#patricia x martel
ghostyolive · 8 months
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Shoutout to @clearbun for coming up w Martel x Patricia. What if we were two characters in a show who have never canonically met but by headcanon we had an a romance when we were young and now we still remember each other fondly (and we were both girls⁉️⁉️ 😳)
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clearbun · 8 months
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please see my vision please please please please
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ghostywriter · 3 months
Having 1 million billion patricia x martel thoughts rn. I rlly wanna write a pre-canon fic of them being 20 year old lesbians in the north <3
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mandoalorian · 3 years
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Pedro Pascal Fic Rec List - April 2021.
To celebrate Pedro Pascal’s 46th birthday, and my 2000 follower milestone, I have decided to compile a list of all my favourite Pedro Pascal character x reader fics as well as write something little about why I love them so much.
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--- List under the cut ---
Maxwell Lord
What’s Love Got To Do With it by @storiesofthefandomlovers
This series by Charlie -- my god. I have read this series four times, and you can ask any of my friends, I was obsessed with it. WLGDTWI was literally the first ever fan fiction I cried over (please take that as a compliment). I was a ghost reader for a very long time on Tumblr, and I read this back when there was barely any fics for Max Lord whatsoever, but it will always, ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. I remember getting so many of my friends to read it too. I just adore the arranged marriage trope and how you executed it. 
Honey & Velvet by @forever-rogue
Patricia; when I first began to stan Maxwell, it was a friend who recommended that I read Honey & Velvet. I am not kidding when I say it changed my life. This was the first Max Lord series I ever read (it must’ve been back in Summer 2020) and your writing only fuelled my love for him even more. It’s a series I’ve read and enjoyed multiple times and I’ll always go back to reread it.
Gold Rush by @thewayofthemandalorian
Gillian, I’m on my second reading of Gold Rush and I can’t even begin to tell you how comforting I find it. I always yearn for soft!Max, fics that set in the WW universe, fics that include Alistair -- and you served so hard with this. It’s so easy to get lost into this amazing universe you’ve created in Gold Rush and this fic has put so many smiles on my face. I even shed a tear at the ending. Thank you thank you thank you for taking your time to write Gold Rush, because I just know it brings myself and others so much warmth and joy.
Din Djarin
Metanoia by @kiwi-the-first
This broke me. Metanoia is based on the song Saint Bernard by Lincoln, and Kiwi, the way you incorporated the lyrics with this one shot... it was just so wonderfully done. This fic hurt -- but take that as a compliment because the fact your writing can evoke such emotion really says a lot about your talent.
Sweet Talk by @pascalpanic
Aaaa a spicy one by Josie so this is for 18+ readers only! This was so well written and I remember, when I wasn’t feeling particularly bothered about Din, I read this and immediately got in the feels for him. That’s Josie’s superpower. You read her writing and then you just can’t stop thinking about it for days on end. That’s what Sweet Talk done to me. 
Dave York
The Honey Inside Your Hive by @mouthymandalorian
Katee, my love, I’m so glad I met you. I’m so glad we’re friends. Your writing is  absolutely phenomenal and I get so excited when I see you’ve written something new. But this fic -- this fic in particular -- ...whoa. I love sex pollens but you OUTSOLD with this one. It’s so fucking fantastic and I will literally spend the rest of my life recommending people to read The Honey Inside Your Hive. Everytime I read it, it’s like, I get transported to another planet. It’s OUT OF THIS WORLD.
Frankie Morales
Please, anything by @honeymandos, literally anything. Soliel is my best friend in the whole world and honestly? I have never felt much for Frankie’s character, but talking to her about headcanons, or fics she’s writing... she literally possesses the power to make you fall head over heels in love with him. She has such an accurate depiction of him and she is such a talented writer. You just have to trust me and see for yourself because you will not regret reading her work.
Bird Bath by @honeymandos 
To Love Is To Stay by @honeymandos
Somebody Else by @honeymandos
Infernal Hearts by @honeymandos
Javier Pena
Woman by @steeeeeeeviebb
This fic -- *chefs kiss*. Mwah. It’s perfection. I was getting frustrated for a long time because I don’t really have the patience or attention span for series’, and I really wish I did because getting lost in a fic is such a wonderful experience to me. But this fic yeeted me straight out of that loophole where I couldn’t fixate on reading something and it truly took over my life. I was reading Woman at every free moment I got. I love how Stevie captures not only Javier’s character, but also Steve and Connie. And I have never hated a character more than I hate Kubakis. I can’t wait for an update; this series holds such a special place in my heart.
Teach Me Tonight by @storiesofthefandomlovers​
Another one by Charlie! The first Javier fic I ever read, and I just adore the premise of it. I love the arc, and the way each chapters are laid out as a ‘lesson’. It’s another one of Charlie’s fics that I got all my friends to read. I got lost in Teach Me Tonight, it truly is a rollercoaster of emotions. 
Oberyn Martell
Dove by @honeymandos
This must be a Soliel stan account because once again I’m recommending a fic of hers. Dove is the only Oberyn Martell fic I’ve ever read, and probably the only one I will ever read. It’s the sweetest, most perfect teacher AU you will ever have the privilege of reading.
Pero Tovar
Xìngjiāo by @absurdthirst
I love Tovar but the sad truth is, I can never find many fics for him. But whenever I see that Keri has posted a new Tovar fic, I just know it’s going to be amazing. She captures his character so wonderfully and her writing is absolutely phenomenal. I find it hard to write for Tovar, with the time period and all -- but for Keri, it must come naturally. Her work just flows so naturally. So I’d recommend that you all read Xìngjiāo and then work your way down the rest of her Tovar fics because wow. You will not regret it.
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Congrats on the milestone Patricia!!!!! You deserve it, I’m so so happy for you!🥺🥺
May I request “I thought you were dead…” and “I waited and waited, but you never came back” for Oberyn, perhaps? Give me angst 😈😈😈
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Hello, my love! You want angst? You get angst!
Oberyn x Fem!Reader ; warnings: mentions of death
Pedro Character Masterlist
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A heavy sigh left his lips as sweat trickled down his brow, and his chest, quickly absorbed by the thick fabric of his golden tunic. He raised the almost empty water bottle to his lips and downed the rest of it. He cursed himself for not coming more well prepared for making this trek in his damned heat. 
But then he heard it, softly, and gently and from a slight distance, but he knew exactly what it was. Your laughter - it was forever ingrained in his mind, one of the sweetest sounds he had ever heard. He would never forget it. But why in the heavens you wanted to move to this forsaken place he would never know. It was one of the hottest stretches of Dorne, and almost completely secluded, save for the nearby small villages. 
He shuffled closer and closer, his feet slipping into the hot sand and slowing down his trek. But Oberyn was many things, including a stubborn man, and he kept pushing. Pushing and pushing through as his sole goal was you. Surely you’d be happy to see him after all this time, right? He was your lover and you were his - you’d had him heart and soul, easily wrapped around your finger.
But just before your modest home came into view, he heard a new sound, a different one. One that made him stop dead in his tracks. 
“Mama!” it was a small voice, a soft one. Oberyn swallowed the lump in his throat as he stepped forward, looking to the yard of your home. Despite being in the middle of the desert, your yard was filled with trees and plants and bushes, all clearly loved and taken care of. His heart caught in his throat as he spotted the small boy, eagerly running back to the wide open door, “Mama! Can I go to the river with my friends?”
“Of course, my sweet one,” you stepped into view, wiping your hands on a rag as the boy wrapped his arms around your waist, “be careful, okay? I don’t want anything going wrong.”
“I’m always careful,” he beamed before running off, his black curls bouncing with each stride. You waved after him, the smile on your features was as blinding and lovely as the day he had met you. You hadn’t seemed to age a day, despite the years that had passed. 
Oberyn watched as the small figure disappeared into the distance, his mind spinning wildly with a hundred million thoughts at once. Was he...surely he couldn’t be...but….that little boy had been the spitting image of him. 
