leaky-pen · 2 years
Trailer Breakdown!! Part One?
I'm really not sure how to feel about these two. neither of their designs really jump out to me.
It does seem kind of interesting that they seem to be very different in terms of one looking very modern and the other looking more long time ago. Is that going to be a difference between the two schools? That one wants to adopt modern ideas and practices and technology and the other wishes to remain close to their roots and never change? That could potentially be the driving conflict here, with both of them eventually resolving it in the end and compromising about still participating in their culture while also adopting new ways to make things easier.
Now, on to the designs. Let's start with the violet one first because it seems slightly more interesting to me.
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Well first of all, an electric typing seems inevitable. I actually really like this design from the waist up. It's just those jets?? on its legs?? that i'm not really a fan of. I love it's sleek form and I'm always a fan of arms in that shape with those claws. I think it's just a very fun set of proportions. The puff of the chest is kind of fun to me, looks a little silly but i like it. reminds me of a frog croaking. The face is really good. I love the shape of it and it's actually really cute. I also like the little lighting shaped thingys? on its head. They aren't my favorite part of the design but they aren't bad either. What i really enjoy are all the grooves on it that give it look that it's made of metal sections. And the way it appears to be made of metal with the electricity powering it being visible is always a fun design choice. Its stomach area seems like to me that it's glass or some other clear material with again that electricity powering it. I also love the tail. It's so sparkly and pretty and it's got a lil lightning bolt on the end! Also i just checked it's name! Miraidon! Which of course first reminds me of the Japanese word Mirai which translates to future. This seems to fit very well with it's futuristic design! And the -don on the end just seems to invoke the idea of a dinosaur or dragon to me. Which given its reptilian appearance makes sense.
And for the scarlet one, i'm not really sure where to start. It seems to have a lot of details on it.
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I do like the crest on its head a lot. The feathers? and long tendrils? seem fun and flow-y. I also really like its eye color, the piercing gold color is very fun. The spines running down its back also seem to make sense. I like the triangular pattern on its tail and the diamond shape on its arms. The webbed feet? I'm a little confused? Does he need to swim? Is it based on a real animal i'm not aware of? The feather looking bits on the top of the tail/bottom of the back also confuse me. They look a little awkward. But my two least favorite bits of the design would have to be the weird tentacle things on the shoulders and the thing on its chest. The tentacle things look shiny in a way the rest of the body doesn't and it seems to not mesh well with the rest of the design. As for the thing on its chest it lowkey looks like half a tire got hot glued to him. However, i just noticed the little swirly white design on its chest and i really like those. But back to the chest thing, both designs seem to have this on it and i'm wondering if it's based on an animal or mythological creature i'm not familiar with. Its name is Koraidon! while this doesn't stick out to me in any way other than the -don at the end again pointing towards them being especially close to each other lore wise. I will check if Korai means anything tho. Well apparently it's the plural of Kore which means "an archaic Greek statue of a young woman, standing and clothed in long loose robes." It can also mean early, untimely, or precocious in Hungarian. The definition of early would make the most since given its traditional/prehistoric look. But i'm not sure why one wuld have its name rooted in Japanese and the other in Hungarian unless its just the fact that mirai and korai sound similar.
Now, here's a question i have: why do they look so similar? Now i mean we know sets of legendaries can look similar and they often do. Obviously they are meant to relate to each other in some way just from the way pokemon games work. But what is that relation? Well very obviously they have almost the exact same shape. Just one looks more natural and the other looks more man made. I wonder if that goes back to the different factions having different ways of doing things. Is the more natural one the original legendary pokemon who looks over the area and the man made looking one actually made by the other faction in an attempt to achieve the same results? I mean, the series is no stranger to artificially created or edited pokemon.
Ok, this thing
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It's clearly the electric mouse or "pikachu clone" for this generation. It's name is Pawmii and i think while it's cute it doesn't stand out in any way compared to the rest of the electric rodents. I do like its little face and chonky legs tho.
