#peachmuses: ryou
sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses: it's the middle of the night, and ryou is sitting on the counter eating some kimchi. legs are wrapped around the container and atsushi comes down the stairs and he lifts chopsticks in greeting. " want some kimchi. its spicy. "
usually, he’d keep snacks in his room with him, but this isn’t his house and it’s easier to not clean up a mess if it’s never made. he just happened to wake up, somehow confused with how he was alone ( he’s sure he remembers telling kuro-chan that they could sleep in his room since shiro-kun went off with sachin. ) now he’s hungry and confused.
“ oh… ” voice is quiet and he blinks, still confused. “ when did you…? ” voice trails as he walks further into the kitchen, being offering kimchi. “ sure. ”
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daichansux · 1 year
ryou's got his hands on his hips, and he's staring directly at aomine. " aomine-kun. " voice stern, " come to practice. "
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"uhhhh no," aomine replies, having pretended to give it some thought. he pulled a muscle overnight and though he could and should have told somebody about it, he decided the better thing to do would be to ditch. everyone was getting a little too buddy-buddy. it's important not to let people think he can be relied upon for anything because with that, responsibilities and expectations will surely follow. he sticks his hands in his pockets. "nah, i'm thinking of quitting. i woke up and just didn't care if we win the next game or not. what difference does it make?" // @peachmuses
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sociietiesarc · 3 years
[ text; ryou-yo ] it’s been [ text; ryou-yo ] .... actually idk [ text; ryou-yo ] but are we gonna talk about it?
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satoisms · 3 years
   -- && @peachmuses​ ( ryou )
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   “ NICE shot. “ he didn’t realise he said that out loud.
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brumatifl · 3 years
it's his first time in this bakery , in particular , but he's heard that there are some amazing strawberry deserts from aomine's previous captain , and as such , he's here. the door jingles as he walks in , " i'm sorry -- are you open ? " he blinks slowly , as he zooms in on the strawberries , " wow, nijimura-san wasn't wrong , you do have a lot of strawberry deserts. which do you think is best ? " / from one sakurai ryou ur new bff
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it wasn't yuki's turn at the register today, she's in the back baking alongside the owner but it was ryou's luck that yuki walks out, a fresh batch of cookies in hand. she doesn't pay him any attention at first and begins stacking the cookies in their place before the familiar name of niji comes up. yuki looks at him for a second and is now sure he must be in a basketball team in some school, how else would he know niji?
"well," yuki says with a smile, dusting off her hands on her flour covered apron. "i like the strawberry shortbread cookies and the tart." and she points to each respectively. they hadn't made the cake today, and some recipes were still in the making but she's glad he seems impressed.
"and i just put out some freshly baked chocolate chips cookies, if you'd like some." and for a split second she wonders if she should even bring it up when she's called from the kitchen. "i have to go, but i hope you enjoy them. oh and tell niji that yuki says hi."
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses: " so ! " shuuzou says, looking at the self-proclaimed twins, " are we gonna talk about it ? "
they're all back in the hotel room now, lounging about in the common area and as shuuzou speaks, og slowly looks up from his phone to peer over at him. for a long moment, he remains quiet, blinking slowly before head turns to look back at his twin, of whom is wrapped around him in a way to keep warm since kazuya seems more interested in lingering near the microwaves as he waits for his leftover warm up.
" do you know what he's talking about? "
" no. do you? "
" no. "
the two of them nod, then look towards shuuzou in a sync that reminds makoto of all twins in horror movies -- he can see them now, holding hands, standing at the end of the hallway of this hotel as the lights flicker.
" talk about what? "
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sociieties · 1 year
kazuya doesn't actually have to be here -- could make makoto reorganize the lineup and have og play instead. it would help their chances against rakuzan, not that he's particularly worried, not that makoto's particularly worried about it, but og's here just in case kazuya runs. makoto doesn't expect him to, but kazuya's starting to revert back to a version of himself that makoto doesn't like, so he might just bench him anyway / kazuya slinks off to talk to reo while makoto goes from talking to the other coaches around to the captains when shuuzou finally shows up. man of the hour -- destroyer of the peace in the moment when he shows up just to come in still messed up from what barely qualifies as not-a-hookup.
akashi sighs, turning his attention towards makoto when he's approaches and makoto only shakes his head. no, don't ask him / he knows and doesn't want to talk about why shuuzou's shown up covered in scratches and bruises. all that matters is that he's fine.
