#patty has adopted dante as her father figure
prototypelq · 4 months
No thoughts, head empty, only an AU about Patty staying with Dante at the end of the anime
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I need Dante to say 'That's my girl' to or about Patty okay
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jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
There is so much potential in Patty being included in Sparda family interactions post-DMC 5. Her and Nero will have a chaotic and interesting cousins dynamic. Then there's Vergil having to learn how to be an uncle alongside Dante learning. Then there's Vergil and Dante learning how to be the ultimate dads together after one just found out he has a kid and the other might just (hopefully) be on his way to being more emotionally open and accepting that Patty has adopted him as her dad. There is just so much potential.
Honestly, I've always liked the idea of the twins being forced to ban together to even have a chance at being functional father figures. Vergil has no idea how to respond to ANYTHING Nero does, but Dante known him for 6 years, he can offer some advice. And Vergil can help Dante pull his head out of his ass by being brutally observant and honest with him, it's great. They are both trying to remember how their mom dealt with their stupidity daily when Nero and Patty go do mischievous cousin things together. True sitcom energy.
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amethystaqua · 5 years
Of mugs and secrets (Or how Dante found out about your relationship with Vergil)
I finally finished after entire week of writing and editing! I never thought my first fanfic would be of 2223 words! I really hope you enjoy it! :D
The room was still dark as calmness reigned; the only sounds were the soft breathing on your ear of the man sleeping next to you. Vergil was spooning you, the warm feeling making a real struggle having to get up to start your day. You wiggle trying to move the least required, not wanting to disturb your boyfriend’s sleep, you almost made it, until he made some soft grunts. You froze fearing you might have woken him up, but he just turned to his side of the bed.
A smile found its way into your lips as you approached to kiss him ever so lightly on his mouth, then proceeding to leave the bedroom. You started to go through your day’s agenda in your head, the pendant paperwork waiting at work, visiting Nico to pick up your beloved, just repaired sword Polaris, and the appointment with a possible client. However, all your plans came to a halt the moment you notice a dark figure lying on the living room’s couch. Quietly you summon your spear Morgenstern out of thin air and approach the figure, looking around to see if something else was hiding in the shadows.
“Well now this is what I an exciting welcome (Y/N)” a sleepy familiar voice said making you jump out of the impression.
“My god… Dante! I was this close to stab you!”
“As you know, you wouldn’t be the only one sweetie” he sat on the couch while stretching his arms with an audible pop from his bones.
You met Dante when you were just a kid, with no family left, he rescued you from being a sacrifice for a greater demon since you were a Nephilim, however that seemed to be only the beginning of your problems. Demons appeared to be drawn to your blood like moths to a flame and thus, the week that you hadn’t been attacked by a demon, extremely uncommon. So instead of going to every orphanage or school you assisted to save you, Morrison decided it was for the best if Dante just adopted you. That way he could keep an eye on you, so no more civilians were put on danger, and also train you. Dante wasn’t in any sense qualified to adopting a little girl, but with your help (The motherly interventions of Lady and Trish, and some extra cash from Morrison) you two worked it out and in the process, perceived each other a bit like father and daughter.
“What on earth are you doing here?” you made Morgenstern disappear, heartbeat slowing down now that there was no real danger “And how did you get in?”
“Perks from my brand-new powers, and as for your first question… Let’s leave it I had kind of an emergency”
“Ok let’s review your concept of emergency” You leaned into him, taking carefully his face on your hands checking for any sings of cuts or bruises “does it involve injuries?”
“Not this time” he chuckled as you were still inspecting the rest of his body. After confirming the man was in one piece, you decided to head to the kitchen to start making breakfast with Dante following right behind you.
“An angry Trish or Lady?” you opened the fridge to start looking for the ingredients to make pancakes, you really stomach really needed some food now.
“Nah we just had drinks last week” he took a seat on the small kitchen table.
