#man I’m so sad. It’s okay guys. They’re happy
afmis · 8 months
It’s October 2023. c!Ranboo and c!Tubbo are almost 20. They’ve been married for 3 years. Michael isn’t a toddler anymore and grew up to be a lively kid, twice the size he was before and incredibly smart. It’s cool weather today in Snowchester, and the snow covered cabins are bright with Halloween decorations. The family are in their mansion, no trace of fear or sadness in them. c!Tubbo, c!Tommy, c!Wilbur, and c!Jack are making Jack-o-Lanterns at the dining table, cracking jokes and making each other howl with laughter. c!Ranboo fondly rolls their eyes at them from where they’re sitting by the fireplace with c!Techno and Michael, making Michael giggle while the three of them sorting through Halloween decorations to hang up inside. c!Phil and c!Niki are mixing cookie batter on the kitchen island, smiling as they converse over the lively Halloween music. They all soon join together to eat dinner and design their Halloween cookies. c!Fundy knocks on the door, a gift in hand and a sly smile on his face, c!Quackity following him in with a cheer. c!Eret joins, cozy fall sweaters in her arms to hand to everyone. c!Puffy and Foolish arrive shortly after, bringing a customized costume for Michael and the othere. Soon the well-loved home fills with friends. There’s no arguments. No battles. No betrayals. Just laughter, warmth, and joy. Everywhere else, the land is healing. Bloodshed and war are no more in the Greater SMP or anywhere for them. Houses stand peacefully, as they once were. People smile at each other and chat happily along the Prime Path, all trace of malice and resentment gone. Everything is peaceful again. The future was bright. No pain or suffering from the past, only healing and moving forward.
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
aware of his bisexuality steve (steddie, buckingham)
“Is that a hickey?” Comes out of Steve’s mouth without permission. But there it is, bright purple and red against the slope of her neck. She’s been walking kind of funny this morning, too. He’d assumed her period came early, but… “Rob, did you—“
Eddie fumbles the coffee mug he was pulling down. Chrissy freezes, face turning white with fear. Robin whips around, face bright red, and slaps a hand over her neck. 
“Bathroom!” She yelps. “Bathroom now!”
“Wait,” Eddie says, setting the mug down with trembling hands. “It was me. Sorry, man.”
Steve stares at him, unimpressed. Why the fuck would he lie about—
He looks at Chrissy again, who takes a nervous step back, and it clicks. 
“Right,” he says, nodding quickly. “You. You gave Robin a hickey. Had totally awesome sex that she didn’t even tell me about.” He directs that last bit at Robin pointedly. He told her almost immediately when he lost his guy-ginity. Traitor. “Yep. Sure. Got it.”
Eddie blinks, confused. Robin buries her face in her hands. 
“Oh my god, calm down,” she groans. “That’s not going to work. Steve’s cool.”
“Cool?” Chrissy asks, still looking ready to bolt. 
“Super cool,” he assures her. “The coolest. So incredibly cool, even if my best friend didn’t even tell me when she lost her virginity.”
“Sorry, sorry,” he says. “But I am going to need details, Buckley. We can go over what worked, and what needs more oomph.”
“Oh my god, can we talk about this anywhere else,” Robin groans, at the same time Eddie asks, “What, so you can get off on it later?”
“What,” Steve says. 
“You think two girls are hot, is that it?” He’s got a sneer on his face now, but Steve’s more observant than Dustin gives him credit for. Even if he wasn’t, it’d be hard to miss how hard his hands are shaking, the nervous tilt to his mouth. 
“Ew.” Steve’s face screws up. “Dude, no. It’s Robin.”
“Hey, fuck you,” Robin breaks in, from where she’s started comforting Chrissy. “You thought I was hot for at least a summer.”
His mouth drops open in betrayal. “We agreed to never talk about that again!”
“Can’t help being sexy,” she coons. Chrissy giggles wetly. “You wanna get married, Harrington? Have my babies? Stay home and raise six little nuggets while I bring home the bread?”
“I hate you,” he informs her. “Hate you so much. We’ll have a nice, heterosexual wedding and share a sad, heterosexual kiss, and you’ll carry me over the threshold of our nice, heterosexual house, and we’ll have boring, heterosexual sex that gives us nice, heterosexual babies, because we are so heterosexual and happy in our suburburban house in our nice little heterosexual town.”
He’s honestly kind of proud of himself for saying heterosexual so many times. Usually he fumbles words with that many syllables, especially after that many times in a row. 
Chrissy is outright laughing, now, endearing little snorts making their way between giggles. Eddie is looking between them like they’re a puzzle he can’t piece together. Robin grins.
“I’ll cuck you with the secretary.”
“Not if I cuck you first. You’ll be away all day in that office of yours, and I need someone big and strong to carry all the new furniture I ordered.”
“I knew it! I knew Timmy wasn’t mine!”
“Oh, but I couldn’t help myself,” he swoons. “Mark was just so sweet, with his bulging biceps and hand flexes, all hot and sweaty from helping poor little me while you were away! You know I’m weak to curly hair and brown eyes, Rob, how’s a man supposed to resist?”
“Fag,” she says, not without affection. 
“Dyke,” he shoots back. 
“Okay,” Eddie breaks in, clapping his hands. He and Robin both startle, and so does Chrissy from where she’s been watching them like a particularly interesting tennis match. “What the fuck is going on?”
“Robin lost her virginity and didn’t even tell me,” Steve says immediately, like he’s tattling to the principal. 
“Steve doesn’t seem to understand the concept of waiting,” Robin retorts. 
“I told you when I had gay sex,” he whines, and Eddie chokes. “I hate you. See if I ever give you tips again.”
“Oh, is that what you meant?” Chrissy asks. “Please don’t stop. They were good tips.”
Robin flushes all the way down to her toes. 
“You like boys?” Eddie wheezes. 
“Oh,” Steve blinks. “Yeah? I thought you knew.”
“You thought I—how would I know?”
The fuck is that supposed to mean? Steve’s been flirting with him for months!
“Robin always says we can sense each other! You sensed her.”
“You told him?” Eddie’s mouth drops open, and Robin looks sheepish.
“She didn’t have to,” Steve snarks. “You’re flagging in Hawkins, man. Was I supposed to miss it?”
“You know what flagging is?”
“Again, in case you missed it, I fuck men.”
“Fuck,” Eddie mutters. “Fuck! Christ, I can’t believe this. You’re, like, the epitome of heterosexual. I spent half of high school having to hear about how much pussy you were getting. Why are you not straight?”
“Wow, Eddie,” he deadpans. “Are you saying just because I like men and woman, I’m not queer enough? That’s kind of homophobic of you, man.”
“Yeah, Eddie, wow,” Robin says. “I thought you were better than this.” 
“Fuck off,” Eddie says. “I feel like I need to lie down. My entire worldview just shattered.”
“I have a couch?” Chrissy offers shyly. “Or a bedroom, if you need a minute away.” Fuck, Steve kind of adores her. Especially since she’s apparently vicious n bed, if the five other hickies he counts just from Robin bending down a little to whisper in her ear are any indication. Good for her.  
“Don’t worry, Eddie,” Robin says, with a glint in her eye that means he’s either going to love or hate what comes next. “If it helps, Steve’s never fucked a man in his life.”
Eddie’s brow furrows, looking between the two of them. “So…you’re just making fun of me?”
He looks a little angry now, and Steve can’t make heads or tails of this conversation because, “What the hell, Rob, yes I have—“
“Oh, so suddenly you’re the one doing the fucking?”
“Stop making fun of me for taking it!”
Eddie lets out an honest to god moan that he immediately slaps his hand over his mouth to cover up. “Right,” he says fervently. “Okay. I need to lie down, like, for real.” 
They watch him stride down the hall, so fast he’s almost running, and slam the door closed behind him.
“I could totally top,” he mutters to Robin as something that sounds vaguely like muffled screaming echoes down the hall. “I top girls all the time. It’s not my fault prostates are a gift from God.”
“Uh, you top because all the girls you fuck are from small town Indiana. If one of them brought out the strap you’d drop to your knees so fast—“
“That’s—I like topping!”
“Your favorite position is cowgirl. Forgive me if I don’t believe you.”
“I will show Chrissy your baby pictures,” he hisses. Robin makes a face at him. Chrissy nods excitedly from where she’s still tucked under Robin’s arm. 
“Oh what’s that?” Robin practically shouts. “You like being pressed against walls and ravished? You want someone to tie you up and have their filthy way with you? Is that what you said, Steve?”
Another noise from the bedroom. He narrows his eyes at her. “What are you doing?”
“Helping,” she says sweetly. “You’re both hopeless.”
“I told you he’s shy!”
“Eddie?” Chrissy asks. “Shy?”
“Yeah, okay, I was confused too, but I figured it was the romance! He told me he hasn’t actually been in a relationship before, I assumed he was nervous to take that step.”
“Yeah, but dingus,” Robin says sweetly. “You’re missing a puzzle piece here. He thought you were straight. He thought he was flirting with his straight best friend he didn’t have a chance in hell with, and then he finds out that said best friend likes taking it up the ass and men with brown eyes.”
“Oh,” Steve says, realization dawning. “Oh, fuck. What if he doesn’t like me like that?”
Robin smacks the back of his head. “Why are you stupid?”
“I don’t think you have to worry about that,” Chrissy says. “Like, really don’t have to worry about that.”
“I’m not coming over tonight,” Robin says. “I’m gonna stay with Chrissy again. Er…if that’s okay?”
“That sounds amazing.” Chrissy beams, and Robin turns red again.
“Yeah, I’m going to stay with Chrissy again tonight. You are going to invite Eddie to stay the night when he gets done with his little crisis, and then we’re getting lunch at the diner tomorrow and you can tell me about it before our shift.”
“Right,” Steve says. “Right, I can do this. I’ve invited guys over before, how hard can it be? It’s just Eddie. But that was hotel rooms, not my house and my bedroom with my shitty wallpaper. And it’s Eddie. Fuck, what if I’m shit at it? Robin, what if I’m actually bad at sex and everyone who’s ever said I was good was lying because they didn’t want to hurt my feelings? Oh my god, I’m totally bad at sex.”
“Woah, dingus, slow down. I think we took the mind meld too far, you’re turning into me.”
“If it helps, I don’t think you’re bad at sex,” Chrissy says. Steve and Robin look at her, and she flushes. “Because of the tips! Not because—I’ve never slept with you, but some of my friends did, and I got three orgasms out of last night, so…”
“Oh thank God,” he breathes. “I was worried for a minute.” Then he raises an eyebrow at Robin, and holds out his hand for a high five. She slaps it, begrudgingly proud of herself, and then takes the hand to pull him into a headlock that’s honestly more of a hug than anything. 
“You’re fine,” she whispers in his ear. “You’re great at sex, as you keep telling me. What’s more, you’re funny, charming, handsome, brave, caring—“
“Aww, Robin, are you getting sappy on me?”
“Plus Eddie literally moaned in front of you when he found out you bottomed. I really don’t think there’s a way to fuck that up.”
Steve grins. “He did do that. I’m going to make so much fun of him later.”
“So,” Eddie says with a smirk, “men with brown eyes?”
“Hey man, don’t look at me. Blame Jonathan.”
Now Eddie looks stunned, mouth dropping open. “Byers?” He says, sounding betrayed. “You have a crush on Byers of all people?”
Steve feels offended on Jonathan’s behalf. “What’s that supposed to mean? Jonathan’s a good guy!”
“I guess.”
“What do you mean you guess? He’s sweet, passionate, good with kids, nice eyes. Can pack a punch. I mean, what’s not to like?”
“Uh, didn’t he steal your girlfriend?”
He waves that off. “That was, like, years ago, man. We’re cool now.”
“Right, okay,” Eddie mutters. “Well have fun with Byers, I guess.”
It clicks. “Oh,” he says. “Oooh. You’re jealous.”
Eddie splutters. “Jealous? I’m not—I don’t—you’re jealous!”
“Oh, am I?”
“Yes,” Eddie says resolutely, not looking at him. 
“Right,” Steve agrees. “Well, if I am jealous, maybe I should know that I got over Jonathan years ago, and have since moved on to brighter, hopefully more attainable pastures than my ex’s ex.”
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
“A different man with brown eyes?” He suggests. “Who is also good with kids, and passionate, and…” he trails off, suddenly realizing all those times Robin made fun of him might not be based on nothing. “Oh my god, I have a type. Shit, I have to tell Robin she was right.”
“I figured that was a common occurrence.”
“Shut up. Where was I going with this? I had a point.”
“You were telling me how awesome I am?”
“Oh, suddenly it’s you we’re talking about?”
“I mean,” suddenly Eddie looks shy, and Steve can’t help but think even with the change in context he might have been right when he told Robin Eddie was nervous about being in a real, romantic relationship, “isn’t it?”
He feels himself smile, slow and wide and probably more revealing than he means it to be. “Yeah,” he says, in a tone he knows Robin would call soppy, “it is.”