" what's going on with him? he's never late to things like this? " akashi asks anyway. makoto sighs in response. " you don't want to know. " both of their attention moves onto shuuzou and tatsuya as they talk / kotarou approaches, " we never did get that scrim with shuutoku. " akashi looks towards him and makoto glares. kotarou raises both hands in defense before slinking away to find someone else to talk to.
" how could i not pay attention to you? " kazuya's reaching for his phone and reo steps away. kazuya steps forward, gaining nothing. " i love you, reo-chan, " and he doesn't particularly care who hears him. he ignores the way half of rakuzan looks towards him, ignore's og's gaze as well as he drops his hand, sighing. " only you. can you give me my phone? " " no. " reo stares hard at kazuya for a moment, eyes moving form his face to his hands before they're looking at his phone, opening the chat that got the most texts back and while reo doesn't reply immediately, they do read it. kazuya plans on breaking them up? figures. " kazuya, for the love of everything, you're not going to do what you said. it's not cute. " kazuya groans, head leaning back as he looks towards the ceiling. " jealousy isn't a good look on you. " kazuya groans again, watching as shuuzou drags akashi elsewhere. " i'm not jealous. "" oh, but you are? if you weren't, you wouldn't be trying to break them up. "
" i should be saying that to you, " akashi replies easily, considering the fact that nijimura was late. he keeps that part to himself, easily enough following after him. " you didn't bring me over here to ask about scrimmage predictions, what is it, really? are you okay? "
[ text; ryou-yo ] Hello! It's Reo, I had to take Kazuya's phone from him [ text; ryou-yo ] He's talking about Shuuzou, though [ text; ryou-yo ] He's told me about how close you two are... Please don't enable him
" don't ask yo-yo to do that-- " kazuya whines softly, leaning against reo.
reo rolls their eyes. " it's not the end of the world, kazuya. "
" yes it is.... "
" i'm really not liking this side of you. " they rolls their eyes, clicking off of the chat to open shuuzou's message and leaves read without responding. / @peachmuses
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses said: ryou's laid out on the couch - honey brown staring up at the ceiling. kazuya is sitting in a chair, and it's been silent for the last ten minutes. they should tell him right -- ryou would want to know if he was in kazuya's shoes. yah. they should tell him. " i broke up with atsumo. "
kazuya's on twitter, partially subtweeting his boyfriend, partially looking through his own notifications when best friend decides to break the silence. he thinks nothing of it, paying no mind to what's actually said and even after he takes a moment to look up from his phone. " ... who? "
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses said: they're all up when kazuya emerges from the room - and it's taken shuuzou a few minutes to notice the painted fingers tips / and the gold-painted lips on kazuya -- but now that' he's noticed, he's unable to look away. he stares / and stares / and debates and wonders about asking. the minute he opens his mouth, " why do you have p-" aint on you, the door to kazuya's room opens, and sakurai walks out also covered in paint. gold shimmies on cheeks and jaw, and shuuzou's eyes sharpen on lavender -- cloud designs and is that a moon ? that peeks out from sakurai's -- impossibly sharp collarbone. " so. " shuuzou starts, hesitantly glancing at og for a fraction of a second, " why do both of you have paint on you ? " / vr.
when kazuya leaves the room, he heads straight for an empty couch, stretching out across it, legs kicked up as he lays his head against the armrest. he stares blankly up at the ceiling, lavender stained hand settling against his forehead, palm up as his mind slowly slips into a simple quiet buzz where nothing else exists but the feeling of warm flesh taking cool paint and kazuya pays no mind to the way everyone else stares at him. he yawns, eyes eventually closing as he rubs his nose with gold-stained hand, doing so with knuckle as to not get any paint on himself. this paint is for ryou, not him. if he's to be painted, then ryou will do it. until then, he'll wait for ryou to get up and help him clean himself up so he doesn't get any of the paint on anything.
