theidealiist · 11 months
“ – Where did you pick these up?” Lost in thought he had barely noticed the shell hitting the velvet coat; seemingly miles and miles away (centuries even, millennia – universes!), he blinked as he snapped back into the relative HERE AND NOW and blue eyes wandered to his companion, before they travelled to the shell, now lying on the hardwood floor around the console. Mother-of-pearl reflecting the golden candlelight, the shells looked ordinary to an untrained eye. BUT HE KNEW BETTER. – One of the planets they had visited. The last one? The one before?!
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Urgency suddenly finding a way into his voice, he focussed back onto his companion. “Do you remember? Did nothing about them strike you as ODD?” | @patternsrhyme [XANDRA] LIKED.
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mastermicd-arch · 2 years
@patternsrhyme ♡’d for a starter (still accepting) !
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"i'm sorry, what?" a look of confusion painted itself across alexis's face, the stories that she'd started to hear about the other's travels sounding far more –– out of this world than her others were in comparison. "so wait, where did you see that? was that like one of those privately owned islands? dj's always has have the wildest of things going on at those things."
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"Right, Xandra, what's going on? Because I'm missing dinner with my very gorgeous bride to be right now and-HOLY HELLS BELLSWHY IS THERE A SILURIAN IN YOUR LIVING ROOM?! AND WHY IS IT BEING USED AS A CAT BED?!"
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nursc-a2 · 2 years
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❛      It is nothing against you.   I think… Maybe you pissed off that tellarite who was glaring at you, I don’t know.     ❜       Christine tutted, opening the doors to the quarters that had been assigned to their guest, making a sweeping motion for her to go on in.      ❛      Let’s just say that last time we had someone on the ship who was working on relief efforts and took us to an uncharted part of space things did not turn out well.   They are wary.     ❜      
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@patternsrhyme​    •        starter call.
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doctordonovan · 2 years
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❀    ||      closed starter    ||    @patternsrhyme​   /   chloe   ​
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 it's really never been a skill of hers,     the art of returning to any of the places which she has left.    maybe,    had her life been different,    it wouldn't feel so very odd.     (  she'd made her choice    -   a normal life,    filled with labs and research and nothing surreal.    it was meant to be forever.   )     normalcy hasn't settled in her bones,    nor has it been able to change her very core nature,     sharp peridot eyes curious in their once familiar surroundings.    once upon a time,    she knew every inch of this town.    she'd known every corner,  where to step to avoid every little crack.
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 it had been a familiar yet different space back then.    yet,    then again,    she'd been a terribly different person too.      ❝   the paint's certainly cheered the place up​.   ❞    a simple observation decorated with more than a hint of usual dry warmth.    ❝   I'm surprised the locals let you go so far.    I genuinely thought they had a ban on pastels.   ❞
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starstcff-z · 2 years
❛ Why don't you go on ahead? I'll be right behind you, ❜ lips close around the lie with a smile, the idea of facing the strange world out there making her shiver. The air of this universe did not agree with her, she thought sometimes; not on earth, and not on any planet she had been lovingly dragged to. Plucked out of her environment, the process of evolution left her behind, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't breathe and needed to return home.
Only there was nothing left.
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Just Chloe. ❛ I'll keep the ship company. ❜ for @patternsrhyme
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shieldretired · 2 years
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@patternsrhyme​ (Xandra) liked the starter call inspired by the development tea room halloween prompt Day 19: 🚘 Sitting with a popped tire on the side of a long stretch of road, waiting
                        STEVE WONDERS IF A ROAD TRIP IS A SIGN OF A MIDLIFE CRISIS. He thought that after retiring from the mantle of Captain America, it would be nice to see the rest of the country he used to embody, not only the, you know, East Coast and what few cities he visited during the USO tour in the 40s. But this is the second time he has had a flat tire, and he forgot to replace the spare wheel when it happened the last time, so he can't do anything but sit here and wait for someone to come by and take him to a gas station to call a tow truck because naturally, he has no fucking cell reception here. So yeah, maybe he can blame a midlife crisis for his bad luck.
                           An eagle cries above his head, and Steve huffs. "Yeah, you and me both, pal," he mutters as he finishes his candy bar because he got hungry an hour ago, and it seems like nobody passes this street at all. Then he hears a rustle coming from the forest behind him, and he jumps to his feet immediately and stares into the dark woods. Is it a bear? Are there bears in California? Jesus, he hopes not. 
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mambosfive · 1 year
@patternsrhyme ♡’d for a starter (still accepting) !
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"you shouldn't be here, you know. all sorts of people lurk around here, you might end up in some sort of trouble."
