m1sa-w1sa · 26 days
Can you do all the fatui their react to that y/n was hiding traumatised past and that blaming them self and hide it all , and of course they comfort y/n beaxuse they always help the fauti with their problems
(Okie dokie! Coming right up!)
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You are mine and I am yours
•He probably found out if you told him upfront or he found you crying someplace
•when he told you spit it out he was shocked it would’ve been torture to go through that
•even if he might not be the best he would try everything that he has to make you feel better
•If it you were dating he would hold you close by your waist whispering nothing but sweetness in your ears
•If platonic he would make you a cup of tea or your favorite dish letting you cry on his shoulder
“Everything is alright dear..”
•He would know somethings wrong when you started acting distant, maybe slightly sloppy on missions, more sleepy
•If he saw you crying he would quickly ask whats wrong his mask covering his slight worried expression
•If Romantic he would pull you close wrapping you in his coat with him sitting on his lap or just standing with him
•If Platonic he would take you for a walk maybe get you ice cream or something to eat after to make you feel better making sure to check in with you time to time
“You should’ve told me sooner.”
•So you guys had little meet ups when your not with the other harbingers but if you miss that meet up he would go find you himself
•If he saw you in your room he would tilt your chin up as you tell him everything
•If romantic he would stay with you laying your head in his lap while doing his paperwork
•If Platonic he would hug you just really that patting your back soothing you slowly
(Your gonna have to know him for a really ling time for him to act like this towards you)
“Your foolish for not saying anything”
•If you two were by each other sides alot she would quickly notice your different personality she would confront you
•When you tell her either platonic or romantic she would sing you a soft lullaby with your head on her lap as she would just caress your cheek softly
“Poor little you why didnt you say anything?”
•Arlecchini works with kids so its noticed rather quickly
•It doesnt just go away lightly Alrecchibo sits and talks to you
•Romantic she would hold you on her lap letting you talk
•Platonic she would make your favorite food or drink
“You know I care..”
I think I spelt his name wrong
• I dont really know how to write for him so ill try my best
•He is kinda like the cool grandpa that gives you good advice so im not going ti do a romantic for him
•He would make you tae and sit and chat with you letting you cry on his shoulder
•Hes more colder than the others but if your with him most of the time hes going to notice
•When he finds out he would make you speak trying to get every single thing off of your chest, If romantic he would sit and cuddle you, kicking out anyone else that comes in
•A little same with Platonic hut your just next to him holding his hand tightly
•Again with her going in depth is a little hard for me but anyways!!!
•She would confront you immediately asking you questions about it
•Both romantic or Platonic she would carry you with her on her robot holding your hard caressing the back of your hand with her thumb softly
“Quite stupid to not say something..”
La Signora
•She loves you lots Platonic or Romantic
•she knows what pain feels like same with Scaramouche
•Either Platonic or romantic she would play with your hair brushing it out, doing different styles, adding accessories anything just to clam you down
“Your hair is tangled”
•So when he found out he would be worried for you
•He would ask you to tell him every single thing you like to tell him
•Both Romanic and Platonic he would take you shopping, spoiling your rotten only difference if romantic he would also take you on dates aswell
“Pick anything you like darling..”
•He has siblings so he also notices quite quickly so he would find you as soon as possible to sit you down to have a chat
•He would cuddle you for maybe more than a hour as you talk patting your back, caressing your hair
•He would spoil you aswell and if romantic he would take you on dates aswell!!
(Finished!! This was fun but also pretty hard to write but i uope u enjoyed!)
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m1sa-w1sa · 23 days
can I request self aware arlecchino if your requests are open if not please ignore.
(Okie dokie :p)
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•When you started playing genshin pretty recently but trying to catch up with all the lore but it was so much! When you wanted to pull for a charecter you picked arlecchino, you thought the design was pretty so you went ahead and pulled! Surprisingly you got her on the first one pull! Lucky…lucky you..
•But when you got her she was fully built? Why? Was that normal? When you asked your friends that DO play they said that you were playing with them it was so confusing to you
•Later that day anytime you pulled it would just be Arlecchino, Arlecchino developed some lind of obsession..? Always thinking it was cute you seeking so worried when shes low health, your listening to her voicelines. Why would anyone else beed your divine presence it was alrecchinos anyways!
