shieldrevive · 2 years
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FROM: @peletier RE: “ it’s alright, they’re gone now… are you alright? hey, look at me; are you hurt at all? “ STATUS: accepting
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it hadn't happened in a while. the nightmares had stopped. the ghosts had stopped. steve had been able to move through the day without the effects of war following him around. losing bucky when the outbreak first happened kicked some of it back up. finding carol and others helped him work through most of it.
at least, that's what rogers had thought.
the horde came out of nowhere they'd been on a walk. supply run? it's hard to remember through the tightness in his chest. one of the walkers stared him down and steve would've bet money it was bucky. memories and guilt came flooding back until something inside him snapped. steve couldn't remember throwing the hatchet around or pushing through with his makeshift shield. a primal need to protect carol rose up from the depths and swallowed him whole.
he couldn't lose her. he couldn't lose anyone else.
admittedly, steve felt a little crazed snapping his head around to make sure she was okay. problem was, he didn't see her right away. there was screaming. so much screaming. the blonde couldn't tell if it was someone else or if it was a ghost of yesterday.
warm hands bring him back. " yeah, " the breath pushes out of his lungs. his own hands come up, cupping carol's face. he needs to touch her to not only make sure this is real but to confirm for himself that she's okay. " yeah. are you okay? we should...we should head back. "
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wexarethewalkingxdead · 3 months
[ bake ] - your muse presents mine with freshly baked cookies. (andrea)
** platonic / familial actions. - send  one  of  these  in  to  see  my  muse’s  reaction (  add “ +reverse”  for  my  muse  to  do  the  action  to  yours ) - @peletier
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[ bake ]  -  your  muse  presents  mine  with freshly  baked  cookies.
Andrea couldn't assimilate to Alexandria the way the others had. She had been programmed to be out there in the world and reuniting with the others not long before the Governor attacked the prison and caused them all to flee hadn't magically fixed that. Losing them at the farm, then at the prison, and then reuniting again at Terminus and being rescued with the others by Carol. It was all so much to deal with. So being safe was hard for her. She feared she was becoming depressed even though she had been keeping herself busy.
So when there was a knock at the door, her heard began to pound in her ears. She had to take several deep breaths to calm herself. Knocking was a thing of the past so it took a bit to get used to living inside a house once again. She slowly moved to the door, seeing through the curtains that it was Carol. A smile tugged at her lips. The woman always knew when someone needed a friend.
She opened the door and reached out to pull Carol inside, almost dislodging the plate of cookies that she'd had in her hands. "Sorry. I'm just happy to see you." She took the cookies and felt tears come to her eyes. "Thank you." It was such a normal, everyday thing, and she still struggled to embrace it. "You're a lifesaver. I hope you know that."
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shieldsurvive · 4 months
@peletier said, " take my hand again . "
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as a general rule, steve had a hard time opening up. too many years spent as a punching bag to cruel children. too many years listening to his father screaming at his mother on the other side of thin bedroom walls. no one outside of a select few had shown him kindness and, as a result, rogers had closed off his heart to anyone who would try to breach those walls.
and, yet, carol managed to make it to the other side before steve even realized there'd been a crack in the foundation. one day he looked up and the sun was shining down on her like something out of a romance movie. he usually spent so much energy fighting people to stay away but she slipped right in, unnoticed.
slowly, a smile spreads over the soldier's lips. calloused fingers reach out without hesitation, and slide against her skin. digits curl together. intertwining. both hands lift into the air until steve can press his lips to the back of carol's hand. another brushes against her knuckles.
she'd been a rock when he was full of guilt and righteousness. he stood close when determination forced her to do the unthinkable for survival. through all of it, they managed to build each other back up when the weight of the new world threatened to crush everything around them. who knew where he'd be without her to anchor him back down. dead, probably. steve would've faced off against a new tyrant and gotten himself killed before he ever had a chance to set eyes on his best friend again.
" i don't know what i'd do without these hands holding me up, " steve whispers before kissing her knuckles a second time. lips spread into a grin, realizing his emotions had totally swept him away from the conversation at hand. " now i don't remember what we were talking about before i got carried away. "
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veritcs · 7 months
@peletier. CAROL.
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❝ lass, do ye need any 'elp wit' t'at? ❞ he questioned as he approached her, immediately taking what she had picked up moments ago instead of waiting for her answer. ❝ ye s'ouldn't be carryin' somet'in' t'is 'eavy around, lass. ❞ he mused lightly. he and his brother were getting the hang of things around here at the prison, with the group here, they felt like they belonged. unlike when they were living amongst the other prisoners that the guard had locked in with the two of them.