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theamazingloki · 2 years
@patternsrhyme​ asked: ❛  who did this to you ?  ❜ 
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“Why?“ Loki said, pressing a hand against a reddened lip. “Do I look like a mob of angry villagers chased me out of New Asgard? For if that was to be your guess, you must be a Seer of extraordinary talent.“ What had brought him here he couldn’t say, but that his apartment in New York seemed terribly far and he’d hardly wanted to surround himself with mortals on the trip back. Not yet. They, at least, were of their world and not quite so quick to set upon him. “Is there not a certain irony? You’re welcome there and have no desire to be among them. I... well... I’m here.“
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wcrlds · 2 years
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it should be a sign that he leads a very weird, and odd life that when he sees blood on the door handle of @patternsrhyme​‘s apartment, his first thought is that he usually doesn’t use the front door, so why would he have bled here?     it is only half a second later that he realizes the blood is fresh.    “    xandra !    ”     panic fills his voice as he fishes out the key from his pocket and unlocks it in record time, the back of his fingers becoming smudged with blood.
“    alexandra!    ”     he says her name again, voice rising in volume as he looks around the living room, picking up on the uncharacteristic mess, and the trail of blood leading up to the bathroom.    there is no time for him to panic or freeze, his battering heart doesn’t allow for him to take a moment for the worse case scenarios to pile up on his brain.   moving with inhuman agility, he crosses the room, opening the door with a loud bang;   or, maybe that sound was in his mind, an explosion as his world collapsed once again.
 “    xandra...    ”
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brown eyed boys sc.    •      accepting​
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mastermicd-arch · 2 years
@patternsrhyme​​ ♡’d for a starter (still accepting) !
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it was a sound she'd know anywhere. one she'd dreamed of, night after night, since the last time she'd heard the tardis leave. sandy had believed that it would only be a matter of time before they came back for her. she couldn't stand it being the last. the whir of the machine cut through the silence, causing her to sit bolt upright. she didn't hesitate, feet slipping into shoes, hand reaching for a coat as she ran out of the door. she hadn't thought to get changed –– she didn't want to run the risk of missing it, and so striped pyjamas poked out from under her coat. "you're back!"
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ladyatlas · 2 years
             The loud clicking of heels on the hardwood floors accompanied her appearance; an angry sound to match the outraged appreciation barely hold back on her face. Composure – she told herself to keep, and to keep breathing deep breaths, too. IN – OUT – IN – OUT. She was trained better than this, but if she hadn’t known better, she would have been convinced Jack Thompson had been trained in IRRITATING PEGGY CARTER by some private, moustached Casanova, who was similarly skilled in ANNOYING her.
          What she wanted now was a good cup of tea and then punch something until she felt calm enough to go to bed – she didn’t want to wake up Chloe with the anger practically radiating off of her. – But things turned out differently, anyway. The light in the kitchen was a clear sign that Chloe was not off to bed, for example. – Or they really had the most idiotic burglars around this neighbourhood of New York.
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         “ – Chloe, are you still up?” Her question redundant and she knew – pulling a face at her own words before taking another breath. She was HOME; she would be able to relax. Even if this pretentious house still felt too much like Howard’s. || @patternsrhyme​​ [CHLOE] requested. 
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lcgends · 2 years
“    i got the impression there was something you wanted to tell me.    ”    maybe it was the way they were planning on killing him, but he really hated pregnant pauses, better get on with it.
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@patternsrhyme​     •      starter call.
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elencr · 2 years
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ₓ ˚ .   ୭   ˚ ○ ◦ ˚    ―      ㅤ‘ THE INCREDIBLES. ’   | ACCEPTING !                                                                                             “ you know why we can’t do that. .. “
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* .  ♡             there’s a pout that pulls at her lips.  the permanent marker is held between her fingers  ,  just in front of @patternsrhyme​‘s face  ,  as the brunette bounces around her person  -  while following chloe down the corridor.  “ come on  ,  chloe. ” ellie whined.  “ everyone else is way a head of us. ” enterprise bingo seemingly was a long tradition.  and the only one that ellie had any trouble doing was the space walk to write her name on the hull  -  she wasn’t GAME enough to do it on her own.  “ please  -  please  -  please ! ” ellie turned into a CHILD when she wanted something.
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starstcff-z · 2 years
The door closed behind her without a lot of fuss — there was only one place in all of the country where the security team did not have to perform a full sweep before she entered; the Tyler family home. There was no need to bother, their security practices gave the government a run for their money. Removing her jacket, Dawn leaves it draped over a chair in the living room, popping her head into the kitchen to greet Chloe's mother who was plugging in yet another new toaster, before heading upstairs .
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❛     Do I want to know?   ❜ stretching herself on the bed, Dawn props her head up, gazing at the bits and pieces strewn around the floor. @patternsrhyme
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melpcmene-a · 2 years
starter call. ( accepting !! ) | @patternsrhyme
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"Don't mind the lack of gravity in the TARDIS. I'm getting that fixed in a jiffy." The Doctor said, currently floating in the air in his ship. "Though who needs gravity? This is way fun. Floating. You might need to wiggle and do like swim movements to get where you want to go though."
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