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katherines-imagines · 9 months
“Stupid bitches, be stupid bitches.”
pairings: hazel callahan x reader
warnings: angst, fighting, mean PJ, bad writing
summary: PJ starts yelling at Hazel, but her girlfriends not having it.
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A meeting was called for the fight club after their revenge on Jef. As the girls started coming in, each had a mischievous yet proud smile adorning their faces. Y/N walked towards the back where her girlfriend, Hazel, was saving a seat for her. Sitting down, Y/N took Hazel’s hand into her own, playing with her silver rings. When everyone arrived, PJ began to speak.
“Alright, well, some of us clearly have a different definition of egging.” The girls gave each other knowing looks. “But if we keep our mouth shut, stay calm, we’ll be fine,” PJ finished.
“They’re gonna shut us down, aren’t they,” Sylvie asked sadly.
“What,” PJ laughed nervously. “No, we don’t know that. Why-”
“Principal Meyers will believe whatever Jeff and Tim say,” Brittany pointed out. “I don’t really see how we recover from this.” She was right, and all the girls knew it. As much as they could hope that the club would continue, after their little stunt, the club would be shut down.
“Man. Fuck,” Sylvie sad dejectedly.
“It’s been real guys,” Hazel said, looking bittersweetly to the group. Her girlfriend lovingly tracing her hands, nodding in agreement.
“Okay,” PJ interrupted. “Let’s not jump to conclusions with the, goodbyes,” she waved her arms around.
“I’m gonna miss you guys so much,” Hazel said, ignoring PJ. Y/N’s heart felt heavy from the break up for the group. These were her friends. This was her safe space. Now it would end, but she didn’t regret joining at all, and that made it all the more bittersweet.
“I’m like,” Sylvie started while standing up. “At least we went out with a bang,” Sylvie referred to the bomb Hazel made, causing the group to laugh sans PJ and Josie. “I mean, that was fucking insane!” The group laughed louder. “It’s just like, fire, everywhere” she continued, playfully hitting the girls.
“Wait, wh, stop,” PJ stuttered. “We don’t, wait, no, we don’t know that for sure,” PJ tried to deny, but the girls had already accepted it.
“PJ,” Annie stopped her with a sad smile. “Don’t be sad it’s over. Be happy it happened,” she smiled towards the fight club members, them smiling back.
“Alright, can everyone calm the fuck down please,” PJ said exasperatingly. “The club is not over, Josie? Right?” PJ motioned to her best friend, a hand motioning in her direction. Josie kept silent, PJ turning in disbelief at the lack of answer.
“No matter what,” Isabel started. “This club has brought me so much. I feel..” She took a deep breath before continuing. “So much more powerful, and, protected.”
“Me too,” Josie agreed, eyes showing vulnerability like the rest of the girls. PJ let out a sarcastic laugh
“Great,” PJ said. Hazel, tired of her attitude, interrupted her.
“Oh my god PJ, okay,” Hazel stood abruptly, her hand leaving Y/N’s grasp, causing her to jump at the sudden movement. “I’m sorry you didn’t get what you wanted out of this group, but I think the rest of us did.” She motioned towards the girls with a smile.
“Oh,” PJ spoke sarcastically. “Good for fucking you Hazel.” Y/N’s eyebrows furrowed, not liking how PJ was speaking to her girlfriend. “I’m glad that you finally wrote one email. Accomplished a lot.”
“I actually did, I practically ran this club for you and Josie,” Hazel said frustratedly. Y/N nodded harshly in support.
“Let’s calm down, maybe,” Josie said, trying to deescalate the situation, but it was too late for that.
“You really think that your the reason that we have this club,” PJ asked rudely.
“The reason? No, but I can tell everyone that if you want,” Hazel shot back. The girls heads snapped to Hazel at the comment, none of them expecting Hazel to have a mean bone in her body. Y/N stood up next to her girlfriend, hand going to the small of her back in support. As much as Y/N wanted to tear PJ a new one, she knew that Hazel had to do this part, at least, by herself.
“Hazel, uh hey, let’s calm down,” Josie said to Hazel. Y/N glared at Josie. Clearly PJ was the one who needed to calm down, not Hazel.
“You’re really ungrateful,” PJ snapped at her. “You’re so lucky that we even let you be a part of this.” How dare PJ try and glorify herself?
“PJ, your a liar.” A silence followed after Hazel’s retort, eyes turning to PJ for an explanation. PJ scoffed in disbelief.
“Yeah, well,” PJ started. Y/N had a feeling that the next few words that would come out of PJ’s mouth would make Y/N’s patience snap. “You have no friends, and a skank as a mom, so,” PJ smiled maliciously, as Josie looked at her feet. As the girls stared quietly, Y/N yelled at PJ.
“How dare you say that? She has friends, and you have no right so say something so atrocious to her,” Y/N said angrily, while Hazel stared in disbelief at PJ. Before Y/N could continue, Hazel looked at her friends in pain before picking up her stuff. Y/N followed Hazel’s lead, picking up her and her girlfriend’s stuff before following Hazel down the bleachers. Before leaving the gym, Y/N went to PJ’s face and spoke coldly, “If you every say shit like that again, I’ll fuck you up. Don’t you ever, disrespect her.” Shoving PJ with her shoulder, Y/N followed Hazel out the gym. While the rest of the girls watched them leave, Josie calling out for Hazel. When Y/N caught up to Hazel’s fast walking, she stayed quite. After a few minutes of walking quietly, Hazel spoke softly.
“What did you say, hun,” Y/N asked softly, not hearing what Hazel had said.
“Could you please hold my hand,” she shakily asked, quiet tears streaming down her face. Instead of answering, Y/N simply took Hazel’s hand in her own, comfortingly rubbing her thumb across her girlfriend’s hand. They walked in silence before Y/N spoke up.
“She’s a bitch.” Hazel let out a startled laugh of disbelief. “And not even a good one like me,” Y/N added, hesitantly looking at Hazel to see if it was ok to talk. Hazel laughed quietly, wiping her tears with the back of her hand. Y/N stopped the pair, Hazel looking curiously for the reason why. Y/N dropped their bags and took of her jacket, using the sleeve to wipe Hazel’s tears before putting it on Hazel. When Y/N picked up their bags, she took Hazel’s hand and continued to walk. “Don’t listen to her Haze. You know what they say about girls like her?” Y/N waiting until Hazel hummed in question.
“Stupid bitches, be stupid bitches.”
Hazel laughed loudly, hugging Y/N’s arm to stop her from falling.
“Y/N,” Hazel laughed.
“Hazel,” Y/N responded seriously. Well, semi-seriously. She couldn’t help the small smile growing on her mouth. Sighing gratefully, Hazel tugged on Y/N’s arm to stop.
“Thank you, love,” Hazel said, looking into Y/N’s eyes with love. Y/N swore she could feel her heart melt, warmth filling her up.
“Of course, pretty girl,” Y/N spoke softly, hugging her girlfriend tightly. Y/N was not going to let PJ get away with this.
No one spoke to her girl like that.
a/n: first imagine since I came back! if you have any requests from any fandom, please let me know. if I know the fandom, I will try and do it! Hope you guys like this one as much as I did.
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Pairing : dad!Lee Minho x F!Reader TW : childbirth ; slighty suggestive humor once ; it's just fluffy ; it's cute ; Word Count : 1.9k Request : Anonny : okay but i really like that minho pregnancy angst…. do you plan on making part 2 like the after reunited life, her parents’ response or anything? like the post natal life, the moment he held his daughter for the very first time hihi is it too much to ask??? A/N : I absolutely DO plan on making a part two and here it is!! Woohoo!!! Thank you for requesting! It's definitely not too much to ask! Also! I got so choked up writing this, it made me so happy and at the same time so sad that I don't have a man like the fictional Minho in this story!!!
“I’ll be right back, love. I’m just gonna call the guys and let them know she’s here so they won’t make my phone go off all night.” He whispered as softly as possible, not wanting to wake his daughter that he had just laid in the little cot beside your hospital bed. You hummed tiredly in response, already nestling into the pillow that definitely wasn’t as soft as the ones you had at home, but right now, after 12 hours of active labor and a slightly wonky epidural, the entire hospital bed was like laying on a cloud.
 Minho couldn’t be prouder though, seeing you go through all of that, he commended every woman who had ever been in labor, and after checking the time and seeing how early in the morning it was, he made a mental reminder to call his mother and thank her for having him. 
Stepping outside of the room, he leaned against the wall and took a deep breath, his throat still slightly sore from crying when he had first laid eyes on his daughter, tears of happiness streaming down his face, unable to pull his eyes away from her as the doctors carried her over to the little table to clean her up. He was grateful that he had been given a second chance, that he got to hold your hand through the entire process, that he was able to be in the room when his daughter was brought into the world, and he swore that he wouldn’t mess up and he sure as hell would never leave again. 
“Minho…” His name had him finally looking around the hall, meeting eyes with your father and your mother who sat in the waiting chairs beside your door. He hadn’t seen your father since the day he had pushed the door shut against him, and while he had been meaning to meet up with your parents to apologize for the way he had been, he had just never gotten around to it. “How is our daughter and our granddaughter? Are they resting?” 
Minho quickly bowed his head to your parents, acknowledging them with a quiet “Sir…” and “Ma’am”, the awkwardness felt between the two hung in the air like a thick cloud that could be felt by everyone in the vicinity. “They’re both doing great… Y/N is getting some rest right now, yes, and the baby is sleeping.” He kept his head lowered, slightly fearful of looking your dad in the eyes. “I’d like to apologize… For the way that I behaved… For hurting Y/N. I love her so much… And our daughter will take top priority over everything else.” 
He finally raised his head, and when he did, he saw your father staring at him, it almost felt like he was being judged, but your mother shook her head, standing from her chair to embrace Minho in a quick hug. “Now, don’t you pay attention to him right now. He’s just grumpy because it’s past his bedtime.” She teased, and it was strange how your mothers presence and her words, much like your own, could so easily calm him down and make him feel relaxed. “I’m happy that Y/N has you, and that our granddaughter has you as her father. I know that you’ll take great care of them both. Welcome to the family.” 
“Are you just gonna carry her around all the time?” You asked lightly as you watched Minho walk by, your daughter seemed to be in a perpetual state of being carried by him in the little sling that was across his chest. “It’s been three weeks and the only time you put her down is when you use the bathroom or when you go to bed. You’re gonna spoil her.” You warned, but you also wanted to hold your daughter as well. Hell, you even had to practically race to the nursery to be the one to get her in the middle of the night since that was the only time you actually got to hold her since being in the hospital. 
“And? Our princess deserves to be spoiled, doesn’t she?” He flashed you your favorite smile before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Plus I go back to work next week, let me just love her a bit longer. I won’t be able to see her as much.” He was right, and you knew that he was dreading when this week was up, that’s why he stayed up so late, as if the longer he was awake it would keep the coming days at bay. 
You couldn’t blame him though, you’d do the same thing. Neither of you could fully wrap your head around how fast time had gone, you couldn’t believe that it had already been three weeks since you had given birth to her. You could see it in his eyes, with each passing day he’d get sadder and sadder, and you felt the same way. The house wouldn’t be the same without him in it, and you actually grew used to the sight of him walking around the house, doing his daily activities with your daughter strapped to his chest. 
“Well it’s almost her feeding time, can you at least let me hold her for fifteen minutes or so?” You posed, sitting up a little more on the couch and grabbing the little burp cloth off the side to drape over your shoulder as you got ready to have her in your arms. 
“Just whip your boob out and come over here. Or I’ll bring her to your boob.” He said with a snort, and you rolled your eyes as your head fell back against the couch. “Don’t be so shy, love. I was suckin’ on ‘em before she came.” He teased, and maybe it was the fact that you were now a mom that had you growing extremely embarrassed at the mention of your sex life, but you quickly shushed him as your hands moved to cover your face which only had him laughing even more. “I’m like 99.9% sure she doesn’t know what I’m talking about. But, I’ll cover her ears if it makes you feel better.” 
“Oh my gosh, shut up, Minho.” You groaned, but you couldn’t hide the fact that you were laughing as well, and the more you thought about how it would be after the week was up, the more you started to miss him already, and he hadn’t even gone back to work yet. 
Pink balloons were tied to every single chair that was set up in the backyard. The buffet table was lined with snacks and drinks for everyone that was there, although you didn’t really anticipate so many people to show up. The grill was fired up already and Bangchan and Felix had begun making the main course for the party while everyone else kind of took turns helping you decorate and ogling at your daughter. 
“Have you seen Minho?” You asked Jisung as he stepped out of the house, multiple beer cans held in both his hands and under his arms as he walked over to you. Your eyes had scanned over everyone that had filled your backyard multiple times and none of those times had your eyes landed on your husband in the crowd. 
