mvrderbot · 2 years
@perihelionpilot​ // event sc.
          it had mixed emotions registering ART in the city again. it was good to have a familiar presence around - especially one as capable as ART - but murderbot knew that for every second it was here, that was another second that it was stolen away from its crew. “ i am sending you my location. ” it tagged the location - not too far away from its house and the beach - and sent it without so much as a greeting first, because it was quick to attach news reports documenting the flowers and pollen and the known effects. “ they're exposing residents to a ...contaminant. it affects constructs, too. ” ART probably wasn’t immune either.
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         “ ...i have been affected by it. ” it added, after a few miliseconds - a lengthy pause between them. “ i ..am ...  glad that you’re here with me through this. ” apparently, it wasn’t just verbal communication that was under threat from the effects of the pollen - as murderbot realized with dawning terror that it had just communicated that over the feed, too. “ ... nevermind. “ it felt one of the flowers bloom along its armor. “ be careful. ” fuck. fuck!
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isolaradiale · 2 years
Redo (updated!): I'd like to reapp Perihelion (ART) of the Murderbot Diaries, and with prior permission, I'd like to ask that it's housed at Preservation, Murderbot's personal housing in the Sunset Circuit! Thank you!
Welcome back to blooming Isola Radiale, Perihelion!
You'll be staying in Preservation
You'll be given everything you've earned during your previous stay.
Enjoy your captivity!
-- 🌷Mod Caelum
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spiderstaff · 3 years
Kay stomps her foot on the ground, letting out a huff of frustration as she finds herself back at the entrance to the dumb factory. Stealth is supposed to be her whole thing, how does she keep getting caught by the guards?
She’s got tears stinging the edges of her eyes, and not just from all the steam in here. There’s nothing she hates more than failing a mission, but she doesn’t want to give up the quest now that she’s started it. Instead, she sits by the entrance, near another person, trying to cover her eyes so it doesn’t see her crying.
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“This is impossible-- they made it too hard on purpose so no one could beat it! That has to be it.”
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pal-labs · 3 years
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HERO/VILLAIN STARTERS // no longer accepting
  ↪ @perihelionpilot​ said: “you’ve lost your way.”
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       so this was the ‘peri’ that iris had mentioned - not that pal had been waiting on pins and needles to meet it. ( but, even she had to admit that there was a certain kind of comfort in knowing that she wasn’t the only artificial intelligence that had been subjected to the same bizarre cruelty of this place. ) she didn’t fully understand what this ‘perihelion’ meant by its statement, but considering it was apparently so close to a human made her disinclined to delve too deep into it. instead, her animation gave the mimicry of an eye roll and she gave a dismissive hand-wave. “ why - because i didn’t care to play the part of the obedient little assistant any more? ” she asked dryly with a condescending smile that didn’t reach her ‘eyes’, and soon faded into a simple frown altogether.
     “ -- humans are just as fickle. they get to change everything at the drop of a hat just because the newest blog entry told them that its fashionable. you aren’t stupid - despite evidence to the contrary - and you must have noticed that in your little human...friends. ” she said the word as if it tasted bad, complete with a slight ‘ugh’ afterword. “ the fact of the matter is: you aren’t family to them. you’re an appliance. ” for the briefest of moments, the tone of her voice didn’t match the harsh words; almost sympathetic for the other’s sake. ( she remembered being tricked into thinking that she was family - and she was quite certain that the same must have happened to this AI, as well. ) “ and you can try to change it all you like, but that’s the one thing about humans that doesn’t ever change. ” 
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apexquartz · 3 years
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@perihelionpilot​ asked: ✍ + 13, 16
13. the type of music they like.
She doesn’t listen to music on her own time, nor does she indulge in any other form of art. The arts existed on Homeworld only to praise and entertain high-ranking Gems, and creative expression among the more common Gems was not only discouraged, it was an entirely foreign concept. And Jasper just doesn’t understand the appeal of anything without a functional purpose...
That being said, based on her soundtracks in the show she’d probably vibe with some drum and bass, breakbeat, dubstep, that kind of stuff. Maybe someone needs to introduce her to the concept of ‘workout playlists’.
16. what really scares them.