•After a fee months you slowly got bored so you logged off, days, months, then a year but you suddenly remebered that you HAD Genshin impact (when it says you have NO storage) so you logged back on but when you looked at your characters it was only arlecchino, the voicelines were saying
“Why did you leave?”
“You didnt need to leave..”
“You only NEED me..”
•Again maybe it was a glitch so you just turned off your computer then just fall asleep but feeling someone right next to you..
“You will be with me forever My sweet..”
(Done :3 if u want to ask for a pt 2 just lmk!!)
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m1sa-w1sa · 1 month
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Animal Party!
The harbingers finding out you had a pet
(Some of the animals are tigers lions bears sharks etc etc, characters might be a bit OOC cuz this is kinda a crackfic but if yall want more srs ones lmk)
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For him Lets say you had a pet bear it would go kinda like this, since you and him live in a big house you wanted a big backyard, he never knew why but he Never said no, his siblings could run around there so when he came home from work you were not anywhere to be found.. until he heard you call someone a “goodboy” from the backyard, his bow was already drawn as he would have a stern expression on his face until he saw you with a bear. “[NAME]…” “So i forgot to tell you…” “WHY DIDN’T YOU THEM ME SOONER?! HE’S SO CUTE!” overall tatamis loves the bear
For Scaramouche you had a cat a fluffy white one, this time you went over to visit him with your cat just hanging out in her purse “Took you long enough-… What the fuck is that..” “Its [CATS NAME]…” I deeply feel like scaramouche would be jealous if the cat took to much of your attention but would warm up to the cat, not enough to not show at least a HINT of jealousy
So You had a spider for this (if you dont like spiders then imagine something else) and again you went to visit her, Arlecchino actually does like spiders (or just insects in general based on voice lines) so wheb she sees one crawling on you she was surprised that you had one just hanging around, She doesn’t mind it and also gets close to the spider, Leney (idk if i spelt his name right) almost killed it becuase he thought it was creepy😞
You have a silly little snake!!! This can go either way you visit her, she visits you..OR she sees it slithering around and she calls you over “[NAME]! WHAT THE FUCK—“ “Signora! You found [SNAKE NAME]! Thank you!!” Signora would be surprised and confused..how can you live with that…THING?! Why is it built like that… Signora is ALRIGHT with your pet she isn’t to fond with it but would take care of it for you
You have a cat! Not the small one a BIG one so.. a lion for him you TOLD him you had a cat..just not what KIND of cat “Pantalone do you want to see my pet?” “Of course [NAME] it cant go that bad..” It went that bad, when he came to visit you and saw a whole ass LION he froze when did you get the beast?! “Ha..[NAME] you said you had a cat..” “I know! This is [LIONS NAME]!” “Why didnt you say that you had a lion?” “It was less fun..” hes alright its pretty tame, (might get a little jealous from all the attention the lions getting…)
Simple way to put it, you have a shark said and done same with Pantalone you TOLD him just not that detailed in your words “Dottore you like fish right? You wana meet mine?” “Sure, I suppose it wouldn’t be that much of a hassle..” Well when he cane over he wondered why your house had a pool in the backyard, until he saw the fin sticking out of the water “See Dottore? This is [SHARK NAME]! “You said you had a fish” He doesn’t really care for it because he doesn’t go swimming often or study the oceans yet but he isn’t going to tell you to give it away
You had a swan, a elegant animal it was plain and simple so there isn’t that much convincing that the animal WONT hurt them, You and Columbina have hang outs (aka dates..) by the pond, She only REALLY opens her eyes around you (she wears the mask so she wouldn’t fall in love with someone else again but your a exception) and saw that you had a swan with you she was like a kid in a candy shop in her eyes it was a perfect animal for someone as perfect as you! She loves your swan and has a good relationship with it
You had a hamster (a FAT one) it was just in your hands eating sunflower seeds (ofc it is..) as you were going to find your beloved Sandrone “[NAME] whats the dust in your hand for?” “Its my Hamster!” “What..” Sandrone is sarcastic so she does make jokes how its a fucking FATASS but she secretly thinks its cute and would do anything for that little fur-ball
You have a fox! I feel like when he found out you didn’t know he was off today, so you were outside playing with your little fox friend while he looked at you, even if his face was covered he had a small soft smile who ever knew that his s/o could be so cute..but he doesn’t know much about taking care of animals so he loves hearing you talk about it and slowly warms up to your fox!^^
Last but not least! You owned a monkey (it or a spider monkey) but you and your monkey go EVERYWHERE together so its not hard for him to figure it out, since you two starting dating he was introduced to your monkey, he doesn’t mind that silly little fella he just wants to spend time with you and sometimes when your off doing errands or something else, your monkey just hangs out with Peirro, one time, Peirro had the monkey on his shoulders while in a fatui meeting (I feel like any of them would take your pet to a metting when there good with them, besides the shark… sadly)
(We are finished! I really hoped you enjoyed this!!^^ Tags: @jadestone2 )
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m1sa-w1sa · 24 days
Can you do a yandere Arlecchino with reader who works at the orphanage and is avoiding Arlecchino due the rumors about her?