“When I came outside he was sitting on the couch. I think he was crying a bit…” Jisung said, his lips drawing together in a thin line after he had answered. This wasn’t the first time he had done it, and according to the guys, the entire week leading up to today he’d disappear during work and one of them would usually find him hiding somewhere and crying by himself. 
“Right… Can you and the boys help finish setting everything up. I’m almost done… I just don’t want to leave him by himself.” Jisung nodded and you quickly scooped your daughter up, holding her on your hip as you walked into the house, and there he was. His head was lowered and you could hear the sniffles coming from where he sat. As you moved closer you could see the photo album of your daughter's first year sitting on his lap, his hands shakily flipping through the pages one by one. “Honey…” You murmured, and his head slowly raised to look at you, his eyes puffy and slightly red when they met yours. 
“Sorry…” He muttered, and you shook your head at his apology, coming closer to sit on the couch beside him, your daughter propped on your lap. His finger slipped into her hand, her own tiny fingers wrapping around it as she waved his hand around, babbling loudly as she looked up at him. “When did she get so big?” He questioned with a small gasp, his head tilted as he watched her with a bittersweet smile. 
You sighed softly, the sudden urge to cry taking hold of you as you looked at him. “She’s not that big yet… She’s still our baby…” You mused, trying your best to not only make him feel better, but to keep yourself from crying along with him. You glanced over at the book on his lap, scanning over the pictures on the page. “Oh, I remember that…” 
His eyes followed yours and he chuckled, although it sounded more sad than usual. “Our tour in Australia and… I refused to be away from you two for a whole month… So me and the guys at the last minute begged the managers to let you both go.” Most of the pictures were of the other members holding her and in most of them she looked like she was on the verge of crying. “She was only 6 months old… It’s only been 6 months since then…” His fingers brushed over the picture of himself holding her, his smile so wide as he sat on the beach with her, his tears freely falling down his cheeks as the memory played over in his mind. 
“And we have so many more months, so many years to keep making more memories with her…” You whispered, using one of your free hands to wipe the tears from his cheeks. “Like today… She only gets a first birthday once, honey. I’m sure that when she looks back at her photos, she’ll want you to be in the pictures too.” 
He took a deep shaky breath, nodding his head before running his hands over his face. “Right… You’re right…” He slowly closed the book, placing it on the coffee table before grabbing your daughter off your lap and lifting her high in the air before bringing her back down and hugging her tight against his chest, eliciting a loud squeal mixed with laughter from her. “My princess is ready to party and so am I, let’s go!” 
His hand held onto hers as he playfully danced his way out to the backyard, the cheers from everyone at his and your daughters appearance were loud enough to be heard in the living room where you still sat, your eyes glued to the back of your husband as he practically skipped down the stairs, innocently dodging everyone who came towards him with their arms outstretched to take the baby. 
Minho was the perfect man, the perfect husband, the perfect father. There was no one else in the world that you could imagine loving you or your daughter the way he did, there was no one else in the entire universe who was everything a man should be, everything anyone would want their man to be… Minho was the most amazing, loving, devoted husband and father, and you were beyond grateful that he had come back into your life, that you had gotten a second chance with him, and more than anything, that your daughter was able to live a life with him as her father.
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sturniolos-blog · 3 months
could u do smth like before they had kids (like their early marriage years) they got into a rlly bad fight cuz they both think that marriage is much amd isn’t for them (they even think to devorce) so they don’t talk a day or two but after that they’re somehow finding a way to make up (but like can you like rlly rlly angst i want to read blood sweat tears ahahahahha anyway i looove your stories they are the best!!!)
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Do you still want me? - Matt Sturniolo x Y/n oneshot
warnings - angst, arguing, swearing, sad but happy ending, mentions of a bad drinking habit, violence, Y/n going crazy
disclaimer: 3rd person POV, also i added Matt having a drinking problem to spice it up some more.
“I don’t fucking know, Matt!” Y/n yells as her and her husband stand in the living room arguing with each other.
“You don’t know what, y/n? Huh!? You don’t know what!?” Matt yells back, his face red with anger.
“I don’t know if i can do this anymore!” Y/n tears up, taking a second to take a breath.
Matt lets out a huff, “God, what are you talking about, Y/n?!” He throws his hands up before he rubs his beard.
Y/n takes in a shaky breath, “T-the coming home late, the going out for hours at a time, the not telling me where you are and then calling me because you need a ride home. A-and it’s not even that you’re calling me that’s the problem it’s the being so drunk where you can barely walk that’s the problem, Matthew. When i met you, you were sober- a-and now i can barely find a time when you are sober, s-so am i the problem?” Y/n asks, her voice cracking.
Matt shakes his head, “No, of course not. I-i just- a lot has been going on with work. A-and the drinking..” Matt trails off, swallowing harshly. Matt picks at his nails as he shrugs, “I don’t know.. it’s not you though, baby. It’s not you.” He said, almost in a whisper.
Y/n nods. “I don’t know what to do anymore, all we do is argue now.” Y/n points out.
Matt scoffs, “All married couples arg-”
“Not like this!” Y/n yells, cutting him off. “Not like this, okay? So we need to fucking figure it out because I want you to be the man i raise children with but if you can’t handle being a husband then how in the hell would you handle being a father?” Y/n says, a tear running down her cheek as she sniffles.
Inside, Matt’s heart breaks, he feels it break, he feels it break at her words. She was right, and he knew that. Outside, he didn’t blink an eye, he looked at her, “Maybe I won’t. Maybe I won’t handle it, maybe i won’t handle anything anymore! I’m done, Y/n.” Matt says, his voice cracking slightly.
Y/n let’s out a soft sob, “Y-you don’t mean that, Matt. Look, please I just- i just want us to work through this like always-”
“No, Y/n. You’re right. I drink, i work, im not perfect enough for you.” Matt says, his face was serious, which confused Y/n.
“D-don’t blame this on me!” She yelled, motioning to herself, “I- i love you and I always have a-and i wouldn’t give up this easily but you clearly don’t care anymore. I-i mean do you-” Y/n pauses to take a breath, “D-do you still want me?” She stutters out, hot tears still streaming down her face.
Matt doesn’t say anything, looking down.
Y/n let’s out a heart broken sob, “I-i thought you loved me!” She cried, her hand going to clench her shirt, right where her heart was.
“I do..” Matt whispered, scratching his head and looking away.
Y/n shook her head, “You don’t a-and that’s fine n-now. I just- i thought i married the love of my life and the sweetest guy i’ve ever met but clearly that person isn’t here anymore.” Y/n sobbed.
Matt didn’t say anything once again, he sniffled, not making eye contact with her.
“Look me in the eyes, and tell me you want a divorce, and we’ll do it. As soon as possible.” Y/n says, taking a step closer to Matt.
Matt locked eyes with her for a second, “I want..” He stopped, “I want a-” He stopped again, choking on his own words, the words he knew he didn’t wanna say, but Matt was that stubborn.
Y/n let out a laugh, taking a step back, “You can’t. You can’t say i-”
“I want a divorce.” Matt said, making Y/n’s amused face drop.
Y/n scoffed, but nodded. She felt anger building up in her body, “Fine! You know what!? F-fuck this then!” Y/n looked around the living room, Matt watching with a confused look.
Y/n suddenly walked over to the coffee table, picking up the picture frame Matt and Y/n had taken on the beach right after they got engaged.
Matt’s eyes glanced from Y/n’s hand with the picture frame to her enraged face. “Wait, what are you-”
Y/n had threw the once glass picture frame on the floor, making it break and making chips of glass scatter.
“What the fuck?!” Matt yells out, taking a step towards Y/n.
Y/n let out a sob as she sniffled, looking down at the picture frame before her eyes lock on another frame on the wall, their first year anniversary of dating.
“Y/n, don’t.” Matt warned her, putting his hand out but that didn’t stop her, making her walk over and take it off the wall.
“You don’t want me anymore, Matt?” She scoffed.
“Baby, please-”
Y/n let out another cry as her break down continued. Through their whole relationship, even before then Matt had thought he’d seen the absolute worst of her, but no, this was worse.
“Y/n, I do love you, please, stop.” Matt said, he was shocked, but he meant what he said.
Y/n looked at him and shook her head, her slowly making her way towards one in particular heart-shaped frame.
It was their wedding photo, the day they made their vows to each other. The day Y/n and Matt promised each other, to love each other through the good, and the bad.
“Y/n. Don’t fucking do it.” Matt said, almost wanting to grab her and pull her back.
Y/n cried as she took the frame off the wall, she stared down at it as seconds went by.
Matt waited, and waited, and waited some more for another sound of glass breaking.
But he didn’t.
No, all he heard was Y/n’s sobs and sniffles as she stared down at the photo, some tears making its way on the glass and running down to the point of the heart.
“Y-you said you loved me!” Y/n sobbed, slowly falling too her knees.
Matt ran over to her, taking her into his arms and holding her, taking the frame from her hands and placing it on the floor before she put her head in his chest.
“I’m s-so sorry, Matt. P-please don’t leave me, i can’t do it alone!” Y/n’s sobbed racked her whole body against Matt’s.
Matt had tears running down his own cheeks as his wife fell apart in his arms, “I-i don’t wanna l-leave you, Y/n. I’m not, i won’t.” He promised, holding her tightly.
Y/n’s sobs continued, her hands grasping onto Matt’s sweatshirt as her tears sank into the front of it, Matt feeling it on his chest.
Matt held her, his fingers slowly stroking her hair, this small gesture always calmed her down, the way it felt against her scalp, or how small and supposedly meaningless it is.
It always meant something to Y/n. Always.
As Matt’s fingers brushed through her hair, Y/n’s sobs slowly slowed down, and she slowly fell asleep.
Matt noticed this when she didn’t hear the racks of her sobs or the sniffles in between. He noticed this when her fingers that once had a grasp on his sweatshirt let go. And he also noticed this when he felt the tears stop.
He kissed her head, not knowing what to do as he looked around, looking at the glass that was shattered, the frames Y/n smashed.
He slowly lifted Y/n, picking his wife up and walking upstairs, walking into their shared bedroom, placing her small body on her side of the bed.
Placing a kiss on her forehead, and covering her with the quilt.
Y/n let’s out a soft sigh as she stretches, slowly waking up, feeling a comfortable mattress beneath her.
She rubs her eyes a sits up, not remembering how she got here as she looked around her and Matt’s room, taking note Matt wasn’t laying next to her.
A wave of remembrance came from last night, her heart panging as she remembered what Matt said to her, and what she did in response.
“Shit..” Y/n groaned, getting out of bed and slowly walking out of their room.
She then braces herself and walks downstairs, expecting to see the glass on the floor, and also not expecting to see Matt.
But wasn’t she surprised.
She made it to the bottom step and looked at the clean floor, no broken picture frames.
In fact, the picture frames were on the wall, just like they were before.
Was everything just a dream? God she hoped so.
Her thoughts got interrupted when Matt walks in the living room from the kitchen, smiling at Y/n.
“How do you feel, baby?” He asked her softly.
Y/n looked at him, pointing to the frames in the wall, “Did I-” She paused, not wanting to make herself sound crazy. “Did I uh- break those?” She asked, a confused look on her face as she did so.
“Yeah, you did. You remember last night, right?” Matt said, also a confused look coming on his face.
Y/n swallowed and nodded, “Yeah, i do, i just kinda thought it was all a dream.” She shrugged.
Matt shook his head, coming over and placing his hands on Y/n’s waist.
“It wasn’t a dream, no.” He said, his voice low but soft.
Y/n sighed, crossing her arms as Matt’s hands move to rub up and down them. “D-do you want to get a divorce?” Y/n asked cautiously.
Matt looks down for a second, “Of course not, and im sorry that i told you that. I just- i don’t know..” Matt shrugs. “But i do know…” He smiles, leaning closer to me, “I can’t live without you.”
Y/n nods, “Okay, so what next?”
Matt sighs, “I’ll stop drinking, i will not work so much, and i’ll work for this marriage. A-and when i get you pregnant in a couple years, i’ll be there for you and the baby, or babies..” Matt laughs.
Y/n groans, leaning forward. “God, i love you, Chris and Nick so much but i do not think I can do triplets.”
