portaldanoticia · 1 year
Terceiro suspeito é preso pela morte de seis pessoas da mesma família
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PCDF prende homem acusado de praticar violência doméstica  
Por: Elivan Alves, Jornalista A Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal – PCDF, por intermédio da 35ª DP, realizou, nessa quarta-feira (13), a prisão de um homem, de 35 anos, acusado de crimes de injúria, ameaça e lesão corporal no âmbito da Lei Maria da Penha. De acordo com as investigações, após sofrer várias agressões por parte de seu companheiro, a vítima resolveu sair do DF com os filhos, mas o…
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Brazil Police find fraud evidence against Jair Bolsonaro Jr
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Jair Renan Bolsonaro, the youngest son of former Brazilian President Jair Messias Bolsonaro, is suspected together with a friend (and shooting instructor, Maciel Alves) of fraudulent misrepresentation, use of false documents, and money laundering in connection with an application for a bank loan, the Federal District Civil Police (PCDF) said in a statement Thursday. No further details were released, given the case's seal of secrecy.
Jair Bolsonaro Jr denied having committed anything illegal since a police raid in August last year during which some of his electronic devices were seized. According to the PCDF, it is now up to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Federal District and Territories (MPDFT) to analyze the case and decide whether to file charges against both men.
Earlier this week, police searched the homes and offices of top aides to the former president as part of an investigation accusing them of plotting a coup to oust Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on Jan. 8, 2023. Congressman Eduardo Bolsonaro, Senator Flávio Bolsonaro, and Carlos Bolsonaro, a Rio de Janeiro councilman - all sons of the former president - are also under investigation in separate cases.
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I’m remembering the words of David Suzuki at Toronto Metropolitan University in 2018 at an event leading up to Grassy’s annual River Run action, his voice wavering and in tears, “My inspiration comes from the fact you haven’t given up.”
And therein lies one of the foundational teachings Grassy Narrows has gifted us –do not give up. Do not expect things to come easy. Keep trying.
An unwavering commitment to take care of their families and the network of life Anishinaabek worlds are enmeshed in has carried this community through broken treaty relations, relocation, the impacts of hydro-electric development, residential schools and child welfare practices, and of course, the eliminating violence of pollution. Starting in 1913 and continuing to present day, the pulp and paper industry in Dryden and Kenora has dumped an array of toxic substances, including the infamous 10 metric tonnes of untreated mercury in the 1960s and 1970s, and more recently bleaching waste that produces phenols, polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), also known as dioxins and furans. Though this is only part of the story. In order to make pulp, one needs trees. Trees who share their time and space with bears and moose, blueberries and Labrador Tea. Trees have lived with the Anishinaabek long before their worth, our worth, was measured in dollars.
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didanawisgi · 1 year
Chlorophyll derived from Chlorella inhibits dioxin absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and accelerates dioxin excretion in rats.
We investigated the effects of chlorophyll derived from Chlorella on gastrointestinal absorption of seven types of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin (PCDD) and 10 types of polychlorinated dibenzofuran (PCDF) in Wistar rats. Twenty-eight rats were randomly distributed into seven groups (n = 4). After overnight food deprivation, rats were given 4 g of the basal diet or 4 g of the chlorophyll diet containing 0.01-0.5% chlorophyll one time on day 1; each diet also contained 0.2 mL PCDD and PCDF standard solutions. The amounts of fecal excretion of PCDD and PCDF congeners from days 1 to 5 in the group fed 0.01% chlorophyll were 64.8% for 1,2,3,7,8-pentaCDD, 78.6% for 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexaCDD, 73.5% for 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexaCDD, 58.5% for 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexaCDD, 33.3% for 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptaCDD, 85.7% for 1,2,3,7,8-pentaCDF, 77.3% for 2,3,4,7,8-pentaCDF, 88.6% for 1,2,3,4,7,8-hexaCDF, 78.0% for 1,2,3,6,7,8-hexaCDF, 62.5% for 1,2,3,7,8,9-hexaCDF, 84.1% for 2,3,4,6,7,8-hexaCDF, 41.7% for 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptaCDF, and 40.0% for 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-heptaCDF greater (p < 0.01) than those of the control group, respectively. The fecal excretion of PCDD and PCDF congeners was remarkably increased along with the increasing dietary chlorophyll. The amounts of PCDD and PCDF congeners in rats on day 5 administered dioxin mixtures were lower in the 0.01% chlorophyll group than in the control group, ranging from 3.5 to 50.0% for PCDD congeners and from 3.7 to 41.7% lower for PCDF congeners, except for 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzofuran. The amount of PCDD and PCDF congeners in rats was remarkably decreased along with the increasing dietary chlorophyll. These findings suggest that chlorophyll is effective for preventing dioxin absorption via foods.
