#people put celebrities on a ridiculously high pedestals and then go digging around in their personal lives to try and find dirt on them
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Interviewed Monday, April 11th, 2017
Well, election day started and I probably woke up about two in the afternoon.
I did not vote. I don't care, cause in this election there was really no winner in my opinion. It didn't really matter to me.
They're both pretty horrible candidates.
I went to work that day, worked till about 2am. I came home and turned on the news and started watching the results totaling. I thought it was pretty funny that Trump beat Hillary. Just because everyone thought it was in the bag for Hillary, but I don't know... it didn't really affect me too much.
I wasn't mad, I wasn't sad. It was a joke to me. This whole election has been.
I still can't believe we technically have a celebrity as our president! It's funny. Hillary was a seasoned politician facing a celebrity. She should have known better and did a lackluster job; that she not only did once, but this would be her second time failing horribly.
My boss and coworkers were for Trump. Every night, my boss would ramble on, saying "Trump...Trump man!! WikiLeaks! Trump's gonna destroy Hillary!" Talks like that, but they were actually three hour conversions. He was extremely passionate about Trump. It was ridiculous. He'd just sit in the back and watch CNN or Fox or whatever and just like go on his tablet for the whole night, pointing out every development. Telling me about the latest news story.
"Look, this new story shows how finished Hillary is! Look at this now, Trump hired a new female campaign manager, it's gonna be awesome, it's gonna be great. Hillary's done. She doesn't know what's coming!"
My mom and stepdad were for Trump too, but they weren't diehards. They were kinda split down the middle at the time. They liked certain things, disliked others. That's it though. I don't really care.
There are a couple things about [Trump] I don't like. Like his views on global warming for one, and on education. Betsy Devos....that evil creature!
I don't think he's doing horrible. I wish he thought differently about environmental problems that we have and everything like that. He’s a typical Republican, embrace fossil fuels, make money...let the next generation worry about what happens.
I don't think he's doing too bad. I think people are too harsh to judge him. We won't know how he's doing for at least a year, then we'll know if he's shit or not. We have to give him a chance.
After all, he is the God Emperor Trump!
Hah, honestly though when I look at him, I think of a baby. I really do! I think of a baby.
He's just a hotheaded, very self-centered man. Besides the fact that he's had seven failed businesses, he does know business. Mostly construction. I'm hopeful that our economy could get better from him. I don't see evil intent in home to destroy America, nor did I in Hillary for that matter. I don't see like, complete destruction of America that most people see now that he's in office.
People will say "We're fucking done for, let's just pack up and move to Canada." He's just an immature person who cries out on social media when he doesn't get what he wants, or when things don't go his way.
I think the current political climate is honestly stupid. Cause this country is pretty cool, it's pretty awesome. This idea that people attach to political parties, like when they say I'm red and you're blue, right now the meta is to hate you.  Because you don't see what I see or don't view what I view. And I think that's wrong. I'm entitled to my own opinions and so are you. It is what it is. There's no reason to be at each other’s throats about it.
It doesn't help America. It doesn't help us. It doesn't help the generations that will come after it. It just makes it worse for the overall well-being of our country. It digs us into a hole instead of putting us on a pedestal. And I do think we're in a hole.
People are being stupid about the political parties they're associated with. It really doesn't matter what you're associated with. If you view what you view as a liberal or a conservative, that's fine, but it doesn't matter. Like, I'm still me, you're still you. We can still be friends. Who cares?
People are wanting to be defined by their political party association. Outside of political stuff, you're still a person.
I've always been told that life is never fair. And I believe that. I've witnessed that and experienced that. Not everything's fair.
A lot of these minorities want life to be fair, and it's not. I have no problem with LGBT...Muslims, any of that stuff, I'm not racist or whatever. The current climate sucks for them and I feel sorry for them, but at the same time, you gotta roll with the punches...you gotta embrace the suck, cause it's not always gonna be rainbow, sugar-coated glory time for you. Everyone's got their own problems, you're not special. So you're Muslim or LGBT. Ok, that's fine, but you gotta deal with it. I don't like to favor one side of things.
I personally don't think Trump will infringe on the LGBT. I know Pence would, and if he got into the Oval Office, it'd be hell cause he's a hardcore Christian. But I don't think Trump will do anything disastrous to LGBT. I know he hates Muslims, so there's a target on their back now, which sucks. I have a lot of Muslim friends who are pretty fricken sweet, you know. So, it's a struggle and it will be. Just like with black people still being scrutinized in America, it sucks, but you gotta embrace the suck.
The Democrats would act like they supported black people and then would go hang out with KKK leaders. Or like where the Black Lives Matter protesters came into Hillary's speeches and she told them to shut up and go away. It's all a trick.
That's what these politicians are, just two-faced liars.
I liked part of Bernie's vision at least. I liked what he stood for on certain things. I didn't follow it too deep. I think it was a good part of history in that it started something. It really opened a lot of people's eyes, which was needed with how politics had been going.
