#pb: shane harper
spyderbonesrp · 1 year
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mrstabbymcshooty · 2 years
Callsign: Misty
Hello! Names Abigail, I hope you enjoy my blog. I’m a gal who just goes on this site for fun. Hope you enjoy my ramblings and ADHD hyperfixations.
Why mrstabbymcshooty?
All the guys I like have blood on there hands so it fits
I either go for moody homicidal brunettes or snarky homicidal blondes. Seems to be no in between.
Current Theme: Daemon Targaryen | House of the Dragon
All my men with kill counts:
Jon Snow (GoT), Robb Stark (GoT), Daemon Targaryen (HotD), Harwin Strong (HotD) Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) James Bucky Barnes (MCU), Loki (MCU), Warren Worthington III (XM) Jake Hangman Seresin (TGM), Pete Maverick Mitchell (TG) Jason Todd (DC), Conner Kent (DC), Bruce Wayne (DC), Roy Harper (DC) Erik (PotO) Jake Sully (Avatar) Kylo Ren (SW), Anakin Skywalker (SW), Han Solo (SW) Homelander (The Boys), Frenchie (The Boys) Simon Ghost Riley (CoD), John Price (CoD), Konig (CoD) Aragorn (LotR), Faramir & Boromir (LotR), Thranduil (TH), Kili (TH), Halbrand (RoP) Zuko (AtLA) Kaz Brekker (SoC), Matthias Helvar (SoC). Johnny Lawrence (TKK & CK), Robby Keene (CK), Hawk (CK) Tommy Shelby (PB), John Shelby (PB) Edward Cullen (TW), Charlie Swan (TW), Carlisle Cullen (TW), Paul LaHote (TW) Gale Hawthorne (THG), Finnick Odair (THG), Haymich Abernathy (THG) Sam Winchester (SPN), Castiel (SPN) Daryl Dixon (TWD), Rick Grimes (TWD), Shane Walsh (TWD) Aaron Hotchner (CM), Spencer Reid (CM) Captain Speirs (BoB), Major Winters (BoB) Edmund Pevansie (CoN), Prince Caspian (CoN), Peter Pevansie (CoN) Rafe Cameron (OB), JJ Maybank (OB)
Feel free to check out my other blogs:
Writing @mistys-blerbz @sunandmoonwrites
DC @mrbroodymcshooty
Anime @mrblastymcsplodey
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Choices Love Interest Tag Game 💘
Thanks for the tag @mrsnazariowritesagain​
Across the Void: Sol
America’s Most Eligible: Mackenzie, but I haven’t finished book three so I am tempted by Bianca
Baby Bump: Still trying to decide, but probably Myra
Bachelorette Party: Haven’t finished it, but probably Aisha
Blades of Light and Shadow: Give me the poly Nia and Imtura option pb
Bloodbound: Adrian Raines
The Crown & the Flame: Haven’t finished, was playing a Dom romance route, but might change if I finish
A Courtesan of Rome: Syphax and Sabina
Desire and Decorum: Luke Harper
Elementalist: Beckett Harrington
Endless Summer: Only played a few chapters, but would pick Jake
The Freshman:  Haven’t played it
Haunting of Braidwood Manor: Eleanor Waverley
The Heist: Monaco: Sonia Alves
Hero: Haven’t played it
High School Story: Haven’t played it
HSS Class Act: Haven’t played it
Home For The Holidays: Holly Wright
It Lives: In The Woods: Andy Kang
It Lives: Beneath: Tom Sato
Love Hacks: Haven’t played it
Mother of the Year: Thomas Mendez
Nightbound: Nik Ryder
Open Heart: Give me the forbidden Kyra romance scenes pb you cowards, otherwise, Rafael Aveiro
Passport to Romance: Ahmed Khabbaz
Perfect Match: Damien Nazario, Hayden Young and Alana Kusuma
Platinum: Shane Parker
Red Carpet Diaries: Matt Rodriguez
Ride or Die: Mona 
Rules of Engagement: Leo
Royal Masquerade: Kayden Vescovi
Royal Romance: Liam
Sunkissed: Samson, but haven’t finished the last few chapters
Veil of Secrets: Flynn O’Malley
Wishful Thinking: Jaime Lewis
Tagging: I have no idea who has or hasn’t done this yet, so please feel free to do this if you would like to and consider yourself tagged by me! I love hearing about people’s playthroughs!