“Another powerful demon king about to be resurrected?” once you gathered everything you needed; you poured some flour along milk on the crystal bowl you took from the kitchen cabinet.
“Funny (Y/N) but no, not a demon, and somehow way more terrifying then one…Patty wants go out on a date with me” you almost dropped the egg you just grabbed for the batter, staring at him in disbelief on what he just said heard.
“Wait… so you broke into my apartment at” you looked at the clock next to the fridge “at 7:00 am just because you’re scared of a 19-year-old who wants a date with you?”
“I was coming back from a job! Morrison called me and he said a miss was waiting for me at DMC! Then I heard her voice on the phone! I’m not going anywhere with her when she’s faking a promise!”
“Dante…” Calm, take a deep breath you thought as you focused on inhaling deeply, he sure had a talent for making you lose your temper sometimes “are you serious? Both Morrison and I were there! I perfectly recall you saying when she’s turned old enough you would date her!
“Damn, so you’re saying she isn’t lying and I must keep my promise?”
“Yeah sure because I definitely want Patty to come on our already uncomfortable family dinners at Nero’s home” you answered sarcastically as you mixed the bowl’s ingredients “Just take her out to eat pizza or something, keep it as casual as possible so she doesn’t get her hopes up”
“Or... you could allow me to stay for a few days”
“Please (Y/N) only 2 days!” he lifted up the chair and moved next to you “Just until she’s tired of stalking me!”
“Since you’re here not like I have much of a choice, do I?”
“I knew I could count on you!” Dante said while lifting you off the ground, on really strong hug just like he has done all these years since you were a kid.
“Be quiet!” you whisper loudly, squirming a bit in his tight embrace “Vergil is still sleeping!”
“Wait, what’s Verge doing here?”  he dropped you while looking at you quite confused.
Oh, you just fucked up big this time… Dante was the only one who didn’t know about your relationship with Vergil. Unknowing of your past together when he was V, Dante’s father instincts awakened, as he warned you to stay away from Vergil, after noticing the constant glances you shared with his twin, fearing his brother got interested in you just because you were a Nephilim.
“He uh... went on a job yesterday, and uh he got poisoned by a demon so he needed someone to cure him!” That was the only excuse your sleepy brain was able to scheme in those few seconds, thinking Dante would buy it… then you remembered the eldest son of Sparda never asked for help.
“So, he decided to come here was the best idea?”
“Yeah” you tried to smile at him to look as convincing as possible.
“My brother looking for you to heal him?... All right never thought I’d see the day the dumbass put his pride aside and ask for help!”
“Heh… guess he still remembers one of the times I cured him when he was V” You sighed in relief, turning your attention on the coffee machine to prepare some, thinking you got away with your little lie until…
“But why he didn’t return to Devil May Cry?”
“I-it was really late and cold outside so I suggested he spent the night here “blush adorned your checks, once you realized the size of the stupidity you just said. “Al-also, I needed to be certain I cured the wound properly.
Dante just hummed and returned to his seat, whether he believed that poorly made answer or not, he didn’t say it. You were about to change topic, but were interrupted by a growling.
“Geez...” you couldn’t help but laugh lightly “I suppose you haven't eaten anything”
“Can’t lie at this point” You smiled at him. Once the coffee machine finished you poured some coffee on 3 cups that you placed on the counter. With all the noise, probably Vergil would join you both for breakfast.
“Stay right here, and don’t touch anything” you said as walking past beside him.
A shower was really much needed. You were already a bit late and didn’t want to waste more minutes, after all, you could always buy something to eat at work if you didn’t have time left. On the hallway to the bathroom you found the elder son of Sparda already got up.
“Oh, hi I thought you were still asleep” you stood on your tiptoes to give him a quick peck on his cheek “Didn’t want to wake you up”
“To whom I must thank for making Dante grace us with his presence this early in the morning?” his icy blue eyes showing an evident annoyance.
