#people found a new way to push rigid gender roles and too many have fallen for it
apostate-in-an-alcove · 8 months
I think something that really irks me about the whole "feminine energy and masculine energy" garbage that gets peddled on TikTok and other platforms is the fact that there's this constant implication that a woman being masculine is a serious error in her that needs to be fixed. Masculine women aren't broken and in need of a supposed masculine man to push them back into their femininity; their masculinity (whatever that means and looks like to them) is a feature of them that doesn't need to be repaired because they were never in error to begin with.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Could we get something where billy gets “outed” about being with a male omega? since it’s Cali does it go okay or does it end up negatively affecting his job?? Your latest part got me wondering....
Part 41
There is BIG homophobia and various anti-LGBTQIA themes.
This jumps around the timeline
“I don’t think you should tell the people at work about me.”
Steve was sitting up in bed as Billy leaned against the doorway bathroom, brushing his teeth.
“Come again?” His mouth was all full of toothpaste.
Billy was going to be starting his internship tomorrow afternoon, was going to be heading right there after his morning class.
“I don’t think you should tell them all about me. I mean, you could tell them you have an omega and stuff. I mean, they’ll know from the bond mark, but I just. I don’t think you should actually tell them that I’m, a man.” Billy washed out his mouth, coming to join Steve in bed. He sat in front of them.
“Baby, I’m not ashamed of-”
“That’s not what I meant,” Steve spoke quickly. “You’re just gonna be around a whole bunch of alphas, and I don’t want them, giving you any shit, or treating you badly for any reason. Any reason you can’t control.”
“What do you want? I love everything about you, and you know I won’t bat an eye at telling them all about my husband.”
“I know, Bill, but that’s, I mean, that’s what I’m worried about. I mean, what if they fire you, just because of me. You’re so smart, and you work so hard, I don’t want this to hold you back.”
“Tell me what to so, Sweet Thing. This is your choice. I just don’t wanna hide the fact that I do have a family.”
“You don’t have to. Just keep it vague about me. Just call me your omega and don’t say my name or anything. I mean, talk about the girls all you want, just leave me out of it.”
“That just means I can’t bring you to company parties, or have your picture anywhere. If that’s what you want, I respect that, but Stevie, this can’t be my forever. I can’t spend my whole working life just, pretending you’re not you.”
“And I think this is a conversation we’ll need to revisit many times, but for right now, as you’re beginning this field as an intern, I think we need to do this. I want you to do this.” He reached up to tug on one of Billy’s curls. He had been growing it out again, but had Steve cut it a week ago when he heard back about the internship. “It doesn’t hurt my feelings that this is our reality. I’ve been a male omega my whole life. I know how it goes.”
Billy turned his head to kiss the palm of Steve’s hand.
“I’m sorry, Baby. I’m sorry you gotta live hidden like this. I’m so proud of our relationship.”
“Me too, Bill. But we can be proud together, with our girls and our family. But at work, just focus on you, and your career.”
It’s not that Billy hates his boss, it’s just that his boss is a douchebag alpha with a love of rigid gender roles and talking about tight omega pussy.
So really, Billy hates his boss.
He works at a desk right outside his big office, isn’t much more than a personal assistant, but it pays well enough that he and Steve could get a home, but after a year at the firm, his soul was fucking gone.
He was swaying in his chair, watching as the clock got closer and closer to the time he could leave, go home to his girls and his Steve for the weekend. They were going to have a beach day tomorrow.
He nearly sprinted out of the office at five, hauling ass to get back home.
Zara had turned a year old just last week, and she tottled up to him as he took off his coat, his suit jacket. He could hear Mina chattering away with Steve in the kitchen, could feel the tension melt outta his body as he smelled chicken pot pie, and the milky lavender smell of home.
“Mina Bea! Please hold your sister’s hand!” Steve was sitting on the towel, holding down the fort as Billy took the girls in the water. A year postpartum, and Steve finally felt comfortable enough to take off his shirt at the beach, made Billy’s eyes drift back over to him periodically.
They played in the water for a while, returning to Steve when Zara started getting grumpy to eat the picnic he had packed. Billy was wrapped around him, laughing as Mina relayed a story from her summer dance classes when Billy felt the hair on the back of his neck raise.
