#persian noha
safdarrizvi · 2 years
Watch "الله الله نسخه کامل - نوحه متفاوت یزد - allah allah - مصطفی محسن زاده همراه با متن نوحه" on YouTube
«ای پادشه خوبان، داد از غم تنهایی / دل بی‌تو به جان آمد، وقت است که بازآیی» (حافظ)
O' the king of the good people, Ah (sigh)! This agony of loneliness/ heart reached the end; it's the time to return
بزن ای آه غمگین، نفسی بانگ «یا حق» / قفس سینه بشکن، بزن آهنگ «یا حق»
O' the sad whine, cry out Ya Haq/ break the chest's cage, sing the song of Ya Haq
الله الله، کو صبح فتح و ظفر؟ / کی می‌آید پایان رنج بشر؟
Allah! Allah! Where is the dawn of victory and triumph? / When does the mankind's affliction come to an end?
عالم در شور و نواست، انسان بر طیر فناست / یک سو طغیان ستم، یک سو آهنگ بلاست
The universe is in passion and phrensy, Human is on the verge of collapse/somewhere outburst of oppression, somewhere melody of sedition
نه خروش آوایی، نه امیدی از جایی / یا رب دل‌ها خون شد، از غربت و تنهایی
No roaring of songs, no hopes from anywhere/ O' Lord, hearts have become full of agony, for alienation and loneliness
ستم از حد بیرون شد، غم دل‌ها افزون شد / رفت از عالم یکسر، آرام و شکیبایی
Cruelty is at an all-time high, the agony of hearts has increased/ tranquility and patience have left the world
بنگر خصم سرکش را، بنگر دود و آتش را / یک سو ذبح انسان را، یک سو مسخ ایمان را
See the rebellious enmity, see the smoke and the fire/ somewhere the slaughter of human, somewhere metamorphosis of faith
الله الله! فریاد از جور زمان / الله الله! فریاد از اهرمنان
Allah! Allah! Ah this time of cruelty/ Allah! Allah! Ah these Demons
در گمراهی سرگردان مانده بشر / بی‌رونق شد ایمان از فتنه و شر
In aberrance, the mankind is stranded/ the faith has become sluggish due to sedition and evilness
وای از روزگار تنهایی / یارب کو دم مسیحایی
Ah this time of loneliness/ O' Lord! Where is the lifesaving respiration?
بزن ای دل آب دعا، مگر آید روح بقا؛ / ناجیِ عالم کو؟ ناجی عالم کو؟
O' heart, pray for coming of spirit of immortality/ where is the world's savior? Where is the world's savior?
بگذر از دام عصیان، بشکن کابوس طغیان / بنگر هر سوی عالم، چه رسد بر جان انسان؟
Pass the trap of transgression, break the nightmare of outburst/ look at every corner of the world, what is happening to the human?
با ثارالله فریادی تازه بزن / همچون زینب، کاخ ظالم بشکن
With tharallah (Imam Husain) whoop again/ like Zainab, break the oppressor's palace
مردان شهر دعا! یاران خون خدا! / منجی خود منتظر است، امروز ماییم و شما
O' Men of the city of supplication! Followers of the Blood of God (tharallah, Imam Husain)! / Savior himself is waiting; today it's our and your time
دل اگر ایمان دارد، به خدا دل بسپارد / می‌آید در میدان، مردانه و شیدایی
If the heart has faith, it will rely on Allah/ and it will come to the battlefield, manly and passionately
دلِ آگه می‌داند، به کجا قرآن خواند / بر نی باید خواندن، نی خلوت و تنهایی
The wise heart knows where to read Quran/it should be on Ney* (reed), the Ney of solitude and loneliness
هر روز، روز عاشورا، هر روز بانگ واویلا / عالم از بلا پر شد، خاک از کربلا پر شد
Every day, day of Ashura; every day, cry of waweila/ the universe was filled with trial, the soil became full of Karbala
خبر از کوفه رسد، همه مشتاق حضور / همه سرمست طلب، همگی طالب نور
The news comes from Kufa, everyone is eager for participation/ everyone is passionate for request, everyone is aspirant for nour (light)
الله الله، وای از پیمان‌شکنان / تنها مانده، در میدان مرد زمان
Allah Allah, Ah these traitors/ the man of time (Imam Husain) is left alone in the battlefield
آمد با دعوتشان، ای وای از بیعتشان / تنها شد روز نبرد، دنیا شد دشمن مرد
He came by their invitation, Woe to their allegiances/ He became alone in the day of battle, the world became enemy of man
سخن از ایمان‌ها شد، سخن از پیمان‌ها شد / کوفی ماند و پیمان، با آن همه رسوایی
It comes to faiths, it comes to promises/ Kufi and the promises, with all those disgraces
شه خوبان تنها شد، به سر نی سرها شد / زینب ماند و زینب، با آن سر سودایی
The king of good people is left alone, heads were put on the spears/ Zainab remained and just Zainab, with that igneous head
نور از نیزه‌ها سر زد، آه از سینه‌ها سر زد / بانگ نینوا زینب، تیغ کربلا زینب
Light came out of spears, whine came out of chests/ Call of Neinava, Zainab; blade of Karbala, Zainab
دل غمگین بشارت، غم عالم سرآید / برود این زمستان، خبر دیگر آید
O' the sorrowful heart, glad tiding! The sorrow of the universe will end/ this winter will pass, another news will arrive
الله الله می‌آید فصل امید / بر تاریکی می‌تازد صبح سپید
