#penelope brought the heat in this clip I loved it
sarafinapeclar · 7 months
Seeing this new official clip has served as a wonderful reminder that bridgerton boys stay out here loudly announcing things that get them in trouble with their future wives at parties lol. Like bruh, where are the brain cells I'm deadd
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x-reader-theater · 3 years
Hey! Can I request a fic where Spencer and Penelope's brother are dating, since it's fairly new they haven't said anything about it but Penny being Penny she finds out somehow and she's like oh my gosh why haven't you told me and is very supportive. :))
They/She Penelope Garcia Supremacy. Edited by @mystic-writes . This was a really, really fun one to write.
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Gif by @captainchilly
"Spencer, can you grab my phone? I left it in the kitchen," you call from your position on the couch. Spencer was already in the kitchen, getting himself another cup of coffee and you thought it would be easier just to ask him.
"Again?" he asks as he walks back into the living room, tossing you your phone. "You ask too much of me."
You roll your eyes sarcastically as you catch it. "I'm sorry, can your pretty little head not handle requests? I only ever ask you for two things. To grab my phone and get a kiss," you say, laughing slightly, but you try to school your emotions so you seem serious. "Fine. I'll only ask you to grab my phone from now on."
"He- wait!" Spencer exclaims and pouts, jutting his lower lip out.
You laugh and lean up towards him, and he leans down. "Can I kiss you?" you whisper. He nods and you give him a chaste kiss, quick, and he pulls away, placing his coffee on the table next to the couch. He goes to sit down next to you, but you grab his wrist and pull him into your lap instead.
"Hey!" he exclaims with a laugh. You bury your face in his neck and place a soft kiss to the even softer skin. He shivers underneath your ministrations.
You pull back and lean in, whispering almost against his lips, "Can I kiss you?" He nods. You kiss him. "Can I kiss you again?" He nods again. You kiss him again. "Again?"
He rolls his eyes and grabs your cheeks, pulling you into a bruising kiss. You open your mouth and his tongue enters, exploring, tasting. He tastes like coffee. Smells like it too. Just as you pull him so he's straddling your lap, whimpering into your mouth, there's a knock on your door.
You pull away from each other, the both of you matching frowns, and Spencer asks quietly, "Were you expecting someone?"
"What? No!" you whisper back. "Tonight was just supposed to be us!"
There's another knock and Spencer sighs, dismounting from your thighs. He sits on the couch next to you, and you stand up, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
"I'll figure out who it is and tell them to go away," you say. "I was serious when I said I just wanted it to be us."
Spencer nods and takes a sip from his coffee while you go to the front door of your little apartment. You don't even look through the peephole, opening the door suddenly, and as soon as you see who's standing there, all anger drains from your body.
"Penny?" you ask, eyeing your bright sister up and down. Her blonde hair is clipped back with sunflower clips, she's wearing a pretty, yellow, sunflower dress, white tights with rhinestones, a yellow purse, and impossibly high yellow heels that you tried on once and almost broke your ankle. You like a good heel now and again, but hers are *way too high* for any normal person.
Then again, Penelope Garcia has never been normal.
"[Y/N]!" she exclaims, throwing herself into your arms. "How's my baby brother doing?"
"Uh, I'm fine- Penny, why are you here? I thought our dinner was tomorrow night?" You ask, confused.
They nod. "It is, but I thought I'd surprise you!" they exclaim.
Your eyes go wide as she tries to step around you into your small apartment, but you stop her. "I-I appreciate it, but I'm a little busy at the moment and-"
"Busy? You're never this busy at night," she says, bending down to grab a bag that you can tell is from your favourite bakery in town. Your mouth salivates at the thought of fresh baked goods. Penelope's eyes narrow and she asks, "What's going on?"
You feel your cheeks heat up and you look away, murmuring, "I-I have a- I have a date over."
Her eyes go wide and she all but shoulders you into your front door while trying to get past you. "Penny!" you call, but it's too late.
"Junior G-Man?" they exclaim.
You close the front door, not even bothering to unlock it, before you rush into the living room, where Penelope is face to face with your boyfriend.
"Garcia… hey…" Spencer says sheepishly.
"You two know each other?" you ask, confused.
"We work together," Spencer answers, flushing a bright red. Penelope's still just staring, open mouthed.
You pull your sister into your bedroom, and ask, "Okay, why are you here?"
"You're-you're dating my sweet baby boy and you didn't tell me?" she asks, and you sigh.
"Penny I-"
"You know I wouldn't care!" she exclaims and you pull her into a hug.
"I know I just- I was scared because you always seem to find something wrong with my boyfriend's and… and I really like him," you say.
"Oh, [Y/N], I know. And, the good doctor here is a good one. I don't have to search anything to know he's a keeper," she says and you smile, hugging her. She pulls back and says, "Now, I am going to leave you to your date, and you two are going to eat these amazing red velvet cupcakes together."
You smile and take the bag from their hands, hugging them once more, before they exit your room, and say goodbye to Spencer.
You take a deep breath and walk back out to Spencer, sitting next to him, stiffly, on the loveseat.
"So," he starts when you put the bag of cupcakes on the coffee table. "Your sister is Penelope Garcia."
"The one and only," you confirm.
Suddenly, Spencer starts laughing, and you laugh along with him, just at the absurdity of the entire situation and what you've learned today. You sigh, leaning back on the couch, and Spencer curls up into your side, hesitantly. You fold your arm around him and draw him close, leaning down to press a kiss to his lips.
He smiles, before reaching for the bag, asking, "What's this?"
You smile. "Penny brought over some red velvet cupcakes."
Spencer's face lights up and it's in that moment you think you fall in love with him. "I love red velvet cupcakes!"
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90spumkin · 4 years
Unexpected Switch (Part Six)
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Summary: Do things go according to plan as the team pursues to bring the reader’s sister into custody.
A/N: I’M BACK!!! I apologize for not updating for almost a whole month. It has seemed to be one thing after another here lately. Anyways I will be finishing this series with 2 or 3 more updates, but of course I have some steamy things in the works before it ends. I hope you enjoy my mess of writing, and like always I am open for any comments or advice.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Warnings: swearing, criminal minds talk, implied mental health distress
Word Count: , 1660
We had made it back from the crime scene about half hour ago and were all back in the round table room discussing what I had told Spencer, Rossi, and Luke on the way here.
I was pacing the floor listening to the team talk through this new information. “Kid you’re gonna put a hole in the floor if you keep that up.” I stopped my pacing and looked towards Rossi. He was smiling at me and patted the seat next to him. I sat down and leaned my elbows onto the table, exhaustion trying to consume me.
“Okay so according to what y/n told us, Tessa had shown some form of jealousy in every memory that y/n has of her. That would make sense since the killings started about the same time y/n received that award with the ridiculously long name.” Luke stated with a smirk at the end.
“The American Psychological Association International Humanitarian Award is not that long. You’re just lazy.” Tara teased Luke and made us all chuckle, especially at the mocked hurt look Luke gave her.
Emily brought us all back to the serious situation at hand, “Y/n you told Spencer that you might have an idea how to catch her?”
I nodded and gave them a weary smile, “How do you guys feel about overpriced food and screaming children?”  I was met with very confused and concerned looks from everyone but Garcia who knew exactly where I was going with this and she looked very amused. “I think we need to make a trip back to Massachusetts.”
We hatched out a plan after the team realized the case wasn’t making me insane. After a “Wheels up in 20” from Emily we all started to part ways to meet at the jet when I was stopped by a hand on my elbow before I could make it halfway out the door.
