#penma tayorininaru
jase-is-ace · 2 years
Hello again, friend…
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Woe, upper moon Tanjiro be upon ye!
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jase-is-ace · 2 years
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More of Penma cuz I miss drawing her
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jase-is-ace · 2 years
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Penma in Kimetsu Academy
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jase-is-ace · 2 years
Dry Ice
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jase-is-ace · 1 year
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Experimenting with warm and cool colors
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jase-is-ace · 1 year
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Someone to rely on
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jase-is-ace · 2 years
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Found these drawings in my desk. They look pretty good if I do say so myself
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jase-is-ace · 2 years
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Penma doodles
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jase-is-ace · 2 years
Older sketch
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Penma and Amaya team up or something I don’t remember the context for it
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jase-is-ace · 1 year
Demon Slayer: Oneshot
Private Lessons
Tanjiro collapsed to his knees and tried to regain his thoughts. He still didn’t have enough stamina to keep a steady flow of Total Concentration Breathing; Constant. “You need more stamina; your lungs are still too weak!” He scolded himself, clambering up.
The whole afternoon, he ran. He ran until his legs wanted to fall off. Sweat covered his forehead and neck as he panted. Inhaling again, he tried to breathe.
It still felt like something was missing. Something important. Before he could ponder it any longer, a sweet scent filled the air.
Lavender and a hint of honey.
Tanjiro whipped his head around to see white hair flowing in the gentle breeze. Penma tilted her head as she gazed at the distraught and slightly embarrassed boy. “Aoi says dinner is ready. Come inside.” She beckoned. Tanjiro gulped before trailing behind her, his eyes glued to the floor beneath him. “I didn’t realize you were here.” Tanjiro admitted, slowly looking up.
“Only for a week. Had an accident with a few rookies who got caught in the crossfire.” Penma explained curtly.
Zenitsu and Inosuke barely said a word as they snagged their share of rice and other snacks before bolting back to their room. Aoi scoffed but let them go. Penma stayed with Tanjiro, taking slow bites. The redhead’s attention was taken away from his meal when she blurted.
“I noticed you haven’t mastered your breathing techniques yet.”
Tanjiro flushed but confirmed her observations. “I’m still getting used to breathing like that around the clock.” He sighed, the thought alone wearing him down. The girl hummed. “That’s no good. If you’re going to climb the ranks, you need to get a hold of it swiftly. Do you have anyone teaching you currently?” she inquired, her tone unwavering.
Wine orbs drifted to the side. “No, not at the moment.” Plopping the last bit of rice into his mouth, he placed his chopsticks down on the table.
“Follow me then.”
The order came out of nowhere, and she was already walking away with her plate. Tanjiro scrambled and nearly fell out of his chair to tail her.
After the dishes were taken care of, Penma walked Tanjiro out into an open field. She turned to face him.
“Show me your technique.” She ordered. Tanjiro swallowed a lump down his already dry throat. He took a deep inhale and was immediately met with a punch to his stomach.
Penma frowned, ”Why are you leaving your stomach open? Engage your muscles. Again.”
And so, it went on for who knows how long. Tanjiro taking a hit and a scolding for every mistake he made.  Penma refused to move on from his basic technique, claiming that he needed proper foundation if he wished to progress rapidly.
Tanjiro didn’t dislike her nitpicking. In fact, he found her teaching method very beneficial. Penma was very straightforward and told him exactly what he did wrong so he could focus on it more efficiently.
The next three nights went the exact same. Simple drills and a lot of smacks to the back of his head. “Focus.” She berated as he sat crisscrossed in the dirt. Tanjiro inhaled again, engaging his stomach when she came in for another punch. “That’s it. Keep it up.”
Within the next training sessions with the butterfly girls, he saw major improvement in his performance. He had almost caught Kanao  in full body training. Penma watched from the sidelines, examining his movements clearly.
“Tonight, I want you to tackle me.” Penma stated, placing a hand over her chest as a gesture. Tanjiro requested elaboration.
“Simply knock me down. Throw me off balance.” Penma stood her ground, digging her heels into the dirt. The redhead took a deep breath before charging for her. Penma’s fist found his right cheek and his face became well acquainted with the leaves that decorated the forest floor. Groaning he sat up to look at her.
“You must protect the face, unless you want to get knocked out cold.”