Allah Allah, the season of hope will come/ the white dawn will defeat the darkness
شب را صبحی دگر است، یاران وقت سحر است / برخیر ای اهل وفا، برخیز ای روح رها
Night has another morning; O' companions, it's the dawn time/ stand up, O' people of loyalty, stand up, O' people of free spirit
جور دیگر باید دید، دیده‌ها را باید شست / تا کی جنگ و نفرت، این دوزخ هر جایی
It should be seen differently, the eyes should be washed/ till when war and hatred, this hell in every place
زیر باران باید رفت، کینه‌ها را باید شست / باید پایان یابد این برزخ تنهایی
We should go under the rain, rancor should be washed/ it should finish, this limbo of loneliness
برخیز تا به هم سازیم، از عشق عالمی سازیم / آن روز نوبهار آید، آن روز شهسوار آید
Stand up to make it with each other, to make a world from love/ that day a new spring will come, that day Horseman (Imam Mahdi) will come
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tawab097 · 5 years
One of my favorite Nohas:
Visit the link for the complete subtitled version(Urdu and English subs):
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
(TEHRAN) — Iran on Wednesday reported its single biggest jump in fatalities from the coronavirus as another 147 people died, raising the country’s overall death toll to 1,135.
The nearly 15% spike in deaths — amid a total of 17,361 confirmed cases in Iran — marks the biggest 24-hour rise in fatalities since Iranian officials first acknowledged infections of the virus in mid-February.
Even as the number of cases grows, food markets were still packed with shoppers and highways were crowded as families traveled ahead of the Persian New Year, Nowruz, on Friday.
Deputy Health Minister Alireza Raisi urged the public to avoid travel and crowds, telling Iranians the days ahead represented two “golden weeks” to try curb the virus.
He criticized people for not adhering to the warnings to stay home. “This is not a good situation at all,” he said.
President Hassan Rouhani defended his government’s response to the outbreak in the face of widespread criticism that Iran acted too slowly and might even have covered up initial cases. He told his Cabinet the government was being “straightforward,” saying it announced the outbreak as soon as it learned about it Feb. 19.
“We spoke to people in an honest way. We had no delay,” he added.
For weeks, officials implored clerics to shut down crowded Shiite shrines to halt the spread of the virus. The government was only able to close them this week.
“It was difficult, of course, to shut down mosques and holy sites, but we did it. It was a religious duty to do it,” Rouhani said.
Iran also said it would close mosques for communal Friday prayers for a third consecutive week. Other Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have done so as well.
The virus, which causes the COVID-19 illness, has infected more than 200,000 people globally and killed more than 8,000. For most people, it causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority recover.
World Health Organization director for the Eastern Mediterranean region, Ahmed Al-Mandhari, said the many travel restrictions imposed by various countries are hurting efforts to combat the virus by delaying both the deployment of health experts and the delivery of urgently needed medical supplies.
Millions across the Middle East were under curfews, quarantines or almost total lockdowns.
In Egypt, the Hilton Green Plaza hotel in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria was quarantined after a British guest showed symptoms. A hotel employee, who spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to talk to the press, declined to say how many people were in the hotel but added the Health Ministry gave foreign guests the option of leaving to return to their home countries before a suspension of all flights goes into effect Thursday.
Egypt, which has reported 210 cases and six deaths from the virus, has also quarantined more than 300 families in a Nile Delta village, and imposed a lockdown in the Red Sea resort town of Hurghada. All workers at hotels and tourist sites in Sharm el-Sheikh, Luxor and Aswan were ordered to self quarantine for 14 days.
In the capital of Cairo, coffee shops and restaurants were closed in the city of over 20 million, with plain-clothes security forces telling people to go home.
“I am financially ruined. How can I earn my living now?” said Mohammed Gamal, a worker in a coffee shop that was shut down.
