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🍤 sitcom shrimp holy trinity 🍤
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Captain Penisi Master List
This series is completed! ✔️
Tacoma Washington. A dreary town just outside of Seattle.
At least it was for Auggie until she met a helpful nurse by the name of Vickie McConky who took her under her wing.
And then she met the rest of the McConkys...and Eddie Penisi.
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And while this normally fun-loving captain who is always up to something is great with everyone else...Eddie's not exactly friendly to her.
And while she thinks it's because of something that she'd maybe done, what she doesn't realize is that around her, Captain Penisi loses his mojo.
He reverts back to the awkward boy he was before Nudey Trudy Towers. And while everyone else but her seems to know that he's got a crush, no one is able to help him; because he keeps pushing them away, saying that if he gets Auggie, it's because he's Eddie Penisi.
But what if being Eddie Penisi isn't enough?
The Lengths Eddie Penisi Will Go To
Tay Tay McVee Tickets
The Station Tour
When Eddie Penisi Gets Jealous
Pasta A La Penisi
The Fire At The Dispensary
Mike Crystal
Eddie The Chief
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attapullman · 4 months
Another life update is that I started watching Tacoma FD and it's brought on the older man yearning like none other.
Also I most definitely have a type 😬
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iexisttospitegod69 · 4 months
I have heard the cries of desperate Eddie Penisi fans, allow me to feed you all
Eddie Penisi x Reader Headcannons
TW: Not smut but some sexual stuff
Anyways please ignore any false things I haven’t finished the show i just need Eddie Penisi
Ok so starting off we all know Eddie Penisi likes older women from Season 1 Episode 7 but I think he does have to potential to like someone younger
Don’t get me wrong he would pick older women like Trudy Towers over a younger girl any day but i feel like there would be exceptions
He would like someone that is mature to level out his immaturity, but someone that could handle him
Like if the reader was known for acting older than her age but still got his humor I feel like he would fall head over heels
And he would like active women (not skinny i think he would actually adore a chubby s/o) but someone who is also a firefighter or police officer if you want a good enemies to lovers trope
Now Eddie’s way of flirting is straight up Tumblr porn
For this scenario we’re going to say reader is a firefighter at Station 24
If Eddie Penisi likes the reader and they came out in their uniform that was a well fitted and close to the skin, this man would make comments all day about “being able to see everything”
And so help you God whenever no one else is around he would totally tap that ass if you bend over a little
Someone call FOOFA
Anyways i think he would be weirdly turned on if you smelled like a camp fire. Idk just if you walk past him smelling like a campfire i think he’s going to get his 5th infraction with FOOFA
Authors Note: AHH I SUCK AT THESE PLS DONT DEHYDRATE PENISI HOES. Anyway i hope you guys enjoyed this very short list of not very good head cannons and let me know if you want more
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redpool · 1 year
Man I love Eddie Penisi.
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zemnarihah · 16 days
every idea i've had for my 3d modeling class is like. just do something hr gigery. bc what the fuck else would i care to make in 3d. but I have to ride the line between trying to pull that off and also uhhhhh not submitting straight up penis looking stuff. here's my current project btw we are supposed to make an object. any object like smth that could be in a movie or video game so i made a giger gun.
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3xhaust · 8 months
just remembered how RJ Palmer said Dick And Balls Shape is an actual factor in pokemon designs. He said he learned this when he worked on Detective Pikachu. I know what palworld needs
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frostedroyaltea · 2 years
When The Fire Department Saves The Police Department
The alarm bells rang early in the evening at Station 24. The crew was called out to an elevator that had gotten stuck between floors with several people trapped inside. Maintenance hadn't been able to fix the problem so they had called the fire department.
"Alright," Eddie said, "Ike, Andy, Lucy, you three get the doors open and everyone out. Granny, you're on standby in case any of them have somehow injured themselves so be ready in case we need you." Terry had already left for the night so he wouldn't be coming on the call.
They grabbed their gear and tools and the crew made their way up the stairs. Maintenance was still there when they arrived. They managed to get the elevator close to the floor but it would still be a jump to get the trapped civilians out.
"Ike, Granny, get the doors open. Lucy, help them."
"Yes, Cap," Ike and Andy said. Lucy nodded. The three got in position while Granny set up the equipment he might need behind them.
Together Ike and Andy pried open the doors and stabilized them so they wouldn't close on Lucy or the civilians. Once they got the doors open the firefighters burst into laughter.
