#mysz! alt.
sociieties · 1 year
kazuya doesn't actually have to be here -- could make makoto reorganize the lineup and have og play instead. it would help their chances against rakuzan, not that he's particularly worried, not that makoto's particularly worried about it, but og's here just in case kazuya runs. makoto doesn't expect him to, but kazuya's starting to revert back to a version of himself that makoto doesn't like, so he might just bench him anyway / kazuya slinks off to talk to reo while makoto goes from talking to the other coaches around to the captains when shuuzou finally shows up. man of the hour -- destroyer of the peace in the moment when he shows up just to come in still messed up from what barely qualifies as not-a-hookup.
akashi sighs, turning his attention towards makoto when he's approaches and makoto only shakes his head. no, don't ask him / he knows and doesn't want to talk about why shuuzou's shown up covered in scratches and bruises. all that matters is that he's fine.
" what's going on with him? he's never late to things like this? " akashi asks anyway. makoto sighs in response. " you don't want to know. " both of their attention moves onto shuuzou and tatsuya as they talk / kotarou approaches, " we never did get that scrim with shuutoku. " akashi looks towards him and makoto glares. kotarou raises both hands in defense before slinking away to find someone else to talk to.
" how could i not pay attention to you? " kazuya's reaching for his phone and reo steps away. kazuya steps forward, gaining nothing. " i love you, reo-chan, " and he doesn't particularly care who hears him. he ignores the way half of rakuzan looks towards him, ignore's og's gaze as well as he drops his hand, sighing. " only you. can you give me my phone? " " no. " reo stares hard at kazuya for a moment, eyes moving form his face to his hands before they're looking at his phone, opening the chat that got the most texts back and while reo doesn't reply immediately, they do read it. kazuya plans on breaking them up? figures. " kazuya, for the love of everything, you're not going to do what you said. it's not cute. " kazuya groans, head leaning back as he looks towards the ceiling. " jealousy isn't a good look on you. " kazuya groans again, watching as shuuzou drags akashi elsewhere. " i'm not jealous. "" oh, but you are? if you weren't, you wouldn't be trying to break them up. "
" i should be saying that to you, " akashi replies easily, considering the fact that nijimura was late. he keeps that part to himself, easily enough following after him. " you didn't bring me over here to ask about scrimmage predictions, what is it, really? are you okay? "
[ text; ryou-yo ] Hello! It's Reo, I had to take Kazuya's phone from him [ text; ryou-yo ] He's talking about Shuuzou, though [ text; ryou-yo ] He's told me about how close you two are... Please don't enable him
" don't ask yo-yo to do that-- " kazuya whines softly, leaning against reo.
reo rolls their eyes. " it's not the end of the world, kazuya. "
" yes it is.... "
" i'm really not liking this side of you. " they rolls their eyes, clicking off of the chat to open shuuzou's message and leaves read without responding. / @peachmuses
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peachmuses · 1 year
@sociieties asked: “ souls don’t meet by accident. ” // sz alt
" latin has at least two words for stars -- " although, really, kazuya already knows this with his interest in classical literature, surely. " stella, sider. we get words like consider from 'sider' but plainly, it means to gaze at the stars. " attention shifts to kazuya, from his place on the other's floor, " i like to believe that souls come from the stars. " hands draw a circle in the air, " everything is a circle and comes back to the beginning. you, i, others, are all made up of star stuff. that souls come together, and seek each other because it's got stuff that the other soul is missing. " a shrug, " that's what i like to believe, something like fate for all of it. i don't really believe in a higher power, but i do believe in the universe and the stars. "
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ustribunenews-blog · 6 years
for My Size Inc (Nasdaq:MYSZ), Ending At $1.35
for My Size Inc (Nasdaq:MYSZ), Ending At $1.35
My Size Inc (Nasdaq:MYSZ)
September 21st, 2018
With markets going up My Size Inc rose $0.37 Thursday, up 37.76%, closing at $1.35. The stock continues to trade well at 137% of its 52 week low of $0.57. While it is positive news the stock ended higher, the trading volumes were only 0.00% of normal which could be an indication of investor uncertainty. Be aware that the Altman Z-Score1 (An indicator…
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magda36lena · 6 years
Przed świętami
foto: sasint
Wielki Post już się kończy, święta za progiem. Przed Bożym narodzeniem narobiłam rabanu, a teraz siedzę cicho, jak mysz pod miotłą. Bo potrzebuję ciszy, coraz bardziej potrzebuję ciszy. To nie znaczy, że się nie przygotowuję. Bardzo dużo się modlę. Chyba jeszcze nigdy w życiu nie modliłam się tak dużo, jak teraz. Nawet wtedy, kiedy bardzo, bardzo chciałam się dostać do szkoły…
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses: someone is attempting to wake him him and he vaguely waves them off, groaning. his head hurts and finally he peeks open his eyes to spot a fuzzy kazuya in his vision. he's saying something about coffee --- " i don't want coffee. " and then he's rolling back over into the pillow. it's hot. why is his pillow hot !