Matt leans down, kissing her softly. “You can do anything.”
sorry i like starved you guys, i write like one or two words and then stop love you guys and thanks for the support
taglist: @sturniolosmind @novasturniolo03 @hearts4chriss @vinniehackerslefttoe @christhopersturniolo @mattybswife @streamermattsgf @sturnolio-luvs @sturnioloslurps @marlenafortuna @lovergirl4387 @sturniololovesss
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myysaints · 1 year
... (PART TWO)
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YUKI TSUNODA x f!japanese!kpop idol!reader
⌗︙・ summary — you’ve known yuki tsunoda all your life, but the world doesn’t know that. so when your relationship is accidentally called into the spotlight, fans understandably freak out – after all, who thought that these two worlds would collide?
genre — social media au, fc: sakura from le sserafim
notes — part two is here!!! the tumblr 30 or wtv image limit is so annoying, it's the whole reason why i had to split the fic over two parts 😭 the link to part one is here if you haven't read it! hope u enjoy xx
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le_sserafim has uploaded to their story.                    19s
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Liked by yukitsunoda0511, pierregasly, alphataurif1, and 17,281,003 others
🏷  yukitsunoda0511
yourusername  very much real ❤️
view all 4,271,552 comments
yukitsunoda0511  愛してる (I love you) ❤️
yourusername  ❤️❤️ 너무 사랑해요 (I love you so much)
alphataurif1  welcome to the family y/n!
yourusername  thank you 🍀🍀 see u guys next year!!!
sserasseraynln  lost my wife to a man whose job is driving in circles….
pastrypiastri  mama y papa fr
yerieseuls  …okay FINE they’re cute 😭😭😭😭
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Liked by yourusername, pierregasly, charles_leclerc, and 19,293,446 others
🏷  yukitsunoda0511
yukitsunoda0511  I’ve known Y/N almost my whole life. We grew up together, she lived across the road from me. From the moment I met her I knew she was going to be a very special person in my life. Little did 5 year old me know that she would become the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with! Y/N, you have made me the happiest person alive. I’m so proud of you and how far we have both come. I can’t believe I’ve gotten to be the one you call home for almost 8 years now. I love you no matter how near or far you are, how early or late in the day it is for me, how happy or sad you are. Seeing you perform is the most magical thing, and I hope that I can bring the same happiness when I win in Suzuka again next year 😁 I know i say this all the time when I’m with you, but I can’t help it - 愛してる. I love you. 사랑해. Thankyou for making me the happiest me possible ❤️
view all 11,236,877 comments
ynlnupdates  OH MY GOD????????
yourusername  surprise? 🫣 ynlnupdates  OHHHHHHH MY GOD x10
yourusername  yuki 😭😭😭 when you said you were writing a paragraph i didn’t think you meant an entire love letter oml, i would have written a better caption for my post!!!!
yukitsunoda0511  your caption was perfect, short and sweet (like you) yourusername  🥹❤️ landonorris  throwing up in my mouth rn 🤣 yourusername  shhh lando the adults are talking landonorris  💀💀
danielricciardo  RUE WHEN WAS THIS????
yukitsunoda0511  …whoops? 😅 danielricciardo  Throwing you into the Monaco harbour again next year 🙄❤️ yourusername  take pics!!!! yukitsunoda0511  💔
charles_leclerc  Proud to say that I was one of the few who knew!
yukitsunoda0511  Only because you wouldn’t leave us alone in Suzuka 😭 we had to TELL YOU you were third wheeling mate
pierregasly  Why am I only just finding out about this????? 8 years lil bro?????
yukitsunoda0511  You calling me “lil bro” is why I didn’t tell you btw. pierregasly  …Do you hear that??? … That’s the sound of my heart breaking… pierregasly  Now check your text messages mate we need to meet up and HAVE A CHAT luvssainz  pierre is totally that friend that is always down to listen to tea 24/7 yourusername  correct ✅ pierregasly  Don’t out me like that! francisca.cgomes  sorry but she’s right mon cher 🤷‍♀️
yourusername  love you forever my クマ ❤️🧸
pierregasly  whatsthat yukitsunoda0511  Bear in Japanese pierregasly  Imma start calling you that too yukitsunoda0511  Please don’t. yourusername  sorry pierre, クマ is reserved for me only yukitsunoda0511  yeah, only for ハニー (honey). ❤️
© myysaints
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milesdickpic · 6 months
His Little Girl | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader P.83
Click here to see the master list
Hi, my loves! We are back with another chapter!!! I really need to catch up with writing. I have been so busy 🤪 Brb gonna watch Top Gun for some Motivation! I love you all so much! 💕 Happy reading and enjoy! ❤️
A/n: You and Bradley have something important to ask of Phoenix, Hangman, and Austin, What will it be? Bradley returns to work for the first time in uniform since the accident. 🫣😳
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: cursing, crying, anxiousness, some sadness, but so much happiness and love 🥰
Please don't take my work, I will find you. 
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Bradley’s POV
Austin and Phoenix came in through the front door with bags of groceries. Leia was in the backyard running around with Gunner. Hangman and I were sitting on the couch with the boys. Hangman was hunched over Little Bradley on the couch while he was laying in his lap. He was playing peek-a-boo with him. Even though baby boy had no idea what was going on. I’m pretty sure his eyes were closed 98% of the time Bagman was playing with him. 
“Sup guys,” Austin called over and nodded his head at Hangman and me as he placed some grocery bags onto the counter. 
I nodded and waved back over to him. “What’s up, Aus. Phoenix my girl, my favorite wing-woman. Thank you for doing y/n and I a solid this morning and cleaning up for us.” She came over and grabbed my hand and placed a kiss on my knuckles. 
“Anything for y/n and the boys, Bradshaw.” She winked and leaned over the couch to look at Luke passed out on my lap. She cooed over him. “Oooooh look at the little man sleep. Is that Luke or Bradley?” 
I chuckled. “Luke.”
Hangman interjected. “Bradley boy has a new and cool gift from his mama and daddy.” He picked up little Bradley and handed him off to Phoenix. 
“Huh.” Phoenix raised her brows and nodded. “What is your new and cool gift Bradley boy?” She said in a baby voice as she grabbed him and covered his chubby cheeks in kisses. 
“Hazel. Eyes.” Hangman smiled and looked back at Phoenix.
Phoenix raised her brow and readjusted Brad against her chest. She looked over at me and was looking for approval. “Hazel eyes??”
I nodded. “He’s got some dreamy hazel eyes. The perfect combination of mine and y/n’s eyes.”
Her eyes went wide as she carefully held baby Brad in her hands. Austin joined and looked at him in Phoenix’s hands. He opened his eyes and his eyes were glistening at them both. They were mesmerized by his piercing hazel eyes. 
“Oh, man. Look at those.” Austin chuckled and rubbed his index knuckle against Brad’s cheek. “Those are beautiful.” 
“There is a new secret weapon in town and it is this little man.” Phoenix was smiling at baby Brad in her hands. “Look out world. Luke and Bradley are going to steal your girls.”
I laughed and shook my head. “He is the only one with Hazel eyes. Luke has green eyes like Leia and me.” 
Austin and Phoenix both looked at me shocked. “So then you’re gonna be able to tell them apart forever?” Austin chuckled.
“And you won’t have to like call the hospital and beg one day for their original fingerprints to try and tell them apart when they’re 13 because you are having second thoughts about possibly mixing them up when they were 6 months old?” She raised her brows.
I started to laugh. “God, that would have been a fun and great story one day if that were the case. But, we, unfortunately.” I rolled my eyes. “Won’t get the chance to mix them up because they have that difference.” 
Hangman shrugged his shoulders. “I still think we are going to mix you, Leia, Little B, and Luke up because you are all carbon copies.”
I rolled my eyes and stood up as I brought Luke to my chest. “On that note.” I handed a sleeping Luke to Austin. “Would you all watch my kids for a second? Leia is out back with Gunner playing. I need to go check on my wife. Make sure she’s okay.” 
Austin and Phoenix took a seat on the couch with the boys and Hangman headed out back with Leia and Gunner. 
I ran up the stairs and opened the door quietly to see the bed fixed and empty. 
“Sweetheart? You in the bathroom?” I entered the room and closed the door behind me. 
You came out from the closet with your hair wrapped up in a towel and one of my shirts on. “God, I haven’t fit into one of your shirts like this since before I was pregnant with the boys.” You giggled and came over to me and placed a kiss on my lips.
I smiled and wrapped my arms around you. “Sleep good, baby?”
You nodded and smiled up at me. “I did. Thank you so much, Bradley. I really needed that.”
I kissed you again and rubbed your back. “Anything for you, sweetheart. I knew you needed some rest. You did so much last night and these last 9 almost 10 months. I owed it to you.”
You hummed and laid on my chest. “Where are the kiddos?”
I laid my head on top of yours and embraced you tightly. “They are all downstairs. Being taken good care of.” You nodded and looked up at me. 
“I’m going to finish getting ready. I’ll meet you downstairs in 20. We have our big news to share with the three adults downstairs.” You raised your brows and turned around to continue to get ready.
“Oooo. You are right. The godparents.” I smiled and placed one more kiss on your cheek as I gripped your hips. “See you downstairs in a bit, mama.” 
I rejoined the future godparents and the kids downstairs. Leia had just come back in from the backyard with Gunner. Hangman was washing her hands in the kitchen. Gunner was wedged in between Austin and Phoenix trying to smell the boys. 
I sat in one of the single sofas across from the couch and watched Phoenix, Hangman’s, and Austin’s interactions with the kids. I smiled seeing how much they cared for them. I knew you and I were making a great choice in choosing them to be there for our kids for the rest of their lives. I looked down and started to think about when we would go back to San Diego and everyone else would get to meet the boys and see Leia again. Man… I couldn’t wait. You and I were the luckiest people in the world to have everyone we had in our lives. 
Hangman made his way over with Leia. He sat next to Austin on the couch with Leia in his lap. She leaned over carefully as she watched her little brothers sleep. She softly started to rub Luke’s head. 
You finally made your way down and greeted everyone. 
“Hey Good afternoon, Mrs. Bradshaw!” Hangman laughed and he grabbed your hand. 
You made your way over and kissed all three kids on their heads. 
“Hey, mama. How did you sleep?” Phoenix reached her hand out for yours and interlocked your fingers with hers. 
You smiled and let out a relaxing sigh. “I slept great. Thank you all so much for taking care of the kiddos to let me sleep in a little bit.” 
Austin grabbed your other hand and placed a little kiss on it. “Anything for the hardworking mama!” 
You giggled and looked over at me. I gestured for you to come and sit on my lap. You made your way over and sat with me. I wrapped my arms around your waist and you cleared your throat. 
“Sooooo.” You smiled at all of them before looking at me.
They all looked at each other confused. 
I peeked my head around your body and smiled. “We have a surprise for you all.”
They all furrowed their brows at you and me. Leia popped up from Jake’s lap startling Gunner. “Are we having more babies!?”
Austin, Phoenix, and Hangman looked at Leia with wide eyes and then shared the same look with us. You started to laugh and so did I.
“God. Y’all move quickly. Didn’t waste any time.” Hangman pursed his lips together and shook his head at us. He looked disgusted. The whales.
You shook your head and leaned back against me. “Definitely no more babies.”
“For now.” I smiled. You rolled your eyes at me and looked back to the group.
“Bradley and I wanted to ask the three of you.” You looked at Jake and smiled. “And Sarah.” He smiled back at you. “If you would do Bradley and me the honor of being the boy’s godparents.” You bit your lip nervously as you waited for their answers. 
They were all stunned and were lost for words. 
Phoenix looked down at baby Brad sleeping in her arms. She bit her lip as it quivered. She looked back up at you and me as she wiped her tears. “I would love that more than anything.” She placed kisses on baby boy's cheeks as she held him close. 
Austin smiled and was holding back his tears. “Are you serious?”
Hangman was just staring into space in the boy’s direction. You broke down, “I’m dead serious… What do you all think?” I held you close and waited for all of them to reply. 
“YES!” Phoenix nodded in excitement as she embraced baby Brad to her chest. Austin smiled at you and me with tearful eyes.
“I would be honored to be a godfather of one of these little guys.” He wiped the inner corner of his eyes.
Hangman was still silent. I looked over at him and leaned forward against your back. “Bagman?” I raised my brow at him and smirked. He looked up at me with his lips pushed together. “What do you say, wingman?”
He opened his mouth slightly about to say something and then looked down. He licked his lips and pushed them back together. Leia patted the top of his head. “Uncle Jakey?”
Hangman looked back up at Leia and smiled. He looked back over at you and me. “I would love to. Thank you.” He bit his lower lip and looked down. “Thank you for this. Seriously.”
I chuckled. “I wouldn’t and they wouldn’t be here without you.” He looked up at me quickly and started to cry slightly. I gave him a reassuring smile. “Thank you, Seresin.”
He smiled at me and looked back over at the boys. You wiped your tears, “So it’s settled. Of course, after you ask Sarah, Jake.” 
Hangman smiled back at you and nodded. “I know she would love to. So which lucky man do I get?” He chuckled.
You looked back at me and nodded. I cleared my throat. “Our little Luke.”
Phoenix gasped and placed her hand over her mouth. “Aus, that means we have little Braddie boy.” She poked his nose and hugged him. “But I will and always will be here for both of you boys.”
Austin and Hangman nodded. “I agree.” They both said in unison. 
Your POV
It has been a couple of weeks since the boys were born, you and Bradley were starting to adjust to their daily routine. On the days that Bradley was gone for physical therapy, you had Austin to lean on for some help. 