“That would be Patty… apparently the poor girl really wants a date with your brother to the point she’s waiting for him at Devil May Cry as we speak”
“I’m afraid that doesn’t justify why he’s here” a frown taking over his features.
“Well… “you played with a loose lock of your hair “Lady and Trish aren’t home, Nico still wants to bang him and I’m not letting that happen, and finally Nero made crystal clear last time I spoke to him, he wanted Dante at least 10 mts away from Kyrie and Credo” Your best friends had just had their beautiful son, the last thing Nero needed was having Dante in their house with Kyrie so delicate after her pregnancy.
“Hmpf still he isn’t staying here” Vergil crossed his arms, his answer just as you predicted.
“Please I can’t kick him out of the apartment just like that! I bet if you were the one in his…”
“I would never find myself in such a ridiculous situation like this”
“Right, forget what I just said” you said a bit ashamed while scratching your head.
“Even if I did unlike Dante, I could find a solution on my own”
“My point is! He needs help” you cupped his face in your hands “I know we had plans but come on, it’s going to be just a couple of days” you gave him the best puppy eyes you could.
It wasn’t as frequent as you wished for Vergil to stay in your apartment, between your jobs and the constant efforts to hide the truth to Dante. That’s why those days where two of you just sat on a couch to read, or did any other silly activity together, became so precious memories.
“I promise I’ll make it up for you when he leaves” you whispered in his ear face turning red with the possible implications.
He pushed you carefully against a wall lifting you face and grazing with his thumb your plump lips.
“You should not take promises so lightly my dear angel” you melted at his words, his lips mere inches from yours “I fear you may have acquired my brother’s demeanors”
“Have I ever broken my word before?”
An almost imperceptible smile, one only you got to recognize adorned his face as he claimed your mouth on a passionate kiss, that to your perception didn’t last enough. But you didn’t complain once Vergil separated from you, the risk of being caught by Dante was way too high.
“He’s in the kitchen” you cleared your throat, trying to control your small gasps for air.
“I expected no less” he fixed his hair and clothes, erasing any sings of the kiss you just had.
“Welp I’m going to shower now, not taking long” you passed beside him and closed the bathroom’s door only to open it a few seconds later “Vergil wait! Geez I almost forgot; I left some coffee for you and Dante on the kitchen counter. I’m pretty sure you’ll know which mug is yours since your favorite mug broke in our tiny accident a few nights ago”
You winked playfully at him, but he only limited to clicked his tongue in disapproval and directed to the kitchen. Once Nico knew about your relationship with Nero’s deadbeat father (as she always called him) the mechanic wasted no time to tease, giving you a little present: a white mug with big blue letters that read I’m your daddy for your boyfriend to use. Obviously, once Vergil found out the existence of the mug, the first thing he wanted was to toss it on a trash can, but you didn’t allow it being a gift from Nico.
While you showered the guilt took over you for hiding Dante about you and Vergil. Maybe it was time to tell him the truth, after all, didn’t he always wanted for his brother to embrace his humanity and live a somewhat normal life? You stepped out of the bathroom once you finished, so deep in these thoughts that it wasn’t until you were on your way to the kitchen, that you noticed how quiet the house was. At this point you were so used to whenever the twins were together their heated conversations escalated quickly to an argument that sometimes required a third-party intervention, so the silence was really unusual.
“Ok now, is it okay for you guys to eat pan…cakes...”
Your voice lowered the volume as you looked at the scene before your eyes. Vergil and Dante were staring fixedly at each other with a murderous gaze, each one with a hand around the infamous cup, now you knew the real reason for the unusual silence, Dante must have assumed the mug was his.
“So…” you laugh nervously “I guess the cat is out of the bag.
The end
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diaryofkyrie · 5 years
Gather around everyone!
We can’t officially end this party without dessert!  
With the courtesy of @thereddestofqueens in helping us preparing and making this cake for us. 
But of course, before we begin slicing I have a few words to say.