He never knew...he hadn’t known you’d been with child. He didn’t...know. 
Almost as if you sensed some kind of disturbance, you looked up, shielding your eyes from the golden sun as you looked around. After a few moments, you spotted his figure in the distance, a concerned look on your face at the weary man in front of you. 
“Hello!” you called out to him, walking to the edge of the gate that surrounded your home. He sucked in a nervous breath as you came closer, waiting for the second you discovered who he was. But as he took a few steps closer, you seemed just as confused, “are you alright? Do you need water - a rest?”
Oberyn’s body was humming with energy as he made his way over to you, barely able to comprehend that you were there - living proof and in the flesh. Surely you would recognize him any second...you had to. Right? Right?
Step by precious step he came closer until he was a few feet in front of you. You studied the man silently, your curiosity piqued as you realized that somehow he looked oddly familiar. His chest tightened and felt constricted as he eagerly anticipated your reaction. But you just titled your head to the side and regarded him curiously.
"Are you okay?" you asked softly as he opened and closed his mouth a few times, "do you want to come inside and cool down?"
You motioned for him to follow, wondering momentarily if he was mute or if he was in some sort of shock. Oberyn was rooted in his spot, unable to move. Before you could turn around to see if he was following, you heard him speak. You heard your name - whispered softly, reverently. 
"Sunshine…" no. No, no, no. It couldn't be, surely you were mistaken. There was only one person in the entire world that had ever called you that. 
And he was dead. Long dead - you watched him die.
Slowly turning around, you breathed in deeply, your chest rising and falling anxiously as you met the man's eyes. There was a nervous expression on his face as you walked back over to him.
"What did you say?" your voice was already shaking, trembling and cracking with every word, "what did you call me?"
"Sunshine," he whispered it softly as you shook your head, eyes already burning and stinging with tears.
"No," you insisted, "you...you aren't...why would you call me that? You don't know me…"
"I do," he whispered as the tears spilled over and ran down your cheeks. He extended his hand, moving to wipe away your tears, but you flinched out of his touch, bringing an ache to his chest, "sweet girl, you know me."
"Please," you whispered softly, "I don't know you… I-I-I don't know you."
"But you do. You know my name - you know me…"
"I don't."
"No!" you snapped harshly as you glared at him, "there was only one man that ever called me that - the only one that was ever allowed to. Do not think yourself worthy of doing such a thing!"
"What was his name?" he asked, his brown eyes softening as you refused to speak.
"Don't you dare!"
"Say it," he insisted, "what was his name?"
"Please don't do this…"
"Say my name, Sunshine," he whispered, ready to throw himself at your feet and to beg you to say it, for you absolve his sins - anything, "please…"
"You know me...gods, I wish I could hear you say it one more time…"
"I-I-I thought you were dead, Oberyn," you broke and said it. It was soft, a familiar sound that felt like heaven and hell at the same time. It was a sound you hadn't heard in years, and it brought forth every emotion you'd worked to suppress and forget and keep at bay, "I waited and waited and you never came back. I waited so long - they said you were gone…"
“They thought I was,” he admitted as his face fell at the sight of yours; nothing but grief and sorrow was etched in your features. He wished he could take you and wrap you up in his arms, but how you had pulled away from him, he didn’t want to upset you further - even if it broke his heart, “after everything...they left me at first, left me to rot, but something happened and I woke up again. It was like a miracle; I don’t know what happened or why….but I survived.”
“It’s been six years, Oberyn,” you sniffled as you studied the man in front of you. He was so different from the man you had last seen; he was older, more weary looking, with stray grey hairs infusing into his beard and the curls he had left grow out. Instead of the pristine visage you had known, there were scars on the side of his face, but they didn’t deter from his beauty. If anything else, they all told a story - a story of his death and rebirth.
And yet, he was still the same as he always had been. Soft eyes, honeyed and golden only for you, with the sweetest smile. Oberyn Martell - your Oberyn. 
"I know," he agreed gently, "and it took me a long time to get better. I was bedridden and barely able to function for over a year."
"And then…?" you studied him as you tried not to completely have a breakdown at the thought of him helpless and broken. 
"I looked for you," he promised answering your unspoken question, "as soon as I got better and was able to. I looked everyday, far and wide, I had people look for you, but none could find you. It was like you had disappeared. Vanished."
"I had to leave," you whispered softly as the tears you had been holding back rolled down your cheeks. There was no point in trying to hold them back  - after all this time, the man you had once loved was back. It was like seeing a ghost after all this time. He swallowed thickly before nodding slightly, “I couldn’t stay  - not in King’s Landing, not in Sunspear, not around everyone. I couldn’t go back and face everyone, in a place where everything would remind me of you. It was too much, Oberyn. My world ended that day, with you in a pile of blood and ruin. I couldn’t...I’m sorry.”
“There’s nothing to apologize for,” he whispered as he reached up again, slowly and more hesitant, testing to see how far you would let him go. This time, you shy away from his touch, letting him gently touch your cheek and wipe away the tears that didn’t seem to stop, “you did what you had to. Many people would have done the same - I’m not sure I would have done anything differently.”
“There’s...I...I didn’t just leave to protect myself,” you confessed, the words so soft and gentle they were barely audible, but Oberyn heard you loud and clear. You clasped your hands nervously, thinking back to the day you had found out. It was after Oberyn had died  - or so you thought. He never knew, and suddenly it felt like a dirty secret. You inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling, “Oberyn...I...we...I was with child.”
The Prince found himself unable to speak, the tears and emotion getting stuck in his throat as he nodded; his own eyes grew bleary with tears that threatened to spill over as he brushed a finger along your cheek. A heavy weight felt like it was on your shoulders, but if you knew - if you had any clue he was still alive - you would have found him...you would have told him. He looked at you with soft eyes before pulling you into a hug, unable to stop himself. You hugged him right back, unable to stop yourself, clutching at him as though he was the only thing in the world. Even after all this time, it felt the same as ever, like you had never strayed from his touch. He squeezed his eyes shut as he pressed a few kisses to the side of your head, “a son?”
“A son,” you reassured him softly, solidifying that the little one he had seen running around earlier had to be his son. Slowly, almost reluctantly, you pulled back and studied his face, cradling it gently in your hands before pressing a gentle kiss to his lips, “you finally had a son, Oberyn. I...I named him Elio. Elio Nymeros Oberyn.”
It felt like the air had been knocked from his lungs as he listened to you; this was everything he could have ever dreamed of, and yet...he hadn’t gotten to experience a single moment of it. Life was cruel that way; it gave and then it took and took and took. Oberyn’s eyes searched yours as he whispered, “for Elia? For me?”
“Of course,” you smiled softly. But before you could say anything yes, some excited shouts and laughter from the distance. It was then that reality set in and you took a step back from Oberyn, as if you suddenly remembered that this, the moment the two of you had just shared, wasn’t real life. No - it felt more like a fever dream.
“Mama!” the little boy was a blur as he excitedly sprinted towards you. Oberyn’s heart was beating wildly as he tried to get a good look at the young boy, your son - his son. He was too preoccupied with the new arrival to notice the other approaching figure, “I was going to go to the river but then I got distracted…”
You ran a hand affectionately through his dark curls, almost speechless at how much he took after Oberyn. Especially now, seeing them side by side, there was no doubt that he was Oberyn’s son. The young boy shied into your skirts as he tugged your arm around him and regarded the Prince in confusion. 
“It’s okay, my little love,” you promised him as he made a small sound, “this is...umm..Nymeros.”
Oberyn had to physically stop from sweeping the young boy in a bone crushing hug. He slowly bent down so he was on Elio’s level and held his hand to him, “hi Elio. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Hi,” he said shyly, offering up a small smile, and taking Oberyn’s hand, “do you know my Mama and Papa?”