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oftoska · 8 months
He'd done it a thousand times before. It was part of the job description.
He was sure there was a little piece of his soul that fractured off and dissipated every time he killed someone. Not the walkers, they weren't people anymore. The real living, flesh and blood with beating hearts. People that had families. Jobs. Stories and history that lived and breathed and just tried to make their way in the world before it went to absolute shit.
And he'd done this a thousand times before under orders. He'd been trained to follow the directive, to pull the trigger and move on. That was easy, when it was aligned with his job it was easy.
This world changed people. It required more of a preternatural nature. Either you had it in you and adapted onto who you were to survive, or you became someone ... something else entirely. Mal was the former, though he'd seen too many people fall under the latter. This time he'd put one down.
Carol was like a ghost. Quiet on her feet, not so much as a branch cracked or leaf whispered as she approached. He didn't know her well, but she was someone he kept an eye on when she was around. The quiet ones were worth watching. Their value wound up being immeasurable, they differed so drastically from the meek.
The silence between them spoke volumes. She was even silent as she filled the space beside him, the sudden proximity of another body bringing a flush of warmth that the change of the season lacked. He was too-used to Virginia weather, the subtleties of it. Most of his childhood had been spent on the other side of the state.
Not once did he ponder if his parents survived.
"Still don't feel good."
Mal's voice was something of a rough husk when he finally spoke. Fingers that had been threaded together worked themselves out of the knot and back in. He could feel the thickness of congealed blood under the blunts of his nails. He'd need to wash himself up good after this.
Good and Bad people were a blurred line now. Objectively he'd put down a bad one, but were they really from another perspective? He never thought he'd long for the simple days of machine programming ---orders received. Killing out of his own volition left a bitter taste in his mouth.
"Don't like the cost of it. The weight. You know?"
@peletier / @esoterium (carol peletier) + prompts (accepting).
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gif by @daryl-dixon-daydreams
Carol: Spencer isn’t Y/N’s type.
Daryl: Oh yeah? So what is Y/N’s type?
Carol: Blue eyes, kind, oblivious, a little rough around the edges, dog lover.
Daryl, snorting: Sounds kinda like me.
Carol: Did I mention oblivious?
Daryl: Yeah, why?
Carol: Okay, just making sure.
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savedpeople · 2 years
👙 (eff it, it was the newest one! :P)
Send me 👙 for my muse's reaction to seeing yours in underwear. | Not Accepting | @peletier
Being told he no longer has to live in a cell feels surreal. He hasn't upgraded to his own place yet (he reckons Maggie being back and with her own group of folks might have something to do with that), but getting to crash on Carol's couch in the meantime, getting to sleep on something that isn't on a cold thin cot or the hard ground of the goddamn woods? It gives him the best fucking night's sleep he's had in years.
It still doesn't quite feel real when he wakes up, taking a slow, deep breath as he takes in the sight of the room around him. The couch is so damn comfortable compared to everything else he's slept on in recent memory that he almost doesn't want to get up. He does though, eventually, groaning as he sits up and stretches his arms.
It's quiet as he begins to roam the house. No sign of Carol as he passes the kitchen, though he still stops to look it over a moment, at how bizarrely normal it appears. He continues his search for the bathroom, finally finds it with the door slightly ajar. Negan's about to welcome himself in until he spots movement on the other side and freezes.
Oh, there's Carol.
In nothing but her underwear.
Blinking, he's guilty of continuing to look even as he begins to step back, ready to leave but of course, she turns around and notices him before he has the chance. She doesn't seem all that startled, and now Negan has a whole new kind of view in front of him.
"Swear I wasn't peepin'." Okay, a little bit, but not on purpose. "So" -- his eyes betray him a second, but he's quick to force them back to her face -- "you just forget I was here? I'm going to assume you didn't intentionally leave the door open for me to find you like this. Unless..."
Carol gives him an unamused look and he chuckles, raises his hands to chest height in mock surrender.
"Okay, you know what?" His motions with his head. "I'm just gonna wait over here. Truth is, I gotta piss like a mofo and I'm excited as shit to do it in an actual toilet."
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mymanreedus · 5 months
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"I'm gonna give her blood. Mine goes with anybody. Merle used to make me sell it when I was a kid for money."