to be completely honest, makoto barely remembers waking up earlier, much less coming to college tatsuya -- he only knows that he did because tatsuya's here, with him, in his bed, even though makoto distinctly remembers falling asleep on the floor next to shuuzou. he's confused / tatsuya's confused / even kazuya's confused, who'd come into his room to finally wake up shuuzou only to have the offer of coffee rejected.
wait -- what?
kazuya looks towards makoto and tatsuya ( and briefly, he questions why they were together only to drop it ), head tilting as mug of coffee remains in his hand. " what just happened? "
makoto only barely lifts his head, hair mussed and eyes barely open as he squints over towards kazuya, then at shuuzou, who's fussing with his pillow. " ah.... "
" what? "
" he's sick. " meaning that makoto is going to get sick, actually / considering the night before. he blinks, looking back towards tatsuya. " if one of us gets sick, we're both fucked. "
" you can tell that just because he said no to coffee? " kazuya pauses. " what's up with you two, anyway? "
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses: it's about a week after shuu and mako got into it, and kazuya and tatsuya had all but dragged shuuzou to makotos place, and left him there. he doesn't want to talk to him! he doesn't want to talk to anyone! let him be alone. he's good at it ! but noooooo, neither one is any good at listening and when faced with makoto, shuuzou broke down. it's now around 3 am, and shuuzou still hasn't fallen asleep. " ako-chan? " softly, quiet into the dark of the room. it's a new moon / and no light comes through the window. shuuzous fists clench at his sides, under the covers. makoto makes a noise and shuuzou's eyes focus on the ceiling. " I'm scared. " admitted softly into the night. " there's--- everything. and I'm so overwhelmed. " a boyfriend who won't let him break up with him, a boyfriend who shuuzou knows is textbook abusive but feels familiar anyways and really, doesnt he deserve it school, club, job, trying to keep up with his friends, kazuya, his family. " everything, " he's half choked up and trying to get words out, " everything is changing and I hate it. I hate it I hate it i hate it. " breathing picks up, and tears begin to roll down his face silently. " i don't- I don't want you to leave me too. I- I'm sorry. I just want to go back to when things made sense and I felt in control of things and not this roller-coaster i can't seem to get off of no matter how much I try or scream. I'm so - " a hiccup, " im so tired of myself. "
makoto is alone -- was alone / used to it. also used to someone, usually shuuzou ( a person of which is isn't speaking to currently ), breaking into his house / sometimes kazuya / tatsuya uses the spare key -- his own mother comes home at weird and random hours -- all of which has lead to him growing numb to question the sound of anyone even coming in. ( briefly, makoto thinks every now and again, if someone else ever broke into his house, he'd be fucked. ) this time it's his friends, barging in at one of the worst hours / as makoto lies there in bed wishing everything could stop happening / that he could get off of this shitshow roller coaster and just go to sleep instead of rethinking and overthinking the argument with his best friend.
tatsuya had said that it wasn't his fault day after day, and each time, makoto said that he knew it, logically speaking, but that didn't change the fact that it didn't feel like that was the case. shuuzou, after all, had said that he didn't need him and something inside of makoto broke into four million pieces while he waited for a slamming door that never came. this, he thinks, is a testament to his relationship with shuuzou -- how one thing happens and other things, in turn, also happen, and shuuzou's walking out of his life and makoto can't do anything about it. he is so tired of shuuzou leaving him behind. ( tired of the way shuuzou used to leave his house to go back to his own hell. tired of the way they grew up together just for shuuzou to leave him to go to a different middle school ( that much was a deal, but it was shuuzou's idea, not makoto's. ) tired of the way shuuzou jumped ship and vanished to another country, another continent without so much as giving him a single warning. ) when shuuzou runs away, he is always silent about it / there, then gone, much like a ghost. when he went inside to grab his things just to run away from his own house, it's silent and unfinished like a drafted chapter.
shuuzou said that he didn't need makoto. makoto knows that he's always needed his friend more than his friend needed him. he cried that day and has been feeling himself decay since. ( it doesn't help that the others left, too. tatsuya to go back to akita / he's responsible / he can't just shirk his responsibilities at yosen. kazuya left, presumably to fine shuuzou / makoto hadn't seen him since. )
makoto, however, unlike his boyfriend, has been ignoring his duties, skipping school under the claim of being sick, letting seto take care of the team in his absence. after his fight with shuuzou / he just couldn't / completely shutting down after he'd finally gotten home that day.