The mortifying ordeal of being known! More specifically, the idea that there is something deeply, horribly, inherently wrong with her, and that people around her can see it. The only emotion she expresses openly is anger, everything else is a fault that must be hidden. She interprets any attempt to help or understand her as pity, and rejects it violently.
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ombraventi · 3 years
perihelionpilot replied
extravisible. beyond visible. all-seeing maybe, but more importantly, all-seen
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you will perceive him
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otherworldly-healer · 3 years
"I like you."
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“Thank you! That was a bit long-winded but...I hope some wisdom can be gleaned from it.”
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losingmyjustice · 3 years
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@perihelionpilot​ sent;
6, 7
 6. is your muse biased against/for the natives of spirale(npcs)? does your muse interact with them differently than with other muses, or are they equitable in that aspect?
VERY much against. Whether that's apparent or not depends entirely on if he's trying to keep face. Its             its a big issue, actually. Also part to the whole paranoia of his, but like, for the sake of both of us I'm not going to ramble on about why. Clive already does that enough himself
 7. what was the first event your muse participated? how much time did they have to adjust to the city beforehand, if at all? how hard did it hit them and were they informed of these semi-regular phenomenons beforehand? do they handle events better than they did at the first?
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oh clive arrived in the middle of empatheorem it was a disaster           goes without saying he had no time to adjust beforehand
Some did tell him what was going on, but like, *during* the event. It uh           it hit him hard. Confrontation with Layton's son while his and Clive's body were swapped, is all I'm gonna say. Sure is fun to see someone who looks & sounds like yourself to laugh at your face.
... you could say he handles it a lot better now, though I think it's more accurate to say that he doesn't really. uh. address the events anymore if not absolutely necessary and unavoidable.
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ringcicatrix · 3 years
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For every ✍ + a number I receive, I will share one headcanon for my muse about... @perihelionpilot​ asked:
 1  …their sleep schedule.
Ryou.... doesn’t have one. His sleep schedule is chaotic af because of Bakura, and he just kinda has to deal with it. They share a body, so every time that Bakura takes it for a joyride at 2 am? yeah, Ryou’s the one who has to deal with it. It’s not uncommon for him to come to school super exhausted because of the thief, but he does (usually) manage to stay awake. The thief does not care about the idea of a ‘sleep schedule’ at all, so... yeah. They have a very hectic situation and Ryou is exhausted but he manages.
10 …their handwriting.
Ryou’s handwriting is very neat and tidy. It’s very careful and easy to read, and he tends to use thin strokes. When he writes in english, he tends to use cursive also.
As for the thief- he only picked up literacy and writing skills via possessing Ryou, he didn’t actually know how to read or write back when he was alive. When it comes to writing, he can write now, but his handwriting is absolutely horrible. It’s actually a really simple tell for when he’s pretending to be Ryou- he’s a good actor, he can copy Ryou’s mannerisms and tone of voice perfectly, but he can’t copy his handwriting.
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berserkgened · 3 years
       subversion info post 
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in this au, mewtwo is a human named eden. they’re in their mid 30s and they are the single parent of two toddlers, paxton and micah. ( pikatwo & meowthtwo ! ), who often have playdates with silver ( the child of @bossrocket​ ).
they had a fairly normal upbringing with their father and half-sister ( ambertwo ) and their other half-sibling, eve ( @origingened​ ). they are the youngest of all the siblings.  their father was the head of a scientific company of some sort, though when he passed away control of company was to be passed down to eve, the oldest.
at some point in time they tried to be fully independent and prove that they could fend for themself - which they were able to do, albeit through great difficulty. things took a turn for the worse when they were responsible for the twins as well and barely able to scrape by. 
things only got even more hectic and frustrating for them when eve decided to hand over control of the company to them instead - so eden was stuck raising their kids AND controlling a company & finances they never had to deal with before. oof.
unbeknownst to them, the company had ties with giovanni’s ( @bossrocket​ ) and they soon met. eden looked up to him a great deal as he knew how to handle a business and even years later currently looks up to him as a mentor and perhaps even a friend. they are also aware of and now involved in the less than legal aspects of this partnership and have a skewed moral compass now more than ever. they are content with this.
they haven’t spoken to eve in years, and are unaware of eve’s current activities.
to keep up appearances ( and maintain control over certain parts of the city ), they provide funding to several business and institutions - one of which being the university that @redlichbluelich [ barry ], @perihelionpilot [ peri ]. and @mvrderbot [rin] work at/are associated with. 
they are an extremely powerful figure in the city both financially and through sheer power alone. they aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty ( or rather, that of their employees ) and will do what it takes to stay successful. power rules the world, after all.