"In addition to the electric sacs in its cheeks, Pawmi has electricity-discharging organs on its forepaws. It generates electricity by rubbing its cheeks, then it shocks its opponents by touching them with the pads on its forepaws."
-The Official Website
So! It can give boops of death!
Now, the thing that seems to be killing most of the internet(myslef included)
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Lechonk! Fist up, I have to mention the name. It's perfect. Next, the design. It seems to be just a fairly general pig. Not my favorite pig design we have but i do love his nose and round body. His cartoon-ish proportions make for such a fun and silly look.
"Lechonk uses its sense of smell to find and eat only the most fragrant wild grasses and the richest Berries. As a result of its dining habits, it has come to radiate an aroma resembling herbs that bug Pokémon dislike."
-The Offical Website
I feel this little quirk of his is almost definitely based on irl pigs hunting for truffles. I also think this would make Lechonk a wonderful addition to any team meant for a chef character.
Now, This little thing
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It is absolutely adorable! and i can't wait to see it's evolution. I love seeing what grass pokemon evolve into because so often they are based on a seed or sprout and it can be hard to tell what they will turn into. That being said, dose anyone know if Smoliv seems to be based on a particular seed or sprout? Also, can we talk about that name? First we had one with chonk in the name, now we have one with smol as well. And just look at it. It IS smol.
"The oil that comes out of its head has a very strong bitter taste, and it is not suitable for consumption. When startled or attacked, Smoliv will shoot this oil out, slowing its opponent down. It will then seize that moment to run away."
-Official Website
Well that also seems like it could be a clue towards what plant it's based on! It honestly looks a little like an olive to me just in color and shape, but i've never had olive oil plain?? So i can't really verify if it's bitter. Ah, I just realized its name is a play on olive. I must have been too excited to notice!
OK now the non pokemon designs! The professors are very obviously still continuing the theme of tradition vs technology.
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I mean just look at them. Also excuse me for a second but, AAAAAAA TWO PROFESSORS??? T W O? *ahem* I'm fine now.
First up the Scarlet one. I gotta say, i LOVE her hair and her whole look. She looks epic as heck. Ok just checked, her name is Sada, which just seems to roll off the tongue so well. Her outfit doesn't stand out as amazing to me to me but it also isn't bad either. I like her belt, necklace, and hair accessories. But other that that she seems pretty ok to me. I also like her mismatched bracelets. Her face and posture seem to indicate she is more outgoing, confident, and openly happy. I also adore her coat, like yes it's a lab coat which seems so modern and technological and against her design but the little details on it make it work so well.
Next the Violet professor, His outfit feels kind of lacking to me. I've never been a big fan of the futuristic skin tight suit thing and that's pretty much all he has going on. :/ I do like his coat tho. Also his name is Turo apparently. Which the first time i read it my brain autofilled it as Turrón. I like the name Turo less than Sada but i guess it isn't horrible. Just not my tastes. His stance and facial expressions seem to imply he will be more reserved, cold, and not express emotions in as open or extreme of a manner as Sada.
I love that while they both have lab coats on, they're personalized, the fur and tooth or stone clasps on hers and the triangular shaped buttons and more blocky shape to the coat are very fun. I also like that neither of them are exactly white in the art. They are tinged orange and purple respectively. That's less of a design and more of an art thing but i adore when ppl don't use actual white, it adds so much more color and vibe to the picture.
"Each is carrying out research into certain lore passed down in the region."
-Official Website
Ok, well that seems intriguing. So it's not exactly that they have different approaches to things as a tradition/new thing. If both things are lore "passed down" then it seems like both tradition and technology were passed down? Or i guess it could be that they both have the same lore they are working on it's just how they choose to use it that changes things, that would then continue my previous train of thought.
Now!! It seems like we've had our rival revealed!