og, like shuuzou, have since noticed that kazuya's not exactly a clean kazuya, but one colored in paints and he, too, wonders what exactly is going on. shuuzou speaks and ryou, as if on cue, swings the door open, revealing kazuya's latest masterpiece and og cannot help but to stare. ( he was right. he doesn't know how he was right, or why he was right, but he was and this, somehow, proves it. ) clouds and moon are sprawled across ryou's neck, but it's the golden paint that matches that of what's on kazuya's lips that truly catches his attention. marks are scrawled across his twins face like stars across the night sky and og's head tilts the slightest bit before hetrochomatic gaze snaps back onto kazuya, who's not moved a muscle.
like shuuzou, og just has to ask. " ... so... "
" ryou-yo used to paint on me all the time, " kazuya answers with ease, eyes still closed as his head tilts ever so slightly in the direction where he remembers og and shuuzou to be. ryou might be focusing on og for the month, but he will never paint on him -- not the way he'd done kazuya. not how frequently he'd done it until kazuya up and disappeared on him, leaving him with a dark, moonless sky before he's found again and all is right with the world. kazuya was jealous for nothing. he is ryou's favorite, not anyone else. " he'd draw on me and my clothes, or paint, or do whatever he wanted to do because he wanted to do it and i'd let him. " this, however, explains nothing. " and sometimes i'd paint on him, too. after he'd finish and would show me, he'd shove paint and brushes in my hands and let me paint whatever came to mind even if i was shit at it. " he blinks an eye open, looking over at shuuzou through lavender hair that his mind barely even processes these days. " i wanted to paint. why, do you want to be painted on? "
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sociieties · 2 years
@peachmuses: "kise-kun, you beautiful man you. I could - won't- but could kiss you, at this very given moment." is this said loudly to where ppg AND pb can hear him? yes. does ryou even care ? absolutely not. he glances up at him, nearly vibrating out of his seat, " how on earth did you manage to get this? "
his face lights up even more when sakurai calls him beautiful ( while he knows this to be true, it's still very nice to hear ) and he pushes his sunglasses to the top of his head. " want to say that any louder? " he'd enjoy it a lot more than his friend would, as kise's addicted to attention, so much so that he's thriving under the looks he gets from the two friend groups surrounding them. " but it was easy, sakurai-chan~! don't you know, i have connections everywhere. friend of a friend, and all. and don't worry about travel or anything else, that's all included. buuuut it'll be you, me, and about six other super models, you think you can handle that? "
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sociieties · 2 years
@peachmuses: okay so MAYBE, perhaps, ryou is out on a date with atsumo and they're walking into macca's to grab a burger. except ! powerpuff girls ! and pandora's box are also there. atsumo is following behind him, maybe half-a-step when ryou stops and stares wide-eyed at kazuya whose staring at him. " ah. " ryou says. uh oh.
at first, kazuya's not particularly bothered, attention only shifting towards the door as costume when he hears the bell. inherent, involuntary nature of response to sound / nothing more than that until he spots his best friend. for a split second, he stares, aware that his usual group of friends were also there, without him, just a table behind him and his own friends. his gaze only remains for a moment longer before eyes flicker to the figure behind ryou-yo. atsumo / a park if his mind tanks. what are they doing together? " hey, " he breathes, aware of movement behind him. atsumo's the last person he wants to see, even after three months / fuck / fuck / fuck. " how do you know him? "
atsumo shifts behind ryou, stopping in an almost jerk as ryou stops all but inside the threshold. subtly, he nudges his date inside just to get from standing in the doorway. hearing kazuya's voice, atsumo's face drops in confusion for a split second before his gaze dances over familiar face to look at the other's he was with. all unfamiliar, and he notices as one them looks the slightest bit uncomfortable. " you know him? " atsumo asks ryou, voice quiet. this is going to end terribly, he just knows it.