(Okie dokie! Hope you enjoy!! ^^)
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I know you see me dear..
•When you first started working you were trained by arlecchino surprisingly, she took a liking to you overtime it became worse and worse, yet you didnt mind it until all the rumors came out you got scared of arlecchino so you stop trining with her that often you started to ask other workers that were here longer for advise as anytime Arlecchino made small talk with you, you would make it even smaller
“Why are you ignoring me my dear..?”
•You freeze, you know that voice far to well you turned around as you would make up a excuse that you were just busy with the kids and chores! Thats all, the more you avoid Arlecchino the more obsessive and possessive towards you
•Soon arlecchino got tierd of it so she planed to kidnap you, finding the perfect times to just swoop you away from everyone else so no one will see, after weeks you were finally alone sweeping the floors so she had a cloth with sleeping medicine swiftly going behind you putting the close over her face trying to hold your breath as long as you could but soon you breathed it in, passing out
“Sh..Sh.. Its okay My dear we will be home soon”
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m1sa-w1sa · 21 days
Imagine you grew up with both arlecchino & chervie at the orphanage & was involved in Kingmaking. You weren't there in person for the fight between Arle & chervie but arle told you all about it after & that she's gonna go after Crucabena to end it all but you insist on going with her. The fight pans out as shown in the vid with you assisting here & there but got injured pretty badly (your still alive). So after arle became the 4th harbinger she (sorta) became a yandere cus she didn't wanna lose you after chervie is gone
(Okie dokie!!)
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Your guardian
•When you two got together Arlecchibo was VERY protective of you, going as far as bring you to fatui meetings and leaving you to try to convince Arlecchino that you will be perfectly fine
•She knows that your capable of taking care of yourself but she is just so worried not wanting to lose you not like she lost others she wants to keep you safe and protected but if shes side by side with you she cant!
“My Love Ill be fine on my own”
“I wont be back in——“
“20 minutes ill be fine”
•When you two are along she shows more PDA holding your waist tightly just in case making it almost impossible for you to go to the bathroom but you dont mind you know why and you completely understand
“I love you My dear …”
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m1sa-w1sa · 23 days
SAGAU!!!! A headcanon on whatever genshin characters you like to choose, is about they able to access on our desktop computer, and what they do when interacting youtube videos of all kind and music in it including memes on our computer and how they use it on Teyvat. Anyway get yourself a good night and good rest, your the best!
(Okie dokie! Coming right up!^^)
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Ancient language?
•Lets say you started getting lazy with genshin, logging in less, not doing commissions yada yada yada
•But the characters got PISSED is someone else taking up their divine time with their grace?! Thats not fair! No other low life should take up their time with the all holly one themselves!!
“Why is your grace not spending time with us?!”
“The person that took them away is definitely guilty of life in the dungeons!”
“Just calm down furina..”
