#feeder chan
channiebelly · 11 months
Ooh, maybe a Wonwoo Chan where Wonwoo is already the feedee in the pair and has gotten comfortably big but his habits rub off on Chan who starts to blow up and enjoys the weight that he's putting. Wonwoo notices and starts to encourage and feed Chan so that they both just mutually gain instead of one focusing on the other.
Ooh this is such a good idea! I hope you like this.
Ship: Wonchan
Word count: 1.4k
As Wonwoo has packed on the pounds, getting him enough food has become harder and harder, but this place makes it easier.
Twice a week, Wonwoo and Chan go out to a local burger place. The burgers are massive, and not too expensive, so it's the perfect way to supplement Wonwoo's calorie intake.
They walk into the restaurant and Wonwoo immediately goes to take his seat at one of the tables while Chan goes up to order. They always sit at this same table; Chan sits on the booth side and Wonwoo sits on the other side on a chair that gives his belly pretty of space to expand. They have a routine.
Chan orders a burger for them each, always the same thing. For Wonwoo, it's the works, the largest burger they sell. For Chan, it's the chicken burger, not as big but still impressive. He also orders Wonwoo a large milkshake and himself a soft drink.
Chan comes back to the table and takes his seat. They chat idley as they wait for the food to come out.
The food is quick, and that's when the conversation stops, both of them too focused on eating to talk.
Wonwoo wolfs his down as fast as he can, and then drinks his milkshake. When he's done, he waits for Chan to finish so he can order Wonwoo another one.
Chan finishes his burger. Wonwoo is shocked. The burgers are massive. Truly enormous. Even Chan's smaller one is way bigger than average. When they started coming here five or so months ago Chan could only eat half, maybe two thirds of the burger. But now he's finished the whole thing.
Wonwoo wants to point it out but Chan goes to order Wonwoo's second meal before he can. It's another one of the massive works burgers. But this time there's a change to the routine; when the food comes out, there's a side of fries.
"What are the fries for?" Wonwoo asks.
"Me," Chan says, pulling them towards himself. "Watching you eat makes me hungry, so I had to get myself something too." He takes a big swipe of ketchup on a thick fry and sticks it in his mouth. "Eat your burger."
When did Chan develop the ability to eat so much? Wonwoo has been so focused on how much he eats and packing food into his own stomach, that he hasn't been focused on Chan. The order of fries is definitely a new thing, but how long has Chan been able to finish the burger by himself?
Wonwoo's habits have really been rubbing off on him.
Wonwoo notices something similar the next day. Chan cooks a thick, creamy pasta for dinner. When Wonwoo looks at Chan's portion, he notices for the first time how large it is.
Any portion would look small in comparison to the amount of food piled onto Wonwoo's plate, but when he looks at Chan's in isolation he realises how much Chan has been eating.
He wonders if Chan even notices.
Chan finishes his plate, and even goes back for seconds.
The same thing happens a few days later. Wonwoo is on the couch, stuffing himself with a massive heavy chocolate cake while Chan encourages him. But Chan has a slice of cake too, and in between praising Wonwoo, and encouraging to eat more, he's taking bites.
Usually, when stuffing, Wonwoo loses track of everything except the taste of the food and the satisfying feeling of his belly getting heavier and heavier, but today he forces himself to take notice of Chan.
Chan must eat at least three slices. Wonwoo's a bit miffed; that's food that he could've eaten, but at the same time, he thinks it's incredibly hot.
On Friday night, they go to a buffet. It's their favourite buffet, and they go here every week like clockwork.
Chan will deliver Wonwoo plate after plate and Wonwoo loves the feeling of losing control; of Chan deciding exactly what he has to eat and when.
But this time he pays more attention to what Chan's eating, and notices that every two or three times Chan goes up to refill Wonwoo's plate, he's refilling his own plate too.
By his count, Wonwoo eats eight plates, and Chan eats three. Three plates piled high with food.
Wonwoo's standards for what counts as a lot of food have been a bit destorted since he started consciously gaining, but he can still realise that that's a lot more food than the average person eats in one sitting.
Fuck, he's really rubbed off on Chan.
When they get home, Chan has to help Wonwoo get ready for bed. That amount of food always makes Wonwoo lethargic and clumsy, and Chan has to help him slip off his clothes, get into his pyjamas and brush his teeth. Wonwoo loves it.
Wonwoo has been gaining for around nine months now, and has put on a significant amount of weight. When he started he was around 155 pounds, but now he's more than doubled it. He has an impressive belly that has begun to droop down to cover his waist band, enormous thighs that have forced his walk to become a waddle, two chunky moobs that rest on the shelf of his belly and very chubby cheeks.
He loves the way he looks how, and Chan loves it too. Wonwoo has never felt more sexy than he does at 320 pounds.
Usually, he conks out as soon as his head hits the pillow but today he watches Chan get changed. He's noticed just how much Chan's been eating and wants to know how much his body has changed.
When Chan turns side on, Wonwoo almost gasps. Chan's belly is enormous. It's a taut dome that is impossible to ignore. Chan used to have a flat stomach so this is a massive change.
Wonwoo watches as Chan gingerly presses a finger into his side and it barely moves. He must be completely stuffed. Chan then runs a hand over the curve as he watches himself in the mirror.
Wonwoo wonders if Chan did this on purpose, or whether it was unintentional. He doesn't know which one he finds hotter.
Chan turns around a Wonwoo is given a full view of his backside. Chan has always had a nice butt, but it has definitely grown bigger. Shit, he's so hot.
Wonwoo surveys the rest of Chan's body. The stomach and the butt seem to be the only changes so far.
Chan has definitely noticed his body change, but Wonwoo doesn't know how he feels about it. He vows to bring it up to him tomorrow.
Chan slips into bed and attaches himself to Wonwoo's back. Wonwoo can feel the solid mass of his stomach pressing into his back. It feels good.
The next morning, after breakfast, Wonwoo is sat on the couch. "Chan, can you come here? I want to talk to you about something."
Chan walks over, and Wonwoo stares at his belly. It's extremely obvious through his shirt, which is almost stretched tight around the widest point. How did Wonwoo not notice it before?
Chan sits down next to him. "What's up?" His belly is almost resting on his lap.
"I noticed that you've been eating a lot more, and you've put on quite a bit of weight." Wonwoo reaches out and palms Chan's belly briefly, which even now is surprisingly solid. Chan blushes a deep red. "I just wanted to know how you feel about it?"
"Oh," Chan says. "I think at first, I didn't notice how much I was eating because anything compared to you looks small, but then I noticed this," he points to his belly, "and I actually really liked it. So I just kept eating as much as I felt like."
"I really like your belly too," Wonwoo says. He puts both of his hands back on Chan's belly and rubs small circles into it. Chan stifles a moan.
"I'm sorry for not mentioning it to you. I know you were really into the size difference between us, but it just happened."
"You have nothing to apologise for, sweetheart. It's your body, you can do what you want. And, yes, I was into our size difference, but I am also really into watching you get bigger."
"Really?" Chan asks.
"Definitely. How about this? Tonight, we can go back to the burger place, and you have to order two burgers, just like me. We can't leave until you finish them both."
Chan presses his belly further into Wonwoo's hands. "Okay," he says, breathlessly.
Wonwoo stands up and pulls Chan to his feet so they can kiss. Their bellies press into each other and Wonwoo feels a rush of arousal.
Chan with a belly is perhaps the best thing to ever happen to him.
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sluttycvpid · 1 year
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This prompt / scenario came to me randomly as I was listening to music and decided to share it !
3racha goes camping. They have a good time. Chan and Han are mutually pinning changbin as well as having a crush on eachother but never making a move. One night the three of them sitting at the campfire making s’mores, Han and Chan bicker playfully about who makes the best s’mores. So changbin being the foodie he is offers he’ll taste s’mores from both of them to determine who wins the silly fight. Well Chan and Han share a smirk thinking the same thing before graciously accepting the offer. They’ve both loved seeing changbin eat until he was bloated and all nice and stuffed. Changbin ends up extremely stuffed from eating so many s’mores made by the two and ultimately not able to decide who made it best. Groaning about how much he ate and how good it all was. Han and Chan decide to take this fluffy and stuffed dwaekki into there own hands. Rubbing his tummy saying that he ate them all so good for them. Ending up coaxing him to laying down in the tent that they all shared for this camping trip. Of course still rubbing his tummy and if they wanted to be daring even rubbed his thighs or shoulder area.
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jaethecreator · 1 year
lets put on our imagination caps !!
changbin and chan are both weightlifting rivals who compete competitively against each other. however, one of them (personal preference, but ill say chan since i talk about bin so much 🤭) gets permanently injured and has to retire from the sport. while changbin continues competing, chan is struggling to get used to life without competing, so he decides to become a coach instead (maybe training someone to take his spot against changbin as a rival) but as time goes on, chan begins to slowly start putting on more fat—having been so used to eating lots and burning off the calories working out/turning the gain into muscle—so while coaching his prodigy (any member but i’ll say jeongin) chan is continuously gaining and looking less and less than the weightlifting athlete he used to be! so used to his big appetite, alongside telling himself he deserved to relax his diet after so many years of competing, he definitely blimps up.
things start getting hot when chan sees changbin at a weightlifting event, where hes come to coach and support jeongin against other rookies. chan definitely feels embarrassed, as well as upset hes not on the same level as changbin anymore. they have a tense conversation where changbin teases him, much like before but now directed at his weight. however, chan realizes that bin is blushing the whole time! you see, though both men were very competitive and viewed each other as rivals, changbin always had feelings for the other, but hid them to focus on his career. he thought when chan retired, he’d be able to excel even more and become the best, but seeing chan’s gain has him falling even harder!
at the same event, imagine chan and changbin leaving the gym to talk in private somewhere. chan believes its just to get made fun of, but finds himself on the receiving end of a confession and a kiss ! poor jeongin just wanted a coach to help him out, but instead receives a fat and happy coach chan along with his new weightlifting athlete boyfriend, finding himself more like a third wheel than a client 🤭🤭
on the nsfw side, imagine the confession a little less sweet and a little more steamy… changbin pressing chan against the wall, using his strength to push chan around like its nothing. mumbling about how hes let himself go, that he never thought he’d see him show his face again after retirement and DEFINITELY didnt expect him to get so huge. grabbing fistfulls of chan’s fat, making the older moan and whimper underneath him. when chan and changbin return to the main event red and sweaty, nobody bats an eye !!
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muffinwoozi · 10 months
ooh maybe something where wonwoo keeps treating chan out for dinner and slowly he's becoming bigger and more demanding with how much he's getting to eat and wonwoo, being the way he is, is going to completely give into chan's ways but it culminates in him breaking out of his clothes and like pinning wonwoo to a wall with his weight cause he realizes how much they both like it
i've gotta be honest i had no idea how much i liked the concept of being pinned to a wall til i wrote this lol you've awoken something within me
also! this gets ~slightly~ nsfw towards the end. no full-blown smut, but there's a smidge of dirty talk which i hope you're okay with. enjoy! 🩷
It started out innocently enough, as Valentine’s Day dinners tend to do.
Truthfully, Wonwoo hadn’t taken Chan out to his favourite restaurant with any intention beside wanting to treat his boyfriend to a nice, lavish meal to celebrate their first Valentine’s Day together. It just so happened that for this particular occasion, the restaurant had decided to shelf their typical menu-based service and instead host an all-you-can-eat buffet, which sported increased portion sizes and brand new dishes specially introduced to celebrate the holiday. Hand over heart, Wonwoo had been none the wiser.
Chan loved every second of it. Wonwoo did too, of course, but he hadn’t gone to town on the food the way his boyfriend had. He’d floated between the buffet table and their booth at least five times that evening, his plate coming back fuller and fuller each time. At first, Wonwoo was a little taken aback - Chan was a dancer, a toned, fit dancer who usually watched his diet plan like a hawk. He wasn’t used to seeing him eat so much in one sitting. By the fifth plate, Chan did show some signs of defeat, and by the time the clock struck eight, he was whining for Wonwoo to carry him back to their car, unable to move because his stomach was too tightly packed.
The only thing more unexpected than Chan’s food bender that night was how aroused Wonwoo felt as he watched Chan play with his bloated stomach when they got home. He felt himself grow hard as Chan poked his tummy curiously, admiring its new softness with wide, excited eyes. From there, he’d decided to dip his toes into researching the weird and wonderful world of feedism and weight-related kink, a fascination he’d largely kept to his laptop’s private browser but would soon manifest itself as a palpable, tangible element of their relationship in the real world. Soon enough, they were going out for dinner dates a lot more frequently and, with time, Chan’s obsession with going to the gym and staying slim melted away alongside his fast metabolism. 
It was like a domino effect. Chan’s appetite grew exponentially over the course of a year, which inevitably caused him to pack on the pounds quicker than he could count. When he reached 150, he decided cutting back on dance to focus on trying out all the restaurants their city had to offer was the more beneficial route for him to take. By 200, he’d packed in dance altogether. By 250, he was struggling to find new restaurants within reasonable travelling distance for them to visit. By 300, he’d lost interest in venturing outside the house, instead opting to take advantage of the takeout options all his favourite spots offered. 
Now, Chan’s at a steady 325 and counting, sitting on the couch with his legs spread to make room for his huge belly as he waits for Wonwoo unbox the three pizzas he’d ordered from the small family-owned pizzeria he’d nearly broken a chair at last year. He cradles his growling stomach tenderly as he surfs through the channels on their TV, a supersized packet of Doritos by his side to tide him over until he can truly dig in.
“You wanted three pepperonis, right, babe?” Wonwoo asks from the kitchen island. Funnily enough, Chan is the only one who’s dived head-first into their newfound love of gaining weight; Wonwoo is still as skinny as ever.
“Yeah,” Chan confirms, licking the dust off his fingers and wiping them on his t-shirt. Damn, it’s getting really small. They’re gonna have to go clothes shopping again at some point. “The best kind. Now get your ass over here, I don’t know how much longer I can go without food. I’ll starve, hyung.”
“You literally just finished eating a huge bag of Doritos.”
Chan scoffs and crinkles up the packet in his hammy fist like it’s personally wronged him. “This is barely food!” He argues. “It was just a light snack. I’m waiting for you to feed me the real food. I don’t know what I need more, you or the pizza.”