“I…” Oberyn passed for a moment before looking back at you. Surely...surely he hadn’t heard correctly…
“Oberyn, I-”
“Hello, my loves,” the arrival of another newcomer snapped you both of your daze as you turned to find your husband making his way over to the three of you. Elio’s eyes lit up as he darted away from you and towards the man. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him picking up the young boy and setting him atop his shoulders. He came over to you and gently pressed a kiss to your cheek, as you beamed at him; even Oberyn couldn’t deny the glow on your features. He paused for a moment before kissing your lips gently, “hello, my sweetest.”
“Hello to you, dearest husband,” you gave him a soft smile before turning your attention back to Oberyn. The expression on his face was devastating; it was heartbreak personified. Your face pulled into a frown as you sighed lightly, “Jeron, this is...this is…”
“Nymeros,” Oberyn caught your eye, a sad little expression on his face as he held out his hand to your husband, “we...used to know each other, a long time ago, it was almost like another lifetime ago. I was...passing through and thought I recognized her and just wanted to say hello.”
“Nice to meet you,” Jeron’s smile was easy as he shook Oberyn’s hand. It was easy to see why you had ended up with a man like him; he had a warm, gentle aura about him, and even Oberyn couldn’t deny his charm. He was a handsome man, tall and thin, with a shock of dark hair and almost black eyes and the most golden skin, with a smile equally as dazzling, “it’s been hot out, you must come in and cool down.”
“Oh no,” Oberyn shook his head, feeling like his heart was breaking a little more with each word, “I wouldn’t want to impose.”
“Please, we insist,” Jeron said as you looked torn, “join us for dinner! Any friend is family and welcome in our home.”
“Perhaps some other time,” Oberyn’s voice almost cracked as he looked between the two of you, finding the young boy already starting to doze off, no doubt ready for a nap, “I actually must get going. I think I’ve already stayed too long.”
“Well, you’re always welcome in our home,” Jeron promised him. He turned to you, giving your shoulder a gentle squeeze, “I’m going to put the little one down for a nap.”
“Of course,” you said softly as he disappeared inside. Oberyn watched you closely for a few moments before a few tears rolled down his cheeks. It felt like a knife was twisting in your heart, but...you didn’t know. You never knew that he was alive or you would have been by his side the entire time. 
“Do you love him?” he asked softly as you felt your own tears well up again. You swallowed thickly before nodding slowly - and it was true. Jeron was a good man that you loved more than life itself, just as you once had Oberyn, “and our son. Is he good to our son?”
“He’s an amazing father,” you promised, “he loves Elio so much...he knows he is not his, but it has never stopped him loving him as his own, and Elio doesn’t know any different. He’s raised him since he was a babe.”
“Are you happy?” 
“Yes,” you dabbed at your eyes, “I am very happy. It took a long time to get there, but I am happy with this life. It is quiet and humble, but I love every day of it.”
“Okay,” Oberyn gave you a teary eyed, tight lipped smile, “that’s all I needed to know. That’s all I ever wanted, Sunshine.”
“Oberyn,” he took a step back and offered you one last nod. You knew what this meant - you knew what he was thinking. You shook your head as your eyes widened, “no, please, Oberyn-”
“Goodbye, Sunshine,” he whispered gently, “I love you always.”
“Please don’t...don’t just go...don’t just leave.”
“My place isn’t here,” he insisted, “but you’re happy, and...our son is happy and healthy. That’s all that matters.”
“No, no, no, please,” you knew it was useless; his mind was made up.
“I must,” he insisted softly, “you will always have my heart. May we meet again in another life, my sweet girl.”
“Oberyn…” it was a soft broken whisper as he slowly turned to walk away. He wanted to look back, but he couldn’t. Instead, he let his tears flow freely as he left, each step breaking his heart bit by bit. It felt like you were losing him all over again, “Oberyn.”
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nanamikeento · 4 years
Follower Milestone Celebration!
A few days ago I realized my audience has grown even more, so I thought of maybe celebrating in a different way. I’ll list some of my mutuals and their masterlists as a way to celebrate them too, because they’re also a part of my followers and I get so much support from them. I also love them very much. So if you don’t follow them, please take a look and consider! Thank you so much for following and putting up with me, lol. 💖✨
@hiscyarika: She has an on going Javier Peña series that I absolutely love with all my heart, and she writes for most of the Pedro Boys, and I love everything she writes. (masterlist)
@vercopaanir: omg, Brandi has a lovely story in progress! I love love her writing style, it makes me Yearn™. I love her version of Din, if you want some dad!Din, she’s the one you should go for! (masterlist)
@forever-rogue: bruh, Patricia writes the best version of Oberyn Martell, In Name Only is literally my fave and I think about it every single day. There’s also a professor!Peña fanfic that sometimes I think about and Yearn. I just love it so much? (masterlist)
@goldafterglow: I present to you, the Ezra Queen. Her words are like poetry and she manages to capture his character so well. Her writing always makes me yearn with her angst and hurt/comfort 🤧 (masterlist)
@bestintheparsec: Lauren is honestly so talented, she writes and make lovely gifs. Her stories are so easy to read and she manages to capture the characters so well! I love her The Same Coin series with Javi, I just love it so much (masterlist)
@hansoulo: lari has a wonderful on going series with Javier Peña that makes me y e a r n. I love it so much. Besides, she writes for other Narcos boys and i love her writing style, so much?! (masterlist)
@aerynwrites: Aeryn is one of the most talented people here. I seriously love everything she posts. She write for Pedro characters and more (apparently for DBH too?? how am i just seeing that??) Anyway, go follow her, she’s so talented and such a sweetheart! (masterlist)
@dindjarindiaries: Molly is the sweetest, most humble mutual I have. She writes fics and little blurbs for Din Djarin and honestly??? She's the Queen. I love her stuff so much and every time she shows up in my notifications I get so happy! (masterlist)
@yespolkadotkitty: If you’re a fan of Pero Tovar you have to read Querida and I’ll Do My Best By You. You just have to. She manages to capture Tovar’s character so well and I love it very much, thanks. (masterlist)
@haildoodles-writing: She’s honestly so talented and sweet! Writes for Pedro characters and dbh as well :’) (masterlist)
@catfishingmorales: Lex doesn’t have a masterlist, but she writes a lot for the Triple Frontier Boys (except for tom, cause f*ck him) and I really recommend if you want to read something sweet and sexy for Benny or Will Miller 🥺
@tiffdawg: Tiff knows I love her professor!Peña version, I freak out whenever she updates it! And she also writes for other characters!! Honestly, she’s such a sweet person, I love her so much! (masterlist)
@agentpike: Marcus Pike Queen. I love her work so much, I don’t think she knows it. I love loveeee her set it up au!!! tbh i wish we were bffs she’s literally the sweetest person!!! (masterlist)
@adikaofmandalore: Adi is so talented and they write Ezra and Jack so in character! I honestly love their writing style and their fics give me the serotonin I need to get through the day! I feel like they’re very underrated and they deserve all the love! pls go follow them, they’re amazing! (masterlist)
@maxlordd: yes, she’s the Maxwell Lord Queen. yes, even though the movie didn’t come out yet. You can see her love for the character, she knows about him a lot and I love that, because you can see she’s read the comics in her writing. And I’m not really a fan of the character but Dreide’s series A Gilded Lie is so good. Honestly, to write such story about the WW1984 without even watching the movie??? Patty Jenkins who?? I love it so much (masterlist)
@huliabitch: Julia writes one of the best smut I’ve ever read?? And she makes beautiful moodboards for her stories too!! Her clan!leader Mando x OFC is amazing!!!! (masterlist)
@softpedropascal: literally the Frankie Morales Queen. She’s got everything covered about him and still manages to come up with more headcannons, written differently and her grasp on his character is so well done. Her Pragma series makes me yearn so much. I love it. (masterlist)
@santigarcia : Taylor’s main blog is currently unfairly flagged for some reason, but if you like Oscar Isaac, she’s the one you should go for! She’s super talented and she writes Santiago Garcia so well and I just love it so much!