Two nights were dedicated solely to the perfection of his attack potency and form. She would strike mercilessly when he approached so his response time had to improve quickly. He grazed the side of her waist as he went to knock her over, but she shifted and stomped him into the cold ground.
Tanjiro panted and shakily went to lift himself onto his arms. Penma kneeled in front of him and used her hand to tilt his head up to meet her gaze.
“Better. You need to work on shifting your weight. Mastering that will strengthen everything else.” She stated. Tanjiro felt his face flush. She let him go and disappeared back into the estate, leaving him in a sweaty and confused state.
Penma felt more than one presence watching her, she stopped in her tracks and focused on her hearing. She felt the vibrations of the floor creaking. The boar and blonde were hiding behind the corner. Sighing, she continued her way back to her room.
“Why is she with Monjiro every freaking night?” Inosuke blurted, earning a shush from Zenitsu. “I think she noticed us.” he said lowly. “They were probably training.” The blonde reasoned. He couldn’t help but worry for his friends’ wellbeing. Zenitsu still wasn’t a hundred percent sure of Penma. She greeted him every now and then but still gave off a cold aura.
Tanjiro grabbed Kanao by the hand during their next training session. He cheered along with the younger butterfly girls with enthusiasm. Kanao watched with slightly parted lips. She didn’t expect him to progress so hastily.
While he made exceptional progress with Kanao and Aoi, he still couldn’t knock Penma down. She was stubborn in her stance. Not moving an inch as her attacker marched forward.
It was the last night that Penma would be in the estate before departing for more missions. He had to make the most of it. Even when Penma was okay with excusing him, he begged for a few more rounds.
“I think I know what to do! I just have to try. One more time, please!” He bowed in a rather exaggerated manner. Penma obliged and readied herself once more.
The redhead charged, but he changed his pattern. He managed to grab hold of her arm and wrestled with her for what felt like an eternity. She still didn’t budge.
Inhaling as much air as his lungs could take, he wrapped his hands around her wrists, catching her off guard. Without a second thought, he yanked her forward and they both fell. Penma landed on his chest, letting out a grunt.
Tanjiro panted and gazed down at her. She lifted her self up enough to look into his eyes. Her mouth agape.
“That sure was…an unorthodox method.” she admitted, huffing. The boy smiled awkwardly and let out a nervous chuckle. “But you completed the task I gave you. You knocked me out of balance. Good work.” Penma nodded in approval as she stood up, holding out a hand for him as well.
He took it happily.
While his outer appearance seemed the same, he was screaming with delight internally. He did it! It was a weird method, but he actually did it!
After Penma had left the next day, Tanjiro made sure to practice what she taught him during his next rehabilitation training session. By the end of the third week of training, he had mastered Total Concentration; Constant.
He made sure to train Zenitsu and Inosuke once they came back to training. While they absolutely despised the technique, they pushed themselves to master it fully as well. Shinobu watched as they hyped each other up, a smile upon her face.
“Penma really is a good teacher! I learned so much from her!” Tanjiro told the insect Hashira as she was giving him his weekly checkup. “I noticed you have grown tremendously in strength.” She said as she wrote in her notebook.
Tanjiro smiled warmly.
“I expect this progress to keep going at a steady pace, Kamado-kun. You have my encouragement.” Shinobu returned the smile.
He would work as hard as needed to. There was no doubt about that.
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jase-is-ace · 2 years
Demon Slayer: Oneshot
The Snow Breather
That was the only thing Tanjiro registered in the thick fog that covered the forest. The box on his back slightly shook with every step he took.
The boy had been sent on a mission to eliminate a group of demons who had been causing trouble in a nearby village.
All the young men were disappearing. Boys from the age of thirteen to nineteen.
He had been partnered with Zenitsu as well as another slayer who has yet to show up.
Tanjiro’s crow had informed him that this new slayer was an Ubuyashiki, which was very strange, to say the least.
As for the whereabouts of his second loudest friend, Chuntaro had found him earlier to explain that the blonde boy had been held up at his previous location, flirting with all the girls to be more specific.
Tanjiro huffed as he reached the peak of a steep hill and examined the area, no sign of anything suspicious.
As if on cue, a snap sound from behind him.
A young girl stepped out of the bushes, she stumbled over her own sandals and collided with the floor.
