shadyworldxx · 4 years
Harvey Reginald Specter is the best man to ever walk this heart and you can’t fight me on this 🥺🥺 he is to be protected and cherished forever and ever ❤️
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“Suits”: Rachel Zane’s Ineptitude Continued
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What do you say when you’ve confessed to cheating on your significant other?
According to the Rachel Zane Handbook of Introspection, it’s “I never should have told him.”
Ah. Yes, indeed. That’s the core problem: telling Michael Ross. It made things too uncomfortable for her. 
And then: “What if he doesn’t forgive me?”
Is this the first time she has considered this option? But then again, I might expect this from someone who said she would tell Michael in the first place since he trusted her with his secret. The difference is that pretending to have gone to Harvard is nowhere near comparable to cheating on your significant other! Both are disgraceful, but only the latter causes immeasurable hurt and devastation that can haunt every social relationship they make in their life thereafter. Michael pretending to be a lawyer doesn’t even come close in that regard-- and it didn’t take her long to jump into his pants after he confessed.
By the way-- Rachel says she wants forgiveness, but is that true? Given how guilty she feels for her own actions, what’s to guarantee that she wouldn’t forever feel unworthy of his forgiveness, thus making their relationship even more unstable than it was after her confession? You see, infidelity is a never ending spiral of distrust, unworthiness, and hurt. It is a bottomless pit. Once you begin this chain of events, it never ends. 
Just watched a bit more and Michael has dumped her. Well, what can you do? Actions have consequences. On the one hand, Michael knows that he has done the exact thing that Rachel did, and has no criticism for himself, since it got him what he wanted: Rachel Zane. On the other hand, Rachel was entirely at fault right from the moment where she boasted about chasing after a married man in order to taunt Michael sexually back in Season 1. Now this has come back to haunt her. Again, I sincerely hope they both face the devastating consequences of their decisions to be unfaithful during the next couple of series, let alone episodes. 
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hanavespa · 9 years
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So just finished watching suits season3! There's no season 4 and 5 on Netflix... I can watch I it somewhere but no Japanese subtitles...ugh. I just love Harvey so much! Wish I could join the Pearson Specter!! #suits #HarveySpecter #mikeross #gabrielmacht #patrickjadams #littup #スーツ #pearsonspecter #uncannyvalley
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loveyerist-blog · 9 years
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Work hard play hard 👸 #loveyerist #love #coffee #amore #a #istanbul #office #lawyer #law #lawyered #harveyspecter #suits #donna #rachelgreen #newyork #pearsonspecter #workhardpartyharder #lawfaculty
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“Suits”: What is Wrong With Rachel Zane?!
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Laughing and shaking my head here. 
Episode 4 x 08 of Suits and Rachel Zane still thinks she is in a position to be making appeals and striking deals with Michael Ross. She has even offended Donna Paulsen, who let her sleep round and advised her to give Michael some space-- a request she promptly ignored, instead choosing to lie (again) using Harvey, and then insulting Donna about her relationship with the former. 
This is particularly disgusting, given that Donna has never interposed herself between Harvey and Zoe or Harvey and Dana Scott, or even entertained the thought of breaking them apart, despite her obvious love for Harvey. Contrast this with Rachel, who kissed Michael whilst he was dating Jenny, continued to string him along, did everything she could to get his attention once she realized he was unavailble, and then turned around to blame him for flirting with her when he cottoned onto her games. 
Again, I ask: what is the basis for this relationship? 
Now, Rachel comes out with even more delusional dialogue:
[Michael Ross] “Rachel, what are you doing here, I told you I needed some time.”
Sounds clear enough. 
[Rachel Zane] “And then you told me that you needed to get that image out of your head.”
Which would probably explain him needing some time. 
[Michael Ross] “Which is why I needed--”
[Rachel Zane] “No, not it isn’t!”
From the lady who brought you the “He’ll forgive me, trust, come home, flirt, and continue our relationship immediately after I break his heart” prediction comes this new, staggering piece of clairvoyance!
[Rachel Zane continued] “Because you will never, completely get it out of your head.”
Great work, Rachel; that will make him feel better. 
Yet again proof that infidelity leads to problem after problem after problem. The magic of a relationship is crushed and whilst it can be repaired, it will never feel the same again.
[Michael Ross] “Tess.”
Astonishing that Michael has failed to see the irony and consequences of his own infidelity up until now. 
[Rachel Zane] “And my image isn’t made up, and it wasn’t two people kissing...”
Listen to this, folks. She is now using Michael’s own folly against him in a bid to bargain for her own forgiveness. Is this how you behave towards someone you love? Sure, she tried to apologise and that, unsurprisingly, did not work. Sure, she told Louis that she did something wrong, and that hasn’t solved anything. But now Rachel Zane returns to what appears like her best tactic: turning the whole situation back on Michael. 
Now, Michael’s decision to sleep with the odious, vacuous, and married Tess soon after his grandmother’s death and hours after he attempted to jump into Rachel’s pants, was disgraceful. But he wasn’t dating Rachel Zane at the time, neither did they live together, neither had he just told her that he had finally figured out his life and wanted to be with her no matter what. That all happened long after Michael finally agreed to end his shameful liaison with Tess. So why is Rachel using this as ammunition to fight her case? 
