bigtailsmallclaws · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: Star City - Peter P’s Apartment With: Peter P @pbandparker​
The place was unremarkable. But then he supposed that fit. Learning that the Spider-Man who he’d been dealing with all those years was actually just a guy (well, more accurately a damn child) was certainly humbling. He’d be more angry about it but there were bigger issues to be managing right now. Still, he couldn’t resist doing a little snooping, the old PI instincts were hard to kick... just like his new roommate. So he’d easily done some digging and tracked down Parker’s address; it seemed like he’d not been here for sometime.
There was a faint trace of mustiness, like nothing had been moved or walked over in too long a time. He didn’t touch much of anything and instead settled on the bed, usually the quiet would be pleasant but right now it was anything but; that voice liked to reiterate how hungry it was on a regular basis. Fortunately it seemed the little bug himself was dropping by this afternoon. Mac smirked and waited, a little surprised when the guy swooped in through the window in full costume and didn’t seem to spot him. 
“Peter Parker.” he said lightly, “So nice to finally put a name to a vigilante.” 
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snowflakeouttatime · 4 years
When: Present Day Where: District X - Roof of Bobby’s Apartment Building With: Peter P @pbandparker​
So, Johnny was only one half of the couple that the older version of him wanted him to meet. He’d turned out to be a pretty cool guy and he liked him. It had been nice, meeting new people who, well who were out and proud and just let him ask any questions and make friends. He hoped Peter would be like him, older him seemed sure he would be.
He was sitting on the edge of the room, kicking his legs out a little and looking at the view over the sea when a figure swung into view, “Dude! Sweet costume!” he said with a grin, looking over to get a better look at it, “Looks like webs.” Oh yea, Older Him had mentioned Peter was a spider... or something, he couldn’t quite remember. “Are you Peter?” he asked, “I’m Bobby... the young one.” he added, somewhat unnecessarily. 
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starcityhq · 4 years
i'm committing blasphemy and sin: may i change parker's fc from andrew garfield to charlie rowe? please and thank you <3
Peter Parker’s faceclaim has been changed to CHARLIE ROWE, leaving ANDREW GARFIELD available!!
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Message sent to: Webhead
CB [ Hey ]
CB [ You doin okay with the whole no powers thing? ]
CB [ Was gonna say sorry for the whole dumpster thing but I guess we got bigger problems now ]
CB [ Sorry for the dumpster thing btw ] 
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xpep-in-your-step · 4 years
Message to: Petey
PP: [ So, I’m sure I’ve asked you this before, but: Are you any good at putting together IKEA furniture? ]
PP: [ I made the mistake of going for meatballs, but they make you start at the top and walk through the entire store. And, well. I ended up buying...a lot 😬 ]
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elsawiththegoodhair · 5 years
Bobby understood if Peter and Johnny wanted to hide from the world for a little bit, but it had been a week and a half and patience was not his strong suit. So, Bobby had pestered Johnny relentlessly and got an invite to dinner and his apartment address out of it. He waited till the sun was just setting and formed an ice slide over the city, melting it behind him for once, still he reached the building in question and then formed his ice into a sun-lounger jutting out of the building next to the window before wrapping several times at the window which, in hindsight, could shock being so many stories up.
Then he saw Peter and grinned like an idiot waving a hand, “C’mon! Did you expect and old friend to stay away? I have a mighty need to pry into your love life and considering you it took a crazy clown threatening to blow people for you to share who you are I figure you own me a little indulgence buster.” he smirked.
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felinfetale · 6 years
“So how do you think New York is gettin’ on without us?” The female mumbled, legs crossed on an air vent as she watched over the city. It was one of her rare nights off and she still spent it outside on a rooftop, well it was her rooftop. No costume, wig or mask ; just her and one of her cats that decided to join them. Bringing the mug of coffee to her lips, she glanced over at him with a small grin before placing it down, sighing lightly. “I’m gonna miss that cafe on 3rd. Best donuts in the whole of New York.” 
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worldwadeweb · 6 years
There’s a garbled, funny-sounding yelp just as Wade smacks the rifle out of the thug’s hands. He feels more than hears the satisfying crick of the guy’s neck as it twists under his gloves – “Oof. Gonna feel  t h a t  in the morning.” – and the body that hits the ground soon after sends a rush through him. He’d gotten away with at least less than eighteen bullets, now lodged somewhere in his system.
Another job well done, another cheque to cash. Cha-ching! As for the smattering of bodies all over the warehouse floor... Well, his (very fancy, very legit) business card said “Mercenary”, not “Janitor”. Or “Mortician”, for that matter. Wade – or Deadpool, if you’re that way inclined – re-holsters his handgun, and glances up just in time to see an all-too-familiar, red-and-blue, spandex-clad, totally-copied-his-suit-design, eyes-narrowed-kind-of-scarily-or-is-that-just-my-imagination superhero swinging in from above.