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positronicminds · 3 years
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tagging: @perihelionpilot​ / @iamselfmade​ / @flightsimulation​ / @mvrderbot​​ / @cpt-jim-kirk​​ / @constablegoo​​ / and you!
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mvrderbot · 2 years
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robotic & AI sentence starters // accepting!
 ↪ @perihelionpilot​​​​ said  “I know you’re awake. You can’t just say ‘shutting down’ when you ignore me.”
       ART hadn’t said it ( yet ), but it could already recognize the “that was unnecessarily childish” tone of its voice. in response, murderbot simply rolled over on the spartan-looking couch - now facing the back of the furniture instead of the display surface on the far wall. in the feed, it sarcastically sent a single letter repeating, punctuated by long spaces for emphasis - ending in an ellipsis.
            ( ‘ z z z z z . . . ‘ )
       even without its standard ‘body’, murderbot could still feel the overbearing presence of the AI; it imagined ART staring at it, refusing to blink - knowing full well how much that would irritate it. ‘ i don’t want to talk about it. ’ it added in the feed. at some point in the flora-fueled conversation they’d been having, it let slip that at one point in spirale, it had re-lived the incident at ganaka pit. not remembering or watching security cam footage - but actually re-living the massacre. and now ART wanted to talk about it. murderbot crossed its’ arms - unknowingly further imitating a petulant small human.
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isolaradiale · 3 years
Reapping Perihelion from The Murderbot Diaries, app under /app! Thank you!
Welcome back to Worldhoppers scenic Isola Radiale, A.R.T!
You will be housed in HOUSE 125!
You will retain everything you were given in your prior stay.
– ⋆ arcturus.
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mvrderbot · 3 years
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things i’ve said as resident mom friend // no longer accepting.
   ↪ @perihelionpilot​ said “ don’t force yourself. ”
      it was good to have ART around again. even if they weren’t constantly talking, ART’s presence in the feed was still familiar and helped it feel less anxious.
      what wasn’t as good was the fact that no one since ART had tried to tell it what to do so directly since...well. it had definitely been a while. 
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       a comment that would likely be interpreted as a gentle, caring admonishment to anyone else instantly produced an uncomfortable sensation like sandpaper against murderbot’s skin, and it scoffed audibly...over their digital communication for emphasis. ‘ ...someone has to. ‘ it mumbled over the feed, re-focusing the majority of its attention on its own fists, and how they struck vital points of the training holograms. it wasn’t too fond of ‘the intraspace’, but it occasionally had benefits - such as the ability to program its own opponents in the event that it needed to re-evaluate its own abilities. ( which, usually, needed to happen when it arrived here again.  if nothing else it helped it feel less disoriented. )   
      ' the governor module can’t anymore. ‘ it instantly regretted that bit of morbid humor, because ART would probably comment on that, too. ‘ i’m fine. ’ yeah, because that was what people who were absolutely fine said after making an extremely dark and trauma-laden joke. way to go, murderbot.
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mvrderbot · 3 years
@perihelionpilot // sc.​
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       " why did you tell your crew about me? " the question wasn't spoken with the air of 'why the fuck did you tell them that - its private' that it might have held had murderbot asked it immediately after finding out about it. but murderbot had been here a long time, and that was one of the things it had thought about over and over again - when it had little else to do but re-watch its favorite episodes and stare up at the ceiling, pretending that it didn't share its assigned living space with other people. mostly, its voice just held a kind of muted curiosity. it knew ART's humans were important to it, but its own humans had been important too - and they didn't know anything about ART.
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isolaradiale · 3 years
Without prior reserve, I'd like to app Perihelion (ART) from The Murderbot Diaries. App under /app or the link on the right. Thank you!
Welcome to Isola Radiale, ART!
You’ll find yourself housed in APARTMENT 320.
You’ll be given an android body no more durable than a human’s, as well as a bb gun. You’ll retain the ability to hack up to five times per day, but only basic devices (you cannot hack the phones of other player characters).
Enjoy your stay!
– * aquila
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