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Fen and Volta [ID: Image shows Sebastian Fen and Angelo Volta from Night Shift Podcast from their shoulders up. They are leaning towards each other but both are held back by multiple hands. Sebastian has his mouth slightly open and is being held back by four inhuman hands. They are green and finish in talon like points. Two of the fingers are piercing the skin on Sebastian's neck, and three are sunk into the knuckle in his skull. All the green hands fade to nothing after the wrist. Burn scars can be seen across Sebastian's far shoulder and the front of his neck. Angelo is held back by three hands, two seemingly from one person holding his hair and pulling it back. Angelo also has a third hand is on his shoulder holding him back. A couple of streaks of grey can be seen in Angelo's hair. End description]
Inspired by Sergio Cupido's Romeo and Juliet
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fuckthisshitimin · 1 year
Touching Sebastian Fen, chapter 2!
Keep A Light On
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euphemia-sagi · 8 years
さゆり peacemessage 出会い系 サクラの誘導に注意!友達申請に注意!
さゆり peacemessage 出会い系サクラサイトの情報を入手致しました!被害にあわない為に少しでも皆様のお役に立てれば幸いです。
【悪質 出会い系サイト 出会い系副業サイト 出会い系仲介サイト 交際クラブ詐欺】
悪質出会い系サクラサイト さゆり peacemessage 詳細情報 サイト名 peacemessage サクラ名 さゆり サイトURL http://peacemessage.top/wixsite/ LINE ID @jwi8612x サクラプロフィール 名前 さゆり 血液型 A型 年齢 27歳 危険レベル ★★★★★
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fuckthisshitimin · 1 year
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[ID: A four pages long comic depiction of the motel scene from the Night Shift Podcast, episode 12, in black and white.
The first page opens while Angelo is taking Sebastian’s blood. Sebastian is sat on an armchair, head bent back and eyes closed, looking uncomfortable. Angelo is kneeling before him, focused and face neutral as he asks “What makes you so sure it’s to do with me?”. We see a close-up of the needle, and Sebastian’s expression as it shifts to a more relaxed one, saying “You make me feel when I’m used to being numb”.
The second on starts with Angelo saying “All done”, and we see Sebastian from above as he puts pressure on the needle wound. The blood sample is secured in a plastic bag, and Sebastian crouches down, passing a hand through his hair. His smile is weary, he says “You know, I have no idea what you think of me.” We see Angelo finishing to put the sample away, face closed as in the background Seb is still talking: “I think you must like me.”
The third page first shows the two character’s faces: Angelo eyes closed and head bent up, frowning as to fight an emotion, and Sebastian, smiling a bit painfully, saying: “because you don’t seem like someone who would bother with a person they didn’t like. But I can’t wrap my head around why-”. Then, we see the entire scene, Sebastian looking between his knees and Angelo looking at him, flexing his hand as he moves towards him. “and you...” Sebastian goes, as Angelo passes by him to sit on the bed facing the armchair. “And I?”, Angelo prompts.
In the last page, we see Sebastian’s eyes as he looks up to Volta with determination. He leans a bit forward, neck twisting to face the other properly. Layer over the two of them sitting face to face are close-ups of their faces, expressions yearning and wistful. “If I came over there right now, and kissed you, would you let me?” Sebastian asks. Lastly, we see Angelo smiling, brows eye on his forehead, an evident tenderness to him when he says “Yes.”
Signed: Meaningless Mikhaïl. End ID.]
Six days, seventeen pages of drafts and four final pages for thirty-seven seconds of audio. I am totally normal about this episode.
By the way this is how the scene ends, there is nothing after that, Sebastian stops recording and they kiss senseless.
Since the first fic I read of those was by @becaexists, I threw in a little Pride and Prejudice (2005) visual reference, as a treat.
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fuckthisshitimin · 1 year
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[ID: A digital drawing of Sebastian Fen and Angelo Volta from the Night Shift Podcast, in predominant blue hues. Whilst Angelo is sitting at the feet of a bed in a white shirt, Sebastian, sitting on the bed, hugs him from behind, wrapping both arms and one leg around him. Angelo returns the hug, leaning into it and holding one of Sebastian’s arms close. His eyes are closed and he is smiling - Sebastian, on the other hand, looks down at him. Signed: Meaningless Mikhaïl. End ID.]
This is how close Seb holds his boyfriend the second he can, anything less is a fucking lie. I just need them to touch. I am very normal about this.
And well I hadn’t touched my tablet in a while. I hope this motivates me to pick it up more, again and again.
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