“Oh, hey!! Someone’s kinda late to the party.” Wade sticks his arm straight up into the air, swinging it wildly from side to side in the most enthusiastic wave he can muster.
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@pbandparker LIKED for a starter! 🐯
MJ: what are u doing MJ: guess what MJ: we got a doggggg!!!
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ironman2point0 · 5 years
tony: sending a car for you and flameboy
tony: be ready in ten
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It was the first time he’d seen him since they’d been stuck in the funhouse. Bruce had heard of Spiderman. Like all of the other vigilantes, he’d compiled all the information he had on him and stored it with his dozens of files in the bat cave. He knew more about his powers than he would ever admit. It’d been difficult hiding just how much he knew about the others while they’d been trapped together. Thankfully, no one had thought to question his knowledge. The fact that he was Batman seemed to explain what needed explaining. 
“Are you all right?” He asked once Peter had answered the door, his arms folded over his chest. “I hope you don’t mind my stopping by. I wanted to make sure you weren’t having a hard time.” The press had been strong... and the response was even stronger. 
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bettybrantblogs · 6 years
It was risky for Betty to leave District X, but she hadn’t seen Peter since NOVA had cracked down on the city. She wanted to make sure he was okay. Maybe he wasn’t a mutant, but that didn’t mean he would be safe from scrutiny. She’d heard rumors of a detector sensitive enough to pick out metahumans that didn’t have the X-Gene. Her source wasn’t great, but she worried all the same. 
She'd chosen the mutant-run bar that operated secretly, even past curfew hours. She knew Peter was capable and would make it there without getting caught, but that didn't mean she wasn't nervous. She sat in the corner booth and picked at the curling label on her beer, releasing a sigh of relief when she finally caught sight of him. “Pete! Over here.”
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cullenrow · 6 years
“There you are! You okay? I haven’t seen you since, uh... the city pretty much lost its mind and all.” Cullen made a habit of not asking a lot of personal questions. In his experience, the more someone knew about him the better, and if he asked questions it just opened the avenue to be questioned in return. His friendship with Peter had more to do with their shared interest in photography and casual small talk, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t been worried about him. 
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starcityhq · 4 years
may i change peter's fc from charlie rowe to ben jordan? 👀 thank you!!
Peter Parker’s faceclaim has been changed to BEN JORDAN, leaving CHARLIE ROWE available!!
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xpep-in-your-step · 5 years
Checking In
It had taken a bit, but eventually Tony had gotten Pepper moved out of the hospital and to somewhere more comfortable, and now she was just losing her mind due to boredom more than anything else. Tony wouldn’t let her work, which she supposed was fair given that she wouldn’t let him work if their positions were switched, but she also didn’t have a ton else to do.
So, she’d decided to bother Tony until he brought Peter to see her. She had wanted to go see her godson, but while walking was a thing she could do now, she couldn’t get much farther than the kitchen and back before she was wiped out. Having Peter come to visit her was just as good, the redhead not having been able to talk to him since the riots. 
When he walked into her room she was sitting up in bed, hair piled on her head in a messy configuration that wasn’t quite bun or ponytail, a pencil between her lips as she used a block eraser to erase a couple numbers from the Sudoku board she was trying to fill in. 
The sound of his footsteps had her head lifting, and then the pencil fell as she smiled warmly, arms immediately raising, held open as her fingers beckoned for him to come in for the hug they both undoubtedly needed. 
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spidergwenx · 4 years
[ @pbandparker​ liked for a starter! ]
Gwen had wasted no time in getting busy in Star City. Between her studies towards her PhD at Star City University, her work at the clinic, and her side projects as Spider-woman, she hadn’t even considered what she was going to do when she ran into one of the people who had known this universe’s Gwen. They all had to be in New York anyway, right? That was something that could be put on the back burner until later, something Gwen was grateful for, if only because she had no idea how she would handle seeing people she had once known in her own universe. Especially Peter. 
Peter’s death was on her hands, and was by far her biggest regret. She should have handled his transition into the lizard better; she should have been there for him beforehand so he had never even tried to become the lizard in the first place. With those thoughts swirling around her head, she figured it would be best for her to avoid meeting the Peter of this universe altogether. Fate, however, had other plans for her as she nearly mowed him down on the street as she ran from one job to the next, her eyes widening in shock as she looked at him. “Oh, fuck.” She clapped a hand over her mouth. “You’re supposed to be in New York.”
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