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alouberlandia · 2 months
Uberlândia: PCMG participa de operação Identidade Dobrada da PCDF
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portalimaranhao · 2 months
A sereia do sexo que armou emboscada para matar cafetão incinerado
Um crime macabro motivado por ciúmes e vingança foi desvendado por investigadores da 26ª DP (Samambaia) da Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal (PCDF). Uma garota de programa conhecida como sereia do sexo, de 20 anos, presa em fevereiro, na primeira fase da Operação Canto da Sereia, armou uma emboscada para assassinar o próprio cafetão, após o namorado descobrir que ela se prostituía. O companheiro…
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Is Cervical Spine Surgery Right for You? Key Considerations and Insights
Cervical spine surgery is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. While it can offer relief from debilitating neck pain and other symptoms, it's not the right choice for everyone. In this blog, we'll explore the key considerations and insights to help you determine if cervical spine surgery is the best option for you.
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Understanding Cervical Spine Conditions: Before diving into the decision-making process, it's crucial to understand the conditions that may necessitate cervical spine surgery. These may include herniated discs, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, or spinal fractures. Symptoms can range from neck pain and stiffness to radiating pain, numbness, or weakness in the arms.
Non-Surgical Treatment Options: In many cases, cervical spine surgery is not the first line of treatment. Non-surgical options such as physical therapy, medication, chiropractic care, and steroid injections are often recommended initially. These conservative treatments aim to alleviate symptoms and improve function without the need for surgery.
When Surgery is Considered: If non-surgical treatments fail to provide adequate relief or if the condition progresses to the point of causing severe pain, weakness, or neurological deficits, surgery may be recommended. Additionally, certain red flags such as loss of bowel or bladder control or progressive weakness require immediate medical attention and may indicate the need for surgery.
Types of Cervical Spine Surgery: There are several surgical procedures available to address cervical spine conditions. Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF), posterior cervical decompression and fusion (PCDF), artificial disc replacement (ADR), and minimally invasive spine surgery (MISS) are among the most common options. Each procedure has its advantages and considerations, which should be discussed with a spine specialist.
Risks and Complications: Like any surgical procedure, cervical spine surgery carries risks and potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, nerve damage, spinal cord injury, or failed fusion. It's essential to have a thorough understanding of these risks and weigh them against the potential benefits of surgery.
Preparation and Recovery: Preparing for cervical spine surgery involves physical and psychological readiness. Patients should undergo pre-operative evaluations, discuss anesthesia options, and understand post-operative care instructions. Recovery from cervical spine surgery can vary depending on the procedure performed and individual factors. Physical therapy, pain management, and gradual return to activities are essential components of the recovery process.
Factors to Consider: Several factors should be taken into account when determining if cervical spine surgery is right for you:
Severity of symptoms: Are your symptoms significantly impacting your daily life and function?
Failed non-surgical treatments: Have you exhausted conservative treatment options without relief?
Diagnosis and prognosis: What is the underlying cervical spine condition, and what are the long-term implications?
Overall health and lifestyle: Do you have any underlying medical conditions that may affect surgical outcomes or recovery?
Surgical risks and potential benefits: Are you willing to accept the risks associated with surgery in exchange for the potential benefits?
Consultation with a Spine Specialist: Making an informed decision about cervical spine surgery requires consultation with a spine specialist. They can evaluate your condition, discuss treatment options, and help you weigh the risks and benefits. Additionally, seeking a second opinion can provide valuable insight and ensure that you're comfortable with your decision.
Conclusion: Cervical Spine Surgery is a significant decision that should not be taken lightly. By considering the key factors outlined in this blog and consulting with a spine specialist, you can determine if surgery is the right choice for you. Remember, the goal of cervical spine surgery is to improve your quality of life and restore function, so take the time to make an informed decision that aligns with your needs and preferences.