I stopped and turned towards JJ who looked sheepish at the fact of having any interaction with me. She crossed her arms and proceeded to say, “I just wanted to apologize for how I’ve acted towards you during all of this. I was beyond sure that you were behind all this and couldn’t understand why the team was questioning the original profile. Then when they all started trusting you so easily it made me uneasy. I was wrong though y/n, you’ve been nothing but helpful during all this.” She took a deep breath and relaxed her arms and continued, “I guess what I am trying to say is I hope you will forgive me and us maybe start over?” She said it more like a question more than she probably meant to.
If my mother taught me anything it was to forgive others who made an effort to correct their wrong doings. Besides JJ seemed sincere and had good reasonings behind her actions. I smiled and gave her a nod, “I forgive you JJ. I honestly probably would have acted the same way or worse.”
She barked out a laugh before saying, “Thank goodness because I have been dying to ask you about your wrist tattoo!” I glanced down at my wrist at the constellation that I thought was well hidden, “I would love to tell you the story behind it.”
We linked arms as we continued to talk and laugh as we entered the bullpen. The looks we received from everyone, especially Spencer, was like they were seeing a unicorn befriending a dinosaur. It was quite amusing and only made JJ and I giggle.
It had been a little over 12 hours since we came up with the plan to hopefully catch Tessa and bring her into custody. It was exactly two hours till that plan was going to be put into action and saying I was anxious was an understatement.
We had come to the local police station to tie up some loose ends and get everything in place for later. I was in the process of fixing me a cup of very strong coffee when I must have zoned out because Spencer’s calming voice brought me back to wherever my mind had taken me.
“Are you okay?” Spencer took the coffee pot from my hand where I had frozen just holding it, no coffee had been poured into my cup. I shook my head trying to rid it of the fuzziness that had resided there.
“Yeah-I- umm…”
Spencer poured my coffee and handed it to me, “The abyss?” I took the coffee gratefully and tucked it close to my chest, “Yeah the abyss, well almost. You saved me once again Dr. Reid.”
I gave him a small smile as I took a sip of my coffee and tried to hide a grimace. Police station coffee tastes like shit.
Spencer gave me an award-winning smile as he spoke, “Well I don’t want the 3-year running Corn Festival Queen being lost in her own mind where I can’t reach her now do?” He chuckled as I groaned. “How did you manage to persuade Penelope, the queen of gossip and lack of personal boundaries, not to tell us that detail of your life.”
I sat my coffee down on the counter and started adding an unhealthy amount of sugar to it hoping for a miracle as I spoke, “Well actually Dr. I had to persuade both Penelope and Emily.” Spencer raised an eyebrow intrigued and persisting for me to continue.
“The night she came to Emily’s office with the new information she had brought it up because my mom use to help organize the whole festival. I begged them not to say anything, and Emily said it wasn’t necessarily important for the case at the time.” I finished adding my mountain of sugar to my coffee and stirring it and took a big sip.
Before Spencer could respond Luke called out towards us, “Wow now we have two people who drinks sugar with a dash of coffee.” Matt and Rossi chuckled at his remark.
I looked towards Spencer who just shrugged and said, “I see nothing wrong with making coffee sweet. Especially if you drink it as often as I do.”
I couldn’t help but smile at him, “Coffee is a language of itself.” Spencer’s smile seemed to brighten at this quote, “Jackie Chan.”
“Emily if you take one more picture of me, they’re gonna have to arrest me for murder.” I was standing in a dramatically poofy dress with a crown on my head and a ‘Corn Festival Queen’ sash across my chest.
Emily let out a fit of giggles, “You look amazing… and I want these for black mail for later in our beautifully blossoming friendship.”
I just rolled my eyes and tried to grab her phone from her hands. I was beyond unsuccessful. Just as I about had my hands on it, I tripped over the unnecessary ruffles on the bottom of my dress and fell face first into someone’s chest. No not just someone, it was Spencer. He helped steady me and gave me a warm smile. Emily silently slipped out the tent, but not before snapping another picture.
Spencer reached a hand out to fix the rings of curls that had came untucked from their clip, “I like these curls framing your face. It only amplifies your beauty.”
My eyes met his eyes and shy smile graced his face. I couldn’t help but turn my head away when I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. Spencer’s hand that was fixing my curls was now cupping the side of my face bringing me to face him once again.
“You remember the plan, right?” His eyes held so much concern in them that I hesitated before answering. I gave him a reassuring smile and assured him, “Down to the very last vivid detail.”
He smiled at me and ran his thumb across my cheek. Matt poked his head into the tent, “Hey guys it’s go time.” Just as quick as he had appeared, he disappeared. That man has a talent of unknowingly interrupting moments.
Spencer pulled away from me and it took everything in me not to whine at the lack of warmth where his hand had been. His beautiful sharp features where crossed with worry as he said, “Please be careful. And if anything goes wrong, stay calm. I’ll find you. I promise.”
And with that he was gone. I was left with a rapid beating heart and a mind full of haze.
I stood on the stage; the fakest smile plastered across my face. I kept darting my eyes around the crowd always making sure I could see a member of the team. I was so focused on the crowd I almost missed the mayor announce the new Corn Festival Queen for me to crown.
The girl bowed her head for me to place the crown, not giving me a chance to see her face. As I placed the crown on her head, I didn’t notice the disturbance in the crowed as the BAU team raced towards me.
Before I knew what was happening the newly crowned Festival Queen stood and gave me smile that could only be described as a snarl as she said, “Hi-a sis.” , and dove towards me with a knife in hand.
I was pulled away just in time, but not before the knife went across my arm causing a searing pain to shoot through it causing me to hiss in pain. I looked up to see Spencer, his arms around me protectively, and Luke holding Tessa down as Tara place the handcuffs securely around her wrists. They pulled her into a standing position and began to state her rights as she kept her eyes on me and a shit eating grin across her face.
I turned towards Spencer who instantly started to inspect my arm. I let out a low chuckle, “Well that wasn’t part of the plan.”
@criminalmindzjunkie​ @hendersonsshadow​ @brooklynxnicole​ @martinafigoli​ @misschil3​
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Sugar With a Side of Coffee Ch. 15
Chapter 15: Learning to Live With Each Other Series Masterlist
“God damnit!” Cate scoffed when her power went out for the second time this week. It seemed like her apartment had started falling apart since winter started. First, it had been her hot water that would run out too quickly. If the too frequent cold showers weren’t enough, her heat would go out on her floor. And the cherry on top of everything else was her flickering electrical problem. It wasn’t her that was blowing the fuse, but one of her neighbors on her floor and Cate had had enough. After finding her phone on the bathroom countertop in the dark, she texted Marta before fetching her work button up. 
I’m gonna be late, power is out again. Ugh.
The lights flickered, before going off again. Cate felt Shrimp rub against her legs. He darted away when a drop from her wet hair dripped on his head. She collected her shoes and a bag of some overnight items. Cate didn’t know how much longer she could stay in these conditions. It wasn’t fair to Shrimp that she’d been staying at Spencer’s more and more. 
A beanie was tightly pulled over Cate’s wet hair as her winter boots sloshed in the wet snow that covered the sidewalk. Cold air nipped at Cate’s face as she tensed her shoulders to try and hide her face in her winter jacket. Despite having brought her car to Virginia from New Hampshire, it would take less time to walk than to drive and find parking.
She didn’t think she had ever been this happy to see The Empty Mug’s glass doors. Pulling one open, she stood in the entry way on the checkered tile floor. Customers were already lining up at the counter where Marta was taking orders and prepping coffee. Spencer was already inside the cafe, drink in hand. He moved quickly to Cate, pressing a chaste kiss to her cold nose. He scrunched his face at the temperature. He noticed her wet hair peeking out from the beanie.
“Hi,” Cate breathed out, “I have to finish getting ready upstairs.” Cate didn’t want to impose on Marta and her family by inviting him up, but it was about time he would be leaving to head to the FBI office. 