@mxndoscyarika: A fellow swiftie who’s talented and wrote one of the best fics for Marcus Pike (yes, I’m still thinking about that cardigan inspired fic), and she also writes a very lovely series with Javier and a chinese reader! (masterlist)
@absurdthirst: She writes a bit of everything and her writing style is so familiar for some reason? I love her smut, she writes it so well! (specially with Pero Tovar 🤧) (masterlist)
@rzrcrst: Also one of the best writers here??? She was the one of the firsts writers that I followed when I joined the fandom and I honestly aspire to be at her level. Her dialogue style is just perfect and I’m in love with the way she writes Ezra (ever since day one), but she also writes for other star wars characters and marvel too!! (masterlist)
@murdermewithbooks: The perfect balance between angst and fluff and smut? Her writing made me cry once and yes that is a compliment! She writes for Pedro characters and I love it so much! (masterlist)
@talesfromtheguild: Honestly she writes the best d*ddy k*nk I’ve ever read? lmao, I love the way she captures Agent Whiskey’s energy even though it’s nothing like he’s in the movie? I don’t know if that makes sense, but it’s just so on point and it makes my tummy churn. I love it. She writes for other Pedro characters too! (masterlist)
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hiscyarika · 4 years
Maybe 169 and 195 with our lovely prince, Oberyn? 💕
Word Count: ~800
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Reader
Prompt: 169. “What a pretty sight.” 195. “Well, fine; just this once.” (from This List)
Warning(s): None
A/N: Here it is! My first attempt at Oberyn. I’m not gonna lie though, I loved this and I’m definitely going to be writing more for him. I hope you enjoy this Patricia! Ily bb! 💕
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You spend all the time you can on the shores of the Summer Sea, letting the sand come up between your toes and cover your bare feet. You close your eyes as the Dornish sun hits your back, its comforting heat igniting your soul. The waves crash against the shore, creating the perfect ambiance. There’s no one else on this stretch of beach, and that’s exactly the way you like it. Here, you’re free to be alone with your thoughts.
You find a rock to perch yourself on, smiling as the breeze flows through the thin dress that you wear. Your hair billows behind you, and you take in a deep breath of the clean, salty air. You take out the leather journal you carry with you, along with your pen and tiny ink well, continuing the poem that you’ve been writing for the last few days.
One lord looked upon the shore and saw the end.
The ocean is vast and eternal.
An unforgiving entity to be feared.
But another looked and saw the beginning.
The ocean is vast and eternal.
It carries an opportunity to be seized.
One lord was guided by fear.
The other by faith.
One was trapped in a prison of his own making.
The other free as the birds in the sky.
Satisfied for a moment, you look back out at the sea. You then begin to speak your own words aloud, giving them to the water and the air and the birds. They’re the only ones who will ever hear them, and you’re content with that.
“I think...I prefer to be the second of the two. Wouldn’t you agree?”
You startle at the sultry voice that breaks your reverie, dropping your ink well into the sand. Closing your journal and stuffing it into your bag with your pen, you turn to face the intruder. You cannot believe whom your eyes fall upon.
“Prince Oberyn…,” you breathe, standing and dropping into a curtsy. You’ve never met the prince of Dorne in person, but you’ve seen him. You know him by reputation.
“Please. Do not bow for me as I have disturbed you. Forgive me. I did not mean to frighten you,” he says.
You shake your head. “It’s quite alright, your highness. I was just lost in my own world.”
He gives an amused hum, then looks out at the very ocean that had captured you so. “What a pretty sight,” he murmurs. “I have been to many countries and seen their shorelines. But none are beautiful as that of Dorne,” he muses. You smile wistfully and shrug, smoothing the wrinkles in your dress from where you’d been seated on the rock.
“I’ve never left Dorne, though I’d quite like to,” you admit. You’re not sure what possesses you to share this with the prince, but the words have left your lips before you can give them a second thought.
He chuckles and looks to you again. “So you would rather be like the second lord,” he says, his smoldering eyes shining with interest. You find yourself smiling back at him, growing more comfortable with his presence even though it’s probably improper for you to do so.
“Yes. I would,” you answer him definitively. “I’ve written so much about the idea of leaving, but I’ve never managed to do it.”
He takes a step closer to you. “Where would you go? Surely not to the north,” he says.
You laugh and shake your head profusely. “Where the Lannisters reign? Never, your highness,” you tell him. You have no desire to see Westeros in its entirety. You’ve read enough about King’s Landing and Winterfell and the Iron Islands. You know they’ll never hold a candle to Dorne.
“Oberyn, please,” he implores you, coming close enough to take your hand. He lifts it to his lips, pressing a kiss to your fingers. “And what is the name of my lovely poet?”
You tell him your name, your expression softening as your eyes meet his. You’ve heard stories about the prince and his many lovers. You know about his eight daughters, the Sand Snakes. You wonder why he’s given you any moment of his time when someone like Ellaria Sand waits for him.
“A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Tell me, my lovely poet, may I sit here with you awhile? I’d love to hear more if you’ll allow it,” he says. You feel your heart beating a bit faster at the thought of reading your poetry to the prince. He’ll be the first person you’ve ever shared it with. To give these words to someone other than the sea, the sky, and the birds is unspeakably intimate.
And yet you find yourself unafraid.
“Well, fine; just this once,” you tease.
But as you sit there on the shore of the Summer Sea, looking into the eyes of Oberyn Martell as he drinks in the deepest musings of your heart and soul, you know somehow that this won’t be the last time.
Permanent Tags: @theforceofdarkandlight @hail-doodles @aerynwrites@murdermewithbooks @themandjalorian @longitud-de-onda @readsalot73 @lovingtheway @talesfromtheguild @mystical-934  @lavenderl3mons @tiffdawg @lokiaddicted @adikaofmandalore @blue-tidal-wave @forever-rogue @flower-petal-blooming@fleurdemiel145  @cable-kenobi @opheliaelysia @pynch-bug
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roidespd-blog · 5 years
The Queer King recommends THE DEATH AND LIFE OF MARSHA P. JOHNSON (2017) No one knows what really happened to activist and trans pioneer Marsha P. Johnson the night she died. People still trying to understand. Why do you need to see it ? Marsha P. Johnson is an icon and learning about her is learning about Stonewall and our culture.
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The Queer King recommends FAGGOTS, Larry Kramer (1978) Fred Lemish, looking for love, gravitates in a New York City full of glory holes, BDSM, orgies and becomes disillusioned along the way. Why do you need to read it ? It’s Kramer’s first novel. It’s ruff. His writing doesn’t shy away from the reality of gay life and he does not take any prisoners alive. A must read.
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The Queer King recommends TANGERINE, Sean Baker (2015) On Christmas Eve, Sin-Dee discovers her pimp boyfriend has been cheating on her. With her friend Alexandra, she goes searching for him Why do you need to see it ? Shot on an IPhone for a ridiculous amount of money, this dramedy puts trans women up front with incredible narrative audacity.
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The Queer King recommends A LITTLE LIFE, Hanya Yanagihara (2015) Jude, Willem, JB & Malcolm are best friends living in New York City. From college to middle-age, with most focus on Jude, you will learn to care for them like no other fictional characters before. Why do you need to read it ? I can’t stress this enough. This novel is extraordinary. 18 months later, I’m still not over it. It will break your heart.
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The Queer King Recommends PLEASE LIKE ME, Josh Thomas (2013–2016) Josh discovers he’s gay, putting a spin in the lives of his girlfriend, his lazy best friend, his newly-wed dad and his depressed mother. Why do you need to see it ? This Australian comedy achieves in tone and heart what Looking never could. And also, there’s Arnold. Oh, Arnold.
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The Queer King Recommends HEDWIG AND THE ANGRY INCH, John Cameron Mitchell (2001) Hedwig, an East German gender queer rock singer, is waiting for her operation that will get rid of the one-inch mound of flesh between her legs. Why do you need to see it ? Poignant, full of incredible tunes and an extraordinary performance from writer-director JCM. Sugar Daddy, Bring it Home.