You came home from your check up appointment with the doctor. Bradley was off today and watched the kids while you were out. When you came home you were thrown off with a surprise. Bradley was carrying both of the boys in his arms with Leia clinging onto his back dancing around the kitchen to I Was Made For Lovin’ You by Kiss. 
Him and Leia were singing to the boys as he was dancing around. “I was made for lovin’ you babies! You were made for lovin’ me! And I can’t get enough of you babies!”
You gasped as you put your purse on the counter. “Bradley and Leia Rey Bradshaw.” They both looked at you with wide eyes as they stopped singing mid-sentence and stopped dancing. 
“Uh Oh, daddy.” Leia hopped off of Bradley’s back and smiled at you awkwardly. “hi momma.”
You started to laugh as you walked over and kissed her head. “Leia Rey.” You squinted your eyes and walked over to Bradley. He was cradling the boys in his arms and standing completely still. “Bradley Nicolas Bradshaw.” You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth, “What do we have here?” You laughed and shook your head as you grabbed Luke from Bradley’s arms. 
“Hello, sweetheart.” Bradley already knew you were going to scold him. 
“Bradley. You are still recovering and you have all three kids clinging to you.” You kissed Luke on his forehead making him smile. 
“Sweetheart.” Bradley cleared his throat, “I am fine. I promise.”
You raised your brows and squinted your eyes at him. “I know you are, but I need you to be extra careful. Especially if you want to fly again, babe.”
Bradley smiled and chuckled. “Baby. That is why we are dancing.” 
You raised one brow and look up at him as you placed another kiss on Luke’s head. Leia came over and wrapped her arms around you. “Momma. Daddy got cleared to fly.” She said in a little whisper.
You gasped and held Luke’s head to your chest as you covered his ear. “BRADLEY!” Your mouth was in a wide smile and you started to bounce up and down. “REALLY!?”
He started to laugh as he nodded his head. “OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD!” 
You bit your lip and smiled at him. “YESSSS!”
He shook his head as he was laughing. He grabbed Luke from your grasp and cradled him next to baby Bradley. “I start ground training tomorrow. Gonna start going through the exercises to get me ready for flying again.” 
You put your hands over your mouth, “YES FINALLY!” You jumped around with Leia, “well crank up the music! We are celebrating again!” 
Bradley’s POV  
It was my first official day back at work. I woke up at 0400, so that I could feed the boys and then get ready. They were both fast asleep. I went to the mini fridge in the corner of the room that we had set up. I grabbed two bottles of your milk and placed them in the mini micro above the fridge to nuke it. As they warmed up I grabbed little Brad from his bassinet. I bounced him in my arms gave him kisses. I laid him on my empty side of the bed as I went and grabbed Luke from his bassinet. After I laid them down together, I went and grabbed the bottles. I checked the temperature for both before placing them into their mouths. 
I got on my knees on the floor by the edge of the bed as I held both bottles to the boys’ mouths. “You boys are getting so big. It’s ridiculous. Please stop growing. Daddy wants you boys to stay babies forever.” I let out a little chuckle, “Before I know it, you boys are gonna wanna go flying with Papa Mav. Just like your big sister Leia.” 
I watched them with tears in my eyes as they finished their bottles. I picked them both up and placed them on my chest as I sat against the headboard of the bed. I began to burp them, burping was an understatement. They both belch like grown men. After their burping, I changed their diapers and placed them back into their bassinets. I kissed each of them as they fell back to sleep. 
“Daddy loves you so much, boys.” 
I started to get ready for work.
After cleaning up, I put on my whites and opted for the short sleeve shirt. I grabbed my hat and held it between my arm and waist. I went and placed a kiss on your head. “I’m leaving now, baby. I’ll see you tonight. I love you.”
You opened your eyes and smiled. “I’ll miss you, Brad. Have a good day and be safe please. I love you so much.” You reached your arms up and gave me a hug. 
“The boys are fed and changed. So get some sleep, babe.” I moved your hair from your face and gave you another kiss. “Bye, baby. I love you.”
You waved bye to me as I left the room. I went and gave our sleeping Leia a kiss. Then met with Phoenix and Hangman downstairs. 
“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Hangman had a smirk on his face while he sipped his coffee. “Looking good, Rooster.” He held his mug up to me and winked. 
“Seresin. Good morning.” I chuckled as Phoenix handed me a mug.
“Are you ready for today, Bradshaw?” She smiled as she sipped her coffee. 
I sighed and sipped my coffee, “More than ready. I’ve been waiting for this moment for nearly 6 months. I hope I can get back in the pit before we are sent back to San Diego.” 
Hangman nodded his head. “Well, you have plenty of time to get into the pit. I have confidence you’ll get in there, but if you can’t, you always have more time in San Diego. Take your time and don’t rush it. Take it day by day, Rooster. We are all here for you.” 
“Thanks you guys. I definitely will get a feel for it today. See how it goes from here. But today is day one.” 
They both patted me on the back and we all put our mugs away. “Well then, let’s go and start day one.”
Your POV 
It was your first full day of watching the boys and Leia solo without Bradley. Thankfully you had Austin who was helping occasionally, but you ultimately wanted to try on your own. It went smoothly, a couple of blowouts from Luke, but nothing out of the normal. You looked over at the clock and it was 4:30. 
Austin was making dinner with Leia, as you laid the boys down for their nap. “They should all be home soon, huh darlin?” Austin asked as he munched on a carrot. 
You nodded and wrapped your arms around Leia. “Yup! Give them another 30 and they’ll be here.” You laid on Leia’s shoulder. “Thank you for helping with your brothers today, babe. You helped mommy so much.” You kissed her cheek over and over again as she stirred dinner and giggled. 
“You’re welcome momma. I love helping with my brothers!” 
Austin patted her head and smiled at you. “Best sister ever.” You and him laughed as they continued dinner. 
Bradley, Phoenix, and Jake finally made it home. They all came in laughing. Austin went over to greet them as you and Leia finished setting the table. You could hear Austin shushing everyone as they came into the dinning area. The boys were still asleep for their nap. 
“Where are my boys?” Bradley whispered as he came over and gave you and Leia a kiss on the head. 
“They’re asleep in their bassinets.” You looked over in their direction. Their bassinets were set up by the couches. 
Bradley went and washed his hands before he made his way over to the boys. Phoenix and Jake followed behind. They all went to give the boys kisses as they slept. Phoenix and Jake came over to the table to start eating with Leia and Austin. 
You walked over to Bradley and laid your head against his shoulder. “Look at ‘‘em sleep, Brad.”
You smiled as you caressed baby Brad's cheek. 
“They’re perfect. Just like you and Leia Rey.” He gave both of them kisses before he turned to you and smiled. “Thank you for this life baby. I wouldn’t be here without you.” 
You smiled and he held your face in his hands. “Thank you for coming back and loving me like we never parted. I love you, always.”
Besties, I suck at proofreading, please let me know if I left any *Hazes* in there. It was gonna be a nickname for Baby Brad but I changed my mind LOL. Buuuut AAAHHH! Godparents! The boys are so lucky to have them all in their lives 🥰 I'll see you all in the next chapter! 💕
The boys' godparents are in the comments 🥰
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cheesecakeluvrs · 2 months
🚨Spoilers for episode 5 of X-men’97🚨
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAT HUUUHHUUHH I KNEW IT WAS GOING TO BE A GAMBIT EPISODE BECAUSE OF THE TITLE BUT WHAT IS HAPPENING what too much that’s for sure. Jean? Logan? Scott? Erik? Cable?!Rogue?!? GAMBIT?!?! I’m tweaking so bad I can’t. Well first off I loved the episode but I’m also going a little insane. IS HE DEAD?!? He can’t be dead, that just can’t happen, wake up Gambit. Is sacrifice was awesome but after all the Rogue and Gambit stuff that happened this episode? Wellll they did say that they were just going to be friends because MAGNETO WANTS TO GET MARRIED but erm it was still clear that after the dance with her and Magneto that she does NOT have feelings for him and is rather just torn because she has feelings for Gambit but can only touch Erik. AUGAHAHS AND THAT SPEECH SHE GAVE?!? Well it wasn’t really a speech but the conversation between her and Gambit, that was crazy. Nightcrawler being my man and helping us Rogue and Gambit shippers out but it’s sad we didn’t get much of her and Nightcrawler. Okay okayyyy so at least we’re not getting Rogue and Magneto because of the end of the dance “some things are deeper than skin” AUSFHAHEYGAHAGGAHAYGSHAJ Erik, hate to be like this, but it lowkey feels like he’s manipulating Rogue due to the fact that she can only touch him and he’s using that to get her to himself. Alsoooo I guess he’s just given up on his dead wife lol and I never thought he loved her I just kinda thought he was using the sexy 20 somethin yo because she hawt and all but I guess we’re jumping straight to the L word lol. AUSFHAHSGA Remy please don’t be goneeee, you can’t be, you can’t just do that, I mean we already got Xavier (well kinda) at least he has his spirit with em and is in space with his space soulmate or whatever. Erm oh yeah Erik might also be dead butttt…. That’s not really what I’m worried about. LOGAN AND JEAN WHAT ATE YOU DOING, I look away from my happy little married couple for 3 minutes and they’re off doing this, then the minute I look back to Rogue and Gambit HES DEAD. They goin craaazy right now and I don’t know how to handle it. I’m shaking, screaming, tweaking and all of the above. Okay let’s get the list of things we can celebrate about
-Rogue definitely doesn’t have feelings for Magneto (nice nice haha)
-Rogue has feelings for Gambit but is just very conflicted because she can’t touch him (TOO BAD HES DEAD)
-And lastly this is the Marvel universe and death is never the end soooo (but even if he is dead that’s a pretty sick way to go)
I guess I’ll just be going crazy until the next episode. If you guys have any thoughts or theories please share because without new thoughts of hope my mind will explode
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lexisecretaccx · 3 months
Mine 2 - Matt Sturniolo
(Fem reader x Matt Sturniolo, tiny bit of a fight, stalking, obsessions, male!masturbation, etc.)
A/n: I love this series. No other words just, I love it. And I hope y’all love it as much as I love writing it
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Y/n’s POV
I lay down, pretending to sleep because I can hear someone walking around my house, did I lock my door after the roses came? What if my admirer is in here.
What if he’s hot.. wait, I can’t say shit like that, for all I know he could kill me or kidnap me.
I turn over, to alert him that I’m still awake. What if it’s not a man, it could be a woman. The footsteps are too heavy to be a woman. I slip out of bed and into the corner behind the door, I grab the first thing I can find, a hair curler. That’s not gonna do anything unless, I turn it on.
It took a good 3 minutes to get hot, I turned it up to the highest heat. My bedroom door creaks open, my heart is pounding through my chest. A man comes into my vision and I swing the hair curler into his face. A sizzling sound and mine and the man’s screams fill my room. I turn it off before running down my stairs, still armed with the curler.
Who the fuck was that guy, he was old and bald. I start to hyperventilate and I run out of my front door and sit on the steps leading up to my front door, a familiar face runs over to me, Joseph. I burst into tears before he leans down to me.
Matt’s POV
I had started to walk away from her house after dropping the roses off, when I heard screams from y/n’s house. Not just hers but a man’s. I run back to check if it was her and I see her sat on her front step. She notices me and starts to cry. My heart shatters at the fear and sadness in her eyes, “I heard screams you okay?”
She shook her head rapidly, “No, I had some flowers and a note on my doorstep and I think I didn’t lock my door and some guy came in.” She cry’s and stands up to me. I try to contain the happiness I feel that she is talking to me and coming so close to me, I have dreamt of this for a year, maybe not these circumstances but how’s my chance for her to like me.
She grabs onto my arm and looks at her own house in fear, I look down at her beautiful tear stained face, “I’ll get him out.” I smile to her, her face lights up, “really? Thank you!”
I walk into the house, I hear the man stumbling around upstairs, I close the door behind me and once Y/n can’t see me my face switches to pure anger, how can this absolute maniac enter her house?! Only I can do that, she can’t know but.. at least I wouldn’t hurt her.
“Hey.” I call up the stairs as I make my way to the upstairs hallway, the bathroom door is slammed open and the sound of water running is the only thing I hear, “if you really need to shower so badly, there’s one downtow-” I look in the bathroom, the man turns to me, a massive burn mark across his cheek, nose and eye. He swings at me blindly.
“Let’s settle this like gentlemen.” I lie, feeling the anger rush through my veins quicker than my own blood. He looks about 60, he runs at me and I swing a punch at him, knocking him square in the place where his burn is, he screams out in pain and falls to the ground.
I can’t help but feel somewhat responsible for him getting in, I was the one who gave her the letter and flowers, but I can’t dwell on that or even let her know.
I grab his arms and drag him downstairs and out the front door, y/n must’ve called the police because they have pulled up outside. They’re asking her questions and pull the guy outside.
