dausy · 2 years
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pattern art to get in the fall spirit and take up space while I do a life update. I've accomplished a few things, books, video games and then some life issues.
So easy stuff first I guess. I finished one of my goals of reading a Harry Potter book in spanish. I read the first book. It took me all year because it was a major brain fart/humbler. Reason why I chose HP was because its made for kids and it was familiar. I did NOT understand everything but luckily digital devices come equipped with a translation dictionary. About halfway through the book is when I had my first notebook with my art made. Whenever I get to book 2 my plan is to write down words that I had trouble with. There were 3 words in the first book that showed up frequently that kept confusing me but I didn't write them down haha. So I cant tell you.
I have a rant about another book I'm reading, Ill wait til I'm done
Secondly I finished playing Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West back to back. That took me..ages..when I first turned on HFW I was like "oh..thats the map..this is tiny" and well somehow I put double the man hours into the sequel than the original game with the DLC. Think I finished HZD in 50 or 60 hours after completing everything that game had to offer. 100% completion. HFW Id been playing for 90 and I didn't complete everything and just kinda said "eff this" and finished it. I like open world games. I'd play a third game, probably wont get to a dlc I dont generally do those on purpose.
My issue is though is I still don't like the character designs. I think HZD was the superior game. I kind of like the doom and gloom apocalypse back story and I like the idea of our modern life being somebody elses ruins. I like that. But everything else, the over story, the character designs..its like putting a jak and daxter style design on a serious story of The Last of Us. It didn't go. We needed to either choose if we were being serious or not. The sequel I enjoyed the gameplay but I think it suffered from being a sequel. Its getting too big for its britches. I dont like the space stuff. I dont like the immortality stuff.
so not my favorite game of all time but I'd play another.
I was playing disney dreamlight but I think Ill move on here soon to Ooblets to fill in time.
Lastly life.
My grandma died. It was not unexpected especially after seeing her for the final time a few weeks ago and I could tell she wasn't going to make it much longer. The thing that kinda bothered me or reassured me the most is..atleast gramma wasn't aware of what was going on. She's told me to my face how much the death of her siblings years before traumatized her and how she's afraid of dying. Really afraid we're all going to hell. If she could see herself on her deathbed she would absolutely freak out.
seeing her at the viewing again, was kinda sad. She just looked uncomfortable. People say "atleast now they're at peace" nah, gramma looked just as uncomfortable as when I saw her the other weekend. Its amazing how my brain remembers her from a few years ago and that viewing-experience just did not look like the gramma that I knew.
its just another phase of life coming to an end.
we've had it rough this past year. Husband lost his dad, we lost our cat at the same time and I've lost 2 grandmothers.
My work called me off the entirety of last week so I havent worked in over a week. Todays my first day back and I was asked to come in late. So I'ma have like..no paycheck..but whatever I guess.
so anywho I havent managed to be creative. I did manage to draw a bit yesterday so I may paint something but I dont know think it'll meet any sort of standard or expectation.
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blue-egg-adventures · 5 years
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Pattern...many meanings, for example patterning oneself after another. This man is someone to be patterned after by some of the characters as they learn to defend themselves. I’ll talk about it next week during my “Sneak Peek into the Life of Nixie”. I’ll be posting live stories on IG each day talking about my characters and Nixie’s world. Stay tuned for more info! 💪 👮‍♂️ #itsablueegglife #inktober #inktober2019day10 #inktober2019 #patternprompt #pattern #inktoberprompt #fightpattern #authorsofinstagram #workout #commissionswelcome #storytime #originalcharacter #originalcharacterart #ocdrawing #myoc #storytelling #mycharacter #mycharacters #writersofig #copicmarkers #maincharacter #mystory #wip #artistsoninstagram #markerart #copicmarkers #markers #ocdrawing #penandinkdrawings via @preview.app https://www.instagram.com/p/B3eHVZCHcKN/?igshid=1kz2vj5adbpq9
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