Wonwoo sighs as he makes his way over to the couch, but he’s smiling nonetheless. Aside from his weight, one of the biggest changes in their relationship that’s occurred in the past year has been the way Chan speaks to him. When they first started dating, Chan wouldn’t even think of ordering his dear hyung around or overly demanding anything from him. He’d pester him and bat his eyelashes coquettishly until Wonwoo would give into his desires, sure, but he would never boss him around or snap his fingers at him. Times have changed, though, and it seems like with every pound Chan gains, the more spoiled he becomes. Wonwoo has grown accustomed to being treated like Chan’s little maid, buying him food and hand-feeding him and touching him whenever he pleases. Thankfully, they’re both incredibly into it.
The evening unfolds like any other, with Wonwoo feeding Chan and giving him the occasional belly rub and Chan demanding he stuff him faster and faster, and oh, would he be a dear and grab him a can of Sprite from the fridge? It’s as Wonwoo is massaging Chan’s huge belly in efforts to relieve some of the pressure that he realises how truly big he’s gotten. It’s no secret that his boyfriend is teetering on the edge of obesity, he knows that, but sometimes he forgets just how large he is. Half an hour ago Chan’s shirt was snug under his belly button, but now, three pizzas and a tub of ice cream later, it’s rode up to cup his moobs perfectly, displaying the expanse of his belly fully. Wonwoo feels his shorts tent at the sight.
“I’m done, hyung,” Chan declares as he licks the spoon clean. He leans back and runs his chubby hands up and down his swollen body, eyes sparkling. “Need you to touch me, now. Need it so bad.”
Wonwoo grins. “I think I can manage that.” He launches himself on top of Chan, cock throbbing against the fabric of his shorts as it presses against Chan’s stomach. Chan moans to the touch and kisses him deeply, wrapping his fat arms around Wonwoo’s itty-bitty waist and pulling him closer. He tastes like cheese and bread and cookie dough, and Wonwoo can’t get enough, can never get enough.
Eventually, Chan pulls back and spreads his legs even wider, slapping the top of his inner thigh with a suggestive wink. Wonwoo’s eyes trail to his crotch, and he sees that beneath his belly, Chan is almost as hard as he is.
“You gonna fill me up, hyung?” Chan asks wistfully.
Wonwoo nods jerkily. “The lube’s in the drawer over by the ornaments. Go be a good boy and get it for me.” When you have a boyfriend who looks like Chan who spends a majority of his time on the couch, you learn to keep your inventory in some unconventional places.
Chan pulls a face at being told what to do, but follows his boyfriend’s command regardless. He builds up momentum by swinging his legs back and forth before hoisting himself up, fat jiggling all over as he waddles over to the drawer to hunt for their favourite watermelon flavoured lube. He bends down with some difficulty to retrieve it, and before Wonwoo can even think of a teasing comment to taunt him with, the hem of Chan’s sweatpants burst wide open, his fat surging forward. 
If Wonwoo wasn’t rock-hard before, he’s sporting a fucking canyon by now.
“Wow, baby,” Wonwoo practically growls. “I knew those pants were getting a little tight but I didn’t think you’d pop out of them today. Here, you look like you could use some help getting them off.” Chan whimpers as Wonwoo jumps off the couch and pulls his sweatpants off for him, the fabric uncomfortably tight and sweaty around the parts of his legs they’re still clinging to. When they’re finally tossed onto the floorboards, he lets out a huge sigh of relief and reaches out to wrap Wonwoo up in his embrace. It seems as though he’d severely underestimated the sheer mass of his body, though, because instead of smooshing into his boyfriend gently like he plans to, he slams him into the wall, pinning him up against the wallpaper with nothing but his belly.
For a while, it feels like neither of them can breathe.
“Hyung, are you okay? I didn’t mean to do that, I’m so sorr-”
“This might just be the hottest thing you’ve ever done to me,” Wonwoo interrupts, eyes wide and glazed over. His whole face is tinged pink, and when Chan attempts to roll off him, Wonwoo seizes two fistfuls of his hips and pulls him right back in. Chan squeaks, half in surprise, half in pleasure.
“You’ve got to do that on purpose sometime,” Wonwoo groans dazedly.
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chrisbangsbf · 2 years
hot on your tongue
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Pairing: Chan/Minho
Rating: Explicit 18+
Word Count: 3.2k
Tags and Warnings: Light Dom/sub, food play, food kink, feederism, stuffing, spicy noodles, painplay, crying, mild degradation, coming in pants (please re-check the fic tags on ao3 before reading)
"Too spicy for you?" 
Chan sniffles and nods despite his better judgement.
"Well, that sucks for you," Minho coos, "because you're gonna eat the whole bowl." 
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meiieiri · 6 months
𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐮𝐩 [toji fushiguro]
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synopsis: toji will never forget the first night he spent away from the zenin clan and the day he met you.
pairing: toji fushiguro x f!reader | song inspo: saw you in a dream, timeless | hidden inventory: the lost tapes series masterlist
warnings: mentions of emotional abuse but generally pretty much a fluff fic where toji and y/n meet for the first time. | a/n: finally launching my little love project called “hidden inventory: the lost tapes”! 🍒
Now isn’t this just perfect?
Toji’s is just one inconvenience away from just going back to the Zenin clan with his tail between his legs. First, he underestimates just how expensive living in Tokyo is so, with what little pocket money his emotionally distant mother gave him before he left the estate, the first thing he does is spend it all on a girl — in broad daylight — he’s heard his brother, Jinichi, talk about those cute little call girls that crawl the streets of Kabukichō with flyers in their hand for thirty-minute “massages”. Naturally, as a young man who is only first experiencing the carnal joys the city has to offer, Toji was curious and he took the bait.
A bait that cost him ¥30,000 and the girl was unfortunately sloppy at best.
Now, he doesn’t have money to buy so much as a soggy red bean pancake for dinner. He doesn’t know how long he’s been walking around this dingy part of Shinjuku but as long as the red light district’s trashy ambience is distracting him from the growling of his stomach, then, he’ll stumble around this hellhole until morning.
“Ha! You won’t even last two minutes out there!” That’s what Naobito Zenin, the head of the clan said to him when he left. “Only two things await you when you get out of here, either you’ll die hungry or a cursed spirit will get to you first — either way, you’ll die with your eyes wide open with no one!”
Overrun by his thoughts, Toji doesn’t even notice that he accidentally intruded on a random cockroach and curse-infested alleyway that apparently belonged to some junkie who is now angrily telling him to get lost. “I was just looking for a place to sit down,” Toji scoffs. Weren’t they both bottom feeders in this city? Why was this rancid-smelling meth addict acting like he’s any better than him?
“Well, go sit somewhere else, this place is off-limits!”
It was almost funny how Toji thought that the world beyond the gates of the Zenin estate was any better than the shit show he was born into.
He should have known better than to be enticed by the glitz and glamour of living independently from his abusive family who at least had the decency to feed him maggoty rice from the estate’s second storehouse dedicated to prepare the animals’ food. They also gave him shelter, of course, he’s had to live in the Zenin estate’s shed for a while now since his father discovered he was born useless without an ounce of cursed energy. But at least he was warm, and the termites made him feel less lonely.
He continues on in his aimless quest. The night is still young. There’s plenty of time for self-depreciating introspection.
Hopefully, that grade three cursed spirit that’s been following him around the block for a while now gets to him first before the rain does.
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“That guy over there,” your coworker whispers to you from the cash registers. “He’s been there for a while now and he hasn’t ordered anything.”
You look up from your pocketbook, your eyes curiously trained on the rugged looking man whose eyes were downcast, trained on the service water he requested from the counter when he came in. As if he could feel a pair of eyes on him, he looks up, and glances your way for a bit but you quickly hide your face behind your book.
“He kinda looks like trouble, no? Shady too, just look at the scar on his lip…”
“It’s not fair to judge someone like that, Rika-chan,” you whispered to your junior, turning to arrange the menus, painstakingly wiping each one clean with a cloth dampened with sanitizer. A small smirk appears on Toji’s lips at your passive defense of his character and as if to goad you on, he drums his fingertips against the table daring you to say another word. “Anyway, I’ll handle closing the shop tonight. You need to get home since you have class in a few hours.”
That seemed sudden. Rika looks at you funnily before shrugging off her apron in favor of her raincoat. “Well, alright, if you insist. Should I clean up the kitchen at least?”
“I’ll handle it,” you give her a thumbs up, waving her goodbye as she leaves through the backdoor. Now that you’re alone, you could hardly stop yourself from glancing at the mysterious man, and Toji himself wonders if his presence here is starting to turn into a nuisance. You were probably waiting for him to step out so you could close shop for the night but it’s raining hard right now and there are no other places open nearby to take shelter in.
The chair’s feet screeches against the wooden floorboards and you head to the restaurant’s kitchen. Toji stares at your retreating form, looks like he overstayed his welcome. He searches around for a few coins to give to you for your hospitality, of course, it probably doesn’t mean jack shit, but you must have known he didn’t have enough money for a meal when he came in here. You would have realized that immediately. But you allowed him to stay regardless.
You return a couple of minutes later with a bowl miso soup with ginger pork gyoza and shredded cabbages. You set the bowl down in front of him and Toji is thoroughly taken aback, he looks at you dumbfounded. “I don’t have any money,” his voice comes out a little gruffly but you barely flinch at the sharp edge of his tone.
“Don’t worry about it.”
Refilling his water, you explained that while you could have easily stuffed those leftovers back in the freezer, customers wouldn’t want to eat frozen food, so, you decide to heat these items up to give to him instead. “Oh,” Toji answers a little dumbly. “Or you could have thrown them out.” He stares at the sumptuous meal in front of him. Even in the Zenin estate, he never had such good food laid out in front of him before and it was surreal to see a stranger do the things his family should have done for him.
You return to the counter, leaning on your forearms as you engage in light banter with him. “You’re saying I should feed rats over people?” you chuckled, sitting back down, smiling softly when Toji gingerly bringing the bowl of miso soup to his lips, the rich earthy broth warming his throat that he lets out a content sigh.
He smirks at your little remark. “I’m saying you shouldn’t make a habit of feeding strays.” He polishes his soup bowl clean within minutes and you have to remind him to slow down every now and then as you watched him eat ravenously. “You never know when you could get that dainty hand of yours bitten off.”
You blushed pink at that. He was right, being too generous could cost you dearly one day but being the altruistic soul that you are, you’ll probably continue to be graciously selfless despite the risk of being taken advantage of. It’s just how you are as a person who believes that a little kindness can make the world better than it was yesterday. “I…don’t really know about that…whether I get bitten or not by the people I help isn’t really something I can control. The world would be better off if people just learned to be kind to one another.”
Toji hums at your naive countenance, folding his arms over the table. The room is silent for a few minutes save for the occasional rumble of thunder in the distance. “You’re kinda dumb, aren’t ya?”
“And you’re a pessimist,” you answered, quirking an amused eyebrow at him. “Who doesn’t even know how to say thank you.” You stand up to clear out the table, a teasing glint in your eyes as your curious orbs collide.
Toji scoffs, leaning against his seat, crossing his legs. At his reluctance, you shake your head, giggling softly. What an infuriating interesting guy. Toji hears the rushing of tap water from behind the counter and he smiles inwardly. The rain begins to slowly stop and he takes this window of opportunity to leave.
You don’t even try to hide your disappointment when you come back to the dining room only to find it empty, the stranger having left nothing in his wake — not a goodbye, not a thank you, and certainly not his name — except a single rusty five yen coin on the table.
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“Hello, welcome—“ You stop mid-sentence. Your throat constricting with a mix of emotions, the most dominant one being joy at this happy chance, you’d recognize those sharp dark green eyes anywhere despite only first seeing them a week ago. After all, they looked so dangerously beautiful under the dim light of the dining room’s ceiling lampshade. “—back. Welcome back,” you smiled brightly at Toji.
Toji nods, his hand coming up to cover his lips as he coughs once. “Thanks…ah, right — shit, where is it?” After rummaging around his parachute jacket’s many pockets, he finally takes out his wallet and you look at him, bewildered, when he hands a few hundred yen bills to you. “For last week. Sorry I couldn’t pay you back then.”
“It’s fine.” You take his larger, calloused hand and return the money which Toji responds to by stubbornly placing it on the table.
Toji pinches the bridge of his nose when you playfully return the gesture by rolling it up and placing it in his jacket pocket, buttoning it. “Look, it was real nice of you to treat me back then, but I’m not a charity case, alright? I just wanna pay my dues.”
“Then, a simple ‘thank you’ is enough.” Toji just couldn’t understand you. You have absolutely no reason to be nice to him, but you are. For a moment, he begins to fall into the enticing thought that maybe life outside the Zenin estate won’t be too bad after all if there are people like you still around just waiting at random corners to be found in joyful happenstances such as waiting out a storm at a random family-style restaurant over a heartwarming serving of miso soup with tender pieces of gyoza and cabbage.
Relenting, he smirks at you, unable to figure you out. “Thank you.”
“Anyway, need a table for lunch?” you smiled warmly at him as you lead him to the table he sat in a week ago which you now affectionately refer to as ‘his’ table instead of table number four.
Toji nods following your lead and chuckling when you hand him the menu. “Where’s that thing I had last time?“ he oddly flips through the booklet.
“Oh uh…it’s not on the menu actually, but I could make that for you if you’d like.”
“Sounds good.” Toji hands you back the menu. You are just about to scurry away to the kitchen when he calls out to you. “So, do you have a name or should I just keep referring to you as gyoza girl or something?” Embarrassed at the way your knees seem to become weak at his boyish grin, you have to take a few deep breaths before turning around to face him again. “I’m Toji.”
He doesn’t say his last name. He doesn’t feel the need to anymore now that he’s finally closing the door to his past. You nod, noting how the name suited him. It’s brief but strong, muted but loud in its rhythm. Toji. At that moment, you find it impossible to name a prettier sound. After a few excruciating minutes in the kitchen, you come back out with two bowls of miso soup this time around and you sit down on the chair directly in front of him.
Toji repeats the melody of your name in his head. “And how much do I owe ya for this, Y/N?”
You shrugged as the two of you dig in, your hand coming up to cover your mouth as you chew the steamed gyoza, joining him as he laughs (well, he’s scoffing more than actually laughing, really), his eyes alight with wonder, when you simply say, “Five yen.”