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The Queer King Recommends THE PRINCE OF SALT/CAROL, Patricia Highsmith (1952) Young Therese meets Carol, an rich older woman. The “friendship” that will follow will change her life forever. Why do you need to read it ? An unprecedented feat in literature, a lesbian love story in which the protagonists are not punished in the end. The movie adaptation by Todd Haynes is also a must-see.
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The Queer King Recommends 120 BATTEMENTS PAR MINUTE, Robin Campillo (2017) France, 1990s. Act Up. The AIDS Epidemic. Love. Revolution. Why do you need to see it ? To remember what happened. It’s earth-shattering. Silence = Death. What are you waiting for ? Go see it, now !
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The Queer King Recommends ONE DAY AT A TIME (2017–2019) A family of hispanic descent tries to survive in today’s America. Why do you need to see it ? For the greatest coming-out storyline on television. So perfect. Bring the show back!
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The Queer King Recommends GIOVANNI’S ROOM, James Baldwin (1956) David, a young american who lived in Paris, remembers his complex relationships with the men in his life, particularly a bartender named Giovanni. Why do you need to read it ? Top-3 greatest gay novel of all-time. The first time I read it, I couldn’t finish it. I read the last 30 pages 4 years later. It’s THAT powerful.
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The Queer King Recommends A VERY ENGLISH SCANDAL , Stephen Frears. (2018) Three-part miniseries about the Jeremy Thorpe Scandal. Why do you need to see it ? Three words. Whishaw. Davies. Frears. Funny as fuck. I’m starting a Ben Whishaw fanclub BTW.
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The Queer King recommends THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT, Stephan Elliott (1994) Three drag queens take a road trip across Australia to get to a paid-job. Why do you need to see it ? One of the rare 90s positive representation of LGBT+ people, it’s funny, gorgeous looking. A classic. PS The soundtrack is IN-CRE-DI-BLE.
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The Queer King recommends JUST KIDS, Patti Smith (2010) The chronicles of a love story beyond societal restrictions between Patti Smith and revolutionary artist Robert Mapplethorpe. Why do you need to read it ? Aside from the historical accuracy of the 60/70s, you explore what it feels like to really love someone. And Mapplethorpe is a fascinating man. I cried multiple times.
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The Queer King recommends THE X PORTOFLIO , Robert Mapplethorpe (1978) A series of photographs that shade a light on homosexual practices (most of them extremes). Why do you need to see it ? A lot of Mapplethorpe’s work is great, but this is beyond. Not for the sensible soul. Hardcore.
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The Queer King recommends SHORTBUS, John Cameron Mitchell (2006) An extremely diverse group of people are desperately trying to connect in a vibrant New York City. Why do you need to see it ? That little miracle isn’t shy about sex. ALL kinds of sex. It’s very much like a Robert Altman movie, if Robert Altman shot a lot of oral sex in his career.
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The Queer King recommends LESS, Andrew Sean Greer (2018) As his 50th birthday is coming up, writer Andrew Less is traveling around the world to avoid going to his ex’s wedding. Why do you need to read it ? For the exploration of a gay man’s psyché while his youth and opportunities are behind him. As a gay man, it made me sad. Then it gave me hope. Also now, I want a blue suit.
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The Queer King recommends CLOSET MONSTER, Stephen Dunn (2015) 18-year old Oscar tries to figure out his sexuality and face his childhood demons Why do you need to see it ? The Buffy references and great acting. Duh.
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The Queer King recommends THE WAY HE LOOKS, Daniel Ribeiro (2014) Blind high school student Leo meets new classmate Gabriel. He starts developing romantic feelings towards him. Why do you need to see it ? Desires and self-realization are themes very well exploited in this movie. The two main actors are phenomenal. I almost wished I was 16 again (but not really).
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The Queer King recommends WHEN WE RISE, Cleve Jones (2016) A complete memoir about the journey of activist Cleve Jones, following into the path of Harvey Milk to keep fighting for LGBTQ+ rights and against the AIDS Epidemic. Why do you need to read it ? An in depth look at life at the fore front of activism, with gorgeous interludes of romance, sex and heartbreaks.
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The Queer King recommends KILLING EVE, Phoebe Waller-Bridge (2018-present) MI:5 Eve Polastri’s pursuit of International killer Villanelle. Why do you need to see it ? Because lesbian desires are still mostly unseen on mainstream, award-winning programs. It’s very, very, very good.
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The Queer King recommends ZIGGY, STARDUST & ME, James Brandon (2019) 1973. Jonathan meets Web. He’s not supposed to. He needs to change. Sweet Ziggy won’t help him now. Why do you need to read it ? It’s not out until August (but I have a proof copy). It’s not great literature (it’s YA after all) but it did fill my heart with feelings of love and hope. Everything Bowie is good for the soul anyway.
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The Queer King recommends PRIDE, Stephen Boresford (2014) 1984, Brittain. A strike is breaking the country apart. Lesbians & Gays decide to give their support to the miners. Why do you need to see it ? Because it’s still rare to see a funny movie about gay people which is not condescending.
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The Queer King recommends ANGELS IN AMERICA, Tony Kushner (1991–1993) A complex, metaphorical examination of American life, the AIDS epidemic and homosexuality in the 80s. Why do you need to read it ? The writing is glorious, full with incredible characters. A very sensitive approach of flaws in the human spirit. It’s epic.
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The Queer King recommends LE ROSE ET LE NOIR , Frédéric Martel (1996) Everything that happened to the Queer community in France from 1968 until the arrival of the PACS. Why do you need to read it ? Information is key. You won’t get a deeper source of information.
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The Queer King recommends LILTING, Hong Khaou (2014) A mother tries to understand who her son was after his death, co-existing with his grieving lover. Why do you need to see it ? A story of death, acceptance and race, Lilting is a delicate piece of filmmaking. And again, Ben Whishaw. Goddamn Ben Whishaw.
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The Queer King recommends MOONLIGHT, Barry Jenkins (2016) The youth, teenage years and adult life of a black gay man struggling with his identity. Why do you need to see it ? Black gay men are not a common subject. It won Best Picture at the Oscars. Fucking Amazing.
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The Queer King recommends POSE (2018-present) The tribulations of gay and transgender characters in the ball scene of the late 80s. Why do you need to see it ? The first of its kind — where representation is limitless, it’s an homage to a fabulous and terrible time in LGBTQ+’s life. As I said in a previous article, it’s essential.
