#pazzi is real
bridgersluv · 5 hours
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iluvbueckers · 3 months
After this video yall should know there’s no way azzi got a man cause why she arching like that while looking like she abouta devour Paige ??? Oh okkk
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pazzi535 · 2 months
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to meeeeee this is when Pazzi really was confirmed in my eyes
like this just GIVES this like…… idk
“there’s a minuscule detail off about you and I’m going to basically use this as an excuse to show ppl you’re mine. bc I can.”
just what I read
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lillchris · 5 days
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I say spot the difference 👀
She got that same type of smirk/smile in both pics
All I’m saying is that I feel like Paige’s vibe is different now like in a good way. She’s got like this unexplainable glow about her ever since after the cruise I don’t wanna assume but I think it’s cuz of Azzi.
All I can explain about Paige’s vibe is that she is giddy and I think that’s great! I’m glad Azzi makes her happy and vice versa
Side note: Sorry for not updating the story in awhile I have writersblock and I also needed to take a mental break from social media
Anyway love you all stay safe <3
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calicoheartz · 14 days
hey! i saw u ask for pazzi related ideas so i though i'd shoot my shot, i honestly am leaning on the suggestive side... but if not i love fluff to so thats perfect and maybe the plot can be a jealous paige bc of azzi (nonchalantly) talking to some person who came up to here at a bar or anywhere else n P is like "no she's mine!" . Anyways I love your work so work your magic girl!!!
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꣑୧ — summary | basically the 2 prompts !! 🪩
wc ; 687
— warnings | angst , suggestive content (read at your own risk) mature themes , swearing , jealousy , etc
my master list ㇀♡
a/n : yippee my first pazzi fic !! sososo much more to come in the future! Thank you so much for requesting (the both of you) & enjoy besties ◡̈
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The bar was filled with a lively crowd, the thumping bass of the music reverberating through the air.
It was one of those rare nights when Paige and her girlfriend Azzi, along with their teammates, could unwind and let loose.
Paige was at the bar, grabbing drinks for the group, when she spotted Azzi near the back of the bar, engaging in conversation with someone that she did not recognize. The stranger was leaning in close, their eyes fixed on Azzi with a look of lust that made Paige’s blood boil.
Azzi, always the friendly one, was smiling and laughing, seemingly unaware of the stranger’s obvious intentions. Paige’s jaw tightened as she saw the stranger place a hand on Azzi’s arm, their fingers lingering for a moment too long.
Paige made her way through the energetic crowd, the drinks long forgotten, with her eyes never leaving sight of the brunette and the mysterious figure. As she got closer, she could hear the stranger’s voice, practically dripping with flirtation.
“So, Azzi, you must get a lot of attention. I mean, you’re pretty incredible on the court and even more stunning in person.” Azzi chuckled, her cheeks flushing slightly. “Thanks, but its really a team effort. I couldn’t have done it without my girls.”
The stranger smiled, clearly enjoying the conversation. “Well, your humility is just as attractive-” Paige’s patience snapped right then and there. She stepped in between the two, slipping an arm possessively around Azzi’s waist. “Hey babe, everything alright here?”
Azzi looked up, a bit startled but quickly recovering. “Oh, hey P. Yeah, just talking to a fan.”
Paige’s eyes flickered to the stranger, her gaze cold and unforgiving. “Well, thanks for the support. We appreciate our fans, but it’s time for us to go.”
The stranger took a step back, sensing the tension. “Of course. Nice meeting you, Azzi.”
As the stranger walked away, Azzi turned to Paige, a mix of amusement and irritation in her eyes. “Paige, what was that about?”
Paige’s grip on Azzi’s waist did loosen. “I didn’t like the way they were looking at you. You’re mine, Azzi. I don’t want anyone else getting any ideas.”
Azzi sighed, gently pulling Paige towards a quieter corner of the bar. “Paige, you can’t get jealous every time someone talks to me. It’s not healthy for us.”
Paige looked down, her expression softening. “I know. It’s just… I can’t stand the thought of losing you. You mean everything to me, Azzi.”
Azzi cupped Paige’s face, her touch soft yet firm. “I’m not going anywhere, Paige. You have to trust that. Trust me.”
Paige met her gaze, the fear and love evident in her eyes. “I do trust you. But seeing someone else trying to move in on you… it drives me crazy.”
Azzi leaned in, her lips brushing against Paige’s in a tender yet passionate kiss. “Then show me,” she whispered against Paige’s lips. “Show me that I’m yours.”
Paige’s breath hitched, a spark of desire flaring in her eyes. She deepened the kiss, her hands roaming over Azzi’s back, pulling her closer. Azzi responded eagerly, her fingers tangling in Paige’s hair.
The world around them faded as their kisses grew more intense, each one a claim, a promise. Paige pressed Azzi against the wall, her lips moving down to Azzi’s neck, leaving a trail of heated kisses. Azzi’s breathy moans spurred her on, her hands gripping Paige’s shoulders for support.
“Paige,” Azzi gasped, her voice a mixture of need and longing.
Paige pulled back slightly, her eyes dark with desire. “You’re mine, Azzi. Only mine.”
