#peahen mom: Welcome everyone! I will do my best with all of you but I hope you enjoy your stay
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What’s your name? Nat
Preferred pronouns: She/her/hers
Timezone: EST
Character Name: Lucius Malfoy
What’s a hobby or pastime that your character enjoys? Quidditch. Out of practice now but he still has the occasional habit of flying for fun. His second through fifth year of school was spent playing as a chaser. Unfortunately, the hobby was given up the summer after his fifth year. His father took one look at the captain pin he received and told him to send it back, declaring that his son did not have the making of a quidditch player and needed to focus on his academics (the expectation of his heir securing a Ministry position upon graduating) instead of wasting time on something he wasn’t good at.
Do you have any preferred ships or anti-ships? Ships: Lucius/Narcissa Lucius/Severus Lucius/Narcissa/Severus (either a poly sort of deal or a powerful friendship because oh my goodness, do I love how the Malfoys made Severus one of their own) Anti-ships: Anything forced. I headcanon Lucius as demisexual - valuing emotional connections before looks - but he would claim he is straight if asked since that term definitely is not something that exists in the group’s time period.
What do you think your character’s Boggart would be? If their greatest fear isn’t something that could easily take a solid form, what is it? Why? His wife and son are dead. Pre-Draco’s birth had him focused on keeping himself alive long enough to welcome his child. Now the plan is to keep the whole family intact, hoping that they will be given a moment of peace once the dust settles. He has enough faith in Narcissa to know she would be able to manage if anything ever resorted in his death but things seeming to drag out has him certain the war won’t leave his son without one or both of his parents. As for why - Although self-centered, Lucius cares deeply about his loved ones. He is in the habit of referring to Draco as his son, not his heir. The need to produce an heir is a topic his father cares deeply about. Lucius would have been happy with a little girl and trying again or even just having one child, given the amount of struggling it took to bring their first kid into the world.
What’s your character’s biggest pet peeve? People that stand in the middle of the lift when he and they are the only people in the one at the Ministry. Especially if they don’t move to step aside. Arthur Weasley - there’s just something about the man’s very existence that gets on his nerves.
What would you consider to be an eccentricity of your character? His morning routine. Looking good takes a lot of time, money, and effort. The routine involves thoroughly cleaning himself before work, tossing on moisturizer, and making sure his hair is presentable enough to venture into the Ministry. The Malfoy name alone is powerful enough to not need to worry about looks, but Lucius likes accentuating that power with good looks and confidence.
What is/was your character’s favorite subject in school? Why? Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts. Lucius excelled in those classes and took his education very seriously, to a point of earning top marks, a head boy position, and a non-entry level position at the Ministry during his seventh year.
What time of day is your character’s favorite? What time of year? Sunset. There is something blissful about looking over the garden, spotting the silhouette of the peacocks, and watching the sun go down over his property. Summer. Cold weather makes Lucius miserable. He got sent to the hospital wing during a quidditch incident in his fifth year and is still doubting his knee fully recovered from the bludger that hit it — snow and rain bring the aches and pains out.
What’s your character’s Patronus? If they can’t conjure one, what would it be if they could? Why? A peahen. No reason outside of admitting it seems fitting for him.
What is your character’s biggest vice (bad habit or immoral craving)? Cigarettes. They serve as something to keep his hands busy if his anxiety spikes.
Is your character an introvert or extrovert? How well do they handle social situations? Extroverted introvert. Lucius doesn’t mind having eyes on him but would happily pick curling up on a chaise lounge with a book in one hand and a glass of wine in the other over having to deal with people. People are exhausting. He’s never particularly liked crowds but can navigate them without issue. His upbringing involved his father forcing him into social situations and sternly making sure his heir knew how to behave when out in public. Protesting about not wanting to be the center of attention was not an option.
What is your character’s diet like? What’s his or her favorite food? Lucius prefers the best food money can buy. Main preference for greens — he takes his salads seriously. Does wine count as food?? No? *sighs* Alright, well I guess that makes four-layer caviar dip his favorite food. Has to be the recipe his mom preferred or he won’t touch it.