and yet. and yet / and yet / and yet / his home is being broken into while makoto can't think -- the door to his bedroom is forced open and kazuya's throwing a wayward shuuzou into his room before pulling it closed and makoto only watches as shuuzou tries for the door only for it to not open. kazuya's doing, no doubt. shuuzou then tries for the window / makoto watches the way shuuzou moves away from it like there's something stopping him for leaving from there, too, before the other deflates in defeat and all makoto can do is stare. why are things like this?
finally, eventually, shuuzou speaks and makoto slowly turns his attention towards his childhood best friend as the other admits to being scared and makoto can feel himself frowning before he knows it. he hates everything about this. best friend cries and makoto is beside himself with guilt. ( his fault / his fault / his fault. ) " shuu... "
makoto shifts, turning over to first face shuuzou, then moves again as he crawls in top of him much like shuuzou tends to do when he's trying to wake him up because he wants attention. " i'm sorry, " it's honest and soft, frown deepening as he again tells himself to get his shit together. " i-- " he's stupid and he needs his best friend, actually. he's hurting enough as is and he doesn't need shuuzou staying away from him. there's enough going on behind the scenes. " i'm sorry, shuu, i went too far, i shouldn't have said what i said. " to go that far over weed was completely incomprehensible, but shuuzou called makoto a bitch and makoto responded with saying some of the worst things that came to mind, none of which were related to the original topic at hand. " i just-- "
he's just got a lot on his plate and he's not like shuuzou. makoto breaks internally before there's something cracking and falling apart inside of him, causing him to implode before he implodes. he's just as much a coil twisted too tightly as he is a shitshow and when the coil gives and snaps, makoto breaks from the inside out. he can't help it. he's shit at dealing with himself.
makoto's tired of himself, too.
" i'm tired, " he admits willingly. " i'm stressed out and tired and sad and angry and-- " his throat tightens and he blinks away the urge to cry because this really isn't about him, but it is, even if it's not and makoto has to explain his actions to be understood. " i'd been on my best behavior for months now and you questioning me indulging one tiny thing felt like you saying i couldn't. " and really, it was just weed. it could have been so much worse. " i didn't like it when you blamed tatsuya because i'm capable of making my own decisions and at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if he influenced me or not. " tatsuya is his boyfriend, shuuzou, he's been trying to say it for a while now. " and-- "
breath hitches and he again feels like he's watching himself slowly shatter as tears begin rolling down his face as well. " i just sit here and watch things happen that i can't do anything about because everything's either out of my power or no one listens to me anymore and i hate it. i-- i keep feeling like you're pushing me out and picking tatsu and zuya over me, like i'm some sort of chore. " makoto's sat back and watched kazuya slowly become more and more important to shuuzou, more so than him and tatsuya / differently than him. he's had to come to terms with knowing that shuuzou replaced him in america with tatsuya / that tatsuya came to japan and shuuzou came back a different person with a different best friend and there's no space for him. makoto hates change. " like you care more about the both of them more than you do me as if i wasn't you best friend first. like that didn't mean something -- like it never did. "
shuuzou came to makoto. not the other way around.
he chokes back his tears, wiping them away with his wrist as he sniffles. he's so sick of crying, actually. " because you replaced me with tatsuya, and then kazuya, and now i don't know where i stand or why you keep clinging onto the past as if we're the same as we used to be. i'm not the same. you're not the same. i know that, and i hate it, but it is what it is, so i accepted it, but you keep acting like you want to put me into some box -- like you don't want me to grow. "
and it's suffocating and makoto hates it and he hates that he has to say any of this anyway.
" and mom was pregnant-- " makoto's largest stressor, truly. " she was almost three months, shuu. " he pauses, heaving in a large gulp of air. " or she would have been, but something happened, and she just told me like two weeks ago-- i knew she was and just when i came to terms with that, she lost it and i didn't -- don't -- know what to do or say or think and i've just been keeping it to myself because she didn't want you guys to know since she didn't want to worry you and it's just been slowly killing me and i took everything out on you and i'm sorry. "
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses: it's just tatsuya and makoto at hh tonight / shuuzou and kazuya are both gone for whatever reason. ( tatsuya thinks, shuuzou is probably out with aoki and kazuya is attempting to destroy them for whatever reason. ) tatsuya's on the back porch smoking and makoto is sitting next to him. he states that he hasn't smoked before and dark eyes move to boyfriend, before lips curl upwards, and he's ashing, before he gestures makoto to come over to him. pulling him down on his lap, " that's okay, let me show you. " a mutter, as hands turn over to hold joint at boyfriends lip, " put your lips where mine was, inhale -- you're doing so good sweetheart, exhale, it's okay to cough -- " / mytz alt.
