mysterietwin · 2 years
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[ @perignotus​ ]   asked   ://   “ i did meet some of the most insufferable people but they also met me ”
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𝙱𝚄𝚉𝚉𝙵𝙴𝙴𝙳 𝚄𝙽𝚂𝙾𝙻𝚅𝙴𝙳   ://  accepting   —
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“ I don’t think that’s something to brag about — ”   voice trailing off as he truly processes her words.   [ If a record scratch could play right now, it would. ]   Hands slowly find their way to his hips,   “ Wait, you’re not talking about me, are you? ”
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vagasbonds · 2 years
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the many depths of the netherworld are no unfamiliar sight to him . but betelegeuse has to admit there are some places he’s not visited as much as others , namely PURGATORY . he hadn’t really thought twice about the order of it all when he led sandy to DEVOUR HIS MOTHER . he probably should’ve . it looks like SHIT down here . and not in the fun way .
the taste of taking responsibility is bitter on his tongue . it almost makes him TURN FOR THE SURFACE . but the demon ghost had made an unspoken promise to turn a new leaf . so instead he kicks the fallen leaves and wanders about this odd terrain . he squints at the poor , miserable soul in the distance . 
❛ SHEESH -- ❜ betelegeuse calls out , brow raised in question , ❛ you’d think bein’ dead was already the worst thing to happen to ya . who pissed in YOUR cheerios , kid ?  ❜
&& . @perignotus​ / STARTER CALL ( CAPPED ! )
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mercyleft · 4 years
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               young  blue  bird  ,  no  wings  to  fly  away  ,  but  she  did  not  seem  grounded  by  the  legs  she  possessed.  tendrils  of  thorny  branches  sprawl  across  the  forest  floor  ,  chasing  her  footsteps  across  the  bend.    ❛    where  are  you  going  so  quickly?    ❜    his  voice  resounds  throughout  the  air  as  his  form  reappears  directly  before  her.    ❛    running  away?    ❜
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perignotus · 4 years
@exploventions broke my tag, I can’t believe you
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mistoffelous · 5 years
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            ❛ blue bird, blue bird, you’re perched so far━━  out of reach, is that your aim?  i’m offended that you think i would eat you, but even more so if you think that the tree’s length could put a cat off arms ! ❜   he spoke in jest, merrily on his way.   he only wanted to play, to tease and pry. perhaps he’ll eat another day, but he would never take a bite out of a would be friend.
❛ i’m not going to hurt you━━  me, a mere cat ! ❜
@perignotus // don’t trust the cat that speaks with his teeth. 
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buttvvitch · 5 years
@perignotus replied to your post: OH MY GOOOD I ACCIDENTALLY SOFTBLOCKED A BUNCH OF...
Love tumblr, a functioning website
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just excellent design, so great, very good
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campkeeper-archive · 5 years
❝ you sell your soul, you get your due. ❞
Hadestown Starters || Accepting
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     Not wholly sure what she means by that, though he’s suspicious of whether or not she was speaking in regards of her own case. He could barely get a good look at her, but the features he did garner had obstructed his earlier assumption of her being a regular young lady. The most obvious feature being the wild look in her eyes, bright and colorful, they twisted the pale face of an otherwise normal woman. There were other things that were coming off as strange, like her overall attire, that seemed off, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on why.
     He could see she wasn’t as human as he thought, though. Maybe she used to be? Or maybe she is just one of the many complicated shadows he just doesn’t understand. Whatever the case is, he had no time to ponder on it.
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pridewaited · 5 years
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     ‘     i’m tired of doing this , bea.     ’     he said , knowing full well he had no intention of stopping.
     how could he ? she was all he had left , his sister by all aspects other than blood. given what had happened to her family beforehand , that fact did not inspire confidence. 
     ‘     i know it’s not going to change but can you at least . . . can you at least tell me that you hate it ? that you’re tired too ? even if it’s a lie i just need to hear you say that you’d stop if you could.     ’
*     @perignotus     /     perm. call.