“This him?” The police ask me, I nod. “I recognise this creep,” the policeman adds, “he’s been arrested for similar things before.” He scoffs and pulls the guy out my hands. The policewoman walks up to me and y/n, “do you have anywhere else you can stay? To avoid yourself being scared to sleep here?” She asks y/n. She looks to me, “I don’t have anyone really,” that is true, “and I don’t really know you so i don’t know.” She spoke to me.
I jump at the opportunity, “you can stay with me, I have a spare bedroom.” I say, y/n has always been overly trustworthy and that has turned out bad for her in the past but I would never hurt her. “Really? Thank you.”
Some time passes and y/n is packing a bag of stuff to bring to mine, she allows me to come upstairs with her, I look around the room and my eyes focus on a teddy bear her mother had gotten her when she was younger, she takes it with her everywhere that she sleeps, “don’t forget your bear.” I say, pointing at it.
“Oh yeah, I can’t sleep without it.” She smiles, “I know.” I smile back, her smile falters, “how do you know?” She asks me tilting her head. “Oh I mean like I relate, I have a favourite teddy too.” I have always been good at getting myself out of situations I get myself into, using my words.
“Oh fair enough,” she giggles. Such a perfect laugh. And her smile, her lips so soft and beautiful.
We walk to my house, “do you have a car?” She asks me, “uh, yeah I just don’t drive it too often.” I smile down at her, focusing on the path infront of me. “If you live such a long walk away why were you by my street?” She innocently asks me, her cheeks red from the cold air, “I like walking, to clear my mind.” I nod. “It’s not a long walk just half hour.” I shrug.
“That’s a long walk to me.” She laughs.
We reach my house, it’s a 3 bedroom but one of them is used as my office, and the other a spare bedroom. I need to make sure my door is locked, always, if she gets into the closet I may never see her again.
“This is a nice house.” She looks at the outside as we walk in. The living room and kitchen are plain, only the basics I need as I spend most my time outside or in my room or office. “Where’s your decorations?” She asks me, “I’m a simple guy.” I smile down at her.
“So, Joseph.. what do you do for fun?” We walk upstairs into the guest room, Shit, I forgot I told her my name was Joseph. I need to tell her the truth. “I do photography stuff. Also I lied..” I swallow, she looks up at me confused, “my name’s not Joseph it’s Matt.” She laughs, “why did you lie?” She sets her bag onto the bed.
“I was nervous.” I shrug and I help her empty her bag, “nervous? Why?” I look down at her, “a pretty girl was asking me my name, I got scared.” I lie. The pretty part isn’t a lie but I didn’t want her to know my name but now it doesn’t matter.
She blushes and looks down. “What’s in the rooms at the end of the hallway?” She asks me, “oh that’s my room and office, I keep it locked because I do my work in there.” I reply before walking out of the room, “wait!” She calls. I turn around instantly and walk back.
“Hm?” I hum, “did you see who put the note and flowers by my door?” She sits on the bed, “uh, no.” I lie. “You’re lying.” I shoot my eyes to her, “what?” I chuckle awkwardly. “I can tell by your face, did you see someone by my door?” She’s the only person able to read me, that could be a bad thing.
“I saw someone walk away but I didn’t see if they came from your house.” I smirk, she pats the bed next to her.
“Thank you.. for everything.” She spoke, I felt like she was thanking me for everything and the roses but she didn’t know it was me, and she can never know.
“I’m gonna sleep now, it’s been a long day to say the least.” She smiled at me, her beautiful pink lips glistening in the light. “Okay, night.” I smile back before walking out the room and shutting the door, “can you leave it open slightly?” She asked me, I felt a rush of relief come over me, it will be easier to watch her and see her with the door open.
“Yep.” I leave the door open a crack before returning to my room and locking it behind me. I shift the wardrobe and enter my closet, I flick through the many photographs of her that I have and find the one I took a few weeks back, she was in her living room dancing around in a black skirt and a cami top leaving little to my imagination.
I close up the closet and lie in my bed, the picture in one hand. Am I really gonna do this? I’ve done it before but it feels wrong. But since when have I ever done something not wrong, I’ve been watching this girl for about a year or more.
I unbuckle my pants and slide them down slightly, same with my boxers. I lie back comfortably, and take my cock into my hand I instantly bite my lip at the sensation, she’s been driving me crazy today.
I start to stroke up and down whilst holding back my noises, since she’s in the room next to me. “Fuck..” I breathe out quietly, I fasten my pace, the photo drops to the floor and I squeeze my eyes shut, using my imagination to lead me to my climax.
I let out soft whimpers as I throw my head back, holding back my orgasm so I can keep feeling this. I lose control and come undone, bucking my hips forward as white stripes shoot out of my cock.
I lay there breathlessly for about 2 minutes before I clean myself up and return the picture to its place in the closet. I stand in the closet and start to write down a note, today someone broke into her house, I played the hero and got him out and now she’s staying with me, she doesn’t know I was the one who gave her roses but
My bedroom door knocks, “You in there Matt?” She asks softly through the door, “uh, yeah give me a second..” I leave the note in the closet and quickly move the wardrobe infront of the door.
I open my bedroom door and lean against the frame, “hey you okay?” I ask, still breathing heavily from rushing to close the closet. “I left my phone, at my house.” She sighs she looks upset. “Oh shit, do you want me to get it for you?” I walk out my door and close it behind me, leaving us in the hallway. “Would you? I can come with I just gotta get out of..” I cut her off, “no it’s fine I’ll go for you, just go back to sleep.” I would do anything for her, anything she asks.
“Thank you so much, here’s my house keys,” she hands them to me before pulling me down for a hug. If only she knew what I was doing 10 minutes ago, she wouldn’t talk to me again.
I walk out my front door and make my way to her house..
Forgetting I didn’t lock my bedroom door..
A/n: I got carried away w this one and I don’t even know if it’s that good but like yesss.. next chapters gonna be.. something. 😅
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @sturniologurl4l2008 @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @sturniolosmind @accio326 @sturniol0s @alwayssublimedelusion @stingerayyy2 @freshsturns @riasturns @sturniololvrrr @maryx2xx (wouldn’t let me tag yall maybe check ur settings?)
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drewsbuzzcut · 3 months
Ooooh maybe a blurb on one of the kids when are a baby like a 6-8 months old and may has been gone from a long roadie and he has also been practicing and putting in a lot of extra work; staying late at morning skate or longer workouts and maybe he comes home from a roadie and one of the babies (you can choose between the three hehe😉) doesn’t recognize him or maybe only wants to be held/taken care of by model!reader and mat is upset and devastated bc he feels like a shit father but it’s just the baby being a baby and tired bc by the next morning the baby only wants Mat and NO ONE ELSE
I’m going with Nolan just bc he’s the first baby, so Mat is still very new when it comes to fatherhood!
Mat lugs himself through the front door, body being weighed down by the longer morning skates and the intense workout sessions that follow. That’s not to mention Mat feeling extremely guilty for spending more time on hockey than with his family. Between a two week long roadie and the endless hours at the rink, Mat hasn’t been around for you or for Nolan. He can’t even fathom a thought about what he’s sure he’s missed with being absent. All he wants is to cuddle into his girlfriend and hold his sweet baby boy.
Entering his home, he’s met with the smell of a clean house and Nolan’s body wash. The guilt really starts to eat at him in that moment. He should be here, helping you clean and bathe your son. Shaking it off, he silently works his way through the house, finishing your cleaning routine and putting his things away. Finally he makes his way to your ensuite, pushing the door open to find you crouched down while you work the baby soap through Nolan’s tufts of hair.
“Look who’s here, Nolie! It’s daddy!” You quietly cheer, smiling at your man.
“Hi, baby. I missed you so much,” he whispers, sitting on the floor next to you.
“I missed you,” you say back into his lips.
“Hi, sweet boy. Daddy missed you, Nols,” he coos, reaching out to touch his son, but the baby pulls away.
Mat frowns, but not long enough for you to notice.
“How was the roadie? You guys played really well, especially you. You looked so sexy out there,” you make conversation, dying to hear about his week.
“Thank you, pretty girl. Yeah, the roadie was really good. We played some good hockey, thank god,” he mutters, leaning back against the porcelain tub.
“I love that for you. Can you do me a favor and get Nolan dried and dressed in his jammies? They’re on the bed,” you ask even though you don’t have to.
“Of course,” he agrees, pulling his baby boy out of the tub and making sure he’s wrapped snugly in his towel.
Nolan quickly realizes that you’re not the one holding him and starts squirming in Mat’s arms.
“It’s okay, baby. Daddy has you,” he tries to soothe the crying baby, but it’s to no avail.
Nolan cries the entire time he’s with Mat, not even Mat’s voice can calm him down like it usually does.
When you step back into your room, skin care done and dressed in Mat’s t-shirt, Nolan clocks you. He’s immediately reaching out for you and you don’t let him suffer any longer.
“What’s wrong, my little love? It’s okay, mommy’s here,” you get your baby to finally calm down.
Your boyfriend watches you rock Nolan to sleep, heart sinking into his stomach. He hates himself even more.
You quickly take Nolan to his nursery where you rock him for a while before heading back to your bed.
You notice Mat’s unusual silence, piquing your concern. You turn towards him and just watch as he stares daggers into the ceiling.
“What’s wrong?” You ask, head resting on his shoulder and hand rubbing his stomach.
“Nolan doesn’t recognize or doesn’t love me, I hope it’s the former. I’m such a shit father. I haven’t been around much and now he doesn’t even know who I am,” he blurts, voice thick with sadness.
You frown at his teary eyes.
“That’s not true. He loves you so much and he does know who you are. You know that. He’s always so happy to see you on facetime and he loves hearing your voice. He’s just a baby. They’re odd like that. Please don’t let it get to you,” you try to talk him down.
“That doesn’t mean that I’m not a shit father, though. I haven’t been here as much as I should. I’m steadily choosing hockey over being here with you guys and being a parent and partner,” he says in a strangled cry.
You move to lay on top of him, so your eyes can look down into his. You cup his cheeks and kiss his lips so softly.
“You’re not a shit father. Hockey is your job and I understand you wanting to get better at it. There’s no fault in it. Yeah, I wish you were around more, but I do understand you being gone. I knew what I was getting myself into. Please don’t call yourself a shit father,” you state, truth obvious in your voice.
“I love you and I’ll be here more,” he promises.
“I love you.”
That night you go to sleep with your big baby in your arms. Mat’s heart finally doesn’t feel so heavy.
He quickly comes to see that you’re right, come next morning when you place a happy Nolan on his chest.
“I love you, Nolie bear,” he whispers, kissing his baby’s head.
Your baby cuddles into your boyfriend’s chest and you feel your heart melt at the sight. You share a knowing glance with Mat and you sigh in contentment. Nothing can compare to mornings with your boys. Nothing can compare to the love being shared in your bedroom.
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m1ssunderstanding · 5 months
Get Back Rewatch 55 Years On: Day 19
Linda looks so good in this sort of not-quite-right preppy style. I think it fits who she was as a person in this time so well, and that’s one of the things I love about Linda is that she just dresses up as herself. You know? Like she wears things that are true to her and she doesn’t care if that means a mini-skirt in January or hairy pits on stage. And that confidence and introspection and happiness is so, so attractive.
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And that is why they love him. (you know, besides the fact that he’s a piano prodigy or whatever) So secure. BDE off the charts.
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Linda talking photography with whoever that other photographer guy is.
George: what could it be, Paul? John: jumps to answer for Paul like it's 1964 and they're at a press conference.
What do we think? John cut himself shaving? Or is it a hickey?
It ends up that John’s meeting must’ve fallen through at 1:30, so Paul is the only one gone. And it seems to me that John purposely plans this time when Paul’s gone to talk to George and Ringo about Klein. George: er, what did you want to talk about? John: er, well, just that I saw Klein, you know. . . . but I want to tell you all at once, you know, so it’s not . . . Sure, John. Cut to 1971 John talking about “doing a job” and “maneuvering” to get those two on the Klein boat. smh. sad. 
But, really, for a guy who admits to having been a manipulator since primary school, he’s so easily manipulated. John. A man who you just met cannot know you as well as a man you’ve known since you were seventeen. No matter how he flattered you, it’s just not possible. The way he said it with such conviction, too! He sincerely believes this bullshit.  
“Old Brown Shoe” is not my favorite lol but I’m so happy for George. To me, it sounds like it’s about leaving old roles, old patterns, old relationships, the beatles, behind in favor of something more exciting and fun. Good for him. 
I know this is a “yeah, duh” comment, but Billy is such a gifted musician. Instantly catching on to the stylophone, jumping on guitar the minute George is on piano. So impressive.
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Ugh, the tone of voice John takes with George. They’re all messing around, as they constantly do, including George, when John decides it’s time to focus. He says, “George, come on,” in literally the most condescending voice. As if George has been the only one derailing everything out of his own immaturity and John’s finally losing his patience. I can’t. He’s not fourteen, anymore, John. 
One more quick Linda appreciation because she's so cool and so pretty and I love her so much.