@nerosdailydiary, thank you. Thank you for bringing joy into my world, for going through everything to save me, back during the Fortuna incident... I was scared, I was scared that nobody was going to come back and save me, I thought it was going to be the end of me but. You came. You came back for me and at that moment I knew. I knew I loved you. And I still do, so let me say it again. I love you Nero.
@thereddestofqueens and @journalofvergilsparda, I understand when you two created Nero, you were both still young and unexperienced, but, I want to thank you both for bringing him into this world cause if none of this has happened, I don’t know what would have happened to us.
@thenicogoldstein, I still remember the day you came in just like as if it was yesterday. You really were like a big sister figure for him and how you worked tirelessly, pulling multiple all nighters in a row to help build Nero’s arms? My respect for you is astronomical.  
@diaryofcredo, my dear brother, you have always been taking care of me ever since our parent’s...left and even during your time at the order, you have always found time away from your duties to spend time with me and Nero and with your death, I was devastated. It then made me commit to some ‘foolish’ choices but being able to see you come back brings utter most happiness to me.
@diaryoflucia, although I didn’t know you too well, I know that you and my brother are very close and that you have spend countless times with him. I’m sure you have made him quite happy and I hope for the best of you two.
@the-diary-of-v, @diaryofshadow, @the-diary-of-nightmare, @griffons-diary, even though now days you have retreated yourself into the library, you were there with Nero back during the Qliphoth and I would like to thank you for that.
@rebootdantesdirtydiary and @rebootkatsdiary, despite the fact that the both of you came from another dimension it never changed the fact that we have all become close knitted friends despite the few bumps in the road. But we are all glad to have you back as well as your companion!
@diary-of-nevan, you once was a devil arm and that’s all I knew about you. But now you have proven you are more than that, you have style, and you have quite a sense of fashion. You also truly know how to catch cute dates!
@diary-of-lady, you convinced Nero to not kill his own father and I am quite proud of you for that. With Nero, it’s a nightmare to convince him to do anything especially when he’s angry. 
@diary-of-trish, I wish to say, congratulations on your little children and for giving the final push to convince Dante to go to Fortuna island!
@mundusjournal and @pattydiary, I can not thank you enough for the wonderful pugs you have let us adopt into our growing family! The pugs are still doing wonderfully and have even turned themselves into therapy dogs for the orphans! Thank you Mundus and I hope that good fortune will fall onto you and the dog shelter. Patty, thank you for being by Mundus’s side and making him feel less lonely and to teach him how to bond with humans and rebuilt bridges again, you have taught him well.
@diary-of-eva, @journalofsparda, The Adam and Eve of this whole story. If neither of you two fell in love, a whole sequence of events would have never happened. Dante and Vergil would’ve never existed, without Vergil, Nero would have never existed, and without Nero this party would have never existed. Your bond is the strongest I have ever seen in my life and I hope me and Nero would fall under the same strength. I can never thank you both enough.
and now. A TOAST!
/right before she raises her glass she pauses and rushes out of the shop/
@dantessssdiary, Thank you for traumatizing me by killing Sanctus in front of me in the opera house! 
/she returns back to the front of the crowd and holds Nero’s hand/
A toast!
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bemyfamilyornot · 3 years
With love!
—Signed, Grotesque.
When Nero wakes at an ungodly hour by the shrill of a phone ringing, he is reminded of two facts. One, that this happens much more than it should, and he should be kicking someone’s ass about it. And two, that the world moves on without him, constantly— especially Dante and Vergil. Especially them. Sometimes he feels lucky that he even gets a phone call, because he thinks back to when he first met Dante, when Nero knew he was something to somebody, but then he was gone with nothing more than professional phone calls that barely go over the minute mark. And he thinks to the present, where he gets much, much more phone calls and it is rarely Dante, and never Vergil.