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codadamaged-blog · 5 years
' hey you think if I awaken an ancient evil I can trick it into doing my bidding? eh, I'm gonna do it anyway. '
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carvedbones · 5 years
  the void had no end ,  its branches rooted in eternity,  shifting of realms in name and appearance a mere side effect of its vastness ... or so the outsider thought.   never did he dare to wander beyond what he knew, an ocean of blue a familiar sight :  the rest was scatted among it, crumbling buildings,  flowers whose roots sung whale songs,  spirits wandering evermore.  unnervingly normal.  a peace that disturbed.
  when the peculiar sight of a pitch - black forest caught his eye,  his interest was piqued, even if his cautious disposition suppressed the desire to step in immediately ‘pon first approach.   the shadow - like silhouette of nature before him gradually became more colorful as the path continued, ending in what appeared to be farmland.  this, inherently, was not what stood out to him.   visions of the normal world were frequent and long - lasting .. but rarely were they this vivid.  yellow, orange, red.   the entire spectrum of autumn colors was before him, no tampering with its brightness.   as if a curse of grey had been lifted.
  many questions popped in his head, all of them pushed to the back once he saw a figure emerge not far from where he stood.  feet hit the soft earth beneath with a light thud, head tilting in slight as gaze followed the person in his vision.   eventually, he opened his mouth, daring to interrupt this harmonious silence. 
  ❝   pardon me -- !   ❞
@perignotus !
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kentmansleys · 5 years
“God sees everything.”
hey, old sport
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      “What’s put you in such a pious mood, kiddo? You’re not one to get so fatalistic. Don’t tell me you’ve had a change of heart since we’ve last collaborated. I don’t know where I’m going to find someone to play the poor little orphan act as well as you can.”
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astrolet · 5 years
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❛ my wife made me fat. she started baking bread and my waistline hasn’t known peace since. ❜
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deviym · 6 years
❝  a man takes his sadness down to the river and throws it in the river but then he’s still left with the river.  ❞
aman puts his sadness in  /  the cracked ice  /  he falls into, searching for his brother. a mantakes his sadness down  /  to the train tracks,  /  leavesit tied up  /  before the approaching light. him meaning you ?  yes. 
only she keeps saying this :  awake  /  beside the fire; under the harsh sun  /  filtered through molting trees  /  greg fifteen feet behind you  /  singing. where does all this sadness  /  come from ?  she wants to know.
“ who are you talking about ?  ”   you ask, every time, of this roundabout allegory.  “ me ?  ”
you dream of drowning and wake  /  choking, spluttering, trying to tear  /  the water from your lungs, so drenched in sweat  /  you could have been submerged. the racket wakes  /  your brother, wakes beatrice, and they don’t know how to calm you down. you walk upstream, watch  /  the boats on the water, rub your parched teeth with parched  / tongue, try to teach yourself  /  not to fear the current. but while greg strips and splashes, you dangle your bare feet from an outcropping  /  and squeeze shut your eyes.
she pries too close and then you answer her, and then  /  you open up your heart, because you’ve never had anyone to talk to  /  before. talk about you so she doesn’t have to talk about her, so she doesn’t have to think about  /  herself. she figures you out the way nobody’s ever done before, and maybe you figure her out a little, too. 
so forgive me, dear poet, for skipping over the part where you weep over your brother’s tree until you can’t anymore, where you raze the trunk with your borrowed axe, where you outwit the beast of the dark and he grants you one last wish , /  where the world only lets one of you  /  go home. where you leave the axe in the snow, leave the empty hollow where your brother once fit inside a tree trunk. walk away from the light, while behind you, the beast roars,  /  and the forest roars  /  with him. you carry that roar with you, the screaming voices of the souls transfigured into edelwood  /  and burned.
no matter how you travel, you see  /  that fire, see his eyes  /  burning in the shadows of the forest.
let me skip the part where you wander  /  like you said you never wanted to, where you say goodbye, beatrice, goodbye  /  greg, and let go of both of their hands. maybe forever.
“ me ?  ”   you ask  /  the empty air.
you take a turn in pottsfield, imagine  /  dying there, rising  /  there, dancing and laughing and being part of something  /  like you never were before. only you find the place  /  barren, its pumpkins gone to rot, the charades of its inhabitants  /  torn asunder. you find enoch’s may-pole  /  body, hollow now, and only one thing alive  /  in all this ruin. and you find him, small and black, one of your brother’s  /  old cats. he tells you  /  sing-song  /  to get out while you can  /  like he  /  got out, or better. tells you :  find a place that suits you, and bed down. it’s winter.
and how can you not think, it should have been  /  me ?  and resent your brother ?  and resent yourself, for thinking it ?  how can you keep from missing him, or restrain from kicking trees  /  like a child, when you remember watching him  /  playing in the lawn  /  from the porch steps, both your backpacks beside you as you waited for the bus. how can you keep his singing voice  /  out of the wind ?
you think about it  /  now, at the doorstep, where you raise your hand to knock  /  and then don’t. the forest looms behind you,  /  godless. inside someone is singing, a lonely melody in operatic tones. and then the door  /  opens, a girl with a basket on her hip brushing past you, so similar  /  to beatrice, your beatrice. you weren’t meaning to end up  /  here, but you can’t seem to find  /  any of the places you found with your brother,  /  except this one.
and besides, you want to be somewhere you don’t have to think about  /  being a brother without  /  a brother. you want one night to stave off his voice, saying  /  i beat the beast. the voice saying, look, wirt, so full of pride. and the beast, the trickster god of the unknown, the wish-stealer, watching on.
you sit beside her on the stairs,  /  creek roaring outside  /  dark water  /  dark woods  /  dark corners of the house, the clamour from the bottom of the stairs  /  from the attic  /  almost a silence.  