Spencer had gotten the impression that she did not want to talk about why she was late or why she was only half ready for work. She seemed frazzled and definitely disorganized. She had her own version of a go bag over her shoulder. It was hard not to half profile her when their exchanges were short. It helped him get a better idea of what was going through her head. 
“Okay, I’ll see you later?” Spence asked as she reached up and kissed his cheek as a passing greeting. 
“Yeah,” she confirmed, already bounding up the stairs. It was hard for Spencer to keep a respectful gaze on her backside since their trip back to Quantico in her car. He stole glances at her any chance he could get. She distracted him in the best way and after he tore his eyes from the doorway she disappeared through, he checked his watch and decided to get back on his way to work. 
Mondays in the bullpen were spent collected around someone’s desk catching up on everyone’s plans. As Spencer approached the team around Morgan’s desk, he was telling of his latest date, and how he was invited back to her house. JJ rolled her eyes at his story. Emily caught Spencer’s eyes as he walked up. Rossi smiled at him as he approached.
“Morning,” she greeted. “Welcome to Morgan’s Intro to ‘Swag’ lecture,” Emily joked as Morgan feigned being offended.
“Emily, be respectful,” Rossi started, “He doesn’t have ‘swag’, he has ‘game’” he jokingly clarified. 
“Alright alright,” Morgan held his hands up. Hotch walks in, interrupting their catch up. A new case was in. 
JJ sat across from Spencer on the jet, trying hard to stay focused on the file she had in her hands. Spencer could tell something was up by her fidgeting. She looked at him every minute almost on the dot. She wouldn’t meet his eyes if he looked back up at her. Finally, he was going to confront her, but she bit him to it, speaking first.
“How was your holiday?” she asked. It felt like a loaded question. 
“Great, how was yours? Did Henry and Michael get everything on their list to Santa?” Spencer only asked because when JJ addresses their letters, they are sent to his house, and he replies on special christmas themed stationary and he even gets into character with a little help from a special wooden fountain pen that he dips in ink. He tries his best to disguise his handwriting so that he can keep the facade a little longer. 
“Yes, I’m pretty sure they have every dinosaur figurine known to paleontologists across the world. Henry’s room puts the Smithsonian to shame. Michael’s room looks like a dinosaur themed carnival game prize booth exploded inside of it.” JJ laughed, before getting back on track. “Did you go somewhere special?” she asked, picking at the paper clips and brass fasteners on the file. 
And there was the other shoe that dropped. 
“You look like you already know the answer to that,” he replied. Spencer thought back to the holidays. He ran through everything that had gone on during his short vacation. He had flown to Vegas, then he had asked Penelope to get Cate’s home address, then he had flown to New Hampshire…
He asked Penelope to track Cate’s phone to get her home address. 
Of course she must have shared with the team that he was flying to visit Cate’s family for the holidays. 
“Penelope,” both Spencer and JJ spoke her name at the same time.                                                                                                                                                                       
“Things must be getting pretty serious for the two of you?” JJ continued, observing her friend’s face. 
“Yeah, I am taking this seriously. We both are.” Spencer told his friend, “I’m thinking of asking her to move in with me.” he confessed. JJ’s jaw dropped. 
“That’s a big move for you. Are you sure?” she questioned, wanting only the best for her friend.
“Of course. I know it seems quick, but I know her lease is up soon and I figured it’s a good idea for us.” Spencer tried to quickly summarize his decision so they could get back to the case. 
It was dark on the way home from the case on the jet. It was a rare occasion to be back in the same day, but it was a welcomed occurrence. Spencer couldn’t wait to go to Cate’s and be able to go to sleep by her side. His eyes felt heavy, but the short ride back to Quantico wasn’t long enough to be able to get in a good refreshing nap. 
The drive to Cate’s went by slowly and it felt like Spencer was getting stopped by every red light. He played with his tie and pulled his sleeves up to his elbows, trying to focus and stay awake. He could even feel his eyes shutting on his way up to her floor in the elevator.
He was not prepared when she opened the door for him in nothing but one of his work button ups. He felt his heart quicken and he felt the most awake he’s been in the past few hours. 
Giving a quick glance around her apartment, he first noticed the assortment of candles illuminating the space and then the wave of a mixture of all sorts of scents came around. Before he could even greet her, she pulled him by the strap of his satchel and into the doorway, closing it behind him. She swiftly moved one of her hands to his tie and pulled him down to meet her lips, kissing him furiously. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, holding her carefully. He didn’t mind one bit, but it came out of nowhere.
“Trying to warm up; it’s freezing in here,” Cate hushed out. She connected their lips again, but began dragging him back towards her room. 
“Do you think it has anything to do with you not wearing pants?” he panted as she fiddled with his tie and took his bag off his shoulder. 
“Stop talking and shut up,” he placed his hands on her face as he deepened the kiss.
“That’s the same thing,” he mumbled against her lips. 
“Just kiss me,” she pulled on his tie harder towards her. Once in her room, they stumbled their way down onto the bed. Spencer used his muscle memory to undo the buttons of her top while Cate did the same to him. As he slid the fabric off her shoulders, he could feel her weight shift. Then he felt her soft fuzzy fur against his arm. 
Opening his eyes, he gave a small shriek and moved to cover his exposed chest as Shrimp laid down between them, loafing. Cate threw her head back laughing, as she pressed Spencer’s shirt together over her chest.  Spencer watched her. He loved hearing that laugh. The tension between them was broken in the best way. 
Spencer laid on his back, Cate pressed into his side. They had a blanket thrown over them, but Spencer could feel Cate’s skin against him. It was cold in her apartment, he had deduced that the heat must be broken or some sort of malfunction in her building. If anything, it prompted him more to ask her. She shouldn’t be living with no heat in the winter. A wave of confidence surged through him.
“Do you want to move in with me?” He began to play with his fingers. He stared at her ceiling as the silence grew between them. She placed a tentative hand on his.
“Are you serious?” Cate finally answered. 
“I- yeah I am, but I don’t want to pressure you or anything,” Spencer licked his lips, a million thoughts running through his head. 
“You want me to move in with you?” Cate clarified, now sitting up, putting her weight on her elbow to properly look him in the face. 
“Yes,” Spencer breathed out, the million thoughts seemed to stream out of his head when he looked at her, “I want you to live with me.”
“Okay,” Cate couldn’t help the smile growing on her face. “I’ll move in with you.” Spencer grabbed her face in his hands and guided her face to his, kissing her with all of his excitement. 
The next morning, Spencer and Cate went over technicalities of moving in together and a time frame of moving her things to his apartment. Her lease wasn’t up for another two months, but the two wanted to be organized and make the move as smooth as possible. 
It made Spencer look at his apartment in a new light. When he was home, he imagined how some furniture from Cate’s apartment would fit in- both literally and stylistically. He knew the first thing he would get rid of would be that god-awful uncomfortable red thing he called a couch. He really hoped her sectional would fit up the apartment stairs; he hoped he could clear up a corner in his living room for the matching chair. 
And of course, there were discussions on properly acclimating Shrimp to Spencer’s apartment. Cate was adamant on ‘Shrimp proofing’ his apartment before her cat finally made the move. It was decided that Shrimp would be the first to officially move in. Shrimp no longer had to deal with the cold temperatures of the lack of heat and being left alone in Cate’s apartment. 
It was a bit of getting used to on Spencer’s part of living full time with a cat, but he was glad it was with Shrimp. Spencer wasn’t fond of the litter box in his small bathroom, but didn’t want it somewhere like the living room- it was moved to a corner in his office. The grain of the litter that Spencer now found everywhere made it hard to focus. Cat toys littered the floor of his apartment, which was a bit of a contrast to his typically clean area rug.
