#people who do this dont deserve recognition so i wont put their names but whoever knows about it knows who they are
tobeyouthful · 7 years
thoughts on kwriters
Bullying shouldn't be tolerated and it's always easier for people to bully online where you'll never see those people EVER. But as a writer on tumblr who almost tried to get into a network whos creators that ended up like that, I'm astounded. It's 2017. Hate shouldn't be the first thing someone resorts to after disliking someone else.  
I've read everything I could from everyone who posted and one persons nonchalant attitude struck a negative cord in me. To not care that you've hurt someone, stabbed someone in the back, and to act like you don't care? I'm sorry but that's not okay. 
I don't nearly have nearly many followers as gukvory or btssmutgalore or tayegi or baeseoul or seokvie but do you think I'm mad about that? No way! I'm actually a HUGE fan of their works and draw strength to continue writing and to grow more confident in my work as they have. Bigger blogs should inspire and that's what they do for me and do for so many others! I started the idea of doing member/reader fics because I stumbled upon gukvory/ivory’s old blog sugascript literally right before she left it. Her writing, like many others, has inspired me to create and their positivity and care towards this community and to their followers is what reminds me that staying humble is truly what matters most. We are writing the Bangtan members who are the definition of staying humble after becoming popular worldwide! So why are there vicious people here in this particular community?
This isn't my job- this is my hobby, one I've had since I was a little girl, something I enjoy doing when I am able to. Follower counts don't matter to me, humongous recognition doesn't matter to me, what matters is that whoever has read my works enjoys them and loves them. Seeing people follow me always makes me smile and always gives me a little warmth because I love knowing someone has found something in my writing that they like.
 I've been bullied, I've been pushed to isolation by girls I though of as friends, I've been hurt dearly by "family", and sure we all vent to our friends but I can't see what kind of good comes from pretending to be friends with someone only to bash them to others then laugh about it. 
I wasn't involved but I think that just seeing someone bully someone else has really irked me. It's really too bad Tumblr is one of the most toxic places I've ever seen.
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