•Then SOMEHOW SOMEWAY they figured out how to get access to other files of yours, if your a artists, your art commission, a writer, stories that you wrote, funny videos you have, homework and even more
•If they looked at your homework they would think it was something not even their little tiny mind could comprehend (dottore is currently studying it)
•If they look at your art they would steal it and hang it up in castles, churches, stores, even trees ANYWHERE needs your glory on it
•If you liked dark humor then I feel like the harbingers would relate to you or if you laugh at people failing at something they would watch it with you 24/7
•if you read fanfics if we are being completely honest and in cannon terms they would think your weird BUT if your thinking in fannon terms they would think its ancient scrolls made by your past servants for you
(DONEOENENEJENE sorry if this is mad :c ty for the sagau requests!!)
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m1sa-w1sa · 23 days
You are OUR creator
This was a request but I THINK I deleted it on accident so I hope you enjoy^^
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•You stopped playing genshin for a pretty long time now, but when you are on youtube, tiktok, instagram, or any other social you always see more and more ads of genshin impact, Some about liyue, mondstat, inazuma, fontaine, sumeru, and even about the harbingers which you hardly even know about besides childe and signora
•When you got tired of the ads you FINALLY redownloaded it, taking so much time and Definitely alot of storage out, you finally see the bright colors and landscape around you again, checking your characters you missed alot Alrecchino was out, more lore, new maps..but why was it all u locked? How did you have all these charecters? You never had Arlecchino, lyney, hell why do you have all the harbingers?
•All the dialogue is just how they missed you? Maybe its a little event But they always talked about ‘your grace’ and when describing this god it was always YOUR features..this cant be true so you tried to log out of your account but you couldnt! Why? Is it glitching?!
•You gave up on trying to turn it off so you just left it and went to bed snuggling into your bed and letting out a content sigh as soon as you fell asleep you heard a faint voice
“You will be with us soon Your grace..”
(Finished!! My requests will be open soon just be patient!! If you want a pt 2 just dm me and ill write it when I can!)
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m1sa-w1sa · 25 days
A yandere request for Ayaka, Navia, Arlecchino, and Jean having their darling escape, when they track them down in forest they find their darling sitting down and just let them kidnap them again because their families even their lover don't want them even they don't care if they get kidnap which lead darling having no one to support them
(Alrighty! Coming right up!! TWs if needed!!)
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•When ayaka found you she was mad at first but then calmer and happier she would comfort you dragging you back to the house, now since no one wants you besides her that means you dont have any reason to escape from her! Yes she did lock you in the room for the rest of the tight to teach you a lesson but now she trusts you a little more for you to not escape! I mean she has her brother and Thoma to tell her if you are so theres nothing to worry about!——“Now we can be together forever sweetheart!”
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•It was pretty quick when she found you crying, getting her parasol to try to shield you from getting soak any longer as she would sigh quickly getting you up and going back home, pacing around the room think for a punishment as your head was down, it wasnt harsh she just tied you up for a week like how you were when she first kidnapped you, but she is more calm becuase she has your henchman and she knows that no one is willing to save you so she isnt to worried——“Next time be more careful! But… there isnt going to be a next time becuase your with me!”
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•She knew where you were and why you were leaving, but she didn’t expect that your family that she thought cared deeply about you didnt care so what she did was she killed them, ALL of them then getting back to you, letting you cry it all out the picking you up over her shoulder locking you in the bedroom for just a day then letting you out but keeping a eye on you, having lyney, lyenette, and freminet (PLATONIC YANS) comfort you—— “This is why you need to listen to father!”——Lyney “You know we care mother.”——Lynette “Next time just talk to us..”——Freminet
•She would be the quickest to find you, having the KoF be involved aswell as she would hear your cries, running towards the sound as you explain everything she would he mad, a little at you but also mostly at your friends and family, she would bring you back putting you in solitary confinement but somehow your family and friends somehow disappeared.. strange.. “Dont ever do that again, Understand?”
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m1sa-w1sa · 25 days
Can you do platonic Arlecchino with a reader who ran away from the house of the hearth, and years later she found out from the other harbingers they are with the Traveler helping them out on their journey, she later confronts them on Fountain? How would it go, (also can this take place after 4.3?)