“Oh, how clumsy of me! Hello there, may I ask what you are doing out so late young man?” The brunette inquired the red head. Tanjiro made no move to approach the young girl, rather placing his hand on the hilt of his blade. “I could ask you the same thing.” He said plainly.
“My, are you okay? There seems to be a large scar on your head there!” The woman exclaimed, slowly approaching the slayer. The boy gripped his blade tighter as she stepped forward.
“Would you be so kind as to escort me home? It’s dark out and I have lost my way it seems.” A playful chuckle escaped the woman’s lips as she stood before the young boy.
A moment of silence.
“I know what you are.” Tanjiro said collectedly. “Pardon?” The woman asked quizzically. The demon slayer unsheathed his blade before taking a fighting stance.
“You are the one abducting the men of that village down there, aren’t you?”
The lady seemed baffled but dropped the act relatively quickly. “Hum. I suppose not all boys are easily fooled.” she cackled. Tanjiro furrowed his brows before launching forward.
Zenitsu whined as he entered the new village. He looked around to see if he could spot his checkered haori friend. No sign of him anywhere.
“Why do I have to walk so much?” He cried out to his sparrow companion.
“Are you Agatsuma Zenitsu?” A low voice asked from right behind him. The blonde let out a screech of fear before realizing it was another demon slayer.
A female demon slayer.
“Yeeeesss?” He answered dreamily as he brought his hands up to his cheeks. He smooshed his face with his palms as he complimented the girl.
“Where is kamado Tanjiro?” The girl simply ignored his advances, keeping the interaction as professional as possible. It seemed to him that she didn’t even register it as flirting.
“He’s probably already in the woods looking for the demon.” Zenitsu pouted, a bit sour from the subtle albeit unregistered rejection. “Then let us depart as well.” she prompted. The blonde nodded in agreement and followed the white-haired figure.
Her bangs were long enough to cover her eyes entirely, a strange feature moreover intriguing. Zenitsu smiled from ear to ear as he trailed behind the woman, finding her figure pleasing to look at.
His admiration was cut short by an eerie ringing that penetrated his ear drums. The boy cupped one of his ears to listen closely.
He feared at first that it was a demon. However, he was mortified to find that the sound was radiating from his teammate. It was shrill and full of a sense of bitterness.
Zenitsu shuddered and trailed farther back, making some distance between the two. If the girl noticed, she didn’t mention it.
The blonde gripped the edge of his yellow haori and swallowed a lump in his throat.
There was something wrong with this girl.
Tanjiro slashed at the demon’s neck, which she narrowly dodged. Again. It was becoming frustrating how formidable her defense was. Even Nezuko was having trouble.
The demon girl let out a growl from behind her bamboo muzzle as the other demon slashed at her kimono.
“Nezuko!” her brother called out, but the fog worked against him. He lost vision of the duo demons within seconds.
There was nothing but silence now.
The boy called out for his sister, trying desperately to locate her. All he found was the same cackling woman.
“Oops! Looks like she got snatched by my friend! It’s just you and me now, handsome!” she proclaimed. Tanjiro huffed, regaining his focus on his breathing pattern.
“Water Breathing, first form: Water Surface Slash!”
His blade was enveloped by a new weight, he lunged towards the demon. She let out a shriek that caught him off guard.
The sound made him stumble right before he could damage her flesh. The woman kicked him square in the face and sent him flying.
The boy collided with the nearby tree. He took a moment to register what had just happened. Tanjiro jumped back onto his feet and prepared for a new oncoming attack.
“Second form: Waterwheel.” He muttered under his breath as the woman charged at him.
Her claws collided with his blade, sending sparks flying.
Nezuko whipped her head around and dodged an attack from another demon. She kicked the other female into the dirt and proceeded to stomp on her skull.
Her leg was caught, The girl let out a gasp before she was pulled down to the ground. The two wrestled on the floor trying to gain the upper hand.
“You filthy-“ The demon didn’t get to finish her sentence before her head fell from her shoulders.
Nezuko shoved the headless body away from her and stood to her feet, she spotted a yellow haori just a few feet in front of her.
“Thunder breathing, first from: Thunderclap and Flash.” A cool voice uttered. As the demon writhed in pain on the floor, Zenitsu tucked his blade away before snapping out of his slumber.
“Huh? What happened?” He scratched the back of his head, scanning the forest before meeting Nezuko’s gaze.