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kwebtv · 5 years
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Press  -  BBC One / PBS  -  September 6, 2018 - October 11, 2018
Drama (6 episodes)
Running Time:  60 minutes
Charlotte Riley as Holly Evans
Ben Chaplin as Duncan Allen
Priyanga Burford as Amina Chaudury
Paapa Essiedu as Ed Washburn
Al Weaver as James Edwards
Ellie Kendrick as Leona Manning-Lynd
Brendan Cowell as Peter Langly
Shane Zaza as Raz Kane
Susannah Wise as Wendy Bolt
David Suchet as George Emmerson
Elliot Levey as Matthew Harper
Dominic Rowan as Joshua West
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Chapter Reviews: June 4-8, 2019
Wishful Thinking Chapter 9:
Man, that was mildly depressing to say the least, especially on the MC and Ellen bickering. At least there's Jaime and the pets to keep me company. Honestly, those three kept me from feeling down in this chapter. I didn't pick the premium option to be with Jaime, but I consider picking him as my LI, so it's likely I'll pick it, and all other scenes with him, in the future.
To be honest, I'm not "celebrating" Ellen getting fired despite how much of a jerk she is. In fact, what she said about the MC in a viper den comes off as ominous. As now-former head reporter, her words sound like a warning on Charlie, who has been acting fishy since his debut. Considering Ellen's level of experience on the field, it's hardly a surprise. Not to mention that Anna having something to say in the end of a chapter seems to take my suspicions into account.
Note to self: get Alec fired and replaced by someone else with a better judgment on the importance levels of news. That would be the ultimate cathartic moment. I heard that he suspends Ellen for a month if the MC says Ellen has been scaring guests like Anna, whereas he fires Ellen if the MC says she caught Ellen snooping around his office. I get that his privacy needs to be respected, but he should also be mindful of guests, and his job includes making sure they're respected. I certainly dislike Ellen for her behavior, but at least she has made the occasional point (e.g. her frustration at her story on environmental disaster sidelined in favor of MC's story on the local library losing a book), and she also has at least one moment that feel human (e.g. overworked but choosing to hide it out of fear of people seeing it as a weakness). They don't paint her in positive light, but at least she still makes sense as a character. Alec, on the other hand, has none of that and therefore deserves none of my respect.
Nightbound Chapter 8:
I'm glad the plot continues to move onward from the previous chapter. I love Vera's dress, and my MC in a period outfit looks fine. A pity I didn't buy it.
Well, hello Josephine Vance. Man, I miss the It Lives series and hope it returns in October as usual. As for Katherine, I have to comfort her and help her move on from her loss. I admire PB giving her some fleshing out on her insecurities, but still miffed that this information is paywalled. Nevertheless, it was a no brainer for me to pick it.
Man, the fight against the ghosts was tough, and it was fun to use the premium dagger and punch a ghost. Not to mention my respect for Cal and Vera has just increased when they chose to protect the MC from danger. Bonus points for Vera, who finally resolves to user her power for good.
Now that we're going to meet The Fate, I'm just anxious how ths figure will react and when we'll encounter Lord Elric again. Looking at the mirror in the premium scene with Katherine shows his reflection looking back at the MC, so it might be possible his monster tear will be acquired at some point.
Passport to Romance Chapter 13:
I think it's for the best for Elliot to be kicked out of his family's company's board of directors. All he does is mooch off of his brother's money as he travels around the globe. It's time he grows up.
The competition between Sumire and Bronwyn (premium scene but I can't resist it) is fun to watch. I have no love for Bronwyn and Carlisle, even if Bronwyn gave meaningful critique Sumire can use to improve her art. It was satisfying to watch Sumire win and call Bronwyn out for looking down on others and touting her own art as superior. Bonus points for the rooftop garden scene with Sumire, where her victory was mentioned, even though she and the MC got cockblocked.
To be honest, I paid less attention to the showdown between Marisa and Carlisle than to the drawing contest. Sure it was great to see Marisa winning against Carlisle, but that was because of Elliot distracting him, which lessened the satisfaction. I swear, Carlisle's worse than Bronwyn, who may be a jerk but still gave valid criticism in the previous chapter. Carlisle, on the other hand, is just a jerk who acts sore for the sake of it. As for Yvette, she made another point on the MC's friends moping too much on their emotional crises. At least Marisa has gotten over it, and I kinda helped with Sumire. Nevertheless, all four of them need to sort out their own messes while MC has to devote their focus on the vlog.
A Courtesan of Rome Chapter 20:
I had to recruit Sabina to my cause, but as an added bonus, it also features her talking about what she wants to do after Caesar has been dealt with. I may not be romancing her, but I have faith she'll get her plans sorted out, especially if she chooses to take over Locusta's apothecary.
Honestly, what was PB doing to Xanthe? Not digging into her character is already a huge disservice to her and the potentially meaningful commentary she can provide as a "regular citizen" trying to get on with her life. Shipping her to Sicily as a way to write her out reeks of human trafficking, which is a very. Moreover, I'm pissed that PB used hee to tear her down and make the MC look good in the process. I don't like Xanthe, but PB's use of the female rival trope just to tear her down reeks of misogyny. This doesn't give women a free pass. Instead, it means PB should write them with the care and nuance they deserve as part of their characterization.