he’s been high before, once, with og, about half a year ago now. back then, he had a panic attack and never bothered again / that, however, wasn’t from him smoking. that was then and this is now — he’s with tatsuya and before he knows it, tatsuya’s tugging him onto lap and makoto blinks as he shifts to make himself comfortable. there’s a joint at his lips before he knows it — he’s not complaining — and curious gaze shifts to boyfriend as he’s being talked through it. he does as told, easily enough following cooed out instructions / inhale / tatsuya praises him / makoto exhales slowly. he doesn’t cough, not particularly feeling the need to — instead decides he wants to do it again, this time holding it for a few passing seconds before he breathes out.
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses said: " shuu's tying a noose around his neck, " tatsuya says leaning into makoto. he speaks quietly, " and i don't think he knows how to stop. " between kazuya -- the mysterious boyfriend whose name shuuzou refuses to tell him -- and akashi. " i think, " he continues, " he's scared. he doesn't know what to do. " / mysz alt.
makoto shakes his head, allowing the silence to envelop them once again before he chooses to speak his mind, wetting lips before he says anything. " shuu, " and really, makoto is so very tired of thinking about the situation, " is usually scared. " makoto won't say why. he won't tell his boyfriend about the things his best friend refuses to say, refuses to be the one to talk about a past neither of them like to think of. " he almost never knows what to do, " a sad truth, one spoken to the ceiling and makoto leans back into tatsuya. " there's too much going on for him-- " shuuzou's a person that works best when he can focus on things one at a time, but different things keep happening, " i want to help, i just don't know how to with this... "
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peachmuses · 1 year
@sociieties asked: makoto’s told that he doesn’t smoke by shuuzou and it’s so abrupt that he has to question it / instinct kicks as head rears towards his best friend, no longer looking at tatsuya, who’d been offering him a smoke, just to stare at shuuzou. “ who told you i didn’t smoke, shuu? ” he gets it / makoto doesn’t smoke around him / but that’s so stupid to assume so. “ that’s news to me. ” / mysz alt
for the most part -- shuuzou is only speaking based on what he knows. makoto cares about what goes into his body / makoto is more strict with his workout regime than shuuzou is himself and shuuzou had joked once that he'd probably marry a gym before he actually settled down. makoto doesn't smoke. ( he's never seen it / thus makoto doesn't smoke. makoto, after all, shuuzou thinks, is the best of them all. ) still / he watches as makoto gestures at tatsuya who offers it towards makoto wordlessly, and shuuzou's eyes watch curiously and he speaks, again, without thinking. makoto's offended -- and shuuzou's brows furrow as he turns attention fully away from the conversation that kazuya and tatsuya had been having to look towards makoto, a brow raising. " since when do you smoke mako ? i never imagined you the one to smoke out of all of us. " tatsuya slowly pulls back, blinking slowly, " does it matter ? you've smoked before. "
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peachmuses · 1 year
@sociieties asked: ryou has since come, gone, and come back for kazuya / left to go grab him something out of concern for distressed best friend and now that kazuya doesn't feel like the entire world is ending -- at least, not as severely as about an hour ago, he's stretched out in one of the seats near the wall. much like shuuzou, he'd been in and out of sleep, groggily trapped in some mild hold of vague consciousness as makoto and tatsuya whispered about whatever the hell they were whispering about. randomly, upon feeling more awake than asleep, he breathes in sharply, halfway sitting up. " .... i feel drugged.... " / alt.
