#pcov style family
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he got up early to make breakfast for the kids <3
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More style parenting headcannons pls!! And your hcs of their kids’ personalities
OH MY GOD YES OF COURSE!!!!! (I love sharing my hcs so I'm always open to ask about that stuff)
So according to some random reddit post I saw, matt stone says the kids' names are Mordecai and Celine. I love this because I hc that Stan uses nicknames for the kids, and Mordecai frequently gets shortened to "kai." this leads to endless hilarious misunderstandings when both Kyle and Mordecai are in the same room with Stan.
Stan: "Hey Ky, are we out of coffee grounds again? I need to know whether to pick some up at the store today."
Mordecai: "Pa I don't drink coffee."
Stan: "Other ky, kiddo."
Mordecai: "THERE'S ANOTHER ONE?!?!?!" (words of a child that thinks their dad's name is dad)
In terms of the kid's personalities, I think Celine has adopted Stan's big heart, but Kyle's tendency to be an angry little shit. She causes havoc. She is the definition of "terrible twos," only she's five. She bites, kicks, and is the one kid who will bark and chase you at recess if you want to spice up that game of tag.
Mordecai on the other hand is a little more level-headed. He got Kyle's analytical and moral nature, but is drawn to the arts like Stan. Despite him being the older and more mature of the two, that doesn't stop him from also getting into some shit he shouldn't. He's curious by nature, so he often gets into things he can't get out of. He's ten, so he and Celine have the same age difference as Kyle and Ike. This leads to many instances of Celine being kicked like a little angry football. Ike can sympathize, so when he comes to visit from Canada on holidays, he shoots Celine little winks and gives her hard candies when she bites her brother.
Stan hates discipline, so that usually falls into Kyle's hands. He tries way too hard to be a good parent because he doesn't want to end up like Randy, even though he doesn't need to. He loves his kids to pieces, but that sometimes makes him a little overprotective. He doesn't want to seem uncaring to his kids, so he always tries to find new ways to bond with them. He was the one who instituted family board game and movie night, and he gets up early to make them breakfast every morning he can. He doesn't cuss around the kids, and he "scolds" Kyle when he slips up every once in a while, though it's not often.
Kyle is like Sheila number 2. He is aware of this and hates it. He has developed many of her mannerisms as he got older, and still cringes when he catches himself. Sometimes if he's getting riled up about something on the news or some shit that happened at work, he'll accidentally slip up and let out a curse word around the kids. This is more funny to the kids than anything, because Stan gets so worked up about it that it's really entertaining. I will specify that cuss words have never EVER been directed at the kids or used with them in conversation. It almost always happens when Kyle is reading about some stupid law being passed or new person in government, and is ranting to Stan about the "utter hilarity of the current political climate." This is how Celine learned the word bastard, and, much to Stan's dismay, will NOT stop using it. Mordecai thinks it's hilarious. Kyle is just embarrassed.
Everyone helps out around the house equally, and per Mordecai's request, Kyle drafted a chore chart that they've been using for at least 2 years now. (Mordecai was tired of Celine lying and saying it was his turn to do the dishes)
Stan falls asleep on the couch a lot, and most times, slowly the whole family will end up compiling on top of him in a puppy dog pile.
Kyle gives the kids piggyback rides way past when he physically can. 12-year-old Mordecai will still get piggyback rides around the zoo because Kyle can't say no to those puppy eyes. His back hates him for it.
Stan play fights with the kids, and it usually ends with him rolling around on the carpet laughing as two kids violently attempt to maul their father. Kyle usually jumps in before they succeed, but he makes it worse because he initiates the most aggressive tickle-fights known to man.
Ok, these are my two cents :3!! I will post more if you would like, but this post is huge so I'm gonna cut it off for now.
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my next post will contain man tit
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Hiii, i absolutely adore your style parent hcs. Do you have some more?
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1: Kyle is called Dad or Abba (Dad more commonly because he is used to it with his own father, but his mom encourages Abba when she visits because she originally wanted Kyle to use that as a kid as well)
2: Stan used to be Uncle Stan since Stan was originally less of a co-parent and more of a friend that visits often and spoils the kids rotten. This stopped the moment Mordecai walked in on Kyle and Stan kissing. That was probably the most awkward conversation Stan and Kyle have had with the kids in their lives. For a short period of time (about a month) he was just "Stan", but that quickly faded into Papa. It was really cemented in when he officially moved in with the family.
3: From the time Kai was born till he was around 6, Stan had his own apartment. He would spend most of his time at Kyle's house and with the family, but he had such a busy work life that he didn't want to settle down and make anything official. He didn't want to end up being a practically absent father due to his schedule. Kyle hated this, but understood where his worries were coming from. It was their most significant topic of conflict until Stan finally got it through his head that he was pretty much already a father to these kids, and he was doing really damn well. The arguments typically go as follows:
Kyle: Come on Stan, you practically live here already. Why don't you move in?
Stan: But what if I'm a bad Dad?? What if my work gets in the way and I end up being a shitty father??? I just can't do that to them 😫😭
Kyle: ...
Kyle: You take Kai to the arcade every weekend. He literally calls you Papa.
Stan: sTiLL!!!!😫😭😥💔
4: When Celine was a year and a half old, Stan finally moved in with Kyle. He was still constantly worried that he wouldn't be a good enough father, but he no longer let that affect how close he was to the family. He put his whole heart into being the best dad he could be.
5: Kyle was the one to get the kids enrolled in school and fill out all the important paperwork. Stan's a little scatterbrained when it comes to stuff like that, but he takes them to school and picks them up every day so they don't have to ride the "stinking ass-sweat hormone pit" that is the bus. Those are Kai's words, not his. He got a whole lecture from Stan for that one.
6: Kyle may not be the best at cooking, but he can make one thing better than anyone you've ever met (except his mother.) He got a book of family recipes from his mother, and every Passover he makes the best matzo ball soup you've ever had in your life.
7: Stan stands by the fact that you can find the best shit at thrift stores, so he tends to shop there for furniture, knickknacks, and clothing. Kyle on the other hand... He's the guy who religiously shops at REI and other overpriced outdoors stores because he thinks they're neat. He goes camping, hiking, and everything under the sun just so he can have an excuse to shop at these places without Stan nagging him about how unnecessary it is. Those kids have the nicest mother fucking winter coats you've seen in your life. Kyle just came back home one day after being out for a few hours with two 200-dollar winter coats for the kids. Stan was flabbergasted, to say the least. Kyle tried to defend himself by explaining that the coats were listed to be the safest in cold temps, but honestly, there's no way to defend that rationally lmao.
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just dropping this 😱 pc stan and kyle are definitely BOTH soft..stan more but they have that mutualism. it makes for great cuddles
everyone's good for cuddles if you're determined enough.
but yes, they are both the kid's (and each other's) favorite cushions
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