In Israel, which reported 427 infections, authorities put the country in near-shutdown mode, ordering tens of thousands into home quarantine, turning unused hotels into hospitals and setting up drive-through testing centers. Most controversially, the government instructed the shadowy Shin Bet internal security service to deploy phone surveillance technology to track movements of those infected.
Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority said it was barring entry to all foreign nationals. It was also closing its land borders to exits by Israeli nationals.
Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh announced a halt to all movement out of Bethlehem and two neighboring towns with coronavirus cases and urged Bethlehem residents to stay home starting Wednesday night. Palestinians also were instructed not to work in Israeli settlements or enter Israel starting Sunday.
In Iraq, a week-long curfew began in Baghdad, allowing pedestrians on the streets only to buy necessary food and medicine. Armed police patrolled the city and set up roadblocks.
Some Iraqis flouted the curfew by reopening shops and taking family strolls. Some grocery stands and bakeries stayed open, but many appeared to be obeying the curfew. Iraq has had 11 deaths among 154 confirmed cases.
Pharmacist Shadha Jawad, 65, said her customers showed a lack of awareness regarding the consequences of the virus. “I don’t think anyone will stay indoors for seven days,” she said.
A 12-hour evening curfew was also announced in Libya’s east, which is governed by the self-styled Libyan Arab Armed Forces and commanded by Gen. Khalifa Hifter. They also closed borders with neighboring Sudan, Chad, Niger and Algeria. No virus cases have been reported in Libya, where the health care system has been decimated by conflict.
Pakistan confirmed its first death from coronavirus: a 50-year-old man who had returned from Saudi Arabia. The man tested positive Tuesday at a hospital in Peshawar, said government spokesman Ajmal Wazir.
Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who visited China this week along with President Arif Alvi, said he is protectively quarantining himself. Pakistan has nearly 300 cases of the virus, with many having returned from Iran.
In Saudi Arabia, those in the public and private sectors were asked to work from home for two weeks. Only essential staff for supply-chain services, food delivery, grocery stores, pharmacies, health care and security are not working from home
Leaders of the world’s 20 biggest economies may hold an extraordinary meeting next week about advancing a coordinated response to the pandemic. Saudi Arabia, which currently leads the G20 presidency, said it is communicating with countries to convene the virtual meeting.
As global stock markets remain volatile, the United Arab Emirates’ Securities and Commodities Authority said local exchanges would only be able to fluctuate 5%, rather than 10%, before trading is suspended.
Batrawy reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Associated Press writers Amir Vahdat in Tehran, Iran; Aron Heller and Ilan Ben Zion in Jerusalem, Samya Kullab in Baghdad, Munir Ahmed in Islamabad and Samy Magdy, Maggie Michael and Noha El-Hennawy in Cairo contributed.
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newstechreviews · 5 years
(TEHRAN) — Iran on Wednesday reported its single biggest jump in fatalities from the coronavirus as another 147 people died, raising the country’s overall death toll to 1,135.
The nearly 15% spike in deaths — amid a total of 17,361 confirmed cases in Iran — marks the biggest 24-hour rise in fatalities since Iranian officials first acknowledged infections of the virus in mid-February.
Even as the number of cases grows, food markets were still packed with shoppers and highways were crowded as families traveled ahead of the Persian New Year, Nowruz, on Friday.
Deputy Health Minister Alireza Raisi urged the public to avoid travel and crowds, telling Iranians the days ahead represented two “golden weeks” to try curb the virus.
He criticized people for not adhering to the warnings to stay home. “This is not a good situation at all,” he said.
President Hassan Rouhani defended his government’s response to the outbreak in the face of widespread criticism that Iran acted too slowly and might even have covered up initial cases. He told his Cabinet the government was being “straightforward,” saying it announced the outbreak as soon as it learned about it Feb. 19.
“We spoke to people in an honest way. We had no delay,” he added.
For weeks, officials implored clerics to shut down crowded Shiite shrines to halt the spread of the virus. The government was only able to close them this week.
“It was difficult, of course, to shut down mosques and holy sites, but we did it. It was a religious duty to do it,” Rouhani said.
Iran also said it would close mosques for communal Friday prayers for a third consecutive week. Other Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have done so as well.
The virus, which causes the COVID-19 illness, has infected more than 200,000 people globally and killed more than 8,000. For most people, it causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority recover.
World Health Organization director for the Eastern Mediterranean region, Ahmed Al-Mandhari, said the many travel restrictions imposed by various countries are hurting efforts to combat the virus by delaying both the deployment of health experts and the delivery of urgently needed medical supplies.
Millions across the Middle East were under curfews, quarantines or almost total lockdowns.
In Egypt, the Hilton Green Plaza hotel in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria was quarantined after a British guest showed symptoms. A hotel employee, who spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to talk to the press, declined to say how many people were in the hotel but added the Health Ministry gave foreign guests the option of leaving to return to their home countries before a suspension of all flights goes into effect Thursday.