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uneminuteparseconde · 7 years
Des concerts à Paris et autour
Avril 24. Author & Punisher + Casio judiciaire – Espace B 25. Erik Minkkinen – L'Epoque 26. Éliane Radigue par H. Breschand & L.-M. Marion + "Solo" de Jakob Ullmann + Benoît Burello : "Asphodel & the Island Sun" – Collège des Bernardins 26. Tim Olive, Anne-F. Jacques & Pascal Battus + Ritual Extra + Vincent Malassis + Paul Gremare – tba 26. True Widow + King Woman – Espace B 26. Aluk Todolo + Oranssi Pazuzu – Petit Bain 26. Kas Product + Dear Deer – Batofar 26. Rodolphe Burger + Sylvain Vanot – Le 104 ||COMPLET|| 27. Daniel Bachman + Jake Xerxes – Le Zorba 27. Wild Classical Musical Ensemble + Magnetix – La Station 27. Gaëtan Boudy & Clément Hauvrette : cinéconcert sur "M le maudit" de F. Lang – Le Cirque électrique 27. La Femme + Superpoze (dj) + NSDos + Zaltan + DK + Epsilove – Cité des sciences et de l'industrie 27. Jean-Sébastien Mariage & Olivier Lété avec Vincent Fortemps (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 27. The Jesus & Mary Chain – Elysée Montmartre ||COMPLET|| 28. Julien Gasc + Forever Parot + Dorian Pimpernel + Orval Carlos Sibelius – La Station 28. PVT + Faroe – Point FMR 28. Oxbow + Celeste + Sumac + Inter Arma (Old Town Bicycle fest.) – Le Gibus 28. Patten + UVB 76 + Le Vasco + Der Amethyst – Supersonic 28. Laurent Garnier b2b Michael Meyer + Vitalic + S3A – Trabendo 28. Michel Deltruc & Patricia Dallio avec Maki Watanabe (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 28/29. Gaëtan Boudy & Clément Hauvrette : cinéconcert sur "M le maudit" de F. Lang – Le Cirque électrique 29. Sébastien Roux – Le Bal 29. Dälek + Ovtrenoir + Jaye Jayle + Emma Ruth Rundle (Old Town Bicycle fest.) – Le Gibus 29. Frustration + Cheveu + JC Satan + La Femme + Usé + Violence conjugale + Cannibale + Marietta (dj) + Topper Harley (dj) – La Machine ||COMPLET|| 29. Abstract Keal Agram – Trabendo (gratuit) 29. Unglee Izi + Mesa of The Lost Women + Videophage + Trous aux rats + Molière + Cuntre + Evil Moisture + DJ France-86 (fest. Premier sang) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 29. ErikM & Louise Leverd avec Clara Cornil (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 29. Silent Servant + Peder Mannerfelt + François X + Heartbeat + Valentino Mora + Amila – Concrete 29. Guts Pie Earshot + La Flemme – Centre Barbara-FGO 30. Las Ondes Marteles + Woodloop + Trotski nautique + Supertrump – Centre Barbara-FGO 30. Nadja + Matt Jencik + Ensemble économique – Supersonic (gratuit) 30. Seefeel + BLN – Batofar 30. Bagarre + Les Hôpitaux + Puzupuzu + Boe Strummer + Pasteur Charles + Bambina – Petit Bain 30. Jean-Léon Pallandre & Isabelle Duthoit avec Skallistan (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly)
Mai 01. Jean-François Pauvros avec Ludor Citrik & Joan (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 01. Black Marble – Batofar ||REPORTÉ|| 02. Antoine Schmitt, Violaine Lochu & Garth Knox (fest. OW-AO) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 03. Meat Wave – La mécanique ondulatoire 03. Seabuckthorn + Raoul Vignal + Albane Aubry – Les 3 baudets 04. Group A + N.M.O. – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 04. Qual – Espace B 04. Jeff Mills : Spirale Deluxe – La Seine musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 05. La Novia & Yann Gourdon : “In C” de Terry Riley – Centre Pompidou 05. Poni Hoax + Yula Kasp – La Station 05. C.A.R. + Léonie Pernet + Lil'Sugar – Le Klub 05. Anetha – La Machine 06. Esmerine + Bärlin – Espace B 06. Little Nemo + Babel 17 – Candy Shop 06. Paris Acid Boys + Peev (Marathon électronique) – 6, rue de La Pointe (Romainville) 07. Infecticide – Supersonic (gratuit) 09. Blanck Mass – Point FMR 09. Erevan Tusk + Nick Grey & The Random Orchestra + Franck Rabeyrolles + Hop on Me – La Java 10. Zombie Zombie + Tomaga + None + Tristesse contemporaine (dj) (Zombie Jamboree fest./10 ans de Julie Tipex) – La Machine 11. Cocaine Piss + Miss France + The Sunflowers – Supersonic (gratuit) 11. Oiseaux-Tempête + L'Effondras + Noyades – Trabendo 11. Laetitia Sadier + Solo Astra + Beat Mark (Le Beau fest.) – Espace B 11. Ambassador 21 + Lying Figures + Wild + Yorblind – Bus Palladium 12. Wire + Blackmail + Teknomom – La Maroquinerie 12. Fabrizio Rat + Camera – La Station 12. Étienne Jaumet + Gilb'r + Tolouse Low Trax (Zombie Jamboree fest./10 ans de Julie Tipex) – La Machine 12. Manu le Malin + AZF + 14anger + Sinus 0 – La Machine 13. Collection d'Arnell Andrea – Batofar 13. Jumo + Giorgia Angiuli + Nova Materia (Sound Design Party|D'Days) – Gaîté lyrique 13. Mammane Sadi + Novella + Blondi's Salvation + Biche + Mohamed Lamouri (Le Beau fest.) – La Station 13. Headless Horseman + Ventress + Blindr + Illnurse + Paulie Jan – Trabendo 13. Bas Mooy + UVB + Charlton + Sleeparchive – Nuits fauves 14. Lee Patterson – péniche Adélaïde 14. Thee Oh Sees + Häxxan – Trabendo 15. Chameleons Vox + Blue Mountain Expansion – Supersonic 15. James Ferraro + Ducktails + Typhonian Highlife – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 16. ToutEstBeau + Fiodor Novski & The Shiners – Espace B 16. Guerre froide + Wallenberg + The Saint Cyr & Pascale Le Berre – Petit Bain 17. Xiu Xiu + Le Prince Harry + Delacave – Petit Bain 18. Poison Point – Angora bar (gratuit) 18. Molecule + Pierre Berthet & Rie Nakajima (Soirée sonore) – Centre Pompidou (gratuit) 18. Philippe Laurent + Das Ding – La Java 19. Eloïse Descazes & Eric Chenaux – Médiathèque musicale (gratuit) 19. Vril + Henning Baer + James Ruskin + DJ Pete + Parfait – Dock Eiffel (La Plaine-Saint-Denis) 23. Sleaford Mods + Mark Wynn – Gaîté lyrique 23/24. Pascal Bouaziz : musique live pour "Nos féroces" de Séverine Rième (Rencontres chorégraphiques de Seine-Saint-Denis) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 24. Death in Vegas – Gaîté lyrique 24. God is an Astronaut – Flow 25. Collectif_Sin (Villette sonique) – Wip 25. Keiji Haino, Merzbow & Balasz Pandi + Afrirampo + Puce Mary (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 25. RA + Drab Majesty – Espace B 26. Soviet Soviet + Empereur + Dead + Scaffolder – Supersonic (gratuit) 26. Royal Trux + Groupe Doueh & Cheveu + Uranium Club + Bernardino Femminielli (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 26. La Colonie de vacances (Villette sonique) – Périphérique 26. Actress + Jacques Greene – Nuits fauves 27. Annette Peacock + OOIOO (Villette sonique) – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie 27/28. Princess Nokia + Randomer + Marie Davidson + Doomsday Student + Mandolin Sister + The Goon Sax + Pizza Noise Mafia + Deena Abdelwahed + Volition Immanent + Mdou Moctar (Villette sonique) – Parc de La Villette (gratuit) 28. Einstürzende Neubauten + Jenny Hval – Grande Halle de La Villette 29. Ruins + Akaten + Zubi Zuva X + Acid Mother Temple SWR + Acid Mother Kirisute Gomen + Psyche Bugyo + Makoto Kawabata + Zoffy + Atsushi Tsuyama + Emiko Ota (Japanese New Music) – Gaîté lyrique 29. MSHR + Max Eilbacher & Duncan Moore + Acqua Dentata + Meryll Ampe & Romain Arnette – tba 29. Psychic TV 3 + Aikula – Petit Bain 30. Broken Social Scene – L'Alhambra 31. The Make Up + The Blind Shake (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage
Juin 01. Kim Myrh & Lasse Marhaug + EKT (EriKm, Harald Kimmig & Olaf Tzschoppe) – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 01. Society of Silence + Charles Fencker – Nuits fauves 02. Ansome + Myler + Ossian + Ayarcana + 138 – La Machine 04. Karima Walker + Mikko Savela – tba 04. Anetha + Kas:st + Octave One + Paranoid London + Rodhad... – Vélodrome (Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines) 06. John Russell + Michel Doneda & Lê Quan Ninh – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 08. Primal Scream – Gaîté lyrique 08. Mikky Blanco (Loud & Proud) – tba 08. Soror Dolorosa + Schonwald – Bus Palladium 08. Sida + Cellular Chaos – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 09. Blurt – Espace b 09. Maud Geffray + Chloé + Voiron + Casual Gabberz + Krampf – Gaîté lyrique 09. Skinny Puppy + Carpenter Brut (fest. Download) –  Base aérienne 217 (Brétigny/Orge) 10/11. Richie Hawtin + Flying Lotus + Jon Hopkins (dj) + Moderat + Motor City Drums Ensemble + Recondite + A Tribe Called Quest + Solange + Nicolas Jaar + Parcels + Jessy Lanza + Action Bronson + Anderson Paak + Abra... (We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 11. Inhalt + Poison Point – La mécanique ondulatoire 11. Amanda Palmer & Edward Ka Spel – La Cigale 14. King Dude + Suzie Stapleton – La plage de Glazart (gratuit) 14. Charlemagne Palestine – musée d'Art et d'Histoire du judaïsme 16. Warum Joe + Asphalt + Last Night + Police Control + Colombey – La Station 22. Joëlle Léandre & Mike Ladd – Galerie Hus (sur résa) 30. Geneviève Pasquier + Position parallèle + Black Light Ascension – Le Zèbre de Belleville 30>10.07. Air + Metronomy + Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales + Savages + Devendra Banhart + Michael Kiwanuka + Tindesticks présentent "Minute Bodies" + James Vincent McMorrow + Lady Sir (Rachida Brakni & Gaëtan Roussel) + Kate Tempest + Calypso Valois + The Color Bars Experience joue Nick Drake (fest. Days Off) – Philharmonie
Juillet 01. Ke/Hil + Kommando + Tunnels of Āh + AntiVallium – Le Zèbre de Belleville 01/02. Soichi Terada + Antal b2b Hunee + San Proper + Margie + Renart + Mézigue + Rendez-vous... (Macki Music fest.) – parc de la mairie (Carrières/Seine) 02. The Color Bars Experience joue Nick Drake (Days Off) – Salle de répétition|Philharmonie 02. Tindersticks : cineconcert sur "Minute Bodies" de Suart Staples (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 03. Metronomy (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 04. Savages + Kate Tempest (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 05. Group Doueh & Cheveu – Institut des Cultures d'Islam 06. Devandra Banhart  + Lisa Hannigan (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 07/08. Varg + Exal + BLNDR + Ancient Methods + Voiski + AZF + Marie Davidson + Fils de Vénus + Nina Kraviz + Dixon + Marcel Dettmann + Moodymann + Apollonia + Levon Vincent + Midland Romare + Kaytranada + The Martinez Brothers + Jackmaster + DVS1 + Jlin + Avalon Emerson + Raheem Experience + Konstantin + Peggy Gou + Hugo LX + TGAF + Bamao Yende... (Peacock Society) – Parc floral (Vincennes) 07/08. Daikiri + Gloria + Tomaga + Le Villejuif Underground + The Limiñanas + Hey Colossus + Fai Baba... (La ferme électrique) – La Ferme du Plateau (Tournan-en-Brie) 08. Sourdure + Piu Piu (dj) + N.M.O. + Danny L. Harle (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 08. Air (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 09. Carl Stone (dj) + Manu le Malin (dj) (Siestes électroniques) – musée du Quai Branly (gratuit sur résa) 10. Sufjan Stevens, Bryce Dessner, Nico Muhly & James McAlister (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 15. Blawan – Rex Club 21. Hocico + Shaârghot – Petit Bain
Août 25>27. PJ Harvey + The XX + At the Drive In + Franz Ferdinand + Cypress Hill + Ty Segall + Rone + The Kills... (Rock en Seine) – Parc de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 21. Ennio Morricone – Bercy Arena 22. She Past Away – Petit Bain 27. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 28/29. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex
Octobre 03. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith ||COMPLET|| 04. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Zénith 14. Wardruna – La Cigale 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon
Novembre 15. Igorrr – La Maroquinerie
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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rjstotland · 4 years
100 Novels That Make You Proud To Be Canadian
My two favourite novelists are Leo Tolstoy and Haruki Murakami. One of them is Russian and the other is Japanese. As a proud Canadian, I’m curious what makes Canadian literature unique. I’m also curious what you can learn about the essence of being Canadian by digging into the great pieces of Canadian literature. I found a list compiled by CBC called 100 Novels that make you proud to be Canadian. As I go through these books I will try to answer those questions.
Here is the list:
419 by Will Ferguson
A Complicated Kindness by Miriam Toews
​A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry
A Season in the Life of Emmanuel by Marie-Claire Blais, trans. Derek Coltman
A Sunday at the Pool in Kigali by Gil Courtemanche, trans. Patricia Claxton
A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki
Alias Grace by Margaret Atwood
Annabel by Kathleen Winter
Away by Jane Urquhart
Barney's Version by Mordecai Richler
Bear by Marian Engel
Beautiful Losers by Leonard Cohen
Bone and Bread by Saleema Nawaz
Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkinson
By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept by Elizabeth Smart
Cereus Blooms at Night by Shani Mootoo
Certainty by Madeleine Thien
Come, Thou Tortoise by Jessica Grant
Creation by Katherine Govier
Crow Lake by Mary Lawson
De Niro's Game by Rawi Hage
Elizabeth and After by Matt Cohen
Essex County by Jeff Lemire
Fall on Your Knees by Ann-Marie MacDonald
February by Lisa Moore
Fifth Business by Robertson Davies
Forty Words for Sorrow by Giles Blunt
Fruit by Brian Francis
Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels
Funny Boy by Shyam Selvadurai
Galore by Michael Crummey
Generation X by Douglas Coupland
George & Rue by George Elliott Clarke
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Kamouraska by Anne Hébert, trans. Norman Shapiro
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What the Body Remembers by Shauna Singh Baldwin
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Patricia!! First of all congrats on a new follower milestone! Those are always so exciting and asking and you deserve every one of them! Could I possibly request 39: “I wish we could stay like this forever” and 80: “let’s run away together” from promo list 2 with Oberyn? I love how you write him and would die to see what you do with this 🥺 ily Patricia! And congrats again! ❤️
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Anything for you, my love! Enjoy 🥺
(also not necessary but I am a fool - this could totally be read as a slice of life in INO)
Oberyn Martell x Fem!Reader ; warnings: references to sex
Pedro Characters Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
The warmth, golden light filtered in through the sheer curtains, and the fresh, salty smell of the ocean and sound of chirping birds hit you all at once. It was a late, but beautiful and blissful morning and you were loath to get up. All you wanted was to stay here forever, wrapped up in the arms of your beautiful lover. Almost as if he sensed that you were up, you felt him grinning against your skin as he pressed a flurry of gentle, saccharine kisses to your chest and collarbones. You mumbled something into the soft pillow, something about wanting just five more minutes of sleep, but he just chuckled. 
“Sleep is for the dead, sunshine,” he murmured as he worked his way up your neck and stopped at your lips.
"I wish we could stay like this forever," a small huff of air escaped your nose as you pouted at him, slowly opening your bleary eyes. You found his soft brown ones, crinkled sweetly in the corners as he grinned at you, studying your face intently, “good morning.”
“Speak for yourself,” you teased him, “it cannot be a good morning if I am being woken up at such an ungodly hour!”
“Ungodly hour,” Oberyn laughed - a twinkling, beautiful sound - before laying back down and pulling you on top of him. You made a small sound of surprise at the sudden motion, but quickly quieted down when you felt his warm, bare body against yours. His golden skin on yours was delicious and warm, soft and strong at the same time, a perfect juxtaposition - just like him. You laid your head onto his chest, “it is almost the afternoon, sweet girl, it’s hardly ungodly.”
“Why can I not enjoy the day in bed with my prince?” you sighed softly, running a hand through his dark curls, “why should I allow the world to part me from my lover in such a manner?”
“Unfortunately the world requires us to be present,” he chuckled as kissed the top of your head. You huffed lightly although you understood what he meant. You'd always known - from the moment you had met the handsome prince.