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Another Day, Another Pacific Sand Dollar
The eccentric sand dollar, aka the sea-cake, biscuit-urchin, western sand dollar, or Pacific sand dollar (Dendraster excentricus), are found in the intertidal zone and near-shore sandy bottoms from Alaska, US to Baja California, Mexico.They are the only sand dollars endemic to the Pacific Northwest, though they share the rest of their range with other species. Live individuals are seen either partially buried upright or lying flat on the ocean floor, depending on the strength of the current. To prevent themselves from being swept away, juveniles will also ingest sand to weigh themselves down. Although they are not social, they can form large colonies with as many as 6 sand dollars in a square m (1 sq yd).
Pacific sand dollars are named for their resemblance to silver dollars, especially the bleached exoskeletons that commonly wash up on beaches. Most adults average about 8 cm (3 in) across, though individuals as big as 10 cm (4 in) have been found. The body is a flat disc coated in small, purple tube-like feet and sensory organelles called cilia. The feet are used both for moving across the ocean floor and for pulling oxygen from the water. The mouth and anus-- a single opening-- are located on the sand dollar’s underside. Inside the mouth are five teeth and jaw plates known as doves; together they form a structure known as Aristotle’s lantern, which is unique to echinoderms like sand dollars and sea stars.
D. excentricus is a suspension feeder, using its feet and cilia to pull food from the water or direct it along special groves on the body’s underside. Their main prey are microscopic larvae, copepods, diatoms, algae, plankton, and detritus. The sea-cake is predated upon by a number of sea stars and fish, as well as crabs and sea gulls. To avoid being eaten, adults bury themselves in the sand and larvae will duplicate themselves via a process known as budding and fission, which creates smaller individuals that can distract potential predators.
Although western sand dollars have seperate sexes, they are broadcast spawners. In late spring or early summer, males and females congregate and release gametes into the water where they become fertilized. Larvae, also known as prisms, hatch just a day later. This larvae floats freely through the water, growing arms and metamorphosing into a echinopluteus larva. Once they reach 8 arms, the larva begins to develop an exoskeleton or echinus, and resembles a small adult. The final stage of growth is triggered by chemical cues released by other adults; after this, individuals become sexually mature and settle on the ocean with other sand dollars. In the wild, adults can live up to 13 years.
Conservation status: Although the IUCN has not evaluated the Pacific sand dollar, they are regularly threatened by ocean acidification, warming, and bottom trawling.
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Chan Siuman
Brian Starzomski
Alison J. Gong
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britishassistant · 1 year
lol for the adopted and stayed au, which villains would do their absolute best to be the best possible options as a spouse for yuu in the eyes of their brother? which villains are in the firmly make sure yuu never interacts with them in the eyes of yuu's brother?
Well that depends on which villain is their brother in this AU!
Brother Riddle:
King: Pompous freeloader who isn’t good enough for Yuu
Leviathan: Too flashy and underhanded, plus Floyd
Snake Charmer: Get more reputable business practices. Then maybe
Poison Queen: Respecting your in-laws is important too!!
Charon: Keep that layabout away from his sibling!!
Tsunotaro: Too socially maladjusted
Brother Leona:
Royal Flush: Too annoying
Leviathan: Fuck no
Snake Charmer: Snakes should stay in the grass where they belong
Poison Queen: Too prissy and annoying
Charon: What, like he even has the balls to?
Brother Azul:
Royal Flush: Too suffocating for poor Yuu
King: Cut off all advantages there could have been with a union
Snake Charmer: So long as he signs a contract forfeiting all his funding to Azul~!
Poison Queen: Bad to mix business with family
Charon: As nice as it would be, he’d like Yuu to keep getting fresh air and regular contact with grass
Tsunotaro: N-no?
Brother Jamil:
Royal Flush: Far too strict and shouty
King: Pass on another pampered, spoiled heir
Leviathan: Not in a million years.
Poison Queen: Melodramatic but. Maybe
Charon: Would he actually look away from his screens for long enough?
Tsunotaro: Yeah, not touching that can of worms
Brother Vil:
Royal Flush: Emotionally unstable and nonsensical
King: He’d rather swallow glass
Leviathan: Poorly masked self-esteem and abandonment issues
Snake Charmer: Attention seeker, but if he gets over himself…
Charon: …Is this a joke?
Tsunotaro: Arrogant and totally inept socially
Brother Idia:
Royal Flush: Why is this Karen even an option?! He’s more heartless than anything Idia’s built…
King: NEET (disrespectfully)(fake gamer)
Leviathan: Bro code says no
Snake Charmer: We can smell ur inferiority-superiority complex from here dude lol
Poison Queen: He’d die. He would actually die. Yuu, please don’t kill ur beloved onii-chan!
Tsunotaro: Miss him with that “lonley ouji-chara turning their s/o into an emotional cructh” bs
Brother Malleus:
Royal Flush: Perhaps, if he were taller
Leviathan: If the bottom feeder wants to fail so badly…
Snake Charmer: Too underhanded and sly
Poison Queen: So much wasted effort, it’s almost admirable
Charon: …Is he actually a contender?
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cutiedwaekki · 3 months
puppym detective
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why so curious ? why so serious ?
summary: follow the adventures of detective seungmin seeking to solve the mystery lurking around the city. The Harem of Midas as some people call it
contain : fluff/angst , kidnapping, manipulation, dark feederism, forced feeding, forced weight gain, mention of violence, happy ending
Welcome to my biggest project ✨️ for those who have been following me for a while, you know that last year I tried to realize this same project in the form of a story but I had difficulty separating the story into chapters and that quickly gets disorganized. so here I am again with a new story, a new plot but more fun 🤭
enjoy ♡
The city of Seoul was shrouded in a gloomy atmosphere, marked by fear and uncertainty. The once lively streets were now deserted as soon as night fell. Residents avoided poorly lit areas, fearing they might become the next victim of a series of mysterious abductions that were spreading terror throughout the city.
Among those fighting to restore peace and security was Seungmin, a determined young detective. His dark eyes and confident stride reflected his determination to put an end to the nightmare that had engulfed the city.
But behind this facade of determination lay a deep wound. Seungmin was the son of a respected lawyer, whose career had been destroyed by a devious frame-up, ruining his career, his honor and his family
The injustice had forced his father to abandon his family, leaving Seungmin with a sense of abandonment and betrayal that haunted him day and night. This betrayal had profoundly marked Seungmin, fueling his passion for justice and strengthening his commitment to fight against injustice in all his forms. It was this same passion that drove him to fight relentlessly to solve the mysteries of the serial abductions plaguing the city.
At the heart of this battle was his best friend, Changbin, the only one who could make him feel that this world was not as gloomy as it used to be. The only one who made him see life in color. The two men had been inseparable since childhood, sharing everything from laughter to tears. To say that they were just friends would be a lie, but both of them knew why they didn't become more.
Changbin was the opposite of Seungmin in appearance—short in stature but incredibly muscular, with a contagious smile and an innocent demeanor that hid an unyielding inner strength. Their friendship was more than just a relationship; it was an indestructible bond forged in the fire of life's trials and challenges. Seungmin and Changbin knew each other better than anyone else, supporting each other through the highs and lows of life.
It was them, Seungmin the crazy one for justice, and Changbin the crazy one for Seungmin
On a rainy evening, Seungmin and Changbin met in a small café at the corner of the street, illuminated by the soft glow of the hanging lamps. The wooden chairs creaked softly on the tiled floor as the two friends huddled in a secluded corner, escaping the turmoil of the city that roared outside. This was where Seungmin felt untouchable, as if when he was with Changbin, the world paused. Criminals turned good, the unjust were recognized, and there was a sense of perfection. The sweet smell of almond milk emanating from his curly hair, his pout when he wanted something. All of this drove him crazy.
Seungmin distractedly watched the steam rising from his coffee cup, his mind tormented by dark thoughts swirling around. Changbin, sitting opposite him, silently observed the television, his face marked by worry and sadness.
"BREAKING NEWS: Bang Christopher Chan, a music producer from JYP Entertainment, has been reported missing. Surveillance images revealed..."
This kind of news had a way of frightening Changbin. Physically, he knew he looked robust and strong, but deep down, he was very innocent, a bit naive, remaining the eternally scared high school student who had just built armor over the years.
But Seungmin knew his friend well. He knew his feelings, his fears; he read him like an open book.
Thus, he took his hand and rubbed it to reassure him before adding:
"Trust me, Changbin. We will find him," declared Seungmin firmly, his eyes shining with unshakeable determination.
Changbin gently nodded, his dark eyes reflecting fragile confidence. "I know, Min. But... but I'm scared. Imagine if it happened to one of us? I don't want anything bad to happen to you."
Seungmin softly placed his hand on Changbin's, offering him an encouraging smile. "You don't need to worry about that. I'm a big boy now, and besides... you're here too, those muscles must be good for something." He lightened the atmosphere as he affectionately pinched his arm, making the elder, who was quite ticklish, giggle.
Seungmin had turned off the TV; he didn't want Changbin to be anxious at every announcement of a kidnapping or disappearance. This was also the purpose of his detective agency. He did the work that the police bungled. He provided answers to desperate families. Even when the news was bad, they felt lighter. Lighter to clarify a situation, not to hope for years for nothing. Allowing them to grieve.
In the city, Seungmin had gained the reputation of a renowned detective; everyone knew his story, that of the detective who would tell you what the authorities would not.
Who would have thought that these series of kidnappings would mark the beginning of a new investigation for him?
"A message for your fans, Hyunjin?" asked the journalist.
"Be yourself, you are all wonderful ! I lovr you guys !" Hyunjin said, looking directly at the camera and making several hearts with a gentle smile. He loved complimenting his fans; that was his claim to fame. The former singer turned model had amassed a solid fan base that supported him through all the trials of his life. It was clear that he could only love them, right?
"And cut! Good job, Hyunjin. You can head home."
Hyunjin's warm smile quickly faded to an exasperated expression. He snapped his fingers, calling his multitude of assistants to attend to him. "What a humiliating thing you have to say to make money," he muttered as he sipped his iced Americano.
This was the real Hwang Hyunjin. A self-centered celebrity who thought only of himself, his career, and how to make his fans spend as much money as possible for him.
Yet, in his three years of career, no one had unraveled the mystery. Everyone feared the power of the great Hwang Hyunjin. Who would the media believe—a country’s favorite artist, the soul of pure youth, the bridge between the old and new generations, or staff members who could be harassed at the slightest misstep?
Hwang Hyunjin was detestable and yet admired. What was his secret?
"Damn it, it's raining. This will ruin my hair!" he complained while on his phone. Today, he had fired his driver for looking at him in a way he deemed "not respectful enough." Thus, he found himself making the journey home alone, muttering various insults about the weather ruining his day. Perhaps he acted this way because he couldn’t admit he could lose everything overnight?
The rain pounded against Hyunjin's apartment windows, matching the oppressive silence in the room. It had been a long but rewarding day. Hyunjin had just finished a photo shoot for a major clothing brand, which ended with an interview for the brand.
But as he closed the door behind him, a furtive presence caught his attention. A dark shadow silently slipped behind him, and before he could react, he was pinned against the wall, a powerful hand covering his mouth to prevent him from screaming.
Hyunjin's heart pounded in his chest as he desperately struggled, but his assailant was much stronger. With inhuman strength, the stranger overpowered him and dragged him into the darkness.
When Hyunjin regained consciousness, he found himself in a dark and oppressive room, tied to a chair. Fear gripped him as he peered into the surrounding darkness, desperately searching for an escape from this nightmarish situation.
Suddenly, a flickering light illuminated the room, revealing a blurry figure standing before him. Hyunjin's heart raced as anxiety gripped his mind.
"Who... who are you?" he stammered, his voice trembling, eyes desperately seeking answers in the darkness.
The figure remained silent, simply offering him a bowl of food. Hyunjin shook his head vigorously, refusing to succumb to the fear that threatened to overwhelm him.
"Eat," ordered a deep and sinister voice, breaking the heavy silence in the room. "I'm a fan, you know? I really like 'ice.cream,' it's my favorite song," said the captor in a voice that didn't seem reassuring.
Hyunjin shivered with fear as the captor approached him, the bowl of food in hand. He closed his eyes tightly, silently praying that this was just a terrible nightmare from which he would soon wake.
But when he reopened his eyes, he found himself face to face with his worst nightmare come true. The captor forced the food into his mouth, cutting off his breath and eliciting a muffled cry of terror.
In a dark corner of the room, Hyunjin felt the weight of his own fears adding to the burden of the ties that kept him prisoner. Every second spent in this suffocating darkness seemed like an additional burden on his already weakened shoulders. But as the tension mounted, he could feel the mocking gaze of his captor settling on him, savoring every moment of his distress.
"Look at you," mocked the captor in a scathing voice, his eyes gleaming with cruel amusement. "Soon, you'll be as big as a whale, all thanks to me."
The words echoed in the heavy air of the room, filling Hyunjin's mind with unspeakable terror. He felt the poison of fatphobia seeping into his thoughts, every syllable uttered by his captor weighing on his already tormented soul.
"I won't let you do this," he murmured weakly, his eyes burning with fierce determination. The captor laughed, approaching him and shoving one of the pastries into his mouth. "I didn't ask for your opinion. You are mine, you are my toy, and I will mold you as I please."
As the captor continued to delight in his distress, Hyunjin, who once praised his fans, found himself trapped. Was this his karma? He felt like the weight of his actions had brought this upon him.
In the dim light of his apartment, Seungmin was distractedly tapping on his keyboard, immersed in his files, while Changbin, sitting next to him on the couch, was flipping through a newspaper.
"Have you heard about what happened to Hyunjin?"
Seungmin barely looked up from his screen, shaking his head with indifference.
"Yes, I heard. Maybe it's just rumors. Besides, I never really liked that guy, he seems so fake. Maybe he's playing a prank to ride the wave of the recent kidnapping buzz."
"I don't know, Seungmin. Hyunjin isn't the type to make tasteless jokes. He's always serious about his work."
Seungmin shrugged, turning his gaze from the screen to his friend.
"Maybe, but you know how people are. They like to dramatize things."
Changbin squinted, a worried look crossing his face.
"I don't know, Seungmin. This seems serious to me. Maybe we should investigate, just in case."
"You're always so dramatic, Changbin. I'm sure everything's fine. Stop worrying about nothing... But since you insist, if we don't hear anything about Hyunjin in two days, I'll start investigating, alright?"
But despite his reassuring words, a small seed of doubt began to grow in Seungmin's mind. And as he returned to his files, he couldn't help but wonder if Changbin might be right after all.
A few days later, still no news of Hyunjin, and a third kidnapping was reported: Han Jisung, a final-year musicology student. Seungmin found himself sitting in his office, his mind tormented by guilt and doubt. He was deep in thought when his phone rang, breaking the silence of his apartment.