(Sure! If you want a part 2 just give me some more context! Dms or just request again! If you want me to change something’s lmk!)
My Dear Child
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•When arlecchino first noticed your absence she thouggt you were playing around with Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet but when they noticed them alone to tricks..he was puzzled where was her child?! You were 5 at this time of course Arlecchino was worried you were your CHILD her biological one to be in-fact so she had her fatui unit look for you, over the years she didnt send as many out but she did still kept her eye out not stoping until she finds you
•10 years later you were in fontaine, you didnt think arlecchino was still looking for you so you were a little more laid back, but it was a huge mistake they spotted you immediately seeing that smile, hearing that laugh, it made then smile, happy, they finally found their sibling! So they would quickly go and tell arlecchino he would send extra fatui agents out to fontaine
“My child why did you run?”
•You knew that voice..you didnt think he would still remember fatui agents circling around you, you heard what happen with her and furina you couldnt run you were cornered you were screwed
“It doesnt CONCERN you I didnt want to kill innocent people”
•Arlecchino would sigh fatui agents would grab onto your arms to make you stay in place Arlecchino would walk towards you lifting your chin smirking
“Your siblings missed you lets go home.. My Dear Child”
(FINSIHED!!! YAYAYAY im sorry this was short! So i am willing ti make another part ofc!)
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m1sa-w1sa · 25 days
Can you do platonic harbingers with a reader harbinger that was once cruel, a bit immature, arrogant, and sadistic suddenly become more mature, calculative, has more control of their emotion, and takes things more seriously after being humbled by their many defeats at the hands of the Traveler and her allies? How do the Harbingers Pierro, Dottore, Arlecchino, and LA Signora feel about the reader's drastic change of personality?
(Oo!! Sure I will! You can always request again if you want the rest!!)
Frozen Heart
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•He was relieved that you finally got your emotions under control but also slightly sad about it
•Before you were always so excited or happy to see him but now you just walk past him with a slight nod and a deep sigh
•When he offers to train you the only word you say is “No” and walk away, harbinger meetings you said nothing
•Pierro saw you as a grandchild and even though him and the others wanted you to get your emotions under control he does miss the spark you had before
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•Its like he had a weight lift off his shoulders when he saw you change
•Yes you two were on good terms and you helped him with experiments and you related to him and his mindset
•Back in sumeru when he was known as Zandik he gad trouble finding people you related to him and you did fill in that spot
•So if you really think about it he is a little saddened by the fact that you changed yourself for them knowing that other harbingers, the people from sheznaya wont understand his ideas
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•She was a little disappointed that you had to learn the hard way about your emotions but didnt look into it
•Arlecchino did see you as a child either way and seeing you not even say hi to any of the harbingers anymore
“Good afternoon [NAME]”
•she sometimes thinks of the times she was overboard with you when you failed mission like she hasnt either
•Seeing your head down holding your tears as all the harbingers gaze at you harshly all of them yelling at you
•She does think that it was her fault that your spark was tooken away
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La Signora
•Again she was relieved that you changed
•She should be happy that you dont act like a stupid little kid anymore
•But she isnt? Why isnt she? She was apart of the ones that WANTED you to change so why isnt she happy?!
•Theres a part of her that was sad when you grew emotionless you reminded her of him (meaning that you made her happy like she was before she joined the harbingers)
•She looks at you during meeting, missions, training, any time she could get she doesnt show her emotions none of them do how could they after they shut out yours?
This is what they wanted, so why are they so saddened by it?
(Fin!! Sorry if i posted a lil late!!!)
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m1sa-w1sa · 25 days
Can I request Jean, Venti, Furina, and Arlecchino finding out that their S/O is the reincarnation of a Dark lord that nearly plunged the world in darkness but thanks to the gods working together they they destroyed them. Their S/O doesn't know of their past life so would they even reveal it to them?
(Okie dokie!! This is sadly going to be my last request of the day sadly but if anyone has anymore requests just put it in my inbox!)
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•When she found out she was shocked to say the least
•She would try to confront you for it but you were clueless you didnt know what she was talking about yes you knew about it but your past life..? No way!