Egypt, which has reported 210 cases and six deaths from the virus, has also quarantined more than 300 families in a Nile Delta village, and imposed a lockdown in the Red Sea resort town of Hurghada. All workers at hotels and tourist sites in Sharm el-Sheikh, Luxor and Aswan were ordered to self quarantine for 14 days.
In the capital of Cairo, coffee shops and restaurants were closed in the city of over 20 million, with plain-clothes security forces telling people to go home.
“I am financially ruined. How can I earn my living now?” said Mohammed Gamal, a worker in a coffee shop that was shut down.
In Israel, which reported 427 infections, authorities put the country in near-shutdown mode, ordering tens of thousands into home quarantine, turning unused hotels into hospitals and setting up drive-through testing centers. Most controversially, the government instructed the shadowy Shin Bet internal security service to deploy phone surveillance technology to track movements of those infected.
Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority said it was barring entry to all foreign nationals. It was also closing its land borders to exits by Israeli nationals.
Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh announced a halt to all movement out of Bethlehem and two neighboring towns with coronavirus cases and urged Bethlehem residents to stay home starting Wednesday night. Palestinians also were instructed not to work in Israeli settlements or enter Israel starting Sunday.
In Iraq, a week-long curfew began in Baghdad, allowing pedestrians on the streets only to buy necessary food and medicine. Armed police patrolled the city and set up roadblocks.
Some Iraqis flouted the curfew by reopening shops and taking family strolls. Some grocery stands and bakeries stayed open, but many appeared to be obeying the curfew. Iraq has had 11 deaths among 154 confirmed cases.
Pharmacist Shadha Jawad, 65, said her customers showed a lack of awareness regarding the consequences of the virus. “I don’t think anyone will stay indoors for seven days,” she said.
A 12-hour evening curfew was also announced in Libya’s east, which is governed by the self-styled Libyan Arab Armed Forces and commanded by Gen. Khalifa Hifter. They also closed borders with neighboring Sudan, Chad, Niger and Algeria. No virus cases have been reported in Libya, where the health care system has been decimated by conflict.
Pakistan confirmed its first death from coronavirus: a 50-year-old man who had returned from Saudi Arabia. The man tested positive Tuesday at a hospital in Peshawar, said government spokesman Ajmal Wazir.
Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who visited China this week along with President Arif Alvi, said he is protectively quarantining himself. Pakistan has nearly 300 cases of the virus, with many having returned from Iran.
In Saudi Arabia, those in the public and private sectors were asked to work from home for two weeks. Only essential staff for supply-chain services, food delivery, grocery stores, pharmacies, health care and security are not working from home
Leaders of the world’s 20 biggest economies may hold an extraordinary meeting next week about advancing a coordinated response to the pandemic. Saudi Arabia, which currently leads the G20 presidency, said it is communicating with countries to convene the virtual meeting.
As global stock markets remain volatile, the United Arab Emirates’ Securities and Commodities Authority said local exchanges would only be able to fluctuate 5%, rather than 10%, before trading is suspended.
Batrawy reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Associated Press writers Amir Vahdat in Tehran, Iran; Aron Heller and Ilan Ben Zion in Jerusalem, Samya Kullab in Baghdad, Munir Ahmed in Islamabad and Samy Magdy, Maggie Michael and Noha El-Hennawy in Cairo contributed.
