gentlebeardsbarngrill · 4 months
Samba Baking Class Notes
Okay sorry all, I should have waited to post the full note list but I got excited so yeah, here's everything I was able to note down while trying to make the pie. Please correct me if I'm wrong and you all heard something different! The Main news:
He's not done posting BTS! He's done posting BTS Screencaps (grabs? I was confused by the terminology, basically "scenes")! Apparently it's illegal to post those (and Samba had these on his phone and edited them together) so he'll still post BTS but it wont be stuff taken by his phone. He is worried about being sued by max. We've all offered to crowd fund his legal fees.
BTS Stuff:
Roach was only supposed to be on the show for 6 episodes-- and there was more to the "sewed his own arm up" scene. Apparently Taika liked where he was going with it and told him to go ahead, so Stede asked him. "What happened".
Roach said he was in a huge battle with someone and his brother and him were both there, and his arm got cut off, and there was his brothers arm, that also got cut off, and so he sewed his brothers arm back on to himself
2. There was a scene that wasn't used regarding the money jar -
Stede says lets get the money jar, everyone contributes it:
Oluwande puts down a few coins, Wee John puts something in and says he stole this off a corpse , Roach made money doing tattoos down at the dock, Black pete says "id rather not say how I earned this" Buttons puts down a shell and just says "the sea".
Stede then says:
Now it’s time to visualize our dream ship— Roach Says: Our dream ship has fully stocked kitchen, Wee John Says: He has a room Pete says: Lucius is alive on our dream ship, Everyone goes awwww
Then Samba mentioned why Buttons had to be tied to a rope because he’d just go drown in the sea.
He also said that Buttons: “Is probably out there, a big seagull, just humping the ocean, living his best life"
3. When they were auditioning for the Gentleman Pirate, they also auditioned Paul Bettany!
4. Also -- Calico Jack could have been played by Michael Fassbender! Samba thinks Michael Fassbender would have been horrifying as Calico Jack, we'd be more scared than anything.
"Will Arnett killed it-- he was perfect, he's a douche" (Affectionately)
5. Also: Vico does nothing but Twerk between scenes (mostly with Madeleine).
6: Regarding Tangy/Zangy Scene:
The kids: (Taika's kids were not present for that angle). The kids were supposed to ask: "Are you two boyfriends?" (That's why you hear it briefly in the video because that's the stage person giving them some lines.
His Quotes:
Unprompted: "IS SAMBA AN ASS MAN"
"Sorry, I was distracted thinking of Rhys' calves (Abs?)
"The gentleman pirate I presume" -- he said SO many times
"I heard there was an Aurora Borealis, apparently there were so many OFMD fans it made the sky gay" (I'm paraphrasing)
"Con can only be contacted by (crow?)"
"Don't light your kitchen on fire, I've done that before"
Fan quotes: "#PeachesTonight"
Several fans wore mud masks and showed it to Samba (in honor of him!)
Other thing to note: "Hbo execs said ofmd was too expensive" So that's interesting, I guess that part was true?
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