He whipped around, was expecting to see his father, the uneasy feeling in his gut making him feel like a teenager again.
“Bill? You okay?” And then Billy’s eyes locked on his boss, strolling across the boardwalk with his omega wife, their three preteen sons.
His heart sank.
Billy was fucking dreading Monday morning.
Steve was jittery nervous, had made a huge breakfast spread in an attempt to soothe his nerves.
Billy took the stairs to the sixth floor. He didn’t know if he was delaying the inevitable, delaying getting fucking fired.
“Good morning, Mr. Hargrove. You have a good weekend?” Billy didn’t know where the fuck he stood with his boss right now.
“It was very nice, thank you, Mr. Wolfram.”
“Enjoy the beach with your family?”
“Yessir. A perfect day for the beach.”
“Why did I picture you with a wife? I thought you said you had an omega.” Billy’s heart sank.
“I do, Mr. Wolfram. Steve is my omega. He’s my husband.”
“God, always wanted to meet an male omega. What’s he got?” Billy blinked.
“Excuse me?”
“What’s he got? A pussy?” Billy felt like cold water dripping down his spine.
“Why is that any of your business?” Wolfram rolled his eyes, chuckling at Billy.
“C’mon, Hargrove. Just between us guys. I always wondered about male omegas.”
“I still don’t see why it’s your business.”
“Just yes or no. I heard guy omegas have really good pussies. But I heard they have cocks too. I don’t know how you deal with that. Is it big?” Billy was regulating his breathing, going through the exercises the therapist he sees every Wednesday during his lunch hour had given him.
“Mr. Wolfram, I do not want to discuss this with you. This is my husband you’re speaking so disgustingly about.”
“Christ, Hargrove. Don’t be so uptight.”
“I find it incredibly disrespectful that you’re asking these questions.” His chest was heaving. His mind was racing Bill, he’s not worth it. Don’t hit him, don’t throw away your career like that. Billy doesn’t know when the voice of reason in his brain became Steve’s voice, just clutched to it.
“It’s just a little talk between alphas.”
“I don’t like to discuss private matters about my husband. Please stop asking me about his genitals.” He turned on his heel out of the office, stalking back to his own little desk.
He supposes he got off easy, didn’t get immediately fired, and was proud of himself for exercising so much self control.
The day passed as usual until he was returning to his desk from running a file down to the third floor.
He found a neat paper on his desk, a memo from the HR department, a memo informing him of the immediate termination of his position.
Don’t cause a scene, Bill. Just go home. We’ll figure it out. We always do.
He packed his desk quietly, avoiding eye contact with the other employees. There is no doubt in his mind news of his marital situation had spread through the firm.
He left with his head held high, waiting until he got in his car to punch at the steering wheel, to scream and rage and be fucking angry.
The house was empty when he arrived. He collapsed, face down into his bed, settling on Steve’s side, breathing him in.
“Bill? Why are you home? Is everything okay?” Steve was trailing a few delicate fingers down his spine. Billy didn’t know when he had fallen asleep.
“I’m sorry, Stevie.”
“Bill, Baby, you’re scaring me.” Billy rolled over, found Steve, biting his lip, his eyes big and shining.
“I lost my job.” Saying it out loud made Billy feel like shit, made him feel so fucking pathetic.
But Steve’s lip trembled, and his scent went haywire, and Billy moved to tug him onto the bed.
“Because of me? Because he saw us?”
“I really, I don’t know, Baby. I don’t know if that’s why, or, or because he kept, he kept asking me these questions, like kept asking if you have a pussy, and how he’d heard male omegas had a cock too, and if it was big, and I told him I was uncomfortable discussing that with him, and I don’t know if he let me go because of that, I really don’t.”
“But, either way, it’s because of me. Because of what I am.”
“No, Honey. It’s because he’s an asshole,  that wouldn’t know a boundary if it bit him in the ass.” He pushed Steve back to wipe at the big teals in his eyes. “C’mon, what do we always say?”
“We’ll figure it out.”
“And we will! I can go back to the garage, and look for other firms. We’ll make it happen.” Steve took a deep breath.
“We’ll figure it out.” He pressed a wet kiss to Billy’s head, settling back on top of him.
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