#paul gallagher
starshapedoasis · 3 months
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nonogalego · 8 days
"Secret sister" wants to meet Liam and Noel Gallagher before Oasis Tour '25
Não tem nem um mês que o Oasis anunciou a sua volta com uma turnê no Reino Unido para o próximo ano, e várias histórias e boatos sobre a banda estão surgindo e ressurgindo todos os dias desde então! Uma dessas antigas histórias que voltou a tona foi a de Emma Davies, suposta meia-irmã por parte de pai de Paul, Noel e Liam Gallagher!
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Emma Davies em 2006, quando sua história foi publicada pela primeira vez pelos tabloides ingleses.
Emma seria fruto de um caso extraconjugal de Tommy Gallagher com sua mãe June, na época que Tommy ainda era casado com Peggy Gallagher. Emma teria nascido 11 meses depois de Liam!
Embora tenha crescido próximo a residência dos Gallaghers em Burnage, Manchester, Emma só descobriu quem era seu pai e irmãos quando sua mãe June viu que ela havia comprado o álbum (What's The Story) Morning Glory? em 1996 e resolveu lhe contar a verdade!
Emma guardou o segredo até 2006 quando resolveu procurar Tommy e divulgar a sua história na imprensa. Tommy a reconheceu como filha, porém ela nunca teve contato com nenhum dos irmãos Gallagher.
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Emma atualmente com 51 anos.
Com a volta do Oasis, sua história veio a tona novamente, e Emma cedeu uma nova entrevista ao Daily Mail. Entre os tópicos da entrevista, Emma afirma que ainda não conheceu Liam e Noel, mesmo tentando entrar em contato por anos e que isso a faz se sentir muito rejeitada pelos irmãos, e também disse que ela e seu filho não comprariam ingressos para a Oasis Tour '25 por conta dos altos preços.
Leia a entrevista completa de Emma aqui!
Me pergunto se ela realmente tentou entrar em contato com Paul, que mora a literalmente poucas quadras da casa de sua mãe em Manchester, ou se seu desespero é apenas para conhecer seus irmãos multimilionários e famosos...
E o hype do Oasis segue firme em nos trazer entretenimento diariamente!
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savageandwise · 2 years
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Happy Birthday, Peggy!
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talkinfanfic · 1 year
Hi Storyshark! I'm a big Oasis fan and I think you're such a great writer! Is there any chance you would write more Gallaghercest "origin stories"? I always love to read about how it all started and like stories that are set in the early days of the band and before Liam even joined.
Did you ever entertain the idea about writing something that touches on the topic of why Liam's relationship to big brother Paul is so different to big brother Noel? I think it's quite interesting to think about what could have happened in their childhood and youth that made Liam crave Noel's attention and approval more than Paul's and made Noel more of a father figure to him. And I think anyone who meets Liam would be attracted by his beauty and charisma, so I think it's also interesting to think about how Paul reacts in a different way to it than Noel. And the topic of Noel feeling guilty of what he's doing to and how he's feeling about his baby brother is also always so interesting.
Thanks for reading and have a good day!
Thank you so much for reading and submitting an ask, gosh how flattering! For anyone interested in my writing, you probably already know I've got a blog over here (@storyshark2005) To answer your question-- Yeeeesss actually! I've got a few ideas and WIPs going right now in the "Been and Gone" universe. It's just a matter of time and me focusing long enough to get the next one out!
Paul in particular is the story I'm probably most focused on. I was just working on it last night! I'll stick a teaser below :) But here's kind of a rough checklist of what I'll be trying to accomplish...
Gene POV - done! Summary: “The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children.” Falling down (2005 - 2019).
"A Week in Mustique" - multi POV, some shorter glimpses from multiple characters over the course of a family holiday in Mustique!
Paul POV - Paul trying to be his own man. Some possible romance with Katie. His complicated relationship with his brothers. Feeling outside.