Most of them are Lady, some of them Morrison, a few calls from Trish, and that weird time Patty called while visiting her anti-Christ adoptive brother apparently. That time, he called Dante wanting to know how the fuck he has two kids, and what do you mean they aren’t your kids, there’s fucking adoption papers!
At least Patty and Naoki don’t call anymore for some weird attempt at family bonding, thank fucking god. Nero is perfectly content with not bonding with them.
He gathers his senses while Kyrie shifts behind him, moving to face him. “Nero? Is something going on?”
“It’s alright, it’s just the phone, I’ll answer it. Go back to sleep.” Kyrie murmurs groggily while settling back into bed, Nero smiles softly and ducks to kiss her on the head. He knows it’s Dante calling, Nero has a certain ringtone for the Devil May Cry shop’s phone, of which he will not talk about or explain—but really, Nero hopes everything is alright. Dante calling is either a job, a cry for help, or Vergil related; sometimes all of the above. Nero doesn’t understand why Dante thinks he has any autonomy over his. Father. What a loaded fucking statement. But Nero gets up from bed and wobbles towards his dresser where his phone and answers it nonetheless.
“Kid. I think I’m really in it now.”
Nero sighs and steps out of the room, sitting down in the hallway in hopes to not wake Kyrie for the second time. “The hell are you on about, you old sleeze? What’s going on?”
“Your daddy is really messed up, I don’t think he likes me anymore. I feel like I’m in the doghouse, but it’s my house. My house that is also a shop. But him and me, I and he, we’re supposed to be playing house! But he doesn’t even want to play anymore! He’s so mean Nero...”
Nero gathers every inch of restraint that he has in him, remembers everything The Order and Credo told him to do when needing to keep himself in line, respectable, and tries his very hardest to not throw something, curse Dante, or bang his head into the wall behind him. “Dante, we’ve been through this. You have to use your fucking words, big guy. So you either tell me what exactly is wrong with Vergil, or I’m just gonna come there to beat it out of you— using Lady’s money, and then you’ll have another debt. Do you want another fucking debt?”
He can hear Dante sigh sadly over the receiver, “No…” then shuffling, like he’s trying to get more comfortable. “Look I. I don’t know what to do with him anymore! He won’t talk to me, he won’t talk to anyone. He just sits in his room all day doing god knows what, I feel like a parent with a sulking teen who got caught on porn sites, except my brother doesn’t even know what those are! I think you need to come over and fuck him up.” There’s a conversational pause while Dante seems to be thinking something over, Nero can hear him tap his fingernails against the desk in some mock rhythm, and god, Nero wishes he was there to cut his fingers off.
“Please.” Dante finishes his sentence, and thankfully his tapping.
Nero rolls his eyes, although Dante can’t see it. “Well since you said please… Is Vergil even up?”
“Not sure, we had a bit of an altercation, he likes weird music and keeps me up at night, you know?”
“...The music keeps you up at night?”
“Yeah! Yeah, let’s go with that.”
Nero scoffs, hopefully this reaction Dante can understand well. “Look, I’m sure between the two of you, you’ve got some extreme man-angst, but I’m not really in the mood for tragic backstories and solitary tears, it’s like four AM, and I’m not even supposed to be up until a few hours. I’m gonna get on the ferry tomorrow and you’re gonna book me a plane from there.” He pauses his sentence to stand up shakily, not as young as he used to be—weird to think that he’s going to be thirty in only a short few years from now.
Weird, but Nero continues valiantly. “Between the two of us, and our mutual desire to keep Vergil from killing people, I’m sure we can figure something out.”
Elsewhere vaguely in Europe, Dante is about on the verge of tears. Devil definitely going to cry. “Wish I was as optimistic as you, kid. Because I don’t think this one’s about future evil plans or adjacent.”
Nero pauses for a moment.
“Then the fuck is this about?”