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shiitemedia · 7 years
Tumblr media
شیعت میڈیا ملت کا پلیٹ فارم ہے اور ملت کے پلیٹ فارم کو چند لوگ یا ایک تنظیم نہیں بلکہ پوری قوم چلاتی ہے تو ہم ہر ایک ملت کے باشعور فرد کو اس میں خوش آمدیدکریں گے جو اس میں کوئی بھی کردار ادا کر سکتے ہیں ۔ شیعت میڈیا میں شمولیت کے لیے صرف آپ کے خلوص اور مشن کے ساتھ مخلص ہونے کی ضرورت ہے ۔ بشمول پاکستان اور دنیاء بھر سے لوگ ہماری ٹیم کا حصہ بن سکتے ہیں۔شیعت میڈیا میں شمولیت کے لیے صرف آپ کے خلوص اور مشن کے ساتھ مخلص ہونے کی ضرورت ہے اور اگر آپ شیعت میڈیا کو *Graphics Designer *Video Editor *Content Writer *News Editor *Arts designing *Photographer *Reporter *Religious SCHOLAR *Team Leadership *FB Live Broadcaster *Social Media Account Management *Host(Male,Female) for Live Islamic Lecture/Noha/Majlis Reciting on our page. **Translator (Arabic, Persian, English in to Urdu) عزاداری یا کسی بھی شعبے میں شامل ہونا چاہیں تو آپ کے لیے رہنمائی کا بھی اہتمام کیا جائے گا، اور فنی تربیت بھی فراہم کی جائے گی۔یہ صدی حضرت امام زمانہ علیہ السلام کی صدی ہے ۔ آئیں سب مل کر ، استغاثۂ حسینی ھل من ناصر ینصرنا پر لبیک کہتے ہوئےشیعت میڈیا کی مضبوط اور مدلل آواز کو عظیم سے عظیم تر بنانے میں اپنا اپنا کردار ادا کریں۔ اگر آپ ہمارے ساتھ رضا کارانہ طور پر کسی بھی شعبے میں کام کرنا چاہتے ہیں تو درست تفصیلات کے ساتھ فارم کو پُر کریں۔ جلد ہی ہم آپ سے بات کریں گے اور شیعت میڈیا کا PVC کارڈ بھی آپکے ایڈریس پر TCS کردیا جائے گا۔ بیرون ملک افراد بھی شامل ہوسکتے ہیں۔ * ( https://goo.gl/bsQbHi ) ( https://goo.gl/bsQbHi ) ٖClick On Link to fill out form. ہماری ٹیم میں برادران و خواہران دونوں شامل ہوسکتے ہیں۔ اور گھر بیٹھ کر ہی ہمارے ساتھ کام کرسکتے ہیں
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safdarrizvi · 5 years
Allah Allah - Persian Noha
«ای پادشه خوبان، داد از غم تنهایی / دل بی‌تو به جان آمد، وقت است که بازآیی» (حافظ)
 O' the king of the good people, Ah (sigh)! This agony of loneliness/ heart reached the end; it's the time to return 
بزن ای آه غمگین، نفسی بانگ «یا حق» / قفس سینه بشکن، بزن آهنگ «یا حق»
O' the sad whine, cry out Ya Haq/ break the chest's cage, sing the song of Ya Haq
الله الله، کو صبح فتح و ظفر؟ / کی می‌آید پایان رنج بشر؟
Allah! Allah! Where is the dawn of victory and triumph? / When does the mankind's affliction come to an end?
عالم در شور و نواست، انسان بر طیر فناست / یک سو طغیان ستم، یک سو آهنگ بلاست
The universe is in passion and phrensy, Human is on the verge of collapse/somewhere outburst of oppression, somewhere melody of sedition
نه خروش آوایی، نه امیدی از جایی / یا رب دل‌ها خون شد�� از غربت و تنهایی
No roaring of songs, no hopes from anywhere/ O' Lord, hearts have become full of agony, for alienation and loneliness
ستم از حد بیرون شد، غم دل‌ها افزون شد / رفت از عالم یکسر، آرام و شکیبایی
Cruelty is at an all-time high, the agony of hearts has increased/ tranquility and patience have left the world
بنگر خصم سرکش را، بنگر دود و آتش را / یک سو ذبح انسان را، یک سو مسخ ایمان را
 See the rebellious enmity, see the smoke and the fire/ somewhere the slaughter of human, somewhere metamorphosis of faith
الله الله! فریاد از جور زمان / الله الله! فریاد از اهرمنان
Allah! Allah! Ah this time of cruelty/ Allah! Allah! Ah these Demons
در گمراهی سرگردان مانده بشر / بی‌رونق شد ایمان از فتنه و شر
In aberrance, the mankind is stranded/ the faith has become sluggish due to sedition and evilness   
وای از روزگار تنهایی / یارب کو دم مسیحایی
Ah this time of loneliness/ O' Lord! Where is the lifesaving respiration?
بزن ای دل آب دعا، مگر آید روح بقا؛ / ناجیِ عالم کو؟ ناجی عالم کو؟
 O' heart, pray for coming of spirit of immortality/ where is the world's savior? Where is the world's savior?
بگذر از دام عصیان، بشکن کابوس طغیان / بنگر هر سوی عالم، چه رسد بر جان انسان؟
Pass the trap of transgression, break the nightmare of outburst/ look at every corner of the world, what is happening to the human?