The voice of a complete stranger to Seungmin resonated on the other end of the line, filled with palpable urgency.
"Is this Detective Kim? I'm sorry to disturb you, my name is Lee Minho, I'm Han Jisung's partner. I'm in a desperate situation , I don't know what to do. I need your help as a detective."
Seungmin was taken aback by Minho's direct request. He couldn't help but feel a hint of suspicion towards this unexpected call, but the distress in Minho's voice sounded genuine.
"I know you don't know me, but I'm willing to do anything to find Jisung. Please, help me."
Seungmin felt hesitant, but he couldn't ignore the call for help from someone so desperate.
"Okay, I'll help you. Where do you want to meet?"
Minho gave the address of a local café, and Seungmin agreed to go there immediately.
"I'll be there in thirty minutes. Don't worry, we'll find Jisung."
After hanging up, Seungmin felt both intrigued and wary. He didn't know what to expect from this meeting with a stranger, but he was determined to uncover the truth about these recent disappearances and to help this unknown person.
Seungmin headed to the café indicated by his caller, his mind buzzing with anticipation and curiosity. He wondered what awaited him and how he could help a stranger find his missing partner. Upon entering the café, he was quickly spotted by the person who had contacted him, sitting at a table near the window, looking anxious and tense, who invited him to sit.
Minho stood up hastily upon seeing Seungmin approach, hope lighting up his face as he extended his hand.
"Thank you for coming, Seungmin. I really need your help."
Seungmin sat across from him, observing the man before him closely. He could see the pain and distress in the poor man's eyes, and it touched him deeply.
"Okay, let's start from the beginning. Tell me everything you know about Jisung's disappearance."
Minho then explained the circumstances surrounding Jisung's disappearance, nothing too difficult, he had gone one evening to buy ice cream at the grocery store next to their house but never came back. The surveillance cameras had filmed the culprit putting a piece of cloth over his mouth before running away from the cameras. strangely this culprit seemed to like cameras because we found a lot of videos of his kidnappings but we never knew how he made them appear and disappear without leaving a trace.
As Minho was talking , his voice was trembling with emotion as he recounted the last moments spent with his partner. Seungmin listened intently, taking mental notes and asking questions to get more details.
After hearing the entire story, Seungmin promised Minho that he would do everything possible to find Jisung.
"I'll start investigating right away. Don't worry, we'll do everything we can to find him."
A palpable relief washed over Minho, his shoulders suddenly seeming less burdened by the weight of uncertainty.
Seungmin nodded, determined to solve this mystery and bring Jisung back safely. Even though they didn't know each other, he was willing to do everything to help Minho in this investigation, which seemed much deeper than it appeared.
Seungmin started investigating. The videos of the kidnappings were always filmed from a single camera, as if the kidnapper wasn't afraid of being caught. He appeared and disappeared from the cameras once his plan was completed. Always late at night, targeting only young men in their twenties. It was because of this that the newspapers began calling this case the "Midas Harem Case" because he only took rich, influential, and very handsome men. Chan had influence over the company and the music world. Hyunjin could influence the entertainment world, and Jisung, through his engagement to the prominent lawyer Lee Minho, was untouchable.
He was deeply immersed in his investigation, meticulously examining every place, every detail, every clue overlooked by the police. He was so absorbed that he was startled when he heard his doorbell ring, snapping him out of his pseudo-trance.
"Changbin? I thought he was with his parents," he thought as he walked slowly and curiously to his door. He looked at the intercom and saw no one. No one except for a large box. Seungmin was cautious; he had already been tricked once with a fake basket of grapes.
However, this one contained a note and various snacks. He checked every corner of the hallway, searching for who might have left it, but saw no one.
He took the basket and brought it inside, reading the note on it:
"Thank you for finding Hyunjin oppa. On behalf of the Jiniret fanclub, we encourage you to find our oppa ♡"
So, they were fans of Hyunjin? It was true that Minho had mentioned his name in some newspaper articles, which didn't bother Seungmin; it gave him publicity. And in this case, a reason to take a break and eat some of the snacks.
He didn't expect to finish everything in one evening, surprising himself as he looked in confusion at his now hard and swollen belly.
"I can't think straight when i'm too full , i should rest a bit" he said, rubbing his stomach as he closed his laptop, deciding to take a shower.
As Seungmin delved into his investigation, determined to solve the mystery surrounding the disappearances, he decided to visit the locations where the kidnappings had taken place. By chance, he ran into Jeongin, a former classmate from police school. Seungmin had dropped out during the year, while Jeongin had continued. He had always admired his perseverance and childlike smile. The two men hadn't seen each other for years, but Seungmin still remembered the camaraderie they had shared during their studies.
Jeongin, with his friendly face and warm smile, approached Seungmin enthusiastically.
"Seungmin, it's you, isn't it? It's been so long!"
Seungmin nodded, a smile forming on his face as he recognized his old classmate.
"Yes, it's me! It has indeed been a long time. How are you? What are you doing here?"
"Listen, I know it might seem strange, but I want to help you. All these murders, these kidnappings... it's scary. I don't want to live in a city where insecurity reigns. I think that with my connections in the police, I could really help find the missing people."
Seungmin was initially surprised by Jeongin's offer, but he sincerely appreciated his old classmate's willingness to lend a hand in this delicate matter.
"Jeongin, that's kind of you. I wouldn't want to take advantage, but I admit a little help wouldn't hurt. It's almost impossible, as if the culprit knows every corner by heart. I could really use your help. Let's do this together."
So, Jeongin started working with him on the investigation. It seemed quite promising, they had solid leads. With Minho who allowed them to obtain easy arrest warrants, Jeongin who had all his police knowledge, Changbin and his physical strength and finally Seungmin who led the investigation, they were going to find the culprit one day. on ! right?
The only thing that bothered Seungmin was these strange deliveries that he received several times a week. always baskets full of treats, signed under Hyunjin's fan name who was probably trying to bribe him to find the actor faster. but apart from causing him a stomach ache three times a week and making him struggle more to put on his pants it didn't really help move the investigation forward.
“Nothing forces you to eat everything” Minho had told him once but Seungmin didn’t know why, he could never stop.
It had become a bit like a sign for him to take a break. The more the days passed, the more he patiently waited for these deliveries which were a sign of a well-deserved break for him.
"If you continue you'll become a chubby puppy" Changbin had teased once, pinching her cheek affectionately.
while Jeongin (who was in the same room) retorted "stop don't say that hyung, he's really cute like that, don't you think?" making Changbin blush and stammer out an excuse before walking away.
But one day, Changbin contacted Seungmin with a promising lead on the culprit. He insisted on meeting immediately to discuss the details.
"Minnie , I've found something important. We need to talk right away. Can you meet me at the cafe near your place?"
That was the message he had received that caught his attention
Seungmin, deeply engrossed in his analysis, felt torn between the need to meet Changbin and the importance of his ongoing work.
"Changbin, I'm sorry, but I have a crucial analysis in progress. I can't get away right now. I'll send Jeongin in my place. He'll explain everything."
He didn't bother waiting for Changbin's response, believing he would be able to convince him to come even though he couldn't. so he sent the address of the cafe to Jeongin saying "Changbin has information about the investigation, can you go see him please?" before turning off his phone and preparing a pot of ramen.
Certainly it was his second drink of the day but this investigation, its lack of evidence, all that stressed him out and food had become his source of comfort for the moment. He doesn't even have time to go and see Changbin anymore. he no longer even remembers the moment when the two of them had discussed without it having any connection with the investigation.
a surge of melancholy passed through him. he sighed long before returning to his desk with his pot of ramen in one hand while with his other hand he rubbed his stomach, slightly surprised to see that it was rounder and plumper than usual.
"Binnie's right, I let myself go a little too much... but at least at the end of the investigation I could accompany him to the gym... ew I'm sweating just thinking about it" he said. focusing back on his computer
A few hours later, Seungmin received an alarming call informing him that Changbin had also disappeared. The news shocked him so much that he dropped his cup, spilling its contents on the floor.he could barely breathe, his heart was beating a thousand miles an hour, he wanted to shout at Jeongin, ask him how dare he not protect Changbin. he also blamed himself for not having responded seriously enough to Changbin for not having moved himself. suddenly tears beaded on his face. Changbin... Changbin... He was everything to him. His first friend, his first best friend, his first crush, his first kiss... why him?
Meanwhile, Changbin faced his captor, unable to speak as he was force-fed. As the tension mounted and the danger grew increasingly palpable"Did you really think you were going to reveal my identity to others so quickly? We'll see if you'll be able to speak when you're covered in grease" said the kidnapper as his laughter echoed in the room.
On the other hand , Seungmin slowly realized the gravity of the situation, their world cracking under the growing pressure of darkness.
the investigation had taken it to another level, he was not going to let this person hurt Changbin, not while he was alive
Following Changbin's disappearance and Chan's shocking media appearance, Seungmin's investigation into the kidnappings took an even darker turn. Seungmin and Jeongin found themselves alone, navigating the murky waters of the case, with their determination as their only compass in the growing darkness.
In Seungmin's cramped office, the walls were covered with photos, maps, and notes, every surface a silent testament to the detective's growing obsession with the case. Jeongin was always there, steadfast as a rock, providing unwavering support and sharp intelligence every step of the way.
From time to time, Minho joined them, offering his help and support selflessly. His presence brought a bit of light into the darkness, reminding Seungmin that he wasn't alone in his fight against the shadow.
But despite all their efforts, the case seemed to slip through their fingers, every lead a dead end, every clue a false trail. Frustration grew, but Seungmin refused to give in to despair. He knew that to solve this case, he had to stay strong and persistent, no matter the obstacles in his path. And with Jeongin and Minho by his side, he was determined to find the truth, even if it led them into the heart of the dark.
The worst was when he received a message from Minho, telling him to watch the news where a video was playing in a loop, that of the kidnapper, Midas as the media had nicknamed him. He wore a black mask and had doctored his voice. he spoke directly to Seungmin ordering him to stop his investigation immediately or else Changbin would not survive. followed by a video of Changbin, crying his eyes out while he was handcuffed to a chair, he desperately called Seungmin while the kidnapper shoved a donut into his mouth. He was a mess, tears, traces of food around his mouth. Seungmin could easily see that he had gained weight and couldn't imagine what the other victims must have looked like.
“Is it bad if I am a bit reassured?” Minho had said. after all at least that meant that the others were alive right?
It was over time, many sleepless nights, that Jeongin came up with a hypothesis of a culprit.
"Is it just me or this guy always appears in the videos before the kidnappings? as if he spotted the places before"
Minho then leans into it and then said "it's true that it's weird, In should look on it.”
thus their first reliable lead was born. After all now everyone knows that the victims of Midas' harem were fattened so I might as well be looking for something related to rigtht?
so when suspicion turned to Lee Felix, owner of a bakery who was not far from all the crime scenes, everything seemed logical. he had managed to escape police questioning, but not that of Kim Seungmin.
This is how he and Jeongin headed towards the BbokAri bakery, run by Felix while Minho was looking for a way to get a warrant so the police searched his bakery.
“Remember, he’s not necessarily guilty, we’re just having an informal visit” Seungmin muttered. usually he was fair and rational but since Changbin's disappearance he has become completely crazy, seeking only one thing, and that is to find him.
So they entered the bakery while the sound of a bell signaled their presence. “Hello, what can I do for you?” Felix then asked with a sweet smile.
"I'm Detective Kim, I'm investigating recent kidnappings, could you speak alone if he kidnapped you?"
Felix was led away, he looked at Seungmin perplexed before replying “okay.. follow me”
"Where were you on the night of the kidnappings?"
Felix, initially calm said"I was here, in my bakery, as usual. You can ask my employees; they'll confirm it."
Seungmin noted this response but felt something was off. Felix seemed increasingly nervous as the interrogation went on.
"Have you noticed anything suspicious near your bakery in recent days?"
"No, nothing in particular. Why do you ask? Do you think I'm involved in these kidnappings?"
Seungmin felt a pang of frustration at Felix's defensive attitude but kept his cool. However, just as he was about to ask his next question, Felix had decided otherwise.
Felix, with an ironic smile said"Tell me, detective, maybe you should cut down on pastries. You wouldn't want to end up looking like one of the victims, would you?"
Surprised and irritated by this remark, Seungmin suppressed a sigh. It was clear that Felix was trying to divert attention from himself by attacking Seungmin on a sensitive subject.
"We are here to conduct a serious investigation, sir. I ask you to fully cooperate."
Felix shrugged, a mocking smile still on his face.
"Of course, detective. But you'd better watch your figure. Who knows what all these excesses could do to you."
Seungmin gritted his teeth, refusing to let Felix's remarks unsettle him. He knew they had to stay focused if they wanted to solve this case.
After finishing the interrogation, Felix turned to Seungmin with a syrupy smile.
"Well, detective, since you're here, why not take the opportunity to try one of my delicious pastries?"
Seungmin, though wary, nodded politely.
Seungmin: "Why not? I'll have... this one."
He pointed to a chocolate cake, then sat at a table to enjoy the pastry.
Meanwhile, Felix watched Seungmin with amusement, his smile widening slightly.
Felix: "Be careful not to overindulge, detective. You wouldn't want to have trouble fitting into your detective suit, would you?"
Seungmin, though annoyed by the comment, chose to ignore it and focus on his pastry.at least he could note the way Felix behaved. strangely he hadn't done anything suspicious but was still staring sideways at Seungmin as if he was holding back something.
After finishing, he stood up and politely bid Felix farewell, but the teasing exchange left a bitter taste in his mouth.
As they left the bakery, Seungmin promised himself to keep a close eye on Felix, convinced that there was something fishy about his behavior.
In Seungmin's office, the three men discussed different possibilities for advancing their investigation.
Jeongin, poring over the notes on the desk, suddenly straightened with a spark of excitement in his eyes.
"What if we focus on Felix? He's always around the kidnapping sites, delivering pastries or talking to customers at key moments. I'm telling you it's him"
Seungmin and Minho exchanged significant glances, recognizing the relevance of Jeongin's suggestion.
"You're not wrong he was very suspicious when i come last time but we don't have any proof against him"
Jeongin nodded, his thoughts organizing rapidly.
"It's worth exploring this lead. We could monitor him closely, see if he acts suspiciously or has strange interactions with people around him."
Minho nodded in agreement, adding his approval to the proposed strategy.