Dante sighs sorrowfully in the intercom, like he understands Nero’s want, no, need for this to be murder related. “I think your pa is having… feelings. Sad ones. A case of the—“
“—do not, say fucking Mondays. I’ll kill you. My ‘pa’ does not have a case of the Mondays. He kills people and ruins everyone’s life and we only tolerate him, and that of which barely. I’m not a fucking therapist Dante!”
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC crew and the impressions of casual touch they give off because I can
Disclaimer - everyone in DMC has a problem with casual touch; this is written for my gen pleasure, no ships here
Nero: as the true punk boy - half of the time he expresses affection with punches, and is a little embarrassed. Has the closest to 'normal' reaction to casual touch as Spardas get. Lots of shoulder&fist bumps with Nico. Few people will get actual hugs from him and they are very good, probably grips a little too hard, but that's how he expresses earnestness. Kyrie gets extremely soft hugs though.
Kyrie: warm and enveloping hugs, she is a sweet person and Will hug someone if she thinks they need it. On the other hand I wish we could see her slap some sense into someone (*cough* Vergil *cough*)
Nico: limited to shoulder&fist bumps, no hugs. Very casual with touch
Lady&Trish: I don't think either of them has any idea what casual touch even means, touch aversive
Lucia: she is unsure if other people would like to be friends with her, so if there are hugs they will be a little needy, but she is very-well meaning in her touch. If sure of friendship, she is very good with casual touch. 10/10 hand-holding
Vergil: if our favourite iceberg man ever gets over himself and finally hugs someone (for his own sake) it will be stiff, because he is definitely unused to casual touch, but also the hug will be somewhat forceful because, damn this man Needs them. Will hug once in a few years. Is completely immune to closeness with Dante, enjoys it nonetheless.
Dante: 'masking as clown'-wise he forces all types of casual touch and it can be uncomfortable - that is the point - Dante generally does not want people get close to him. After 5, however he is much more casual, maybe a little awkward because he is unused to not-hiding, and always struggles to accept people wanting to be close with him. Vergil gets genuine affectionate touch, little-brother-annoying touch (will clingy-piggyback Vergil when he can) the whole shbang. Nero gets warm and enveloping hugs, because Dante Adores his nephew, especially when he acts like a punk then it's noogie time.
Patty: she is a lady, thank you very much, so can be aloof with touch, but she is actually very good at it. Will bodily throw herself at Dante at almost every opportunity (he is absolutely wrapped around her little finger so always catches her and spins around a little) , mandatory hand-holding for him too. Will high-five Nero a lot.
bonus Morrison: he will not touch these weirdos
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prototypelq · 5 months
I need someone of the kids to prank Dante by 'accidentally' leaving a bluetooth sound booster at agency, and then blasting Lady Gaga's Telephone on loop nonstol for hours when he doesn't answer a call in time.
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prototypelq · 1 year
I don't know why but I can't help but assume that you really love Patty.
I don't know what you're talking about dear anon)
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prototypelq · 1 year
I`m firmly in the camp 'all Spards need hugs and therapy', sadly though, there Might be hugs for them, but I cannot imagine any one of them going to actual therapy. On the side of healing though
One of the fascinating scenarios to me is how the twins have to help each other overcome their issues. Obviously, Vergil has been in literal Hell for half of his life, so he will need time and help to adjust, and the only person he can trust with that is Dante. The only people the twins truly connected to in their lives were each other, and after many years that connection became painful and rotten, but never truly faded. So, after they yeel, and fight, yell some more and joke around later, they can mend that.
The truly hard part will come after that. Once they return from Hell, Vergil is going to have to try to forge a new relationship for the first time in a very long time. Since his main experience with relationships with other people is his rivalry with Dante, and paired with the fact that Nero is just as impulsive and hotheaded as Vergil, the process is going to be rough, but I am sure they will figure it out, because both really want this connection to work.
