#pepsi bc we are boycotting coke for palestine!
channiebelly · 11 months
hello so i have a request please, if you’d be willing to write so joshua gets homesick and misses american food, and the member of your choice sees this and so starts cooking american foods for him all the time causing him to gain weight from the sudden influx of greasy and fattening foods 😌 ok thank you!! welcome to our lil community!
oooh this is such a good one!!! can't believe i just wrote over 2k words in one sitting. i hope you like it :D
warning: stuffing, weight gain kink.
ship: joshua/chan
word count: 2.1k
Joshua has been sad lately; it's been very obvious.
He's been staying inside a lot more, and he just has a dejected air around him, not the overall cheerful vibe he's usually known for.
"Joshua, is everything okay?" Chan asks after visiting his apartment one day. Joshua is dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie and his hair doesn't look like it's been brushed in days.
"I'm fine," he says.
"No, you're not," Chan replied. "You're always there for me, so let me be there for you for once. Please tell me what's wrong." Chan takes Joshua's hand in his and pats it, trying to be comforting.
"I miss America. I miss my friends and my mom and speaking English and the food."
"Oh, Josh," Chan says and he pulls Joshua in for a hug. Joshua goes lax against him and hugs him back tightly. Chan can feel how sad he is just from that. "Let's hang out tonight."
The next day, Chan hatches a plan. He can't bring Joshua's friends or family to Seoul, and his English is terrible, but he can do something about the food.
Chan isn't a great cook, but he's okay. He spends all day watching videos on how to create the perfect American burger and then he takes himself off to the supermarket.
"Back again?" Joshua says when he opens the front door of his apartment. He's wearing the same clothes as yesterday and his hair is even messier.
"I'm going to make you dinner," Chan says, lifting up the shopping bag he's carrying.
"You don't have to do that," Joshua says. "I can cook for myself."
"I want to," Chan says. "Just relax."
Joshua smiles and lets him in.
Cooking goes a lot better than Chan expected. The videos he watched were very helpful and he manages to make an amazing burger, if he does say so himself. It's very large, because he knows that American portions are massive and he uses tons of sauce. He pairs it with a similarly large glass of pepsi (with a straw for the restaurant effect). He wanted to add fries too but he doesn't own a deep fryer so they would never taste authentic.
He puts it on the dining table and calls Joshua over.
"Wow, Chan, this looks amazing," Joshua says, looking genuinely awed.
"I know it's big, so don't worry if you don't finish it," Chan says.
"It's perfect," Joshua sits down. "Are you going to have any?"
"Ah, I have dance practice tomorrow so I can't eat anything too heavy. I brought a salad over."
"Fair enough," Joshua says and then he starts eating.
They keep up a steady conversation through dinner and soon Joshua has finished the burger and the drink.
"Wow, hyung. I didn't know you could eat that much!"
"It's my American training." Then, to Chan's surprise, Joshua leans back in his chair and starts rubbing his belly. His hoodie is oversized, so it is only now that Chan can see full Joshua's belly is. It's distended and has formed a small dome, replacing Joshua's usually flat stomach. Joshua groans as he does so.
"I brought dessert too, but we don't have to eat it if you're full." Chan had initially brought the icecream and toppings for Joshua to eat another night, but suddenly he's curious about how much Joshua can pack into his stomach.
"Maybe in a little bit, I need to digest this first." Joshua groans as he gets to his feet. "I forgot what it's like to feel this full. Why don't we watch some TV in the meantime."
They sit on the couch and Chan cuddles into Joshua's side.
An hour or so later, Chan thinks that Joshua has forgotten all about the dessert, but he hasn't.
"Is that dessert still on the table?" he asks.
"Definitely. Let me go get you a bowl," Chan says.
"Thank you Channie."
Chan goes into the kitchen and finds a big bowl. He'd found a picture of an American ice cream sundae online and he was determined to recreate it. He adds three big scoops of ice cream, covers it in a thick layer of chocolate sauce and then adds crushed nuts and sprinkles before topping it off with a cherry.
When he takes it out to Joshua, his eyes widen.
"Wow, Chan. That looks incredible. Thank you."
He takes it out of Chan's hands and immediately startes to eat it.
It's gone before Chan can blink. Wow. It was massive, Chan was not expecting that.
Joshua leans backwards on the couch and starts rubbing his belly again. Chan stares. He kind of wants to touch, but he doesn't want to cross a line.
At the end of the episode, Chan gets up to go home.
"Thank you so much, this was so nice of you. I feel a lot better now," Joshua says. Chan wants to be able to respond properly, but all he can think about is how he can see Joshua's full stomach through the hoodie now. It's only small, and you wouldn't know to look for it if you hadn't seen how much Joshua had eaten, but it's definitely there, pushing the fabric of the hoodie out.
"Anytime, hyung," Chan says. And he flees.
It becomes a common occurance. Chan comes over two or three nights a week to cook for Joshua and then just hang out.
He tries lots of different American foods, different styles of burgers, pizzas and even pushes himself to make harder things like ribs. He buys a deep fryer at some point so that Joshua can have the proper side dish of fries with every meal. Chan knows how important side dishes are.
Chan even starts adding more elaborate desserts that he'll bake at home before going over, things like cakes and pies. He's becoming a very good chef.
