vintage-ukraine · 2 years
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Ukrainian ceramist Pavlyna Tsvilyk at work, 1982
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wintersmitth · 4 years
This one takes place about immediately after Geralt crashes his Ural bike.
Yennefer calls Liubystok about immediately after she was informed that Geralt was rushed into a surgery.
His fans on twitter then find deciphering this tweet:
"I welcome death with open arms!" wait no no no holy shit not yOUR death what the fuck stop this now
The musician find himself at the hospital immediately, and finds he somehow sidelines Pavlyna and Yena from talking to doctors and making decisions, and spending all of his time at the hospital nearby Geralt's prone, stitched and glued body. It's him who Geralt wakes up, drugged and slow. He's the one running to the drugstores and knowing everything he needs.
It's not that everybody else doesn't care. It's just everyone has busy day jobs, and Pavlyna has Ciri, and they visit often Geralt in hospital, and do whatever is required of them.
In Ciri's case, it's not crying because it upsets her uncle.
"War didn't kill me, and this certainly won't," he tells her gently the first time she visits.
Judging by Liubystok's adamancy to know about every procedure Geralt undergoes through, he's of the same opinion.
Yennefer visits as well, and scares nurses into better manners almost immediately. Is it just her air, or did she use a bit of magic? Nobody knows.
PE teacher's salary isn't that big, but nobody is allowed to raise the subject around Geralt, else he becomes tetchy about it, so all the needed medication is paid for by the pool of friends and family.
When Geralt is finally good enough to leave the hospital, it's once again Liubystok who's ushering him into his car.
"Where are we going?" Geralt asks once it's becoming clear they aren't driving to his flat.
"My place. And don't you dare say anything about that! It's bigger and better. You can move out once you can run again," the younger man snapped, leaving no room for protests.
It leaves unexpected warmth in Geralt's chest, and he's once again wondering why that fight was even necessary.
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commander-yinello · 6 years
Bearing the Seal of Doubt - a WoW Story
Proud to present my entry about anxiety and imposter syndrome for @puzzleboxzine​! I’m very honored to have been part of this project and to see so many amazing fictions and art. Please grab a copy of the zine here and help support a charity contributing to suicide prevention and mental health awareness! 
You have merely fooled them into thinking you’re clever, and now they are on to you.
The thought repeated in her head no matter how much she tried to quiet her mind. No time for this, she chastised herself and used the anger to conjure up new sparks in the center of her palm. The sparks converged and ignited, and flames travelled to her fingertips, setting the sky ablaze where she moved her hand.
The specters nearby trembled at the sight, letting out their anguished wail before dissipating into sparkling dust. She wished she had the time to collect samples, but it was bad enough she couldn’t keep her focus. They’d be back in no time, she knew, concentrate.
“By the light, they are everywhere!” came the panicked voice in the caravan from behind. She turned around to the wagon pulled by the calmest horse in the Eastern Kingdoms and handled by the most skittish trader. If the poor man trembled any more, he would lose the few remaining hairs on his head.
“Calm yer britches, it be lot less than usual,” Maia replied, patting the stout mare’s neck. The stout, well-armored Dwarf hadn’t even unsheathed her sword. “We got it well under control.”
The man on the caravan didn’t seem convinced, holding the bridle tighter, making Maia chuckle. How Pavlyna envied her friend, never racked with doubts that plagued her this very moment.
“They are appearing more and more in clusters. What is our plan of action?” Norwood asked to her side, the end of his cotton robes already smudged by the mud of the roads. The Gnome didn’t seem to care.
She looked ahead. The cold, gray mountain paths and dead forests of Deadwind Pass showed no trace of her guild leader or any of the scouts they sent ahead. Normally she wouldn’t think twice on what to say, but thanks to Zilas, she desired the approval of their superior.
Damn it Zilas, was it your intention to throw me off-guard just before our day of escort? She wiped strands of black hair away from her face before giving the order to her friend. “Just as we expected. Keep using fire as long as the rain stays away. Remember, these spirits feel no pain but maintain their memories - they will fear getting scorched and return to the nether to avoid it.”
Even as Norwood nodded in agreement and ran off to inform the others, Pavlyna heard the Night Elf challenge her again. “What is the point of a basic thing like fire? I’ve seen mages unleash storms straight from the nether and rip apart time, isn’t such power more effective against these trapped human ancestors?”
A bout of anger flared up within and caused her next flame to lash out much brighter. The few blue spirits vanished at once, but her hand still glowed from the afterburn. If she wasn’t more careful, she would get a stern lecture from their priest.
But she couldn’t help be angry. Had she not dedicated days, weeks, to research the enemies they could encounter in Deadwind Pass? Had she not consulted the more experienced mages in Stormwind on the best tactics? Had their leader not entrusted her to lead the other mages with the escort because of her proposed tactics? Fire was basic, yes. But it works. Fire was taught to the most novice of mages, so everyone in her guild would have mastered this skill. They didn’t need to kill these ghosts, they just had to keep them at bay long enough.
Yet it was a rogue who questioned her plans. Worse, their leader didn’t support her. “We’ll stick to what we know for now and discuss it after,” the former paladin said, dismissing them both back in the inn in Elwynn. It had been enough to keep her up all night, formulating everything she should have said and didn’t.
Anger turned to fear. Was she too proud to admit that maybe she hadn’t done her job right? Too arrogant to see that perhaps she shouldn’t oversee their mage squadron? Was Zilas the first to notice? How long until they stop trusting you? that damnable shadow of herself asked with a voice exactly like hers. She didn’t need to face the Lich King to know her biggest enemy was her mind. Not placed there by corruption or treachery, but by her own doubt.
So consumed in thought, she barely noticed her flames diminishing with every burst, and the specters took eager advantage, closing in on her location. Suddenly she heard Maia yelling.
“Pav! I’m going tae lure them all towards me!” The Dwarf wasted no time unsheathing her swords and ran past her to the cluster of spirits. She swung her blades around and hit naught but air, attracting their attention.
“Wh- Wait, Maia!!” Pavlyna warned, but their foes descended upon their friend, eager to enact the vengeance they never got in their lives.
Feeling heat surge in her body, passing through muscle and across skin, she collected all the energy she could. Within seconds, unstable orbs of flame formed and quivered in her hands. In a rapid motion she threw her hands down to push the fire into the ground, forcing them to travel through the earth. Elemental tongues whispered to her as the flames blazed a path around the dwarf. Even as the heat became unbearable, she held herself down while pillars of fire burst out of the ground, surrounding Maia. The specters forgot all about their revenge and left the mortal world again.
Once the last specter left, Pavlyna stopped channeling and the fire vanished in an instant. She panted, small blisters forming on her palms, yet there was no pain. Yet. The rush she felt, as if she had become one with flame, it was addictive and dangerous, it wouldn’t last.
Out of seemingly nowhere, a purple Elf appeared. The only sign that he was spooked were the large glowing eyes visible underneath a bandit’s mask. “What was that for?! You could have burned me!”
“It’s not like we knew were ye were, lightfoot.” Maia rolled her eyes. The ground around her still smoldered and the heavy stench of smoke filled the air. “And ye have tae admit it was pretty handy,” she gestured towards the area around them devoid of any specters, grinning. Pavlyna glared at her reckless friend.
“It was, but still.” Zilas pouted. In the distance a man called his name, and the rogue quickly ran off in a panic. “You both didn’t see me,” he whispered before slipping into the shadows, out of sight once more.
Maia chuckled heartily and shook her head. Now down from her high, Pavlyna realized she could have confronted Zilas right then. The unspoken words rested heavily on the tip of her tongue, and she cursed herself once more.
“Eating yerself up from the inside? It is written all over ye face,” Maia spoke, startling her.
How easy she was to read. Sheepishly, she nodded as the dwarf put her swords away, stepping over the soot-black dirt to get to her side. “It’s what Zilas said at the meeting last night. I can’t help but feel… a failure.”
“Yer nae a failure. Yer plan is working perfectly, no? Also, Zilas is young. He tends tae run his mouth without thinking. I doubt he meant tae hurt ye.”
She blinked for a few moments, touching the now aching blisters in between her fingers and conjuring tiny ice crystals on her fingertips to soothe them. Maia was right. Zilas was very young for a Night Elf, everyone knew. The whole reason he had joined their guild was so he could gain insight on the world outside the tree. She bit her lip. Foolish girl.
“You’re right. I shouldn’t have let this get to me so much.”
“Yer joking? I would have punched him right in his jaw if he thought he knew better than me on which end of the sword tae hold!” Maia reacted, swinging upwards in a hostile manner. Then she sighed. “I know ye. It be part of yer brilliance tae questions yerself so much. But I trust ye completely, no matter how much you doubt yerself. And so does our guild master, let’s be real honest here. Cuz if he doesn’t, he’s got a problem with me!”
The compliment flustered her. For the first time in the day, Pavlyna smiled. “Thank you. Your support means a lot to me.”
Maia gently patted her back. “We all got our demons. Let’s talk about this properly at the next inn, aye? And I’ll talk to Zilas about this. I got your back.” The wagon had passed them, and it wouldn’t be long before they would see the path leading into Swamp of Sorrows. Despite the rather woeful name, Pavlyna finally felt more at ease. The thoughts that criticized her were still there, but had become a little quieter.
“And I got yours.”
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tiger-manya · 8 years
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The Legion of Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (Українські Січові Стрільці) is an important point in the history of the modern Ukrainian Army. These women were the first women in the Ukrainian army.
As the Legion was created, there were plans for an all-women platoon with Olena Stepaniv in charge. In her memoirs Stepaniv mentioned around 300 volunteers who were trained to fight in a platoon. However, as WWI began, (partly because of reduction of the Legion the Austrian war ministry insisted on, partly because of prejudice) the only women from this platoon who made it to the actual army were Olena Stepaniv and Hanna Dmyterko. And even then it was not that simple. Olena Stepaniv was with other Galician soldiers in a train ready to go to the front line, but she was forced to leave when an officer noticed she was a woman. She spent an entire day demanding to go and finally was allowed to leave Lviv in the platoon lead by her friend from the Legion with the last train. Hanna Dmyterko was also forced off from the train but she managed to remain unnoticed for a few stops and was dropped far away from Lviv.
The situation changed later that year. The Russian attack in the previous year was very effective and Austro-Hungary needed to try their best. This was also the time when Sofia Halechko appeared on the stage. She was never in the original all-women platoon and her parents were against the Ukrainian idea as a whole. However Halechko dropped out the university to join the Legion in the fall of 1914.
Sofia Halechko and Olena Stepaniv proved themselves during intense battles in the Carpathians. They both were honoured with Medals for bravery and promoted to a rank of khorunzhyi which makes them the first women officers in the history of the Ukrainian army. In the battle for Makivka (the biggest and most well-known operation of Sich Riflemen) the two were joined by four other female soldiers : Iryna Kuzʹ, Pavlyna Mykhaylyshyn, Olga Pidvysotsʹka (a friend of Halechko, you can see her in the last photo) and Hanna Dmyterko.
And then... A lot of things happened. Both Russia and Austro-Hungary lost this war and the Legion of the Ukrainian Sich Riflemen was transformed into Ukrainian Galician Army to fight for independent Ukraine. Eventually they also lost and were disbanded, as Poland took over Galicia. Olga Pidvysotsʹka was killed in 1937 by the Soviet government. Sofia Halechko died long before her in 1918 after being dismissed from the army. Olena Stepaniv returned from Russian captivity and continued her life as a teacher and social activist in spite of the Polish government. Hanna Dmyterko emigrated and joined the Ukrainian National Women's League of America.
But that’s another story.