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ocombatenterondonia · 5 months
Operação investiga suspeitos de extorsão via internet
Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública (MJ) e Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal (PCDF) deflagraram nesta quinta-feira (28) a Operação Cyber Shield, com o objetivo de combater os crimes de extorsão praticados por organizações criminosas na internet contra pessoas que acessavam conteúdo sexual em grupos de aplicativos de troca de mensagens. De acordo com a PCDF, os grupos de aplicativos foram…
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kennak · 5 months
[WHO]ダイオキシン類 Dioxins 29 November 2023 https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/dioxins-and-their-effects-on-human-health 主な事実 ・ダイオキシン類は、残留性環境汚染物質(persistent organic pollutants:POPs)である化学的に関連した化合物群である。 ダイオキシン類は世界中の環境中に存在し、食物連鎖において、主に動物の脂肪組織に蓄積する。 ・ヒトの暴露の90%以上は、主に肉及び乳製品、魚介類などの食物を介している。多くの国家当局は、フードサプライを監視するプログラムを実施している。 ・ダイオキシン類は非常に毒性が強く、生殖及び発育障害を引き起こし、免疫系を損傷し、ホルモンを妨害し、がんを引き起こす可能性がある。 ・すべての人がダイオキシンにバックグラウンド暴露しているが、ヒトの健康に影響を及ぼすとは考えられていない。しかし、毒性が強い可能性があるため、現在のバックグラウンド暴露を減らす努力が必要である。 ・ヒト暴露の予防又は低減は、発生源に直接働きかける対策、すなわちダイオキシンの生成を抑えるための工業プロセスの厳格な管理によって行うのが最善である。 概要 ダイオキシン類は環境汚染物質である。残留性有機汚染物質(POPs)として知られる危険な化学物質群である「dirty dozen」に属している。ダイオキシン類は、その毒性の強さから懸念されている。実験では、いくつかの臓器や系統に影響を及ぼすことが示されている。 ダイオキシンが体内に入ると、化学的に安定していることと、脂肪組織に吸収されて体内に蓄積される性質があるため、長期間持続する。体内での半減期は7~11年と推定されている。環境では、ダイオキシンは食物連鎖に蓄積される傾向がある。食物連鎖の上位にいる動物ほど、ダイオキシンの濃度が高くなる。 ダイオキシンの化学名は、2, 3, 7, 8-テトラクロロジベンゾ-パラ-ダイオキシン(tetrachlorodibenzo para dioxin:TCDD)である。ダイオキシン類という名称は、構造的及び化学的に関連するポリ塩化ジベンゾパラダイオキシン(polychlorinated dibenzo para dioxins:PCDDs)族及びポリ塩化ジベンゾフラン(polychlorinated dibenzofurans:PCDFs)族によく使用される。同様の毒性特性を有する特定のダイオキシン様ポリ塩化ビフェニル(polychlorinated biphenyls:PCBs)もダイオキシンという用語に含まれる。約419種類のダイオキシン関連化合物が特定されているが、これらのうち約30種類のみが有意な毒性を有すると考えられており、TCDDが最も毒性が高いとされている。 汚染源 ダイオキシンは主に工業プロセスの副産物であるが、火山噴火や森林火災などの自然プロセスからも発生する。これらは、製錬、紙パルプの塩素漂白、一部の除草剤や農薬の製造など、多くの製造プロセスの望ましくない副産物である。管理されていない廃棄物焼却炉(固形廃棄物及び病院廃棄物)では、不完全燃焼による環境放出につながることがよくある。ダイオキシン排出量の少ない管理された廃棄物焼却ができる技術がある。ダイオキシンの生成は局所的であるが、環境分布は地球規模である。最も高い濃度は、土壌、堆積物及び食品、特に乳製品、肉、魚介類に見られる。非常に低い濃度は、植物、水、空気に見られる。 汚染事故 多くの場合、ダイオキシン汚染は汚染された家畜飼料を介して入り込む。例えば、牛乳や家畜飼料中のダイオキシン濃度の上昇の発生率は、家畜飼料の製造に使用した粘土、油脂又は柑橘類のパルプペレットにまで遡る。 ほとんどの汚染事例は、より良い規制管理が利用可能な先進工業国で報告されている。 ヒトの健康への影響 ヒトは高レベルのダイオキシン類の短期間暴露により、皮膚のchloracne(塩素座瘡)や斑状の黒ずみ、肝機能の変化などの皮膚病変が生じることがある。長期暴露は、免疫系、発達中の神経系、内分泌系及び生殖機能の障害と関連する。動物の慢性暴露は、いくつかのタイプのがんをもたらしている。動物及びヒトの疫学データに基づき、TCDDは国際がん研究機関(IARC)によって既知のヒトの発がん物質として分類された。しかし、TCDDは遺伝物質に影響を及ぼさず、発がんリスクが無視できるレベル以下である。 発達中の胎児はダイオキシン暴露に最も敏感である。器官系が急速に発達している新生児は、特定の影響を受けやすい。一部の人や集団では、食事(世界の特定の地域で魚をよく食べる人など)や職業(紙パルプ産業、焼却工場、有害廃棄物処理場の労働者など)が原因で、高濃度のダイオキシンに暴露されることがある。 