[Rachel Zane continued] “But I got over it without getting rid of it, because forgiveness doesn’t work that way.”
Yes, dictating how forgiveness should work to a heartbroken man will definitely help!
[Michael Ross] “You knew how I felt about him. You knew what it would do to me and you did it anyway.”
Exactement! And not only that: Rachel had to confess that she had been in love with Smug Logan and even receved a proposal from him because Michael discovered court papers where she claimed Smug Logan ended the relationship. She then gave him an emotional explanation of their relationship to quiet his insecurity and distrust. And after all that, she STILL stood stock still when Smug Logan tried to kiss her, returned to his house again in the morning with an alleged rebuttal, kissed him again, touched him, and let him touch her body, as the artful cameraman was keen to show. 
Such a strong bargaining position she has!
[Rachel Zane] “And I told you: I made a mistake.”
Ah, the classic “infidelity is a mistake” excuse, so often used by real people nowadays. And it’s still a load of garbage. Infidelity is always a conscious and inexcusable decision. Always. Rachel had a boyfriend that (inexplicably, to me) loved her; she threw that away for a few seconds passion with a past lover. Her decision. No mistake there. Totally intentional. 
[Michael Ross] “What do you want from me, Rachel?”
A good question! The fact that he has to ask this speaks volumes about Rachel’s inability to see her own faults. 
[Rachel Zane] “I want you to decide if you love me more than you hate what I did. And if you don’t, then I want you to tell me that it’s over. And if you do, then I want you to come home.” 
I want. I want. I want. 
How are these requests delusional? Let me count the ways!
Firstly, it is obvious that Michael still loves Rachel, otherwise he would have run off to another Tess by now. So her attempt to manipulate him by questioning that love is nothing short of grossly insulting. 
Secondly, he already fricking told her it was over! She just refuses to accept that, hence her ignoring his very reasonable request that he give her some space-- presumably to ponder over what kind of woman kisses the man she claimed would never make her happy. 
Thirdly: I want, I want, I want. What about what Michael wants? That would, presumably, be her first concern since she apparently loves him so much. She would sacrifice on her behalf so that he could heal, yes? Apologise, yes. Declare her love, yes. But accept that she has done something terrible, don’t try to flip it back on him by dredging up something that isn’t even comparable, don’t try to wriggle out of it by saying that the past event was worse than kissing, don’t try and use emotional blackmail to win him back. She would accept her punishment for her own conscious wrongdoing and wait to see whether he would take her back-- a decision on his part. 
But that would require some humility. 
Remind me: why do people like this couple? 
In other news, I have an idea for a one-shot based on this abysmal scene. 
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shut-upheather · 11 years
Rules: 1. Always post the rules 2. Answer the questions you were tagged in 3. Make 11 new questions and tag new people 4. Let them know they've been tagged 1. Favourite music genre? Don't have one. I listen to anything. 2. Lucky number? Don't have one. 3. Piercings? It's not an ear piercing, it's a FRECKLE!! 4. Who do you live with? My family ugh 5. What was your home town like? It is a kip 6. What was the last film you watched? Hot Fuzz :D 7. Cats or dogs? Dogs. Cats are minions of the antichrist. 8. Italian or Chinese food? Chinese 9. Favourite beverage? COKE 10.Who was your last phone call to? I dunno, probably my mother 11. Meaning behind you url? Funny story. So I was at Colaiste Lurgan (sort of like an Irish summer camp for you non-Irish folk) and my name is James, which is Seamus in Irish. And all my friends there told me I looked more like a Seamus than a James? So to compromise, we mashed them together and created Jamus :D And it was in 2013. So... MY QUESTIONS: 1. Primary fandom? 2. Secondary fandom? 3. Tertiary- no. Favourite book? 4. Favourite author? 5. Favourite tv series? 6. Favourite movie? 7. Favourite food? 8. What Hogwarts house are you in? (If you don't know then you need to sort out your priorities.) 9. Favourite/most meaningful quote? 10. Why are you on tumblr? 11. Thought on The Fault in Our Stars trailer?
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shut-upheather · 11 years
Tagged by stepinsidethefunhouse
Rule 1: Post the rules.
Rule 2: Answer the questions you were tagged on and make 11 new ones.
Rule 3: Tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: Let them know you’ve tagged them.
1. Name? James
2. Age? 15
3. Sexuality? (optional) Wouldn't you like to know Laoise ;)
4. Ever been in love? ^^
5. Someone you look up to? J.K Rowling. Y'know, the queen of the universe
6. Your best friend? Um... Myself?
7. Ideal date? Food. Just, food
8. Otp? If I had to pick... Romione :')
9. Passions? Reading, eating, whinging, writing, overthinking pointless things (like ships...)
10. Favourite book/movie/tv? HARRY POTTER
11. One thing you want to do before you die? Write a bestseller
My questions:
1. Favourite book
2. Favourite tv show
3. Favourite movie
4. OTP
5. Other ships
6. No. 1 passion
7. Your hero
8. A show/book/movie you watched because of tumblr
9. How do we know each other?
10. Best friend? (There IS a right answer here)
11. Favourite thing about yourself
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