Sara POV. - Set during and after Story IV. Honestly I had a whole thing for this, but story 4 turned out a bit different, so I'll have to mull this one over... but it'll prob flash back to Sara's upbringing, and also go into some of broke down in their marriage, which isn't JUST the Liam factor. (*cough* freaky fridays *cough)
Matt Morgan POV - A night out, late in 2022. Maybe a party to celebrate one of Noel's singles releasing. He finds out about Liam/Noel. Debbie brings him into the circle. We see Debbie stressing being the 'secret keeper'.
Debbie POV - Debbie finding the Liam/Noel thing more intense than maybe she’d thought, navigating where she fits in. The REAL start of the Noel/Debbie bit of the triangle!
Anyway here's a bit from "Paul" below the cut:
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Saturday, 19 August 1978. Burnage, Manchester
“Eeyare,” Noel pokes his head in the door. He’s all sweaty, fringe stuck to his forehead. “What’s the score, our kid?” 
“One-nil to Derby. Charlie George, overhead kick.”
Noel’s nose wrinkles. “Gooner cunt. Can I borrow your guitar?” He nods to the corner behind Paul’s bed, where the cheap little Yamaha acoustic lay dusty and neglected.
“Well you’re not fuckin’ playin’ it.” 
“Yeah, and neither are you.” Paul adjusts the dial, swiveling from the commentary on Picadilly Sport, over to the BBC2.
“Whatever. I’ll just play it tonight while you’re out helping the old fella.” 
The dial skitters to a staticky stop. Fuck, but he’d forgotten. 
“It’s your turn,” Noel says flatly. “He’s got 32 Club tonight.”
He’s right, is the thing. Noel hadn’t come home last night till almost 3am. It’s Paul’s turn to haul the boxes of vinyl into the club, and then nurse a coke in the corner for six hours while Tommy DJ spins his tunes and then pisses away the week’s earnings on cards.
A sudden thunder of trainers pounds up the stairs, and Liam comes skidding into frame, crashing up against Noel’s hip. He’s bright-eyed and pink-cheeked, and just as sweaty as Noel, fringe split in half by a violent cowlick. He’s wearing a faded old ringer tee with Ernie from Sesame Street on the front that used to belong to Noel (and possibly Paul before him). 
“I want a Capri-Sonne,” he curls a fist in Noel’s shirt and tugs. He’s got grass stains on his knees from chasing Noel and his mates around the park. 
Liam’s a horrible little brother. Five-going-on-six, he’s lightning in a bottle, caught only just barely-- crackling and popping with a heaving, restless energy. He’s also a charming little fucker when he needs to be, which he never does around Noel or Paul. The church ladies and the aunties think he’s an angel.
Noel ignores the tugging and whining. Paul can see a fading bruise above his elbow where their Dad had grabbed him last week, screaming about some perceived slight or uppity attitude Noel had apparently been giving off.
“Hewitt nicked the Pistols record from Sifter’s. Youngie and Vince are comin’ over, we’re all goin’ round his in a bit for a listen.”
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Noel shrugs. 
Liam butts his face into Noel’s stomach. Noel allows it, resting a hand on top of his bowl cut. Noel casts his gaze somewhere out the window, out to the clouds, barely invested in the conversation, or the little brother buzzing under his hands.
Liam gives another headbutt, drawing a scowl and Noel’s attention back.
“Fucking stop it--” 
Paul looks down at his scorecard. “Maybe after the match.” 
Noel looks up, distracted with Liam wrangled into a one-armed headlock. Liam has his arms wrapped around Noel’s waist like an obnoxious little squid.  
“I said, maybe I’ll come round after the match.” 
Paul’s not really planning to show up. He could go round Hewitt’s any day to listen to the album. And it’d be better without Noel there, anyway, talking all the way through. (Mister fucking McCharmley, was Noel. Hewitt had been Paul’s mate, originally.)
Anyway. Noel’s only asking ‘cos he knows Mam’ll ask him where he’s off to, and why Paul’s not going with. 
“Whatever.” Noel shrugs and turns out of the room, disentangling himself from Liam’s sticky grasp. “Liam, getoff--!” 
“I’m coming, too!”