I think that Bernie could've beat Trump if his Party hadn't screwed him over. He would've won, but the Democrats wanted Hillary… so, they got Hillary, and....we seen how that went! Now we got a celebrity for a president.
So about me...after high school I joined The Marines, served in The Marine Core for four years. I'm NOT a combat veteran or anything like that unfortunately. I went to Quantico for two years, and then Japan for another two, and then I got out. I worked for an arms contractor in Virginia. Then I moved back to Michigan, where I'm currently a college student and also work at the local Home Depot. I'm living the 'orange life' in Michigan. That's me!
Nothing too crazy. I'm not a super political person. My life doesn't revolve around it. To me it doesn't really matter, because what little control people have over politics will never change anything very much. Politics itself is capable of changing a lot of people's lives, but the biggest problem is getting the correct people in office to change other people's life or to change my life.
Like someone in Michigan for example, something who could have prevented or fixed the Flint Water Crisis. It shouldn't have happened. Should never have happened.
But you have people who are concerned with lining their own pockets with money and saying, "Fuck the other guy, it's all about me." It's not why they're in office. They're in office because of us, but they do this kind of thing on a day to day basis, not only the local government, but the Federal Government as well.
And the worst part is, people re-elect or don't vote for congress, because they don't know or because it's not broadcast like the presidential election. So many bills going through congress, you've never heard of them. There are senators who have been there for 30 years, it shouldn't be like that. You know, serve the people, but instead they're serving themselves by lining their pockets with pension. It's not what that was made for.
Politicians are supposed to represent the people but all government really fails to do that now.
The state of America is horrible right now. Government isn't--hasn't been trusted for a while. Big Brother is watching. They know what you're doing, when you're doing, how you're doing it. Then you know it’s bad when things come out from WikiLeaks about the CIA doing stuff and the FBI doing stuff.
The hacking tools. They're just...before, at some point, people had faith in their government. They believed they'd do the right thing. Seems that has become a slippery slope, where they're "actively doing the right thing" but then when politicians get in office they often do the opposite of what they said they were gonna do.  
Most of the reason is because companies pay them and decide what they do. Money is the biggest mover in politics. Ever.
How do companies like Comcast get away with all they do? Why doesn't the FCC intervene? Why isn't Net Neutrality being defended? None of what they're getting away with should ever transpire. It should just be common sense and prevented, but since Comcast has the money to lobby, they can get away with anything.
The world revolves around money.
No politician is ever a candidate of the people. It doesn't matter how they make it look, they are paid off by one of the four companies that truly run American. It is what it is, there's no way to stop that.
Facing them is like playing against the casino, the odds will always be in the house's favor. You may walk out of the casino with a thousand bucks, but at the end of the day they made millions and then some.
The thing about being American is a weird question for me. To me, everyone in America is an immigrant.
No matter what, everyone here is an immigrant. Unless you're an Indian, then all of us came over here on a boat at some point. So to me, being an American is about being respectful.
I'm not gonna say it has anything to do with freedom because tons of countries have freedom, we're not the only nation that has freedom. We do have a lot of freedom type things I guess.
I've had the experience of living in Japan for two years, and I can tell you, Americans don't respect their country. In Japan, they respect their country, they respect one another. Americans just kinda stomp all over it. They demand everything, and that's hard to swallow sometimes after having lived in Japan and being treated like a super important person even though I wasn’t.
You go to a business and ask for help...except you're asking where to find a competing business and they'll walk you over to it. When my sister came to visit, we were trying to find a certain restaurant and walked into the wrong one. The employee walked us over to the correct one and graciously wished us a good night and then walked back expecting nothing from us.
That would never happen in America. They'd pressure you to eat at their restaurant or they'd tell you to fuck off.
It's just the little things. Americans demand, they don't ask. And it's just because we're strong, militarily.
We're such a big nation but we can't do universal health care. We got tons of fucking homeless people. We don't take care of each other. Everyone's too concerned with taking care of themselves. At least in civilian life.
The military was much better at that. It doesn't seem like it though, because it's tough love.
The military is a lot more comradery based. Yeah we yell at each other, we get in each other’s faces, but when someone is in a time of need, everyone bands together and makes things happen so that either A. They go home or B. They get the help they need.
In bad situations, everyone comes together. That's probably one of the biggest things people miss after they leave the military. Besides those who have seen combat and miss the adrenaline.
If you talk to any combat vet, nine times out ten, they'll say they want to go back. I never got to experience combat, so I can't really comment on that.
In civilian life you're just kinda left to fend. You're out there. In the military though, they feed you. They house you. There's a designated place to go to if you need problems or need help.
Contrast that to civilian life. I can't get anything better than a part time job. If you need health insurance, it's gonna cost you $900 a month and your copay's gonna be $850 bucks. That's great! In the military you just go to the doctor. Obviously we pay for it in taxes, but the military does a much better job with that kind of shit.
That said, I've never felt like leaving this country. As shitty as America can get, and I shouldn't even say that; America isn't shitty, it's a great place, but it's going through a shitty time right now.
Eventually once it's over, hopefully we'll all be better from it, but we'll have to embrace the suck in the meantime. It's going to get worse before it gets better.