The boy gasped in delight before running up to the girl. “Nezuko-chan! It’s so nice to see you! Ahh I already feel better! You protected me, right? You’re so strong!” The boy continued his praises, much to Nezuko’s confusion.
“You won’t believe what happened to me! There was this scary lady! And then she left me! She left me all alone in this God forsaken forest in the middle of the night!” Zenitsu whined as he clung to the loose sleeves of Nezuko’s haori.
Nezuko hummed and pat the blondes head to comfort him. He wailed about his pure terror regarding the spooky fog.
“Where’s Tanjiro? The scary lady and I were looking for him and you.” He finally inquired. A loud crash erupted in the distance causing the two to snap their heads in that direction.
The blonde yelped before requesting Nezuko to get back into her box. She agreed after being begged, humming.
“It’ll be way too dangerous! But don’t worry, I’ll protect you for sure this time!” He said, all the while stuttering.
Nezuko nodded and shrunk herself down to a more portable size and climbed back into the small compartment. Zenitsu shut the door and adjusted the straps to his shoulders.
“I wonder why you were so far away from him.” He pondered aloud.
Another failed attempt at cutting the demon’s head off.
This was getting ridiculous.
Tanjiro ducked out of the way for an incoming kick, her leg instead hitting a poor unassuming tree.
The two clashed once more, Tanjiro stood his ground and grit his teeth. “I won’t let you get away with what you’ve done.” he said sternly. The woman laughed before letting out an ear-piercing screech once more. The young slayer didn’t budge this time. Instead he adjusted his grip on the katana before swinging at her neck.
Before it could reach her, she ducked out of the way and put space between her and the opponent.
“Well, it’s been fun. But I can’t let you grow into an ugly old man, consider this a favor.” She sighed all the while grinning manically.
Tanjiro opened his mouth to inquire what she was implying but all of a sudden he lost balance. He fell on all fours and started blinking rapidly, desperately trying to keep his heavy eyelids from falling.
The woman approached with her hands tucked behind her back, smugly standing above the now vulnerable boy.
“See? You didn’t stand a chance. Not only can I stun people with my voice, but I can also lull them to sleep as well!” She giggled, knocking him onto his back and leaning in. Tanjiro could barely register what was happening to him. He felt so out of it, so exhausted. The young slayer stared up at the demon with empty eyes, his eyelids dropping.
The demon leaned in, most likely to tear of the flesh of his neck and finish him off. But instead, she was yanked away by a blurry figure. Tanjiro heard screaming, and then his nose was infested with the smell of ash.
The demon was killed.
Who did it? Is Zenitsu here?
The boy attempted to crane his neck up to look around but found the task too difficult with his battered body and slipping mind. He heard a voice, soft and cool. He had not the slightest clue what was being said. The slayer looked up to see an eye. Just one eye. Another demon perhaps?
“Who…are you?” his voice barely above a whisper. The figure answered but he didn’t understand.
The last thing he remembered was someone poking and prodding at his wounds and being lifted into a secure hold.
It all went dark after that.
The siren-like demon was yanked forcefully off her new meal before she could even sneak a bite. She yowled as she was thrown a good few feet away.
As she prepared to throw an attack of her own, her neck felt a burning feeling.
No. It was cold. So cold that it burned.
The female demon let out a wail of protest as the female slayer placed her katana back into the sheath.
“How dare you! Who even are you?” she cried out as her neck began to crack from the ice-like feeling. Once the slayer was sure her blade was tucked away safely, she turned to the demon.
“You have suffered enough. Die and be at rest.” Her voice sent a chill through the demon’s disconnected spine. Her body disintegrated along with her head.
No longer living a meaningless life.
The female slayer walked over to the young boy lain on the ground and inspected his body by poking at it. An unorthodox but effective method for her.
“You must be Kamado Tanjiro, correct? You have many minor injuries, but you should recover no problem.” She spoke slowly. The boy let out a tired grunt, “Who…are you?” he asked. She would have missed it for just how quiet he was.
“An ally. I’ll treat you but first we need to find the other one.” The girl snuck her hands underneath his shoulders to sit him up and she adjusted their position so that he could rest on her back. The boy slumped into her, his head falling into the crook of her neck.
Once he was secure, the female slayer walked back into the fog.
Tanjiro stirred and opened his eyes, blinking away his exhaustion.
