#people like to visit c!beeduo’s mansion just to gawk at it
afmis · 11 months
It’s October 2023. c!Ranboo and c!Tubbo are almost 20. They’ve been married for 3 years. Michael isn’t a toddler anymore and grew up to be a lively kid, twice the size he was before and incredibly smart. It’s cool weather today in Snowchester, and the snow covered cabins are bright with Halloween decorations. The family are in their mansion, no trace of fear or sadness in them. c!Tubbo, c!Tommy, c!Wilbur, and c!Jack are making Jack-o-Lanterns at the dining table, cracking jokes and making each other howl with laughter. c!Ranboo fondly rolls their eyes at them from where they’re sitting by the fireplace with c!Techno and Michael, making Michael giggle while the three of them sorting through Halloween decorations to hang up inside. c!Phil and c!Niki are mixing cookie batter on the kitchen island, smiling as they converse over the lively Halloween music. They all soon join together to eat dinner and design their Halloween cookies. c!Fundy knocks on the door, a gift in hand and a sly smile on his face, c!Quackity following him in with a cheer. c!Eret joins, cozy fall sweaters in her arms to hand to everyone. c!Puffy and Foolish arrive shortly after, bringing a customized costume for Michael and the othere. Soon the well-loved home fills with friends. There’s no arguments. No battles. No betrayals. Just laughter, warmth, and joy. Everywhere else, the land is healing. Bloodshed and war are no more in the Greater SMP or anywhere for them. Houses stand peacefully, as they once were. People smile at each other and chat happily along the Prime Path, all trace of malice and resentment gone. Everything is peaceful again. The future was bright. No pain or suffering from the past, only healing and moving forward.
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