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Result of China University of Geosciences Wuhan
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3447&wpwautoposter=1594128932 Nomination List of Chinese Government Scholarship: Silk–Road Program and Chinese University Program (CUG) Dear Scholarship Applicants, According to the evaluation held by the International Education College and the selection organized by schools and departments as well as the Scholarship Committee of CUG, we are glad to nominate the following numbers of excellent applicants out of 2020 applications to be the candidates of Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk-Road Program and Chinese University program) in CUG. Note: This list is only the nomination/recommendation list from CUG to CSC, it is not the final list and is subject to the final selection by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the Ministry of Education (MOE), P. R. China. There will be no more nomination list from CUG to CSC, and the final winners’ list will be published between late June and mid July, 2020. If your name is not in the candidate name list , and you also want to study in CUG, please pay more attention to self-supported program and “CUG presidents” scholarship programs. The deadline for application is 30th June, 2020. Please refer to the website for details. Best regards, International Education College China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Appendix1: 2020 Nomination List for undergraduate students (Silk-Road Program) Name Gender Date of Birth Passport No.(partial) GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS Male 1999-04 EP4xxxx58 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD Male 1999-10 F0xxxx60 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI Male 1999-06 MD5xxxx21 GOMES DA CRUZ FERNANDES, MOZANQUINHO Male 1998-03 00xxxx0C MARIN, VLADIMIR Male 1999-01 75xxxx544 KAJAROVA, TURKEN Female 1995-03 11xxxx940 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT Male 1998-12 N1xxxx838 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA Female 1999-05 ACxxxx462 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG Male 1999-09 Pxxxx541 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE Male 1999-04 PA0xxxx96 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE Female 1999-10 PA0xxxx76 THONGTEUM, WANCHAY Female 1999-04 P1xxxx26 SITHANYALATH, DUANGCHAY Female 1999-09 P1xxxx57 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG Male 1999-11 PA0xxxx28 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES Male 2020-03 A38xxxx76 PUREVSUREN,OCHIRPUREV Male 1997-08 E1xxxx64 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR Male 2020-08 E2xxxx87 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG Female 1998-04 E2xxxx68 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL Female 2020-02 E2xxxx55 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT Female 1998-05 E1xxxx15 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA Male 1999-11 BR0xxxx62 JESMIN, SABIHA Female 1999-09 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF Male 1999-12 BN0xxxx43 NINIC, ANASTASIA Female 1999-08 013xxxx73 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA Female 1999-10 013xxxx59 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA Male 2020-03 012xxxx16 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS Male 2020-11 401xxxx40 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ Male 2020-05 401xxxx77 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA Female 2020-04 AA9xxxx32 PANTON, THANYANUCH Female 2020-02 AA6xxxx52 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA Female 1999-07 AA6xxxx18 GUVANJOVA, MIVE Female 1999-10 A0xxxx97 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM Male 1999-06 AB4xxxx03 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON Male 2020-07 AB4xxxx37 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS Female 1998-11 B9xxxx13 CHU, VAN THI Female 2020-07 c4xxxx57 PHAM, DANG KHOI Male 2020-03 C4xxxx43 BACH, THU THAO Female 2020-10 C1xxxx36 NGUYEN, THUY LINH Female 1999-06 C2xxxx40 HA, HONG NHUNG Female 1999-09 C2xxxx65 AHMED, WASI Male 2020-06 DV1xxxx61 SOARES, OSORIO Male 1998-07 C0xxxx93 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Female 2020-06 00xxxx8C DOS SANTOS DA COSTA OLIVEIRA, ALEXANDRINO Male 1999-08 00xxxx8C GUSMAO DA COSTA E SILVA, EMILIANO Male 1999-02 00xxxx7C ZHYRGALBEK KYZY, GULDANA Female 1999-06 AC2xxxx53 OUBONPASEUTH, VANIDA Female 1998-03 P0xxxx75 DOUANGMALA, SOUPHATTA Female 1999-07 P1xxxx07 VANHPHASENG, ANOLY Female 1999-09 PA0227517 ABDALLAH TODISOA, ZAINOUL ABIDINE Male 1999-06 A16Xxxxx3 ZOLBADRAKH, BATENKH Male 2020-06 E2xxxx34 THAPA, YUBARAJ Male 2020-11 10xxxx24 SODIKOV, JAKHONGIRMIRZO Male 1999-12 AB4xxxx26 AMIRKHANOV, AKHRORBEK Male 2020-09 AB7xxxx59 AGUNG CAHYONO, LIMAN Male 1997-11 B7xxxx51 VU, PHUONG NAM Male 2020-06 C4xxxx17 VO, THI HAI YEN Female 1998-06 C1xxxx97 TRUONG, ANH QUAN Male 2020-01 C4xxxx86 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG Female 1999-01 C4xxxx76 NGUYEN, DUY NAM Male 1997-06 C2xxxx96 Appendix2: 2020 Nomination List for graduate students (Chinese University Program) Application No. Name Birthdate 18C8A2F02B HUSSAIN, HADI 1993-04-15 180414DCF0 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 1988-06-18 182BB87B15 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 1986-02-28 186E5E1094 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 1991-04-16 18A075FA7D TUMENJARGAL, ARIUNAA 1991-07-26 18C8936508 VU, THI THONG 1995-07-20 18E7F5CD0F HUSSAIN, SADAM 1992-03-10 185D0536DC MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 1991-08-15 18B90A1F16 USAMA, MALIK 1995-10-18 18B9D345EF GHANI, JUNAID 1993-12-30 181FA45C94 REHMAN, AKHTAR 1993-04-05 188D009324 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 1995-06-18 18A3362BB4 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 1995-08-25 188428BBD4 ULLAH, ZAHID 1994-03-05 18DDAF884E NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 1982-09-14 18124FF94F ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 1985-09-16 1835D4DFA5 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 1995-09-12 186F803BAD BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 1990-04-30 18C2EC17BF AHMED, MANSOOR 1988-04-04 1818AA8B2C ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 1988-09-04 180EF2B3FF TUMET, YERKIN 1993-05-06 18EB1BA306 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 1984-11-10 1815975C27 TRAN, HUUCUONG 1990-07-08 18E1A88273 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 1994-09-06 18C961AE37 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 1992-11-11 1836E7F502 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 1992-03-18 180B9D7496 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 1993-02-20 1865D23E3B TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 1992-10-19 18210043F1 HUSSAIN, SADAM 1993-09-15 18751B754F BUI MANH, LUC 1988-04-11 184E91E64E AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 1988-11-24 18620AA096 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 1988-07-26 181EE2DFD8 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 1986-02-20 18DAC12EB3 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 1989-04-07 185BD7A3E5 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 1991-03-27 18A98B82A6 BUN, PISETH 1984-01-10 18CB540E22 MBAE, MOUZNAT 1992-08-21 18102102BF BUI, DINH CONG 1988-11-05 1895EFBFCC OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 1994-05-27 181427871C MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 1991-07-25 182D1C061A KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 1995-12-09 1866C9E34C NSANA, JOAO NKULA 1992-11-16 18C0183990 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 1996-04-07 18776588AF VIVIAN, RAFIDY 1990-09-18 18EE204D2E AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 1995-04-19 181DD16988 MATVEEVA, MARIIA 1995-09-16 18D8B1A1C0 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 1993-01-21 18EEA563AE TAHA, MOHAMMAD 1993-08-28 1861C58C3F NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 1995-01-07 18B9090E2B TJOA, JENNEFER 1995-01-13 18666B150F SHAW, WILLIAMS 1988-06-01 1874A43B79 SEFAT ARA, NADIRA 1984-10-01 189993F466 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 1989-11-10 18FEA57968 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 1995-07-11 1823BB8601 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 1996-05-16 18630E2EE0 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 1993-02-23 1896A544FD ISSAKA, SAKINATU 1990-08-08 1873780EAD RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 1992-02-07 182BBD26BB VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 1994-06-20 18220901FA SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 1989-04-15 1889E2B1CC SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 1992-06-19 18C30ECCDD CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 1986-04-21 18B4F1562B CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 1988-05-01 18D7A2EF39 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 1991-02-05 1843D1D77E MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 1991-01-01 188AAB8DE4 FIDA, MISBAH 1992-04-21 1865114195 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 1988-01-01 17827C9D5C CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 1990-09-13 184CC80796 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 1983-10-04 1884489B11 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 1995-12-12 1873089B93 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 1996-10-26 18FB5C0EC0 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 1995-01-03 18E24A3DBD PHAM, THINHUNG 1991-08-15 18245A3E34 JOVIC, LUKA 1988-08-01 18A1821D45 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 1993-02-17 1869286CAC MAMBETOV, KURBAN 1996-03-31 18E0B97FA2 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 1995-02-15 18D05ECDF2 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 1982-07-16 18271E3346 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 1993-11-06 1850F37F23 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 1989-01-28 18ED69E6B7 AKRAM, WASEEM 1990-03-11 1821E60477 KHAN, JUNAID 1991-11-17 1818C05DF8 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 1993-03-04 18C18290AB GHAFOOR, USAMA 1994-02-23 1849A1C1F8 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 1988-03-19 188961B656 BUI, CHI 1994-05-27 18C9D63A8A RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 1995-07-04 18D207AC81 IQBAL, NASIR 1993-04-08 1866FFA7B3 AHMAD, EJAZ 1985-07-05 18EDADA93D ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 1982-01-01 18B4FFBF9B BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 1987-07-22 1867EB3D8F CAO TUAN, HIEU 1993-06-02 18C273A0F2 DO, VAN THUAT 1989-06-28 1884103C51 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 1992-01-16 1833B4EF7D DEMETRIUS, VALERY 1991-03-12 184180F0AA LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 1995-06-05 18A093D5F4 MAULANA, MAULANA 1995-01-07 189663BC30 DIM, CHANNA 1994-06-16 18E8C1108C BASNET, PRABHAT MAN SINGH 1992-07-20 18A172421E YAHYAOUI, WASSIM 1994-05-31 186D4E9CFB SITHIDETH, VANNAPHONE 1992-10-06 18F588AFAC THORDEKI, KHAMSY 1991-08-18 183A6C1EC7 MOHAMED ALAWAD, SARA AHMED 1987-08-08 18E0554054 ALKAMALY ALAMEEN BABIKER, MOHAMMED 1991-01-01 184EC83099 JULIO, SIMAO SOARES LOBO 1993-07-01 1866D33BB5 DOAN, MINHTRANG 1994-10-17 18FEBE70E8 SHAHEEN, SABA 1994-04-04 189D895759 MD REYAZUL, ISLAM 1995-12-10 184BB5479C NGUYEN, THI LIEN 1991-03-28 18C5276C31 MAKOUGOUM TALLA, CORINNE 1995-05-19 185277B11B TRAN, NGOCANH 1990-09-30 182F55AEA9 BEZOKINY, YARINE SANYA VOLASOA 1995-03-23 179C9035E3 LAGHARI, MUDDASAR 1994-10-10 188F794C21 ADAM ISHAG ABDALLA, ISHAG 1981-01-01 18F5EEA4E2 SAYED SULIMAN ELZAIN, TARTEEL 1992-01-11 18CF752D51 SOMPHOU, SINSAY 1995-04-28 1801A9E42D LE, THU TRANG 1995-02-03 1804AC33AC MEHDI, MUHAMMADMUNTAZIR 1996-08-31 1815CE3C25 RAZA, MUNEEB 1991-05-08 180B7C52AF RANJEETA, RANJEETA 1991-03-05 18AE366697 NINH, VANNAM 1991-05-14 18C7FAC6ED ALTAF, MUHAMMAD 1984-04-05 18B68C17EF KHURLEE, MURUN 1997-10-03 1813EDD0E2 ALI, AZZA 1989-08-12 175799678B FAUSTINI ROBERT, EDWIN 1988-12-10 18D756F31D LUGENDO, HILLARY RAYMOND 1986-07-25 188A06D23A BATSAIKHAN, BATTSETSEG 1996-10-02 18737351B7 MOBAROKA, MARZIA 1994-01-01 18AA9F9B1C WAQAS, MUHAMMAD 1994-07-05 18A81B99D2 AHMED, SARFARAZ 1991-06-20 18B460C635 CHOWDHURY, NUYECHING 1990-11-27 181D3A8973 NGUYEN, THANHTHAO 1996-12-18 189F507DA6 NGUYEN, THI KY 1996-07-19 18B89529F3 ABDALRHMAN ALI ABDALRHMAN, ASMA 1990-01-06 184C340590 MARMA, CHINGTHOWIU 1995-11-22 1810DC0CAB HOANG, LINHTRANG 1995-12-15 186EFEF0D4 MYRZAKUL, ORAZBEK 1994-02-24 189573025D ENKHBAYAR, ANGARAG 1996-11-19 184C35E8AD AHMAD, MUHAMMAD 1991-09-11 182CB08297 KHAN, HUMAYUN 1991-03-07 1859068D63 ADIL, AKHTAR 1991-01-05 18C1D32C53 REHMAN, SAIF UR 1993-04-02 187D9F10C1 OKEKE, FRANCIS ANTHONY 1978-07-27
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wintersmitth · 5 years
i'd love to hear a more elaborate story about that time they went to mountains and ended up not talking to each other. i am curious!
Thank you so much!!
It was a rather long week. Any week traipsing the Carpathians would be long, but this one was also incredibly eventful.
It all went wrong the moment Yen turned up with her boyfriend of the day. Geralt was still sore about their break up, and although he never once voiced a word against her dating life, he wasn't looking towards spending a week watching two of them being all handsy.
That was the guy's first hike as well. What. The. Fuck. 
Everyone grew frustrated with him pretty quickly. Even Triss, who wasn't a big fan of nature herself, was rolling her eyes at him. Liubystok started straight up composing a song about him. "It's going to be my next hit!" He told Geralt excitedly. "Everyone loves complaining about that one useless coworker!"
It all just went downhill.
At first, they met poachers and a trapped deer. The poachers had guns and they didn't. By the end of the encounter, they had guns and poachers didn't. Of course, once setting the poachers loose they had to rapidly change their route so that not to become victims of some unfortunate revenge.
Of course, it was only Yen's boyfriend who was afraid of revenge. There was little that veterans Geralt, Tris, and Yen couldn't handle. Even Liubystok knew there was nothing to worry about.
"Does he even know you killed people?" Geralt sneered at Yen one evening when they were tiredly setting a camp. "Or doesn't he believe a woman can fight?"
"It's none of your business," she sneered right back.
"It's mine when he's delaying us by two days," he shoots right back and the tension dials up to the 100%.
Triss and Liubystok mostly try to keep it down, but then a freak hailstorm hits one day, leaving them all wet, cold and bruised.
It all comes to a breaking point when they encounter a small town, and boyfriend demands they call a taxi and fuck off the fucking mountains. Triss tells him he's a prissy weakling, and next thing they know, he and Yen are breaking up. Nobody is sure how it all escalated into Geralt and Liubystok hollering at each other in front of the only grocery store in town, Geralt blaming the musician in half of his problems, and Liubystok telling him to stuff it up his ass. It's a small blessing they aren't in Kyiv, or even a raicentr, because come morning some ZIK journalist would have a huge article about the tragedy in Liubystok's life.
Yen and Geralt don't talk for about a month, up until Triss calls him saying two of them got a horrible flue and could he pwetty please fetch them some meds. He enters their flat, takes one look at the state of them, and with a sigh starts making them hot tea. It's all forgotten after that.
It's worse between him and Luibystok. They go out of their way to avoid each other. They both miss Yen's birthday party because they don't want to see each other. In some interview Liubystok refers to Geralt as 'a misanthropic dick who doesn't give a fuck about his friends'. Geralt's school has a field day the day it is released. He cannot pass down a hall without some little brat turning on Luibystok's emo music on.
In early December Geralt gets into a car accident, someone's huge BMW shooting out on the red light right in front of Geralt's Ural.
When he comes around in the hospital, it's not Yen or Pavlyna sitting at his bedside, but Liubystok, smugged eyeliner and chipped black nails and scared eyes.
Ask me ukr Witcher prompts!