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sociieties · 2 years
@peachmuses: " i want to do something stupid, " ryou says, staring at his twin. " take me to go something stupid. "
" depends. " og hasn't know his twin for too, too long, but he can at least tell when something's bothering him. this is one of those times and instead of asking, og settled for doing exactly not that, offering friend a brownie. " it's laced. " fair warning. " how stupid is stupid? "
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sociieties · 2 years
@peachmuses: hanae and ryou are out shopping, sora is trailing behind them - they've each got about ten bags on each arm when they happen upon niji and zuzu. " oh - it's ha- chan! " ryou claims, and hanae, " oh hi son ! " she chirps, waving. her eyes slide to niji, " whose this ? "
" shuu, we're going th— " and he gets caught anyway. red handed shuuzou handed, as he'd hooked one of his arms around shuu's to drag him off in the opposite direction after catching a mere glimpse of the two of them. but! he's caught anyway. shuuzou was never supposed to meet these people, not while he's ryou-yo's favoritte tropes all wrapped up into one. damn. he failed. " heeeyyyyyyy, " he answers, slowly turning to face the family. " um, see about that... "
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses: " so the thing is, " ryou starts, as he's laid out on the couch, sipping on the strawberry shake kise's brought him, " ha-chan gets possessive ? jealous ? when attention isn't on him when it's someone he wants attention from. " really, they're the same way in that way / and they've certainly not helped each other with bettering that specific part of themselves, " you didn't do anything. "
kise blinks slowly, further sinking into the couch as ryou begins explaining, eyes moving from phone screen ( currently updating his portfolio ), to actually eye his friend. " right, " he drawls, slowly locking his screen. " possessiveness stems from jealousy-- usually -- sometimes. " so really, he gets it. mostly. after a pause, head tilts and blonde hair falls in front of eye. " does he like nijimura-senpai-- " even better, " does nijimura-senpai know? they're not together, are they? " no, that can't be possible / he's never heard anything about nijimura liking or dating anyone. oh, momoi, she's got some explaining to do, she's sure to know something about it. " wait-- wait, wait, wait-- "
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sociieties · 2 years
@peachmuses: so maybe he's sending the message an hour after makoto had told him too / but he is sending it. [ imayoshi, sent, 1 am ] hanamiya-kun told me to text you. [ imayoshi, sent ] hi.
[ text, sakurai ] hi [ text, sakurai ] why did he tell you to text me?
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses: " zu, rai! you two are never going to believe this shit, " shuuzou all but bursts down the door entering into their space. ( it's family dinner night, and he has complaints. ) unwrapping scarf around from neck, as he continues, " so apparently the kids decided that i'm their new pet project, " he dips down to take off his shoes before putting them neatly into the closet and grabbing his own slippers, " and so they're trying to get me to date the english teacher the--- " he's walking into the living room, voice trailing off as he stares wide-eyed at makoto and tatsuya. " we have company, shuu. " shuuzou blinks, " i ... see that. anyways, where are my children at ? koda, baby, c'mere! " there's a bark, and an excited dog barrelling it's way towards shuuzou, who barely manages to balance himself before the dog knocks him over. " whose the bestest boy in the entire world ? you are ! yes you are ! " yippi too, makes her way over to him, before she sis and loudly meows at him, putting her paw on his leg, " yes yes, i didn't forget you too, princess. " / bad end.
makoto's talking about one of the times he ended up lost in la -- some story about how he was out with tatsuya just for tatsuya to go off somewhere for about two seconds and next thing makoto knows, he's standing outside some wendy's and there's a group of drunken twenty somethings trying to talk to him. when the door opens, he's at the part where they'd been trying to invite him to some after party and that was around the time tatsuya had come back, only for everyone around him to scatter. he doesn't get to tell that part, though, as attention shifts to the door when it opens and shuuzou's calling out / makoto peering over at the scene with tatsuya, now silent.
kazuya, as mostly expected, is smiling when shuuzou enters their line of sight, head tilting towards his soulmate as he stops what he was talking about just to change the subject and his gaze soon moves back towards the other two. well -- he's not really surprised, and as koda comes racing down the hall, kazuya leans back into his seat, a warm satisfaction resting in his chest. " i'm almost convinced you're using us for out children, " kazuya muses gently, laughing to himself as he remembers how he had to put koda away as he wouldn't stop growling at makoto and tatsuya. " if you're talking about the same kids that're trying to keep you caught up with whatever slang the kids are using now, i'm not really surprised. " but that can wait for when the other two aren't around, so he waves his hand dismissively. " they sorta just dropped by, i dunno. " smile turns grin, " koda wouldn't stop growling about it, either. "
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