با ثارالله فریادی تازه بزن / همچون زینب، کاخ ظالم بشکن
With tharallah (Imam Husain) whoop again/ like Zainab, break the oppressor's palace
مردان شهر دعا! یاران خون خدا! / منجی خود منتظر است، امروز ماییم و شما
O' Men of the city of supplication! Followers of the Blood of God (tharallah, Imam Husain)! / Savior himself is waiting; today it's our and your time
دل اگر ایمان دارد، به خدا دل بسپارد / می‌آید در میدان، مردانه و شیدایی
If the heart has faith, it will rely on Allah/ and it will come to the battlefield, manly and passionately
دلِ آگه می‌داند، به کجا قرآن خواند / بر نی باید خواندن، نی خلوت و تنهایی
The wise heart knows where to read Quran/it should be on Ney* (reed), the Ney of solitude and loneliness
هر روز، روز عاشورا، هر روز بانگ واویلا / عالم از بلا پر شد، خاک از کربلا پر شد
 Every day, day of Ashura; every day, cry of waweila/ the universe was filled with trial, the soil became full of Karbala
خبر از کوفه رسد، همه مشتاق حضور / همه سرمست طلب، همگی طالب نور
The news comes from Kufa, everyone is eager for participation/ everyone is passionate for request, everyone is aspirant for nour (light)
الله الله، وای از پیمان‌شکنان / تنها مانده، در میدان مرد زمان
Allah Allah, Ah these traitors/ the man of time (Imam Husain) is left alone in the battlefield
آمد با دعوتشان، ای وای از بیعتشان / تنها شد روز نبرد، دنیا شد دشمن مرد
He came by their invitation, Woe to their allegiances/ He became alone in the day of battle, the world became enemy of man
سخن از ایمان‌ها شد، سخن از پیمان‌ها شد / کوفی ماند و پیمان، با آن همه رسوایی
It comes to faiths, it comes to promises/ Kufi and the promises, with all those disgraces
شه خوبان تنها شد، به سر نی سرها شد / زینب ماند و زینب، با آن سر سودایی
The king of good people is left alone, heads were put on the spears/ Zainab remained and just Zainab, with that igneous head
نور از نیزه‌ها سر زد، آه از سینه‌ها سر زد / بانگ نینوا زینب، تیغ کربلا زینب
 Light came out of spears, whine came out of chests/ Call of Neinava, Zainab; blade of Karbala, Zainab
دل غمگین بشارت، غم عالم سرآید / برود این زمستان، خبر دیگر آید
O' the sorrowful heart, glad tiding! The sorrow of the universe will end/ this winter will pass, another news will arrive
الله الله می‌آید فصل امید / بر تاریکی می‌تازد صبح سپید
Allah Allah, the season of hope will come/ the white dawn will defeat the darkness
شب را صبحی دگر است، یاران وقت سحر است / برخیر ای اهل وفا، برخیز ای روح رها
Night has another morning; O' companions, it's the dawn time/ stand up, O' people of loyalty, stand up, O' people of free spirit
جور دیگر باید دید، دیده‌ها را باید شست / تا کی جنگ و نفرت، این دوزخ هر جایی
It should be seen differently, the eyes should be washed/ till when war and hatred, this hell in every place
زیر باران باید رفت، کینه‌ها را باید شست / باید پایان یابد این برزخ تنهایی
We should go under the rain, rancor should be washed/ it should finish, this limbo of loneliness
برخیز تا به هم سازیم، از عشق عالمی سازیم / آن روز نوبهار آید، آن روز شهسوار آید
Stand up to make it with each other, to make a world from love/ that day a new spring will come, that day Horseman (Imam Mahdi) will come
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safdarrizvi · 5 years
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
March 18, 2020 at 10:09PM
(TEHRAN) — Iran on Wednesday reported its single biggest jump in fatalities from the coronavirus as another 147 people died, raising the country’s overall death toll to 1,135.
The nearly 15% spike in deaths — amid a total of 17,361 confirmed cases in Iran — marks the biggest 24-hour rise in fatalities since Iranian officials first acknowledged infections of the virus in mid-February.
Even as the number of cases grows, food markets were still packed with shoppers and highways were crowded as families traveled ahead of the Persian New Year, Nowruz, on Friday.
Deputy Health Minister Alireza Raisi urged the public to avoid travel and crowds, telling Iranians the days ahead represented two “golden weeks” to try curb the virus.
He criticized people for not adhering to the warnings to stay home. “This is not a good situation at all,” he said.
President Hassan Rouhani defended his government’s response to the outbreak in the face of widespread criticism that Iran acted too slowly and might even have covered up initial cases. He told his Cabinet the government was being “straightforward,” saying it announced the outbreak as soon as it learned about it Feb. 19.
“We spoke to people in an honest way. We had no delay,” he added.
For weeks, officials implored clerics to shut down crowded Shiite shrines to halt the spread of the virus. The government was only able to close them this week.
“It was difficult, of course, to shut down mosques and holy sites, but we did it. It was a religious duty to do it,” Rouhani said.
Iran also said it would close mosques for communal Friday prayers for a third consecutive week. Other Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have done so as well.
The virus, which causes the COVID-19 illness, has infected more than 200,000 people globally and killed more than 8,000. For most people, it causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority recover.