Azzi nodded, her own eyes glazed with passion. “Only yours, Paige.”
Their lips met again, the kiss more urgent, more demanding. Paige’s hands slid under Azzi’s shirt, her fingers tracing the smooth skin of her back. Azzi arched into the touch, her body craving more.
Just then, the bartender called out, breaking their trance. “Hey, you two! No funny business here.”
Paige chuckled, her forehead resting against Azzi’s. “Guess we should take this somewhere more private.”
Azzi smiled, her eyes still filled with desire.
“your place or mine?”
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notwell2837 · 11 days
pazzi being edited with this song. my heart is whole .
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heartl3ssromantic · 21 days
Pls do literally anything pazzi, I’m in so deep 😭 something cute or more than that if you want…
hi anon! ofc!! i hope you like it i decided to make it simple and cute since im not comfortable writing smut just yet!
(also sorry in advance for this atrocious blurb (i think thats what you call it someone correct me if not!) im fairly new to writing one shots, since im a wattpad writer and it takes everything in me not to make a whole books worth of work in one post with a backstory, climax, ending, and pretty much everything within an actual book)
feel free to suggest anything!!
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My beautiful secret
summary ➪ in which both azzi and paige are in a relationship that has to be kept hidden from the media. until they accidentally get exposed from a 3 second clip from one of the girls live
always taking requests feel free to send me one!
azzi pov! (mainly cause im so bad at writing 3rd person pov 😞)
“azzi!’ ice shouted for me from the other room. i shut my computer as i walked out of my room walking into the living room where ice and kk were. “guys im trying to study what do you want.” i wasn’t actually studying, just watching my favorite netflix show, but thats besides the point. “were gonna go live, come join us pleaseee, you never join in on any.” kk was practically begging for me to join in. i never join in on them cause i know all the questions are gonna be about paige and i.
but since paige isn’t here at the moment whats the worst that can happen? “fine whatever, let me just text paige cause shes gonna be here soon.” i pulled out my phone and typed out the message to paige as ice started the live. i turned off my phone as i pressed sent and sat down. or so i thought i pressed send and sat down.
immediately as the live started people started flooding in with tons of questions. most of them being about paige, i moved myself more off screen but to where they could only see about half my body still reading some of the comments.
like i said, most of them are asking about paige, if someone is dating paige, if im dating paige, and anything along the lines of paige.
i answered a few questions that weren't paige related, but seeing the lives comments slowly start to talk about her more i just stayed quiet not wanting to further instigate in the rumors.
after about 5 minutes i heard the door to the dorm open and paige came inside. i looked at her smiling as i turned my attention back to the live, i didn't notice paige coming up to me as she wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a kiss on cheek making me momentarily forget about the live.
"hey baby." i heard her whisper as she proceeded to kiss me on the cheek as i smiled, we soon got brought out of our thoughts as we heard kk gasp as she grabbed her phone quickly as she ended the live.
"oh shit." i said as i looked at kk with wide eyes. both kk and ice looked at me with some sort of fear in their eyes from what just happened.
"i thought you texted her! ice said to me as she pointed at paige who was now sitting next to me on the couch with a worried look on her face.
"i did!" i pulled out my phone to check paige and i's chats only to find out i didn't actually send it. "oh." is all i could mutter as i looked at paige.
"maybe no one recorded that?" she said looking for a sense of comfort.
"i highly doubt it, people always record our streams." kk spoke up as i leaned back against paige.
"you know what? let people talk, it honestly shouldn't even matter. so what if they find out were dating?" i looked up at paige as she said that with a worried expression.
"are you sure? i mean either way theres no denying it now but are you 100% okay with it?" i ask trying to make sure she means what shes saying.
"yeah, im honestly tired of having to hide our relationship from everyone, i want to be able to show off my girl for once." i smiled as she said that as my phone buzzed from tiktok.
"im glad you say that, cause that clips already getting posted everywhere." i say laughing a bit making a joke out of it.
"well whatever they have to say doesn't matter, what matters is that were happy." paige smiled then leaned down to give me a quick kiss to which i happily returned.
"get a room y'all, seriously." we looked over at kk as we started laughing at her acting disgusted.
"you're just mad i have an awesome girlfriend kk." i said to her to which she just rolled her eyes in a playful manner and started talking to ice.
paige wrapped her arms around me as we just sat there in silence listening in on ice and kk's conversation, things like this make me feel like i don't have a worry in a world.
in the arms of my amazing girlfriend, having fun with my friends, and not having to worry about what someone is saying about paige and i online.
maybe our relationship becoming public wasn't such a bad idea after all? maybe its what paige and i needed for us.
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Is it a soft launch or is it a soft ego check? 🤣🤣🤣
Paige to Azzi: you haven't liked any of my cruise pictures!
Azzi: yeah, cause I took them!
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paigebueckerswife1 · 4 days
can someone pls make a slowburn pazzi fic of them just being really touchy friends and not knowing they were in love with eachother and then realizing it
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bridgersluv · 6 hours
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paigebueckersglazer · 2 months
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why did no one check up on me 😥😥😥 face cards NEVER decline
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iluvbueckers · 4 months
A Pazzi classic 😭😭
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pazzi535 · 2 months
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