"This could be our best chance to make progress. And if Felix is involved somehow, we need to find out before he can do more harm."
Seungmin, impressed by Jeongin's determination and the logic of his reasoning, made a decision.
"Alright, let's start there. We need to be cautious and methodical in our approach. Every little detail counts."
They then got to work, devising a plan to closely monitor Felix while continuing to search for other clues.
The hours were past, it was getting late. The three of them had investigated for hours, deciding to take a rest and have a drink together to unwind.
As the night wore on and the hours passed, the tension in the bar gradually dissipated, giving way to a deeper intimacy among the friends.
Minho, letting out a sigh, took a sip of his drink before speaking with emotion.
"Sometimes, I feel like I'm going crazy thinking about Jisung... It's like every minute without him is an eternity."
Seungmin nodded empathetically, understanding his friend's torment.
"I know exactly how you feel, Minho. But we have to stay strong, for Jisung and for ourselves."
Then, the conversation naturally drifted to more personal confidences about their romantic relationships.
Minho, with a melancholic smile, recalled the first moments shared with Jisung.
"Jisung and I met in college. It was one of those life-changing encounters, you know? He had this look... so warm, so sincere. I love his look, always filled with life. Without him I-I feel like I don't have any reason to get up in the morning, I just want to see him again, hold him in my arms... I-...sorry, it's hard to continue." he said as tears began to stream down his face as Seungmin handed him a tissue.
Jeongin, listening attentively, decided to share a more intimate aspect of his own love life thus allowing Minho to stop thinking about Jisung for a moment
"As for me, I've never dared to make the first move... I've always been attracted to chubby men, but I'm too shy to tell them. In olus with the midas case I risk even less doing meetings without looking like an obsessive" he said before giggling, causing a little general laughter at the table.
Seungmin, absorbing his friends' confessions, momentarily lost himself in his own thoughts.
"You know, when we were teenagers, Changbin and I made a pact... We promised that if neither of us were in a relationship by the age of 30, we would marry each other. It was kind of a joke back then, but now... it makes me think."
As the discussion progressed, Seungmin found himself plunged into his memories, reliving every moment spent with Changbin. A strange mix of emotion, regret, and desire overwhelmed him as he realized the depth of his own feelings
Seungmin, taking a short pause, looked at his friends with eyes lit by revelation.
"I think... I'm in love with Changbin."
The ensuing silence was heavy with meaning, as each of the three men absorbed this confession with deep reflection. Once again, their lives seemed poised on the brink of change. After sharing these moments of intimacy and reflection, a wave of relief seemed to envelop the three friends. Laughter echoed through the bar, temporarily dispelling the dark clouds of the investigation hanging over them.
Seungmin, Minho, and Jeongin exchanged knowing looks, acknowledging the strength of their friendship in difficult times. It was as if, for a brief moment, they had found respite in the warmth of their camaraderie.
Then, as the evening drew to a close, Jeongin broke the silence with a spark of intensity in his eyes.
"Listen, guys. I think we should focus our efforts on Felix. He's always where the kidnappings happen, and something tells me he's not as innocent as he claims."
Jeongin's words were met with resolute nods from Seungmin and Minho. They knew this was a lead worth exploring, a glimmer of hope in the darkness of the investigation.
Thus, with a final surge of determination, the three friends rose from the table, ready to face the challenges ahead. Their laughter still echoed in the air, carrying a silent promise: together, they would find the truth.
In this atmosphere charged with hope and resolution, Jeongin turned to his friends with renewed conviction.
With these words, they left the bar, ready to face the unknown that awaited them. The night was still young, but they knew their friendship would guide them through the darkness, toward the light.
"Seungmin, it's Minho... Something's happened. Felix... he's disappeared. I don't know what to do, I...
Minho's words were lost in a stifled sob, and Seungmin felt his heart painfully tighten in his chest. Felix, their main suspect, had been kidnapped as well. This news plunged him into an abyss of confusion and uncertainty. What should he do now? Who could he still trust?
A week had passed since Felix's disappearance, plunging the investigation team into a whirlwind of uncertainty and suspicion. Seungmin found himself increasingly perplexed, his thoughts swirling in inextricable chaos. He couldn't help but feel a deep unease at the thought that Jeongin, his old friend, might be involved in these horrific kidnappings.
why him? after all, he was the one who accused Felix, the one who knew where Changbin was. he was there the day Seungmin started investigating. maybe he was going crazy but everything was starting to seem clear to him. Jeongin was suspicious.
Meanwhile, a subtle but significant change began to take place in Seungmin. He had noticed his clothes becoming increasingly tight around his waist, while his cheeks took on a slightly rosy hue. Every movement became an effort, every meal a trial, but he couldn't help feeling powerless against this unexplained weight gain.
As Jeongin continued to bring him snacks during their long hours of work, Seungmin began to feel a twinge of suspicion. Each sweet seemed like a sneaky trap, a temptation disguised as a gesture of friendship. But despite his growing doubts, Seungmin forced himself to believe in Jeongin's innocence, refusing to let his suspicions overwhelm him.
One day, while they were immersed in the case files, Seungmin got up to get some water. He looked at himself in the small sink mirror, struck by the image it reflected. His face was rounder, his cheeks plumper, and he could feel the fabric of his shirt stretched tight against his skin.
A shiver of anxiety ran down his spine as he realized the extent of his physical transformation. he hadn't just grown, he had swollen in the space of a few weeks, as if something or someone was secretly making him fat. It was then that he was surprised to think that his shirt fit him well despite the fact that he had gained weight. he was surprised to learn that it was a size larger that someone had exchanged without him even knowing it. he felt like an idiot, stupid to think that he had fallen into the trap of the kidnapper. to believe that these pankers were innocent baskets.
He was disgusted, disgusted with himself, with the world, with everything.
"Seungmin is okay? You're taking a long time" Jeongin commented while Seungmin cleared his throat before muttering "I'm coming"
Back at his desk, Seungmin was met with Jeongin's inquisitive gaze. A palpable tension hung in the air as they exchanged looks laden with unspoken meanings
"Jeongin, I... I think I need to take a break from the snacks for now. I... I'm not feeling very well."
Jeongin nodded, but Seungmin could see a flicker of concern in his eyes. He wondered what that expression hid, but he didn't dare ask.
Meanwhile, Minho watched the scene with deep concern. He had noticed the subtle changes in Seungmin and had begun to suspect that something was wrong. But he kept his thoughts to himself, not wanting to sow discord within the already fragile team.
As the days passed and the investigation seemed to stall, Seungmin found himself increasingly plagued by doubt. The clues all seemed to point to Jeongin, but he refused to give in to his suspicions. However, deep down, a small insistent voice kept whispering that maybe, just maybe, he had been wrong from the start.
The next morning, Seungmin woke up with a knot in his stomach, a feeling of anxiety that engulfed him whenever he thought about the kidnappings. He hurried to get ready and headed to the precinct, where a mountain of files already awaited him.
As he tried to focus on his work, a shrill ring broke the silence of the room. It was his cell phone. He picked up, and Minho's panicked voice rang out on the other end of the line.
"Seungmin , i got a picture of midas , you shoukd come and see it ... but don't tel anything about it to Jeongin"
He hung up, his gaze lost in the void as thoughts swirled in his head. He was now faced with a difficult choice: continue following the leads pointing to Jeongin, or trust his instincts and explore other avenues. But in this oppressive darkness, one thing was certain: time was running out, and every minute counted.
Seungmin's heart races in his chest as the puzzle pieces begin to fit together in his mind. He fixes Minho with an almost feverish intensity, absorbing every detail, every clue bringing him closer to the truth. And deep down, a terrible certainty takes root: Jeongin was the culprit.
The photo, although of poor quality, made it possible to clearly distinguish Jeongin among one of the videos taken on the day of Changbin's kidnapping. he had struggled for a long time, allowing part of his face to be seen before disappearing with Changbin.
He had a sudden urge to vomit. so it was jeongin all along. They had both worked with the one who was making them suffer. Did he console them when they loved their loved one even though he was aware that it was all his fault? He had deliberately led them on a false trail, made them go around in circles, while he played innovators during the day and fattened his victims at night. Seungmin watched in shame as his stomach peed against his shirt.
It was Jeongin's fault too. how could he? The problem was that they couldn't blame him like that. the video was not clear enough to be plausible proof and it was better to make Jeongin believe that he was still thinking about it while he came up with a plan to catch him.
"Where were you Minnie? I was bored! Don't you want to go out to eat? I bet you're hungry" were the words Jeongin said as soon as Seungmin returned to his office. he could no longer see him normally. he had considered him as a friend, a brother, how had he dared?
But he had to pretend, while he and Linho found a better solution.
“Not tonight Jeongin, I’m not in the mood” he said, avoiding his gaze.
"It doesn't matter, we can order if you want, you're still hungry at 5 p.m., I'll order you some fried chicken." Jeongin then took out his phone when Seungmin took it from his hand in a panic before saying
"No! I mean , I find myself a little too chubby these days, I think I'm going on a diet, don't you think?" But Jeongin lost his smile again before responding
"Don't say that hyung you are beautiful the way you are, I would say that all this weight suits you really well , your curves are just so tasty" these compliments sounded bad coming from Jeongin and Seungmin held back from vomiting in the moment. he wanted to run away, run away from him.
"why aren't you looking at me hyung? don't tell me you saw something you shouldn't have seen?" Jeongin's tender smile made him slightly madder, he grabbed the hands of the detective who pulled him back just as quickly, unwittingly revealing that he knew everything.
“Oh hyung, believe me, I would have liked things to end differently, but you leave me no choice…”
“What... do... you... mean?" his vision became blurry, he only realized late that Jeingin had just injected him with something.
"A good thing you're very fat, you didn't feel anything" he laughs madly as Seungmin passes out against his will
Seungmin finally discovers the truth that lead Jeongin to captures him and ties him to a chair. Jeongin reveals his diabolical plan, how he diverted Seungmin from him while secretly fattening him up.
The chair creaks under Seungmin's weight, his clothes tight on his bloated body.
In the stifling darkness of the room, Seungmin feels the coldness of fear seep into his veins as he realizes the extent of Jeongin's betrayal. His trembling fingers grasp his cell phone, typing an urgent message to Minho, his last hope.
"I'm in danger. Do something. Quickly."
Then, before he can send the message, Jeongin emerges from the shadows, his chilling smile tearing through the oppressive silence.
"Who are you contacting, Seungmin?" he asks in an icy voice, his piercing eyes penetrating Seungmin.
Seungmin clutches his phone in his hand, his heart pounding in his chest. "I was warning you, Jeongin. You can't keep doing this. The police will come, and you will be arrested."
Jeongin bursts into a sinister laugh, his steps echoing ominously in the room. "Oh, Seungmin, you are so naive. Do you really think the police can stop me? You forget you're already in my clutches."
With a swift movement, Jeongin snatches the phone from Seungmin's hands, crushing his hope with a cruel gesture.
"Now, enough talking," Jeongin says in a merciless voice. "It's time for you to pay for your sins."
Seungmin swallowed hard, overwhelmed by a mix of shame, anger, and despair. He realized the extent of Jeongin's manipulation, how he had led him to his downfall, trapping him in a snare he never saw coming.
"W-why?" he finally stammered, his voice trembling under the weight of humiliation.
Jeongin slowly rose from his chair, taking a few steps towards Seungmin, his piercing gaze cutting through him like a blade.
"Because I always wanted you for myself, Seungmin. You are the embodiment of perfection, and I wanted to possess you, to control you. And now, look at what you've become."
A shiver of horror ran down Seungmin's spine as he realized the depth of his error, how his loyalty to his former comrade had blinded him. But despite the terror flooding him, a glimmer of determination shone in his eyes. He refused to be a pawn in Jeongin's sadistic game.
"You won't break me, Jeongin," he declared, his voice filled with defiance, the resolve to confront him burning in his eyes. "No matter what you do, I will find a way to escape. And when I do, you will pay for what you've done."
Jeongin let out a sinister laugh, reveling in Seungmin's distress. "Oh, Seungmin, you are so naive. You have no idea what awaits you. But for now, let me feed you. There's still so much time for you to become perfect."
And as Jeongin's cruel laughter echoed in the room, Seungmin realized with horror that his nightmare was far from over. But even in the darkness of his despair, he knew he would never stop fighting for his freedom and justice
Seungmin was lying on a cold table, his wrists and ankles firmly bound. He had lost all sense of time. Hours? Days? Maybe even weeks had passed.
The room was dimly lit, only by the flickering light of a lamp above him.
Suddenly, the door creaked open. Jeongin entered, wearing a white coat and an enigmatic smile on his face. He walked over to a complex machine and pressed a few buttons.
A hum filled the room, and Jeongin turned to Seungmin.
"Are you hungry, Seungmin?"Seungmin, weakened and exhausted, responded with only a faint groan. Jeongin approached him with a bowl of food.
"Come on, open your mouth," Jeongin said in a soft, almost mocking voice.Seungmin obeyed, feeling the food slide down his throat. Jeongin played with his stomach, gently pressing here and there.
"Look how well you're filling out," Jeongin murmured, with a hint of satisfaction.
"You've grown a centimeter since the last time. Well done."
Seungmin closed his eyes, trying to ignore Jeongin's hands probing his increasingly full belly.
Another day, Jeongin returned with a new, more substantial plate of food. He sat next to Seungmin and began feeding him relentlessly, spoonful after spoonful.
"Just one more bite, Seungmin. Just one more," he repeated tirelessly.Seungmin felt the tension in his stomach, each bite bringing him closer to the limit. Then, suddenly, there was a crack.
He looked down at his belly to see that his shirt had split under the pressure."Ah, now that's interesting," Jeongin said with a laugh.
"Look how big you've gotten." Jeongin stood up, satisfied with his work. Before leaving the room, he turned to Seungmin one last time.
"Keep it up, and soon you'll be perfect," he said with a cold smile.Seungmin, at the end of his strength, could only watch the door close behind Jeongin, his words still echoing in his head.. he still remembers when he went out saying "next time it'll be your chair" before laughing hystically and walking out. Seungmin was hopeful. he knew that not far away was Changbin and the other victims but he was stuffed with food all day that he didn't even have the strength to scream for help anymore.
Seungmin was lying on the cold table, barely conscious, when the faint sound of sirens pierced the oppressive silence. His heart quickened, a flicker of hope igniting within him.
The door to the room burst open with a force that sent it crashing against the wall. Jeongin, who had been preparing another injection, froze in shock. Several police officers stormed in, their guns drawn and flashlights cutting through the dim light.