In Spencer’s small closet of a pantry, he now had to get used to the container of Shrimp’s food. Cate used to keep it in the bag, but Spencer convinced her to put it in an airtight container, spewing facts of keeping it from going stale and such. 
Speaking of his pantry, it had come to get over filled as Cate began to store more food at Spencer’s house. Cate was a notorious snacker and she had plenty of boxes of little crisps and snacks to feed the entire BAU team. It hadn’t really bothered him except for one time:
He had come home from work a bit early and was ready to relax with a good book. The previous case still had a hold on him, consuming his thoughts. Cate wasn’t in the common space of his apartment, her usual spot on the sectional was empty. He could hear her favorite show playing from his bedroom. Normally, he would’ve been distracted by the cute way she laughed as the show played on her phone screen and her hair messily thrown up in a bun. This time, his attention was drawn to the bag of chips laying next to her on the bed.
“What are you doing? You can’t eat on the bed!” Spencer had made a grab for the bag, but Cate held it up. 
“Relax!” she closed the bag, getting out of bed to go put it away. While she was in the kitchen, Spencer was brushing crumbs off the bed.
“Now there’s crumbs all over the bed!” This was the last feeling he wanted: to feel remnants of chips scratching his skin when he was trying to get to unwind. 
“Spence, I’ll get it, don’t worry. I’ll get it.” Cate repeated, coming back to the room and placing a hand on his back to calm him down. “I’ll get the vacuum and I’ll clean it up.” Spencer finally turned to look at her. Cate could tell he was upset, and could tell a case might’ve been a bit rough. 
He wasn’t totally innocent, though. Cate realized he began to shadow her around the apartment. He wasn’t quite used to sharing a space with someone else. If she left her dirty dishes next to the sink, he was right behind her, placing them into the sink. If she was doing laundry and putting towels away, he went in after and folded them to his liking, putting them in the order that he always put them. He was constantly rearranging things behind her, like the throw blanket over the back of the couch, or remaking the bed after her. She had confronted him about it when she had confirmed she wasn’t just making it up in her mind. 
“If you don’t like the way I do things, you can just say so,” Cate told him, circling back into their room after she had made the bed. She watched him re tucking the sheets and fluffing the pillows.
“You don’t do it wrong, but studies show if you make sure the sheets have no creases under the comforter, you’re significantly less likely to get bed bugs. And if you keep the pillows at this angle, they keep their shape better and it’s better for your neck while you sleep,” Spencer spoke, waving his hands animatedly. 
“Okay, so show me how you do it,” Cate asked. That day, Cate and Spencer spent it laughing and making and remaking the bed. Cate would tease him, making up fake specifics as to why she made the bed her way. 
After the first few weeks, they both learned  to live with each other. They started to compliment each other’s ways of living: Cate became more tidy and Spencer became a little less uptight. Spencer grew to love having Shrimp around full time, all of what came with being a pet parent. 
Shrimp would follow Spencer around the apartment like he’d lived there all his life. While Spencer enjoyed his home brew of what Cate took home from The Empty Mug, Shrimp could be found sitting by his ankles. Spencer learned all sorts of cat facts, and would share with Shrimp the difference between a cat’s eyesight and that of a human. Shrimp liked watching Spencer talk, though his focus was often on the doctor’s long hair that framed his face. 
Cate came home one night from The Empty Mug, meeting Spencer and Shrimp in the kitchen. She watched Spencer talk Shrimp through the growing process of kittens and their weekly stages and milestones of development. Shrimp was sitting on the floor, looking up at Spencer. Cate bent down, calling to Shrimp with kissy noises. Shrimp didn’t even break his gaze with Spencer, merely pointing an ear and flicking his tail towards Cate. 
“Traitor,” Cate muttered, walking over to Spencer, wrapping her arms around his middle, “He’s my boyfriend!” Cate said down to her cat. She could feel the rumble of Spencer’s laugh. Spencer pressed his nose to the top of Cate’s head, breathing in the smell of the coffee shop. 
The next morning was something Spencer could get used to waking up to forever. Cate was in his housecoat, singing quietly while making toast, having since given up on trying to cook anything else in fear of setting the smoke alarms off like before. Shrimp was sitting on one of the island stools, watching intently. Cate grabbed two mugs from his cabinet, his favorite navy blue one and her own that she brought from her old apartment- an orange one with a cat's face that resembled Shrimp. 
Cate jumped when she noticed Spencer, leaning against the doorframe to his bedroom, watching her with a smile on his face. 
“Good morning, handsome.” she smiled, handing him a homemade coffee of his usual order from the Empty Mug. “Sugar with a side of coffee for your sweet tooth.” Cate placed a kiss on his lips as she passed the mug to his hands.
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stunudo · 7 years
Moving Along
A Criminal Minds Fan-fiction
Featuring: Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Setting: Season 5
Follow up to Your Move and Move Me
A/N: So this is rushed and short because of family and work obligations, but I love you all and hope you had a Happy Smuturday! xoxo Stu
Your name: submit What is this?
This couldn’t be the surprise, you had been helping him scour every thrift shop and woodworker in three counties in search of an implement tall enough and odd enough for his tastes. No, the devilish glint to his eye told you he had broader plans than just premiering his new cane. So what was the surprise he had planned? You weren’t sure, but you continued getting ready as if it were any other night out.
It was a formal dinner party at a nearby country club in honor of Rossi’s latest book release. Spencer had agreed to go, only if you would be accompanying him for the night. His insistence was so endearing you couldn’t refuse his determined chocolate-coated stare. Honestly, spending a night in an overpriced dress with your genius boyfriend and his hilarious coworkers was something you had been looking forward to for weeks. You had already checked with JJ and Penelope, no one would be wearing the same color. Slipping into the layered fabric sent shivers down your back, the material sensual against your bare legs.
Spencer watched you from the corner, occasionally answering a question or sharing an anecdote or factoid, reminding you of his presence. He was twirling the cane betwixt his hands; with the freedom from his crutches a palpable relief sprouted in his every move. His hair was tied back, something that was so uncommon you had done more than one double take since he arrived. His tux was a rental, but fit him as if it were tailored to his every sinuous inch. Somehow your nerdy beau had been transformed into a regal playboy, the elegant cane only adding to the persona.
You started scrunching up the sheen nylon material in the palms of your hands, huffing as you plopped down on the bed. You pointed your toe out and the dress material pooled in your lap in a cascade of plum. If you hadn’t been extremely aware of Spencer’s quiet streak, you wouldn’t have heard the low moan from his seat in the corner of your bedroom. You giggled, rolling your eyes, bare legs were an easy target you supposed.
“Yes?” You asked sliding the snug material to your lower thigh.
“That’s enough of that.” Spencer spoke up.
“Oh? And should I go like this? One leg covered and one not?” You said over your shoulder, kicking your legs out in front of you, giving Spencer the perfect view from the side. He thudded his cane like a gavel and stood, crossing the room in three easy strides.
He had been patiently waiting for her to get ready for their evening out, but the thought of another layer covering her skin had sliced his willpower into splinters. Her bare legs, smooth and exposed, hung gently over the bedside. Boldly Spencer stood before her, balancing on his good leg and inching his hand down the handle of his ornate cane. His brow was furrowed in concentration, confusing Y/N as her playful smile faded into mild alarm, twinged with something darker.
He bumped the beak of the cane on her knee, a tap only deeper than a whisper along the bent joint. Slowly he began trailing the polished wood in between her knees, he tugged softly on one leg, guiding her to open for him. She took the silent request well, moving the leg he had made contact with. Her face turned coy as she batted her eyes, leaving the other leg at a stern right angle in front of her. Spencer shook his head, sliding the cane up her obliging leg, over the rolled lengths of her dress and down the disobedient limb. With a more urgent tug, he hooked his cane behind her knee and spread her widely on her bed.