“And what’s more important? The world or me?” you joked as he grazed his fingers up and down your spine, leaving a wake of gooseflesh under his fingertips. You sighed into his touch before pressing a few kisses to his bare chest.
“You, of course,” he promised, “and you have me always, first and foremost. But sometimes the world needs their prince.”
"And what about me?" you said softly as his large hands landed thoroughly on your backside, giving the firm flesh of your ass a squeeze. You giggled wildly before turning to look up at him and grabbing his jaw, "play fair!"
"I am," he insisted as you kissed him, "you will always manage without me. For the world needs their prince, but what is a mere prince to the queen?"
"Shut up," you groaned at him before moving to sit up so you were straddling his lap, his body humming with gentle love under yours, "you are not even a prince - only a mere fool!"
"A fool for you," he insisted softly as his hands found purchase on your hips. You beamed at him, golden as the sunlight and causing his heart to melt, "let me show you how a queen - my queen - is treated."
"Oberyn," you gasped slightly as his hands wandered up your body and to your breasts, "I thought we had to get up and rejoin society?"
"I've changed my mind," he grinned, "the prince needs you instead."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Its beautiful here," you were sprawled out on the lush, soft blanket, soaking up as much sun as possible. You were near the edge of the stunning lake, secluded and alone, as you listened to the soft lapping of the waves onto the shore. It was so serene and blissful, for a few moments you almost forgot that a world outside of this place existed. 
Oberyn hummed in content as he popped a few fresh, plump berries into his mouth. He grabbed a particularly plump looking strawberry and held it out to you, dangling it just in front of your lips. You made a show of taking a large bite from the berry, letting the juice dribble from your lips and down your chin.  He tuttled lightly before using his thumb to collect the juices and holding it out to you. 
Grabbing his wrist, you pulled his thumb into your mouth before sucking it clean before slowly releasing it with a loud pop. He grinned at you, before pulling you in for a kiss. 
"You are a very tantalizing little thing," he licked across your bottom lip, savoring the sweetness that lingered. You grinned against him before pulling away and lying back down on the blanket. Oberyn watched you for a few moments before lying next to you, his large hand grabbed yours and he defty laced your fingers together, "you're thinking much too loudly."
"I am doing nothing of the sort," you shrugged innocently, keeping your eyes closed in order to shield them from the sun - and Oberyn. He had a knack for being able to read every thought and feeling almost as if he was able to see into your soul. Naturally, there were a million things running through your mind at once, but you weren't going to tell Oberyn any of that - not yet anyway, "perhaps you're being too analytical."
"It wouldn't be the first time I've been accused of such a thing," he snorted in laughter, "but I, my sunshine, am also able to read to you - easily. Tell me what's going on in that pretty head of yours."
"And if I refuse to speak my peace?"
"Then I shall be forced to pull it out of you," he insisted softly as he brought your hand to his lips and pressed a delicate kiss to your knuckles. Sighing contentedly, you rolled onto your side so you could properly face him.
And he was beautiful - so stunning in his golden glory. He was older now, than when you'd first met him, calmer after everything he'd survived in King's Landing, even more wise and world weary than the best men. Which you supposed he was; a man with words as sweet as roses or sharp as hawthorne - it was easy to see why everyone fell at his feet, but he still reminded them of why he was the Red Viper.
The soft brown of his eyes, flecked with gold in the light, always seemed to betray him.  At least to you anyways. His hair was longer these days, softer much like him, lightened by the sun and flowing into luscious curls. His facial hair has greyed slightly (from keeping up with all of the kids he always claimed), and he was more...him. 
You'd always loved him, from the day he seemed to save you from a life of uncertainty and domineering men. But it has been a privilege to watch him grow, to see him become the best version of him - it was always thanks to you, he claimed, a guise you greatly disputed. But you loved him - your husband - more than the moon and all the glittering stars in the night sky. 
Playing with you a lock of his soft hair, you continued to brush off the insinuation that anything was wrong, "nothing is the matter, Oberyn. I am merely enjoying the private company of my husband."
“And yet there is so much going on in that mind,” he mused, as you shrugged innocently, “so much buzzing, I’d think we were in Honeyholt and tending to the bees. My dear sunshine, you should know better by now - when have I ever let such a thing go?”
“You are incessant,” you groaned lightly, but appreciating the care and concern nonetheless, “it is silly - a mere folly that should not even worry me and alas, here I am.”
“If it matters to you, then it is not a mere folly,” he promised, “you can tell me anything.”
“I know,” you agreed with a small. You sat up slowly pulling your knees to your chest as you looked out into the sparkling water. Oberyn followed suit before moving to sit in front of you, putting his hand under your chin and turning your face up to his. He almost left you breathless with his easy beauty and warmth, “it’s just...I like this. Just you and me, no one else around, no worries, no duties. I...I hate to think once we return home it will all cease to exist - you will be forced to your duties, as I understand you must, and I? Well, I suppose I will be your dutiful wife, hoping and wishing for a chance to see her husband.”
“Then I suppose we should run away, shouldn’t we?”
“I’m serious,” he insisted softly as you just laughed at his idealistic ways, “let’s run away together, even if just for a while. No one has to know...and when we are ready we shall return.”
“That is a temporary solution for a permanent problem, my love,” you gave him a weak smile before pulling out of his touch, “what about when we return to Dorne?”
“Always so serious, my sunshine,” he chuckled softly as you huffed at him, “you must ruin every little surprise, mustn’t you?”
“I have done nothing,” you insisted, sticking out your tongue at him, “all I do is care about my husband and I am teased and punished for being woeful and caring!”
“You have not been teased -”
“I have too, Oberyn Martell!”
“I will make it up to you, sweet girl,” he praised with a glint in his eye, “however, whenever, and wherever you should fancy. Now - will you let me finish?”
“I have not been-”
“Your prince demands it.”
“Well your queen insists that she hasn’t been doing anything of the short,” gave him a little smirk, “but go on and tell me about this so called surprise.”
“When we return home to Dorne, things will be different,” he promised as you raised your eyebrows in question, “I have been thinking, and don’t even say a word, and I think it’s time for me to...take a step back and let Doran and Arianne, as his heir, handle things from now. I am getting tired...weary, of all these tasks that should be left to the next ruler. Besides, Arianne is more than ready to take over. I think I should quite enjoy a quiet, leisurely life.”
“Oberyn,” your mouth dropped and formed a small o as you studied him to try and see if he was being honest. A smile tugged on the corners of his mouth before he broke out in a wonderful grin. You leaned over and kissed him, unable to stop yourself, “do you mean it? Please tell me this isn’t some sort of cruel joke.”
“I would never do such a thing,” he whispered as he pulled you into his lap and you wrapped your arms around his neck, “I just think...it’s time. Besides, there is nothing more I want than to spend my day with you, and the girls - think of all the things we can do. There are still ways to help our people, but we will do it together.”
“You continually amaze me,” a single tear, this one of nothing but happiness and love had rolled down your cheek as you pressed your forehead against his, “and I will never know what I did to deserve you, and I will be forever grateful to the universe for bringing you to me.”
“Now you’re just flattering me,” he reached up and gently wiped away the tear, “for it should be the other way around. I take it as though you are not opposed to the notion?”
“Not at all,” you smiled softly, “I could have asked for nothing better.”
“Then what do you say?” his hand found the back of your neck as he gave you a gentle squeeze, “shall we run away? To Essos - the Summer Isles - far away from everything? Only to return when we decide we are ready to?
“Yes,” you eagerly agreed, delighted by the prospect of spending the days and nights at your husband’s side, without a care in the world, “I want nothing more.”
“Then it is settled,” he promised, “now, will you let me show you every way in which I love you?”
“Oberyn!” your face flushed with warmth as you looked around to make sure no was within ear shot, “we are out in the open! Anyway could...see.”
“And that is not our problem,” he shrugged simply, “we have told them not to disturb us, hopefully they heed our advice. But now, sweet girl, you are all mine.”
“Always,” you promised softly, “I am forever yours.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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