Anyway, off to the gaining allies part. I managed to convince Cleopatra and Senator Lucius, but failed to convince Senator Cornelius because I don't have a high enough reputation. No matter. At least I have the support of gladiators thanks to Victus and Cingerix, so the finale better be epic.
Platinum Chapter 3:
I feel like there's not much to say in this chapter aside from this story starting to remind me of America's Most Eligible. Made up story about one's past, tough competition, and the pressures of being on the big screen. Jaylen should train under a more sensible singer instead of Ryder, and I feel like that won't be the last time we'll see Shane. What if we see him on occasion?
As for how this story is so far, I'd say it's okay. I've been losing interest in the romance aspect as of late, so I'm just focusing on how the MC's story unfolds. It better not make her rise to fame too easy, however.
Open Heart Chapter 17:
The hearing was surprisingly smooth. Only two doctors opposed the MC because of Deflan's meddling, I'm not sure of some other doctors, and I'm glad Naveen arrived to have my MC reinstated. The patients I treated or their relatives (I picked Shonda, who thought the panel's lame, Remy, who thanked me for giving him a reason to surf to the fullest, Sharon, who said I was a bit distracted but still credited me, and Annie, who was nice about my MC e-mailing her often) and the doctors I persuaded helped, though I cringed at Dr. Calais saying that the MC's skill at golf is enough to prove their good character. My only regret is that I didn't pick the option to punch Declan. At least Ethan managed to persuade Mrs. Martinez's son to drop the lawsuit by showing him a picture of his mother in Paris.
Man, I'm glad Aurora stood up to her aunt by saying that she had enough of being assigned cases and told her that the MC has proven to be a capable doctor. It appears that this scene affected Harper's decision to vote in my favor, and I'm thankful for that. Even better, she's planning to move to the MC's apartment now that Landry has moved out and transferred to Mass Kenmore.
Speaking of Landry, I decided to talk to him before it's too late. I'm still angry that he got away with disrupting patient care when he sabotaged the MC, and him bringing Naveen into the courtroom doesn't erase what he did. At least I don't have to deal with him and his unrepentant ass anymore, though at least I said good luck to him.
One thing I noticed is that since Ride or Die, there's no announcement for a sequel at the end of the finale. Instead, it's announced by PB itself outside the story. I guess this is gonna be a new thing from now on. Whatever that is, I'll get used to it.
Man, this story surprised me. I thought it's gonna be average because of my doubt in the quality of the stories as of late. It turned out to be better than I thought because of the colorful cast of characters and emotional moments when treating patients. It was sad to hear of the deaths of Dolores and Mrs. Martinez, heartwarming to watch Remy decide to make every moment to use his limbs count, and scary to treat the patients during the triage. There are also moments to feel awesome, such as helping Sienna break up with Wayne and getting reinstated at Edenbrook. I really look forward to Book 2.
Red Carpet Diaries Chapter 1:
I nearly considered writing into detail on how much I still have no love for this series, but because I don't want to rain on other people's parades, and my own anger has receded somehow, I'm not doing it.
Not surprised that there's no option to say I have no love interest. I may already have one, but I don't think this story should end in a wedding. On the bright side, I get to be with Victoria.
A pity I couldn't bring my beloved ocelot with me on vacation, though at least everyone else is doing well, though what's with Hunt having a beard? It makes me cringe.
Who on earth thinks it's a good idea to feature a boat accident during a vacation? That's just bizarre. And no way am I ignoring Victoria when she's trying to put on a life vest. Especially when she proposed to me at the end of the chapter.
Bloodbound Chapter 4:
Dang, this is one awesome chapter! MC is a cunning badass by tricking Mr. Klempf into freeing her, then the fight scene where she uses a giant mace on him, followed by another fight scene with the love interests and Cal. Man, everything is so intense that I have to applaud the inner circle and Cal for their badassery.
I'm starting to feel worried for Adrian after he killed Langdon in cold blood. I wonder whether this is the result of the serum injected to his body that causes him to become more like the First Vampire, who I'm convinced is Rheya. I also wonder whether she turned more people into vampires besides Xenocrates and Gaius.
Sad that I couldn't afford to find and free the other fantastic creatures. I would've freed them for a backup army like the Baron's prisoners back in Book 1. And that dream MC had with Adrian is starting to make me wonder if Adrian will really turn to the dark side.