Spencer sighed, “Was that so hard?”
Her eyes flashed with mischief, but she bit her tongue, shaking her head in a scintillating rhythm. Spencer withheld his groan as she leaned back, reminding him how she hadn’t put on any panties because they would leave lines beneath her dress. With slight trepidation, Spencer knelt down, leveling his hungering mouth with her parted sex. His eyes feasted on her bottom half, bare and waiting for him. Her breaths had become labored with anticipation, but she held in her thoughts, her top half shaped and coated into an elegant echo of his lady. She was both powerful and vulnerable in this moment; he had to taste her.
Grateful that Penelope convinced him to tie his hair back, Spencer started with the cane.
This was getting ridiculous, if your lust was any more pronounced, Spencer would need a surfboard. You sat as still as you possibly could, your pretty dress hiked up into your lap as Spencer sat teasing your inner thighs. His cane kissed the soft skin at a pace so slow it caused you to flinch, repeatedly. With every squirm, Spencer started over, teasing at the knee. Your walls were shuddering by the time he completed the path along each thigh. Then he carefully set the cane aside, graciously leaning forward and following the same path with his silky lips.
His strong hands held your legs open for him, your hands were tight fists clinging to your duvet. When he finally reached your center with his smart mouth, he paused, slowly he stood. You couldn’t help it anymore, a whine escaped your mouth. Spencer’s questioning eyebrows popped up, watching you sidelong as your torso fell backwards, on to the bed. “Does my lady protest?” Spencer asked slyly, his hands quickly sliding you backwards along the bed, making room for him to sit at your entrance.
“Yes, your lady protests, Spencer, please?” You were done being patient and you were done with the games.
“Yes.” He said simply, not a question, but not quite an answer either. His hand was cool on your thigh, you deftly reached it and dragged it to your wanting slit. He closed his eyes as you dragged his fingers into your folds, he slowly started to tease your clit. You hummed in satisfaction, bringing your hand back to your side. Then there was nothing but air touching your skin, the dampness chilling you. You gasped at the loss of touch, eyes searching for the culprit.
He was laughing silently above you, his tongue darting over his glistening fingers. His desire was straining the fitted trousers of his tux. You rolled your eyes and waited for his self congratulatory tasting of your arousal to conclude. He was still watching you when your hand found your folds once again, this time in sheer defiance of his retreat. You moaned intentionally loud, kneading your clit with the base of your palm as your fingers found your core.
“That’s enough, Y/N.” Spencer’s voice was a whisper, but you had closed your eyes, ignoring him completely. He grunted at your defiance. Your legs started to twitch, your other hand grasped at your nipple through the layers of fabric.
“I said, that’s enough.” Spencer’s commanded. He bit the back of your fondling hand, causing you to recoil, despite your spasming core. You hissed at him, but he gave no apology. Suddenly his tongue took over, swift broad strokes at first, culminating in rapid pulsing that brought you again to the brink. His sure fingers found your quaking walls, thrusting fiercely inside. You moaned, shuttering at the penetration and the strength of his will.
“My lady will come. Only when I say she can. Am I clear?” Spencer’s voice was composed, yet clipped. Each command raking over your body, deliberately sending you spiraling closer. You mouthed a hushed “yes” as your hands found his forehead, inching towards the tiny bundle of hair atop his head.
“Please? Lord? L-- your lady fini-.” Your voice broke, mewing the last words as your body fell apart. The heat spread in waves, your center clamping around his violent digits, his tongue pulled away to leave gusts of cool breathe along every inch of your lips. His thumb landed on your clit, pushing against it like a lever, prying his soaked fingers from inside you. He inhaled deeply as he placed a stern kiss on the back of your entrance.
Spencer stood as he cleared his throat, a few tendrils of hair had fallen from their confines. “You just don’t know how to listen do you?”
You didn’t care anymore whether he was angry or whether he was pleased, your orgasm had removed reason and playfulness from your vocabulary. Your limbs were freezing, the blood pooling in your abdomen. You covered your shaking legs with the speckled material of the dress’s skirt, balling up against the cold. The pounding slowed within your veins, your breathing and pulse eased. Finally words had meaning and eventually, you found your voice too.
“I couldn’t have waited if I had tried.” You smiled in blissful acceptance, his stern face melting at your pleasure.
“Well, that means no surprise for you tonight, Y/N.” His voice was lighter, but you knew he meant it. His warm breath trailed up your arm, his kiss finding your neck among your hunched shoulders. His body curled around you, like a glove.
“You are cruel.”
“Y/N.” Spencer sighed. “Pidge, I am going to let you in on part of the surprise, because we won’t have an opportunity like this again soon.”
This perked your interest, you turned and looked at his flushed face. His dark eyes alight with his schemes.
“Okay?” You had no idea what he had in mind.
“How would you like to play a game?” Spencer started. “With me, at the club, tonight?”
“Spencer, does this game?” You leaned up and kissed him on his tired lips. “Is it going to get us in trouble?”
Spencer’s grin broke out, his goofy laugh brightening the already perfect moment. “Only if we don’t stick to our turns.”
Read On with “So Moved”
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penelopelovesalvez · 7 years
A Lucky Night- Chapter 14
Here is my multi-chapter pic featuring characters I do not own from Criminal Minds, Alvez x Garcia, in a story of my own creation. It picks up at the end of 13.5.
Warning: Some chapters contain smut. While many do not, the ones that do are definitely 18+, NSFW.
Please feel free to re-blog and review! Please ask for permission before posting on any other platform.
Brigitte returned, and Penelope was soon hustled into a stylist’s chair to have her hair curled and styled and her makeup expertly applied. Luke was shown into the dressing room, where he discarded the robe and got dressed in his slacks. This time however he donned the burgundy button up he had brought. He spent several moments perfecting his hair and applying some aftershave.
About twenty minutes later he emerged from the changing room. Brigitte informed him that Penelope was nearly done having her hair and makeup arranged. Luke popped out of the salon for a few moments, notifying Brigitte that he would return momentarily.
Meanwhile, Penelope was amazed how quickly the stylist had worked. In only a matter of a half hour she had expertly placed large, loose curls throughout Penelope’s hair. She had straightened Penelope’s long side bangs and arranged them perfectly. After inquiring what Penelope would be wearing, she applied a dramatic, dark winged liner and a shimmery gold shadow to her eyelids. She slicked mascara onto Penelope’s’ eyelashes, gluing in small clumps of false eyelashes to fill them in until they were long and luscious. She applied foundation, highlighter and bronzer expertly, setting it all with a professional finishing powder. Last but not least she selected a deep rose matte lipstick. After applying it, she gave the tube to Penelope for reapplications later.
Escorting Penelope out of the chair once the stylist pronounced her perfect, Brigitte led Penelope down to the changing room and unlocked the door. “Mr. Alvez just stepped out and asked me to let you know he will return momentarily. Do you need any assistance getting dressed?” she inquired politely.