tatsuya thinks, for everything, he's doing really well for not going off the deep end. it's been nothing but a whirlwind since he stepped off the train -- shuuzou who had gotten jumped; and brought to the hospital by makoto. only for him to walk in on boyfriend, breaking down in tears by himself -- trying to calm him down, only for when he finally gets makoto to breath / best friend calls him - dead-voiced, talking about he doesn't know where he is except next to a dead body and he has to go get him. ( dead bodies are not a problem for tatsuya / the problem is that kazuya is his best friend and he sounds empty. ) finally, finally, tatsuya thinks, once they're back in the hospital, things will be fine. ( except things aren't / because shuuzou wakes up and he only remembers makoto - and not even the current makoto but a younger makoto. ) kazuya loses his mind upon finding out that shuuzou doesn't remember him / shuuzou is visibly confused when they say that that it's his boyfriend / makoto follows kazuya out -- sakurai shows up - leaves - returns. ( he brings something for kazuya / food for the rest of them. ) currently, things are set up like this. shuuzou, laying in the bed, asleep. kazuya curled in a chair, asleep, and tatsuya is tired but refusing to sleep. makoto is currently trying to get tatsuya to relax, but there is movement to the side, and tatsuya's gaze moves from boyfriend to best friend. he blinks. " why do you feel drugged ? " the door opens, and the doctor walks in as tatsuya speaks, and the doctor looks between the three of them, before focusing on shuuzou. sometimes, he thinks, it's best if he doesn't know things, and the doctor is already tired of these kids. ( one's all but threatened his career, the other two give off vibes that they'll kill him if given the chance. )
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peachmuses · 1 year
sociieties asked: makoto’s just waking from his impromptu nap, more so ripped from his sleep than anything else. he’s fairly dazed from it, breathing heavy as eyes open and the first thing he registers is that he’s on his stomach. the second is that tatsuya’s still here, bare shouldered and facing away from him. makoto, tempted, doesn’t fight the urge that comes, moving to press a kiss against shoulder / breathing evens, quietens / makoto then bites him. ( mysz alt )
tatsuya's phone goes off -- waking him from light sleep and he's pulling himself up and turns his back from makoto as he talks quietly on the phone. it's shuuzou / wondering where he's at, and tatsuya could tell him he's at makoto's -- chooses not to do that, as he knows his best friend will all but barge in at the moment and tatsuya's comfortable and doesn't feel like having to get dressed at the moment. he and makoto are just hooking up / they're not dating, currently. he hears sheets ruffling behind him, and he feels lips against bare shoulder / before teeth and he's letting out a small gasp and shuuzou's voice - before he's hanging up the phone and twisting around to face makoto, a brow raising, " you're awake, " way to state the obvious, " are you saying you want round two ? "
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peachmuses · 1 year
sociieties asked: it's august / still hot outside, but shuuzou keeps it cool inside the horror house and kazuya's comfortably stretched across him. nobody's said anything for about the past twenty minutes, all absorbed with something or another when kazuya chooses to facetime ryou and when the sound of connecting call airs, kazuya ignores the way tatsuya and makoto look at him. whatever they want to know, he doesn't particularly care. his gaze settles on the wall across the room as he holds his phone up close enough to himself to show his best friend his face. " i'm so tired, " he begins, voice soft as he airs out something he's been thinking for months. he pauses, sighing as he shifts to bury his face into shuuzou's neck, grip on phone loosening before device falls somewhere between shuuzou and the couch. " .... i'm so tired of harming people... " / mysz alt :)
kazuya's laid out on top of him / and shuuzou's going in between curious glances at best friend, phone, and occasionally napping. he's scrolling through tiktok -- most of which his fyp is gym routines, story times and sports -- out of boredom. ( august is hot / and he feels like he's melting really - but kazuya is a welcoming comfort weight on top of him, and shuuzou doesn't mind in the least. ) he's got his hand hooked under kazuya's shirt, thumb rubbing across flesh gently. he hears connecting call, glances up blinking himself out of focus on phone and sees sakurai through the phone screen briefly. he nods. ryou's at the gym when kazuya facetimes them. ( his mother sent him to practice, and they know better than to bail on a gym where his mother frequents enough. ) he sits at a table, to answer the call, and best friend comes across screen. ryou waves -- and then he sees nijimura-san, and they wave to him as well. " ha-chan ? " he questions softly, and when he speaks, a barely there frown graces his face. kazuya's phone drops down and his frown tightens / before they're being moved again, this time by nijimura. shuuzou's attention flicks back down to the phone, and kazuya begins to speak, and shuuzou is looking back up. he blinks, and closes out of tiktok, and laying his phone next to him on the arm of the couch behind him. kazuya shifts, and buries his face into his neck, and shuuzou breathes out, as kazuya speaks into his neck, and shuuzou's removing his hand from under kazuya's shirt to run fingers through hair, while other hand moves to pick kazuya's phone back up. he settles it so sakurai can see their best friend, and shuuzou hums softly. ryou breathes out. ha-chan hurts people / intentionally / unintentionally. " ha-chan, " they say softly, as shuuzou's eyes flicker to the phone, and ryou continues, and wonders for a moment, if he's still taking his medications. his gaze flickers to shuuzou, but he doesn't ask. " what's going on ? "
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peachmuses · 1 year
sociieties asked:
kazuya has no particular reason to be with aoki, but he is / he'd found him a week ago and they've hooked up twice since, both of which were moments of nothing more than kazuya's attempt to further ruin his relationship with shuuzou. while aoki may be dating shuuzou ( loosely put / kazuya knows there's plenty wrong with this relationship ), shuuzou is kazuya's and he's been sure to let both of them know it.