World Health Organization director for the Eastern Mediterranean region, Ahmed Al-Mandhari, said the many travel restrictions imposed by various countries are hurting efforts to combat the virus by delaying both the deployment of health experts and the delivery of urgently needed medical supplies.
Millions across the Middle East were under curfews, quarantines or almost total lockdowns.
In Egypt, the Hilton Green Plaza hotel in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria was quarantined after a British guest showed symptoms. A hotel employee, who spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to talk to the press, declined to say how many people were in the hotel but added the Health Ministry gave foreign guests the option of leaving to return to their home countries before a suspension of all flights goes into effect Thursday.
Egypt, which has reported 210 cases and six deaths from the virus, has also quarantined more than 300 families in a Nile Delta village, and imposed a lockdown in the Red Sea resort town of Hurghada. All workers at hotels and tourist sites in Sharm el-Sheikh, Luxor and Aswan were ordered to self quarantine for 14 days.
In the capital of Cairo, coffee shops and restaurants were closed in the city of over 20 million, with plain-clothes security forces telling people to go home.
“I am financially ruined. How can I earn my living now?” said Mohammed Gamal, a worker in a coffee shop that was shut down.
In Israel, which reported 427 infections, authorities put the country in near-shutdown mode, ordering tens of thousands into home quarantine, turning unused hotels into hospitals and setting up drive-through testing centers. Most controversially, the government instructed the shadowy Shin Bet internal security service to deploy phone surveillance technology to track movements of those infected.
Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority said it was barring entry to all foreign nationals. It was also closing its land borders to exits by Israeli nationals.
Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh announced a halt to all movement out of Bethlehem and two neighboring towns with coronavirus cases and urged Bethlehem residents to stay home starting Wednesday night. Palestinians also were instructed not to work in Israeli settlements or enter Israel starting Sunday.
In Iraq, a week-long curfew began in Baghdad, allowing pedestrians on the streets only to buy necessary food and medicine. Armed police patrolled the city and set up roadblocks.
Some Iraqis flouted the curfew by reopening shops and taking family strolls. Some grocery stands and bakeries stayed open, but many appeared to be obeying the curfew. Iraq has had 11 deaths among 154 confirmed cases.
Pharmacist Shadha Jawad, 65, said her customers showed a lack of awareness regarding the consequences of the virus. “I don’t think anyone will stay indoors for seven days,” she said.
A 12-hour evening curfew was also announced in Libya’s east, which is governed by the self-styled Libyan Arab Armed Forces and commanded by Gen. Khalifa Hifter. They also closed borders with neighboring Sudan, Chad, Niger and Algeria. No virus cases have been reported in Libya, where the health care system has been decimated by conflict.
Pakistan confirmed its first death from coronavirus: a 50-year-old man who had returned from Saudi Arabia. The man tested positive Tuesday at a hospital in Peshawar, said government spokesman Ajmal Wazir.
Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who visited China this week along with President Arif Alvi, said he is protectively quarantining himself. Pakistan has nearly 300 cases of the virus, with many having returned from Iran.
In Saudi Arabia, those in the public and private sectors were asked to work from home for two weeks. Only essential staff for supply-chain services, food delivery, grocery stores, pharmacies, health care and security are not working from home
Leaders of the world’s 20 biggest economies may hold an extraordinary meeting next week about advancing a coordinated response to the pandemic. Saudi Arabia, which currently leads the G20 presidency, said it is communicating with countries to convene the virtual meeting.
As global stock markets remain volatile, the United Arab Emirates’ Securities and Commodities Authority said local exchanges would only be able to fluctuate 5%, rather than 10%, before trading is suspended.
Batrawy reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Associated Press writers Amir Vahdat in Tehran, Iran; Aron Heller and Ilan Ben Zion in Jerusalem, Samya Kullab in Baghdad, Munir Ahmed in Islamabad and Samy Magdy, Maggie Michael and Noha El-Hennawy in Cairo contributed.
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itsfinancethings · 5 years
(TEHRAN) — Iran on Wednesday reported its single biggest jump in fatalities from the coronavirus as another 147 people died, raising the country’s overall death toll to 1,135.
The nearly 15% spike in deaths — amid a total of 17,361 confirmed cases in Iran — marks the biggest 24-hour rise in fatalities since Iranian officials first acknowledged infections of the virus in mid-February.
Even as the number of cases grows, food markets were still packed with shoppers and highways were crowded as families traveled ahead of the Persian New Year, Nowruz, on Friday.
Deputy Health Minister Alireza Raisi urged the public to avoid travel and crowds, telling Iranians the days ahead represented two “golden weeks” to try curb the virus.
He criticized people for not adhering to the warnings to stay home. “This is not a good situation at all,” he said.