“I think I can manage, thank you,” Penelope said, stepping into the room. She closed the door behind her, took a deep breath, and then set about getting dressed. She pulled on the clean lingerie she had brought- the black and fuchsia high-cut panties with garter clips and the matching lace edged plunge-cut bra. She pulled on the black, thigh-high lace-edged stockings, clipping them to the garter clips. She stepped into the glittery heels, bending at the waist and tying the bow at each ankle. She shimmied into the ruffled black mini skirt, pulling it up over her hips. Then she wrapped the corseted, sparkly rose-gold top around her waist, slipping her arm into the cap sleeves and then fastening the clips up the center in front of her. She looked in the mirror, making sure nothing was out of place. Reaching into her bag, she removed the jewelry she had packet. She tucked the rose gold flowered clip into the curls of her hair, pulled on toe rose gold bangle bracelets, and lastly fastened on the large rhinestone necklace that dipped perfectly into her cleavage. She quickly packed the rest of her stuff into the bag, her stomach fluttering with butterflies. “I hope this outfit is a good choice for wherever we are headed,” she whispered softly to herself as she admired herself in the mirror, smoothing down the fabric of her skirt over her hips. Carrying only the shrug and the essentials she had shoved into the small black clutch, she crossed to the door that led back to the main salon area.
Penelope stepped out the door, and she heard a chorus of gasps. Brigitte, Kara, the masseuse and her hair stylist were standing in the lobby. She mentally made a note that this was her new salon of choice- everyone had been so kind and caring. She would definitely be returning. Brigitte’s smile beamed, while Kara actually clapped her hands several times. Her hair stylist let out a cat-call whistle, and the kind masseuse merely pronounced her “stunning!” But the one she was hoping to wow wasn’t even standing there. Before she could ask any of them if her prince charming had made a run for it, she heard the tell-tale chime as the salon’s front door opened. In stepped Luke, holding a single red rose. Well, doesn’t he look dashing in that burgundy shirt that might as well be molded to his skin. And she loved when he wore that black leather jacket. Just then Luke looked up and caught sight of her. Penelope watched his jaw literally drop in shock.
“Penelope,” he said, breathlessly. “You look… ravishing,” he practically groaned. In three long strides he had crossed the room. He pulled her tightly to his chest, tipping her head back swiftly and taking her lips with his in a heated kiss. In some corner of her mind not completely overwhelmed by the feel of Luke’s slightly roving hands and plunging tongue, Penelope recognized the sound of someone clapping again. After several moments longer than was at all appropriate, Luke finally pulled back from their kiss. He pressed the rose into her hand, and wound his arm around her waist, keeping her pressed tightly to his side.
“Thank you all so much for a lovely evening,” Luke said, turning to the assembled team. He passed an envelope to Brigitte. “We are so grateful to you, and will gladly refer others to your wonderful establishment. I’m afraid we must be going, we have a reservation to make,” Luke said, leading Penelope out the door to the truck that was now waiting at the curb.
Luke again held open the door and helped her up, his hand roving from her lower back to trail down the curve of her hip and onto her exposed leg. He slipped one finger under the lace edging of the stocking to caress the sensitive skin of her thigh, his eyes impossibly dark. “Woman, you are trying to kill me,” he groaned. Penelope shivered at the touch. She couldn’t even respond; her throat was choked with desire. He closed the door, before he lost control of the desire pumping through his veins. He rounded the truck, stopping for a few moments at the back to draw deep breaths and think of the frigid showers he took while out in the field hunting a fugitive- anything to help slow his heart rate and dampen his arousal just a smidge. Penelope would probably be the death of him, but at least he’d meet his maker with a smile on his face.
Luke finally joined her in the truck. The sun had set while they were inside, and the streetlights were on. He pulled the car onto the street and drove them several blocks. “You hungry, Chica?” he asked, squeezing her hand. “You know,” she responded, “I didn’t realize it before you asked, but yes. I am definitely ready to eat. Is dinner the reservation you mentioned?” she asked. “Indeed, it is,” he replied with a smile.
Just a few moments later, Luke pulled the truck over at the valet stand in front of a brightly lit downtown building. Penelope looked out the window at the elegant building with people streaming in and out the door, and somewhat of a line forming. “THE SALSA ROOM?!” she exclaimed, nearly screaming in exhilaration. “There is no way you got a table here, it takes weeks!” she asserted, smacking him on the thigh playfully. Luke chuckled. “Penelope, have you not yet learned that Luke Alvez, Special Supervisory Agent with the FBI, and former Army Ranger, is not the kind of man to give up at the first sign of difficulty. I am nothing if not persistent, how do you think I won you over?” he uttered in a low, yet teasing voice. Penelope didn’t know if it was his voice or the anticipation of dinner at one of the hottest, hard-to-get-into places in the DC-metro area, but she was now practically shaking.
Luke climbed out of the truck, handing the key to the parking attendant. He opened Penelope’s door for her, his eyes closely following the long lines of her legs as she stepped down from the truck. He wrapped his arm around her, stopping to receive a valet ticket, and led her up the stairs and into the restaurant. Penelope could sure get used to the comforting, arousing feeling of his protective hand at the small of her back.
Penelope could feel the weight of others’ glances on them as Luke led her to the hostess’ desk, his arm still firmly wrapped around her waist. She glanced around surreptitiously, clutching her purse tightly to her waist. Quite a few people, mostly couples, waited around the foyer to be sat, and it seemed all of them were observing her and Luke. Some of them with annoyance, likely people who’d grown tired of waiting and were frustrated for yet another party to compete against in order to be sat.
But others looked at them and seemed to be envious or intrigued. One well-dressed, but slimy looking man looked her up and down like she was a piece of meat. She shivered, ugh. What a pig. An older woman looked at them curiously. Penelope looked down at her ensemble, which was a bit flashy compared to the subtler outfits most of the women wore. For a moment, she wished she’d chosen to wear something a touch less revealing and a touch more elegant. Perhaps the woman wondered why she was so dolled up. Maybe she’s wondering what we’re celebrating. Or if she was a little-known reality show star, lol. And then, there were a few who looked at her next to Luke with disbelief. She could pinpoint one or two women who stared at her with both envy and resentment, and seemed to think it was a waste that such a model of male perfection was here with her.
Thankfully, Penelope was spared further torture as the hostess Luke was speaking with gathered menus and led them to be seated right away. “Mr. Alvez, won’t you and your guest please follow me to the table you reserved?” she asked, turning and leading them into the restaurant. Penelope allowed Luke’s hand to propel her forward but she was shocked, still contemplating how they could have possibly gotten a reservation at such a sought-after restaurant and then been sat without any wait. It was mind boggling.
Luke’s hand tightened on her hip, pressing her rhythmically in an affectionate, comforting gesture. The hostess led them to a lovely table near the center of the restaurant. It was fairly unique however, as it was situated on a small raised platform. One climbed two stairs to reach the small alcove that was partially flanked by large waist-height planters overflowing with lush flowers. A beautiful, wrought iron chandelier holding 12 candles in glass lamps hung above the table. The gleaming mahogany table and curved bench of the secluded booth had an unimpeded view of the dance floor and band, yet were given privacy by the curved planter and cascade of colorful blooms. In the center of the table sat a glass vase holding a riotous arrangement of brightly colored freesia, ranunculus, and camellias. It was probably the single most perfectly situated table in the entire room that invoked thoughts of old world Barcelona fused with a Miami club. It was beautiful, yet tasteful. Romantic, yet trendy and vibrant. She loved it.
Luke helped her up the stairs, just as he had helped her off the curb while out in the field a few weeks ago. He removed her black shrug for her, and waited patiently as she sat down and scooted slightly across the lush suede of the bench. He rounded the table, scooting into the booth from the other side until his hip was pressed into hers. He put his arm around her shoulders, resting it on the backrest. The hostess provided them with menus, smiling as she nodded once. “Your server will be with you promptly, Mr. Alvez. May you and your lovely guest enjoy your evening,” she said, taking her leave.
Penelope’s eyes roamed, taking in the rest of the room. There were tables of course, most of them occupied by groups of two or four, a few with larger parties. At the front of the room, a large platform dominated the center of the space. A variety of instruments were arranged on the stage: a drum kit, several guitars, microphones, a piano and several brass instruments. There was a large, gleaming dance floor that started just before the platform and stretched across the room, ending just several feet from where they sat.