kazuya's already up and dressed, fastening his belt while aoki tends to himself. he walks over with ease, fingers threading through the other's hair while he's told he gets why shuuzou is so obsessed with him. ( kazuya knows it to be true. he also knows that if he keeps coming here, aoki will become obsessed as well. if that happens, maybe aoki will stop touching shuuzou. ) " you know, " fingers tighter around hair as he pushes aoki's head down, only reluctantly letting go. " you'll be next if you don't watch yourself. stay away from shuu, i'll ruin you, akito. don't piss me off. "
the first time that he had hooked up with kazuya - was out of pure curiosity as to what he had that drove shuuzou to liking him. ( and aoki thinks, shuuzou is in love with him and unwilling to admit to it. it would explain - well. everything, about his boyfriend who isn't really his boyfriend but is his boyfriend in the -- well, they call each other boyfriends and that's what matters. ) the second time -- it had just happened. ( aoki still doesn't get it. kazuya treats it - him - as if he's some type of chore. there's no passion / no kisses / nothing. he thinks, he'd feel like a blow-up sex doll for kazuya more than a human body. and kazuya is good at it - don't get aoki wrong, but he doesn't see what drives shuuzou to be obsessed with him. he thinks his boyfriend must be some form of dickmatized by him. ) either way - aoki likes it. aoki also wonders if shuuzou knows that kazuya is hooking up with him / he knows that kazuya is hooking up with shuuzou. he knows that he doesn't like it more often than not but doesn't say anything. shuuzou treats him as if he's stupid / aoki lets him. he thinks shuuzou tries --- but trying and doing are two different things. the third time that he and shuuzou had hooked up - aoki had wrapped his arms around his shoulders and told him to imagine him as someone else; anyone else, that shuuzou wanted; he called him kazuya. ( aoki also pretended shuuzou was someone else. ) shuuzou had kept him up all night / and the next day , had left with a barely there kiss off to some game of all things. ( ugh. he hates sports, actually. he would date a guy who likes them. ) kazuya is getting dressed / and aoki is cleaning himself up, ( because kazuya doesn't help / because kazuya doesn't care. ) in the middle of wiping himself down, he says something, off-handedly about how he can somewhat understand why shuuzou's obsessed with him. ( again, aoki thinks, that kazuya isn't that great / but he is good with sex, and really, who wouldn't enjoy getting their brains scrambled. and aoki knows that kazuya marks up shuuzou -- covers whatever bruises he leaves on him, with his own. ) kazuya had told him to stay away from shuuzou when they first met and aoki had scoffed at him. it ended with aoki turned around / face held down and to the side, bent over. kazuya's fingers thread through light brown locks of hair that is just long enough to grab onto, and blue eyes look upwards automatically, trailing arm, muscles, to land on face that he can't even see. he's then shoved down, and warned again. " why is shuuzou so important ? " he questions finally , not even bothering to again, state his name. kazuya has always called him by anything but his name. ( he knows, kazuya does it to create a sense of superiority. ) / why is kazuya so important to shuuzou. " you say he's yours but he warms my bed too. is he really yours if he's with someone else ? "
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peachmuses · 1 year
sociieties asked:
shuuzou has a boyfriend. kazuya remembers hearing this from makoto -- it was an accident, shuuzou and makoto were talking about it and kazuya hadn't entered their line of sight and when he heard boyfriend he stopped and listened before choosing to go on about his business. what the fuck, shuuzou? why? he's been sitting on this a few days now, bothered by it but pushing the thoughts aside for the time being. all his favorites are around, after all / yosen had come down to tokyo to play seirin in a scrimmage, rakuzan came to play one against scrimmage, and the next day, the winners play the losers and losers play the winners. kazuya has no idea why this is happening, but it is and he doesn't care too much about those details since he'll just do whatever it is that he needs to do, but what the fuck is about this boyfriend thing?
currently, kazuya's spending his time with reo, having heard that shuuzou went off to commandeer akashi for whatever reason and kazuya has so, so many questions.
