#pearl for each froglight
milo-media · 2 months
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A Pearl of every type
Taglist: @patorucho
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Crossover hcs but a bit sad
Xisuma decided he wanted to be a pirate because he wanted to have as much carefree and irresponsible fun as possible. Cleo didn’t necessarily care to join but when she saw that X was excited she decided to stay. She’s taking photos Not really my forte of a hc but, Pixl is very happy to see Doc and the gang. His friends have once again lost all recollection of each other and he feels tired knowing them all so well but them all be so different. Pixl is happy the Hermits base so close to them, even if they will ruin the economy. Thankfully froglights are pretty niche. HC!False gave E!False amnesia because E had gone through rather nightmarish things and wished to go on a large tyraid murdering servers as she went. False isn’t sure how the universe could break if they meet but she assumes it will since there’s 2 of them. HC!Pearl is actually Santa Perla but Santa Perla died long ago transferring herself to another body. Any recent activity of Santa Perla is during times Pearl’s asleep. Pearl does consider Sausage a good person immediately, and clings to him a bit harder knowing he’s good. Gem is actually a god but simply wants to fit in, she’s not all to sure what all of Hermits are but she’s hoping they will all live for awhile. She’s too afraid to die. The reason why only some people remember the Life series by Grian is because Grian and Martyn tried their best to make sure people forgot the most graphic of things, including for themselves. Each know what generally happened, who won, how long it was, and who got the most fucked up. But elsewise even they for the most part are unaware. Friendships and allies were usually the last targetted meaning it checks out Jimmy and Tango both remember 
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Entry 0.6
The inventory is complete. Everything I could need. I even managed to fit in a stack of pearlescent froglights, as a treat! They'll hopefully fit nicely with the chorus blocks I can get from the End.
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[ID: A Minecraft screenshot of an ender chest and inventory with the following items: Fishing rod, two pickaxes, two hoes, shovel, shears, axe, sword, one stack each of every sapling, red mushrooms, brown mushrooms, oak logs, moss blocks, soul sand, two stacks dirt, one stack each of sand, warped nylium, crimson nylium, grass block, five stacks iron blocks, two buckets of water, two buckets of lava, one stack each bone blocks, nether wart, pointed dripstone, bamboo, sugarcane, two stacks eggs, one stack each potatoes, carrots, glass bottles, hoppers, observers, dispensers, comparators, repeaters, pistons, redstone torches, redstone blocks, gunpowder, pearlescent froglights, ender pearls, gold blocks, ender chests, name tags, one beacon, one bee nest, one stack golden apples. End ID]
This should be it. Next entry should be coming from the End. I'll rearrange the inventory a bit so I can get what I need for travel and then be on my way.
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