Luke watched her as she took in the room. He briefly allowed his own gaze to take in the ambiance. It was a lovely space, and perfect for what he had planned. Mostly though he enjoyed watching her eyes widen in pleasure as she took in the room. She was so incredibly lovely and he couldn’t believe he had been lucky enough to convince her to give him a chance… to give them a chance. He sighed contentedly.
“So, shall we order some food to share?” he asked her, bringing her attention back to their table. Penelope looked over the menu. It appeared they served Latin-American and Caribbean cuisine, with an emphasis on Puerto Rican food. There weren’t many dishes she recognized but they all seemed amazing from the descriptions. Many appeared to contain meat though. She couldn’t help but think bitterly that Luke probably would enjoy it more if his date shared his love of red meat. “Well, why don’t we each order our own? That way you can enjoy something with meat,” she responded.
Luke placed a hand on her thigh, squeezing reassuringly. “There are plenty of dishes we can both enjoy. And certainly, I can order one or two things with meat. Although, since I met you I’ve been trying to cook with it less and less. Plus, they have a lot of dishes with fish or shrimp. I recall that you eat seafood on occasion,” Luke said.
They returned to looking at the menu, just as their waiter arrived. He was young, probably working his way through college or grad school. He wasn’t much taller than Penelope probably, but he was a good-looking guy. His curly, raven black hair was pulled into a trendy low pony tail, which was a striking contrast to his piercing blue eyes. The rolled-up sleeves of the white button down her wore showed off the tan skin of his muscular arms, revealing the colorful ink of the tattoos he appeared to have in two full sleeves.
“Holá, I’m Paulo,” he said with a perfect accent on the Spanish. “What can I get you to drink this evening?” Luke glanced down at the section of the menu that covered their drink selections. “I’d like a Jack and coke please, extra ice,” he said. “And for you, bella?” the waiter said, flashing Penelope a megawatt smile. When she smiled back the young man had the audacity to wink at her. “I’d like a piña colada if you have them,” she replied. “For you, cariña, we have anything you’d like. I will be back with these en un momento,” he said, turning and heading for the bar.
Penelope watched him leave, then turned to see that Luke was scowling. “What’s wrong?” Penelope asked. “Did he say something insulting in Spanish?” Luke shook his head, still glaring. “Not to you no.” he replied. “Let’s choose what we’d like to order when he returns.” They chose a few items, just in time for a bar-back to bring their drinks.
A few moments later, Paulo returned to take their order. “How does that piña colada taste, princesa?” he inquired, staring down Penelope’s top briefly. Penelope, oblivious to the young man’s leering gaze, assured him it was delicious as she took another sip. “Well, what can I get for y’all to eat?” he asked, his pen poised over the pad in his hand. Luke responded, “We’d like to start with an order of the tostones and the guacamole, then we’d like to share a bowl of the chupe de camarones, the Caribbean salad, and the enchiladas de mariscos. Oh, y una empanada por favor. Y, si podria, deja de coquetear con my novia. Ella es mía,” Luke warned sternly.  
The waiter met Luke’s steely gaze briefly, then nodded grimly and departed. Penelope looked at Luke, puzzled. “Really, Luke. What is going on with you and the waiter?” she asked, befuddled. “Well, Chica, we just had a misunderstanding and I had to set him straight about the fact that you are most certainly taken,” Luke drawled lazily. Penelope’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, don’t tell me you gave that poor boy a hard time just because he gave me compliments! I’m sure he’s just angling for a good tip. You didn’t need to take it seriously and apparently threaten the poor boy. I’m probably nearly twice his age, his flirting is harmless,” Penelope scolded, though not very harshly.
“I don’t care if he’s 18 or 81, he needs to find his own cariña and not be making a cake of himself over a woman who is with someone. He’s supposed to be working,” Luke growled. Penelope continued, “What exactly did you say? He was so stern when he left.” Luke waved his hand, “It was nothing. I didn’t say half what I could have, nothing insulting. I merely told him to quit flirting with my girlfriend and find his own girl, because you’re mine,” Luke said, his voice still low and intense. Penelope looked him in the eyes, her heart thundering in her chest. “You told him… that I’m YOUR GIRL??” she clarified hesitantly. Luke nodded decisively, “Yes, Chica. I’ve been trying to say something to you for months, and I can’t blame you not realizing how I felt… what with me taking my sweet time.” He brought his hand up to cup her jaw, his fingers caressing her cheek. “But I think I’ve been pretty direct, being that we’re on our 5th date in 24 hours. Penelope Grace, eres mía. You’re mine, if you’ll have me,” he whispered.
Penelope couldn’t speak. She couldn’t force her mouth to move, to form words. Luke was looking into her eyes, waiting for an answer and she was frozen. She could see that he was starting to doubt, starting to misinterpret her silence as rejection. But she couldn’t even think words, her head was swimming with the knowledge that this achingly handsome, generous man could want her. She had to do something though, she couldn’t just sit here and let him think she was rejecting him! She did the only thing she could think to do- she placed a hand on his thigh, and the other on his neck and she pulled his face to hers. She kissed him fiercely, pouring every ounce of wonder and surprise, and desire- so much desire- into the movement of her lips and tongue against his. He pushed his lips against hers, his hand caressing her neck. The hand on her face slid into her hair, anchoring her head as he moved his face to change the angle of the kiss, taking control. His other hand snaked around her body to the small of her back. He pulled her closer to him, fitting her against him as closely as possible given their seated positions. What started as Penelope showing Luke how she felt turned into Luke demonstrating just how hungry he was for her and how skillfully he could bring her pleasure.
The kiss lasted several moments, and they only broke apart as the food began to arrive to the table.
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penelopelovesalvez · 7 years
A Lucky Night- Chapter 8
Here is my multi-chapter pic featuring characters I do not own from Criminal Minds, Alvez x Garcia, in a story of my own creation. It picks up at the end of 13.5.
Warning: Some chapters contain smut. While many do not, the ones that do are definitely 18+, NSFW.
Please feel free to re-blog and review! Please ask for permission before posting on any other platform.
Luke jumped out of the driver’s seat, coming around to help Penelope climb down. He kept one arm around her waist, and grabbed Roxy’s leash with the other. A smile on his face, he led them around the corner of the building, to the cute white gate that led to the outdoor seating area. Holding the gate open, he led her onto the patio under the quaint flower-covered arbor. A waitress materialized, and led them to a table for four. The patio was fairly empty; only one other couple, in their fifties or sixties, with a poodle sleeping in a chair occupied the far corner. Luke pulled out a chair for Penelope, and once she was seated, rounded the table to his own. He clipped Roxy’s leash to the chair leg with the carabiner on the end, and the sweet dog settled down underneath it. 
“Here’s your menus. I’ll be back in a moment to take y’all’s drink order,” the waitress said with a flirty grin. It seemed she had no sooner sashayed away then she reappeared at the table. The young waitress was extremely attentive, and Penelope noticed that the younger girl was pretty, in an “All-American cheerleader” way. Her long brunette hair was pulled into a high ponytail. It fell straight down her back until the last three or four inches formed into perfect ringlets near her lower back. She had bright blue eyes, framed by what appeared to be false eyelashes.
Penelope probably wouldn’t have taken such close notice of the woman’s appearance, except that the woman kept finding reasons to touch Luke. When she’d sat them, she briefly touched his hand as she gestured to the table and asked if it was acceptable. A few moments later she had now placed a hand on Luke’s shoulder as she inquired if they would like coffee and water to start. Penelope was sure the woman found Luke attractive, with the way she kept batting her eye lashes and flashing her dimples. 
