#pay for my ticket which is super nice of them. so I’m in Cuba now. I feel so out of place I can’t even describe. the husband of my dads gfs
nemovanilla · 8 months
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starkaryen · 8 years
Bryan and my auto’s story at RDC3
Ok. So. A LOT of things have happened at RDC3, and I haven’t processed any of them. But this one, especially... I need to write a post about it (if you want to know more about my adventures at RDC3, you just need to go to my twitter, or the thread I made with ALL my tweets about the con, HERE, and take a look).
Also, it’s gonna be long (that’s what he said), so I’m sorry in advance. But bear with me.
(Before I begin, I need to give some context. In case you don’t know, I have a book. Basically, a few friends surprised me by working their asses off to put together a lot of my fics to print them, because my dream has always been having A BOOK with my writing (because writing means SO MUCH TO ME, gosh). At first it was supposed to be something just for me, and the first version of the book, the one I have, even had some problems, mistakes, etc (which I love because now it’s unique xD). But when I announced what had happened on twitter, some people told me they wanted to buy a book. I was shocked, because I was like, what the hell?!?! And I still am a little shocked that there are people now with my book on their bookshelves- but, that’s not the point. The point is I corrected the mistakes from the first version and put it up for sale, and people actually bought it (!!). Some people bought it for RDC3, so I brought those books with me, and around 6 extra copies just in case someone wanted to purchase it there.
Okay, context given, I’m gonna get on the story.)
Before the con, while thinking what to take to get signed, I considered the Feeding Hannibal book, the art book, etc. But while I would’ve also loved that, I also considered the copy of my book. Because it was... so much more personal?? And after all the good things the book has brought me, having it signed by them would make it EVEN MORE special. So, even though I was scared as hell about it, I finally decided to take the book.
And now, we fast forward to the con. The Gold tickets had the autographs with Hugh and Bryan on Sunday, and with the rest on Saturday. As a quick anecdote, Scott signed my book (after asking what it was, I told him, and he said “uh, nice!”) but wrote my name “wrong”, just without the acute accent (my name is Icíar). When it was Aaron’s turn, after asking me to pronounce my name like 5 times and saying “oh my god, looooovely!”, and trying to pronounce it himself and failing (he’s so cute xD), he opened the book and asked, “this is an acute accent, right???” and I went like, “yeah, but don’t worry, because most people don’t put it on the name” (which is sadly true, and most people here in Spain pronounce it wrong whether it has the acute accent or not xD). But he went like, NO! I’M GONNA WRITE IT!!! And Scott didn’t??!?!” and looked at me like !!!! And I joked “yeah, can you believe him??” XD. So, he signed it, and then added a GIANT arrow to make sure we all see the acute accent xDDDDDD
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Okay, Sunday. I was so SO nervous.
We came to the autograph’s queue for Bryan and Hugh. They had put Bryan first and then Hugh, which was a HUGE mistake because Bryan was taking sooooo long with each single person, his queue was the slowest ever. So they had to be constantly relocating people from Bryan’s queue to Hugh’s, because his queue was running out while Bryan’s wasn’t moving. That’s what they did to Emma ( @firuflies, who was coming with me) and I, and they sent us to Hugh’s queue. When I got to him, I handed him first the Holy Trinity print from @camilleflyingrotten that I was also taking to have signed. He looked at it and said “this is awesome...”, then signed it and announced cheerfully “top of the iceberg!! (his signature)” xDDDD. Then I gave him the book, and when he saw the “Mongoose” title, he GIGGLED, as if saying “aaah I know why this is called Mongoose”, but thankfully didn’t ask anything else (thankfully because that would’ve been TOO many emotions, for sure xD).
We went back to Bryan’s queue and I swear we were there for like an hour. BUT, THE MOMENT CAME FINALLY.
I was going first, and Emma was behind me. So I said hi, and he was as cheerful and kind as ever. The first thing I did was explain to him that we had brought him a letter from the @hannibalcreative, and I had brought him another letter and a poetry book I wanted to gift him, but the stewards had taken the gifts from us at the entry. And he said, “but they’re in my box???” (like, super excited), “Yeah, yeah, they’re in the box!” “Okay!!!” (he’s seriously the best xD). So I finally give him first Camille’s Holy Trinity print, he takes it and says “Oh Camille, she is SO talented...” (in case you missed it, Bryan fucking knOWS Camille, and he loves her art. He talked ABOUT HER on stage on one of the Q&As, and about the Cuba Kiss one with Hugh xDD), and Emma and I were like, “YES, SHE IS SO TALENTED!!” and he told us that he wanted a Cuba Kiss poster, so I told her, “well, you have her redbubble now!” (he asked her for a card) ahaha. 
