he can cum, maybe tightening the collar on his neck just a little so he feels his throat squeezing. a leash would suit his outfit well i think 💭
okay okay okay okay let me cOOK
donald’s way too fucking eager for praise. his ‘dispatch complete’ line, for example, where his voice drops as he asks for a ‘commendation ceremony’— your praise. he loves when you invest in his abilities to make him stronger, more powerful, shackle him further, make him yours even more than he already was. he wouldn’t think twice before barking for you if you even mutter it with half a mind or have your heels on his throat: he’s barking, full-chested and smiling, just because you wanted him to do it. he’ll bark, bark all day, howl from pleasure, he’s forgetting his words as he whines as you push yourself back into him, dragging his shaking legs back to wrap around your waist and go for another round… and he’ll still let out a weak ‘w-woof’ as he presses as close as his body could allow.
dear lord i need this in my life. no cap as the kids say. like barking, you don’t even have to finish the sentence, let alone repeat it even once as he strips himself of his clothes and leaves nothing but that collar on, maybe that necklace that falls perfection between his tits. his funny little carefree, blasé attitude he usually holds crumbling away the moment he’s alone with you because he’s just your puppy, your good boy. a good boy takes only what he’s given, and when told to only hump your thigh, your boot, your hand? he’ll do it, clinging to you all the while and thanking you, thanking you, thanking you, for letting him breathe, for letting him stay with you, for indulging him in his pleasure. it never takes him too long to cum like that— but don’t worry. he can go as long as you want him to. ignore his aging bones; he’s your good boy first and foremost, he can go as long as you tell him to. one, two, three, five loads coating your skin and his grip bruising as he thanks you once again.
the collar & leash. ( THE LEASH‼️‼️‼️ 🧎🧎🧎)
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck you fuck donald fuck fuck fuck i love leashes and collars and clear ownership that anchors the sub down. him keeping the leash on even in his cell just to see it hang from the collar on his neck, biting his lip shyly in a feeble attempt to distract himself of all his dirty little thoughts <3 donald who was breathless when you first got the pretty thing and personally put it on his bare neck, that proud gaze of yours making him melt like nothing else and solidifying the fact he was yours, set in stone before, until his death (shackles? more like marriage), this just shows everyone, sinners and not, the wealthy and the starved: he’s yours, yours, all yours. everyone knows he’s your lapdog, your darling puppy that stays at your side. donald who stutters when he spots your hand even nearing the leash, let alone the near orgasmic feeling of you pulling on it to make him follow you, get him even closer to you. he’s crawled on all fours and barked for you, leash in your hand as your precious pup keeps his hands down and uses his teeth to open up your pants to reveal what he’s grown to crave the most outside of your presence. donald whose eyes glaze over in pure submission any time you tighten his collar up or use the leash to keep him all too close for anything professional, having him rather obey you than think of getting more oxygen to live, panting like a proper dog if you don’t have him choking on something better. donald who, shit, you don’t even have to use your shackles on to get him to obey any command. dispatches, special training, sitting under your desk and staying quiet so your adjutant doesn’t hear as he deepthroats or suckles at your member. he’s got his head on your shoulder and whining like a needy little thing when he isn’t pawing at your pants, begging for you to use him because he knows you’re stressed </3 use him! he can take it! remind him of his place by stepping on the leash and forcing him away— not for too long, though. he might have grown addicted to his position under you.
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veraberetta · 6 months
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holyhomo · 1 month
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mawu-yama · 4 months
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huythan1910 · 6 months
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I found my comrade
Someone saw the vision like me😂😂
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dulcesiabits · 8 months
@sierrascribbles and I were talking about how... X, the agent who caused chief to die/go into a coma in chapter 11, and set off the turmoil in the west district, might actually be Shalom. Their voices sound similar (I checked), and Shalom was also in a coma, just like chief is in (potentially this happened because they clashed?)... and it's hinted that Shalom has blue shackles, much like how chief has red shackles, and the interference of blue shackles were the reason chief couldn't subdue the corpus of BR002 and fell into a coma so... it's all coming together.......
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roysristi · 4 months
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zwan99 · 7 months
It's bird? It's a plane? No, it's a S class male sinner!
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It's been a while (never)... 😆
Speculations say it might be Donald?
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edeldoro · 4 months
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He's... okay...
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lanibijou · 4 months
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Please...someone get this man brown contacts..he's scaring me
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veraberetta · 6 months
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chuuyastinysock · 4 months
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HELL YEAH BABEY gacha pulls round up
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