"Freeze! Put your hands where we can see them!" one officer commanded, his voice firm and authoritative.
Jeongin hesitated, his eyes darting between the officers and Seungmin. He knew there was no escape. Slowly, he raised his hands, the syringe clattering to the floor.
Two officers moved swiftly to restrain him, forcing him to the ground and handcuffing him. Jeongin didn't resist; his enigmatic smile was gone, replaced by a look of resignation. Minho, who had led the police to the hidden facility, rushed into the room behind them. His eyes scanned the scene, relief flooding his features as he saw Seungmin alive, though clearly weakened.
"Seungmin!" Minho shouted, running to his side. "It's over. You're safe now."
The officers quickly set about freeing Seungmin from his restraints, their movements efficient but gentle. Seungmin’s wrists and ankles were sore and bruised, but he felt a surge of relief as the cuffs fell away.
As Jeongin was led out of the room, he glanced back at Seungmin.
"This isn't over," he muttered, but his voice lacked its usual menace.Minho stood protectively by Seungmin’s side, watching as Jeongin was escorted away.
"Yes, it is," he said quietly, more to himself than to Jeongin.Medical personnel entered next, assessing Seungmin and the other victims, providing immediate care. Seungmin’s vision blurred as tears welled up, the reality of his rescue settling in.
"You're going to be okay," Minho assured him, squeezing his shoulder gently.
"We got here in time, thanks to a tip-off."
"Who?" Seungmin asked weakly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"A former victim who escaped," Minho replied. "They gave us the information we needed to find this place. You're safe now, and so are the others."
Seungmin nodded, exhaustion overtaking him as he was lifted onto a stretcher. The room was a flurry of activity, police and medical staff working together to ensure everyone's safety. The nightmare was finally over.
Outside, the fresh air hit Seungmin’s face as he was carried to an ambulance. He caught a glimpse of Changbin, who was already being attended to, his face a mixture of relief and concern. Their eyes met, and in that moment, Seungmin knew they would both be okay.
Thanks to Minho, the police arrived in time. Jeongin was arrested and all the victims were saved.
Changbin, once muscular, stood timidly in front of Seungmin, embarrassed by his changed body. Seungmin was not shocked by his weight gain. He embraced him, telling him how much he missed him and confessed his love.
Changbin hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to respond. His eyes were filled with a mix of relief and uncertainty. Seungmin gently lifted Changbin’s chin, looking into his eyes with unwavering affection.
He wrapped his arms around Seungmin, holding him tightly. For the first time in what felt like forever, he felt a sense of peace.
“I missed you so much, Seungmin,I was so scared when he told me you were there too” Changbin whispered, his voice cracking with emotion.
Seungmin held him closer, feeling the warmth and strength in Changbin’s embrace. "I missed you too. More than you can imagine."
They stood there for a moment, savoring the reunion, until Minho approached with a warm smile.
“It’s good to see you both together again,” he said, placing a hand on Changbin’s shoulder. "You have a lot of healing to do, but you'll do it together."
Changbin nodded, his confidence slowly returning. "Yes, we will. Together."
But while the two friends found each other, further away, Minho was anxiously watching Jeongin's house, seeing each victim disappear one by one.
And to think that Chan, the first victims had managed to escape, he couldn't believe seeing Felix who had gained around twenty kilos, or even Hyunjin, this unrecognizable singer.
but as soon as he saw this familiar face of his fiancé he almost ran towards him calling him "Jisung-Ah" before jumping into his arms and hugging him hard. he was at least grateful to see that he wasn't hurt.
But the poor one was traumatized and had gained a lot of weight. He no longer looked like the healthy fiancé he had known. he was now so fat that his hat only covered his chest and his once-thin waist was marred by his double belly which hung only above his pair of shorts. and yet, in Minho's eyes, he remained the most beautiful in this world.
"Don't.. don't look at him like that Min...I'm disgusting" Jisung tried to push him away but could barely use his arms.
While Minho tightens his embrace before adding "You are the most beautiful in my eyes and you will remain so, I missed you Sungie I'm sorry for not being able to protect you, I promise you that you are finished now"
Jisung smiled tenderly at him as the two exchanged a tender kiss.
The following days were filled with recovery and support.
The victims received the care they needed, and Jeongin’s sinister activities were thoroughly investigated by the authorities.
Seungmin and Changbin spent every possible moment together, rebuilding the bond that had been strained but never broken.
One evening, as they sat on the balcony of Seungmin’s apartment, watching the sunset, Changbin turned to Seungmin, his expression serious yet hopeful.
"Seungmin, I've been thinking. Life is too short and unpredictable. I don't want to wait until we're 30 to be together. Let's start our life now, just as we are."
Seungmin smiled, his heart swelling with love and determination. "I was hoping you'd say that. Let's not waste another moment. We have so much to look forward to, and we'll face everything together."
Changbin took Seungmin’s hand, their fingers intertwining as they looked out at the horizon. The future was uncertain, but they knew one thing for sure—they would face it side by side, with love guiding their way.
"Can i kiss you?" Changbin asked shyly while Seungmin blushed as he brought his face closer to hers. their bodies, given their mass, were already pressed against each other, all that was missing was their lips which were licking between each other so that the two of them became one.
It was intense , magic , just like they werre finginf the missing piece of their life
Wel this investigation taught Seungmin one thing. There was no justice everywhere, but everyone received the treatment and judgment they deserved. Now he had a reason to live his life to the fullest
And that reason was called Changbin
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quokkahans · 9 months
Knight with a Shining Crown
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Tags: Feederism fic, royal AU, gradual wg (Chan-centric with implied immobility), mention of breaking furniture
Ship: HyunChan (Hyunjin x Chan)
A/N: And I'm back 😈 Hope y'all enjoy a kind of holiday special from your resident author mwehehe!
request from my one and only twin: @jaethecreator 🫣🤭 hope ya like it, bestie!
【 ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘) 】
It was a normal day in Stayville Kingdom, where Hyunjin was the crown prince and next in line to the throne after his own father. But within the 4 corners of the walled dominion, there was some concern regarding security of the royal lineage after a series of strifes among two neighboring kingdoms, making the Court come up with preemptive steps to heighten Stayville’s security.
“A personal knight?”, Hyunjin muttered after receiving word from his father, a finger placed intently on his chin before the king hummed. “Yes, my child. I’m afraid this is just for defense purposes, we don’t want anyone to harm you and they should be with you at all costs.”
The prince fixed the sleeves of his top before running through the pages containing profiles of every person in the Royal Guard, but one in particular already caught his eye.
“I think I already have someone.”
“Who is it?”
The blonde-haired boy, a bit shorter than Hyunjin and most especially he had a bulky build with strong arms, sharp eyes and that sculpted, stoic face.. Perfect for a boy to toy with– I mean, a personal knight.
Even Hyunjin’s father took an esteemed eye for the knight, since he proved to be a leading man in promoting peace and order, just what he needed. “I’ll let him know then, son. But that was quick..”, he chuckled.
The prince shook his head, “No, father. He’s just the perfect one.”
And Hyunjin didn’t lie about that. But deep inside, there was this urge to spoil Chris.. maybe give him so much food as a treat of honor, a feast fit for a trusting guard.
【 ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘) 】
As soon as Chan got wind of the news, he couldn’t believe it. “Me?”, he pointed a finger at himself before chuckling. “Wow.. it’s an honor. I’d gladly accept it, your majesty.”
The king smiled and nodded his head, “The prince would also like to see you in his quarters. He’s.. been waiting for you.”, he said before Chan expressed his gratitude and headed off, his heart thumping suddenly as he felt giddy.
As soon as the door opened, a full spread of food was there before him and a beaming Hyunjin who finally got to see his prized knight. “Oh, Chris! So glad you made it! Come sit!”, the prince would be all smiles and made the guard flustered at the lack of time to process the scene, but at the mention of food, he automatically knew what he was here for: a celebration.
“Oh- uh- Your majesty! You didn't have to do this, really.. I-”, Chan said, a bit overwhelmed by how the prince could even afford such a thing but a shush from Hyunjin already made him fall into silence.
The young man walked up to him and smiled, giving him a golden plate and shiny utensils before smiling sweetly. “I insist, my knight. After all, never in all the years I'm here would I get an opportunity like this..”, he mumbled. “So you better savor it.”, Hyunjin ended as he emphasized every word while placing food on Chan's plate.
Those words would leave Chan speechless, shocked to see another side of the otherwise lovely prince but a discreet blush was all it took and Chan would see himself eating the food off of his plate.
But that one plate turned into many more as Hyunjin broke his knight little by little, just encouraging Chan and teasing that he must be “eating well like a king” before starting his duties.
That made way for a stuffed Chan nursing his tummy and Hyunjin trying to restrain himself from doing anything that would stray his way, but the scene just lighted something inside him the he never knew..
After a while, Chan went back to the shared quarters of the guards and Hyunjin would see him again but the next thing on the agenda was his personal self-defense classes.
But why? Of course, Hyunjin knew how to defend himself but where was Chan in the picture?
In Hyunjin's eyes, he would be useful. Of course, he'd use the knight’s help as the job would settle on the older's shoulders but that's about it.
【 ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘) 】
In reality, this wouldn't be the first time since a long time that the two would cross paths. The knight and the prince were mandated to stick by each other and that meant more time for Hyunjin to know the cute knight by his side.
“So your family knew my dad? Huh, what a small world..”, Hyunjin said to which Chan nodded with a shy smile. “My dad worked for yours as a secretary, while my mom worked as one of the special seamstresses.. They had these jobs since they helped our kingdom in the past during the war.”
Those ancedotes made it more clear that the hard work ethic ran in the blood and Chan didn't let any bit go to waste, such a characteristic resembling the kingdom.
Hyunjin smiled and couldn't help but think on how much it meant not only for his dad but for him. “Well, I'd like to thank both of them for their hard work, and even you.”, he said sweetly and held his hand, making Chan blush as he was fed some special desserts as requested.
【 ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘) 】
As time passed by, they would spend their time together walking outside the castle or just accompany the prince in everyday things like buying from the market or on his self-defense classes.
But then, with more time getting close meant more time Hyunjin spoiling Chan with food that he could afford or already stored on the castle as the prince ordered another feast.
Time passed and Chan put on a significant amount of weight, mostly on his belly and thighs that made sure to leave a mark on his suit and even made it a bit hard to wear his armor. The continuous spoiling he received made it hard for Chan to keep up with training.
“Looks like someone's been spoiled rotten by the prince.”, Changbin smirked and patted his friend's belly to which Chan nudged him away.
“Oh, shut up! At least he treats me well..”, he blushed. “Ooh, someone's eyes are keen on a royal?”
【 ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘) 】
It would be proven true after one day, when Hyunjin and Chan were guiding each other to wield a sword as the prince wanted to be prepared in case he'd go for a strife.
As their hands interlocked along the base of the sword, Chan looked at Hyunjin with a blush on his cheeks before looking down and continuing with their practice. Once it ended, he decided to confess. “I’d.. like to court you, your majesty.”, he smiled.
“Wait.. really? You know I've been waiting for this moment”, the prince blushed, hovering closer to Chan and connected their lips together. And the rest.. was history.
But of course, the story doesn't end there.
【 ♡ (˘▽˘>ԅ( ˘⌣˘) 】
A couple of years pass, and along with the king and queen’s blessing, Hyunjin and Chan seem to be over the moon and in love. One thing that has changed, however, was how the prince treated his lover of a knight and led to more weight being gained by Chan.
From having a small tummy, it grew immensely and blew up, making it harder for the knight to keep on restructuring his suit and all. But most of all, his body was inflated with fat and made it hard to walk without waddling his fat ass (which was a point for Hyunjin to tease his boyfriend about).
Not to mention his toned chest melting into squishy, sizeable pecs that resembled the shape of breasts now due to how much it sagged and how fatty they were.
But little did Chan know, he already knew how to defend himself.. Hyunjin just happened to have a crush on the knight and wanted to play with him, mission accomplished.
Then, as soon as they were comfortable and Chan took in all the relationship weight, Hyunjin proposed to Chan and he agreed, not too long after the chair he sat broke under his weight and jumped each other's bones afterward.
“So fucking hot..”, Hyunjin muttered, caressing Chan’s chubby cheek.
After some time in engagement, it wasn't long after the wedding ceremony happened and both said their “I do’s” in front of many people, making Chan a prince as well due to royal rules.
Once they got to their chamber, Chan pulled him closer and saw how hard Hyunjin tried to wrap his arms around him but with no use, he was too big and his fat ended up getting squished with the prince’s slender hands as they kissed.
“I love you, my prince”, Chan smiled and caressed his hair.
“I love you, my knight in shining armor.”
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gyuluttony · 4 months
heyyy, when you get the time, could you write that Mingyu fic we were talking about? I’m thinking Mingyu starts off athletic as he is, but maybe due to an injury he takes times off and then starts gaining weight. DK first starts off just by comforting him and cooking for Mingyu which leads to his gain.
would love if you could make him as large/fat as you’re comfortable with, and show how he then struggled with choreo/fitting into his outfits. The members have to adapt their choreo for him, DK also starts to gain weight 🥰
hehe i'm on a mingyu high atm so let's go back to my namesake for some gluttony from my favourite gyu... i'm going to change up some stuff for this to keep it fresh as well but i hope you enjoy it!
Bulk Clause
This is a feederism fic and features weight gain and unintentional weight gain. Don't like, don't read.
Getting the ink dry on the contracts took such a burden off the chests of just about everyone within their team that it was worth celebrating. Not many people would have expected a group as large as thirteen members to renew their contract, but as it turned out, not every group had a Mingyu who fought tooth and nail to make sure that it turned out okay and that the family that they made was not going to be torn about by different reasons.
These terms that would have stumped even more established groups for temptation reasons were nothing at the willpower of a man who made sure they stood resolute and as a single team, fighting for clauses that benefitted them as a collective as opposed to swaying them in separate directions.
The glasses of beer clunk together as they cheered, Mingyu feeling some rough pats on his back as he giggled from the feeling. It stung a little bit because all the guys tended to be rough knowing he was more than capable of taking a hit or two but following the hectic nature of the renewing of a contract, he welcomed something to bring him back to this reality that they lived in.