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spyderbonesrp · 1 year
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MC Masterlist
Here’s a list of all of my MCs and their romances to make things easier if people ever wanna send prompts or asks or whatever. Ask box is always open! (gif warning)
The Royal Romance
Name: Alicia Harper
Romance: King Liam Rys
Faceclaim: Gal Gadot
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Perfect Match
Name: Kairi ‘Kai’ Park
Romance: Damien Nazario, Hayden Young and Alana Kasuma
Faceclaim: Gina Rodriguez
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It Lives In The Woods
Name: Marguerite ‘Maggie’ Young
Romance: Andy Kang
Faceclaim: Lana Condor
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It Lives Beneath
Name: Spencer ‘Penn’ Vance
Romance: Tom Sato
Faceclaim: Victoria Justice
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America’s Most Eligible
Name: Winnie Reed
Romance: Mackenzie
Faceclaim: Margot Robbie
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Name: Emeline ‘Em’ Martinez
Romance: Adrian Raines
Faceclaim: Nina Dobrev
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The Haunting of Braidwood Manor
Name: Hadley Byrd
Romance: Eleanor Waverley
Faceclaim: Tessa Thompson
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Veil of Secrets
Name: Marlowe ‘Marli’ Greene
Romance: Flynn O’Malley
Faceclaim: Anna Kendrick
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Desire and Decorum
Name: Jess Woodmire
Romance: Luke Harper
Faceclaim: Naomi Scott
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The Elementalists
Name: Hallie Russell
Romance: Beckett Harrington
Faceclaim: Zoey Deutch
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A Courtesan of Rome
Name: Korina of the Capaldion
Romance: Syphax and Sabina
Faceclaim: Oona Chaplin
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The Heist: Monaco
Name: Nina Nazario-Young
Romance: Sonia Alves
Faceclaim: Diane Guerrero
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Open Heart
Name: Cora Chase
Romance: Rafael Aveiro (in-game), Kyra Santana (in personal canon)
Faceclaim: Rachael Taylor
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Ride or Die: A Bad Boy Romance
Name: Rose Wheeler
Romance: Mona (during the book), Ingrid (at college)
Faceclaim: Zendaya Coleman
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Across The Void
Name: Bo Elara
Romance: Sol
Faceclaim: Brie Larson
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Wishful Thinking
Name: Kit Huxley
Romance: Jaime Lewis
Faceclaim: Jamie Chung
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Passport To Romance
Name: Eleanor ‘Nell’ Shepherd
Romance: Ahmed Khabbaz
Faceclaim: Naya Rivera
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Red Carpet Diaries
Name: Bailey Johnson
Romance: Matt Rodriguez
Faceclaim: Karen Gillan
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Big Sky Country
Name: Daphne Dehaven
Romance: Sawyer Oakley
Faceclaim: Anne Hathaway
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Rules of Engagement
Name: Katherine Leanne ‘Kaylee’ Buchanan
Romance: Leo Rys
Faceclaim: Katherine Langford
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Home For The Holidays
Name: Robyn Joy
Romance: Holly Wright
Faceclaim: Emma Watson
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Name: Willow Greeves
Romance: Nik Ryder
Faceclaim: Shay Mitchell
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Name: Adelyn Oliver
Romance: Shane Parker
Faceclaim: Adria Arjona
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Bachelorette Party (Not Finished)
Name: Mallory Jackson
Romance: TBD
Faceclaim: DeWanda Wise
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Name: Skylar Bell
Romance: Samson
Faceclaim: Aimee Carrero
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Mother of the Year
Name: Lorelei ‘Lori’ Day
Romance: Thomas Mendez
Faceclaim: Gugu Mbatha-Raw
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The Royal Masquerade
Name: Ophelia of House Aster
Romance: Kayden Vescovi
Faceclaim: Sophie Skelton
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Baby Bump
Name: Theo Cassidy
Romance: Myra Dixon
Faceclaim: Katie McGrath
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Blades of Light and Shadow
Name: Aurora Feathertide
Romance: Nia Ellarious
Faceclaim: Aiysha Hart
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Distant Shores
Name: Emily Hawthorne
Romance: Charlie Smith
Faceclaim: Jessica Parker Kennedy
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The Nanny Affair
Name: June Martinez
Romance: Sam Dalton
Faceclaim: Mila Kunis
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Queen Bee
Name: Briar Hughes
Romance: Ian Kingsley (in game), Carter Jackson (post game, or when PB will stop being cowards)
Faceclaim: Caitlin Stasey
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The Unexpected Heiress
Name: Marianne Hayes
Romance: John Somerset
Faceclaim: Shannyn Sossamon
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Foreign Affairs
Name: Maia Jackson
Romance: Tatum Mendoza
Faceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld
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Wolf Bride
Name: Felicity Monroe
Romance: Morgan
Faceclaim: Gemma Chan
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