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3929&wpwautoposter=1591910477 CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) are announced. you can download the CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) herer. After the review and approval by China Scholarship Council, the students on the following final list have been awardedwith the 2020/19Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk Road Program and University Program). Congratulations! The Admission Notice and JW201 Form of thestudents listed below will be sent by EMS or DHL, students who need to collect the document by themselves should come to the office 211/215 on July 18,3:00-4:00 pm (the office will not open during the other time) to collect the Admission Notice and JW201 Form (Passport is required to present when picking up the documents).The scholarship winners who asked friends/countrymates to come to collect the admission documents must provide a letter of authorization (passport name, passport number, CSC number and the signature of authorizer and theauthorized person should be included), the authorizer and the authorized person’s passport copy must also be attached with the letter of authorization. Appendix1: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program (undergraduate students) CSC Number Name 2020SLJ022262 BACH, THUTHAO 2020SLJ022263 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR 2020SLJ022264 PUREVSUREN, OCHIRPUREV 2020SLJ022265 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL 2020SLJ022266 GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS 2020SLJ022267 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS 2020SLJ022268 NGUYEN, THUY LINH 2020SLJ022269 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG 2020SLJ022270 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES 2020SLJ022271 HA, HONGNHUNG 2020SLJ022272 PHAM, DANG KHOI 2020SLJ022273 CHU, VAN THI 2020SLJ022274 KAJAROVA, TURKEN 2020SLJ022275 NINIC, ANASTASIA 2020SLJ022276 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM 2020SLJ022277 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG 2020SLJ022278 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE 2020SLJ022279 GUVANJOVA, MIVE 2020SLJ022280 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA 2020SLJ022281 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON 2020SLJ022282 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA 2020SLJ022283 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA 2020SLJ022284 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE 2020SLJ022285 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA 2020SLJ022286 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ 2020SLJ022287 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS 2020SLJ022288 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA 2020SLJ022289 JESMIN, SABIHA 2020SLJ022290 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF 2020SLJ022291 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD 2020SLJ022292 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI 2020SLJ022294 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG 2020SLJ022297 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA 2020SLJ022298 PANTON, THANYANUCH 2020SLJ022299 MARIN, VLADIMIR 2020SLJ022300 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT 2020SLJ022301 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT 2020SLJ022302 NGUYEN, DUY NAM 2020SLJ022303 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG 2020SLJ022304 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Appendix2: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-University Program (Graduate students) CSC Number Name 2020GXZ022112 HUSSAIN, HADI 2020GXZ022113 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 2020GXZ022114 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 2020GXZ022115 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 2020GXZ022117 VU, THI THONG 2020GXZ022118 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022119 MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022120 USAMA, MALIK 2020GXZ022121 GHANI, JUNAID 2020GXZ022122 REHMAN, AKHTAR 2020GXZ022123 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 2020GXZ022124 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 2020GXZ022125 ULLAH, ZAHID 2020GXZ022126 NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 2020GXZ022127 ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 2020GXZ022128 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 2020GXZ022129 BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 2020GXZ022130 AHMED, MANSOOR 2020GXZ022131 ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 2020GXZ022132 TUMET, YERKIN 2020GXZ022133 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 2020GXZ022134 TRAN, HUUCUONG 2020GXZ022135 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 2020GXZ022136 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 2020GXZ022137 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 2020GXZ022138 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 2020GXZ022139 TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 2020GXZ022140 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022141 BUI MANH, LUC 2020GXZ022142 AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 2020GXZ022143 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 2020GXZ022144 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 2020GXZ022145 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 2020GXZ022146 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 2020GXZ022147 BUN, PISETH 2020GXZ022148 MBAE, MOUZNAT 2020GXZ022149 BUI, DINH CONG 2020GXZ022150 OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 2020GXZ022151 MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 2020GXZ022152 KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 2020GXZ022153 NSANA, JOAO NKULA 2020GXZ022154 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 2020GXZ022155 VIVIAN, RAFIDY 2020GXZ022156 AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 2020GXZ022158 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 2020GXZ022159 TAHA, MOHAMMAD 2020GXZ022160 NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 2020GXZ022161 TJOA, JENNEFER 2020GXZ022162 SHAW, WILLIAMS 2020GXZ022164 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 2020GXZ022165 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 2020GXZ022166 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 2020GXZ022167 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 2020GXZ022168 ISSAKA, SAKINATU 2020GXZ022169 RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 2020GXZ022170 VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 2020GXZ022171 SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 2020GXZ022172 SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022173 CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 2020GXZ022174 CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 2020GXZ022175 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 2020GXZ022176 MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 2020GXZ022177 FIDA, MISBAH 2020GXZ022178 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 2020GXZ022179 CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 2020GXZ022180 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 2020GXZ022181 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 2020GXZ022182 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 2020GXZ022183 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022184 PHAM, THINHUNG 2020GXZ022185 JOVIC, LUKA 2020GXZ022186 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 2020GXZ022187 MAMBETOV, KURBAN 2020GXZ022188 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 2020GXZ022189 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 2020GXZ022190 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 2020GXZ022191 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 2020GXZ022192 AKRAM, WASEEM 2020GXZ022193 KHAN, JUNAID 2020GXZ022194 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 2020GXZ022195 GHAFOOR, USAMA 2020GXZ022196 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 2020GXZ022197 BUI, CHI 2020GXZ022198 RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 2020GXZ022199 IQBAL, NASIR 2020GXZ022200 AHMAD, EJAZ 2020GXZ022201 ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 2020GXZ022202 BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 2020GXZ022203 CAO TUAN, HIEU 2020GXZ022204 DO, VAN THUAT 2020GXZ022205 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 2020GXZ022206 DEMETRIUS, VALERY 2020GXZ022436 LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 2020GXZ022437 MAULANA, MAULANA 2020GXZ022438 DIM, CHANNA
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Result of China University of Geosciences Wuhan
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3447&wpwautoposter=1587881629 Nomination List of Chinese Government Scholarship: Silk–Road Program and Chinese University Program (CUG) Dear Scholarship Applicants, According to the evaluation held by the International Education College and the selection organized by schools and departments as well as the Scholarship Committee of CUG, we are glad to nominate the following numbers of excellent applicants out of 2020 applications to be the candidates of Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk-Road Program and Chinese University program) in CUG. Note: This list is only the nomination/recommendation list from CUG to CSC, it is not the final list and is subject to the final selection by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the Ministry of Education (MOE), P. R. China. There will be no more nomination list from CUG to CSC, and the final winners’ list will be published between late June and mid July, 2020. If your name is not in the candidate name list , and you also want to study in CUG, please pay more attention to self-supported program and “CUG presidents” scholarship programs. The deadline for application is 30th June, 2020. Please refer to the website for details. Best regards, International Education College China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Appendix1: 2020 Nomination List for undergraduate students (Silk-Road Program) Name Gender Date of Birth Passport No.(partial) GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS Male 1999-04 EP4xxxx58 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD Male 1999-10 F0xxxx60 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI Male 1999-06 MD5xxxx21 GOMES DA CRUZ FERNANDES, MOZANQUINHO Male 1998-03 00xxxx0C MARIN, VLADIMIR Male 1999-01 75xxxx544 KAJAROVA, TURKEN Female 1995-03 11xxxx940 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT Male 1998-12 N1xxxx838 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA Female 1999-05 ACxxxx462 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG Male 1999-09 Pxxxx541 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE Male 1999-04 PA0xxxx96 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE Female 1999-10 PA0xxxx76 THONGTEUM, WANCHAY Female 1999-04 P1xxxx26 SITHANYALATH, DUANGCHAY Female 1999-09 P1xxxx57 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG Male 1999-11 PA0xxxx28 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES Male 2020-03 A38xxxx76 PUREVSUREN,OCHIRPUREV Male 1997-08 E1xxxx64 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR Male 2020-08 E2xxxx87 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG Female 1998-04 E2xxxx68 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL Female 2020-02 E2xxxx55 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT Female 1998-05 E1xxxx15 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA Male 1999-11 BR0xxxx62 JESMIN, SABIHA Female 1999-09 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF Male 1999-12 BN0xxxx43 NINIC, ANASTASIA Female 1999-08 013xxxx73 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA Female 1999-10 013xxxx59 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA Male 2020-03 012xxxx16 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS Male 2020-11 401xxxx40 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ Male 2020-05 401xxxx77 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA Female 2020-04 AA9xxxx32 PANTON, THANYANUCH Female 2020-02 AA6xxxx52 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA Female 1999-07 AA6xxxx18 GUVANJOVA, MIVE Female 1999-10 A0xxxx97 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM Male 1999-06 AB4xxxx03 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON Male 2020-07 AB4xxxx37 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS Female 1998-11 B9xxxx13 CHU, VAN THI Female 2020-07 c4xxxx57 PHAM, DANG KHOI Male 2020-03 C4xxxx43 BACH, THU THAO Female 2020-10 C1xxxx36 NGUYEN, THUY LINH Female 1999-06 C2xxxx40 HA, HONG NHUNG Female 1999-09 C2xxxx65 AHMED, WASI Male 2020-06 DV1xxxx61 SOARES, OSORIO Male 1998-07 C0xxxx93 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Female 2020-06 00xxxx8C DOS SANTOS DA COSTA OLIVEIRA, ALEXANDRINO Male 1999-08 00xxxx8C GUSMAO DA COSTA E SILVA, EMILIANO Male 1999-02 00xxxx7C ZHYRGALBEK KYZY, GULDANA Female 1999-06 AC2xxxx53 OUBONPASEUTH, VANIDA Female 1998-03 P0xxxx75 DOUANGMALA, SOUPHATTA Female 1999-07 P1xxxx07 VANHPHASENG, ANOLY Female 1999-09 PA0227517 ABDALLAH TODISOA, ZAINOUL ABIDINE Male 1999-06 A16Xxxxx3 ZOLBADRAKH, BATENKH Male 2020-06 E2xxxx34 THAPA, YUBARAJ Male 2020-11 10xxxx24 SODIKOV, JAKHONGIRMIRZO Male 1999-12 AB4xxxx26 AMIRKHANOV, AKHRORBEK Male 2020-09 AB7xxxx59 AGUNG CAHYONO, LIMAN Male 1997-11 B7xxxx51 VU, PHUONG NAM Male 2020-06 C4xxxx17 VO, THI HAI YEN Female 1998-06 C1xxxx97 TRUONG, ANH QUAN Male 2020-01 C4xxxx86 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG Female 1999-01 C4xxxx76 NGUYEN, DUY NAM Male 1997-06 C2xxxx96 Appendix2: 2020 Nomination List for graduate students (Chinese University Program) Application No. Name Birthdate 18C8A2F02B HUSSAIN, HADI 1993-04-15 180414DCF0 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 1988-06-18 182BB87B15 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 1986-02-28 186E5E1094 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 1991-04-16 18A075FA7D TUMENJARGAL, ARIUNAA 1991-07-26 18C8936508 VU, THI THONG 1995-07-20 18E7F5CD0F HUSSAIN, SADAM 1992-03-10 185D0536DC MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 1991-08-15 18B90A1F16 USAMA, MALIK 1995-10-18 18B9D345EF GHANI, JUNAID 1993-12-30 181FA45C94 REHMAN, AKHTAR 1993-04-05 188D009324 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 1995-06-18 18A3362BB4 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 1995-08-25 188428BBD4 ULLAH, ZAHID 1994-03-05 18DDAF884E NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 1982-09-14 18124FF94F ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 1985-09-16 1835D4DFA5 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 1995-09-12 186F803BAD BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 1990-04-30 18C2EC17BF AHMED, MANSOOR 1988-04-04 1818AA8B2C ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 1988-09-04 180EF2B3FF TUMET, YERKIN 1993-05-06 18EB1BA306 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 1984-11-10 1815975C27 TRAN, HUUCUONG 1990-07-08 18E1A88273 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 1994-09-06 18C961AE37 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 1992-11-11 1836E7F502 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 1992-03-18 180B9D7496 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 1993-02-20 1865D23E3B TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 1992-10-19 18210043F1 HUSSAIN, SADAM 1993-09-15 18751B754F BUI MANH, LUC 1988-04-11 184E91E64E AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 1988-11-24 18620AA096 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 1988-07-26 181EE2DFD8 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 1986-02-20 18DAC12EB3 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 1989-04-07 185BD7A3E5 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 1991-03-27 18A98B82A6 BUN, PISETH 1984-01-10 18CB540E22 MBAE, MOUZNAT 1992-08-21 18102102BF BUI, DINH CONG 1988-11-05 1895EFBFCC OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 1994-05-27 181427871C MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 1991-07-25 182D1C061A KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 1995-12-09 1866C9E34C NSANA, JOAO NKULA 1992-11-16 18C0183990 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 1996-04-07 18776588AF VIVIAN, RAFIDY 1990-09-18 18EE204D2E AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 1995-04-19 181DD16988 MATVEEVA, MARIIA 1995-09-16 18D8B1A1C0 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 1993-01-21 18EEA563AE TAHA, MOHAMMAD 1993-08-28 1861C58C3F NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 1995-01-07 18B9090E2B TJOA, JENNEFER 1995-01-13 18666B150F SHAW, WILLIAMS 