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I wonder if they actually did have a “tune up” as George Martin put it, after teasing him that they wouldn’t. It just cuts off from John being like “remember Bob Wooler” to them doing a take of “Don’t Let Me Down.”  
John singing “I need you” at Paul (who is very passionately shaking that maraca). Not I want you. I need you. And making These Faces as he plays the guitar. Like, to be clear, those are not singing faces. He's not singing while he's doing that. He's just doing that. He looks so horny and in so much pain. Bro. How do you do that with God and everyone watching? 
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At which point, Paul decides he needs to get completely out-of-it stoned, and the most unwatchable one minute and seven seconds in all of Get Back occurs. “Grease Paint” my beloathed.
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Oh, okay, George just constantly cleans his guitars. I think I remember reading an old beatlemania era article that said while John and Paul treat their guitars as tools, George loves and cares for his. 
And then we pan out as John says, “Allen Klein’s here,” and sings, “I want you so bad” in the same breath. What are our thoughts? Does John sincerely think he’s helping everyone by getting Klein? Or is it more selfish?  
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chthonicarcher · 4 months
Hello!! I've been a fan of your art and writing for a while now, and I wanted you to know your works a big inspiration and comfort to me!! Anywho, thoughts on Davebot and Commander Vantas :]
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first of all, wow, thank you so much!! that’s so kind <3
mkay so...
the thing is,
sigh. so. okay.
okay listen—
OKAY THE FIRST THING I GOTTA SAY, and I mean this ought to go *without* saying but I’m still just going to say it: this is all JUST MY OPINION!! it’s subjective, I’m not saying other people are wrong just bc we may happen to disagree about this!
TO BE HONEST WITH YOU, though, I only really engage with “beyond canon” or “dubious canon” or “post-canon” content in the way I’m doing right here, which is to say, drawing silly requests to dress up CKat as Hatsune Miku or whatever. or sometimes drawing something featuring meat or candy DaveKat specifically for my dear friend bug, who loves the epilogues and HS2, and still has a lot of hope for a happy DaveKat ending in *both* timelines. (love you bug, love your optimism, and I hope for your sake that HS2 doesn’t disappoint!)
because **MY** opinion of all that is that it sucks and shouldn’t exist, lol. sorry!! I hate its very existence! I ignore it and I mostly avoid it because it upsets me deeply, and I only engage (very shallowly) with the elements I can fully get behind, which usually means “cool outfits” or “cool designs.” Davebot looks real cool, man! that’s about all I can say about him without wanting to vomit!! his very existence makes me sad as fuck and I hate it, idk what else to tell you. I hate that even though that story goes out of its way to point out how non-canon it is, just by nature of being an officially sanctioned product it kinda IS canon, and the fans sure treat it that way, and I’m not even saying they’re wrong. if Hussie wanted the epilogues to actually be treated like fanfic maybe they shouldn’t’ve attached their name, man, idk.
anyway, I know drawing CKat and Davebot as just silly little guys without actually fully engaging with/reading post-canon sorta makes me part of “the problem,” like those “fans” of Homestuck who don’t understand it at all bc they HAVEN’T READ IT yet insist on making art about it that misunderstands the characters? but tbh I just don’t like or respect post-canon stuff in the same way I like and respect the original work. to me it is fanfic, and not even like a good one that I would bookmark or download a PDF of, lol. sorry if this disappoints you! I still think the designs are cool ✌️
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t0ast-ghost · 18 days
Star Trek II: Wrath Of Khan thoughts:
For this post if I could simply embed the entire movie and just write the word, ‘queer’ I would. Unfortunately you are all stuck with this, happy pride month!
Spoilers for the entire movie will be featured in this post
Going forth:
- I know what the kobayashi maru is so I know they’re not in danger but that’s some good acting Bones
- “‘Physician heal thyself.’” “Is that all you’ve got to say? What about my performance?” “I’m not a drama critic.” Thinking about this pose thinking about this pose thinking about thi-
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- “Galloping around the cosmos is a game for the young, Doctor.” He’s feeling something and projecting
- “Aren’t you dead?” That’s certainly a way to greet your husband
- They’re so cute. And sad. And cute.
- tiny guys hehe. The boots got sluttier somehow
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- McCoy got him glasses cause he can’t read the book without it and bring up that post that’s saying how Spock and McCoy’s gifts go together but McCoy got the logical thing and Spock got the emotional one
- Don’t quote me on this but the things I would do to that man… I wouldn’t.. but holy shit that outfit is killing me.
- hi checkov
- Carol Marcus? Doesn’t she have Kirk’s-? okay then I won’t spoil that just yet
- Creature in a jar moving under the sand
- BOTANY BAY????? Oh wait a sec I should’ve seen that coming it’s called wrath of khan
- Did they kill Chekov?
- hello Khan. That’s a very long and dramatic reveal he’s kinda hot tho
- Thinking about genetic engineering and augmentation and how they’re illegal but star trek presents cases where people now exist and it’s not the fault of the person that they are what they are so they have to question if an entire person should be illegal because of the actions of others… anyway I don’t wanna get deep into this right now, back to the movie
- Are they going to kill Chekov? (edit: not sure why I’m so fixated on thinking they’re gonna)
- brain worms… this sounds recently familiar
- The conversation between Savik and Spock is so precious. And it’s in Vulcan. And she says “He’s more human than I expected” and it’s like that’s her commenting on Spock’s husband
- Kirk does not want to do this inspection
- McCoy does a little bounce
- “For everything there is a first time. Wouldn’t you agree, admiral” “mmhhmm” “Would you like a tranquilizer?” *Kirk shakes his head*
- I think this one has a more solid plot. I’m enjoying so far :)
- Does McCoy serve on this ship or is he just following along?
- (Had to stop watching around here because I left for the weekend so these thoughts are potentially a bit different)
- wowah! Cool ship!
- uh oh. Chekov on the monitor with the brain worm!
- khan is kinda- yeahh
- I LOVE SAAVIK! RAHHH! Also apparently Saavik is canonically half Vulcan half Romulan according to the trivia
- I like how Bones is just there :)
- Putting Spock in black… they knew what they were doing
- They’re husbands your honour. Spock knows Kirk wants to take command and isn’t to proud to get in the way of making his wife happy
- “You are my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been and always shall be yours.” Kissing would have been less romantic
- George Takei’s voice is majestic
- “He tasks me. He tasks me and I shall have him. I’ll chase him round the moons of Nibia and round the Antares maelstrom and round perdition’s flames before I give him up.” Not obsessive at all.. nope this is something completely and totally normal to say about your nemesis
- “Uhura, have Doctor McCoy join us (Kirk and Spock) in my quarters.” Hmmmmm.. gotta inform the whole polycule about the shady government experiment
- lmao BOTH Spock and McCoy know who Carol Marcus is
- “Really, Dr. McCoy, you must learn to govern your passions. They will be your undoing.” Flirting, gentlemen?
- How and why does Starfleet continually put Spock and McCoy together? Like this alert would be sent out 24/7
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- Spock and his awesome daughter Saavik
- falling
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- Kirk with the breast flap down
- such a good moment… such a great moment (sorry for shitty photos)
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- Kirk has to put on his little glasses <3
- Kirk does NOT fuck around
- Poor Scotty. He’s got so much emotion about his dead crew mate and the doctor apologizing to him 🥺🥺🥺
- Saavik making up rules to make sure the admiral is safe. Love her.
- “Jim, be careful.” “We will.” MCCOY IS SO BITTER. Like ‘no wishes of luck for me, Spock? Fuck you!’
- The collar on that uniform is silly
- hehe McCoy got scared by a rat. OH HE ALSO GOT SCARED BY A DEAD BODY
- Kirk’s little disappointed “oh my god” as he finds Chekov in the cupboard
- “Suppose they went nowhere.” “Then this’ll be your big chance to get away from it all.” McCoy’s not leaving Kirk, but he still looks like he wants to strangle him sometimes
- Kirk not afraid to punch a bitch
- WAIT THATS KIRKS SON?!? Isn’t it?? I thought David was Carol’s brother. But nope!
- aww dammnit I knew they were still mind controlled :/
- Saavik saving David. Y’know it would be pretty cool if there was something about Saavik, David, and Johanna meeting and maybe serving on a ship of their own.. idk just thoughts.
- ewwww brain worm.
- mmmm Kirk without the jacket. The white turtleneck with sleeves… also McCoy and Saavik are slaying with their turquoise and orange turtlenecks
- “Food the first order of survival.” I bet the fanfic writers had a field day with this one (cause cause it’s a reference to Tarsus IV)
- Imagine this: you’re stuck underground with your husband, your other husbands adopted daughter, your ex, her son (who’s also your son), and your old Russian navigator who’s unconscious and tried to kill you while being mind controlled by a worm which came out of his ear
- David’s got Kirk’s curls <333
- Kirk has a thing for people who look good in blue. Change my damn mind.
- “I don’t believe in a no win scenario.” He immediately calls Spock afterwards cause he’ll never lose with his husbands around
- “You lied.” “I exaggerated.” Yep, he IS that bitch
- Saavik is learning so much from them
- They still just.. let anyone onto the bridge. Like David is just there now
- oh no Scotty! Well McCoy was miraculously there to catch him
- Once again. Kirk does not fuck around! He just killed those guys
- “To the last I will grapple with thee.” WOW. Okay. Well.
- Khan’s about to terraform this bitch
- McCoy stopping Spock from going into the chamber..
- “You’re not going in there!” “Perhaps you’re right. What is Mr. Scott’s condition?” SIKE BITCH SPOCK JUST FUCKING NERVE PINCHED HIM. McCoy you should’ve been tipped off by the fact he 1. Said you were right and 2. Gave up trying to self sacrifice so easily
- wait why’d Spock connect to McCoy’s psi points and say remember? Remember what?
- I like there’s just a sign that flashes the word ‘radiation’ in red letters
- McCoy and Scotty BEGGING Spock not to do this. Break my fucking heart why don’t you?
- Kirk’s little run to the engine room <3
- I know he’s dying but those boots are so slutty
- Solely watching Kirk’s face is already like watching 10 puppies get killed
- “Don’t grieve, admiral.” Has me crying already. Your closest and longest friend is watching your slow descent into death and you ask him not to grieve you. You want him to know your death meant something. It meant he’d be safe and that is nothing to grieve. I’m going to be sick
- don’t touch me I’m thinking about this
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- Kirk’s voice breaking.. god. Shatter my fucking heart why don’t you?
- if they play bagpipes at my funeral I’m rising from the dead (violins would be nice though)
- “They’re just words.” “But good words. That’s where ideas begin. Maybe you should listen to them.” POP OFF DAVID ! Good line
- There’s 8 minutes left of this. Did they leave this one with Spock dead?
- “He’s really not dead, as long as we remember him.” Good words McCoy. But perhaps maybe you might have some.. assistance remembering him?
- got distracted and drew Kirk but I love the last little Spock narration. Really brave to end a WHOLE MOVIE with one of the best most well known characters being dead
Well that movie did have its pros and… khans
See you next time
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift and 473,378 others
yourinstagram I’M OPENING FOR TAYLOR SWIFT?????
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y/nfan2 preparing for war aka ticketmaster 🫡
y/nfan3 slay my bestie is doing stadiums!!!!
harrystyles Congrats x.
↳yourinstagram OMG?
↳ y/nfan4 harry what are you doing here?
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 43,628 others
harryupdates During Harry’s recent interview with Zane Lowe Harry said he had planned to have y/n open for him during his upcoming European tour but Taylor Swift asked her before he could!
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harryfan1 this would have been so iconic
harryfan2 sorry harry no one works faster than miss swift
harryfan3 first he’s commenting on her pics and now this? my man has a fat crush huh
↳harryfan4 do you know how jealous I am of you
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liked by y/nfan1, y/nfan2 and 37,628 others
y/nupdates y/n meeting fans today in London! According to the fans she met y/n talked about harry’s recent interview and said she dm’d him after and they plan to write some music together very soon!!!!
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harryfan1 okay but I kinda ship them sorry 🤭
↳y/nfan2 …same…
y/nfan3 y/n making the first move and dming harry first what a girlboss
harryfan2 harry was late to asking her to open for him AND late to dm her first my mans needs to catch up!!
y/nfan4 she looks so pretty 🥺
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liked by harrystyles, oliviarodrigo and 372,728 others
yourinstagram slid into harry’s DM’s and got a response how many of you can say that?
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y/nfan1 STOP OMG
y/nfan2 she’s so right to brag about this
↳harryfan1 no because if that was me I’d be screaming it from the roof tops I’d tell everyone
harrystyles Nice pillow.
↳yourinstagram sorry I am going to have to block you now, you were literally never suppose to see that..