"Oi, Mingyu." He turned his head to Seungcheol as he smiled, "Good thing we fought for that clause about our workouts, right?" The smile only grew wider as the plates full of food were delivered without a second thought, filling the table with delicious foods that were unthinkable before. From that small little green room where they had to sneak bites, they were no longer restrained to just about everything that they ate and Mingyu's eyes sparkled while his mouth watered, not even sure what to take first.
Jeonghan leaned his head on Mingyu's shoulder as he patted his arm, "Since we can actually eat now, you can probably bulk better. I know that some other idols have been doing that lately. And you already like working out."
He squeezed the bicep curiously, smiling when Mingyu shied away, "Ah, hyung..." The whine slipped out of him as Jeonghan laughed before pushing a plate to him, "I'm not used to seeing this much in front of me. I remember sneaking bites of food that Seungkwan brought for everyone after his schedules."
Seungkwan was chewing some of the chicken that they got while nodding at Mingyu's comment, "That's in the past now. We got through it so now, we can do what we want." Mingyu began to eat rather quickly, almost like he was scared it was some sort of joke.
Chan leaned on the table, smiling playfully, "Make sure you get your fill before Mingyu and Wonwoo hyung take everything back to their place." Mingyu shot him a look before he was placated by Chan passing over a plate of food that he was eyeing anyways before digging in.
"Even if we take everything back, I'm sure Mingyu will meal prep it into something else anyways." By the sound of Wonwoo's tone, he basically expected it so Mingyu was already making a mental note to make something that they'd both like out of what they brought back.
One of the clauses on their new contract was that members have full discretion of their diets. This was something that they had to fight rather hard on but it was worth the battle. A lot of the members struggled with their own body image following the strict rules with eating that were imposed on them while they were growing and with this clause, it gave them free reign to heal from what they came from.
Some of the members that came to mind were the ones who had already taken steps to better their relationship with food and everything in that avenue, but it also benefitted the ones who frequented the gym. Without any restrictions on their diet, it was possible to properly bulk and cut so they could get a more muscular frame. It wasn't something that was common in the industry in favour of a leaner build but it was gaining a lot of popularity.
Today was, of course, a cheat day. This was made clear before Mingyu and Seungcheol began to stuff their faces with whatever was in reach. It continued throughout the night, celebrating, feasting, cheering and reminiscing on old times. Mingyu had to tune in and out, discretely rubbing his bloated abs underneath his shirt. They had all eaten their fill but Mingyu and Seungcheol probably had eaten a fair share of everything on the table.
The problem with diets though when dealing with muscle gain was that starting the cut was always difficult. So many different things were delayed for the sake of a cheat day and Mingyu lost track of how many times Seungcheol suggested to get a meal together. Most of the time, it ended with them too full to even properly work out, promising that they'd go the next day. It was just hard to say no when the food was good and their workout days lined up anyways.
At the very least, it was good to know that the eating and not restricting his habits was working out. His arms looked rather beefy and were bigger than ever before. Flexing these days was something of a lethal weapon when he was wearing short sleeves, their fans immediately noticing how his arms were.
They also noticed some other changes. More talks on social media that he was coming for Seungcheol's position for the best ass in the group. Some of the shots they got of them rehearsing surprised Mingyu, moving his hands to his ass and feeling the way fat started to yield to his touch, a lot more than before. But, he wasn't sure what to think when his belly was trending on other apps for when he raised his shirt in choreo.
Sure, it was starting to push down on the waistband, but he was bloated that day. Eating most of the snack table clear wasn't for the faint of heart. But, it was enough to let him know that his new habits of counting everything as a cheat meal was a consequence so he planned to dial it back. Lifting his weights in the gym with Seokmin was nice, an unexpected company to help him during upper body workout days.
He was trying to lift a weight that was heavier than usual and Seokmin lingered behind him, feeling the body heat of the other on his back while cheering, "C'mon, Mingyu! I can do this in my sleep! What's taking you so long!" He huffed in annoyance as he started to raise the heavy dumbbells, "You're not doing many sets, c'mon! Just a little more."
He reached the height of his rep and was going to hold for a moment before, he felt hands on his sides, the budding love handles being squeezed, "Oh, maybe this is what's making it harder for you to get everything up. You're getting soft, Mingyu~" It was said in a mocking tone but the more fatal miscalculation was scaring Mingyu to the point where he dropped the weight, landing on his toe as he yelped in pain.
They usually had their back and forths but it was sad to see Seokmin pacing around the waiting room, blaming himself for the injury. "It's fine, Seokmin. I should have held a better grip on the weights anyways!" He smiled nicely, coaxing out a small bit of the other man's sunshine smile which got him to loosen up.
He helped him get to the bed, arm slung around his shoulder before the doctor explained that Mingyu was going to be fine, just needed a cast for a little while to make sure everything healed correctly. Mingyu, after knowing the other man for as long as he did, could feel the concern dripping from his eyes. He rolled his eyes, "It's fine, Seokmin... I'm used to doing most of this stuff anyways."
The surprise was prevalent on his face when it was held by cheeks that were softer than he remembered as he poked one to confirm his suspicions. His face seemed to be a little softer than usual. It'd be a little hard to start a diet with minimal motion lest he injure himself and need more recovery time. They had a comeback planned so the less chance of hurting himself the better.
So, he innocently accepted Seokmin's offer to help him out. Wonwoo was quick to accommodate his roommate but if he left the cooking up to him, it was going to be ramen until he was recovered and he'd probably need to make it anyways some nights that Wonwoo would be gaming for a while.
He knew that Seokmin was working on his cooking but the last thing that he expected was how good for each and every bite, not leaving until he cleaned the plate. Even Wonwoo had been managing these meals well, eating just as much as Mingyu before calling it quits to get back to his game and music producing. Although, the portions were getting slightly bigger with each passing day as Mingyu and Wonwoo ate whatever Seokmin provided, whose skills improved with all the positive words from the ones he was cooking for.
At first, Mingyu was only aware of smaller things... and it couldn't really concern him. The way that couch groaned when Wonwoo parked on it, his heavyset frame making chairs creak as he looked rather alarmed as it happened. How he balanced a bowl on his belly to make sure it was easy to reach while gaming or how his phone scrolling seemed to have a shlef that was soft enough for someone to lie on. And he did one time following Seokmin's meal, too lethargic to make it to his bed, falling asleep on the couch with his fattened hyung. It was hard to notice how he was stuffed with so much food he could barely breathe when Wonwoo's tummy was plump and soft even with him eating the same amount. Probably some of the best sleep he's had in a while.
He even noticed the belly pooching on the apron that Seokmin wore, tying it underneath the gut so that it almost showed off a little more pronounced. Those thighs that filled nearly every pair of pants to near bursting was starting to truly strain the seams and after a couple of teasing slaps, he could confirm that he felt a lot bigger than he used to. Perhaps all that sampling was catching up to him.
But, Mingyu didn't realize how he was the biggest in a way that wasn't just referring to his height. No longer could his stomach be called abs with how much his gut led the way with every step. His new unconscious habit of scratching his gut underneath his hirt or rubbing it following one of Seokmin's dinners.
What really brought it home was when he worked out. The compression shirt could barely squeeze over his plump chest and Wonwoo certainly was enjoying the scenario. Almost like a puppy trying to get out of a box but with a lot more jiggling involved as the trackpants he wore to the gym were no longer functional, losing the battle against Mingyu's fatter ass.
He only realized that he had properly put on weight was when Soonyoung grabbed his gut in the practice mirror, adorned in a black tank top that continually rode up every time Mingyu so much as moved. He shook the fat and Mingyu whined, "Ah, hyung, stop!" He caught the way his fat body completely shielded him as he felt a shiver down his spine.
A comment followed as Soonyoung rolled his eyes, "Mingyu, even if I stop jiggling it, it won't stop. You've gotten big." Being called big isn't something foreign... but in this context, he couldn't help but huff, face a little warm. Soonyoung moved into a hug, arms squishing his plump body, "You're nice to hug... but no one really has a belly as big as yours so syncing is a little hard right now."
It seems everyone was enjoying the eating whatever they wanted clause but Mingyu's hand rubbed his belly curiously, biting his lip when he shakes it curiously. He was the biggest in the room, but everyone had put on their own weight. Mingyu couldn't help the way that he felt his gut fall out of his shirt and jiggled with the movements of the choreo or the way that he felt out of breath with one of the beginning combos.
This was probably the opposite of what was expected of him and he couldn't deny the excitement. Seokmin had stayed surprisingly silent the matter, lifting his shirt up and shocking Mingyu with the size of a gut that stood out, always remaining hidden in the bagginess of his clothes. It'd take some time to move with the new weight but given how he continually caught Seokmin's eyes move to him, watching how his body seemed to dance with the additional adipose that he put on, he had a feeling that he'd need to get used to dancing with even more.
"Yah, Mingyu, you can't just double your waist size since we measured you! Your fans might like the weight, but consider the sylists!" He chuckled meekly after the first week of promotions, rubbing his belly as he smiled.
"Sorry, unnie... I just finished a protein shake, so I'm a little full." His eyes caught Seokmin's who looked away, almost ashamed. Mingyu smiled, seeing the way that he ducked out of his eyes contact. Considering the shake was shared between both of them, it was hard not to look at the way Seokmin's belly spread out onto his lap comfortably, straining the stage outfit that they designed for him.
The fans seemed to adore how comfortable they looked and Mingyu has gained more fans as quickly as he gained weight, saying that it made him more approachable. Plus, the constant influx of food gifts was contributing to why these stage outfits didn't even make their way onto his blubbery figure.
He felt a pat on his rotund behind as Seungcheol walked past him, "Make sure you get your fill before we go out. Going on stage hungry is a lot of work." The leader walked away, undoing the string on his torso, a large sigh leaving as his gut filled the space before Mingyu looked at himself in the mirror, a smile filling his face.
It wasn't the sort of bulk that he planned, but doing it with people he knew he could trust to support him made it easier to grow... and as long as he stayed mobile, it was enough. Although, he could go for a few extra pounds. He was reaching a personal record for the bench press.
Even if he couldn't even see his form beyond how high his gut sat on the bench.
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channiebelly · 11 months
hello so i have a request please, if you’d be willing to write so joshua gets homesick and misses american food, and the member of your choice sees this and so starts cooking american foods for him all the time causing him to gain weight from the sudden influx of greasy and fattening foods 😌 ok thank you!! welcome to our lil community!
oooh this is such a good one!!! can't believe i just wrote over 2k words in one sitting. i hope you like it :D
warning: stuffing, weight gain kink.
ship: joshua/chan
word count: 2.1k
Joshua has been sad lately; it's been very obvious.
He's been staying inside a lot more, and he just has a dejected air around him, not the overall cheerful vibe he's usually known for.
"Joshua, is everything okay?" Chan asks after visiting his apartment one day. Joshua is dressed in sweatpants and a hoodie and his hair doesn't look like it's been brushed in days.
"I'm fine," he says.
"No, you're not," Chan replied. "You're always there for me, so let me be there for you for once. Please tell me what's wrong." Chan takes Joshua's hand in his and pats it, trying to be comforting.
"I miss America. I miss my friends and my mom and speaking English and the food."
"Oh, Josh," Chan says and he pulls Joshua in for a hug. Joshua goes lax against him and hugs him back tightly. Chan can feel how sad he is just from that. "Let's hang out tonight."
The next day, Chan hatches a plan. He can't bring Joshua's friends or family to Seoul, and his English is terrible, but he can do something about the food.
Chan isn't a great cook, but he's okay. He spends all day watching videos on how to create the perfect American burger and then he takes himself off to the supermarket.
"Back again?" Joshua says when he opens the front door of his apartment. He's wearing the same clothes as yesterday and his hair is even messier.
"I'm going to make you dinner," Chan says, lifting up the shopping bag he's carrying.
"You don't have to do that," Joshua says. "I can cook for myself."
"I want to," Chan says. "Just relax."
Joshua smiles and lets him in.
Cooking goes a lot better than Chan expected. The videos he watched were very helpful and he manages to make an amazing burger, if he does say so himself. It's very large, because he knows that American portions are massive and he uses tons of sauce. He pairs it with a similarly large glass of pepsi (with a straw for the restaurant effect). He wanted to add fries too but he doesn't own a deep fryer so they would never taste authentic.
He puts it on the dining table and calls Joshua over.
"Wow, Chan, this looks amazing," Joshua says, looking genuinely awed.
"I know it's big, so don't worry if you don't finish it," Chan says.
"It's perfect," Joshua sits down. "Are you going to have any?"
"Ah, I have dance practice tomorrow so I can't eat anything too heavy. I brought a salad over."
"Fair enough," Joshua says and then he starts eating.
They keep up a steady conversation through dinner and soon Joshua has finished the burger and the drink.
"Wow, hyung. I didn't know you could eat that much!"
"It's my American training." Then, to Chan's surprise, Joshua leans back in his chair and starts rubbing his belly. His hoodie is oversized, so it is only now that Chan can see full Joshua's belly is. It's distended and has formed a small dome, replacing Joshua's usually flat stomach. Joshua groans as he does so.
"I brought dessert too, but we don't have to eat it if you're full." Chan had initially brought the icecream and toppings for Joshua to eat another night, but suddenly he's curious about how much Joshua can pack into his stomach.
"Maybe in a little bit, I need to digest this first." Joshua groans as he gets to his feet. "I forgot what it's like to feel this full. Why don't we watch some TV in the meantime."
They sit on the couch and Chan cuddles into Joshua's side.
An hour or so later, Chan thinks that Joshua has forgotten all about the dessert, but he hasn't.
"Is that dessert still on the table?" he asks.
"Definitely. Let me go get you a bowl," Chan says.
"Thank you Channie."
Chan goes into the kitchen and finds a big bowl. He'd found a picture of an American ice cream sundae online and he was determined to recreate it. He adds three big scoops of ice cream, covers it in a thick layer of chocolate sauce and then adds crushed nuts and sprinkles before topping it off with a cherry.
When he takes it out to Joshua, his eyes widen.
"Wow, Chan. That looks incredible. Thank you."
He takes it out of Chan's hands and immediately startes to eat it.
It's gone before Chan can blink. Wow. It was massive, Chan was not expecting that.
Joshua leans backwards on the couch and starts rubbing his belly again. Chan stares. He kind of wants to touch, but he doesn't want to cross a line.
At the end of the episode, Chan gets up to go home.
"Thank you so much, this was so nice of you. I feel a lot better now," Joshua says. Chan wants to be able to respond properly, but all he can think about is how he can see Joshua's full stomach through the hoodie now. It's only small, and you wouldn't know to look for it if you hadn't seen how much Joshua had eaten, but it's definitely there, pushing the fabric of the hoodie out.