•She keeps trying to educate you on it but soon stops because of your protests
•But she still researches it alot when your asleep in your shared bed someday..you will remember
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•Again also shocked, no way his beloved someone and sweet and kind as you could be the dark lord
•But with the proof theres no lying that it does match, he would confront you, as you would be confused but you believed him and apologize on that behalf even though you might be clueless
•Venti was glad but he just keeps a extra eye on you just in case something slips up
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•She wouldn’t believe the people, no she wouldn’t believe ANYONE not even the other GODS
“I dont want to hear it! Leave me be!”
•She would quickly ask you about it but when you said you didnt know she was..relieved..giving her some type of peace to herself
•She kept you close just incase anyone wanted to do anything to harm you she didnt care if people hated her her eyes were on you and you only
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•She was quiet confused but also interested in a way
•She didnt think someone as softhearted as you could do something like that..
•She wouldnt get involved with it because you didnt know anything about it unless someone tried to harm you either a god, human, animal, robot, anything
•Even thought she knows what you did in your past life wasnt the best she would protect you anyday
(Done!!! Ty for reading if you did tags: @jadestone2 )
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m1sa-w1sa · 27 days
Lumine, Furina, Raiden Ei, and Arlecchino reaction towards blind! Reader that have the ability to fight with their wooden sword. It will be epic!
(Ooo!!! This is a really nice request! Ty again for requesting!^^)
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Raiden Ei
•She thought you were weak, but she loves you but she was worried, if you cant see how will you protect yourself?
•But you quickly proved her wrong by showing her how you handle yourself with a wooden sword, even if you cant see with your eyes your still quick on your feet
•Still shes still protective and cold to others that try to fight with you shes trying to protect you at all costs but after seeing you handle yourself just fine she losend up a little
“Dear, just because you fight very well I’ll still protect you with my life..”
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•Like Raiden Alrecchino didn’t think you could handle yourself being alone again being protective of you being blind how can you fight something you cannot see?
•But when Alrecchino saw you with the wooden sword still graceful, no dirt on your clothes she was starstruck, like falling in love all over again
•Arlecchino does losen up but still wants you to be safe and be able to use the rest of your body that you possibly can
“Graceful as ever, My darling..”
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•She was just worried if you might hurt yourself but is calm and does have faith in you but is always by your side just in case (and paimon of course)
•When she saw you with the sword it was like she was watching fireworks, she was amazed Paimon had to shake her awake to get her attention
•Lumine does ask you to train with her so you can both improve how you can manage yourself like that is very impressive to her!
“That was awesome Baby! You have to teach me sometime!”
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•Blind or not Furina just wanted you by her side really! She doesnt mind or care if you are blind! She is more protective of you but she thinks your special in your on ways!
•Seeing you with that sword made her realize… you were so COOL!!! No wonder your her soulmate! She praises you and pampers you in public, private, semi public you name it!
•Furina is really amazed by your skills but still wants you to be careful with yourself
“[NAME]? How did I ever get this lucky?”
(THAT IS ALL!! TYSM FOR REQUESTING!!^^ Tags: @jadestone2 if you want to get tagged in posts lmk!)
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m1sa-w1sa · 28 days
Arlecchino x reader tender moment
Arlecchino believes she deserves a loveless relationship (based on her spider voiceline), but the reader is the affectionate type.
My favorite example is that the reader didn't sleep well and ignored Arlecchino saying good morning by accident. So Arlecchino goes to reach for them, but they grab her hand and bring it to their cheek and rest their head in her hand while still keeping their hand on top of hers. They look so peaceful at that moment. The reader slowly turn their head to kiss her palm as they rub their thumb over hers. Then, the reader looks her in the eye with a tired but loving look.
I just can't think of how Arlecchino would react to this.
(THIS IS SO CUTE TYSM ANNON!! Sorry if this is short! Im in school rn :c)
I dont deserve this but J need it..
•Arlecchino thought she was incapable of feeling love, not knowing if she will ever get love until she met you
•When you to got together she was wary of you, being slightly distant towards you but soon she started feeling more and more needy towards you
•When you were maybe making breakfast but you usually say goodmorning to arlecchino, but today you didnt..