So he signs the print, and then it was the book’s turn. He takes my book - which, by the way, MY copy of the book doesn’t have the title or name on the front, it’s just the ravenstag -, opens it and starts flipping through some pages, and then I start shaking, because he’s gonna ask, he’s gonna ask- and he asks: “whaaaaat... is this...?” So I go like “uuuuuuhhhh thissssssss issssss... a collection of.... fanfics that I wrote?? (I probably sounded stupid, but I was seriously like !!!!) My friends put them together to print them... and then... we printed a few more for people who asked for it...???” So in that moment Bryan looks up at me open-mouthed like !!, and asks, ASKS, “Oh!! Can I order it??” In that moment I started shaking (like, seriously), and I opened my mouth but my brain didn’t cooperate, and I think I only managed to mutter “uuuuuuuh” (bob Burger’s Tina style). But luckily, Emma was right beside me, and she reached for my backpack, yanked it open and pulled out the last extra copy of my book I had left, and says, “ACTUALLY! *puts book on table* she has an extra copy!” At that point I’m like “O__O”, and Bryan looks at it and then suddenly reaches to his back pocket, pulls out his wallet, and says “Oh! Can I buy it???”
And. Well.
I died right there.
(Because. Okay. Leave apart the fact that this is a book written by ME, which, HOLY FREAKING FUCK, but I’m actually a nobody. But can you fucking believe Bryan Fuller pulled out his wallet to PAY SOMEONE for a collection of FANFICS about HIS SHOW??? Like, who THE HELL DOES THAT??? With any other creator, they would’ve side-eye me, judged me, they would’ve probably thought “this isn’t exactly legal, you know?” or just said “ah, okay” and kept signing it. But no. BRYAN FULLER ASKED ME HOW COULD HE ORDER IT, AND THEN HE PULLED OUT HIS WALLET TO PAY ME.)
*Clears throat*
Okay, so. I obviously told him, “NO NONONO!! Please keep it!!!” Because I was NOT going to accept his money, like wtf!! And he asked, “you sure??” and I don’t know how I didn’t start chuckling bc !???!?, and said, “YES OF COURSE!!” So he picked up the book, put it on a small pile of things he had on the table, and looked me again in the eye and said “thank you!” to which I said “no, THANK YOU!” (I think I thanked him like a million times from that moment to the moment we left). After that, I was fucking dead, and didn’t catch it, but Emma told me he also touched the book right before signing mine, and said “I can’t wait to get on this”, so HAH BYE.
After that he finally signed my actual copy of the book (which I love because he chose THAT quote and I almost cried right there when I saw it), but in that moment I was like, “OH SHIT, I should tell him my book has... you know. SMUT!!!” So I went: “I should warn you, though, this has... this is...” and as I was so fucking dead, I coULDN’T FIND the word I was looking for (explicit, or something... you know. More subtle), so I blurted out: “PORN.” I think Bryan smiled and started waving his hand like “it’s okaaaay”, but I wasn’t finished, and I continued: “WELL, I mean. You showed us a DICK(*), soooooo...” and he nodded and said “Yeah! And I have porn too!” (which right now I don’t know if he means the pic he showed us, the book itself, or SOMETHING ELSE?? But oh, Bryan xDDD). So yeah, I’m the one that blurted out PORN in Bryan’s face because I couldn’t remember the proper word xD.
After that, he signed Emma’s things, I was like “holy fuck holy fuck hokyfcuk” meanwhile, and I even said “okay BYE!” before Emma was done, and I was like, “SHIT, COOL IT!” But how could I cool it xD. When she was done, I thanked him AGAIN for everything, and I went out of the autographs’ room while Emma told me to breathe or something, but I was seriously like “O____O”. I don’t know how I managed not to cry, but I was SO DEAD. After that, I went to my group of friends and collapsed on the floor (bless the floors, our friends this weekend), and took me like 2 hours to react xD
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(*) At the Meet&Greet, he asked us what our favorite part of American Gods was, and I leaned forwards and asked, “you mean, apart from the Jinn chapter...?” He also leaned in and looked at me and said, “oh, YOU LIKED THAT? WELL!” and took his phone and searched for something while he explained to us that the special effects department had sent us a picture of the Jinn, and he sent it (I guess to the studio, or whatever? I can’t remember that detail, but anyway), but they asked him for a BIGGER penis *in that moment Bryan rolled his eyes xDDDD*, so as a joke, they did *THIS* And then he proceeded to show each of us the picture of the Jinn... naked... with a HUUUUGE penis. Like, yeah. They can’t complain with that lmaoooo (which, by the way, IT WAS SO FUCKING COOL and I can’t believe he showed us that and I can’t wait to see the show, AAHHHHH!!!!!). So after that, he also said that if we liked that, they’ll be doing it MUCH more explicit in the show, because if the book had a blowjob and then cuts to the aftermath, the show is gonna be EXPLICIT, because it’s two muslim men and IT’S WHAT THEY HAVE TO DO, and I was like, YASSSSS.
So, yeah. That was the story of how I talked about penises and blowjobs with Bryan Fuller, and then he tried to buy my SMUT. I am deceased 👌
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