予防と管理 汚染物質の適切な焼却は、ダイオキシン類への暴露を予防し、管理するための最善の方法である。又、PCBベースの廃油を破壊の場合、焼却プロセスには850°C以上の温度が必要であり、大量の汚染物質を破壊するには1000°C以上の温度が必要である。 ヒトへの暴露の防止又は低減する工業プロセスの厳格な管理のためにコーデックス委員会は、2001年に「化学物質による食品の汚染を低減するための発生源対策に関する実施規範(CAC/RCP49-2001)」を、2006年に「食品及び飼料中のダイオキシン及びダイオキシン様PCB汚染防止及び低減に関する実施規範(CAC/RCP62-2006)」を採択した。 ダイオキシン類へのヒトの暴露低減のため、ダイオキシン排出を削減する発生源別対策に加えて、フードサプライの二次汚染はフードチェーン全体で回避する必要がある。安全な食品を生産するためには、一次生産、加工、流通及び販売における適切な管理と慣行がすべて不可欠である。汚染された家畜飼料が、しばしば食品汚染の根本原因である。 ダイオキシン汚染が疑われる場合、各国は汚染された飼料及び食品を特定し、保管し、処分するための危機管理計画を持つべきである。影響を受けた集団は、暴露(例えば、血液や母乳中の汚染物質の測定)及び影響(例えば、健康障害の兆候を検出するための臨床サーベイランス)について検査するべきである。 暴露リスクを低減するために消費者は何をすべきか。 肉の脂肪を取り除き、低脂肪乳製品を摂取すると、ダイオキシン化合物への暴露を低減できる。又、バランスのとれた食事(十分な量の果物、野菜、穀物を含む)は、単一の供給源からの過剰な暴露を避けるのに役立つ。これは、体への負担を減らす長期的な戦略であり、発育中の胎児の暴露を減らすため、後年、乳児に母乳を与える際に、女子や若い女性にとって最も適切な方法であろう。しかし、消費者が自身の暴露を減らすには限界がある。 環境と食品中のダイオキシン類の測定 ダイオキシン類の定量的な化学分析には、世界中の限られた研究所でしか利用できない高度な方法が必要である。生物学的(細胞又は抗体に基づく)スクリーニング方法が開発されており、食品及び飼料サンプルに対するこのような方法の使用がますます実証されている。このようなスクリーニング方法は、より低コストでより多くの分析を可能にし、スクリーニング検査が陽性の場合は、より複雑な化学分析によって結果を確認する必要がある。 WHOの対応 2015年、WHOは食品由来疾患の世界的負担の最初の推定値を発表した。ダイオキシンへの暴露は、特に生殖能力と甲状腺機能に関して、食品由来疾患の世界的負担に有意に寄与することが示された。WHOは、ダイオキシンの耐容摂取量を決定するため、2001年、FAO/WHO合同食品添加物専門家会議(Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives:JECFA)で、PCDDs、PCDFs及びダイオキシン様PCBの最新の包括的リスク評価を実施した。又、食品及び飼料中のダイオキシン及びダイオキシン様PCB汚染の予防及び削減のための実施規範を策定した。この文書は、予防措置に関する国及び地域の当局へのガイダンスを提供する。更に、WHOは、ダイオキシン及び関連化合物の毒性等価係数(TEF)を確立し、定期的に再評価している。WHOのTEF値の最終更新は2022年である。
2023-12-25 - 食品安全情報blog2
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flordomamore · 5 months
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portaldanoticia · 1 year
PCDF prende suspeitos de matarem família de cabeleireira
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PCDF prende idoso acusado de crimes de estupro de vulnerável
Por: Elivan Alves, Jornalista Na manhã desta última quinta-feira (7), a Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal, por intermédio do trabalho investigativo da 18ª DP, cumpriu mandado de prisão preventiva contra um idoso, de 93 anos, indiciado pela prática de crimes de estupro de vulnerável e satisfação de lascívia mediante presença de criança e/ou adolescente. O homem é acusado de ter molestado pelo…
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Fascist terror and military hostility set tone for Lula’s inauguration in Brazil
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The inauguration of Brazil’s president-elect Luís Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers Party (PT), set for January 1, is being prepared under the shadow of fascistic conspiracies in the country.