“ who are you  /  talking about ?  ”  you ask, ice-crack  /  lips, fingers /  burning from the winter outside, shivering  /  despite the thick coat,  /  the gloves. it is cold enough outside, you think, to kill you. you want to say,  /  make me a place to rest your head, make me  /  a place you could almost call home, take her hands  /  so you don’t have to look  /  at your own. take her hands  /  so she doesn’t have to look at hers, so cold in your grasp  /  you shiver  /  despite the chill that crept up in you the moment you promised your brother  /  his freedom, and watched him go into it. and the two of you now in this godless forest, you and beatrice, winter falling to bitter  /  spring, ice  /  on all the eddies, frost sticking to the windows.
but you are just a boy, a ruined  /  boy, and this is not your space and she  /  is not your girl  /  and this life  /  is only yours because you chose it. because if you remember yourself at the bottom  /  of the river  /  you are not breathing.
this could be a story where they pull you  /  from the frozen lake. this could be your graveyard.
so it is your turn. this is storytelling, beautiful poet, and you know how to do this.
you say,  “ a girl takes her sadness and turns it into a bird, and then she’s still left with the sky. ”
a girl faces every day as something to  /  face, something to struggle  /  through. a girl doesn’t smile as much as she used to, and she didn’t used to  /  smile. you notice these  /  things. you visit and she doesn’t know how to breathe, with all these  /  cold bodies.
she bends over, pressing her hands to her temples  /  or her ears, the thick fabric of her dress shifting. you touch her back.
a girl makes her sadness  /  a wet rag in her mouth,  /  screams  /  and screams. and here you are, this space not yours  /  and too much hers  /  to bear, unable to quell  /  the jealousy.
a man takes his sadness to the river and falls in  /  after it, dreams of fingers finding  /  wet grass, pulling him into the mud, imagines searchlights  /  his brother’s voice, whispering  /  i’m here  /  because for so long he wasn’t  /  here.
you are a boy without a brother and she is a girl with a family, human and bustling out of sight at the bottom of the stairs  /  in the attic  /  and where does that leave you but  /  with the same sins you started with ?
and somewhere, your body  /  pulled  /  from the river, as pale as beatrice’s hands now. somewhere your brother in the cemetery, over the garden  /  wall, and the dirt  /  thrown over your casket, holding your mother’s hands.
a man takes his sadness and throws it away  /  but then he’s still left with his hands.
her thin hands in yours, and you  /  rubbing your thumbs over her freckles. you raise her hands to your lips  /  and blow on them. the wild, lawless forest presses in all around you. you could drown in this place,  /  still,  /  and perhaps you will.
“ come on, ”  you say.  “ let’s go outside. ”
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fairglenned · 5 years
( I'm gonna guess that two is the lie )
two truths and a lie
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This one is TRUE! When Rachel’s father dies, she and her brothers are still in the will. As the oldest child of the Culvers, she is set to inherit the house. She actually almost decided to keep it, but ultimately knows she can’t. She has to move on from the past, and this wasn’t even the good part of it. So when she offers it to her brothers, only Rory accepts. He wanted to tear down the house and start over on the property completely, but quickly realized that his architect sister could probably do wonders to the place. So they set to work together, changing as much as they could, even tearing down some walls. It cathartic for all of them, just like Rory knew it would be. He enjoys living there with the family he eventually builds and makes the place actually feel like a home.
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lunorder · 5 years
Happy birthday love, welcome to the 23 and me club ❤️❤️❤️
light  feels  old !    OKAY  SERIOUSLY  THIS  IS  THE  LAST  ONE !!
thank  you  monk  ❤️  feels … hm .  dlksjldkjf  no  but  seriously  feels  good  to  see  another  year  ( let’s  see  how  long  that  lasts ) !
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campkeeper-archive · 5 years
“You should have taken my advice and ran.”
lost the meme for this but thank
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     To be fair, he did technically run, but only after her warning and when it was clear to him that she wasn’t carrying that axe for the purpose of chopping wood. Considering his “hiding place” up a tall pine, she may just use it for such purposes…
     “What the HECK is your problem?! What do you WANT?!?!”
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