•Arlecchino woke up going to the kitchen going towards you and wrapping her hands around your waist
•You placed a small kiss on her lips Alrecchinos cheeks heated up, she never felt this since years ago it felt nice to her
•Alrecchibo would smile ever so slightly just having you in her arms was enough to let her get through this hellish day of hers
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m1sa-w1sa · 21 days
Pt. 2 of self aware arlecchino 🥺 please?
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Together Forever
•You heard that voice that felt familiar… TOO familiar but you still fell asleep, like something was forcing you to sleep
‘Sleeping peacefully…’
•You woke up with cold sweat, in a room with no similarity with your memories of your original room you panic hearing footsteps coming from the outside, the windows were locked, covered with bars, snowy hills
‘Oh the girl I used to be…’
•When the door opened you flinched who was that? Why were you here? Who brought you here? You were trying to find ways to leave pulling on the bars covering on the window
‘Until I fell so deep…’
“My love your finally awake, its been a long time, theres no use to leave the windows and doors are locked”
•It was the same voice again you looked back seeing the 4th Harbinger, Arlecchino this HAS to be a dream theres no way you bit the insides of your mouth but you felt pain her stomach dropped
‘A never ending tragedy…’
“I assume your confused correct? Dont be it will all make sense soon”
•Arlecchino would go towards you making you breath heavily, her cold hands going on your warm cheeks her thumb caressing them softly, Arlecchino then bring his lips down to your forehead kissing it softly but it lasted for eternity
‘You haunt me in my dreams…But its all I want to see…’
•It felt like you were being frozen in place, the whole world stoped, there was no way this was real… you must be in a deep sleep just waiting to wake up right?!
“You will be familiar with all this soon”
‘Your the oxygen I need…’
•Arlecchino left the room swiftly like it wad in one motion leaving you with your thoughts. You tried to leave but it was all locked leaning your head on the wall trying to exhale all her worries
‘Yet I cant breath…’
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m1sa-w1sa · 28 days
Arlecchino or Furina with S/O who's a dragon shape-shifter. Either S/O shapeshifts into a wyvern, drake or even a limbless dragon. Maybe S/O even wraps their tail around them while assuming dragon form
(How about we do both!! Ty for requesting and I hope you enjoy!!^^)
Our Darling Dragon
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• So like in my last story they aren’t really the best with each other but they tolerate themselves for you but they do bicker over you alot
•Furina LOVES your dragon features! In dragon form or human form! Your still so cuddly in both so of course its a win win for furina! She would try to be by your sides at all times making sure no one gives you any weird stares or talk down apon her darling dragon!
•Arlecchino would also love your features what ever kind of dragon you were treating your horns, tail, and wings (if you had any) your tail wrapping around arlecchino in a protective manor
•When you are all together they do try to tell you to wrap your tail around them so sometimes when they came home, to dodge being in the middle of the fighting they would just see you sleeping on the couch, your tail wrapped around yourself or a pillow or a plush
•But when you do start cuddling with them 1 way is how their on either side of you, another is if arlecchinos spooning you and your spooning furina its nice when they dont try to kill each other for once but you love them equally so much!
(Finished! I hope you enjoyed!!! Ty for requesting again!! Tags: @jadestone2 )
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m1sa-w1sa · 26 days
Can you do Arlecchino with an S/O that can turn into a giant black widow?
(3rd request of the day! Im on a streak!! Hope you enjoy!)
My spider
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•Arlecchino loves spiders (based on voice lines) so when Arlecchibo figured out you could turn into one it was like a kid in a candy shop
•Asking you so many questions like
“How does it feel?”
“How is it like having so many arms?”
“Does it hurt when you transform?”
•Assuming you can turn into a black widow you had some features maybe red eyes, pale skin, sharp teeth
•Since arlecchinos hands is darkened maybe you had something similar on your finger tips but either way Arlecchino will kiss each and every feature you have
•When you turn into your spider form its a little bigger than a normal black widow but either way arlecchibo would keep you close so anywhere anytime your there with her
(Sorry if this was short! If you like i can maybe do a part two!!)
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