fragile-teacup · 4 months
On Will’s understanding of Hannibal’s love, his own feelings, and possible developments in S4…
Based on things that Hugh and Bryan have said over the years, I think that it took Will until Mizumono to understand that Hannibal truly loved him, and that he truly loved Hannibal back. Hugh talked at RDC3 about how Will had always idealised love, putting it on a pedestal. He had considered Hannibal incapable of real love because of his ‘black heart’. Even as he allowed himself to be seduced throughout the back half of S2, he considered that on Hannibal’s part it was all manipulation. But then he saw Hannibal’s heartbreak and realised (too late and to his horror) that love isn’t necessarily ‘pure’ or ‘good’. It can be messy and dirty too. And that’s what he spent all of S3 working through - anger, denial, and finally acceptance. I absolutely believe that by TWOTL he had fully accepted Hannibal’s love - and the terrible truth that he returned that love in full measure. Which was why, as Bryan pointed out, Will felt at that point that he had no option but to end them both. Can’t live with him, can’t live without him. Having said that, Bryan also stated that a part of Will wanted them to survive - wanted to give in to what would essentially be Will’s Becoming. And as we know that they DID survive (Bryan, Hugh and Mads have all stated this on numerous occasions), we can reasonably assume that the Murder Husbands are living together in Cuba, under the radar. Now, it’s also been heavily hinted that Will is ‘out of his mind’ in S4, and that some sort of reversal of S1 is involved. But to be honest, with a realisation of S4 looking increasingly unlikely, I’d advise people to pick their favourite post-fall fic and make that their personal headcanon. (I wrote my own S4 scenario as a way of achieving some sort of closure, and I’ve read some other damn fine interpretations of S4!)
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monkeyscomics · 1 month
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In RDC3, I drew a Hannigram Marriage Certificate and asked Bryan to sign it. And he did!!!! Now holding it, still can’t believe its real!
I didn’t have guts to show Hugh. But if I could be in C2E2 with both Mads and Hugh there, I might…. bring this and have photo with them. Hehehe.
I can't go in reality, but please let me join the hype 😭
I wanna be~~~ Where the people are ~~~ 🎵 🎶
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aryburn-trains · 1 year
CP400 by Doug Kroll Via Flickr: RDC2 #9115 and RDC3 #9021 are stopped to clear U.S. Customs at the office in Black Rock Yd. in Buffalo, NY on August 24, 1980. This is TH&B train #376 the daily Toronto-Buffalo service.(CP691e)
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
Hi sorry to bother you again. I'm Hannibal anon. Just to say I'm in love with the gorgeous artwork you have and wow you met them! What a dream. Were they lovely? I can imagine Mads being such a lovely gentleman :) I did see an interview at a Paley where Hugh said Hannibal were platonic but I didn't think he really meant that haha. Thank you so much. I'll definately watch now. May I message you sporadically with a squee as I go, as I know no other fans? Have a good night :)
And… Hugh is a philosophy professor‘s son. He know the difference between platonic and Platonic, and has admitted at RDC3 that he did that on purpose :)))
So… 😈
I loved meeting all of them, but Hugh and Bryan was probably the highlight for me. But they’re all lovely and give the best hugs ;)))
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colorfulturtlecloud · 7 months
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👉제품구매 바로가기
✅ 트랜센드 USB 3.2 Gen 1 C타입 카드리더기, RDC3, 블랙✅
🌱이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
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gutsfics · 1 year
replaying. rdc3 again even though i just finished it so i can see what its like marrying Matt instead bc thats how my fic is gonna go and wowie do so many of the mc's interactions w her li feel way less ooc when its not Hunt
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mrs-ethan-ramsey · 5 years
Waiting for Daddy Hunt to come through like:
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New post because adding to chat posts is impossible:
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bonearenaofmyskull · 6 years
so I read an awesome fic that was in the radiant anthology (Bleached by OneHandedBooks) and they mention in the author notes on Ao3 that Hugh mentions Will being temporarily "bleached" of his empathy in S4. i don't know if you answered this already (tried searching for RDC3 meta but mobile sucks and i can't get on my laptop anytime soon), but i was wondering what you're thoughts on what that could possibly mean?
I don’t have an RDC3 meta tag because I didn’t go. XD  And it’s not really realistic to write much in the way of meta for information that I’m getting second-hand. Different people emphasize different things when they report back what they hear. I’d need to hear not just his answer, but the exact wording and tone of the question, in order to know what I think of it. To my knowledge, a recording of that doesn’t exist. But, hey, if anyone knows of one, I’d love to be directed toward it. 
Here are two summary posts that include that detail, fwiw: v1 and v2. I asked @existingcharactersdiehorribly her opinion, and she was drunk as a skunk tonight but said as far as she could remember, she had taken him to be speaking theoretically, not specifically dropping spoilers or hints for the plot of S4. 
Even if he was, though, I have a hard time getting stirred one direction or another about anything that comes out of any mouth but Bryan’s (or Mads, cuz he’s leaky as a sieve), and even with Bryan, I take everything with a grain of salt. Dude just tossed out “I have a GREAT NEW IDEA FOR S4″--what? Like 9 months ago? God knows what will still be in his head by the time he actually has to write a script, or what would change and change again by a writer’s room, and so forth. And the rest of the time he’s this guy: 
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And as we all discovered from his pun binge before S3 aired, Hugh is just as bad if not worse. “Bleached” is probably a pun we can’t begin to understand yet. XD
Thanks for the fic rec, though!
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We launched the Kickstarter!
Dear Fannibals, 
...YES! We launched the Kickstarter, you can find it here
The Kickstarter will be up until September 30th 2017!
Our primary goal is 10.000 €, but our BIG GOAL is 30.000€. 
The rewards will include the DVD, stickers, postcards, t-shirts, exclusive access to more content, and so much more... And there will be additional rewards once we reach our stretch goals! There’s a lot of stuff available if you want to sedate your hunger, so many incredible artists have joined our crew!
Please check out the Kickstarter for all the info about the project, rewards, cast&crew, artists, and find out how it all started!
Don’t hesitate to tell all your Fannibal friends about this project :D
“Hannibal: CRACK!” Kickstarter - up until September 30th!
Oh, and don’t forget: tomorrow August 29th we’ll post the audio of the 3rd Act from the first Fannibal Musical! In the meantime, here are the links to Act 1 and Act 2. 
Stay tuned, Fannibals!
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kajaono · 7 years
So would be Hannibal more fascinated by Clarice or by Will? What do you think?
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honey-bubble-things · 7 years
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Hugh Dancy; smouldering so much at the Hannibal convention.
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hyperfashionist · 7 years
Aww! This was a good time. Thank you Arianna Ahri for putting the slideshow together!
(I still feel intense shame about my wig failure, but hey, live and learn.)
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color-division · 7 years
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IT’S CANON BOTTOM HANNIBAL EXISTS AND  IT’S REAAAL!!!! and yes Will Graham would be sexual with Hannibal!! 
We have been blessed with these two...
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pka42 · 7 years
I think Will has probably in some way never conceived the possibility that Hannibal could be in love. I mean he’s got such a black heart. The awareness that they have this connection is something that Will knows and is probably in some way profoundly ashamed of, and is also, you know, he keeps coming back to and actually… kinda…. fills him with joy, as well. But I don’t think he’d ever give it the name love, ‘cause I don’t think he’d ever associate love with Hannibal
Hugh Dancy about why Will took so long to realize that Hannibal is in love with him
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bakasara · 7 years
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Enjoy some Mason Verger!Hugh and Hannibal!Bryan 💯
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