1988-06-01 1874A43B79 SEFAT ARA, NADIRA 1984-10-01 189993F466 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 1989-11-10 18FEA57968 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 1995-07-11 1823BB8601 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 1996-05-16 18630E2EE0 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 1993-02-23 1896A544FD ISSAKA, SAKINATU 1990-08-08 1873780EAD RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 1992-02-07 182BBD26BB VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 1994-06-20 18220901FA SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 1989-04-15 1889E2B1CC SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 1992-06-19 18C30ECCDD CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 1986-04-21 18B4F1562B CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 1988-05-01 18D7A2EF39 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 1991-02-05 1843D1D77E MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 1991-01-01 188AAB8DE4 FIDA, MISBAH 1992-04-21 1865114195 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 1988-01-01 17827C9D5C CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 1990-09-13 184CC80796 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 1983-10-04 1884489B11 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 1995-12-12 1873089B93 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 1996-10-26 18FB5C0EC0 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 1995-01-03 18E24A3DBD PHAM, THINHUNG 1991-08-15 18245A3E34 JOVIC, LUKA 1988-08-01 18A1821D45 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 1993-02-17 1869286CAC MAMBETOV, KURBAN 1996-03-31 18E0B97FA2 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 1995-02-15 18D05ECDF2 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 1982-07-16 18271E3346 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 1993-11-06 1850F37F23 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 1989-01-28 18ED69E6B7 AKRAM, WASEEM 1990-03-11 1821E60477 KHAN, JUNAID 1991-11-17 1818C05DF8 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 1993-03-04 18C18290AB GHAFOOR, USAMA 1994-02-23 1849A1C1F8 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 1988-03-19 188961B656 BUI, CHI 1994-05-27 18C9D63A8A RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 1995-07-04 18D207AC81 IQBAL, NASIR 1993-04-08 1866FFA7B3 AHMAD, EJAZ 1985-07-05 18EDADA93D ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 1982-01-01 18B4FFBF9B BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 1987-07-22 1867EB3D8F CAO TUAN, HIEU 1993-06-02 18C273A0F2 DO, VAN THUAT 1989-06-28 1884103C51 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 1992-01-16 1833B4EF7D DEMETRIUS, VALERY 1991-03-12 184180F0AA LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 1995-06-05 18A093D5F4 MAULANA, MAULANA 1995-01-07 189663BC30 DIM, CHANNA 1994-06-16 18E8C1108C BASNET, PRABHAT MAN SINGH 1992-07-20 18A172421E YAHYAOUI, WASSIM 1994-05-31 186D4E9CFB SITHIDETH, VANNAPHONE 1992-10-06 18F588AFAC THORDEKI, KHAMSY 1991-08-18 183A6C1EC7 MOHAMED ALAWAD, SARA AHMED 1987-08-08 18E0554054 ALKAMALY ALAMEEN BABIKER, MOHAMMED 1991-01-01 184EC83099 JULIO, SIMAO SOARES LOBO 1993-07-01 1866D33BB5 DOAN, MINHTRANG 1994-10-17 18FEBE70E8 SHAHEEN, SABA 1994-04-04 189D895759 MD REYAZUL, ISLAM 1995-12-10 184BB5479C NGUYEN, THI LIEN 1991-03-28 18C5276C31 MAKOUGOUM TALLA, CORINNE 1995-05-19 185277B11B TRAN, NGOCANH 1990-09-30 182F55AEA9 BEZOKINY, YARINE SANYA VOLASOA 1995-03-23 179C9035E3 LAGHARI, MUDDASAR 1994-10-10 188F794C21 ADAM ISHAG ABDALLA, ISHAG 1981-01-01 18F5EEA4E2 SAYED SULIMAN ELZAIN, TARTEEL 1992-01-11 18CF752D51 SOMPHOU, SINSAY 1995-04-28 1801A9E42D LE, THU TRANG 1995-02-03 1804AC33AC MEHDI, MUHAMMADMUNTAZIR 1996-08-31 1815CE3C25 RAZA, MUNEEB 1991-05-08 180B7C52AF RANJEETA, RANJEETA 1991-03-05 18AE366697 NINH, VANNAM 1991-05-14 18C7FAC6ED ALTAF, MUHAMMAD 1984-04-05 18B68C17EF KHURLEE, MURUN 1997-10-03 1813EDD0E2 ALI, AZZA 1989-08-12 175799678B FAUSTINI ROBERT, EDWIN 1988-12-10 18D756F31D LUGENDO, HILLARY RAYMOND 1986-07-25 188A06D23A BATSAIKHAN, BATTSETSEG 1996-10-02 18737351B7 MOBAROKA, MARZIA 1994-01-01 18AA9F9B1C WAQAS, MUHAMMAD 1994-07-05 18A81B99D2 AHMED, SARFARAZ 1991-06-20 18B460C635 CHOWDHURY, NUYECHING 1990-11-27 181D3A8973 NGUYEN, THANHTHAO 1996-12-18 189F507DA6 NGUYEN, THI KY 1996-07-19 18B89529F3 ABDALRHMAN ALI ABDALRHMAN, ASMA 1990-01-06 184C340590 MARMA, CHINGTHOWIU 1995-11-22 1810DC0CAB HOANG, LINHTRANG 1995-12-15 186EFEF0D4 MYRZAKUL, ORAZBEK 1994-02-24 189573025D ENKHBAYAR, ANGARAG 1996-11-19 184C35E8AD AHMAD, MUHAMMAD 1991-09-11 182CB08297 KHAN, HUMAYUN 1991-03-07 1859068D63 ADIL, AKHTAR 1991-01-05 18C1D32C53 REHMAN, SAIF UR 1993-04-02 187D9F10C1 OKEKE, FRANCIS ANTHONY 1978-07-27
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3929&wpwautoposter=1587626563 CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) are announced. you can download the CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) herer. After the review and approval by China Scholarship Council, the students on the following final list have been awardedwith the 2020/19Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk Road Program and University Program). Congratulations! The Admission Notice and JW201 Form of thestudents listed below will be sent by EMS or DHL, students who need to collect the document by themselves should come to the office 211/215 on July 18,3:00-4:00 pm (the office will not open during the other time) to collect the Admission Notice and JW201 Form (Passport is required to present when picking up the documents).The scholarship winners who asked friends/countrymates to come to collect the admission documents must provide a letter of authorization (passport name, passport number, CSC number and the signature of authorizer and theauthorized person should be included), the authorizer and the authorized person’s passport copy must also be attached with the letter of authorization. Appendix1: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program (undergraduate students) CSC Number Name 2020SLJ022262 BACH, THUTHAO 2020SLJ022263 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR 2020SLJ022264 PUREVSUREN, OCHIRPUREV 2020SLJ022265 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL 2020SLJ022266 GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS 2020SLJ022267 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS 2020SLJ022268 NGUYEN, THUY LINH 2020SLJ022269 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG 2020SLJ022270 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES 2020SLJ022271 HA, HONGNHUNG 2020SLJ022272 PHAM, DANG KHOI 2020SLJ022273 CHU, VAN THI 2020SLJ022274 KAJAROVA, TURKEN 2020SLJ022275 NINIC, ANASTASIA 2020SLJ022276 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM 2020SLJ022277 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG 2020SLJ022278 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE 2020SLJ022279 GUVANJOVA, MIVE 2020SLJ022280 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA 2020SLJ022281 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON 2020SLJ022282 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA 2020SLJ022283 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA 2020SLJ022284 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE 2020SLJ022285 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA 2020SLJ022286 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ 2020SLJ022287 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS 2020SLJ022288 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA 2020SLJ022289 JESMIN, SABIHA 2020SLJ022290 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF 2020SLJ022291 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD 2020SLJ022292 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI 2020SLJ022294 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG 2020SLJ022297 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA 2020SLJ022298 PANTON, THANYANUCH 2020SLJ022299 MARIN, VLADIMIR 2020SLJ022300 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT 2020SLJ022301 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT 2020SLJ022302 NGUYEN, DUY NAM 2020SLJ022303 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG 2020SLJ022304 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Appendix2: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-University Program (Graduate students) CSC Number Name 2020GXZ022112 HUSSAIN, HADI 2020GXZ022113 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 2020GXZ022114 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 2020GXZ022115 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 2020GXZ022117 VU, THI THONG 2020GXZ022118 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022119 MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022120 USAMA, MALIK 2020GXZ022121 GHANI, JUNAID 2020GXZ022122 REHMAN, AKHTAR 2020GXZ022123 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 2020GXZ022124 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 2020GXZ022125 ULLAH, ZAHID 2020GXZ022126 NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 2020GXZ022127 ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 2020GXZ022128 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 2020GXZ022129 BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 2020GXZ022130 AHMED, MANSOOR 2020GXZ022131 ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 2020GXZ022132 TUMET, YERKIN 2020GXZ022133 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 2020GXZ022134 TRAN, HUUCUONG 2020GXZ022135 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 2020GXZ022136 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 2020GXZ022137 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 2020GXZ022138 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 2020GXZ022139 TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 2020GXZ022140 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022141 BUI MANH, LUC 2020GXZ022142 AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 2020GXZ022143 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 2020GXZ022144 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 2020GXZ022145 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 2020GXZ022146 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 2020GXZ022147 BUN, PISETH 2020GXZ022148 MBAE, MOUZNAT 2020GXZ022149 BUI, DINH CONG 2020GXZ022150 OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 2020GXZ022151 MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 2020GXZ022152 KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 2020GXZ022153 NSANA, JOAO NKULA 2020GXZ022154 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 2020GXZ022155 VIVIAN, RAFIDY 2020GXZ022156 AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 2020GXZ022158 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 2020GXZ022159 TAHA, MOHAMMAD 2020GXZ022160 NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 2020GXZ022161 TJOA, JENNEFER 2020GXZ022162 SHAW, WILLIAMS 2020GXZ022164 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 2020GXZ022165 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 2020GXZ022166 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 2020GXZ022167 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 2020GXZ022168 ISSAKA, SAKINATU 2020GXZ022169 RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 2020GXZ022170 VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 2020GXZ022171 SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 2020GXZ022172 SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022173 CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 2020GXZ022174 CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 2020GXZ022175 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 2020GXZ022176 MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 2020GXZ022177 FIDA, MISBAH 2020GXZ022178 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 2020GXZ022179 CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 2020GXZ022180 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 2020GXZ022181 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 2020GXZ022182 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 2020GXZ022183 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022184 PHAM, THINHUNG 2020GXZ022185 JOVIC, LUKA 2020GXZ022186 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 2020GXZ022187 MAMBETOV, KURBAN 2020GXZ022188 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 2020GXZ022189 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 2020GXZ022190 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 2020GXZ022191 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 2020GXZ022192 AKRAM, WASEEM 2020GXZ022193 KHAN, JUNAID 2020GXZ022194 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 2020GXZ022195 GHAFOOR, USAMA 2020GXZ022196 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 2020GXZ022197 BUI, CHI 2020GXZ022198 RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 2020GXZ022199 IQBAL, NASIR 2020GXZ022200 AHMAD, EJAZ 2020GXZ022201 ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 2020GXZ022202 BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 2020GXZ022203 CAO TUAN, HIEU 2020GXZ022204 DO, VAN THUAT 2020GXZ022205 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 2020GXZ022206 DEMETRIUS, VALERY 2020GXZ022436 LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 2020GXZ022437 MAULANA, MAULANA 2020GXZ022438 DIM, CHANNA
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3929&wpwautoposter=1587549994 CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) are announced. you can download the CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) herer. After the review and approval by China Scholarship Council, the students on the following final list have been awardedwith the 2020/19Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk Road Program and University Program). Congratulations! The Admission Notice and JW201 Form of thestudents listed below will be sent by EMS or DHL, students who need to collect the document by themselves should come to the office 211/215 on July 18,3:00-4:00 pm (the office will not open during the other time) to collect the Admission Notice and JW201 Form (Passport is required to present when picking up the documents).The scholarship winners who asked friends/countrymates to come to collect the admission documents must provide a letter of authorization (passport name, passport number, CSC number and the signature of authorizer and theauthorized person should be included), the authorizer and the authorized person’s passport copy must also be attached with the letter of authorization. Appendix1: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program (undergraduate students) CSC Number Name 2020SLJ022262 BACH, THUTHAO 2020SLJ022263 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR 2020SLJ022264 PUREVSUREN, OCHIRPUREV 2020SLJ022265 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL 2020SLJ022266 GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS 2020SLJ022267 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS 2020SLJ022268 NGUYEN, THUY LINH 2020SLJ022269 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG 2020SLJ022270 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES 2020SLJ022271 HA, HONGNHUNG 2020SLJ022272 PHAM, DANG KHOI 2020SLJ022273 CHU, VAN THI 2020SLJ022274 KAJAROVA, TURKEN 2020SLJ022275 NINIC, ANASTASIA 2020SLJ022276 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM 2020SLJ022277 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG 2020SLJ022278 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE 2020SLJ022279 GUVANJOVA, MIVE 2020SLJ022280 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA 2020SLJ022281 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON 2020SLJ022282 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA 2020SLJ022283 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA 2020SLJ022284 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE 2020SLJ022285 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA 2020SLJ022286 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ 2020SLJ022287 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS 2020SLJ022288 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA 2020SLJ022289 JESMIN, SABIHA 2020SLJ022290 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF 2020SLJ022291 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD 2020SLJ022292 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI 2020SLJ022294 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG 2020SLJ022297 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA 2020SLJ022298 PANTON, THANYANUCH 2020SLJ022299 MARIN, VLADIMIR 2020SLJ022300 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT 2020SLJ022301 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT 2020SLJ022302 NGUYEN, DUY NAM 2020SLJ022303 