Inside was Shuck, Salazar, and Polonsky were all inside, scowling. "Oh, come on," Polonsky said, throwing up his hands. "Real funny."
"Oh Terry's going to be mad he missed this," Eddie said. "Guys come one, we have got to get a picture of this."
The firefighters gathered in front of the open doors, grinning while the police inside scowled.
"Are you going to help us out?" Salazar snapped. "I thought you were supposed to help people."
"Oh we do," Eddie said, "this is just funny." He gestured to Ike, Andy, Lucy, "Alright, help them out. Joking times over."
"For now," Granny said, still chuckling.
"Oh for sure," Eddie said. "Wait until we tell Terry, Jerry."
"I can't believe I missed it," Terry said a few days later when they were all on shift together again.
Eddie flipped through more of the pictures he took. "Oh it was great. I'm definitely not going to let any of them forget it."
"Neither am I," Lucy said, flopping down into the chair beside Terry's. "You should've been there to see their faces."
"I wish I could've. At least I got these pictures, right? I'm going to call Jerry and ask him how his week was, it'll be really funny."
"It sure will," Eddie said.
Back at the police station Jerry Polonsky slammed the phone down. "We have got to get them back!" he yelled, immediately summoning Salazar and Shuck to his office.
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I'm very cute an want kisses
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never could relate to those posts about the frustration of fixating on a show with no fandom and now it's happened to me twice in the past year 😔 everyone pls watch go tacoma fd immediately
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
Captain Penisi, Chapter 1
Word Count:  1.2k
Warnings:  some sexual thoughts.
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“See, you have nothing to be worried about,” Vickie smiled as she nudged the newest young resident, “everyone loves you August!  You fit right in with the crew.”
“Thanks Mrs. McConky-“
“Vickie,” she corrected her, “it’s Vickie, sweetie.  Only people that have to call me Mrs. McConky are the people I don’t like.”
“Mrs. McConky,” a young nurse from the desk asked, walking up to the table.  Vickie shot the young doctor a wink and looked back to her, “your family came to visi-“
“Thanks Gretchen,” she smiled, giving her a smile.  She looked back to the young doctor, tapping her thigh, “come on, kiddo.  I want you to meet my family!”
“I-I wouldn’t want to impo-“
“Trust me you won’t,” she laughed, cutting her off.  She stood, grabbing her tray and started towards the trash can, “come on, sweetie.”
With a sigh, August grabbed her tray and began to follow after the nurse that had taken her under her wing.  The two of them dumped their trash and walked in a comfortable silence until they reached the entrance desk. 
August noticed two younger girls, who were probably in their early teens, as well as someone who looked a few years younger than herself, as well as two men.  One, who August had remembered being described as Vickie’s husband, was smiling brighter than his crisp white fire chief shirt when he noticed his wife. 
The other one made August hold her breath. 
Sure, he was definitely older than her, but he was cute.  Easily in his early 40’s, she wasn’t put off by the aura around him.  He gave off the ‘cool uncle vibes,’ but also a more hidden one.  One that made her want to bend over and call him daddy. 
She snapped out of her daydreams to see Vickie and her husband staring at her.
“O-oh, I’m sorry…I’m August!”
“Auggie…well, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” Chief McConky smiled, holding out his hand.  August took it in her own to shake, “Vickie has sung your praises since the second you got into the hospital.”
“Oh-I-I’m nothing special, I-“
“Nonsense!” the large man smiled, waving her off, “Vickie here says you’re one of the few doctors that actually takes note of everyone…you don’t just go off on your own.  Listening to your co-workers is very important.  Right Eddie?”
“Huh?” he asked, shaken from his own thoughts, “yeah…whatever, Terry…”
“See, this dummy doesn’t pay attention to a word I say, and I’m his chief!” the man laughed. 
August watched as the two men began to bicker.  She was torn between laughing and breaking it up, but instead, chose to focus on Vickie.
“Anyways…these are my three daughters,” Vickie smiled, “Lucy, Kelsey, and Quinn.”
“I’ve heard so much about you guys!” she answered, “seriously, your mom talks about you guys all the time.”
“Yeah, mom’s mentioned you a lot too!” Lucy smiled, “sorry about Kelsey and Quinn…they’re super bummed they couldn’t go to the Tay Tay McVee concert tonight.”
“Right?” she sighed, her own shoulders dropping, “I was supposed to go with some friends, but they heard that Ring Ding Dong was going to be at Lava Fest, so they got tickets to that.  I really wanted to see her…but she’s sold out!”