Dante, on the other hand, I believe will have even worse time adjusting to having his family be present in his life. His painful history with Vergil have run him into the ground over the years, and each time Dante tried to make a new connection to anyone - the person eventually left him. Lady seems to be a trigger-twitchy associate, Trish left to be her own person and because watching Dante falling into depsair has been hard for her, looks like Dante and Lucia have not seen each other after their job, Patty left to live with her mother, and Morrison even commented Dante was upset after that. And Nero. Nero falls right into the 'extremely painful family history' category, and while Dante clearly wanted to be present for his nephew, he also could not bear doing it for long, which resulted in their distant partnership in (family) business and occasional gifts, like the neon sign.
While Vergil is, well, rusty (extremely understating) with his social skills and never used his opportunities to make meaningful connections to people around him. Dante has tried and tried over the years, and all of them kind of failed. Yes, Dante had gathered people around him and they do hold on to each other (Patty evidently calls him, plus he, Nero and the women share work sometimes), he cannot truly commit to having a meaningful relationship with either of these poeple because the most important connection he ever had, with his twin, has been a constant pain the entire time, so he closes himself off to not let it bother other people and not add any more burden for himself.
When Dante and Vergil fix their relationship, Vergil just might become the person to help Dante overcome his insecurity and constant avoidance, first of all by becoming a proper uncle to Nero. I don`t think any other person could help Dante get out of the shell he had been forced to create for himself, and there is very little motivation for him to work on these issues as important as Nero. And while Nero is Dante's motivation, Vergil will be his main support during this process. Because if Vergil has been able to have a healthy relationship with Nero, Dante can have one too surely. Because Vergil is the most real, strongest and most painful connection Dante has ever had to anyone, and he is the only person Dante can trust with these issues. Their bond was forged through hellfire, and it can help them both come out of it.
Nero truly is the gift to twins, and he might be the solution to them overcoming their trauma and having genuine, healthy and meaningful connections with other people.
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prototypelq · 1 year
DMC random thoughts and headcanons in no particular order:
(incest shippers - I will Real Impact you on sight, Go Away; DMC is exclusively a gen (except Nero/Kyrie) family drama to me)
- I kind of wish there had been more of a '5 plot except Dante doesn't wake up and Vergil has to decide between power and the life of his brother' AU going on around here. I had a post written about it, but basically I think Nero himself is more than enough to give Vergil's emotional constipation some cracks, and then the ball gets rolling
- More Cerberus And King Cerberus Appreciation!!! They are two great demonic doggos and deserve more love (and double the appreciation for their weapon forms). I wish Dante had a Cerberus as a dog, than man really needs emotional support
- Vergil should Not have 4 wings. Controversial, yes, but he has a very cool and stabby tail in SDT, Wings are Dante's thing. Dante should have 4 wings, Vergil should have two and a tail, I Do Not Accept criticism
- Dante/Lady or Lucia ship could totally sail (personally I lean more towards Lucia), but not in this story of DMC, at least not for me. I think Dante could like either of them, but he is absolutely not in the right space for any kind of relationship during the entire story of the series, and probably won't be for a long time even after 5
- Patty Adopted Dante As Father Figure, I Do Not Accept Criticism
- Patty would get like a house on fire with Nero, especially if they compare Dante burns. She would also get along well with Vergil, because he actually has manners and style, she can appreciate that, also Patty wouldn't bother him too much (aside from nagging to be nicer).