He practically shot up once he regained his composure. Whipping his head around to find that he was no longer laying on the forest floor but rather on a soft futon. Rubbing his head, the boy tried to recollect exactly what happened.
A door slid open revealing a woman adorned in a light blue yukata. Her silky white hair draped over her shoulders and the crystal blue end strands were a long way past her back.
The lighting from the hallway only added to her presence. It gave her a warm glow of sorts. Although her scent was far from warm. Tanjiro blinked, dumbfounded.
The girl approached his futon and kneeled so that they were at the same eye level. This somewhat ghostly girl pulled out a small bottle seemingly out of nowhere and poured it into the cup that was beside his futon.
“Excuse me miss, where am I?” he finally asked. The cup was shoved under his nose. “Drink this. It’ll help the healing process.” she said in a monotone voice. Tanjiro stammered but accepted the drink, taking a good few gulps before wiping his mouth with his uniform sleeve.
“We are in a wisteria home.” The woman answered his previous question. Tanjiro made a sound of acknowledgement while drinking some more of the medicine.
“Who are you?” He inquired, tilting his head slightly. The girl paused seemingly staring at nothing. “Ubuyashiki Penma.”
Tanjiro’s eye visibly widened. “You’re the child of Oyakata-Sama?” he spoke in disbelief. She nodded in response. "My real last name is Tayorininaru. It's how I usually introduce myself."
Penma’s poker face never wavered as she leaned in closer, much to the boy’s surprise. His next set of questions died on his tongue.
He couldn’t help the soft blush that dusted his skin from the close proximity. The boy tripped over his words as the girl poked at his forehead.
“You seem better than when I first found you.” Penma commented. Tanjiro guessed that it was in fact her who saved him. “Ah, I never thanked you for saving my life!” he exclaimed, causing the girl to lean back from his sudden loudness.
“It’s my job to protect the lower ranks.” She spoke matter of factly, but still flat.
“Ah, what rank are you if you don’t mind me asking?” Tanjiro placed the now empty cup back onto the mat. “Hinoto.” She replied.
“Wow! That’s incredible. Why were you sent on a mission with us though? We are just Kanoto after all.” Tanjiro adjusted to face Penma properly. “I was just in the area.”
Not much of a talker. She doesn’t say more than what is necessary. “Your fellow slayer is eating dinner. You should wash up and join if you are feeling better.” Penma rose to stand and left the boy to his own thoughts.
Tanjiro did as he was told and soon joined the three at the dinner table. Zenitsu was fawning over Nezuko while Penma silently ate her meal. Against his better judgement and underlying anxiety, Tanjiro seated himself beside the white-haired girl, who now had her wavy locks tied into a bun.
He decided to give her the benefit of a doubt.
Nezuko cheered upon seeing her brother and scampered away from Zenitsu to climb into Tanjiro’s lap.
“Hello Nezuko! I’m so sorry I lost you back there.” The boy smiled sadly to which his sister shook her head profusely and gave him a thumbs up.
She pointed at Zenitsu and made wild gestures that no one but Tanjiro could understand. “Oh, Zenitsu found you? Thank you!” Tanjiro smiled at his seething friend who begrudgingly accepted it.
The demon girls’ eyes fell onto the other female slayer. Curiosity consumed her and she crawled out of her brother’s lap to tug onto Penma’s yukata. Penma turned her head down and looked at Nezuko. The demon girl proceeded to push the long white bangs out of her face to reveal a blindfold.
Tanjiro and Zenitsu stared in absolute shock. The blindfold had an eye symbol on it with three lashes poking out of the bottom. He vaguely remembered seeing something similar before he passed out in the forest. But that would mean she fought that demon without vision.
Nezuko didn’t seem fazed by the absurdity of it, however, and giggled at how funny it looked to her.
“Um, Penma-san…Why are you wearing a blindfold, if you don’t mind me asking?” Tanjiro inquired with a nervous smile plastered on his face. Zenitsu grimaced at the unsettling cloth before returning to his dinner. “I’m simply used to not seeing.” Penma answered before once again, getting distracted by the little demon girl, who was attempting to lay down on her lap.
“That…doesn’t really answer the question. Are you blind? Got a condition or are you just dysfunctional…?” Zenitsu blurted out despite the glare he received from Tanjiro. “Zenitsu!” he scolded. Penma contemplated it for a moment, relenting and letting the child use her thigh as a pillow.