“No you’re fucking not.”
“Noely!” Liam curls his fingers into the back of Noel’s shirt and tugs again, whining for his Capri-Sonne. 
“Get it yourself!” 
“Mam put ‘em on top of the fridge, I can’t reach--!”  
Noel groans but diverts down the stairs, and Liam gives out a joyous whoop of triumph.
Paul sighs, turning back to the radio. Halftime, still one-nil. He skips back to Radio 2. Which is when he hears it. 
Years and years and years later, Paul will meet this photographer friend who’s into fucking birds, of all things. Like...photographing them, and going on trips to find rare ones. This friend, she tells him about her ‘spark bird’. Apparently, a spark bird is the first bird that lights the match in you, that makes you want to get up at the crack of fucking dawn and go creeping through a marsh for a glimpse of some rare South American ruffle-headed whats-a-ma-doo. 
Paul doesn’t give a fuck about birds. But he knows what she means when she talks about a spark bird. Because Paul’s always liked music, same as he likes talking to pretty girls, and the smell of brand new trainers, and Man City winning a string of matches. 
But something about what he hears crashing through the speakers that Saturday afternoon; that strange, hitching synthesizer bit in the intro; the fast-train staccato of Keith Moon up on the hi-hat, nervous like a racing heart; Entwhistle dancing patiently underneath, holding the rhythm down; Townshend’s carelessly cool, yet exacting and luxuriant guitar work; and above it all, Roger Daltrey’s relentless, fearless growl demanding an answer to the most important question that Paul had never heard asked before, by anyone, including himself:
Who are you? 
Paul listened that day, and then bought and nearly wore out the single over the next few months, totally entranced and unable to answer. Anything he could have mustered seemed superficial, insubstantial: ‘Paul Anthony Gallagher, son of Peggy and Tommy, brother to Noel and Liam.’ 
And what else, the question seemed to beg, what else?! Give me something real-- who the fuck are you??
Make something of yourself, it seemed to say. Find an answer.
Years and years and years later, despite the fire burning in his belly to do something, be someone...he still doesn’t have an answer. 
‘The other brother,’ maybe. 
Anyway. Fuck knows. Maybe he’s nobody. Most people are nobody. They’re born, they live and they have a few dreams, and then they die with most of those dreams unrealised. 
That’s just life, mate. It’s not that tragic a story. ***
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storyshark2005 · 2 years
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An overlooked and striking introduction from Paul’s book: “Brothers: From Childhood to Oasis”
“I wondered why I couldn’t feel any real love for anyone outside of my family or express it for anyone inside.[..] It came to me one day. The thoughts that crept up on me at night when I was alone and the hurt that seemed such a normal part of me, was something I’d shared with Noel and Liam. It wasn’t pop music or stardom that had driven us apart; it was that they could express that hurt through music. They could put it across through their concerts and their records, and the answers were in those songs for me, too. "So then there was this book. This is my personal catharsis, for what it’s worth.”
— Paul Gallagher, 1996
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from paul gallagher’s brothers on oasis vs inspirals at glastonbury 94
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coolerbritannia · 1 year
Have a listen to what their brother Paul said as recent as last year. Him and Liam have reached out to Noel many times, but he just blanked them. Now that Noel is getting divorced he suddenly changes his tune and expects Liam to make the first call again after he treated him like this. Makes no sense. Noel should own up to his mistakes
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genegallagher · 2 years
Gene photographed by Paul Gallagher pt.9
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goeie-morgen · 27 days
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bringing this back in honour of oasis’ resurrection
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starshapedoasis · 4 months
I have a weird question, yk the ID bracelets liam and Noel have both worn does anyone have a pic of the clasp on them? I’ve been looking at sooo many pics can’t find one of the clasp.
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s9fti3 · 3 months
You were his, and his only. You were his while you cried and you were his when he had you bent over a desk, watching you go into pure ecstasy. He knew you were his the moment he laid his eyes on you in the crowd of hundreds. You were meant to be.
| JJ Maybank, John B, Rafe Cameron, Lip Gallagher, Paul Lahote, Emmett Cullen, Jacob Black, Theodore Nott, Mattheo Riddle, NATE JACOBS!