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG 2020SLJ022304 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Appendix2: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-University Program (Graduate students) CSC Number Name 2020GXZ022112 HUSSAIN, HADI 2020GXZ022113 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 2020GXZ022114 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 2020GXZ022115 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 2020GXZ022117 VU, THI THONG 2020GXZ022118 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022119 MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022120 USAMA, MALIK 2020GXZ022121 GHANI, JUNAID 2020GXZ022122 REHMAN, AKHTAR 2020GXZ022123 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 2020GXZ022124 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 2020GXZ022125 ULLAH, ZAHID 2020GXZ022126 NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 2020GXZ022127 ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 2020GXZ022128 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 2020GXZ022129 BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 2020GXZ022130 AHMED, MANSOOR 2020GXZ022131 ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 2020GXZ022132 TUMET, YERKIN 2020GXZ022133 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 2020GXZ022134 TRAN, HUUCUONG 2020GXZ022135 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 2020GXZ022136 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 2020GXZ022137 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 2020GXZ022138 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 2020GXZ022139 TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 2020GXZ022140 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022141 BUI MANH, LUC 2020GXZ022142 AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 2020GXZ022143 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 2020GXZ022144 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 2020GXZ022145 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 2020GXZ022146 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 2020GXZ022147 BUN, PISETH 2020GXZ022148 MBAE, MOUZNAT 2020GXZ022149 BUI, DINH CONG 2020GXZ022150 OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 2020GXZ022151 MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 2020GXZ022152 KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 2020GXZ022153 NSANA, JOAO NKULA 2020GXZ022154 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 2020GXZ022155 VIVIAN, RAFIDY 2020GXZ022156 AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 2020GXZ022158 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 2020GXZ022159 TAHA, MOHAMMAD 2020GXZ022160 NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 2020GXZ022161 TJOA, JENNEFER 2020GXZ022162 SHAW, WILLIAMS 2020GXZ022164 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 2020GXZ022165 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 2020GXZ022166 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 2020GXZ022167 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 2020GXZ022168 ISSAKA, SAKINATU 2020GXZ022169 RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 2020GXZ022170 VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 2020GXZ022171 SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 2020GXZ022172 SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022173 CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 2020GXZ022174 CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 2020GXZ022175 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 2020GXZ022176 MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 2020GXZ022177 FIDA, MISBAH 2020GXZ022178 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 2020GXZ022179 CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 2020GXZ022180 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 2020GXZ022181 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 2020GXZ022182 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 2020GXZ022183 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022184 PHAM, THINHUNG 2020GXZ022185 JOVIC, LUKA 2020GXZ022186 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 2020GXZ022187 MAMBETOV, KURBAN 2020GXZ022188 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 2020GXZ022189 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 2020GXZ022190 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 2020GXZ022191 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 2020GXZ022192 AKRAM, WASEEM 2020GXZ022193 KHAN, JUNAID 2020GXZ022194 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 2020GXZ022195 GHAFOOR, USAMA 2020GXZ022196 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 2020GXZ022197 BUI, CHI 2020GXZ022198 RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 2020GXZ022199 IQBAL, NASIR 2020GXZ022200 AHMAD, EJAZ 2020GXZ022201 ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 2020GXZ022202 BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 2020GXZ022203 CAO TUAN, HIEU 2020GXZ022204 DO, VAN THUAT 2020GXZ022205 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 2020GXZ022206 DEMETRIUS, VALERY 2020GXZ022436 LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 2020GXZ022437 MAULANA, MAULANA 2020GXZ022438 DIM, CHANNA
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Result of China University of Geosciences Wuhan
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3447&wpwautoposter=1587549993 Nomination List of Chinese Government Scholarship: Silk–Road Program and Chinese University Program (CUG) Dear Scholarship Applicants, According to the evaluation held by the International Education College and the selection organized by schools and departments as well as the Scholarship Committee of CUG, we are glad to nominate the following numbers of excellent applicants out of 2020 applications to be the candidates of Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk-Road Program and Chinese University program) in CUG. Note: This list is only the nomination/recommendation list from CUG to CSC, it is not the final list and is subject to the final selection by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the Ministry of Education (MOE), P. R. China. There will be no more nomination list from CUG to CSC, and the final winners’ list will be published between late June and mid July, 2020. If your name is not in the candidate name list , and you also want to study in CUG, please pay more attention to self-supported program and “CUG presidents” scholarship programs. The deadline for application is 30th June, 2020. Please refer to the website for details. Best regards, International Education College China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Appendix1: 2020 Nomination List for undergraduate students (Silk-Road Program) Name Gender Date of Birth Passport No.(partial) GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS Male 1999-04 EP4xxxx58 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD Male 1999-10 F0xxxx60 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI Male 1999-06 MD5xxxx21 GOMES DA CRUZ FERNANDES, MOZANQUINHO Male 1998-03 00xxxx0C MARIN, VLADIMIR Male 1999-01 75xxxx544 KAJAROVA, TURKEN Female 1995-03 11xxxx940 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT Male 1998-12 N1xxxx838 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA Female 1999-05 ACxxxx462 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG Male 1999-09 Pxxxx541 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE Male 1999-04 PA0xxxx96 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE Female 1999-10 PA0xxxx76 THONGTEUM, WANCHAY Female 1999-04 P1xxxx26 SITHANYALATH, DUANGCHAY Female 1999-09 P1xxxx57 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG Male 1999-11 PA0xxxx28 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES Male 2020-03 A38xxxx76 PUREVSUREN,OCHIRPUREV Male 1997-08 E1xxxx64 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR Male 2020-08 E2xxxx87 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG Female 1998-04 E2xxxx68 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL Female 2020-02 E2xxxx55 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT Female 1998-05 E1xxxx15 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA Male 1999-11 BR0xxxx62 JESMIN, SABIHA Female 1999-09 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF Male 1999-12 BN0xxxx43 NINIC, ANASTASIA Female 1999-08 013xxxx73 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA Female 1999-10 013xxxx59 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA Male 2020-03 012xxxx16 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS Male 2020-11 401xxxx40 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ Male 2020-05 401xxxx77 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA Female 2020-04 AA9xxxx32 PANTON, THANYANUCH Female 2020-02 AA6xxxx52 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA Female 1999-07 AA6xxxx18 GUVANJOVA, MIVE Female 1999-10 A0xxxx97 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM Male 1999-06 AB4xxxx03 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON Male 2020-07 AB4xxxx37 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS Female 1998-11 B9xxxx13 CHU, VAN THI Female 2020-07 c4xxxx57 PHAM, DANG KHOI Male 2020-03 C4xxxx43 BACH, THU THAO Female 2020-10 C1xxxx36 NGUYEN, THUY LINH Female 1999-06 C2xxxx40 HA, HONG NHUNG Female 1999-09 C2xxxx65 AHMED, WASI Male 2020-06 DV1xxxx61 SOARES, OSORIO Male 1998-07 C0xxxx93 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Female 2020-06 00xxxx8C DOS SANTOS DA COSTA OLIVEIRA, ALEXANDRINO Male 1999-08 00xxxx8C GUSMAO DA COSTA E SILVA, EMILIANO Male 1999-02 00xxxx7C ZHYRGALBEK KYZY, GULDANA Female 1999-06 AC2xxxx53 OUBONPASEUTH, VANIDA Female 1998-03 P0xxxx75 DOUANGMALA, SOUPHATTA Female 1999-07 P1xxxx07 VANHPHASENG, ANOLY Female 1999-09 PA0227517 ABDALLAH TODISOA, ZAINOUL ABIDINE Male 1999-06 A16Xxxxx3 ZOLBADRAKH, BATENKH Male 2020-06 E2xxxx34 THAPA, YUBARAJ Male 2020-11 10xxxx24 SODIKOV, JAKHONGIRMIRZO Male 1999-12 AB4xxxx26 AMIRKHANOV, AKHRORBEK Male 2020-09 AB7xxxx59 AGUNG CAHYONO, LIMAN Male 1997-11 B7xxxx51 VU, PHUONG NAM Male 2020-06 C4xxxx17 VO, THI HAI YEN Female 1998-06 C1xxxx97 TRUONG, ANH QUAN Male 2020-01 C4xxxx86 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG Female 1999-01 C4xxxx76 NGUYEN, DUY NAM Male 1997-06 C2xxxx96 Appendix2: 2020 Nomination List for graduate students (Chinese University Program) Application No. Name Birthdate 18C8A2F02B HUSSAIN, HADI 1993-04-15 180414DCF0 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 1988-06-18 182BB87B15 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 1986-02-28 186E5E1094 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 1991-04-16 18A075FA7D TUMENJARGAL, ARIUNAA 1991-07-26 18C8936508 VU, THI THONG 1995-07-20 18E7F5CD0F HUSSAIN, SADAM 1992-03-10 185D0536DC MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 1991-08-15 18B90A1F16 USAMA, MALIK 1995-10-18 18B9D345EF GHANI, JUNAID 1993-12-30 181FA45C94 REHMAN, AKHTAR 1993-04-05 188D009324 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 1995-06-18 18A3362BB4 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 1995-08-25 188428BBD4 ULLAH, ZAHID 1994-03-05 18DDAF884E NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 1982-09-14 18124FF94F ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 1985-09-16 1835D4DFA5 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 1995-09-12 186F803BAD BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 1990-04-30 18C2EC17BF AHMED, MANSOOR 1988-04-04 1818AA8B2C ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 1988-09-04 180EF2B3FF TUMET, YERKIN 1993-05-06 18EB1BA306 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 1984-11-10 1815975C27 TRAN, HUUCUONG 1990-07-08 18E1A88273 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 1994-09-06 18C961AE37 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 1992-11-11 1836E7F502 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 1992-03-18 180B9D7496 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 1993-02-20 1865D23E3B TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 1992-10-19 18210043F1 HUSSAIN, SADAM 1993-09-15 18751B754F BUI MANH, LUC 1988-04-11 184E91E64E AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 1988-11-24 18620AA096 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 1988-07-26 181EE2DFD8 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 1986-02-20 18DAC12EB3 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 1989-04-07 185BD7A3E5 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 1991-03-27 18A98B82A6 BUN, PISETH 1984-01-10 18CB540E22 MBAE, MOUZNAT 1992-08-21 18102102BF BUI, DINH CONG 1988-11-05 1895EFBFCC OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 1994-05-27 181427871C MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 1991-07-25 182D1C061A KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 1995-12-09 1866C9E34C NSANA, JOAO NKULA 1992-11-16 18C0183990 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 1996-04-07 18776588AF VIVIAN, RAFIDY 1990-09-18 18EE204D2E AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 1995-04-19 181DD16988 MATVEEVA, MARIIA 1995-09-16 18D8B1A1C0 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 1993-01-21 18EEA563AE TAHA, MOHAMMAD 1993-08-28 1861C58C3F NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 1995-01-07 18B9090E2B TJOA, JENNEFER 1995-01-13 18666B150F SHAW, WILLIAMS 1988-06-01 1874A43B79 SEFAT ARA, NADIRA 1984-10-01 189993F466 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 1989-11-10 18FEA57968 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 1995-07-11 1823BB8601 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 1996-05-16 18630E2EE0 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 1993-02-23 1896A544FD ISSAKA, SAKINATU 1990-08-08 1873780EAD RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 1992-02-07 182BBD26BB VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 1994-06-20 18220901FA SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 1989-04-15 1889E2B1CC SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 1992-06-19 18C30ECCDD CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 1986-04-21 18B4F1562B CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 1988-05-01 18D7A2EF39 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 1991-02-05 1843D1D77E MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 1991-01-01 188AAB8DE4 FIDA, MISBAH 1992-04-21 1865114195 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 1988-01-01 17827C9D5C CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 1990-09-13 184CC80796 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 1983-10-04 1884489B11 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 1995-12-12 1873089B93 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 1996-10-26 18FB5C0EC0 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 1995-01-03 18E24A3DBD PHAM, THINHUNG 1991-08-15 18245A3E34 JOVIC, LUKA 1988-08-01 18A1821D45 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 1993-02-17 1869286CAC MAMBETOV, KURBAN 1996-03-31 18E0B97FA2 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 1995-02-15 18D05ECDF2 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 1982-07-16 18271E3346 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 1993-11-06 1850F37F23 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 1989-01-28 18ED69E6B7 AKRAM, WASEEM 1990-03-11 1821E60477 KHAN, JUNAID 1991-11-17 1818C05DF8 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 1993-03-04 18C18290AB GHAFOOR, USAMA 1994-02-23 1849A1C1F8 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 1988-03-19 188961B656 BUI, CHI 1994-05-27 18C9D63A8A RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 1995-07-04 18D207AC81 IQBAL, NASIR 1993-04-08 1866FFA7B3 AHMAD, EJAZ 1985-07-05 18EDADA93D ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 1982-01-01 18B4FFBF9B BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 1987-07-22 1867EB3D8F CAO TUAN, HIEU 1993-06-02 18C273A0F2 DO, VAN THUAT 1989-06-28 1884103C51 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 1992-01-16 1833B4EF7D DEMETRIUS, VALERY 1991-03-12 184180F0AA LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 1995-06-05 18A093D5F4 MAULANA, MAULANA 1995-01-07 189663BC30 DIM, CHANNA 1994-06-16 18E8C1108C BASNET, PRABHAT MAN SINGH 1992-07-20 18A172421E YAHYAOUI, WASSIM 1994-05-31 186D4E9CFB SITHIDETH, VANNAPHONE 1992-10-06 18F588AFAC THORDEKI, KHAMSY 1991-08-18 183A6C1EC7 MOHAMED ALAWAD, SARA AHMED 1987-08-08 18E0554054 ALKAMALY ALAMEEN BABIKER, MOHAMMED 1991-01-01 184EC83099 JULIO, SIMAO SOARES LOBO 1993-07-01 1866D33BB5 DOAN, MINHTRANG 1994-10-17 18FEBE70E8 SHAHEEN, SABA 1994-04-04 189D895759 MD REYAZUL, ISLAM 1995-12-10 184BB5479C NGUYEN, THI LIEN 1991-03-28 18C5276C31 MAKOUGOUM TALLA, CORINNE 1995-05-19 185277B11B TRAN, NGOCANH 1990-09-30 182F55AEA9 BEZOKINY, YARINE SANYA VOLASOA 1995-03-23 179C9035E3 LAGHARI, MUDDASAR 1994-10-10 188F794C21 ADAM ISHAG ABDALLA, ISHAG 1981-01-01 18F5EEA4E2 SAYED SULIMAN ELZAIN, TARTEEL 1992-01-11 18CF752D51 SOMPHOU, SINSAY 1995-04-28 1801A9E42D LE, THU TRANG 1995-02-03 1804AC33AC MEHDI, MUHAMMADMUNTAZIR 1996-08-31 1815CE3C25 RAZA, MUNEEB 1991-05-08 180B7C52AF RANJEETA, RANJEETA 1991-03-05 18AE366697 NINH, VANNAM 1991-05-14 18C7FAC6ED ALTAF, MUHAMMAD 1984-04-05 18B68C17EF KHURLEE, MURUN 1997-10-03 1813EDD0E2 ALI, AZZA 1989-08-12 175799678B FAUSTINI ROBERT, EDWIN 1988-12-10 18D756F31D LUGENDO, HILLARY RAYMOND 1986-07-25 188A06D23A BATSAIKHAN, BATTSETSEG 1996-10-02 18737351B7 MOBAROKA, MARZIA 1994-01-01 18AA9F9B1C WAQAS, MUHAMMAD 1994-07-05 18A81B99D2 AHMED, SARFARAZ 1991-06-20 18B460C635 CHOWDHURY, NUYECHING 1990-11-27 181D3A8973 NGUYEN, THANHTHAO 1996-12-18 189F507DA6 NGUYEN, THI KY 1996-07-19 18B89529F3 ABDALRHMAN ALI ABDALRHMAN, ASMA 1990-01-06 184C340590 MARMA, CHINGTHOWIU 1995-11-22 1810DC0CAB HOANG, LINHTRANG 1995-12-15 186EFEF0D4 MYRZAKUL, ORAZBEK 1994-02-24 189573025D ENKHBAYAR, ANGARAG 1996-11-19 184C35E8AD AHMAD, MUHAMMAD 1991-09-11 182CB08297 KHAN, HUMAYUN 1991-03-07 1859068D63 ADIL, AKHTAR 1991-01-05 18C1D32C53 REHMAN, SAIF UR 1993-04-02 187D9F10C1 OKEKE, FRANCIS ANTHONY 1978-07-27