Penelope tried not to let on that the woman’s obvious flirting bothered her. She and Luke made small talk, looking over the menu between sips of coffee and observations about the ambiance of the garden and the lovely weather. However, she couldn’t seem to completely push down her insecurity and annoyance at the feeling that the waitress clearly didn’t look at them as a couple.  She tried not to let it bother her but she was fairly certain her smile was becoming just a bit strained and her laughter was a bit forced. 
After several minutes, the waitress returned to take their order. “What can I get for you, handsome?” she asked with a wink. Luke continued to smile, but he tilted his head a little and paused. “I think we’d like an order of the French toast to share, and then I’d like the huevos rancheros with bacon on the side and some extra salsa. And my girlfriend will have the eggs benedict, with avocado substituted for the ham- she is a vegetarian. Chica, you wanted the hash browns, right Baby?” He asked, looking at Penelope with heated eyes, reaching out and taking her hand across the table as he spoke. 
Penelope was speechless. She closed her jaw, staring back at Luke in confusion, and merely nodded her head in response to his question. Did he just call her his girlfriend? Wait, what? Why would he have said that?
Before Penelope could even wrap her mind around what has just happened, and why Luke had said what he had, she heard the waitress say, “Certainly,” in a clipped tone. The woman’s smile was entirely gone, and she turned and strode away to the kitchen briskly. 
In a moment, Luke was standing, “Could you please excuse me for a moment, Penny? I will be right back,” he said. Then Luke turned and walked in the same door the waitress had just disappeared into. Was he following the waitress? Had he regretted shutting down her flirting? Does he KNOW her somehow? Thoughts raced through Penelope’s head. Wait, he called her Penny. First, he calls her his girlfriend and then he calls her Penny for the first time, before jumping up, no explanation, and following the waitress. Maybe the man had lost it… as that seemed the only simple explanation.
Before Penelope could make any sense of what had just happened, Luke returned through the same door. Passing the chair he had been sitting in, he rounded the table and took the chair next to her, turning it at an angle so it still faced the table but also faced her. He settled in, leaning in close and kissing her swiftly. Taking her hand, he began to tell her a story of one of fugitives he and Roxy had hunted down. 
“So, we were fairly certain that after escaping prison he would head back to the Emporia area. Although the man had hunted across 6 different states, all the bodies were left along the turnpike near his childhood home in Kansas. The man’s favorite diner had proved his undoing. We knew from interviewing some family and a previous cell mate that Stephens had carried a torch for a busty brunette waitress that worked there and her pies before he got locked up. I ate there 3 meals a day, 3 weeks in a row- one greasy cheeseburger after another till I thought I’d die of a heart attack before he finally appeared. I was almost certain that our hunch had been wrong, when finally he grew careless and gave in to his urges. He showed up, and finished up his chocolate crème pie with a set of metal bracelets and a trip to federal prison,” Luke chuckled. “I’ve got many stories more exciting, but that fugitive hunt was definitely the most delicious. Mizz Lizzie baked a mean pie,” Luke said, smiling winsomely.
As he spoke, Luke continued touching her: tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, rubbing a hand down her shoulder and lower back, twining his fingers between hers and rubbing his thumb across her wrist and back of her hand. Penelope turned her body towards him, reveling in the feel of each touch, and laughed at his story. He sure could spin a tale. It was amazing how much emotion and passion he conveyed through his facial expressions and tone of voice. Most vivid storytellers speak with their hands, but his delivery was controlled and his movements and gestures always deliberate. She thought back to the time Luke had found her crying, after Reid was hurt in prison. He hadn’t touched her really, hadn’t moved his hands from his pockets, yet he’d conveyed such concern and such support. Not that he didn’t gesture or even touch her when it was needed; He had put his arm around her and rubbed her shoulders when Reid was denied bail, and again when she’d found Stephen after the crash.
Suddenly, Penelope realized that while she’d been lost in thought she’d just been staring into his eyes, and he had ceased talking and was doing the same. Penelope couldn’t read his expression. Before she could apologize for her wandering mind and bad manners, Luke softly asked, “Penny, what are you thinking about?” 
Thankfully, before she had to construct a believable lie or confess the embarrassing truth that she was thinking about all the times he’s touched her, a waiter brought the food out to them. 
“Here we go you two,” he said, sliding a few plates in front of them. “We’ve got the French toast, huevos rancheros with bacon, eggs benedict with no ham, add avocado. I’ve got a side of hash browns and some extra salsa, and maple syrup. Do y’all need some ketchup, or we’ve also got blueberry syrup or orange marmalade if you’d prefer for the French toast?” the tall, blonde man asked. 
“Thank you so much, this is perfect,” Luke responded. “Can we get a bit more coffee, and then two sides of Nutella for the French toast? I’ve heard that is your most popular topping.”
“Sure thing, coming right up,” the waiter replied. “Oh, and my name is Alex. I will be right back with the coffee and the Nutella, and if you need anything else I will be checking in on you periodically,” he finished. He strode away from the table. 
“Nutella, really?” Penelope squealed! “How’d you know I like Nutella?” Luke smiled, stifling a laugh. “Oh, I remember you contemplating murder when Reid ate your Nutella and banana sandwich out of the fridge. And I saw the Costco-sized jar you have in the cabinet. Seemed like a safe bet. Plus, who wouldn’t enjoy a rich, smooth, chocolatey spread on French toast?” Luke asked in a teasing voice, grinning over his mug of coffee.
Penelope smiled back. “Well, thanks. You’re a pretty great date, Newbie,” she said, purposefully drawing out the word as she picked up her fork and cut a piece of egg and avocado on English muffin and placing it into her mouth. Luke smiled, turning and taking a bite of his own eggs slathered in salsa. They each took a few more bites of their respective food, before feeding the other a few bites of their own food- Penelope offering Luke a bite of eggs benedict, followed by a bite of perfectly crunchy hash browns and Luke offering her a bite of cheesy, spicy eggs and tortilla. 
A moment later, the friendly waiter returned with the sides of Nutella and refilled their coffee. He checked that they were satisfied, before disappearing again and leaving them to their cozy meal. Penelope and Luke tried the French toast with the chocolatey spread, both finding it absolutely decadent. They took turns feeding each other bites of the sweet bread, dipped into the melty, rich spread. 
A small bit of the Hazelnut Chocolate sauce dripped off the bite Luke placed into her mouth, landing on the edge of Penelope’s lip. Luke leaned down, placing his lips close to hers, and sensually licked the spilled chocolate. “Mmmmm, sweet,” he moaned. Penelope giggled, but then moaned softly as Luke pulled her close and crushed his lips to hers.
Soon they were entangled in a passionate kiss. Penelope’s arms were wrapped around his neck, her hands fisted in his hair. His hands were on her hips and lower back, pulling her closer to him and exploring the tempting curves she offered. They probably would have continued until the food had grown ice cold, had Roxy not barked at a passing squirrely. Embarrassed they sprang apart, both laughing at how easily they got lost in their own little world of passion. 
They finished their meal, thanking Alex as Luke paid the bill. They wrapped their arms around each other, and Luke led his two girls out of the patio and into the park next to the restaurant. They walked Roxy, giving her a chance to use the bathroom. Luke stopped and bagged her mess, throwing it away in a conveniently placed trash receptacle. After a fifteen-minute stroll around the park, enjoying the cool, early-autumn breeze and warm sunshine, they returned to the truck. As they got in and pulled back onto the road, Penelope turned to Luke and asked, “So what’s up next?”
Luke pulled the truck to a stop at the red light, and turned and looked at her. “Oh gorgeous, I’m keeping it a surprise. What would be the fun in spoiling it by telling you what’s next?” he asked, a happy, lopsided grin on his face. Penelope shook her head. What had she gotten herself into?
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