How do you think your character’s psychological issues have manifested and changed your character up to this point? Snob - Very aristocratic. Focused on appearances. Does not associate with those he believes are lesser than him. Do not ask him about his son since he will more than likely go off about how thankful he is for his wife for bringing their child into the world and insist on talking about Draco’s coos and smiles being cuter than anyone else’s kid. Draco being brought up is truthfully the easiest way to crack through the confident mask he usually uses — the kid has him wrapped around his fingers and isn’t even a year old yet Confidence - Lucius naturally oozes confidence and seems calm and collected when in public. However, he is using it to mask the feelings of anxiety and paranoia that are beginning to grate his thoughts. The birth of his son made him aware that he intends to stick around and start doting on his family. He has an underlying fear of doing something that further jeopardizes his family’s safety. Love - Obsessed with his reflection, Lucius has been spending a lot of time focusing on himself and his family. Certainly, he loves every perfect aspect about himself and his wife. The addition of their little bundle of joy has left him realizing he has more love to give than anticipated. Most of which is no longer dedicated to himself. Loving himself proved to counteract the feelings of disappointment and loss that accompanied the physical and emotional distance his father used while raising him (and still uses). He has a decent self-care routine down because of this Proper - Everything has its place in the manor. Appearances must be kept up and things must be clean. Anything remotely out of place can cause him to feel anxious. Lucius seldom wears the same outfit more than twice. He keeps up with fashion and is one of the first to obtain new looks from the top lines Head over heels for his perfect life, wife, and son — definition of the proper pureblood family Mock - snobbish tendencies have left him quick to mock others. At this point, he barely needs to think before a rude comment or scoff passes his lips. Devastating - “It is often said of the Malfoy family that you will never find one at the scene of the crime, though their fingerprints might be all over the guilty wand.” Lucius has a vast knowledge of poisons and no shame in paying others to do the dirty work for him. His ranking at the Ministry has him more in the know about what’s going on than others in the cause. Lucius is also fairly experienced in using lies to undermine coworkers, having an eloquent and confident enough way of speaking to get others to believe what he says Power. Influence - The two practically go hand-in-hand for Lucius. He can pull a lot of influence from the confidence and better-than-everyone facade he typically hides behind. The power comes from having a liar’s tongue, the ability to speak confidently even though he may not truly support what he says, and his having more money than he knows what to do with Close Calls - The near misses have left Lucius anxious about permanently losing his wife. The raid on the manor should have been something he was prepared for. Not feeling prepared followed by his wife getting sent away left him truly believing the love of his life would be gone for good Less Important - as a high-ranking Ministry official and liking to think he’s been fairly dedicated to the cause, Lucius is above menial tasks. He’s not liking being sent on mission after mission and is reading too far into it, truthfully wary that he did something that may have caused the Dark Lord’s feelings toward him and his abilities to shift. Tired - a general way of describing Lucius. Things have hit the point of feeling monotonous. He feels as though he’s just going through the motions when it comes to working and the cause, wanting nothing more for things to settle down so he can shift his focus to his wife, son, and nothing else. Loyal - Once earned, Lucius’s loyalty is unwavering. It is beginning to crack a little in regards to the cause but he is doing his best to keep that to just himself, knowing things will go poorly if he does anything to hint at his being discontent about not being able to focus on family Fear - With the family line secured by having produced an heir, Lucius’s fear of losing his wife all together has slowly begun to dissipate. He is incredibly fearful of doing something to jeopardize the little family they have started and will do whatever it takes to ensure his wife and son are kept safe. This has left him shifting his focus on the cause to ensure he doesn’t do something to fall from where he is currently ranked with the death eaters. One wrong move could prove disastrous.
Give us a headcanon for your character. Anything is acceptable. Lucius’s father is incredibly controlling. The first decade of his son’s life involved strict instruction and proving he was worthy of being the Malfoy heir. Likely took things as far as claiming he could replace Lucius with a better son as a means of controlling his behavior. Abraxas was not opposed to laying a hand (wand in extreme cases) on his son if the situation called for it. He micromanaged Lucius’s life while he was at school, often requiring the head of house to serve as his eyes and ears. Lucius does not like using contractions when he speaks. He tries to avoid words like “can’t,” “don’t,” and “won’t” and prefers sticking to using the full word(s) instead. The only agreement he and his father shared when he was little goes out to him thinking contractions are a lazy way of speaking Lucius is fluent in English, French, Latin, and Italian. Lucius does not like getting his hands dirty. The thought of another’s blood getting on him makes him feel sick to his stomach. He prefers a more behind the scenes approach when it comes to the cause: researching poisons, flowers, etc. and ways of doing damage that doesn’t involve the more sadistic ways of the other death eaters; paying outside sources to go in for the kill; spreading rumors at work to bring down other ministry employees; planning large scale attacks but not usually placing himself in as a main part of the plan; Let the new recruits tackle that and give him something interesting to do He’s hit the point of getting tired of menial tasks and wanting to retire at home with his wife and son
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(Hello Mun, I hope you are having a good morning/afternoon/night as well! And alrighty, thank you btw! ^^)
(I will keep this in mind and that’s fine, dw- I might tend to take some or a lot of time to send my responses whenever I start a Rp, mainly because of being busy and tending to start many Ask Rps/Rp threads with different blogs plus tending to have responses to prepare and send, though I hope I will have the time to try to prepare quicker responses to send one by one or after having everything done. I apologize in advance for the possible times of this happening-)
(I could also think of 3 questions to ask, which they would be helpful to know due to one or two of my OCs’s behaviors ^^;; Are you okay with Rps being via asks either with or without the Anon option? Are you also okay with rude type of OCs? Like uh..ones that tend to be aggressive and try to intimidate and threaten the people to say in a way- and last question- Will you need the drawings of how an OC looks like and/or their information or something like that, or it wouldn’t be necessary to send regardless of not knowing how to describe their appearance and the possibility of them being unfinished OCs?)