“I have tickets!”
The girls looked over to Eddie, who had stopped his bickering with Terry. 
Eddie felt like his heart was racing. 
He didn’t know why he’d said that. 
“What?” Lucy asked, “You have tickets for a sold out show and didn’t tell us?”
“Y-yeah.  I totally have Tay Tay Macabee tickets.”
“It’s Tay Tay McVee Uncle Eddie!” Quinn said quickly.
“No way,” Kelsey argued, “they’ve been sold out for weeks!” 
“How did you manage to get tickets, Eddie?”
His eyes shot to his sisters.  She gave him a smug look as she crossed her arms over her chest. 
“I-I won them!” he lied, quickly trying to cover his tracks, “got wasted at a bar during their trivia night, and the prize was four Tay Tay tickets!”
“NO WAY!” Quinn yelled.
“Why didn’t you tell us, Uncle Eddie?” Lucy asked excitedly, “that’s awesome!”
“I didn’t know if you girls knew who she was,” Eddie lied, “I mean, I was at a bar.  I just assumed it wasn’t music you listened to!”
“Why didn’t you try to sell them?” Lucy asked, “scalpers are making bank getting their hands on tickets like that!”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, “What’s with the twenty questions, huh?  Did you girls want to see Tay Tay Macabee or not?”
“Tay Tay McVee!” Quinn corrected once more.
“Yeah, whatever!” Eddie said quickly.
“I’m sure the girls would all love to go!” Vickie smiled as she put her arms over Lucy and Auggie’s shoulders, “right girls?  Could be a great way for you all to know each other.”
“I’m in!” Kelsey excitedly squealed.
“Me too!”
“Wanna go see Tay Tay McVee with us, Auggie?”
“Oh I’m so in!” she smiled, “Thanks uh-“
“Captain Penisi!” Eddie smiled, wanting to do more than just introduce himself to the girl, “Captain Eddie Penisi.”
“Thanks, Captain Penisi!”
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“What do you mean?” Lucy asked angrily, “There is no way these tickets are fake!  My uncle won them at a trivia night!”
“Well sweetheart, you might want to go yell at the people that gave it to them, because these tickets are definitely fake!” The ticket taker proclaimed.  He was already looking past the girls, “Next!”
“No, this isn’t fair!” Kelsey proclaimed.
“We’re going in!” Quinn said, trying to push past the guy.
“Quinn!” Auggie exclaimed, seeing the teenagers trying to push past the ticket taker, “Kelsey!”
“GUYS NO!” Lucy began, trying to grab at her sisters.
“Well that was a shit show,” Auggie sighed as she ate yet another brownie with Lucy, “god…”
“You’re telling me,” she laughed as she bit down on her own confection, “I didn’t know my little sisters were that strong.”
“Fucking wild!” Auggie giggled.
“Wanna know what’s wild?” She asked, “how the hell did we get up here?”
August looked around.  They were on top of a roof, staring at the sky.  She giggled, “I don’t remember getting up here!”
“Me either…”
“Did it happen after we dropped off Kelsey and Quinn?” August asked. 
Lucy giggled, shrugging her shoulders, “I don’t know…but I do recognize where we are!  We’re on top of my dad and Uncle’s station!”
“What?” August giggled, “no way!  Why would we come here after we got high?”
“I don’t know,” Lucy shrugged, laying back down to look at the stars, “I mean-I’ve always loved this place.  Gamps was the chief here.  Now my dad…and my uncle is the fire captain.  I guess I’ve always wanted to be at station 24.”
“Lucy…you should be a firefighter!”
“What?” she asked, sitting back up.
“Lucy, you should apply to be a firefighter so that you can be one here!” August smiled at her friend, “I mean…it’s what you’ve always wanted, right?”
“Yeah!” she agreed, “it is…I want to be a firefighter…”
“You should do it, Lucy!”
“YEAH!  I’m going to apply tomorrow morning!” she grinned.  She reached over and pulled August to herself, “thanks Auggie!”
Chapter 2
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toruandmidori · 2 years
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redpool · 1 year
I don't know what it is about him that makes me a giggly little bitch, but fuck.
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shogas · 2 years
you ever cook bratwursts and think about how they look like greyish brown penises
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mino2aur · 2 years
was muttering to myself about phallic imagery in saw and my stomach made a game over noise
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this is.
I mean.
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