[ text; ryou-yo ] he has a boyfriend???? [ text; ryou-yo ] i look up and he has a fucking boyfriend??? [ text; ryou-yo ] fuck this, i'm gonna break them up [ text; zou ] what's up with you and little red?
reo then takes his phone. " pay attention to me. "
it isn't as if shuuzou somehow meant to actually date someone ( okay. he did. he made out with kazuya on makoto's floor and then fled; realised that he was very much attracted to kazuya and decided the best way to deal with that was to date someone who wasn't kazuya. is it the best idea ? probably not, but he makes a living out of making bad decisions. which is how he gets here ; dating someone so not his type - who isn't even interested in any kind of sports or anything. ) aoki is nice - somewhat nice, and really it's casual more than anything, but he isn't sly and sneaky like shuuzou likes them. he's soft / and shuuzou is pretty sure he's never been in a fight a day in his life - but he can cook, and really, it works. somehow. barely. he's pretty much the opposite of what kazuya looks like -- and that's all he wanted. someone not kazuya / someone not kazuya to kiss. ( shuuzou also thinks, that aoki is using him too -- to get over his first love. it works for them. ) shuuzou -- had been hanging out with makoto and telling him about aoki, who had just stared and sighed at him, and shuuzou shrugged. ( it's better than dating kazuya. it's better than dating his best friend. makoto and tatsuya are also his best friends - but shuuzou has already dated tatsuya and that crashed and burned like an airplane that lost control in mid-air and it set his fields on fire when he had left. tatsuya would have laughed at the analogy, shuuzou knows, if he told him. makoto is makoto - shuuzou won't touch makoto. he's thought about that too; late at night, and wondered what the fuck was wrong with him. ) makoto had then pointed out - that akashi existed, and he could have dated him and shuuzou had shook his head. ( akashi is good; and shuuzou would taint him with his little dirty hands. he will not touch akashi - no matter what. even if he thinks about him sometimes. even if it's something he's tossed around mentally before. akashi is like makoto, to him. they're all burning houses and shuuzou refuses to let himself burn them down. neither one of them will work out. ) aoki offers to come to his "little games" and shuuzou's nose scrunches as he pulls shirt over his head and he shakes his head. ( that actually sounds like a recipe for disaster, really. aoki, akashi, kazuya, makoto, tatsuya ---- no. that's just something waiting to start out and shuuzou really doesn't want to see the fall-out from it. not really from the others - but shuuzou will panic and his safe place will no longer be safe. he can't have that. ) he's putting his shoes on, and grabbing his bag from aoki's kitchen table, before pressing a dis-interested kiss on his lips, and telling him he'll be back later and to have a good day. aoki sighs into the kiss, and shuuzou removes himself from boyfriend before he begins the trek across the city to his school. the first scrimmage of the day is yosen vs. seirin - and seirin has offered their gym for it all. everyone is there by the time that shuuzou enters, a hand coming up to run through hair, as he blinks. he hasn't seen this gym this full in a while. makoto quirks a brow at him and he shrugs. makoto knows him well enough to know what he had been doing before hand.
tatsuya watches - best friend / ex boyfriend - as he enters into the gym, and eyes narrow on his friend. " you're late shuu. " he calls out, and shuuzou shrugs, " nothing's started yet. think of it as extra warm up time. last i checked you needed it. " he makes his way to his side of the court, where he sits bag down and takes off shirt to put on jersey, back turned to most of his friends, ignoring the curious gazes on him and on his back. one of the under classman moves towards him. " nijimura-senpai ? " shuuzou's gaze moves to him. " i set everything up for you already. " shuuzou smiles a crooked smile, before he's patting the other on the head. " good job. " the guy is nice - a first year, who despite everything, doesn't want to play and is more interested in being a manager for the team. he's learning a lot from riko at the moment. shuuzou thinks he could learn things from momoi-chan too. maybe he'll introduce the two. habiki would learn a lot and it would be good for seirin. the scrimmages aren't suppose to start for at least another hour - but shuuzou works on taking off his jewelry anyways, dropping it into his bag and when he finishes, he looks at his team and tells them to warm up. gaze rests on kuroko, " you too. your stamina has improved, but murasakibara knows what to expect from you. " kuroko nods, and he looks towards kagami, " no fighting on the court. " he points at the basket, " jumping and dunks is your thing. today, i want you to focus on your throws without the dunks. you get five dunks and nothing else. use them wisely. " at his teams nods, he looks towards riko, " have them start warming up. i need to go and talk to the other captains. " he's twisting on his ankle -- and moves to tatsuya first. " so what were you doing ? " " is that really important? " " no but i'm nosy. " " i was with my boyfriend. that's irrelevant really. we need to talk. " " about your sudden boyfriend ? " " no about the match. " tatsuya nods, and he glances up at the stands to rest his eyes on makoto for a moment. " okay. so it's just whoever loses here, plays the winner from the kiridaii / rakuzan match right ? " it's fine, really. he'd prefer to play makoto, somehow instead of akashi -- and he hopes that somehow it works out that way. ( he has a feeling it won't. ) shuuzou nods, and claps his friend on the back. " yeah. get your team to warm up. we'll be going first on the court in about an hour. " tatsuya nods, and shuuzou leaves him to go off to find akashi and whisk him away as well.