Everytime, no matter how big the meal is, Joshua finishes it. It's honestly amazing. Chan has to stop himself from sitting and just staring while Joshua eats. And then Chan is treated to the sight of Joshua rubbing his full belly with no shame. Chan can see just how big Joshua's belly is able to stretch and how little it moves when Joshua pushes his fingers in to try and relieve some pressure, showing just how full he is. And Chan might be going crazy, but he thinks that Joshua's stomach is getting bigger, but it's hard to tell when Joshua always wears baggy clothes.
Joshua moves slower when he's full, and he sits down on the couch slowly, as though he's afraid of jostling his stomach too much.
One night, after Joshua somehow manages to eat a full pie, Chan offers to rub his belly for him. Joshua agrees, and then for the first time Chan has his hands on his belly.
He's surprised just by how full he is. Chan doesn't apply too much pressure, but he can tell that there's almost no give to Joshua's stomach. It's also bigger than he thought. Now that he's able to map it out with his own hands he's surprised by it's width and just how far it bulges out.
After a few months of doing this, Chan shows up to Joshua's house again, this time with a heavy chocolate cake he was especially proud of, as well as a plan to make barbacue wings.
Joshua is wearing the same hoodie he wore the first night Chan came over. Except this time, Chan can see Joshua's stomach pressing against it before he's even started eating. And this time it's not subtle. Anyone who saw Joshua would be able to tell he had a belly under there. How did he not notice how big Joshua was getting?
Chan feels a rush flood through his body. He did that to Joshua? He's been feeding Joshua so well that he's developed a permanent belly that anyone can see? He wonders if Joshua's noticed. He doesn't seem to embarrassed about it.
Chan goes to the kitchen and begins to unpack. Joshua usually hangs out there while Chan cooks, just chatting. He stopped asking if he could help after being refused a couple of times, and now he just accepts being pampered.
"Hold on. I'm going to go change into a t-shirt," Joshua says.
Chan is surprised. Joshua runs cold; he's almost always wearing a sweater.
When Joshua comes back wearing a white t-shirt, Chan is treated to a view of just how much Joshua's body has changed. His arms are bigger, almost filling out the tshirt, and his belly is pushing against the t-shirt so much that Chan can see exactly where his belly button is. The waistband of his sweatpants is stretched out almost as far as it can go, and the drawstring is just dangling. There's no need to tie it when Joshua's tummy is keeping them held up.
Chan doesn't notice that he's staring.
Joshua laughs awkwardly. "This?" he says, placing a hand on the underside of his belly and jiggling it slightly. "You've been feeding me well. And I've been hungrier recently, I think."
"You look good, hyung." He does look good. The weight suits him well, and he's been smiling more. Chan is happy that he can do this for him.
Joshua blushes, a response that Chan never thought he would get from him. "Thank you." Then he takes his seat and Chan goes back to cooking.
Joshua finishes all the wings and fries easily, as well as two massive glasses of pepsi. This is no longer a surprise to Chan. But this time he asks for dessert straight away, while they're still at the table.
Chan brings the cake out and Joshua fawns over it, telling Chan what a good job he did. Chan cuts him a big slice, which Joshua finishes, so Chan cuts him another one.
And then he's done. He leans back in the chair and does his usual routine of rubbing his belly, except this time, Chan can see exactly how full he is and how big his stomach is. It looks heavy and packed full, and when Joshua gives an experimental jiggle, it barely moves. The jiggling causes the tshirt to ride up a little, and Chan is treated to a flash of the smooth, taut skin of Joshua's underbelly. He even thinks he spots a stretchmark.
They move to sit on the couch, and Chan rubs Joshua's belly. He doesn't even have to ask anymore if Joshua wants it. Now, Josua just accepts it.
After a few episodes of the show they're watching, Joshua speaks up.
"Is there any more cake?" Joshua asks.
Chan is in shock. He's hands are currently on Joshua's belly, he can feel how little room he has.
"Of course," Chan says and he gets up to grab Joshua a slice.
Joshua eats it quickly and then asks for another one, and then another. By the time he's done, only a quarter of the cake is left.
Chan has never felt Joshua more full, and he's breathing shallowly.
"Sorry, that cake is just so good," he says. Chan keeps rubbing big, soothing circles into his belly, feeling the slight gurgles of his stomach.
"I'm happy you enjoyed it," Chan asks. "You can save the last piece for tomorrow."
When it's time for Chan to go home, Joshua is still groaning from fullness. Chan tells him that he can stay on the couch, but Joshua insists on walking him to the door. Chan watches as Joshua struggles to his feet, taking a couple of tries, and then as he keeps rubbing his stomach as they walk to the door.
"Good night Chan," Joshua says.
"Good night Josh." And then Chan gives Joshua's stomach a pat. "Good night Mr Belly."
"You brat," Joshua says. They're both laughing.
As Chan walks home, he wonders how big he can get Joshua. He doesn't think he's outgrown any of his clothes yet. Maybe that can be Chan's goal. His private goal, Joshua doesn't have to know.
The next morning, Joshua sends Chan a picture of him eating the cake.
Thanks for breakfast!
Oh, this will be easy.
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