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((Hello to you too again, anon dear. Oh, and your welcome! Now to answers again:
1) It's all fine with me. I don't mind if your replies come in early or really late. I know things can become busy for everyone in real life or with other blogs someone is running. So I fully understand the situation. Whenever you do have time, send something when you are ready. Their is no rush dear. Take all the time you need. <3
2)Yes I'm alright with the rps being in asks being in or not being in the anon option. Either way is fine with me.
3) I'm alright with rude type of rp's. If the other is aggressive or threatening, my muses/OC's will defend or try to fight back just a heads up warning. It can be like a a survival type of thing between the groups but either way, I'm okay with this.
4) It's up to you if you wish to send a appearance/drawings of your OC's if you have them. I'm not picky. <3 If you don't, you can describe them to your best ability. If their not finished or uncompleted, I understand. You don't have to send anything to me but a little short description is also fine with me. ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
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||Small talk||
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I don’t understand people when it comes to this site. So, time for a small chat. If you don’t wish to read this, you can skip but if you are still reading, rest is under read more.
I’ve been getting anons for a while saying how I shouldn’t be on here anymore. It’s kinda getting annoying to hear it when someone tells me the usual thing or the same thing I hear almost twice a week. The same thing being:
“You are way too old to be on tumblr.”
“You don’t see a lot of 30+ Roleplayers here. Younger ones are always on here not older ones..”
“Your grammar isn’t the best. I suggest leaving the site to work on your child writing..”
“You may have changed your info and blog but your still doing the same shit.”
“30+ rpers shouldn’t be on tumblr. It’s creepy and weird. Don’t you have other things to do?”
~Okay, I get it. True, I haven’t been active and I really want to think of something to do to make this more enjoyable. However, with all this going on and getting questions telling me how I do things, their going to make me want to just leave/delete my blog or start over. So, lets try to answer these questions one by one.
1) “You are way too old to be on Tumblr.”
~So? Anyone can be on this site to have fun, express themselves, rp, be creative etc. Yeah, I may be 31 years old but I come on here to get away from real life and have fun. I love Rping even with my bad grammar but I want to improve it. I don’t get many rps because most of my partners are either busy with their lives, or doing their own thing while having fun here or off the site.
2)”You don’t see a lot of 30+ roleplayers here. Younger ones are always on here not older ones.”
~Okay? I’ve seen many that’s younger than me or young adults. They are always here having fun like the rest. I know others that’s older or to their 30+ are on here too. It’s a free site to do what you want. You shouldn’t make rules to only having younger Rpers on here. Everyone can be on here.
3) Your grammar isn’t the best. I suggest leaving the site to work on your child writing.”
~Geez, if that was the case I would have deleted the blog years ago. Or not. -_- there is a thing called improvement you know. I’m not trying to aim to be the best or become popular. I’m trying to improve myself as best as I can and I do that by rping with my partners because they help me and still have fun. I don’t want this to be some stupid chore but an activity I enjoy for myself and self health. I get bad days from work and life so coming here helps. My grammar is shit I know but that isn’t stopping me to improve. Even by a little baby bit.
4)”You may change your info and blog but your still doing the same shit.”
~I’m trying to work on getting more confident in following other amazing people but sometimes I read the rules on their blog. I’ve seen a few that say OC’s are welcome but their private or very selective. I try to follow their rules and not bother them. I don’t want to be a bother for them. As I said before, I’m taking it slow in order to try and get better. I know I changed my blog, updated a few things but I’m working on it.
5)“30+ rpers shouldn’t be on tumblr. It’s creepy and weird. Don’t you have other things to do?”
`How is being 30+ on tumblr creepy and weird? We are not allowed to be on here just to have fun and bring our ideas to life here? Is this just a younger-young adults only site? No..it’s a free site as I said before. I do have other things to do but I enjoy other things too. I play video games, watch anime sometimes if I like, wanting to opening up and try new things. Maybe even try new ideas like crossovers and stuff on here. I come on here mostly or play video games because their an escape from things in life.
So....yeah, i may not be active and I may not send replies right now because I don’t want to bug them. I see posts where others leave starter posts or asked if any wishes to Rp with them? I always want to try to write and ask but I stop because of my fear. I don’t want to bug them or do something stupid to ruin that chance. I know my ideas are not the best, I know I’m not as good as others I’ve seen here but you know what?
It’s okay.
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I hope one day I’ll get more confident in wanting to ask and talk to the amazing followers I have here. I want to know more about them and hope we can be good friends/partners. To the ones I do write with; I’m sorry my replies are fast or not as good. I’m sorry I’m doing the same shit as before. Same for the grammar and wrong wording.
Sorry to the ones I’ve followed recently or for a while not without sending you anything. My fears are stopping me from wishing to speak to you. I’m going to do what I can in hopes of being better. If not.......well, we’ll see.
Anyway, thanks for reading if you did.
Silver butterfly mun/peahen mom
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