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hardest cigarette lighting pics of all time
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savageandwise · 1 year
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paulic · 5 months
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bro really does love his margaritas lmfao
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storyshark2005 · 2 years
Happy Birthday to the OG Gallagher brother, Paul Gallagher !! 🥳🎧🎤
(video via IG story from Pauls friend and I think fellow MixCloud DJ, Caroline Madjar )
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Saturday, November 16, 1996 Book looks for Oasis from press Invasive tabloid stories prompt third Gallagher brother to tell his own
Don't Look Back In Anger appears to have double meaning for British supergroup Oasis. It's not only the title of the band's current single, but also the mantra of Paul Gallagher, the older brother of notorious band members Noel and Liam. "I mean, if it helps one person, then it's done its job," says Gallagher of his book, Brothers: From Childhood To Oasis, which details the three siblings' violent childhood at the hands of their brutish, mean-spirited father. "There's other people growing up in the same environment -- the only difference is they haven't got two brothers who are the biggest rock and roll stars in the world." Brothers, which was only released in Canada two weeks ago, is already a huge success in England, where it's sold 45,000 copies since mid-September. It helped that the publishers (General Publishing in Canada), who had only expected it to sell about 10,000, moved up the release date to capitalize on the band's headline-making cancellation of the remainder of their U.S. tour. "I expected it to do more but I expect more than anyone else," says Gallagher, sounding a lot like his ambitious brother Noel, who has already layed down four tracks at Abbey Road Studios for the new Oasis album expected next April. Book sales will likely pick up again given the recent Group of the Year honors for Oasis at the MTV Europe music awards, not to mention Liam's arrest on suspicion of possession of cocaine. "It's just mass hysteria over here," Gallagher says. "I mean if Liam walked backwards in the street, they'd say he was retarded and make a story out of it. The press over here is just like scum, basically, and I'm not afraid of saying that. We get doorsteps every day of the week, which means the press just arrive on your door." In fact, Gallagher had just arrived back from London where he was visiting Liam, who has to report back to police on Dec. 30. "I've been doing my Highway To Heaven bit, which means angel of mercy sort of stuff," Gallagher jokes before adding that Liam is holding up well. "He's fine, he just doesn't want permanent press attention 'cause he hasn't really got a private life anymore -- and it's very, very sad that it has to come to this." Understandably, neither Liam nor Noel initially wanted their older brother writing Brothers, but it apparently had less to do with airing their dirty laundry in public than with Paul's choice of collaborator, Manchester-based journalist Terry Christian. "They still don't like him, probably because he's a Man United fan, but there you go." (Liam, Noel and Paul are supporters of Manchester City, the local soccer rivals of Manchester United.) But Gallagher decided to proceed, with the blessing of their mother, Peggy, and says the book has now brought the three siblings closer together. "I think Noel has read it, and he's behind it. Liam probably read the bits about himself 'cause his attention span isn't very large, and he says it's okay. "In the end, I don't really care, okay or not. I mean it was a book that was personal to me and everyone says, `Well, why share it with the world?' And I say, `Well, the world is on my nerves at the moment.' Cause the press was just digging up stories just for the fun of it, trying to disgrace us." There are actually nine books about Oasis currently in Britian, but, as Gallagher points out, "I'm the only one with the divine right to write one. "Brothers are brothers and they'll fight anyway but at the end of the day they still love each other. They've got a stronger bond than anyone on the outside could ever have. You can have lifetime friends until you're ninety-nine but your brothers are forever." As for their estranged father, who still lives in Manchester and has sold his own stories to the tabloids, Gallagher doesn't think he's read the book. Nor does he care. "He just thinks that nothing's happened. He thinks we're his three darling little sons. Well, we're not his sons, we're me mom's sons."
Toronto Sun on Paul Gallagher’s Brothers book release, as copied/transcribed by a fan and posted in the Oasis Usenet (24 November 1996)
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