President Hassan Rouhani defended his government’s response to the outbreak in the face of widespread criticism that Iran acted too slowly and might even have covered up initial cases. He told his Cabinet the government was being “straightforward,” saying it announced the outbreak as soon as it learned about it Feb. 19.
“We spoke to people in an honest way. We had no delay,” he added.
For weeks, officials implored clerics to shut down crowded Shiite shrines to halt the spread of the virus. The government was only able to close them this week.
“It was difficult, of course, to shut down mosques and holy sites, but we did it. It was a religious duty to do it,” Rouhani said.
Iran also said it would close mosques for communal Friday prayers for a third consecutive week. Other Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates have done so as well.
The virus, which causes the COVID-19 illness, has infected more than 200,000 people globally and killed more than 8,000. For most people, it causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. The vast majority recover.
World Health Organization director for the Eastern Mediterranean region, Ahmed Al-Mandhari, said the many travel restrictions imposed by various countries are hurting efforts to combat the virus by delaying both the deployment of health experts and the delivery of urgently needed medical supplies.
Millions across the Middle East were under curfews, quarantines or almost total lockdowns.
In Egypt, the Hilton Green Plaza hotel in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria was quarantined after a British guest showed symptoms. A hotel employee, who spoke on condition of anonymity because she was not authorized to talk to the press, declined to say how many people were in the hotel but added the Health Ministry gave foreign guests the option of leaving to return to their home countries before a suspension of all flights goes into effect Thursday.
Egypt, which has reported 210 cases and six deaths from the virus, has also quarantined more than 300 families in a Nile Delta village, and imposed a lockdown in the Red Sea resort town of Hurghada. All workers at hotels and tourist sites in Sharm el-Sheikh, Luxor and Aswan were ordered to self quarantine for 14 days.
In the capital of Cairo, coffee shops and restaurants were closed in the city of over 20 million, with plain-clothes security forces telling people to go home.
“I am financially ruined. How can I earn my living now?” said Mohammed Gamal, a worker in a coffee shop that was shut down.
In Israel, which reported 427 infections, authorities put the country in near-shutdown mode, ordering tens of thousands into home quarantine, turning unused hotels into hospitals and setting up drive-through testing centers. Most controversially, the government instructed the shadowy Shin Bet internal security service to deploy phone surveillance technology to track movements of those infected.
Israel’s Population and Immigration Authority said it was barring entry to all foreign nationals. It was also closing its land borders to exits by Israeli nationals.
Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh announced a halt to all movement out of Bethlehem and two neighboring towns with coronavirus cases and urged Bethlehem residents to stay home starting Wednesday night. Palestinians also were instructed not to work in Israeli settlements or enter Israel starting Sunday.
In Iraq, a week-long curfew began in Baghdad, allowing pedestrians on the streets only to buy necessary food and medicine. Armed police patrolled the city and set up roadblocks.
Some Iraqis flouted the curfew by reopening shops and taking family strolls. Some grocery stands and bakeries stayed open, but many appeared to be obeying the curfew. Iraq has had 11 deaths among 154 confirmed cases.
Pharmacist Shadha Jawad, 65, said her customers showed a lack of awareness regarding the consequences of the virus. “I don’t think anyone will stay indoors for seven days,” she said.
A 12-hour evening curfew was also announced in Libya’s east, which is governed by the self-styled Libyan Arab Armed Forces and commanded by Gen. Khalifa Hifter. They also closed borders with neighboring Sudan, Chad, Niger and Algeria. No virus cases have been reported in Libya, where the health care system has been decimated by conflict.
Pakistan confirmed its first death from coronavirus: a 50-year-old man who had returned from Saudi Arabia. The man tested positive Tuesday at a hospital in Peshawar, said government spokesman Ajmal Wazir.
Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi, who visited China this week along with President Arif Alvi, said he is protectively quarantining himself. Pakistan has nearly 300 cases of the virus, with many having returned from Iran.
In Saudi Arabia, those in the public and private sectors were asked to work from home for two weeks. Only essential staff for supply-chain services, food delivery, grocery stores, pharmacies, health care and security are not working from home
Leaders of the world’s 20 biggest economies may hold an extraordinary meeting next week about advancing a coordinated response to the pandemic. Saudi Arabia, which currently leads the G20 presidency, said it is communicating with countries to convene the virtual meeting.
As global stock markets remain volatile, the United Arab Emirates’ Securities and Commodities Authority said local exchanges would only be able to fluctuate 5%, rather than 10%, before trading is suspended.
Batrawy reported from Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Associated Press writers Amir Vahdat in Tehran, Iran; Aron Heller and Ilan Ben Zion in Jerusalem, Samya Kullab in Baghdad, Munir Ahmed in Islamabad and Samy Magdy, Maggie Michael and Noha El-Hennawy in Cairo contributed.
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