" captain obbo-chan ! " shuuzou says leaning against the smaller, ignoring rakuzan's curious looks at him. " come, come. " and then he's dragging his old vice captain off and away, to talk about the games that are upcoming. no other reason. ( aoki's voice is in the back of his mind, really. " little games. " how disrespectful, really. ) " glad you and your team made it, really. what are your predictions for the games ? i wanna know your thoughts. " -- ryou's curled up on the couch, watching some k-drama as he snacks, when his phone buzzes. it's a low energy day and he doesn't want to do anything. still, he reaches for phone and blinks at the messages.. what is his best friend going on about ? also what drama has he missed ? hara kazuya you spill details this instantly. [ text, ha-chan ] okay. wonderful ? [ text, ha-chan ] who has a boyfriend. [ text, ha-chan ] who are you planning on breaking up ? [ text, ha-chan ] babes im going to need more details ????? -- shuuzou's phone buzzes in his pocket, and he pauses mid-talk to akashi to pull it out. its zu and his brows furrow as he glances back at akashi. [ text, zu ] wym ? [ text, zu ] i'm getting his opinions and predictions for the game ?
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peachmuses · 1 year
@sociieties asked: as far as makoto knows, the others are on their way to his house and while he could stand to wait around inside, he does not. instead, makoto, genius, chooses to wait outside, soaking up the sun until he ends up falling asleep. makoto, genius, sleeps through the summer shower that randomly comes in and passes, only waking when he feels something touching him, resulting in him jolting awake. it’s shuuzou and, despite not knowing why, he’s screwed. “ wh— ” ( why is he freezing? why is he soaking wet? ) exhaling, gaze shifts past shuuzou, spotting tatsuya and kazuya in the back, then looks towards the street. ah. “ fuck my life…. ”
shuuzou / tatsuya / kazuya -- they all come across a sleeping makoto and shuuzou frowns down at best friend. he glances around him / the summer shower has already passed but makoto is soaked and shuuzou is pinching his nose. tatsuya's letting out a curious noise and shuuzou waves him off. they were suppose to go out -- but well, obviously, that's all ruined now. he squats in front of friend, " makoto. mako. ako. ako-chan. makoooo. " nothing, and he glances up at kazuya briefly, before sighing, and skirting his fingers over the other's middle. " makoto. wake up. don't make me climb on you. " because really, he's clean and dry and would like to stay that way. makoto jolts awake , and tatsuya's covering his mouth, hiding laughter. shuuzou breathes out. " oh good. you're awake. " dryly. a hand comes up to push the other's bangs back, to feel forehead. " you don't have a fever yet. mako you can't do this to me. " shuuzou pouts, " it's only just now summer. you know i love summer. " tatsuya's attention moves from makoto, to shuuzou, " do what ? " a question. " get sick. " he says , as he stands, pulling makoto up, and all but shifting best friend to lift him over shoulder and pulling out house keys. " c'mon. we're going inside and you're taking a bath. " he eyes kazuya, " do you get sick easily ? " attention shifts to tatsuya, " because that one also gets sick easily and i refuse to deal with both of them sick, alone. "
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peachmuses · 1 year
@sociieties asked: “ oh, don’t do that. ” kazuya hums softly, laid out across aoki’s bed as the other starts crying / kazuya’s fault. he turns onto his side, shaking head for a moment before he blinks up at aoki. “ you’re a pretty crier. now i see the appeal. ”
this was -- a bad decision, on aoki's part. to bed the person that he knows shuuzou thinks of when he's inside of him. aoki, in post-nut clarity, ca at the very least admit that. kazuya tells him to leave shuuzou / aoki cries. ( not because he wants to stay with shuuzou / but because he probably will be hated now for sleeping with the person that he knows shuuzou wants. obviously, shuuzou cannot find out. ) a hand comes up to press palm against socket, and he lets out a shuddering breath, " he likes me for other reasons. " aoki says stupidly. ( shuuzou does not like him / he does not like shuuzou. the guy with the dark hair and dark eyes that makes him feel like he's being sat on fire. he does not like him. he is not ---- well, that is of no matter. aoki isn't wanted by him / and he's not wanted by shuuzou either. ) he shouldn't have slept with him -- ( kazuya / aoki only knows his name because of shuuzou. because when kazuya had found him, and aoki clicked his phone off to look up at him, kazuya had said somethig and aoki had remembered his name. kazuya had smiled then -- nothing sweet / something devious and dangerous and aoki should've turned tail and ran then -- but he didn't. he let him ---, he swallows. shuuzou is going to hate him. ) it takes him a minute to get tears under control, and when he finally feels some pressure relief from his chest, " you don't know anything. " still defiant. " you don't know what he likes about me. "
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