- Dante is the Best Uncle when he is actually trying
- I wish we had at least a little bit more story going for Lucia, I really like her, but have not idea how to fit her in with other characters
- Nero didn't need to grow his arm back. He gets beautiful DT wing-claws, they are enough, or, well, they couldve made him be able to make a temporary 'holo arm' if needed, but in any case he is a better character if his arm is missing. Nero uses Breakers anyway, and his theme is using human contraptions instead of demonic artefacts. Regrowing an arm just makes him another one in a long line of 'disabled characters that get magically cured of their disaibility'. (have you seen his reloading animation with one arm? it`s great and just as cool as others)
- Dante and Vergil silently agreed to let Nero throw his much needed temper-tantrum, and Vergil absolutely went on easy mode on Nero. I love the punk boy, but no way he would be able to defeat either of the twins
- It is exceptionally beautiful to me how much alike and different the twins are, and either of them could be a hero, or a villain in their respective story. At the same time I am absolutely certain a villain!Dante would be irredeemable
- Battle for the Sun by Placebo is a song I associate with the tragic story of the wins. The music and melody is explosive and destructive, just like everything that came crashing down around the twins, it rises in intensity as their problems are left for decades to fester, the lyrics of the verses is very determined - both wont stand down and are extremely determined to see their crash course till the end (also the multiple repeats of some words makes it sound a little like a broken record - or in a narrative sense, like a lie they keep and keep telling themselves) , however the chorus is very different. The explosion of music that is constantly rising in verses finally blows up, and in this destructive cacaphony of sound the chorus is actually emotionally raw and sweet - the final confrontation of the brothers was inevitable, and it is the conclusion of their story, both know that and there is no more place left for conflict of goals, ideals or anything else, they know the end of their story is coming and the only thing they feel is joy. Joy as they clash together, like only they can, joy at seeing each other, alive after all these years, and joy at being together again, even in this twisted way, their affection in undeteterred
- (more Patty propaganda) I believe Morrison found the 'protect young child from demons' job for Dante on purpose. Morrison is probably one of the people who have known Dante for longest, so he would recognise halfbreed's change in moods after the Mallet job (for example Morrison notes Dante was sad when Patty left at the end of the anime, and...is this the only time someone actively voices concern for Dante's mental health? dammit everyone is this series is an emotional trainwreck). It's unknown if Morrison knows exactly How close to Home of an assignment Patty is (very young orphan hunted by demons, and she is not a half-devil child) to Dante, but her character was probably another good reason for Morrison to pick her as a temporary company to Dante. Even without considering his depressed state, Dante responds only to other dominating personalities (rivalry with Vergil, constantly trying to one-up another friendship with Lady) and Patty certainly has no patience for his laying around or mess at home. At the same time, she is considerate and empathetic enough to give him space or leave him alone if needed. She was the person to help him through the time after Mallet trauma and she did an admirable job. I think this makes their relationship (familiar one, NOT a ship) special, and she totally adopted Dante as her Father Figure against his will, and he can't do anything about it since.
- Subhuman is The Perfect song for DMC5 Dante (would I have liked it on its own? dunno, probably not, but playing the game with it on feels fantaSSStic and I adore this song ever since, also it is thematically On Point with Dante's character arc in 5)
- One of the fics I've read (Неудачник by velkhar on ao3) had written down the idea that Dante doesn't speak in SDT is because he is afraid of what his voice would sound like (once again, Dante has problems with his demonic heritage, they did not go away, not at all) and this headcanon has been aggressively accepted ever since
- Every Sparda has a very refined music taste. Dante is a Red Hot Chilli Peppers and Tenacious D fan for sure, perhaps also a Deepeche Mode fan, probably other 80-90s rock would fall into his interests. Nero is more of a pop rock guy, he definitely would like some rap and grunge music too, he'd like older Imagine Dragons albums, Linkin Park For Sure, maybe Skillet and or Katy Perry, probably also developed a taste for some classical music (being in Order and all; btw yes, you can like rock and classical music at the same time). Dante and Nero would dance to Shakira and Lady Gaga. Vergil's harder to pin down, as much as I enjoy BTL I cannot imagine him listening to it. I'd say he would enjoy classical music of course, maybe something like jazz or soul too. Might be a big stretch, but I also think Vergil would enjoy something like Evanescence too, I feel like all Spardas have a weak spot for female lead vocals.
(projecting here) all of them would like orchestral covers of classic rock songs, Vergil would especially enjoy covers on pipe organ (double projecting).
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