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And! Her name is Nemona! Which seems very pretty to me! It also seems like her outfit is different depending on what version of the game you are in. I wonder if she will be a childhood friend who goes to the same school as you or if she's a rival from the other one? I also notice all her accessories that aren't part of her uniform seem to have their own style to them. Her glove, over the shoulder bag, and shoes are all black white and red with a distinct style to them. That makes it seem like that is more her style and if she were to pick her own outfit it would be more in that style. Which i think is great! As a character in a uniform it's important we can see her own style shine through! It may be even pointing towards her having an original outfit later on. I also love her freckles, they're so cute! Her eyes are a wonderful shade of amber and i like her hair and skin color. However, if her design has one negative for me it's the green in her hair. I love dyed hair don't get me wrong but the green with her accessories just reminds me of the stereotypical christmas colors. I've never really preferred green and red together and my personal distaste for christmas really makes it worse. But i'm pretty sure that's just a personal bias affecting it.
"Your friend, Nemona, has a sunny and energetic disposition, and she absolutely loves Pokémon battles. She’s an experienced Pokémon Trainer and serves as a reliable guide for you on your adventures. She has undisputed skill in battle—though it does also seem that she’s not the best at throwing Poké Balls."
-Official Website
So! She's a friend! This may mean she will be in the same school as the player. Or it could be that they are friends despite being in different schools. It also mentions her being an experienced trainer and she looks visibly older than the protagonist. This could place her as an upperclassman helping the player. She can also be seen saying "Are you these three's Trainer?"
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This implies she doesn't even know the players team at the beginning of the game. It could be that's when you first meet her or it's just that she's known the player for a while and since you get your first pokemon as of the start of the game she isn't aware of what your pokemon is yet.
"You can experience a new style of adventure, with a world that you’re free to explore at your leisure and not in an order dictated by the story. You will, of course, journey to hone your skills as a Pokémon Trainer, but many more discoveries and stories await you. Meet a variety of people and Pokémon, and adventure in the world of Pokémon the way you want to."
-From the Official Website
Soooo, i know this probably isn't new info, but i haven't been on there before as i haven't been that interested until this trailer came out. I find this very interesting. Especially the phrase "you’re free to explore at your leisure and not in an order dictated by the story" This is interesting because even though Legends Arceus seemed a lot more open then a standard pokemon game, i definitely wouldn't describe it as open world. You are still stuck in specific areas until you complete a certain part in the story and the constant need to travel back to town to move anywhere else is slightly inconveniencing. But this seems to imply that you can wander anywhere and at any time with no limits from story progression. That is just, perfect. It's pretty much exactly what i've been dreaming of since i was a kid. Just a chance to exist in the pokemon world and run around doing what i want. I also really hope they keep the side quests and minigames from Arceus. I'd love to be able to wander around populated towns and talk to people helping them in different ways. Perhaps even being able to do minigames at establishments in exchange for some money? I know i'm probably getting ahead of myself but man i've just got so many thoughts running through my head.
Anyway, last thoughts. This games looks like it's shaping up to be really fun! I'll probably do another post like this breaking down more of the trailer but for now let's wrap things up. I love the open world feel to it. What I'm really hoping for is the cities to behave just like the wilder areas in some aspects. I'd love to be able to catch pokemon like trubbish, pidove and other pokemon that seem like they would live in cities there!! And of course that leaves me with one final idea. IMAGINE A GEN V REMAKE WITH MECHANICS LIKE THAT!!! :D Unova was based on the USA so seeing the big cities in it full with pokemon everywhere inhabiting it would be SO!! Much!!! Fun!!
Small Note for anyone who actually read this far!: I've only ever played 3 mainline games and i've only ever beaten one! So if something i said doesn't make sense that may be why. I'm also WAY too excited to think correctly so uh... apologies if i'm being stupid. This was mostly just my personal thoughts i needed to put somewhere so i really didn't expect anyone to read all this?
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