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3929&wpwautoposter=1587448102 CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) are announced. you can download the CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) herer. After the review and approval by China Scholarship Council, the students on the following final list have been awardedwith the 2020/19Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk Road Program and University Program). Congratulations! The Admission Notice and JW201 Form of thestudents listed below will be sent by EMS or DHL, students who need to collect the document by themselves should come to the office 211/215 on July 18,3:00-4:00 pm (the office will not open during the other time) to collect the Admission Notice and JW201 Form (Passport is required to present when picking up the documents).The scholarship winners who asked friends/countrymates to come to collect the admission documents must provide a letter of authorization (passport name, passport number, CSC number and the signature of authorizer and theauthorized person should be included), the authorizer and the authorized person’s passport copy must also be attached with the letter of authorization. Appendix1: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program (undergraduate students) CSC Number Name 2020SLJ022262 BACH, THUTHAO 2020SLJ022263 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR 2020SLJ022264 PUREVSUREN, OCHIRPUREV 2020SLJ022265 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL 2020SLJ022266 GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS 2020SLJ022267 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS 2020SLJ022268 NGUYEN, THUY LINH 2020SLJ022269 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG 2020SLJ022270 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES 2020SLJ022271 HA, HONGNHUNG 2020SLJ022272 PHAM, DANG KHOI 2020SLJ022273 CHU, VAN THI 2020SLJ022274 KAJAROVA, TURKEN 2020SLJ022275 NINIC, ANASTASIA 2020SLJ022276 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM 2020SLJ022277 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG 2020SLJ022278 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE 2020SLJ022279 GUVANJOVA, MIVE 2020SLJ022280 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA 2020SLJ022281 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON 2020SLJ022282 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA 2020SLJ022283 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA 2020SLJ022284 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE 2020SLJ022285 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA 2020SLJ022286 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ 2020SLJ022287 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS 2020SLJ022288 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA 2020SLJ022289 JESMIN, SABIHA 2020SLJ022290 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF 2020SLJ022291 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD 2020SLJ022292 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI 2020SLJ022294 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG 2020SLJ022297 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA 2020SLJ022298 PANTON, THANYANUCH 2020SLJ022299 MARIN, VLADIMIR 2020SLJ022300 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT 2020SLJ022301 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT 2020SLJ022302 NGUYEN, DUY NAM 2020SLJ022303 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG 2020SLJ022304 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Appendix2: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-University Program (Graduate students) CSC Number Name 2020GXZ022112 HUSSAIN, HADI 2020GXZ022113 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 2020GXZ022114 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 2020GXZ022115 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 2020GXZ022117 VU, THI THONG 2020GXZ022118 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022119 MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022120 USAMA, MALIK 2020GXZ022121 GHANI, JUNAID 2020GXZ022122 REHMAN, AKHTAR 2020GXZ022123 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 2020GXZ022124 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 2020GXZ022125 ULLAH, ZAHID 2020GXZ022126 NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 2020GXZ022127 ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 2020GXZ022128 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 2020GXZ022129 BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 2020GXZ022130 AHMED, MANSOOR 2020GXZ022131 ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 2020GXZ022132 TUMET, YERKIN 2020GXZ022133 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 2020GXZ022134 TRAN, HUUCUONG 2020GXZ022135 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 2020GXZ022136 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 2020GXZ022137 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 2020GXZ022138 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 2020GXZ022139 TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 2020GXZ022140 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022141 BUI MANH, LUC 2020GXZ022142 AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 2020GXZ022143 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 2020GXZ022144 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 2020GXZ022145 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 2020GXZ022146 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 2020GXZ022147 BUN, PISETH 2020GXZ022148 MBAE, MOUZNAT 2020GXZ022149 BUI, DINH CONG 2020GXZ022150 OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 2020GXZ022151 MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 2020GXZ022152 KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 2020GXZ022153 NSANA, JOAO NKULA 2020GXZ022154 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 2020GXZ022155 VIVIAN, RAFIDY 2020GXZ022156 AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 2020GXZ022158 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 2020GXZ022159 TAHA, MOHAMMAD 2020GXZ022160 NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 2020GXZ022161 TJOA, JENNEFER 2020GXZ022162 SHAW, WILLIAMS 2020GXZ022164 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 2020GXZ022165 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 2020GXZ022166 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 2020GXZ022167 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 2020GXZ022168 ISSAKA, SAKINATU 2020GXZ022169 RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 2020GXZ022170 VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 2020GXZ022171 SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 2020GXZ022172 SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022173 CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 2020GXZ022174 CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 2020GXZ022175 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 2020GXZ022176 MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 2020GXZ022177 FIDA, MISBAH 2020GXZ022178 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 2020GXZ022179 CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 2020GXZ022180 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 2020GXZ022181 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 2020GXZ022182 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 2020GXZ022183 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022184 PHAM, THINHUNG 2020GXZ022185 JOVIC, LUKA 2020GXZ022186 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 2020GXZ022187 MAMBETOV, KURBAN 2020GXZ022188 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 2020GXZ022189 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 2020GXZ022190 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 2020GXZ022191 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 2020GXZ022192 AKRAM, WASEEM 2020GXZ022193 KHAN, JUNAID 2020GXZ022194 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 2020GXZ022195 GHAFOOR, USAMA 2020GXZ022196 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 2020GXZ022197 BUI, CHI 2020GXZ022198 RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 2020GXZ022199 IQBAL, NASIR 2020GXZ022200 AHMAD, EJAZ 2020GXZ022201 ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 2020GXZ022202 BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 2020GXZ022203 CAO TUAN, HIEU 2020GXZ022204 DO, VAN THUAT 2020GXZ022205 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 2020GXZ022206 DEMETRIUS, VALERY 2020GXZ022436 LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 2020GXZ022437 MAULANA, MAULANA 2020GXZ022438 DIM, CHANNA
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3929&wpwautoposter=1587371932 CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) are announced. you can download the CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) herer. After the review and approval by China Scholarship Council, the students on the following final list have been awardedwith the 2020/19Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk Road Program and University Program). Congratulations! The Admission Notice and JW201 Form of thestudents listed below will be sent by EMS or DHL, students who need to collect the document by themselves should come to the office 211/215 on July 18,3:00-4:00 pm (the office will not open during the other time) to collect the Admission Notice and JW201 Form (Passport is required to present when picking up the documents).The scholarship winners who asked friends/countrymates to come to collect the admission documents must provide a letter of authorization (passport name, passport number, CSC number and the signature of authorizer and theauthorized person should be included), the authorizer and the authorized person’s passport copy must also be attached with the letter of authorization. Appendix1: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program (undergraduate students) CSC Number Name 2020SLJ022262 BACH, THUTHAO 2020SLJ022263 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR 2020SLJ022264 PUREVSUREN, OCHIRPUREV 2020SLJ022265 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL 2020SLJ022266 GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS 2020SLJ022267 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS 2020SLJ022268 NGUYEN, THUY LINH 2020SLJ022269 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG 2020SLJ022270 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES 2020SLJ022271 HA, HONGNHUNG 2020SLJ022272 PHAM, DANG KHOI 2020SLJ022273 CHU, VAN THI 2020SLJ022274 KAJAROVA, TURKEN 2020SLJ022275 NINIC, ANASTASIA 2020SLJ022276 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM 2020SLJ022277 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG 2020SLJ022278 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE 2020SLJ022279 GUVANJOVA, MIVE 2020SLJ022280 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA 2020SLJ022281 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON 2020SLJ022282 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA 2020SLJ022283 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA 2020SLJ022284 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE 2020SLJ022285 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA 2020SLJ022286 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ 2020SLJ022287 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS 2020SLJ022288 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA 2020SLJ022289 JESMIN, SABIHA 2020SLJ022290 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF 2020SLJ022291 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD 2020SLJ022292 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI 2020SLJ022294 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG 2020SLJ022297 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA 2020SLJ022298 PANTON, THANYANUCH 2020SLJ022299 MARIN, VLADIMIR 2020SLJ022300 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT 2020SLJ022301 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT 2020SLJ022302 NGUYEN, DUY NAM 2020SLJ022303 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG 2020SLJ022304 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Appendix2: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-University Program (Graduate students) CSC Number Name 2020GXZ022112 HUSSAIN, HADI 2020GXZ022113 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 2020GXZ022114 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 2020GXZ022115 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 2020GXZ022117 VU, THI THONG 2020GXZ022118 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022119 MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022120 USAMA, MALIK 2020GXZ022121 GHANI, JUNAID 2020GXZ022122 REHMAN, AKHTAR 2020GXZ022123 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 2020GXZ022124 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 2020GXZ022125 ULLAH, ZAHID 2020GXZ022126 NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 2020GXZ022127 ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 2020GXZ022128 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 2020GXZ022129 BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 2020GXZ022130 AHMED, MANSOOR 2020GXZ022131 ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 2020GXZ022132 TUMET, YERKIN 2020GXZ022133 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 2020GXZ022134 TRAN, HUUCUONG 2020GXZ022135 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 2020GXZ022136 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 2020GXZ022137 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 2020GXZ022138 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 2020GXZ022139 TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 2020GXZ022140 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022141 BUI MANH, LUC 2020GXZ022142 AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 2020GXZ022143 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 2020GXZ022144 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 2020GXZ022145 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 2020GXZ022146 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 2020GXZ022147 BUN, PISETH 2020GXZ022148 MBAE, MOUZNAT 2020GXZ022149 BUI, DINH CONG 2020GXZ022150 OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 2020GXZ022151 MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 2020GXZ022152 KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 2020GXZ022153 NSANA, JOAO NKULA 2020GXZ022154 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 2020GXZ022155 VIVIAN, RAFIDY 2020GXZ022156 AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 2020GXZ022158 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 2020GXZ022159 TAHA, MOHAMMAD 2020GXZ022160 NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 2020GXZ022161 TJOA, JENNEFER 2020GXZ022162 SHAW, WILLIAMS 2020GXZ022164 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 2020GXZ022165 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 2020GXZ022166 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 2020GXZ022167 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 2020GXZ022168 ISSAKA, SAKINATU 2020GXZ022169 RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 2020GXZ022170 VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 2020GXZ022171 SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 2020GXZ022172 SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022173 CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 2020GXZ022174 CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 2020GXZ022175 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 2020GXZ022176 MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 2020GXZ022177 FIDA, MISBAH 2020GXZ022178 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 2020GXZ022179 CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 2020GXZ022180 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 2020GXZ022181 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 2020GXZ022182 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 2020GXZ022183 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022184 PHAM, THINHUNG 2020GXZ022185 JOVIC, LUKA 2020GXZ022186 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 2020GXZ022187 MAMBETOV, KURBAN 2020GXZ022188 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 2020GXZ022189 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 2020GXZ022190 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 2020GXZ022191 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 2020GXZ022192 AKRAM, WASEEM 2020GXZ022193 KHAN, JUNAID 2020GXZ022194 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 2020GXZ022195 GHAFOOR, USAMA 2020GXZ022196 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 2020GXZ022197 BUI, CHI 2020GXZ022198 RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 2020GXZ022199 IQBAL, NASIR 2020GXZ022200 AHMAD, EJAZ 2020GXZ022201 ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 2020GXZ022202 BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 2020GXZ022203 CAO TUAN, HIEU 2020GXZ022204 DO, VAN THUAT 2020GXZ022205 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 2020GXZ022206 DEMETRIUS, VALERY 2020GXZ022436 LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 2020GXZ022437 MAULANA, MAULANA 2020GXZ022438 DIM, CHANNA