The growing threats of far-right violence have been made explicit in the last week with the exposure of a terrorist plot by supporters of current fascistic President Jair Bolsonaro, who has yet to admit losing the election to Lula. The stated goal of the planned actions was to prevent the transfer of power to the elected government and pave the way for an authoritarian coup.
On Christmas Eve, the 54-year-old fascist George Washington de Oliveira Sousa was arrested in Brasilia after a failed bomb attack at the Brazilian capital’s airport.
Sousa confessed to having armed the explosive, which he said was planted by another man, Alan Diego Rodrigues, in a tanker truck that was heading to Brasilia International Airport (BSB) loaded with jet fuel. The bomb was removed in the vicinity of the airport by the truck driver, who identified the strange object and called the police. The survey by the Civil Police of the Federal District (PCDF) concluded that the bomb was set off but failed due to “a micro technical detail in the detonator.”
In his statement to the authorities, Sousa revealed having planned this and other actions, such as blowing up a power substation in the capital, together with other fascist supporters of Bolsonaro. He stated that their goal was to “start the chaos” that would “lead to the intervention of the armed forces and the decree of a state of siege to prevent the establishment of communism in Brazil.”
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tvradiocnb · 6 months
Com medo do PCC, policial no Brasil desapareceu após sair para buscar R$ 40 mil
Com medo do PCC, policial no Brasil desapareceu após sair para buscar R$ 40 mil Irmão de José Françualdo contou que, antes de desaparecer, servidor público disse estar apreensivo com ameaças do PCC a policiais penais Sem entrar em contato com parentes ou amigos desde a tarde dessa terça-feira (28/11), o policial penal de Goiás José Françualdo Leite Nobrega (foto em destaque), 36 anos, teria viajado para o Distrito Federal para buscar R$ 40 mil. Além disso, o servidor público teria dito a parentes que estaria apreensivo diante de ameaças da facção criminosa Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) contra agentes penitenciários. Irmão de José Françualdo, José Fagner disse ao Metrópoles que o policial penal demonstrava estar “normal” e fazia “planos para o futuro”. “Ainda estou meio atordoado com a situação, mas, a princípio, ele só tinha comentado em relação a uma situação que o PCC estava meio que ameaçando a categoria, ameaçando matar agentes penitenciários”, afirmou. Antes de desaparecer, ele disse à família que iria para Brasília Reprodução Além de policial, o servidor público atua como empresário no ramo de locação de equipamentos de construção. Ele foi visto pessoalmente por parentes pela última vez no início da tarde de segunda-feira (29/11). Na ocasião, ele disse que iria para Brasília. Na terça-feira (28/11), José Françualdo se deslocou até a capital federal. O contato mais recente dele com a família ocorreu por mensagens via WhatsApp, por volta das 13h daquele dia. Imagens de câmeras de segurança na DF-130, sentido Rajadinha, em Planaltina (GO), mostram o veículo do policial — uma caminhonete Chevrolet S10 preta — na pista, no início da noite de terça-feira (28/11). No registro, o carro de José Françualdo aparece na rodovia às 18h51. Contudo, não é possível ver quem estava na direção do automóvel. Horas depois, o veículo foi encontrado carbonizado na área do Núcleo Rural Três Conquistas, no Paranoá (DF). A Polícia Civil do Distrito Federal (PCDF) confirmou se tratar da caminhonete do servidor público. Investigação O desaparecimento de José Françualdo é investigado pela 6ª Delegacia de Polícia (Paranoá). Ao Metrópoles o delegado à frente das apurações, Thiago Rocha, contou que a família do servidor público registrou ocorrência após ficar sem contato com o policial. Read the full article
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radiorealnews · 7 months
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