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 7 months
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End of the world, might as well start serving cunt about it
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cultofdixon · 3 months
Daryl: You’ve seen Y/N? They were supposed to join me on a run
Carol: Have you checked the couch?
Daryl: Why would I check the couch?
Carol: That’s where I find things I’m missing
Daryl: …Hm *goes to check the couch*
Y/N: *passed out cuddling with Dog*
Daryl: I don’t know who I’m more jealous of
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Y/N: *writing a note* Daryl, if you’re reading this-
Y/N: Wait… can Daryl even read?
Y/N: *crosses it out and starts to write again* Carl, if you’re reading this-
Y/N: Can Carl read?
Y/N: …
Y/N: Carol, if you’re reading-
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wexarethewalkingxdead · 3 months
[ kiss ] - your muse presses a kiss to my muses forehead. (shane)
** platonic / familial actions. - send  one  of  these  in  to  see  my  muse’s  reaction (  add “ +reverse”  for  my  muse  to  do  the  action  to  yours ) - @peletier
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[ kiss ]  -  your  muse  presses  a  kiss  to  my  muses  forehead.
Shane couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this horrible. The fever and shakes had finally subsided, but his throat felt as if it was still on fire and his nose was so stuffy that he couldn't breathe from it. He had been huddled under the blankets for over twenty-four hours, and his whole body ached. He was certain this was the flu. He didn't want anyone around him so he hadn't let anyone come and visit and check on him. He tried to make do as best he could.
But Carol had insisted on coming and checking on him every couple of hours. She had brought him soup and something to drink. While he was grateful, he feared that he'd make her sick. He had insisted that her visits were short so to limit her exposure. He wouldn't tell her that her little visits were the bright spot of being sick.
As the door opened, he couldn't help but smile and lift his hand in a weak wave. "That time again, huh?" he teased, pulling the blanket up over his mouth and nose so that he didn't breathe on her. "You still feelin' okay? Nobody else sick?"
Carol leaned down to press her lips to his forehead. He had resisted this method of checking his temperature, but she had assured him this was the best way without a thermometer. "Fever's broke. You actually look a little better." She reached and pulled the blanket from his face. "Which means, you can try and eat this soup I brought. It's mostly broth."
He managed to sit up slightly. "I guess it's all that nursin' you forced on me. You're the real and true Florence Nightingale." He couldn't have asked for a better woman to be taking care of him and making sure that he didn't kill over.
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shieldsurvive · 4 months
@peletier said, “ i’m sure they’ll find something wonderful about you.”
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steve has never been an easy person to deal with. he's stubborn to a fault, has a firm set of ideals, and enough trauma to fuel nightmares for the rest of time. growing up, his best friend had been able to temper him into something more manageable, especially after some of his illnesses fell to the wayside and the growth spurt kicked in. still, the blonde approached the world like everyone was ready to tell him no.
so, when he found that rare person that wedged their way into his heart? all that stubborn energy went into protecting them with his life. carol quickly became one such person. not only was she strong of will and heart but she did the right thing no matter how ( very clearly ) it hurt her. not only was steve proud whenever he had the chance to walk beside her but she woke something inside of him. she reminded him that he was worthy of someone else's love.
the tip of the soldier's nose draws a light line against her cheek, all the way until he's able to press a light kiss against her temple. he'd always known there was a group she was attached to. for some reason, it never occurred to him that he'd eventually be presented with the prospect of meeting those people.
butterflies tickle the inside of his ribcage while the put of his stomach rearranges itself into knots. memories come flooding back; fight after fight, clash after clash. new people weren't always the greatest thing due to his firm beliefs on what was right and what was wrong.
especially in this new world.
" i dunno, " the soldier smirks. hidden behind it are all the times he'd been kicked down, made fun of, and torn apart. people rarely looked past the massive wall that was his exterior. " i've had people tell me this crazy thing. like, i'm hard to get along with. " it bothered him once, when he was younger and was still trying to find his place in the world. as he grew up, steve realized it wasn't the quantity of people around you but the quality.
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ichorai · 3 months
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veritcs · 8 months
@peletier asked ❛  when was the last time you ate something?  ❜
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the irishman had paused, almost as if he had been caught doing something he wasn't supposed to be doing. he slowly turned his attention towards her when she spoke and inhaled deeply. ❝ ------ i t'ink i last ate about..... two days ago? ❞ he admitted, nose scrunching up in the slightest. okay, so he may have done something he wasn't supposed to be doing; not eating.
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linusbenjamin · 6 months
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The Walking Dead 5.01 — No Sanctuary
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