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Result of China University of Geosciences Wuhan
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3447&wpwautoposter=1587371701 Nomination List of Chinese Government Scholarship: Silk–Road Program and Chinese University Program (CUG) Dear Scholarship Applicants, According to the evaluation held by the International Education College and the selection organized by schools and departments as well as the Scholarship Committee of CUG, we are glad to nominate the following numbers of excellent applicants out of 2020 applications to be the candidates of Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk-Road Program and Chinese University program) in CUG. Note: This list is only the nomination/recommendation list from CUG to CSC, it is not the final list and is subject to the final selection by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the Ministry of Education (MOE), P. R. China. There will be no more nomination list from CUG to CSC, and the final winners’ list will be published between late June and mid July, 2020. If your name is not in the candidate name list , and you also want to study in CUG, please pay more attention to self-supported program and “CUG presidents” scholarship programs. The deadline for application is 30th June, 2020. Please refer to the website for details. Best regards, International Education College China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Appendix1: 2020 Nomination List for undergraduate students (Silk-Road Program) Name Gender Date of Birth Passport No.(partial) GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS Male 1999-04 EP4xxxx58 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD Male 1999-10 F0xxxx60 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI Male 1999-06 MD5xxxx21 GOMES DA CRUZ FERNANDES, MOZANQUINHO Male 1998-03 00xxxx0C MARIN, VLADIMIR Male 1999-01 75xxxx544 KAJAROVA, TURKEN Female 1995-03 11xxxx940 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT Male 1998-12 N1xxxx838 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA Female 1999-05 ACxxxx462 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG Male 1999-09 Pxxxx541 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE Male 1999-04 PA0xxxx96 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE Female 1999-10 PA0xxxx76 THONGTEUM, WANCHAY Female 1999-04 P1xxxx26 SITHANYALATH, DUANGCHAY Female 1999-09 P1xxxx57 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG Male 1999-11 PA0xxxx28 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES Male 2020-03 A38xxxx76 PUREVSUREN,OCHIRPUREV Male 1997-08 E1xxxx64 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR Male 2020-08 E2xxxx87 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG Female 1998-04 E2xxxx68 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL Female 2020-02 E2xxxx55 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT Female 1998-05 E1xxxx15 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA Male 1999-11 BR0xxxx62 JESMIN, SABIHA Female 1999-09 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF Male 1999-12 BN0xxxx43 NINIC, ANASTASIA Female 1999-08 013xxxx73 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA Female 1999-10 013xxxx59 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA Male 2020-03 012xxxx16 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS Male 2020-11 401xxxx40 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ Male 2020-05 401xxxx77 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA Female 2020-04 AA9xxxx32 PANTON, THANYANUCH Female 2020-02 AA6xxxx52 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA Female 1999-07 AA6xxxx18 GUVANJOVA, MIVE Female 1999-10 A0xxxx97 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM Male 1999-06 AB4xxxx03 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON Male 2020-07 AB4xxxx37 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS Female 1998-11 B9xxxx13 CHU, VAN THI Female 2020-07 c4xxxx57 PHAM, DANG KHOI Male 2020-03 C4xxxx43 BACH, THU THAO Female 2020-10 C1xxxx36 NGUYEN, THUY LINH Female 1999-06 C2xxxx40 HA, HONG NHUNG Female 1999-09 C2xxxx65 AHMED, WASI Male 2020-06 DV1xxxx61 SOARES, OSORIO Male 1998-07 C0xxxx93 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Female 2020-06 00xxxx8C DOS SANTOS DA COSTA OLIVEIRA, ALEXANDRINO Male 1999-08 00xxxx8C GUSMAO DA COSTA E SILVA, EMILIANO Male 1999-02 00xxxx7C ZHYRGALBEK KYZY, GULDANA Female 1999-06 AC2xxxx53 OUBONPASEUTH, VANIDA Female 1998-03 P0xxxx75 DOUANGMALA, SOUPHATTA Female 1999-07 P1xxxx07 VANHPHASENG, ANOLY Female 1999-09 PA0227517 ABDALLAH TODISOA, ZAINOUL ABIDINE Male 1999-06 A16Xxxxx3 ZOLBADRAKH, BATENKH Male 2020-06 E2xxxx34 THAPA, YUBARAJ Male 2020-11 10xxxx24 SODIKOV, JAKHONGIRMIRZO Male 1999-12 AB4xxxx26 AMIRKHANOV, AKHRORBEK Male 2020-09 AB7xxxx59 AGUNG CAHYONO, LIMAN Male 1997-11 B7xxxx51 VU, PHUONG NAM Male 2020-06 C4xxxx17 VO, THI HAI YEN Female 1998-06 C1xxxx97 TRUONG, ANH QUAN Male 2020-01 C4xxxx86 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG Female 1999-01 C4xxxx76 NGUYEN, DUY NAM Male 1997-06 C2xxxx96 Appendix2: 2020 Nomination List for graduate students (Chinese University Program) Application No. Name Birthdate 18C8A2F02B HUSSAIN, HADI 1993-04-15 180414DCF0 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 1988-06-18 182BB87B15 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 1986-02-28 186E5E1094 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 1991-04-16 18A075FA7D TUMENJARGAL, ARIUNAA 1991-07-26 18C8936508 VU, THI THONG 1995-07-20 18E7F5CD0F HUSSAIN, SADAM 1992-03-10 185D0536DC MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 1991-08-15 18B90A1F16 USAMA, MALIK 1995-10-18 18B9D345EF GHANI, JUNAID 1993-12-30 181FA45C94 REHMAN, AKHTAR 1993-04-05 188D009324 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 1995-06-18 18A3362BB4 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 1995-08-25 188428BBD4 ULLAH, ZAHID 1994-03-05 18DDAF884E NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 1982-09-14 18124FF94F ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 1985-09-16 1835D4DFA5 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 1995-09-12 186F803BAD BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 1990-04-30 18C2EC17BF AHMED, MANSOOR 1988-04-04 1818AA8B2C ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 1988-09-04 180EF2B3FF TUMET, YERKIN 1993-05-06 18EB1BA306 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 1984-11-10 1815975C27 TRAN, HUUCUONG 1990-07-08 18E1A88273 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 1994-09-06 18C961AE37 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 1992-11-11 1836E7F502 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 1992-03-18 180B9D7496 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 1993-02-20 1865D23E3B TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 1992-10-19 18210043F1 HUSSAIN, SADAM 1993-09-15 18751B754F BUI MANH, LUC 1988-04-11 184E91E64E AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 1988-11-24 18620AA096 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 1988-07-26 181EE2DFD8 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 1986-02-20 18DAC12EB3 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 1989-04-07 185BD7A3E5 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 1991-03-27 18A98B82A6 BUN, PISETH 1984-01-10 18CB540E22 MBAE, MOUZNAT 1992-08-21 18102102BF BUI, DINH CONG 1988-11-05 1895EFBFCC OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 1994-05-27 181427871C MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 1991-07-25 182D1C061A KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 1995-12-09 1866C9E34C NSANA, JOAO NKULA 1992-11-16 18C0183990 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 1996-04-07 18776588AF VIVIAN, RAFIDY 1990-09-18 18EE204D2E AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 1995-04-19 181DD16988 MATVEEVA, MARIIA 1995-09-16 18D8B1A1C0 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 1993-01-21 18EEA563AE TAHA, MOHAMMAD 1993-08-28 1861C58C3F NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 1995-01-07 18B9090E2B TJOA, JENNEFER 1995-01-13 18666B150F SHAW, WILLIAMS 1988-06-01 1874A43B79 SEFAT ARA, NADIRA 1984-10-01 189993F466 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 1989-11-10 18FEA57968 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 1995-07-11 1823BB8601 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 1996-05-16 18630E2EE0 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 1993-02-23 1896A544FD ISSAKA, SAKINATU 1990-08-08 1873780EAD RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 1992-02-07 182BBD26BB VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 1994-06-20 18220901FA SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 1989-04-15 1889E2B1CC SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 1992-06-19 18C30ECCDD CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 1986-04-21 18B4F1562B CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 1988-05-01 18D7A2EF39 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 1991-02-05 1843D1D77E MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 1991-01-01 188AAB8DE4 FIDA, MISBAH 1992-04-21 1865114195 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 1988-01-01 17827C9D5C CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 1990-09-13 184CC80796 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 1983-10-04 1884489B11 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 1995-12-12 1873089B93 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 1996-10-26 18FB5C0EC0 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 1995-01-03 18E24A3DBD PHAM, THINHUNG 1991-08-15 18245A3E34 JOVIC, LUKA 1988-08-01 18A1821D45 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 1993-02-17 1869286CAC MAMBETOV, KURBAN 1996-03-31 18E0B97FA2 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 1995-02-15 18D05ECDF2 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 1982-07-16 18271E3346 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 1993-11-06 1850F37F23 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 1989-01-28 18ED69E6B7 AKRAM, WASEEM 1990-03-11 1821E60477 KHAN, JUNAID 1991-11-17 1818C05DF8 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 1993-03-04 18C18290AB GHAFOOR, USAMA 1994-02-23 1849A1C1F8 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 1988-03-19 188961B656 BUI, CHI 1994-05-27 18C9D63A8A RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 1995-07-04 18D207AC81 IQBAL, NASIR 1993-04-08 1866FFA7B3 AHMAD, EJAZ 1985-07-05 18EDADA93D ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 1982-01-01 18B4FFBF9B BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 1987-07-22 1867EB3D8F CAO TUAN, HIEU 1993-06-02 18C273A0F2 DO, VAN THUAT 1989-06-28 1884103C51 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 1992-01-16 1833B4EF7D DEMETRIUS, VALERY 1991-03-12 184180F0AA LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 1995-06-05 18A093D5F4 MAULANA, MAULANA 1995-01-07 189663BC30 DIM, CHANNA 1994-06-16 18E8C1108C BASNET, PRABHAT MAN SINGH 1992-07-20 18A172421E YAHYAOUI, WASSIM 1994-05-31 186D4E9CFB SITHIDETH, VANNAPHONE 1992-10-06 18F588AFAC THORDEKI, KHAMSY 1991-08-18 183A6C1EC7 MOHAMED ALAWAD, SARA AHMED 1987-08-08 18E0554054 ALKAMALY ALAMEEN BABIKER, MOHAMMED 1991-01-01 184EC83099 JULIO, SIMAO SOARES LOBO 1993-07-01 1866D33BB5 DOAN, MINHTRANG 1994-10-17 18FEBE70E8 SHAHEEN, SABA 1994-04-04 189D895759 MD REYAZUL, ISLAM 1995-12-10 184BB5479C NGUYEN, THI LIEN 1991-03-28 18C5276C31 MAKOUGOUM TALLA, CORINNE 1995-05-19 185277B11B TRAN, NGOCANH 1990-09-30 182F55AEA9 BEZOKINY, YARINE SANYA VOLASOA 1995-03-23 179C9035E3 LAGHARI, MUDDASAR 1994-10-10 188F794C21 ADAM ISHAG ABDALLA, ISHAG 1981-01-01 18F5EEA4E2 SAYED SULIMAN ELZAIN, TARTEEL 1992-01-11 18CF752D51 SOMPHOU, SINSAY 1995-04-28 1801A9E42D LE, THU TRANG 1995-02-03 1804AC33AC MEHDI, MUHAMMADMUNTAZIR 1996-08-31 1815CE3C25 RAZA, MUNEEB 1991-05-08 180B7C52AF RANJEETA, RANJEETA 1991-03-05 18AE366697 NINH, VANNAM 1991-05-14 18C7FAC6ED ALTAF, MUHAMMAD 1984-04-05 18B68C17EF KHURLEE, MURUN 1997-10-03 1813EDD0E2 ALI, AZZA 1989-08-12 175799678B FAUSTINI ROBERT, EDWIN 1988-12-10 18D756F31D LUGENDO, HILLARY RAYMOND 1986-07-25 188A06D23A BATSAIKHAN, BATTSETSEG 1996-10-02 18737351B7 MOBAROKA, MARZIA 1994-01-01 18AA9F9B1C WAQAS, MUHAMMAD 1994-07-05 18A81B99D2 AHMED, SARFARAZ 1991-06-20 18B460C635 CHOWDHURY, NUYECHING 1990-11-27 181D3A8973 NGUYEN, THANHTHAO 1996-12-18 189F507DA6 NGUYEN, THI KY 1996-07-19 18B89529F3 ABDALRHMAN ALI ABDALRHMAN, ASMA 1990-01-06 184C340590 MARMA, CHINGTHOWIU 1995-11-22 1810DC0CAB HOANG, LINHTRANG 1995-12-15 186EFEF0D4 MYRZAKUL, ORAZBEK 1994-02-24 189573025D ENKHBAYAR, ANGARAG 1996-11-19 184C35E8AD AHMAD, MUHAMMAD 1991-09-11 182CB08297 KHAN, HUMAYUN 1991-03-07 1859068D63 ADIL, AKHTAR 1991-01-05 18C1D32C53 REHMAN, SAIF UR 1993-04-02 187D9F10C1 OKEKE, FRANCIS ANTHONY 1978-07-27
0 notes
engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Result of China University of Geosciences Wuhan