For it to get better, people will need to stop being babies. They'll have to grow up and act like adults. Everyone's entitled to an opinion. You don't like someone's opinion? Too bad, they're still entitled to it.
Being offended is such a popular thing right now. People get offended by something and they run away from the conversation. Meanwhile, I think that it's great if you're offended by something. It means you have an opinion about it. It's good. Let's discuss it! Let's go over it, and if you don't want to, that's fine. Ok. That's not gonna change MY view.
People take that like it's the end of the world. They think their opinion is the only one that matters and if you don't agree, then fuck you! Get out of life. We're all humans, we're gonna think differently. We do everything different. It's fine. You learn to accept that. If we don't accept that, we can't coexist. And that's what we need to do. It's what needs to happen, but no one will let that happen. They refuse to let it happen, because the idea of that coexistence actually scares them!
They can't be a team. They have no clue what being a team is. If they did, they'd realize that when working together to accomplish one goal...things get done a lot faster than individually working on something. If you put your differences aside and work together, you get a lot of shit done.
I guess that thinking is what gets people in trouble. It scares them. It scares them because it would mean that you couldn't get offended and stonewall someone when they say something you don't like. That would mean you'd have to work next to a Muslim, or a black guy, or a redneck!
Who cares? We all got a heart. Two legs, arms, ears, eyes, head. We're all the fucking same. Why does any of that shit matter? It doesn't. We're all people. Everyone generally has the same needs in their life. A house, a family, food in their belly...
Everyone's the same in that aspect. At least, that's how my brain views it.
Why is it that European nations can do this kind of thing, but we can't?
I'm pretty sure we can, but again it comes back to our government. They're all bought and paid for.
And if a politician was coming out attacking my skin color, I'm sure I'd feel offended too. Anyone would feel offended, but I wouldn't be scared because hopefully I would have faith in the American people to note vote for that person. It'd be a shock. It's stupid we still have to deal with racism still.
And I've grown up around racist people before. I've seen them. And I have coexisted with them. I just try not to associate with them. That's the biggest thing. Those people are always going to exist. I have nothing against religion, but it's always the bible thumpers that harbor those kinds of thoughts. Their parents were racist, so they end up racist. And yet again, they chose to be that. You gotta hope one day they'll dissipate, maybe not in our lifetime, but it'll happen.
You can't stop these people. They're entitled to their opinion as long as they're not being violent, as long as they're not being racist in the streets. That's what the authorities are for, if a person is making others feel unsafe, then throw them in jail.
I know police are a touchy subject in America right now. A lot of these police stations in general need to be reworked.
The people who run them need to be looked it. The police are there to serve the people but they only do that 10% of the time. I try to think about if there's any good in our political system.
Like what's GOOD about the Democratic Party? Hmmm, what's good…?
Well, they portray that they want to take care of people. Whether they actually do it is one thing, but they portray that that's what they care about. Democrats are more accepting than the Republicans are, they have that going for them. Whereas the Republicans are more Christian, more rigid with these ideas like "marriage is between a man and a woman."
Meanwhile, I'm in the middle, I don't care what people do behind closed doors. Are you a dude who wants to fuck some dude? Great! You know what you want. Most of this country doesn't know what they want, so good on you for knowing what you want!
With that in mind though, the Democrats suck just as equally as the Republican Party, but they just suck at different things.
So then what's good about The Republican Party? Obviously, they support the military more than the Democrats. They're less strict on weapons. I feel like owning a gun is an American right, a Second Amendment right. But they're too closed off to environmental protection, too bible thumpy. They shouldn't tell people what to do with their bodies.
When I think of my ideal president...well...Trump for example, he is far right. Like he swings the boundary for how far right he is.
My ideal president is pro-choice in all things, he supports the people, he doesn't care about skin color, he has the same end goal in mind. Basically that'd be an Independent, someone who swung both ways in a political sense, but of course they could never win with our system.
Abraham Lincoln is my favorite President, and I think it's funny that Trump compares himself to him. Trump is nowhere near Lincoln. Trump is just trying to make himself feel better. If he were comparable to Lincoln, he wouldn't be so bigoted.
Compared to the modern presidents, a lot of the presidents of the past seemed to be more Independent. You can't compare Lincoln's presidency to any other one, it's ridiculous to try.
America was its most great in the 50s, if you take out certain aspects. Back then political integrity actually meant something. The downfall of American politics was Nixon. But something about the 50s just calls to me. The economy was better; the workforce was better. There was a kind of a pureness to it. America took a super turn for the worse in the 60s and it hasn't really stopped that downward spiral since.
I think most of us just want our universal health care. We don't want to be working three jobs just to survive. The ideal America or ideal president wants to cull the environmental torture we've done, doesn't care about your orientation. They want the country to be better, not for their legacy, but for the next generations’.
Someone who can coexist with other parties and not let progress stop because they get offended. I just want people to get along and to keep the planet from imploding. Right now we're too divided. We're all stuck on this planet together, might as well make it better while we're here.
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