"Anytime, hyung," Chan says. And he flees.
It becomes a common occurance. Chan comes over two or three nights a week to cook for Joshua and then just hang out.
He tries lots of different American foods, different styles of burgers, pizzas and even pushes himself to make harder things like ribs. He buys a deep fryer at some point so that Joshua can have the proper side dish of fries with every meal. Chan knows how important side dishes are.
Chan even starts adding more elaborate desserts that he'll bake at home before going over, things like cakes and pies. He's becoming a very good chef.
Everytime, no matter how big the meal is, Joshua finishes it. It's honestly amazing. Chan has to stop himself from sitting and just staring while Joshua eats. And then Chan is treated to the sight of Joshua rubbing his full belly with no shame. Chan can see just how big Joshua's belly is able to stretch and how little it moves when Joshua pushes his fingers in to try and relieve some pressure, showing just how full he is. And Chan might be going crazy, but he thinks that Joshua's stomach is getting bigger, but it's hard to tell when Joshua always wears baggy clothes.
Joshua moves slower when he's full, and he sits down on the couch slowly, as though he's afraid of jostling his stomach too much.
One night, after Joshua somehow manages to eat a full pie, Chan offers to rub his belly for him. Joshua agrees, and then for the first time Chan has his hands on his belly.
He's surprised just by how full he is. Chan doesn't apply too much pressure, but he can tell that there's almost no give to Joshua's stomach. It's also bigger than he thought. Now that he's able to map it out with his own hands he's surprised by it's width and just how far it bulges out.
After a few months of doing this, Chan shows up to Joshua's house again, this time with a heavy chocolate cake he was especially proud of, as well as a plan to make barbacue wings.
Joshua is wearing the same hoodie he wore the first night Chan came over. Except this time, Chan can see Joshua's stomach pressing against it before he's even started eating. And this time it's not subtle. Anyone who saw Joshua would be able to tell he had a belly under there. How did he not notice how big Joshua was getting?
Chan feels a rush flood through his body. He did that to Joshua? He's been feeding Joshua so well that he's developed a permanent belly that anyone can see? He wonders if Joshua's noticed. He doesn't seem to embarrassed about it.
Chan goes to the kitchen and begins to unpack. Joshua usually hangs out there while Chan cooks, just chatting. He stopped asking if he could help after being refused a couple of times, and now he just accepts being pampered.
"Hold on. I'm going to go change into a t-shirt," Joshua says.
Chan is surprised. Joshua runs cold; he's almost always wearing a sweater.
When Joshua comes back wearing a white t-shirt, Chan is treated to a view of just how much Joshua's body has changed. His arms are bigger, almost filling out the tshirt, and his belly is pushing against the t-shirt so much that Chan can see exactly where his belly button is. The waistband of his sweatpants is stretched out almost as far as it can go, and the drawstring is just dangling. There's no need to tie it when Joshua's tummy is keeping them held up.
Chan doesn't notice that he's staring.
Joshua laughs awkwardly. "This?" he says, placing a hand on the underside of his belly and jiggling it slightly. "You've been feeding me well. And I've been hungrier recently, I think."
"You look good, hyung." He does look good. The weight suits him well, and he's been smiling more. Chan is happy that he can do this for him.
Joshua blushes, a response that Chan never thought he would get from him. "Thank you." Then he takes his seat and Chan goes back to cooking.
Joshua finishes all the wings and fries easily, as well as two massive glasses of pepsi. This is no longer a surprise to Chan. But this time he asks for dessert straight away, while they're still at the table.
Chan brings the cake out and Joshua fawns over it, telling Chan what a good job he did. Chan cuts him a big slice, which Joshua finishes, so Chan cuts him another one.
And then he's done. He leans back in the chair and does his usual routine of rubbing his belly, except this time, Chan can see exactly how full he is and how big his stomach is. It looks heavy and packed full, and when Joshua gives an experimental jiggle, it barely moves. The jiggling causes the tshirt to ride up a little, and Chan is treated to a flash of the smooth, taut skin of Joshua's underbelly. He even thinks he spots a stretchmark.
They move to sit on the couch, and Chan rubs Joshua's belly. He doesn't even have to ask anymore if Joshua wants it. Now, Josua just accepts it.
After a few episodes of the show they're watching, Joshua speaks up.
"Is there any more cake?" Joshua asks.
Chan is in shock. He's hands are currently on Joshua's belly, he can feel how little room he has.
"Of course," Chan says and he gets up to grab Joshua a slice.
Joshua eats it quickly and then asks for another one, and then another. By the time he's done, only a quarter of the cake is left.
Chan has never felt Joshua more full, and he's breathing shallowly.
"Sorry, that cake is just so good," he says. Chan keeps rubbing big, soothing circles into his belly, feeling the slight gurgles of his stomach.
"I'm happy you enjoyed it," Chan asks. "You can save the last piece for tomorrow."
When it's time for Chan to go home, Joshua is still groaning from fullness. Chan tells him that he can stay on the couch, but Joshua insists on walking him to the door. Chan watches as Joshua struggles to his feet, taking a couple of tries, and then as he keeps rubbing his stomach as they walk to the door.
"Good night Chan," Joshua says.
"Good night Josh." And then Chan gives Joshua's stomach a pat. "Good night Mr Belly."
"You brat," Joshua says. They're both laughing.
As Chan walks home, he wonders how big he can get Joshua. He doesn't think he's outgrown any of his clothes yet. Maybe that can be Chan's goal. His private goal, Joshua doesn't have to know.
The next morning, Joshua sends Chan a picture of him eating the cake.
Thanks for breakfast!
Oh, this will be easy.
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2n2n · 4 months
ch. 114
kind of relieving to have such an underwhelming chapter LMAO ... haven't been in such a rush to, talk about it... but for posterity here we goooo....
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AidaIro-sensei's feederism agenda it vexes me so....
don't say it too naturalistically..
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Teru flat-out does not like it when Aoi is consenting and can't truly enjoy a normal relationship .... it is in his bones to like to cause trouble and strife and be this deranged monkey in the middle of her & Akane... that's his truth.... that is what he wants.... he is some sort of terminal pest & rapist-brained.... AidaIro-sensei would not want their typically attractive bishounen any other way, I'm sure...
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he can't nut unless he's terrorizing you both and you both want him to go away....
You know, I'm not sure we can blame his upbringing on this, or the abuse.......................................... considering how earnestly loving and sensitive he is towards his family (God forbid Kou or Tiara reject Teru, or even say something mildly mean to him)....................... he's simply a sadistic pervert..........
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this was the logic I had once proposed for why Teru even targetted Aoi in the main timeline (not trusting the family's legacies) but perhaps Iro-sensei has been saving that logic all for this moment! It's interesting Teru seems so ignorant of it... that must imply this isn't relevant logic in the main timeline, at least not something he was told or advised on.
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the big question innit...
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it's Teru being extremely Teru.... that's the biggest thing to say about this chapter... I suppose one must feel satisfied at character reads being accurate, but it's all like "ah I already knew this" LOL so it's almost exhausting to watch it play out panel by panel .... let it be known Iro-sensei's characters, they're incredibly consistent....
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this detail is intriguing, as Aoi certainly has her father still living with her in the main timeline. However, she feels his love is performative, fake, and like he is hiding something. Aoi in the main timeline has quite a complex about people lying & hiding things from her in general, sensitive about it from both Akane and Nene-chan...
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I wonder if her father either successfully hides his affair in the main timeline, or if their parents decide to stay married & hide it from her mutually. Either of those situations would create the estrangement and sense of falsehood Aoi feels...
In this timeline, it seems he chose the other family. This timeline is validating Aoi's complexes in the other, which I love to see!!! She's not crazy or wrong to feel what she does! Her feelings are a consequence of her upbringing...
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it's not exactly the same dress, but similar... to this drawing, which I love, hee
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Aoi dresses so pretty... (she seems to generally prefer dresses & skirts while Nene-chan funnily leans towards shorts...it definitely gives Aoi more of an 'elegant beauty' vibe even as a kid, while Nene-chan has more of a 'cute silly kid' vibe....despite it all, I can understand how Nene-chan feels less feminine in comparison)
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well, I wonder how Teru will feel about mom being alive. This expression isn't what you'd exactly expect of someone happy about it...
I get the impression that Teru likes being the breadwinner, central figure, center of ATTENTION in the main timeline's household.... likes getting to have Kou and Tiara all to himself, be their protector and their hero. I'm not really sure how Teru's relationship is to their mom.... or parents, in general. I suppose I have had the assumption that he didn't feel a great sense of loss... so much as opportunity.
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honestly so shocked we finally have a timeline Mitsuba is referred to by his name and not his surname LOL, I always find it pretty tragic & emblematic of his whole situation that he's referred to in a rather distant way by nearly everyone..... well that's a good sign for him, that Kou is using Sousuke... even ?? better if he's not even using 'kun' ??? Are you rude or are you really that close... (Hanako never gave Kou permission to omit honorifics & would surely prefer it if he used them , but Kou is selectively shitty... he speaks very respectfully to Akane & Nene-chan though, since he respects them.. I somehow doubt he speaks nicely to Mitsuba in any timeline................................. but it's still shocking to be on Sousuke-basis, that implies more than the main timeline's familiarity......)
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Mitsuba uses -kun ........ this doesn't help your case Kou.... hmmm......
Now what is so hard for me to swallow is the sheer possibility that we might meet Tsukasa for the first time in the context of Kou & Mitsuba's asses................................................ I do not want that .............................................................I want Nene-chan to speak to him..................................................................I do not want you fools engaging with him.................... hasn't he been through enough...................................................................................
but I'm a big girl so I'll accept it.................................................................... I'll have to form other delusions.....................................................
it's not a very interesting chapter for Avvy!!!!!!! But these things happen!!!!!!!!! Perhaps like Picture Perfect, we just have to eat our vegetables before we get to enjoy dessert (Hanako, Nene, Tsukasa....)
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jaethecreator · 1 year
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if anyone needs me ill be offline recovering from chan’s bubble 😭😭 /j
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Rough feeder makoto teasing her feedee haru before switching weights with her~ .. The empress is gonna give her a taste of her own lardy medicine
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"Goodness, my fluffy pig certainly has been making slow work of all of her food. Perhaps a few playful jiggles of that gut will free some room up?"
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"H-Haru-chan, please, I was only joking because I thought you enjoyed that sort of thing!"
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likkolo · 1 year
here's a short chan/changbin drabble with autistic chan and fat changbin having a relaxing morning in bed <33 hope this isn't controversial but i love headcanoning chan as autistic and i just think there's so much potential for these two as feeder and feedee ✨
It’s almost seven on the dot when Changbin starts to stir, just like he does every morning. Chan smiles. He thrives off of consistency and routine. He likes for things to be predictable. So many aspects of his life are simply out of his hands, but Changbin is one of the few constants he can depend on.
A low, sleepy rumble starts in Changbin’s chest before turning into a growling sort of yawn. He punches his fists into the air as he arches his back in a big stretch, and then goes completely slack against Chan’s body. A high-pitched little whine of contentment follows, making Chan giggle softly at his adorable boyfriend.
They like to call Changbin their sweet little bunny, their fat little piglet. In reality, he’s more like a plump puma, a big affectionate cat who likes his belly rubbed so much that you forget all about his powerful muscles and sharp claws. 
“Channie,” Changbin murmurs. “Belly rubs?”
“You’re so predictable,” Chan laughs. He pulls Changbin closer, glad that Changbin is content for now to cuddle instead of running off to the gym or the studio. Not that Changbin is ever in much of a hurry to get to the gym these days. He still goes, of course, still enjoys lifting weights and keeping his muscles built, but his priorities are different now. He has another hobby that he and Chan enjoy doing together.
“Chan?” Changbin squirms in Chan’s arms, as if he’s trying to get even closer. “My belly.”
Chan reaches for the hem of Changbin’s shirt, pulls it out from beneath the hang of his lower belly. He draws the hem up over the curve of Changbin’s gut and watches as the soft fat spills out of the shirt and into a mound on top of Chan’s own flat stomach. 
“My big gorgeous boy,” Chan murmurs. He can only lie there for a moment, admiring the sight of Changbin’s bulk piled on top of him, the contrast between his smooth, muscled stomach and the hill of doughy fat spread over it. He takes a pinch of flab between his fingers and his thumb, shakes it to see the fat wobble and ripple. “Can’t believe I made you this big.”
Changbin grins, a beautiful smile that rounds the apples of his cheeks and shows off his adorable double chin. “Love getting bigger for Channie.”
Chan squeezes Changbin’s belly as a lick of arousal runs down his spine. 
Then Changbin is pouting in that adorable way that emphasizes his jowls and shifting so that more of his belly is pushed onto Chan. “I want rubs,” he whines. “You know too much jiggling and pinching starts to hurt me.”
“Drama queen,” Chan says, affectionately rolling his eyes. But he lays his palm over Changbin’s belly all the same, begins to rub in soothing circles that leave Changbin snuffling contentedly into the crook of his neck.
The motion starts to lull Chan into a more relaxed state as well, allows him to turn off his brain and focus entirely on the weight of Changbin’s belly pressing down on him. It’s comforting and solid and one of the most reassuring sensations Chan has felt in his adult life.
It didn’t take long for them to realize—once Changbin was heavy enough to have such a big belly—how much Chan enjoyed having it on him in whatever way he could get it. How much it helped in quieting his brain and calming him down. Changbin never questioned it. He simply accepted it in the same way that he accepted Chan’s shaking fists, the little sounds he sometimes made, and his aversion to certain sensations.
And Chan especially enjoys it when they’re lying skin-to-skin like this. He loves the shared body heat that would normally be too warm for him, the slide of their soft skin as if his and Changbin’s bodies are melting together. The sight of his defined abdominals being overtaken by the spread of Changbin’s soft, malleable fat.
More than anything else, Chan loves the sheer weight of it. He loves how heavy it is pressing down on him, the proof of how big Changbin has gotten for him. He loves to imagine what it must be like for Changbin to have to carry so much weight everywhere he goes, if it’s a constant reminder to him of how much Chan’s influence has changed his body. 
Chan keeps rubbing Changbin’s belly, and marvels at how perfect Changbin is for him. At how perfectly he wears the weight he’s gained, as if he was always meant to get this big. It feels so right to have his arms circled around an overweight Changbin, and Chan knows without a doubt that he couldn’t be happier.
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