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3447&wpwautoposter=1587269593 Nomination List of Chinese Government Scholarship: Silk–Road Program and Chinese University Program (CUG) Dear Scholarship Applicants, According to the evaluation held by the International Education College and the selection organized by schools and departments as well as the Scholarship Committee of CUG, we are glad to nominate the following numbers of excellent applicants out of 2020 applications to be the candidates of Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk-Road Program and Chinese University program) in CUG. Note: This list is only the nomination/recommendation list from CUG to CSC, it is not the final list and is subject to the final selection by the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and the Ministry of Education (MOE), P. R. China. There will be no more nomination list from CUG to CSC, and the final winners’ list will be published between late June and mid July, 2020. If your name is not in the candidate name list , and you also want to study in CUG, please pay more attention to self-supported program and “CUG presidents” scholarship programs. The deadline for application is 30th June, 2020. Please refer to the website for details. Best regards, International Education College China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) Appendix1: 2020 Nomination List for undergraduate students (Silk-Road Program) Name Gender Date of Birth Passport No.(partial) GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS Male 1999-04 EP4xxxx58 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD Male 1999-10 F0xxxx60 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI Male 1999-06 MD5xxxx21 GOMES DA CRUZ FERNANDES, MOZANQUINHO Male 1998-03 00xxxx0C MARIN, VLADIMIR Male 1999-01 75xxxx544 KAJAROVA, TURKEN Female 1995-03 11xxxx940 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT Male 1998-12 N1xxxx838 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA Female 1999-05 ACxxxx462 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG Male 1999-09 Pxxxx541 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE Male 1999-04 PA0xxxx96 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE Female 1999-10 PA0xxxx76 THONGTEUM, WANCHAY Female 1999-04 P1xxxx26 SITHANYALATH, DUANGCHAY Female 1999-09 P1xxxx57 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG Male 1999-11 PA0xxxx28 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES Male 2020-03 A38xxxx76 PUREVSUREN,OCHIRPUREV Male 1997-08 E1xxxx64 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR Male 2020-08 E2xxxx87 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG Female 1998-04 E2xxxx68 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL Female 2020-02 E2xxxx55 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT Female 1998-05 E1xxxx15 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA Male 1999-11 BR0xxxx62 JESMIN, SABIHA Female 1999-09 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF Male 1999-12 BN0xxxx43 NINIC, ANASTASIA Female 1999-08 013xxxx73 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA Female 1999-10 013xxxx59 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA Male 2020-03 012xxxx16 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS Male 2020-11 401xxxx40 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ Male 2020-05 401xxxx77 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA Female 2020-04 AA9xxxx32 PANTON, THANYANUCH Female 2020-02 AA6xxxx52 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA Female 1999-07 AA6xxxx18 GUVANJOVA, MIVE Female 1999-10 A0xxxx97 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM Male 1999-06 AB4xxxx03 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON Male 2020-07 AB4xxxx37 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS Female 1998-11 B9xxxx13 CHU, VAN THI Female 2020-07 c4xxxx57 PHAM, DANG KHOI Male 2020-03 C4xxxx43 BACH, THU THAO Female 2020-10 C1xxxx36 NGUYEN, THUY LINH Female 1999-06 C2xxxx40 HA, HONG NHUNG Female 1999-09 C2xxxx65 AHMED, WASI Male 2020-06 DV1xxxx61 SOARES, OSORIO Male 1998-07 C0xxxx93 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Female 2020-06 00xxxx8C DOS SANTOS DA COSTA OLIVEIRA, ALEXANDRINO Male 1999-08 00xxxx8C GUSMAO DA COSTA E SILVA, EMILIANO Male 1999-02 00xxxx7C ZHYRGALBEK KYZY, GULDANA Female 1999-06 AC2xxxx53 OUBONPASEUTH, VANIDA Female 1998-03 P0xxxx75 DOUANGMALA, SOUPHATTA Female 1999-07 P1xxxx07 VANHPHASENG, ANOLY Female 1999-09 PA0227517 ABDALLAH TODISOA, ZAINOUL ABIDINE Male 1999-06 A16Xxxxx3 ZOLBADRAKH, BATENKH Male 2020-06 E2xxxx34 THAPA, YUBARAJ Male 2020-11 10xxxx24 SODIKOV, JAKHONGIRMIRZO Male 1999-12 AB4xxxx26 AMIRKHANOV, AKHRORBEK Male 2020-09 AB7xxxx59 AGUNG CAHYONO, LIMAN Male 1997-11 B7xxxx51 VU, PHUONG NAM Male 2020-06 C4xxxx17 VO, THI HAI YEN Female 1998-06 C1xxxx97 TRUONG, ANH QUAN Male 2020-01 C4xxxx86 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG Female 1999-01 C4xxxx76 NGUYEN, DUY NAM Male 1997-06 C2xxxx96 Appendix2: 2020 Nomination List for graduate students (Chinese University Program) Application No. Name Birthdate 18C8A2F02B HUSSAIN, HADI 1993-04-15 180414DCF0 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 1988-06-18 182BB87B15 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 1986-02-28 186E5E1094 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 1991-04-16 18A075FA7D TUMENJARGAL, ARIUNAA 1991-07-26 18C8936508 VU, THI THONG 1995-07-20 18E7F5CD0F HUSSAIN, SADAM 1992-03-10 185D0536DC MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 1991-08-15 18B90A1F16 USAMA, MALIK 1995-10-18 18B9D345EF GHANI, JUNAID 1993-12-30 181FA45C94 REHMAN, AKHTAR 1993-04-05 188D009324 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 1995-06-18 18A3362BB4 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 1995-08-25 188428BBD4 ULLAH, ZAHID 1994-03-05 18DDAF884E NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 1982-09-14 18124FF94F ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 1985-09-16 1835D4DFA5 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 1995-09-12 186F803BAD BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 1990-04-30 18C2EC17BF AHMED, MANSOOR 1988-04-04 1818AA8B2C ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 1988-09-04 180EF2B3FF TUMET, YERKIN 1993-05-06 18EB1BA306 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 1984-11-10 1815975C27 TRAN, HUUCUONG 1990-07-08 18E1A88273 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 1994-09-06 18C961AE37 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 1992-11-11 1836E7F502 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 1992-03-18 180B9D7496 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 1993-02-20 1865D23E3B TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 1992-10-19 18210043F1 HUSSAIN, SADAM 1993-09-15 18751B754F BUI MANH, LUC 1988-04-11 184E91E64E AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 1988-11-24 18620AA096 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 1988-07-26 181EE2DFD8 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 1986-02-20 18DAC12EB3 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 1989-04-07 185BD7A3E5 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 1991-03-27 18A98B82A6 BUN, PISETH 1984-01-10 18CB540E22 MBAE, MOUZNAT 1992-08-21 18102102BF BUI, DINH CONG 1988-11-05 1895EFBFCC OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 1994-05-27 181427871C MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 1991-07-25 182D1C061A KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 1995-12-09 1866C9E34C NSANA, JOAO NKULA 1992-11-16 18C0183990 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 1996-04-07 18776588AF VIVIAN, RAFIDY 1990-09-18 18EE204D2E AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 1995-04-19 181DD16988 MATVEEVA, MARIIA 1995-09-16 18D8B1A1C0 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 1993-01-21 18EEA563AE TAHA, MOHAMMAD 1993-08-28 1861C58C3F NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 1995-01-07 18B9090E2B TJOA, JENNEFER 1995-01-13 18666B150F SHAW, WILLIAMS 1988-06-01 1874A43B79 SEFAT ARA, NADIRA 1984-10-01 189993F466 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 1989-11-10 18FEA57968 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 1995-07-11 1823BB8601 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 1996-05-16 18630E2EE0 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 1993-02-23 1896A544FD ISSAKA, SAKINATU 1990-08-08 1873780EAD RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 1992-02-07 182BBD26BB VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 1994-06-20 18220901FA SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 1989-04-15 1889E2B1CC SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 1992-06-19 18C30ECCDD CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 1986-04-21 18B4F1562B CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 1988-05-01 18D7A2EF39 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 1991-02-05 1843D1D77E MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 1991-01-01 188AAB8DE4 FIDA, MISBAH 1992-04-21 1865114195 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 1988-01-01 17827C9D5C CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 1990-09-13 184CC80796 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 1983-10-04 1884489B11 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 1995-12-12 1873089B93 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 1996-10-26 18FB5C0EC0 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 1995-01-03 18E24A3DBD PHAM, THINHUNG 1991-08-15 18245A3E34 JOVIC, LUKA 1988-08-01 18A1821D45 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 1993-02-17 1869286CAC MAMBETOV, KURBAN 1996-03-31 18E0B97FA2 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 1995-02-15 18D05ECDF2 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 1982-07-16 18271E3346 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 1993-11-06 1850F37F23 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 1989-01-28 18ED69E6B7 AKRAM, WASEEM 1990-03-11 1821E60477 KHAN, JUNAID 1991-11-17 1818C05DF8 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 1993-03-04 18C18290AB GHAFOOR, USAMA 1994-02-23 1849A1C1F8 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 1988-03-19 188961B656 BUI, CHI 1994-05-27 18C9D63A8A RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 1995-07-04 18D207AC81 IQBAL, NASIR 1993-04-08 1866FFA7B3 AHMAD, EJAZ 1985-07-05 18EDADA93D ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 1982-01-01 18B4FFBF9B BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 1987-07-22 1867EB3D8F CAO TUAN, HIEU 1993-06-02 18C273A0F2 DO, VAN THUAT 1989-06-28 1884103C51 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 1992-01-16 1833B4EF7D DEMETRIUS, VALERY 1991-03-12 184180F0AA LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 1995-06-05 18A093D5F4 MAULANA, MAULANA 1995-01-07 189663BC30 DIM, CHANNA 1994-06-16 18E8C1108C BASNET, PRABHAT MAN SINGH 1992-07-20 18A172421E YAHYAOUI, WASSIM 1994-05-31 186D4E9CFB SITHIDETH, VANNAPHONE 1992-10-06 18F588AFAC THORDEKI, KHAMSY 1991-08-18 183A6C1EC7 MOHAMED ALAWAD, SARA AHMED 1987-08-08 18E0554054 ALKAMALY ALAMEEN BABIKER, MOHAMMED 1991-01-01 184EC83099 JULIO, SIMAO SOARES LOBO 1993-07-01 1866D33BB5 DOAN, MINHTRANG 1994-10-17 18FEBE70E8 SHAHEEN, SABA 1994-04-04 189D895759 MD REYAZUL, ISLAM 1995-12-10 184BB5479C NGUYEN, THI LIEN 1991-03-28 18C5276C31 MAKOUGOUM TALLA, CORINNE 1995-05-19 185277B11B TRAN, NGOCANH 1990-09-30 182F55AEA9 BEZOKINY, YARINE SANYA VOLASOA 1995-03-23 179C9035E3 LAGHARI, MUDDASAR 1994-10-10 188F794C21 ADAM ISHAG ABDALLA, ISHAG 1981-01-01 18F5EEA4E2 SAYED SULIMAN ELZAIN, TARTEEL 1992-01-11 18CF752D51 SOMPHOU, SINSAY 1995-04-28 1801A9E42D LE, THU TRANG 1995-02-03 1804AC33AC MEHDI, MUHAMMADMUNTAZIR 1996-08-31 1815CE3C25 RAZA, MUNEEB 1991-05-08 180B7C52AF RANJEETA, RANJEETA 1991-03-05 18AE366697 NINH, VANNAM 1991-05-14 18C7FAC6ED ALTAF, MUHAMMAD 1984-04-05 18B68C17EF KHURLEE, MURUN 1997-10-03 1813EDD0E2 ALI, AZZA 1989-08-12 175799678B FAUSTINI ROBERT, EDWIN 1988-12-10 18D756F31D LUGENDO, HILLARY RAYMOND 1986-07-25 188A06D23A BATSAIKHAN, BATTSETSEG 1996-10-02 18737351B7 MOBAROKA, MARZIA 1994-01-01 18AA9F9B1C WAQAS, MUHAMMAD 1994-07-05 18A81B99D2 AHMED, SARFARAZ 1991-06-20 18B460C635 CHOWDHURY, NUYECHING 1990-11-27 181D3A8973 NGUYEN, THANHTHAO 1996-12-18 189F507DA6 NGUYEN, THI KY 1996-07-19 18B89529F3 ABDALRHMAN ALI ABDALRHMAN, ASMA 1990-01-06 184C340590 MARMA, CHINGTHOWIU 1995-11-22 1810DC0CAB HOANG, LINHTRANG 1995-12-15 186EFEF0D4 MYRZAKUL, ORAZBEK 1994-02-24 189573025D ENKHBAYAR, ANGARAG 1996-11-19 184C35E8AD AHMAD, MUHAMMAD 1991-09-11 182CB08297 KHAN, HUMAYUN 1991-03-07 1859068D63 ADIL, AKHTAR 1991-01-05 18C1D32C53 REHMAN, SAIF UR 1993-04-02 187D9F10C1 OKEKE, FRANCIS ANTHONY 1978-07-27
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engrfahadblr · 4 years
CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/?p=3929&wpwautoposter=1587193188 CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) are announced. you can download the CSC Scholarships Result of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) herer. After the review and approval by China Scholarship Council, the students on the following final list have been awardedwith the 2020/19Chinese Government Scholarship (Silk Road Program and University Program). Congratulations! The Admission Notice and JW201 Form of thestudents listed below will be sent by EMS or DHL, students who need to collect the document by themselves should come to the office 211/215 on July 18,3:00-4:00 pm (the office will not open during the other time) to collect the Admission Notice and JW201 Form (Passport is required to present when picking up the documents).The scholarship winners who asked friends/countrymates to come to collect the admission documents must provide a letter of authorization (passport name, passport number, CSC number and the signature of authorizer and theauthorized person should be included), the authorizer and the authorized person’s passport copy must also be attached with the letter of authorization. Appendix1: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-Silk Road Program (undergraduate students) CSC Number Name 2020SLJ022262 BACH, THUTHAO 2020SLJ022263 TUNGALAGTAMIR, TUGULDUR 2020SLJ022264 PUREVSUREN, OCHIRPUREV 2020SLJ022265 MUNKHBAATAR, DELGERJARGAL 2020SLJ022266 GORBA, BEKELE MIKIAS 2020SLJ022267 AYU SIDA ASSAADAH, NIMAS 2020SLJ022268 NGUYEN, THUY LINH 2020SLJ022269 BAATARZORIG, SHURENTSETSEG 2020SLJ022270 KRISHNAMOORTHY, VIKNES 2020SLJ022271 HA, HONGNHUNG 2020SLJ022272 PHAM, DANG KHOI 2020SLJ022273 CHU, VAN THI 2020SLJ022274 KAJAROVA, TURKEN 2020SLJ022275 NINIC, ANASTASIA 2020SLJ022276 ELBOBOEV, ABDURAHIM 2020SLJ022277 MANIPOUN, SOULISENG 2020SLJ022278 SINTHAPASEUTH, SABAIPHONE 2020SLJ022279 GUVANJOVA, MIVE 2020SLJ022280 TAWICHAI, PENTHISA 2020SLJ022281 MUSAJONOV, ISLOMJON 2020SLJ022282 KHONGKIATTIKUL, NUENGTIDA 2020SLJ022283 PILCEVIC, ALEKSANDRA 2020SLJ022284 NHIAPOR, FENGLEE 2020SLJ022285 MILIKIC, ANDRIJA 2020SLJ022286 NEMATULLOZODA, BEHRUZ 2020SLJ022287 SHUKRULLOZODA, FIRDAVS 2020SLJ022288 MANU, MONGMRASA MARMA 2020SLJ022289 JESMIN, SABIHA 2020SLJ022290 HOSSAIN, MD MONNAF 2020SLJ022291 ISLAM, MOHAMMAD 2020SLJ022292 SHAH, ZAFAR ALI 2020SLJ022294 NINKEO, SUNGTHONG 2020SLJ022297 MALIKOVA, MIRAIDA 2020SLJ022298 PANTON, THANYANUCH 2020SLJ022299 MARIN, VLADIMIR 2020SLJ022300 ORYNBASAR, FARHAT 2020SLJ022301 BATOCHIR, TUGSOYUNT 2020SLJ022302 NGUYEN, DUY NAM 2020SLJ022303 NGUYEN, THI HUYEN TRANG 2020SLJ022304 DA SILVA, CONIDIA GABRIELA Appendix2: 2020 Final List for Chinese Government Scholarship-University Program (Graduate students) CSC Number Name 2020GXZ022112 HUSSAIN, HADI 2020GXZ022113 KHAN, HAFEEZ ULLAH 2020GXZ022114 RAKOTONIRINA, MIORA FENOSOA SANDRA 2020GXZ022115 HUSSAIN, WAKEEL 2020GXZ022117 VU, THI THONG 2020GXZ022118 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022119 MUNEEB UR REHMAN, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022120 USAMA, MALIK 2020GXZ022121 GHANI, JUNAID 2020GXZ022122 REHMAN, AKHTAR 2020GXZ022123 DOAN, THI THU HUONG 2020GXZ022124 SHEHZADI, ANMOL 2020GXZ022125 ULLAH, ZAHID 2020GXZ022126 NYIHIRANI, FATUMA 2020GXZ022127 ILEYE, YASINMOHAMED 2020GXZ022128 FARRAKHOV, LENAR 2020GXZ022129 BYAMBASUREN, BOLOR 2020GXZ022130 AHMED, MANSOOR 2020GXZ022131 ULZIIPUREV, BATTUMUR 2020GXZ022132 TUMET, YERKIN 2020GXZ022133 MYO MIN THANT, MYO MIN THANT 2020GXZ022134 TRAN, HUUCUONG 2020GXZ022135 CLARISSE, ISHIMWE 2020GXZ022136 BRAVO RODRIGUEZ, KATHERIN 2020GXZ022137 MADAKI, AGWOM ISTIFANUS 2020GXZ022138 MUHAMMAD, YOUSIF 2020GXZ022139 TCHOUAMOU KOMBOU, LAETITIA BALBINE 2020GXZ022140 HUSSAIN, SADAM 2020GXZ022141 BUI MANH, LUC 2020GXZ022142 AKMURZAYEV, RUSLAN 2020GXZ022143 MUSTAFIN, YERLAN 2020GXZ022144 CHIKHOTKIN, ALEXEY 2020GXZ022145 NGUYEN, XUAN LOI 2020GXZ022146 DA CRUZ, NICODINO 2020GXZ022147 BUN, PISETH 2020GXZ022148 MBAE, MOUZNAT 2020GXZ022149 BUI, DINH CONG 2020GXZ022150 OWOUA NGALA, DOMINIQUE ELISABETH 2020GXZ022151 MAY, MAYTHUTHUAUNG 2020GXZ022152 KASSYMKHAN, ABAY 2020GXZ022153 NSANA, JOAO NKULA 2020GXZ022154 TSOGUCHRAL, MYAGMARJAV 2020GXZ022155 VIVIAN, RAFIDY 2020GXZ022156 AKHAYIEMAMAT, ABDOULAYE 2020GXZ022158 TUMAPA, ANUCHA 2020GXZ022159 TAHA, MOHAMMAD 2020GXZ022160 NGUYEN, THI THANH NGA 2020GXZ022161 TJOA, JENNEFER 2020GXZ022162 SHAW, WILLIAMS 2020GXZ022164 SAH, JITENDRA KUMAR 2020GXZ022165 KUPRYK, PAVLYNA 2020GXZ022166 SAIDINOV, ALIBEK 2020GXZ022167 RAMANIRAKA, JOHANNE IONIMALALA 2020GXZ022168 ISSAKA, SAKINATU 2020GXZ022169 RANAIVOSON, NIRINA TEDY 2020GXZ022170 VINCENT, VICTOR IKECHUKWU 2020GXZ022171 SHAH, SYED MUHAMMAD ALI 2020GXZ022172 SHERAZ, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022173 CHISHIMBA, CANISIUS 2020GXZ022174 CHANTHADALA, BOUNMY 2020GXZ022175 KAMGUIA KAMANI, MICHELE SANDRA 2020GXZ022176 MARMA, AUNGSAPRUE 2020GXZ022177 FIDA, MISBAH 2020GXZ022178 IBRAHIM ALTALIB ABDALLA, ADAM 2020GXZ022179 CHINBAT, BULGANTUYA 2020GXZ022180 CHIPENZI, MUDENDA 2020GXZ022181 HUSSAIN, WAZIR ARIF 2020GXZ022182 LUONG, THIMINHCHI 2020GXZ022183 ASIF, MUHAMMAD 2020GXZ022184 PHAM, THINHUNG 2020GXZ022185 JOVIC, LUKA 2020GXZ022186 BUKHORIEV, FAYZIDDIN 2020GXZ022187 MAMBETOV, KURBAN 2020GXZ022188 BAIMENOVA, ZHULDYZ 2020GXZ022189 AMPHON, RATTHAPHON 2020GXZ022190 JAVAID, ZUNAIRA 2020GXZ022191 AL ISLAM, SHAMOON 2020GXZ022192 AKRAM, WASEEM 2020GXZ022193 KHAN, JUNAID 2020GXZ022194 RAHMAN, MAQSOODUR 2020GXZ022195 GHAFOOR, USAMA 2020GXZ022196 UWAMUNGU, PLACIDE 2020GXZ022197 BUI, CHI 2020GXZ022198 RAFIKOV, AKRAMJON 2020GXZ022199 IQBAL, NASIR 2020GXZ022200 AHMAD, EJAZ 2020GXZ022201 ALSHAREEF ALFAKEY AHMED, SALAH 2020GXZ022202 BABEKER HASSAN QUER, HATIM 2020GXZ022203 CAO TUAN, HIEU 2020GXZ022204 DO, VAN THUAT 2020GXZ022205 IZBASSAROV, YERKESH 2020GXZ022206 DEMETRIUS, VALERY 2020GXZ022436 LASHARI, ABDUL KARIM 2020GXZ022437 MAULANA, MAULANA 2020GXZ022438 DIM, CHANNA
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