“I have never needed to rely on my eyes because I have other enhanced senses. My eyes are…wrong.” Penma explained poorly as it only spawned more questions in the two boys’ minds.
“Wrong how?” Zenitsu pressed. Tanjiro gestured for him to stop but the blonde wanted to get to the bottom of her uncanny sound, and just her in general.
“I don’t know. I just know they aren’t normal.” Penma answered bluntly. Zenitsu squinted at her half ass answer, trying to find any hint of dishonesty in her demeanor. None.
“So, like…Has someone told you they’re not normal?”
“No one has seen them. Not even the Ubuyashiki family.” The girl started to run her fingers through Nezuko’s lock subconsciously, the demon girl leaned into her touch.
“Ehm…You don’t have to talk about it anymore if you don’t want to.” Tanjiro chuckled awkwardly, shooting Zenitsu one last disapproving look before taking up his chopsticks and eating his food.
The rest of dinner was mostly silent apart from Nezuko’s occasional hums of contentment from receiving headpats.
Later that evening, the two boys were preparing for bed when Tanjiro finally confronted the blonde for his behavior.
“Why were you being so persistent during dinner, Zenitsu?” He placed his rough palms on his hips with a scolding look on his face.
“Tanjiro, there is something wrong with Penma. I can’t quite explain what exactly, but her sound is all I need to go off.” The blonde countered. “Yes, she is a bit odd. That is no reason to press on with questions like that. What if that was a sensitive topic for her?” Tanjiro wagged his finger like a mother reprimanding her child.
“She wasn’t bothered by it. In fact, she seemed totally fine with answering those questions.” Zenitsu countered.
“That’s besides the point!” Tanjiro crossed his arms over his chest. Before he could continue, the door to their shared room slid open. Penma entered and paid no mind to the shocked boys. She simply crawled into the extra futon and laid down to rest. “Uhh…What are you doing?” Zenitsu questioned.
“Attempting to sleep.” Penma answered.
“I thought you’d have a separate room.” Tanjiro commented, scratching the tip of his chin. Penma turned her head to face the two. “Why would I have a separate room?” The question was genuine from what the boys could tell. Tanjiro reasoned in his mind that Nezuko had no problem sharing a room with him and his friends, so why would Penma? Zenitsu, on the other hand, was still beyond frazzled at her behavior but decided to drop it.
“Whatever…’s fine I guess.” He mumbled before sneaking under his own sheets. The boy was surprised at how reluctant his blonde friend was to have a girl sleep in the same room as him. Tanjiro looked at Penma for a moment more before blowing out the lamp and sliding into his futon as well.
The hint of anxiety he felt from her scent remained.
Zenitsu stirred in his sheets before rubbing the drowsiness from his eyes.
He woke up to an empty room, beside the small box in the corner of the room. The blonde smiled before skipping over to the box and knocking gently. “Good morning, Nezuko-chan!~” he giggled. A few scratches could be heard on the other side. She was returning the sentiment. Zenitsu declared that he would collect a plethora of beautiful flowers to give her when the sun sets once more.
After greeting her, he got ready for the day. Tanjiro was already dressed and conversing with the owners of the house, most likely thanking them again for the hospitality.
The two slayers joined for a hearty breakfast. Apparently, Penma had eaten at five in the morning and was helping with household chores. Zenitsu could never bring himself to wake at such a time, especially after fighting demons past midnight. Tanjiro almost choked on the rice he had in his mouth when his crow burst through window, squawking.
“New mission! You are to accompany Ubuyashiki Penma to Kumo no Mura! There have been multiple sightings of a large demon!” it screeched. The crimson haired boy tried to shush the bird and requested a few minutes to get himself ready.
“RAH! NO TIME! Ubuyashiki Penma has departed!” The black crow flapped its wings in exaggeration.
Tanjiro gasped and scrambled back to the guest room to throw on his haori. Golden eyes watched as his friend scrambled out of the house with the box on his back, yelling out one last thanks to the people of the wisteria house.
Zenitsu blinked, only glancing down to spot his sparrow returning the inquisitive look. Chuntaro chirped out his next mission.
He was needed to assist some beginner slayers in another village.
Sighing, the blonde threw on his uniform and cried about how he would have to wait to deliver his flowers to Nezuko another time.
Awoop! Jumpscare...
A thing that nobody asked for! Just trying out something to see if I like it.
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