↳harrystyles If you bring it to the studio I might even sign it for you.
harryfan2 not him flirting in instagram comments who is he
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 78,628 others
view all 6,528 comments
y/nfan1 y’all should have seen his dancing…🤭
↳harryfan1 yeah gonna need you to post that now
harryfan2 this man is in LOVE
harryfan3 he brought Mitch to get his seal of approval
harryfan4 he’s so cute and happy I love this for him
y/nfan2 y/n mentioned him during her speech she said she’s so happy to have someone extra special in the audience and that she hopes he loves the show and harry started smiling it was adorable
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 64,628 others
harrynews harry was spotted at a coffee shop today in london with y/n!
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harryfan1 ooooh okay lil coffee date
harryfan2 Deux Moi got a anon that said they over heard them talking about her new single they were writing together 👀
harryfan3 when can I say I think they’re dating and y’all not get mad at me….
↳harryfan4 they’ve def got something going on
↳harryfan4 they’re probably just friends guys, he just got out of a long relationship 🤷🏻‍♀️
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liked by harrystyles, y/nfan1 and 373,629 others
yourinstagram in my “my life feels like a dream” era
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y/nfan1 trade lives with me for just a day I have a math test tomorrow and I wanna be besties with harry and taylor 🥺
↳yourinstagram I’m terrible at math or I would :(
y/nfan2 happiness looks so good on you bestie
y/nfan3 queen of selfies
harrystyles I too am in that era as well.
↳harryfan1 hell yeah you are king!!!!!!
↳yourinstagram an honor to be entering a new era alongside you 🫡
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift and 583,973 others
yourinstagram my newest single “Difficult” written by me and Mr. Harry Styles is out tomorrow I hope you love it 🫶🏻
📸 harrystyles
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harryfan1 OMG OMG OMG
y/nfan1 new music omg a slay
y/nfan2 it’s giving sad vibes and i’m here for it
harrystyles I’ll write with you anytime.
↳yourinstagram don’t tell me that cause I’ll ask you every day
↳harrystyles I’m busy tomorrow at 5 but can do any time besides that.
y/nfan3 sorry I ship it y’all they’re endgame for me
Hello!! Long time no see! Hope you enjoy this and would love some feedback 🫶🏻
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sylvies-chen · 1 year
okay I’ve refrained from posting my thoughts on the ted lasso finale until now in the interest of making sure they’re expressed properly so that people understand how correct my opinions actually are. but I’m here and I’m queer and LET’S DO IT FOLKS:
Nate!! Nate was a timid, sweet note in this episode. It was such a gentle little reintegration of his character back into the team and seeing him get a secure happy ending after all that time of insecurity was the part of the episode that provided the MOST payoff. Seeing Nick Mohammed’s post about Nate and his family life and understanding how much he put into that character was so beautiful to see too. I adore actors who very publicly (and in a nerdy way) love their craft!
His conversation with Ted also made me cry like I have never cried before.
COLIN KISSED HIS FELLA AFTER A WIN!! Ugh such a beautiful payoff and full circle moment for him, I was truly squealing with joy <3
The team’s rendition of So Long, Farewell had me GIGGLINGGG oh my god, I’m a die hard Sound of Music fan so I loved it! I would have maybe liked a little more emotion from Ted, I felt like his reaction was kind of… meh? meek? but other than that the song itself was FANTASTIC.
Obviously I love that they won the game, duh
They also had a lot of really amazing and thoughtful callbacks in this episode, like Keeley’s parallel to her entrance in the pilot was great, Ted’s bbq sauce mantra, Nate leaping into Ted’s arms, the ussie guy, the winning play being the play from season 1. All of those little moments showed a strong attention to detail I truly loved.
I love that Rupert made HIMSELF unlikeable in the end. Rebecca didn’t need to ruin his life; she stopped caring and soon saw he was doing a perfectly fine job of doing it himself. Karma truly is Rebecca Welton’s boyfriend!! Or is it?
Jake the motherfucking client seducer over here turning out to be a total dud like yesss!! I don’t want Ted and Michele back together by any means but fuck that guy lol, glad to see she and Henry were getting sick of him
Which leads me to…
I know you all know I ship Tedbecca, but this is truly not coming from a shipper standpoint when I say that that first scene of them was absolute BAIT. It was pretty disappointing because I know Ted Lasso’s been prone to red herrings and fakeouts every now and then but I didn’t take it as a show that would truly bait their fans with something like that??
I don’t care if I’m biased, I don’t care if the writers were trying to be avant-garde with their ending for rebecca, I’ll say what I’m about to say a million times: writing off 1 of your 2 most main characters into a happy ending with a man whose name the audience doesn’t even know is literally never a good writing decision. I think this should be obvious.
I have no hate to Boat Guy, Rebecca’s whole thing with him was basically the plot of Before Sunrise + Before Sunset (all hail Richard Lanklater) if someone watched those movies and then tried condensing them into fifteen accumulated minutes of television
Keeley, Roy, Jamie… they did you three so fucking dirty my babes. Keeley you especially. I’m beyond disappointed, bordering on genuinely hurt, by how much they screwed up Keeley and all of her adjacent storylines this season.
I loved RoyKeeley so much in seasons 1 and 2, they had such a sweetness and a magic to them. There were so many elements like that to season 1 and 2 that I feel the writers gave up on in the name of growth or… honestly, at this point, I don’t know why they did this. Roy was a little insecure in seasons 1 and 2, but I never felt like he was needy. It felt so cruel to have shown us RoyKeeley in all of these moments of such stability, such healthiness, and such genuine love for so long and then rip it away for some version of Roy Kent that felt hollow, twisted, and who just Did Not Get It. It makes me so sad.
It makes me sad for Jamie too. Him falling for Keeley again was like the last thing I needed to see from his character. There’s so much else they could have done with him, and instead they took that beautiful moment of him being accountable and respectful with Keeley and the tape, and they turned it into something ugly: they had him weaponize it as a bargaining chip against Roy.
I don’t understand why they thought having our favs engaged in this very sexist outdated convo with such possessive language in the name of comedy was a good idea. I get it was poking fun at them but it was the kind of fun that shouldn’t have to be poked at by now. They’re not these men, I don’t recognize this version of them. It’s such a regression.
speaking of weird and uncomfortable shit being played off for laughs… beard and jane got married! ted wasn’t even there! she shredded his passport to keep him in captivity! how creepy! (see the joke is that they’re crazy and do toxic things to each other. you’re supposed to laugh.)
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wooziswonderfulworld · 6 months
Overdoing It
Tw: drug use, overdosing, drug caused seizure, suicide, teen death
Floyd watched in silent shock along with everyone else, hands covering his mouth momentarily stunned
He’d just been set free, he was alive, Velvet and Veneer where about to be arrested when Velvet collapsed
At first they thought she was acting dramatic. But then she started shaking, bad, her eyes rolled back and her limbs seized wildly
Everyone gasped seeing the former pop star having a full on seizure on stage, Veneer was panicked, trying to protect his twin from the camera
“Help me!” He cried out looking desperately at the trolls
Velvet was seizing from how much Troll essence she had consumed, she essentially overdosed herself
No one really knew what to do-But Floyd did, and no matter how much the two hurt him, he wasn’t going to sit back and watch
Floyd looked at Veneer, with seriousness “protect her head” He instructed “how long has it been since this started-?” Floyd asked “Veneer! Her head” Floyd repeated seeing him frozen but it seemed to knock him back to reality and he quickly held her head
“About a minute” Branch said “okay-keep timing it” He said earning a nod “Is there an ambulance coming?” Floyd asked the police “yeah they’re on the way” they said
John Dory seemed to notice some people in the crowd recording “HEY DIP SHITS-PUT YOUR DAMN PHONES AWAY THIS ISN’T A LAUGHING MATTER” His voice echoed, luckily Trolls naturally could echo their voices to be heard, it made sense with how small they where
Viva and Clay managed to find away to turn the large screen off so now it was near impossible to see what was going on
“Veneer-I’m going to need you to remove her shoulder pads” Floyd said “But-her head??” He asked eyes brimming with confusion (and tears)
Poppy, Bruce, and Clay extended and formed their hair into a cushion, luckily troll hair was pretty thick so that also helped
Veneer swallowed thickly before taking the shoulder pads, glad his sister was sensible enough to wear something underneath
“I-I don’t understand why this is happening!”
“Well I assume neither of you did your research before deciding to huff Troll essence. We’re basically Drugs to other creatures” Clay said “using us to much can cause an overdose and well this”
Veneer looked teary eyed, he should’ve done his research! Damn it damn it damn it!
“Veneer! I know you’re beating yourself up, but now is not the time-“
“Guys-I don’t know much about seizures but it’s been 7 minutes” Branch said, the ambulance pulled in and just in time Velvet stopped shaking but she was still unconscious
Veneer quickly followed jumping in
Floyd didn’t care about a thank you nor did he expect one
“I warned her” Floyd stated sadly, She might have abused and tortured him consistently for 2 months, but he didn’t want the teen to over do it
Which is exactly what she did
“Shut up troll! You don’t know what you’re talking about!” Velvet sneered after spraying herself a total of seven times
Despite the agonizing pain Floyd still tried to get into her head “Velvet-I do know! I’m literally a troll!”
Velvet just rolled her eyes tossing him to the side
“Floyd-come on man, we need to go home” Bruce said bringing him back to reality
“Do you think she’ll be alright?” Poppy asked, Floyd was silent “no” he answered solemnly “fame can do stuff to a person, especially one so young” He said shaking his head
A few days into their trip home they heard the news
“Former teen superstar Velvet was pronounced dead after overdosing on “Troll essence” Her twin Veneer is currently in prison for the crimes the two and will be up for parole in 4 years”
Floyd sighed, He knew it would happen, but it was still sad. The two were what? 16, 17? Velvet ended up killing herself wanting to be the best, and Veneer wanting nothing more than to make his sister happy, and now he was all alone.
“Is it weird that I feel responsible?” Floyd asked no one in particular
“No…You didn’t ask for them to do that, I’m sure you warned her. I mean, even when the Bergen’s wanted to eat us they knew better then to have more then two trolls…at least that’s what Bridget told me”
Floyd nodded softly looking over at the pop queen who had spoken “I did warn her, she didn’t listen though, too caught up in the fame and luxury I was providing for her with my talent”
“Do you think…this will get us classified as some type of illegal drug?” Poppy asked, Floyd was silent, would they?
“I would assume so, at least over there, maybe other places too. More laws in place because of us”
“What do you think will happen to her brother?”
Floyd looked up thoughtfully “hard to say-He really loved Velvet…It’s gonna be tough for him but, he has potential to continue his life as a better person, I just hope he knows that too”
“You sound unsure” Poppy said looking at him, Floyd sighed “he saw his twin seize in front of him and probably saw her flat line and then got thrown into prison. He lost his only family and other half and got his freedom taken…he’s only 17 too, and it’s not like he can be released on bail considering his crimes involved kidnapping, torture, attempted murder.”
Two months later they got the news
“Two months after being put in jail, former pop star singer Veneer was reported dead in his cell, MRPD have yet to issue a cause of death but it’s safe to assume suicide due to losing his twin Velvet after she overdosed on Troll essence which has now been deemed as an illegal drug.”
Floyd was afraid this would be the outcome, unfortunately he was correct.
“So, I guess that means we can’t go back there huh?” Clay asked “I mean if we’re considered an illegal drug now, it’ll be hard for us to go anywhere outside Trollstopia”
“I mean, Vacay Island doesn’t really have a law enforcement? At least that I know off, everyone knows each other and I’m the only trolls there and they’ve never tried to use me to get…high, or something so I think we’ll be safe going there, but other places with other species…aside from the Bergen’s, I’m not sure” Bruce said
“I assume you expected this outcome?” Poppy asked looking at Floyd “as unfortunate as it is…I did, I hoped he wouldn’t but, I’m not surprised” He said shaking his head
Some might say this was karma, they did say Karma was a merciless bitch
Floyd shook his head, He didn’t care about how ugly karma could be, despite being tortured and used for months, Velvet and Veneer didn’t deserve to die
Velvet who wanted to be noticed, heard, loved and Veneer who wanted to be with his sister. So caught up in what he provided for them, Velvet ended up using two much that it killed her, despite knowing it would she didn’t stop…was that also suicide? and Veneer who couldn’t stop her because he knew it made her happy and he got to spend time with her. Now he didn’t have her, he had no one anymore, he felt so hopeless that suicide seemed to be the only answer he could think off
At least they were together again. Twins could never be separated for to long after all.
Floyd glanced at his white roots, a reminder off what happened, he wondered if others would accuse him off murder, he was the cause of everything after all
“You told her though, you told both of them, they didn’t listen” He reminded himself, He was still recovering from his time locked up. He didn’t need to add guilt to that list
Walking out of the bathroom he laid in his bed and fell asleep. He didn’t know things would pan out this way, or maybe he did and didn’t want to believe it would. Life was fucked up though, you couldn’t really do much to change what happens to people
He’s just glad that now there will be more precautions around using Trolls for personal gain, he just hoped others were smart enough to listen.
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